MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE ACCOUNT NAMIBIA Conservancy Development Support Grant Fund (CDSGF) Manual December 2011 1 Table of Contents ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................................. 5 1. SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 6 2. BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Goal ........................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 Categories for which Funding is available ................................................................. 7 3. WHICH ACTIVITIES CAN BE FUNDED UNDER EACH CATEGORY? .............................. 8 3.1 Marketing Services.................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Translocation of Game from protected Areas or private Farms ............................... 9 3.3 Pre-grant fund for Professional Services ................................................................... 9 a) Hydrology testing for water .................................................................................... 10 b) Power needs cost assessment/planning ................................................................. 10 3.4 Partial Financing for JV Tourism Enterprises ........................................................... 10 3.5 Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) Management ........................................................ 12 3.6 Other Small Tourism Enterprises (use Appendix III: CDSGF Application for other Tourism Enterprises (non-JV) .................................................................................. 12 4. WHO CAN APPLY?.................................................................................................... 12 5. GRANT MECHANISM ............................................................................................... 13 5.1 Payments ................................................................................................................. 13 5.2 Frequency of Grants Applications from Target Conservancies ............................... 14 5.3 Frequency of Participation by JV Partners in Grants Applications.......................... 14 5.4 Call for Grants Applications ..................................................................................... 14 5.5 Grant Thresholds ..................................................................................................... 15 Pre-grant fund for Professional Services ......................................................................... 15 5.6 Grant Application Budgets ...................................................................................... 16 5.7 Allowable Costs ....................................................................................................... 16 5.8 Non-Allowable Costs ............................................................................................... 16 5.9 Match Funding......................................................................................................... 17 5.10 Time and Funding Limitations for Grants ................................................................ 17 6. GRANTS APPLICATION PROCEDURES ...................................................................... 17 6.1 The Process.............................................................................................................. 17 7. EVALUATION ............................................................................................................ 21 7.1 Composition of the Grant Review Committee ........................................................ 21 7.2 Evaluation Criteria ................................................................................................... 21 A. Criteria - JV with incumbent operator ........................................................................ 22 B. Criteria - No Operator Identified Yet- Application for Notional Award ...................... 24 Criteria.............................................................................................................................. 24 C. Criteria - other Small Tourism Enterprises (non-JV). Use this application form for grants for hides for watching game, facilities for meat processing, campsites, craft shops, guiding and rhino tracking ................................................................................................ 25 D. Criteria - for Marketing Grants ................................................................................... 26 E. Criteria - for Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Grants ............................................ 28 F. Criteria - for Wildlife Translocation Grants ................................................................. 30 G. Criteria – Pre-Grant Funds for Professional Services (No Operator Identified Yet and incumbent Operator) Application ..................................................................................... 32 2 Criteria.............................................................................................................................. 32 7.3 Review Process and Notification of Applicants of the Grant Awards ..................... 32 8. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 33 Appendix I: CDSGF Joint Venture Grants Application Form (With Incumbent or Identified Operator) ................................................................................................ 34 Appendix II: CDSGF Joint Venture Grants Application Form (No Operator Identified YetApplication for Notional Award) ............................................................................. 43 Appendix III: CDSGF Application for other Small Tourism Enterprises (non-JV) Use this application form for grants for hides for watching game, facilities for meat processing, campsites, craft shops, guiding and rhino tracking. ............................ 46 Appendix IV: CDSGF Marketing Grants Application Form ............................................... 51 Appendix V: CDSGF Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Grants Application Form ........ 56 Appendix VI: CDSGF Wildlife Translocation Grants Application Form ............................ 61 Appendix VII: CDSGF Pre – Grant Funding for Professional Services (JV’s onlyCommunity owned accommodation establishments, and/or where No Operator has been Identified Yet) Application Form ............................................................ 66 Appendix VIII: Grant Agreement...................................................................................... 69 Appendix IX: Current List of MCC Supported Conservancies, April 2010 ........................ 87 Appendix X: ESA Screening Checklist for CDSGF Grants .................................................. 89 Appendix XI: Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) Plan .................................................... 93 3 IMPORTANT NOTICE Please read the contents of this Grants Manual carefully and ensure that you follow the instructions provided herein. Only Grants Applications that are consistent with the guidelines provided in this Grants Manual will be considered. This Manual may be amended from time to time and the latest version posted on the MCA-N website ( Applicants should ensure that they consult the latest version of the Grants Manual before applying. The Call for Grants Applications will state which version of the Grants Manual will be applicable for that particular round. For additional information or clarity please contact the Conservancy Grants Manager at: Tel +264 61 410 400/453 Email: [email protected] 4 ABBREVIATIONS MCA-N Millennium Challenge Account Namibia MCC Millennium Challenge Corporation LIFE Plus USAID’s Living in a Finite Environment Plus Project GRC Grant Review Committee JV Joint Venture HWC Human Wildlife Conflict CDSS Conservancy Development Support Services CBNRM Community – Based Natural Resource Management CDSGF Conservancy Development Support Grant Fund 5 1. SUMMARY The Millennium Challenge Account Namibia (MCA-N) Programme aims to reduce rural poverty through investments that achieve a sustainable increase in the economic performance of the tourism sector. Within the Conservancy Support Activity there is a sub-activity that provides for a Conservancy Development Support Grant to be managed by MCA-N. This Grants Manual provides information on the priority areas that will be considered for funding under the Conservancy Development Support Grants, eligibility criteria, application process, evaluation criteria and template for Grant Agreements. For additional information on the Conservancy Support Activity under the Tourism Project, please download the Tourism Project Description at 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 Introduction Over the last fifteen years, community-based wildlife management has been an effective mechanism for the Government of Namibia, conservancies and other stakeholders to combine conservation with developing governance structures to conserve the wildlife resources needed to attract tourism to rural communal areas of Namibia. Based on the notion that appropriate incentives would help local communities to sustainably manage natural resources if economic benefits could be derived from their use, the Namibian Government introduced legislation in 1996 that gave communities comanagement rights over wildlife in communal areas through the formation of a management unit called a “communal conservancy.” Specifically, conservancies are areas on communal land in which community-based organizations hold rights to manage and benefit from the consumptive and nonconsumptive use of wildlife and other natural resources within defined boundaries. By forming conservancies, local communities are able to add sustainable use of wildlife and ecotourism development to their existing land uses and livelihood activities. While the MCA Namibia Tourism Project’s Etosha National Park Activity and Marketing Activity collectively aim to increase the overall tourist visitation and tourism revenue to Namibia, the Conservancy Support Activity explicitly seeks to direct a larger share of tourism revenues to Namibians who are members of communal conservancies. An important challenge in directing tourism revenues to conservancies are the high transaction costs for private investment on communal land due to insecure land rights, remote locations, limited or no basic infrastructure, and barriers conservancy members encounter as partners in joint ventures (JVs). The MCA Namibia Conservancy Support Activity aims to strengthen the capacity of conservancies to protect their natural resources, attract investment, and achieve financial sustainability so that conservancies and the households that comprise conservancy membership can receive a greater share of revenues. Based on individual conservancy needs and demands, the Conservancy Development Support Services sub-activity will provide a range of technical assistance services and Grant funding to approximately 31 high-tourism potential conservancies (see Appendix VIII for a list of target conservancies). Such assistance and funding will help mitigate existing barriers to tourism enterprise investment, improve governance and support conservancies to become financially sustainable. In addition, the activity seeks to empower communities in communal conservancies by facilitating their participation in lucrative tourism enterprises through Grant funding to target 6 conservancies to promote joint-venture tourism enterprises between conservancies and investors and other activities that promote tourism. Whereas previous conservancy efforts through USAID’s Living in a Finite Environment Plus Project (LIFE Plus) focused more on conservation and social aspects relative to increased economic growth and financial sustainability, the MCA Namibia Programme will shift focus to the latter with the goal of improving livelihoods by increasing income benefits for conservancy communities living on communal land. 2.2 Goal a) To direct a larger share of tourism and related natural resource revenues to Namibians who are members of communal conservancies Objectives of the fund a) To reduce barriers conservancy members encounter as partners in JVs. b) To promote investment by the private sector on communal lands and offset the high transaction costs of working with community organizations c) To strengthen capacity of conservancies to protect and derive benefit from their natural resources d) To strengthen the capacity of conservancies to attract investments and achieve financial sustainability e) To promote conservancies as engines of local economic development and stimulate natural resource-based entrepreneurship. 2.3 Categories for which Funding is available Based on a demand-driven model, Grant funds will be available to target conservancies (see Appendix VIII for a list of Target Conservancies) for marketing, game translocations, joint venture and conservancy-managed tourism enterprises, and human-wildlife conflict mitigation actions, subject to a Grants Application process. The Grants Application process for Grant funding requires evidence of broad participation in the conservancy’s decision-making process through a consultative process or by vote. Grant awards will require approval by the Grants Review Committee (GRC). Grants will be available for the following CATEGORIES: a) Marketing services – The marketing funds in the CDSGF will be used to market tourism products in conservancies to attract more tourists, thereby maximizing income from tourism and related activities to households of conservancy members. This aspect of the Grant Fund is aimed at addressing the challenges conservancies face in marketing their products nationally, regionally, and internationally. CDSGF funds used to support marketing will be separate from and in addition to other marketing support provided by MCA-Namibia. b) Translocation – Namibia’s wildlife is one of the principal attractions for tourists. Many conservancies have suitable habitats for wildlife, and greater wildlife populations increase the viability of tourism products in conservancies. Grant funds will be used to cover the costs of transporting and/or acquiring game from protected areas and private farms to conservancies. This demand-driven approach creates a more flexible approach towards the restocking of 7 conservancies whereby a choice is introduced for use of Grant funds to cover (a) purchase, capture translocation, and monitoring costs when game is acquired from private game dealers or (b) capture, translocation and monitoring costs when game is donated by MET. c) Pre-grant fund for Professional Services for grant applications – in exceptional cases, to enable conservancies, to access pre-grant funds for professional services necessary to obtain the necessary information to prepare Grant Applications. Pre-grant funds are accessible ONLY for JV’s with full community ownership and where there is no incumbent JV operator or a minimum of 33% match-funding is required from the conservancy and/or private sector JV partner(s). d) Joint Venture tourism enterprises – Joint Venture tourism enterprises are by far the largest single source of income for conservancies. By stimulating the development of new JV lodges and other JV tourism enterprises, the Grant is aimed at increasing cash income and benefits to conservancy members. The purpose of providing partial financing to conservancies is to, in the absence of land ownership related collateral, facilitate access to finance for private investors, reduce investment risk due to high transaction costs on communal lands, and increasing benefits to Namibians who are members of communal conservancies, possibly through a greater share of revenues from the tourism business or some ownership interest. e) Human-wildlife conflict mitigation – To mitigate human wildlife conflict through assisting conservancies in addressing human-wildlife related challenges. Innovative ways of addressing conflicts are encouraged, and Grant applicants should make the link between human-wildlife conflict and poverty alleviation in conservancy communities. f) Other income generating activities – To assist conservancies with facilities for meat processing, hides for watching game, establishing campsites and small tourism enterprises (such as guiding), and other activities aimed at increasing income to conservancy members. 3. WHICH ACTIVITIES CAN BE FUNDED UNDER EACH CATEGORY? 3.1 Marketing Services Conservancies are encouraged to apply for Grants to obtain funding for the following: a) Marketing of tourism enterprises in a conservancy, including lodges, trophy hunting businesses, crafts and other tourism-related activities (angling, canoeing, walking tours, etc.) b) Online marketing and internet site development c) Production of pamphlets and brochures d) Other marketing Grant Applications that meet the objectives of the Grant Fund Please note: a) Conservancies sharing a concession or having other joint operations related to tourism may jointly apply for a Marketing Grant. b) Match funding will be required based on the financial status of the conservancy (ies) applying. Conservancies can document their proposed contributions in the “Budget” 8 sections (Section IV) of their Grant Applications. Further details regarding match funding are provided in Section 5.9. c) For maximum impact, marketing activities on a national scale that are tied to the promotion of the Communal Conservancy Tourism Sector as the competitive advantage in “Destination Namibia,” will be a high priority. 3.2 Translocation of Game from protected Areas or private Farms Conservancies are encouraged to apply for Grants to obtain funding for the following: a) Purchasing, capture and translocation of game from private game dealers / farms subject to necessary clearances obtained from the Ministry of Environment & Tourism, Directorate of Veterinary Services (Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Rural Development) etc. b) Capture and translocation of game from protected areas, where game is donated by MET. c) Field equipment such as tents, binoculars, uniform for game guards, etc. d) Game tracking, counting and monitoring equipment and related services e.g. telemetry equipment, camera traps, GPS, binoculars, etc. e) Water infrastructure necessary for survival of translocated wildlife. Please note: 3.3 a) Conservancies may jointly apply for a Wildlife Translocation Grant as game may be introduced as a common resource in some instances since conservancies are not fenced and game may migrate between conservancies in a certain area. b) Match funding will be required based on the financial status of the conservancy or conservancies applying. Conservancies can document their proposed contributions in the “Budget” sections (Section IV) of their Grant Applications. c) If existing water sources are inadequate for the new translocated wildlife, conservancies are encouraged to include additional water infrastructure in their Grant Application. MCA-N reserves the right to either add water infrastructure to a Grant Application during Grant negotiations or to deny a Wildlife Translocation Grant if the environmental conditions, including water availability, make the Grant unviable. Pre-grant fund for Professional Services Some conservancies may need pre-grant funding for the below listed activities before a Grant Application can be submitted. MCA-N may in exceptional cases only consider awarding pre-grant funds for professional services to conservancies where there is justification that the information obtained via professional services is required for the preparation of a Grant Application. The following professional services can be funded under a pre-grant fund: 9 a) Hydrology testing for water b) Power needs cost assessment/planning c) Quantity Surveying d) Estimate of building costs and development of bills of quantities e) Architectural sketches and plans f) Site selection g) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA’s), Environmental Management Plans (EMP’s) and Social Impact Assessments (SIAs). Please note: 3.4 a) Full pre-grant funds (funding 100% of pre-grant costs) are available ONLY for communityowned accommodation establishments or where there is no incumbent JV partner already partnering with conservancies. b) If pre-grant funds are requested for the expansion of existing JVs or the conversion of a non-JV accommodation establishment into a JV establishment, a minimum of 33% matchfunding is required from the conservancy and/or private sector JV partner(s). c) Legal fees and Business Development Plans WILL NOT BE FUNDED under pre-grant funds. d) There is NO GUARANTEE that conservancies receiving pre-grant funding will receive grant funding when they submit Grant Applications later. e) If a pre-grant for professional services is awarded, the amount will be included in and will count towards the total allowable value for a potential subsequent grant. Partial Financing for JV Tourism Enterprises Conservancies are encouraged to apply for Grants to obtain funding for the following: a) Establishment of new JV lodges, Trophy Hunting facilities, camps and campsites. b) Renovation or expansion of existing JV lodges, Trophy Hunting facilities or campsites. Please note: a) These grants are intended to generate substantial long-term benefits to Conservancies through spurring additional tourism activity on Conservancy Land and land concessioned to Conservancies. These benefits will accrue to Conservancies through equity shares in the JV, payments tied to a percentage of revenue of the JV, fixed lease fees, and/or transfer of assets at the end of the JV agreement. b) Allowable costs do not include conservancy management and administrative costs. c) Benefits accruing to conservancies from these JV businesses should be put to good use within the conservancy to derive longer term sustainable benefits for conservancy households. 10 d) If any of the proposed benefits include equity shares for the conservancy, then applicants will need to include information on the power of the parties to the JV to set dividend policy or otherwise modify the sharing arrangements of financial returns. e) It is expected that JVs will employ Conservancy members whenever feasible. Applications should describe employment opportunities for Conservancy members and what training & capacity building will be provided. f) The tourism enterprise as a whole may include multiple companies including the land rights holder, owner of the lodge, owner of movable assets, the operator of the lodge, operator of transportation services, activity operator(s), etc. The Application should specify the ownership (current or proposed) structure of each company and how it relates to the JV. g) MCA-N Grant funding is capped at approximately 35% of the value of an existing tourism enterprise that is proposed to be modified or expanded via a JV with a conservancy. h) In response to the current economic climate which may not encourage new private sector investments in JVs, MCA-N will finance new or “green field” projects capped at approximately 49% of the required financing capital to attract new private sector investments and produce additional income generating opportunities for conservancies.1 i) All Grant Applications, except for notional Grant Awards, must include a draft of the proposed legal agreement that defines the relationship between a conservancy and its JV partner. If and when a JV Grant is awarded, this agreement must have legally binding status. Such an agreement at a minimum must define: i. Rights and responsibilities of parties; ii. Ownership structure(s) of the JV (could include separate companies for Lodge Ownership and operation/management); iii. Benefits to be paid to conservancies (including equity shares in the JV, payments tied to a percentage of revenue of the JV, and/or fixed lease fees); and iv. The establishment of fiduciary risk controls that ensures identical procedures for use and audit of all funds in the JV.2 j) If a Grant Application concerning a concession in a protected area is submitted before the MET has approved the operational agreement between the conservancy and a private sector partner, it must be accompanied by a recommendation letter from the MET Concessions Unit. k) If the conservancy is using a tender process to identify a JV partner, or is seeking funding from a reputable financial institution or lender, a “Notional Grant Award” can be made to the Conservancy, so that the Conservancy can advertise these resources as part of the tender process. The “Notional Grant Award” will need to be confirmed by the GRC via 1 New or “green field” projects include construction of an entirely new lodge at an existing site. In general, there should be no differences between how MCA’s contribution (35% of funding for modification or expansion of existing tourism enterprises or 49% of funding for new or “green field” JV projects) ) is managed as compared to the private sector and / or conservancy contribution (65% 51% respectively). 2 11 submission of the terms of the JV and a clear indication of the benefits the conservancy will receive once this information is available. This notional award will include timebound milestones, agreed to during Grant negotiations that need to be met in order for the eligibility to be maintained. 3.5 Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) Management Conservancies are encouraged to apply for Grants to obtain funding for the following: a) Infrastructure to protect crops, livestock, and water points (e.g. walls around dams, creating safe areas in rivers for drawing water or development of alternative water points for game). b) Initiatives to test and/or implement various problem animal deterrent initiatives. Please note: 3.6 a) Match funding (refer to Section 5.9) will be required based on the financial status of the conservancy/conservancies applying. Conservancies can document their contributions in the “Budget” sections (Section IV) of their Grants Applications. b) MCA-Namibia Grant funds may not be used to provide seed funds for self-insurance schemes. Other Small Tourism Enterprises (use Appendix III: CDSGF Application for other Tourism Enterprises (non-JV) Conservancies are encouraged to apply for Grants to address: a) Hides for watching game, facilities for meat processing, small tourism enterprises such as campsites, craft shops, guiding, or rhino tracking Please note: a) Match funding will be required based on the financial status of the conservancy(ies) applying. Conservancies can document their contributions in the “Budget” sections (Section IV) of their Grants Applications. b) To qualify as small enterprise, these enterprises must have initial investment cost of at least NAD 50,000 and have the potential to generate 10% of the invested amount in gross revenue per year. The CDSS Consultant will be required to provide this information to MCA-N. 4. WHO CAN APPLY? Eligible for Grant funding under the CDSGF: a) Target Conservancy Committees (see Appendix VIII for a list of target conservancies) 12 b) Ministry of Environment & Tourism (to support target conservancies with goods and services related to wildlife translocation)3. c) Individual members or groups of members of conservancies, endorsed by the Conservancy and in consultation with CDSS. d) Support organisation submitting grants on behalf of conservancies. Such applications should demonstrate participatory decision making from the conservancies. Please note: a) No grants applications from non-target conservancies or individuals not endorsed by target conservancies will be considered for grants b) A Conservancy may apply singly/alone for a Grant(s). c) MCA-N Target Conservancies can also submit joint Grant Applications for a Grant(s) where they share concessions, lodges, human wildlife conflict challenges or share migrating wildlife between conservancies. d) Non-CDSS grant supporters NEED TO OBTAIN a support letter from the CDSS Consortium. e) Evidence of consultation in a form of signed minutes and attendance list. 5. GRANT MECHANISM 5.1 Payments a) Grants will be Fixed Obligation Grants (FOGs), except as otherwise provided herein. The cash portion of Grant will be paid in tranches upon acceptance of deliverables. b) At the discretion of MCA Namibia, Grants may be in-kind rather than cash. For the portion of the Grant that is provided as in-kind, MCA Namibia will procure the goods and/or services and pay the vendors directly. c) Tranche payments may be made at the signing of the Grant agreement, at the completion of the project, and at three month intervals, or any other interval decided on by MCA-N and the Grantee. Each tranche payment will be contingent on successfully meeting the deliverables of the tranche period and on approval of the technical and financial reports for the period under review. d) Final Grant closeouts will take place before July 2014 when all final deliverables should have been approved and final payments made. e) Successful applicants or their business partners must be willing to establish a bank account registered in Namibia for the purposes of managing funds from this Grant. A portion or the entire Grant amount may be paid into such an account. In the event of a Grant for a JV, all parties to the JV should be signatory to this account. 3 This is to accommodate relevant requests like support for borehole development, telemetry equipment for tracking introduced game etc. 13 f) 5.2 5.3 5.4 In the case of JVs, payments will be made via one of the following approaches: i. Payments made into a joint account held by the conservancy and at least one of the private sector parties to the JV requiring signoff by all named account holders for use, and subject to annual audits. ii. Funds paid directly to suppliers, vendors or relevant contractors. iii. Other scenarios to be defined during the grant application / review process. Frequency of Grants Applications from Target Conservancies a) Conservancies may apply for more than one Grant during each Call for Applications. b) However, no conservancy can receive more than two (2) Joint Venture Grants during the entire Compact period. c) Conservancies MAY re-apply for subsequent Marketing, Human-Wildlife Conflict Management and Wildlife Translocation Grants as long as they demonstrate successful implementation of activities for which the previous Grant was requested. d) A Conservancy may apply for a combination of up to two categories e.g. a Human-wildlife Conflict Management Grant and a Joint Venture Grant per Call for Grants Applications NOT more than TWO categories per CALL per CONSERVANCY, and NOT more than ONE Grant Application per category. e) Conservancies that have received Grants will be required to demonstrate capacity to utilize those Grants before further Grant applications from the same conservancies are considered with the exception of JVs where the time period for utilisation is expected to be protracted. f) MCA-N reserves the right to review and adjust the frequency of Grants Applications from conservancies based on the number of Grants received and any other reasons considered. Frequency of Participation by JV Partners in Grants Applications a) ONE (1) JV partner CANNOT PARTICPATE in more than FIVE (5) JV Accommodation Establishment Grants awarded during the Compact period. ONE (1) JV partner CANNOT BE NAMED AS THE PARTNER for more than THREE (3) JV Accommodation Establishment Grants in any one Call for Grant Applications. b) MCA-N reserves the right to review and adjust the frequency of Grants Applications from JV partners based on the number of Grants received and any other reasons considered. Call for Grants Applications Calls for Grants Applications will be made twice a year, until March 2013 or until all available funding has been committed. The last Call for Grants Applications for JVs will be no later than September 2012. Target conservancies will be informed through NACSO and the MCA-N website about dates for subsequent Calls. 14 5.5 Grant Thresholds The following guideline amounts will apply to the various Grant categories: Category Amount (N$) per Grants Application a) Joint Ventures 400,000 – 5,000,000 (not to exceed 35% 35% of the value of an existing tourism enterprise that is proposed to be modified or expanded). 5,000,000 - 10,000,000 (not to exceed 49% of the required financing capital for new or “green field” projects. b) Pre-grant Services fund for Professional 100% of pre-grant cost if lodge is community owned and if there is no incumbent JV partner already partnering with conservancies. 67% for the expansion of existing JVs or the conversion of a non-JV accommodation establishment into a JV establishment, A minimum of 33% match-funding is required from the conservancy and/or private sector JV partner(s). c) Translocations 100,000 – 1,000,000 d) HWC 100,000 – 700,000 e) Marketing 100,000 – 400,000 f) Other income generating activities 100,000 – 500,000 Pre-grant fund for Professional Services Please note: a) That MCA-N is under no obligation to award a Grant just because a Grants Application has been received. b) That MCA-N can award lower or higher amounts than the amounts requested by conservancies. c) MCA-N will consider Grants Applications by a group of conservancies in which all members are jointly and severally liable for accomplishing project objectives, and in which all conservancies are MCA-N target conservancies. 15 5.6 Grant Application Budgets A complete project budget must be presented with adequate cost information to allow MCA-N to determine if the proposed costs are reasonable. All activities in a proposed initiative must be fully costed and potential or agreed funding source(s) identified, including amount sought from MCA-N Grant fund, JV partner contribution (if applicable), conservancy contribution (if applicable), and any other funding sources. Applicants are encouraged to cost-share and leverage other donor funding to maximize the value and viability of Projects. Grants Applications should give a breakdown of how conservancy, JV partner, MCA-N Grant funds, and any other funds leveraged will be used in the Project. 5.7 Allowable Costs a) Professional materials. b) Printing, publication, and dissemination costs. c) Cost of project specific purchases or activities deemed necessary and included in the Grants Application and approved in the Grant Agreement (e.g. materials, machinery under JVs, equipment, supplies, construction costs, training materials, workshops, etc.). d) At the discretion of MCA-N, minimal professional fees may be paid where conservancies need services not rendered through the Conservancy Development Support Service and for which conservancies cannot pay from own funds. This may include specialist advice such as on meat processing, firewood production and boat operations. e) Allowable costs for JV’s include professional services associated with lodge construction, and equipment (including vehicles). 5.8 Non-Allowable Costs The following is a list of Non-Allowable Costs: a) The creation of endowments. b) Any previous obligations by the GRN to the Grantee. c) Bad debts of the Grantee. d) Fines imposed on the Grantee. e) Penalties imposed on the Grantee. f) Ceremonies, parties, celebrations or “representation” expenses. g) Purchases of goods or services that have their origin in countries that may be identified by the US Government consolidated list of debarred, suspended or ineligible contractors. h) Profit. i) Labour costs for GRN employees and state-funded university and research institute employees. j) Any expenses related to goods or activities that are illegal under Namibian or US law. k) The purchase of vehicles. 16 l) Any purchases or activities not necessary for accomplishing the Grant purpose as determined by MCA-N. m) Any other costs that would be unallowable under MCC’s Cost Principles for Government Affiliates Involved in MCC Compact Implementation, which may be found at: 5.9 Match Funding a) Conservancies that have the ability to make cash contributions as matching funds are encouraged to do so. b) Conservancies are also encouraged to provide in-kind contributions. In-kind contributions shall be deemed to be skilled and unskilled labour contributions towards construction of a facility, contribution of specified locally available material in specified quantities, contribution of quantified food and meat to workers during construction, and other relevant contributions. In-kind contributions and their value should be clearly documented in the Grant application. 5.10 Time and Funding Limitations for Grants a) Activities for all Grants awarded should be satisfactorily completed and reported on by July 2014. b) Grant funds will be paid in quarterly tranches or any other interval decided on by MCA-N. c) The maximum duration for Grants awarded will be twenty four (24) months. However, all activities related to the Grant will have to be completed by the end of July 2014. d) No retroactive funding is allowable – expenditures that occur prior to or after the Grant activity date specified in the Grant Agreement will be disallowed. 6. GRANT APPLICATION PROCEDURES 6.1 The Process a) MCA-N will invite conservancies to apply for Grants twice a year or more or less frequently depending on the response from the conservancies to the Calls for Grants Applications. MCA-N also reserves the right to solicit grants on a “rolling” basis. b) Conservancies should prepare a Grants Application based on the guidelines and using the forms outlined in the Manual. The service provider implementing the MCA-N Conservancy Development Support Services (CDSS) contract for conservancies will assist with the preparation of the Grants Application(s). Only Grants Applications that are consistent with the guidelines provided in this Manual will be considered c) Conservancies should submit Grants Applications not later than the deadline indicated in the Call for Grants Applications. d) The Grants Manager records the Grants Application date and acknowledges receipt to the conservancy. 17 6.1.1 Fast tracking within calls for grant proposals a) Conservancies can request MCA-N to fast tract applications before the cut off (closure) date, if application(s) are time-sensitive and if seizing opportunities to leverage private sector investment is crucial. b) Fast-tracking can also be requested where the objectives of the application(s) tie in with the tourism sector’s calendar and create well-timed opportunities for conservancies. c) Once the request has been approved by the CEO, application(s) will be subjected to the same review process as for grants that do not require fast-tracking. d) MCA-N is under no obligation to approve request for fast tracking. 6.1.2 Supporting Documentation for Grants Applications Depending on the Grant category applied for, the below listed specific supporting documentation must be attached to the Grants Application. The information provided by the Applicant must be complete and correct. Please note that in the event that the evaluation panel, MCA-N or MCC deems it necessary to request additional documentation, this documentation must be made available in a timely manner by the Applicant. The supporting documents requested must be supplied in the form of originals or photocopies certified as true by an authorised independent body. Where such documents are in a language other than English, a faithful translation into English must be attached and will prevail for the purpose of interpreting the Grants Application. Required Documentation If completed versions of the following documents are not available, draft and related documentation should be provided with an explanation of why final versions are not available. For All Grants Applications (Appendices I – VI) a) Previous/related experience of the organization and partners where applicable as it pertains to the proposed actions. b) The curriculum vitae of the person/s to be involved in the proposed action (this includes those of the proposed partners) and how it pertains to the proposed action. In some cases, such as where a contractor is to be hired once the grant is approved, CVs may be submitted after approval. c) Commitment letter regarding match funding will be required based on the financial status of the conservancy/conservancies applying. d) Evidence that the Grant Application is reflective of broad participation in the conservancy’s decision-making process through a consultative process or by vote according to the conservancies own constitutionally agreed terms. e) Evidence of a benefit distribution process for the conservancy according to the requirements as laid out in the conservancies’ constitutions. Evidence of a benefit 18 distribution plan for the conservancy with clear links to the distribution of benefits from the proposed action and efforts to ensure gender equity in line with MCC’s Gender Policy4. f) If there is an incumbent relationship between a conservancy and its JV partner and the two parties recognise the need to improve the current benefit streams to the conservancy, the two parties should engage in a re-negotiation. g) Conservancies are required to submit current financial statements and annual budgets for all grant applications. For JV Grants Applications (Appendix I) a) Statutes or articles of association of the applicant organisation and, where appropriate, of each partner organisation (this must also include the official registration certificate). b) Land lease agreements where relevant. c) The Grants Application should include a feasibility summary and projected financials of the proposed JV accommodation establishment clearly indicating the viability of the establishment over the next ten (10) years at a minimum. This information should be included as part of the Business Plan developed by the Conservancy and the Operator. a) 6.1.3 For Grants Applications boreholes, etc.) involving Infrastructure (accommodation, The completed Environmental Screening Checklist and an Environmental clearance certificate from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (see Appendix VIII). Submission of Grant Applications a) Grant Applications must be received in a sealed envelope by registered mail, courier or by hand-delivery at the address below. A signed and dated certificate of receipt will be issued to the deliverer. Postal address The Grants Manager Conservancy Development Support Grants Fund MCA Namibia P.O. Box 23005 Windhoek, Namibia Address for hand delivery The Grants Manager 4 19 Conservancy Development Support Grants Fund Atlas House Corner of Sam Nujoma Drive & Mandume Ndemufayo Avenue Windhoek, Namibia Delivery by courier service Same as for hand delivery b) Grants Applications sent by any other means (e.g. by fax or by e-mail) or delivered to other addresses will be rejected. c) Grants Applications and all supporting documentation must be submitted in four hard copies (one original and three copies); and one soft copy (Microsoft WORD and/or Microsoft EXCEL compatible files on a virus-free CD or DVD with the format clearly indicated on the CD or DVD). The outer envelope must bear the reference number of the Call, and the full name and address of the applicant. d) Applicants should consult the checklist which will be posted on the MCA-N website with the Call for Grants Applications to verify that their Grants Applications are complete. 6.1.4 Additional information a) Any queries related to the Call for Grants Applications can be directed to the: Grants Manager Conservancy Development Support Grant Fund MCA Namibia P.O. Box 23005 Windhoek, Namibia Tel: +264 61 410 400 Email: [email protected] b) Questions may be posted up to two weeks before the closing date of a Call for Grants Applications. Questions received after this date will not be answered. Questions posed by applicants and their answers will be posted on the Tourism page of the MCA-N website ( for the benefit of all Applicants. Applicants are advised to check the frequently asked questions section on the Tourism page before posing a question. 6.1.5 Acknowledgement of Receipt 20 a) Following the opening of Grants Applications received by the deadline, the Grants Manager will send a receipt of acknowledgement and information on whether the applicants are administratively compliant or not through fax or email to all applicants. b) Grants Applications received after the deadline will be opened by the Grants Manager as they are received and if they meet the criteria, a receipt of acknowledgement and information on the next steps to be taken will be send through fax or email to the applicants. 7. EVALUATION The Grants Manager will ensure that the Grants Applications comply with the administrative requirements and the eligibility criteria. Grant Applications that do not comply administratively will not be evaluated further. The Grants Manager will sort all administratively compliant Grants Applications according to the grant category applied for (e.g. Joint Ventures, Human Wildlife Conflict, Marketing or Game Translocations) and convene a review meeting for the respective Grant Review Committees (GRCs). 7.1 Composition of the Grant Review Committee MCA-N will set up a Grants Review Committee (GRC) for each of the grant categories to review the Grants Applications. The GRCs, which may co-opt one or more technical experts, will be composed as follows: a) JV-GRC will review Joint Venture (JV) & Other Income Generating Project Grant Applications. This GRC will have four (4) members; one from MCA-N, one from MET, one from NACSO and one independent consultant. b) GT-GRC will review Game Translocation (GT) Grants Applications. This GRC will have four (4) members; one from MCA-N, one from MET, one from NACSO and one independent consultant. c) HWC-GRC will review Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) Grants Applications. This GRC will have four (4) members; one from MCA-N, one from MET, one from NACSO and one independent consultant. d) M-GRC will review Marketing (M) Grants Applications. This GRC will have four (4) members; one from MCA-N, one from NTB, one from NACSO and one independent consultant. 7.2 Evaluation Criteria The following evaluation criteria will be applied in the evaluation of Grants Applications. Each grant application has a different Evaluation Criteria as outlined below. 21 A. Criteria - JV with incumbent operator Response (Y/N) plus score Number Criteria (1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent) 1 Organisational & Financial Capacity: 1.1 Do the applicant (conservancy) and partner(s)(support organisations) have sufficient relevant technical expertise, experience and management Y/N [score] capacity (including staff, equipment and ability to handle the Grant)? 1.2 Do the applicant and partner(s) have relevant experience in implementing Y/N [score] similar projects? Can the applicant provide match funding? Y/N [Yes =1; No = 0] 1.4 If the applicant can provide match funding, has it been provided? Y/N [Yes =1; No = 0] 1.5 Does the private sector JV partner contribute 75% or more towards the Y/N [score] total cost of a JV venture? 1.6 Is the leasehold secured? 2. The product (Tourism Site): 2.1 Is the product on offer of high tourism value (high in demand) and can Y/N [score] the product be marketed with relative ease? 2.2 Is the proposed venture on a main tourism route? Y/N [score] 2.3 Is the product close to a National Park? Y/N [score] 2.4 Does the JV partner or the conservancy have an established marketing Y/N [score] system (website, trade fair attendance, booking office)? 3 Impact: 3.1 Will this increase in incomes be greater than the cost of the proposed Y/N [score] Grant? 1.3 Y/N [score] 22 Response (Y/N) plus score Number Criteria (1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent) 3.1 If the answer to 3.1 is yes, will this increase in income be greater than the Y/N [score] cost of the proposed Grant? 3.3 Have the needs, roles and responsibilities of the conservancy been clearly Y/N [score] defined? 3.4 Are the expected results of the proposed Action financially sustainable? 3.5 Are the expected results of the proposed Action institutionally sustainable (will structures allowing the activities to continue be in place at the end of Y/N [score] the action? Will there be local “ownership” of the results of the action?) 3.6 Does the Grants Application provide evidence of broad participation in the conservancy’s decision-making process through a consultative process or Y/N [score] by vote? 4 Methodology: 4.1 Are the activities proposed appropriate, practical, and consistent with the Y/N [score] objectives and expected results? 4.2 Does the overall design of the proposed action(s) reflect analysis of the problems involved, a market driven strategy, and demonstration that Y/N [score] external factors have been taken into account? Y/N [score] 4.3 Is the action plan clear and feasible with definite timelines? Y/N [score]( No scoring if 4.1 & 4.2 are answered NO) 4.4 Is the benefit distribution plan clear and feasible? Y/N [score] 5 Environmental and social impact: 5.1 Are the actions proposed to achieve gender equality practical, realistic and Y/N [score] measurable? 5.2 Are the proposed actions to mitigate environmental impacts practical, Y/N [score] realistic and approved/endorsed by appropriate authority? 23 B. Criteria - No Operator Identified Yet- Application for Notional Award Response (Y/N) plus score Number Criteria (1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent) 1 Organisational & Financial Capacity: 1.1 Does the applicant have management structures in place? Y/N [score] 1.2 Is the leasehold secured? Y/N [score] 2. The product (tourism site on offer): 2.1 Is the product on offer of high tourism value (high in demand) and can Y/N [score] the product be marketed with relative ease? 2.2 Is the conservancy on a main tourism route? Y/N [score] 2.3 Is the product close to a National Park? Y/N [score] 2.4 Has the conservancy received a concession from the Ministry of Y/N [score] Environment and Tourism? 3 Impact: 3.1 Is/Are the proposed action(s) likely to increase incomes of conservancy Y/N [score] households? 3.2 If the answer to 3.1 is yes, will this increase in income be greater than the Y/N [score] cost of the proposed Grant? 3.3 Does the Grants Application provide evidence of broad participation in the conservancy’s decision-making process through a consultative process or Y/N [score] by vote? 4 Environmental and social impact: 4.1 Are the actions proposed to achieve gender equality practical, realistic and Y/N [score] measurable? 4.2 Are the proposed actions to mitigate environmental impacts practical, Y/N [score] realistic and approved/endorsed by appropriate authority? 24 C. Criteria - other Small Tourism Enterprises (non-JV). Use this application form for grants for hides for watching game, facilities for meat processing, campsites, craft shops, guiding and rhino tracking Response (Y/N) plus score Number Criteria (1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent) 1 Organisational & Financial Capacity: 1.1 Do the applicant and partner(s) have sufficient relevant technical Y/N [score] expertise and experience? 1.2 Do the applicant and partner(s) have sufficient management capacity? Y/N [score] (Including staff, equipment and ability to handle the Grant)? 1.3 Can the applicant provide match funding? Y/N [Yes =1; No = 0] 1.4 If so, has match funding been provided? Y/N [Yes =1; No = 0] 1.5 Is the leasehold secured, if applicable? Y/N [score] 2. The product (tourism site or product being developed): 2.1 Is the product on offer of high tourism value (high in demand) and can Y/N [score] the product be marketed with relative ease? 2.2 Is the conservancy on a main tourism route? 3 Impact: 3.1 Is/Are the proposed action(s) likely to increase incomes of conservancy Y/N [score] households? 3.2 If the answer to 3.1 is yes, will this increase in incomes be greater than the cost of the proposed Grant? 3.3 Have the needs, roles and responsibilities of the beneficiaries been Y/N [score] clearly defined? 3.4 Are the expected results of the proposed Action financially Y/N [score] sustainable? 3.5 Are the expected results of the proposed Action institutionally Y/N [score] sustainable (will structures allowing the activities to continue be in place at the end of the action? Will there be local “ownership” of the results of the action?) 3.6 Does the Grants Application provide evidence of broad participation in Y/N [score] the conservancy’s decision-making process through a consultative Y/N [score] Y/N [score] 25 Response (Y/N) plus score Number Criteria (1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent) process or by vote? 4 Methodology: 4.1 Are the activities proposed appropriate, practical, and consistent with Y/N [score] the objectives and expected results? 4.2 Does the overall design of the proposed action(s) reflect analysis of the Y/N [score] problems involved, a market driven strategy, and demonstration that external factors have been taken into account? 4.3 Is the action plan clear and feasible with definite timelines? Y/N [score] 4.4 Is the benefit distribution plan clear and feasible? Y/N [score] 5 Environmental and social impact: 5.1 Are the actions proposed to achieve gender equality practical, realistic Y/N [score] and measurable? 5.2 Are the proposed actions to mitigate environmental impacts practical, Y/N [score] realistic and approved/endorsed by appropriate authority? D. Criteria - for Marketing Grants Response (Y/N) plus score Number Criteria (1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent) 1 Organisational & Financial Capacity: 1.1 Do the applicant and partner(s) have sufficient relevant technical Y/N [score] expertise and experience? 1.2 Do the applicant and partner(s) have relevant experience in implementing Y/N [score] similar projects? 1.3 Do the applicant and partner(s) have sufficient management capacity? Y/N [score] (Including staff, equipment and ability to handle the Grant)? 26 Response (Y/N) plus score Number Criteria (1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent) 1.4 Can the applicant and partner(s) provide match funding? If so, has match Y/N [score] funding been provided? 2. The product (tourism product being marketed): 2.1 Is the product on offer of high tourism value (high in demand) and can Y/N [score] the product be marketed with relative ease? 2.2 Is the conservancy on a main tourism route? Y/N [score] 2.3 Is the product close to a National Park or in a tourism concession? Y/N [score] 2.4 Does the conservancy have links to regional or international marketing? Y/N [score] 3 Impact: 3.1 Is/Are the proposed action(s) likely to future increased incomes of Y/N [score] conservancy households? 3.2 If the answer to 3.1 is yes, will this increase in incomes be greater than the Y/N [score] cost of the proposed Grant? 3.3 Have the needs, roles and responsibilities of the beneficiaries been clearly Y/N [score] defined? 3.4 Are the expected results of the proposed Action financially sustainable? 3.5 Are the expected results of the proposed Action institutionally sustainable Y/N [score] (will structures allowing the activities to continue be in place at the end of the action? Will there be local “ownership” of the results of the action?) 3.6 Does the Grants Application provide evidence of broad participation in the Y/N [score] conservancy’s decision-making process through a consultative process or by vote? 4 Methodology: 4.1 Are the activities proposed appropriate, practical, and consistent with the Y/N [score] objectives and expected results? 4.2 Does the overall design of the proposed action(s) reflect analysis of the Y/N [score] problems involved, a market driven strategy, and demonstration that external factors have been taken into account? 4.3 Is the action plan clear and feasible with definite timelines? Y/N [score] Y/N [score] 27 E. Criteria - for Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Grants Response (Y/N) plus score Number Criteria (1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent) 1 Organisational & Financial Capacity: 1.1 Does the applicant demonstrate adequate financial and organizational Y/N [score] capacity to implement the proposed Action? 1.2 Do the applicant and partner(s) have sufficient relevant technical Y/N [score] expertise and experience? 1.3 Do the applicant and partner(s) have relevant experience in implementing Y/N [score] similar projects? 1.4 Do the applicant and partner(s) have sufficient management capacity? Y/N [score] (including trained staff with leadership skills, equipment and ability to handle the Grant)? 1.5 Can the applicant and partner(s) provide match funding? If so, has match Y/N [score] funding been provided? 2. Justification for request for assistance: 2.1 Is the specific Human Wildlife Conflict issue clearly articulated? 2.2 Are the problems negatively impacting on human settlements, water Y/N [score] points or revenue-generating activities clearly described, including economic losses and numbers of people affected? 2.3 Will the activities of this project affect wildlife migration patterns, Y/N [score] population dynamics, or behaviour, either positively or negatively? 3 Impact: 3.1 Have the needs, roles and responsibilities of the project participants, Y/N [score] members and beneficiaries been clearly defined so that everyone knows what to expect? 3.2 Are the expected results of the proposed Action financially sustainable? 3.3 Are the expected results of the proposed Action institutionally sustainable Y/N [score] (will structures allowing the activities to continue be in place at the end of Y/N [score] Y/N [score] 28 Response (Y/N) plus score Number Criteria (1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent) the action? Will there be local “ownership” of the results of the action?) 3.4 Is it likely that the benefits to the conservancy and its members of the proposed Action will exceed the costs? 3.5 Does the Grants Application provide evidence of broad participation in the Y/N [score] conservancy’s decision-making process through a consultative process or by vote? (This question seems to fit more appropriately under Criterion 4—Methodology.) 4 Methodology in terms of mitigation: 4.1 Is there sufficient detail and coherence in the proposed methodology? 4.2 Is the proposed methodology consistent with similar successful efforts Y/N [score] already tried in the area? 4.3 Is the rationale for using this methodology clearly stated? 4.4 Will the activities proposed enhance livelihoods and revenue generating Y/N [score] activities? 4.5 Is there adequate detail to determine the value of losses and the value of Y/N [score] assets being protected? 4.6 Is there enough detail to determine how many community members are Y/N [score] affected, how many will benefit, and whether they support the proposed project and its activities? 5 Environmental and social impact: 5.1 Are the actions proposed to achieve gender equality practical, realistic and Y/N [score] measurable? 5.2 Are the proposed actions to mitigate environmental impacts practical, Y/N [score] realistic and approved/endorsed by appropriate authority? 29 F. Criteria - for Wildlife Translocation Grants Response (Y/N) plus score Number Criteria (1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent) 1 Organisational & Financial Capacity: 1.1 Do the applicant and partner(s) have sufficient relevant technical Y/N [score] expertise and experience? 1.2 Do the applicant and partner(s) have relevant experience in implementing Y/N [score] similar projects and is there a management plan in place? 1.3 Do the applicant and partner(s) have sufficient management capacity? Y/N [score] (Including staff, equipment and ability to handle the Grant)? 1.4 Can the applicant and partner(s) provide match funding? If so, has match Y/N [score] funding been provided? 2. The Activity for which assistance is being applied for: 2.1 Are the tourism activities that could be developed through the Y/N [score] translocation of these species clearly defined? 2.2 If applicable, has MET approved the presence of the species being applied Y/N [score] for on the conservancy in question?? 2.3 Is the habitat suitable for the species being applied for? 2.4 Has the question of suitable water provision been addressed to avoid Y/N [score] Human Wildlife Conflict or lead to wildlife deaths? 3 Impact: 3.1 Is/Are the proposed action(s) likely to increase incomes of conservancy Y/N [score] households? Will this increase in incomes be greater than the cost of the proposed Grant? 3.2 Have the needs, roles and responsibilities of the beneficiaries been clearly Y/N [score] defined? 3.3 Are the expected results of the proposed Action financially sustainable? 3.4 Are the expected results of the proposed Action institutionally sustainable Y/N [score] (will structures allowing the activities to continue be in place at the end of the action? Will there be local “ownership” of the results of the action?) 3.5 Does the Grants Application provide evidence of broad participation in the Y/N [score] conservancy’s decision-making process through a consultative process or Y/N [score] Y/N [score] 30 Response (Y/N) plus score Number Criteria (1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent) by vote? 4 Methodology: 4.1 Are the activities proposed appropriate, practical, and consistent with the Y/N [score] objectives and expected results? 4.2 Does the overall design of the proposed action(s) reflect analysis of the Y/N [score] problems involved, a market driven strategy, and demonstration that external factors have been taken into account? 4.3 Is the action plan clear and feasible with definite timelines? Y/N [score] 4.4 Is the benefit distribution plan clear and feasible? Y/N [score] 5 Environmental and social impact: 5.1 Are the actions proposed to achieve gender equality practical, realistic and Y/N [score] measurable? 5.2 Are the proposed actions to mitigate environmental impacts practical, Y/N [score] realistic and approved/endorsed by appropriate authority? 31 G. Criteria – Pre-Grant Funds for Professional Services (No Operator Identified Yet and incumbent Operator) Application Response (Y/N) plus score Number Criteria (1 = very poor; 2 = poor; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent) 1 Organisational & Financial Capacity: 1.1 Does the applicant have management structures in place? Y/N [score] 1.2 Is the leasehold or concession secured? Y/N [score] 2. The product (tourism site on offer): 2.1 Is the product on offer of high tourism value (high in demand) and can Y/N [score] the product be marketed with relative ease? 2.2 Is the conservancy on a main tourism route? 2.3 Is the product close to a National Park or has the conservancy received a Y/N [score] concession from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism? 3. Pre-grant justification: 3.1 Does the justification provided warrants a pre-grant funding? Is there a strong indication that the site will be marketable after pre-grant Y/N [score] intervention? 3.2 Is there a match contribution from the conservancy and/or the private Y/N [score] sector partner (if applicable)? 3.3 Are the professional services requested in the application allowed under Y/N [score] the terms of the MCA-N grant manual for this category? 4 Impact: 4.1 Does the Grants Application provide evidence of broad participation in the conservancy’s decision-making process through a consultative process or Y/N [score] by vote? Y/N [score] 7.3 Review Process and Notification of Applicants of the Grant Awards a) The GRCs will review all Grants Applications according to the Evaluation Criteria appearing above b) The GRCs will select Grants Applications to be funded by consensus. 32 c) An independent review of Grants Applications by outside experts may be requested by the GRCs, if needed. d) Prior to the approval of Grants Applications, GRC members, MCA-N or its consultants may conduct field visits to project sites to validate, in-situ, the conditions and the capacity of the conservancy to implement the project. Necessary adjustments to activities and or budgets in the Grants Application will be recommended to Applicants after such site visits e) After the review process, the GRCs will make one of the following recommendations to the Director of Tourism: i. to fund the Grants Application fully ii. to fund the Grants Application partially iii. not to fund the Grants Application, and encourage a revised submission for the next round iv. to reject the Grants Application 8. f) The Grants Manager communicates the decisions of the GRCs to the Applicants. Any recommended changes in the Work Plan and/or budget will be negotiated with the applicant(s) prior to the finalization and signing of the Grant Agreement g) Grant awards are subject to the availability of funds. h) Successful Applicants must indicate to MCA-N readiness to use the Grants i) The Fiscal Agent will disburse Grant funds, while the Grants Manager and the CDSS Team will oversee the implementation of the Grants. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The following reporting requirements apply: a) At the end of each three month period (quarter), each Grant Recipient will be required to submit both evidence of the successful completion of the deliverables for that period and technical, financial, and monitoring and evaluation reports. b) Grant Recipients will be required to develop a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan shortly after any Grant Award. See Appendix X for details. The M&E plan should be user-friendly and possible for conservancies to report on with limited technical support. c) The format for quarterly progress reports will be distributed upon award of a Grant, and will contain indicators that track work to date, a description of the work accomplished to date, problems encountered with project implementation, and financial information, and indicators to report against the monitoring and evaluation plan included in the final grant agreement. A final report in a format to be defined in the Grant Agreement will also be required. d) All technical and financial reports must be submitted in English. 33 Appendix I: CDSGF Joint Venture Grants Application Form (With Incumbent or Identified Operator) a) This Grants Application Form must be completed in full; failure to do so will result in the Grants Application not being considered. The maximum length of each section must be adhered to. Grants Applications must be completed in Calibri font, size 12. In addition all the documentation outlined in section 6.1.2 of the main document must be provided or explanations regarding the lack of documentation or draft forms etc. SECTION 1 APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF THE CONSERVANCY: ______________________________________________ PROPOSED ACTION TITLE: __________________________________________________ ACTION LOCATION/S: _____________________________________________________ TOTAL COST OF THE ACTION (N$): ___________________________________________ MATCH FUNDING FROM CONSERVANCY (N$): _________________________________ CONTRIBUTION FROM THE PARTNER (N$): ____________________________________ AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM MCA-N (N$): ____________________________________ DURATION OF THE ACTION: ________________________________________________ PROPOSED STARTING DATE: ________________________________________________ TYPE OF ORGANISATION & REGISTRATION No: _________________________________ COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS: ________________________________________________ STATUS OF LAND OWNERSIP: _______________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON/S: _____________________________________________________ POSITION IN ORGANIZATION: _______________________________________________ TEL: ___________________________________________________________________ FAX: ___________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT* _________________________________ DATE: ________________________________ * By signing this Grants Application Form, you certify that the content contained herein is a true reflection of the facts. 34 SECTION 2 2.1 BUSINESS PLAN Summary of the Action/Activities (Max. 15 lines) Give a brief summary of the proposed action including (i) the outcome of the Action; (ii) the intended impact and beneficiaries; and (iii) the main activities to be funded under the grant 2.2 Justification (Max. 4 pages) Provide information on the following: 2.3 2.2.1 What additional benefits will this Grant add to the conservancy in question? 2.2.2 An explanation of how the proposed Action has been developed including the level of participation of the target group/s 2.2.3 The inherent or potential risks involved that could negatively impact on the success of the Action such as management expectations, land tenure, zoning issues and any mitigation measures proposed. Business Rationale A description of the business objectives and Applicant’s experience including: 2.4 2.3.1 A description of the product concept including the accommodation size, type, standard, and other key facilities, guest services, etc.; 2.3.2 The Applicants’ (conservancy and JV partner(s)) prior experience in financing developing, operating and marketing similar facilities; Market Justification A market justification describing the type and extent of research/investigation undertaken: 2.4.1 Delineating the target markets identified (demographics, seasonality, sources, and other key characteristics); 2.4.2 Describing the marketing networks and distribution channels to be used including the Applicant’s marketing infrastructure (reservations system, sales staff, sales offices, selling tools, participation in marketing consortia, attendance at trade shows, etc.); 2.4.3 Identifying and evaluating existing & expected future competition and interrelationships with other existing or planned amenities and facilities in the surrounding area; 2.4.4 Analysing and quantifying likely future demand (including projected occupancies); 35 2.5 2.4.5 Explaining the pricing strategy and providing a breakdown of expected tariffs and projected average rates; 2.4.6 Describing and justifying the period expected to establish a firm market presence. Organization and Management The structure of the Applicant and the dedicated Namibian company to be created for the implementation of the Project including: 2.5.1 An illustration of the proposed business model including relationships between promoters, owners, communities, lenders, operators, marketers and other service providers as well as the services and tourist activities to be provided inhouse, sub-contracted and out-sourced (including related-party transactions); 2.5.2 An employment plan including; 2.6 A schematic diagram of the proposed management structure showing keypost occupiers and reporting lines (and the resume of any key personnel already earmarked or identified); The number, positions and key conditions of service (including levels of remuneration) of staff to be employed, specifying which positions will be recruited locally from the conservancy at the outset and setting dated targets for the filling of all positions by conservancy members; 2.5.3 If applicable, a draft of the proposed articles of association and shareholders’ agreement, and the amount, subscription and payment conditions of the share capital of the company; 2.5.4 Particulars of the proposed operator (if different from the Applicant) and copy of the management agreement (or draft management agreement together with a letter of intent from the nominated operator identifying the draft and confirming its intention of concluding an agreement substantially in accordance with it); 2.5.5 The location of the ultimate and immediate centres of operational control and support of the company. Empowerment Plan and Financial offer The Grants Application must provide an Empowerment Plan consisting of some or all of the following elements: the conservancy ownership component; strategic representation; an employment plan; 36 a skills development plan; a local procurement and entrepreneurial support plan; any other commitments such as social investments in health, education or other contributions to local development. The Grants Application must also include a Financial Offer. The financial offer must describe the proposed benefit sharing arrangement with the conservancy including employment, lease fees, percentage of turnover payments, dividends (if applicable) and any other forms of revenue sharing. 2.7 Workplan Please provide a detailed workplan for YEAR 1 of the proposed Action. The workplan should not specify actual dates, but should indicate “month 1”, “month 2” etc. It is important that this be as accurate as possible as it will form the basis for the completion of the deliverables schedule against which payments will be made, and this will be incorporated into the Grant Agreement. However, it is also advised to retain a degree of flexibility when completing the Table. Only the main activity titles should be indicated in the Table based on those listed in Section 2.4 above; shade in the months per Activity as applicable. Insert additional rows if needed. WORK PLAN – YEAR 1 MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IMPLEMENTING RESPONSIBILITY ACTIVITY TITLE 1. 2 2.1 2.2 3. ETC If the proposed action is longer than 12 months the Table below should be completed which provides an overview of the proposed implementation of the activities in the second year. Only the main activities need be included in this Table. It should be noted that if the proposed action is longer than two years a detailed work plan for the second year will be required before any payments for activities in the second year can be made. 37 WORK PLAN – YEAR 2 MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IMPLEMENTING RESPONSIBILITY ACTIVITY TITLE 1. 2 2.1 3. ETC 2.8 Environmental and Social Assessment (Max. 2 pages) What are the potentially significant environmental and social impacts (both positive and negative) of the proposed Actions? Please describe each impact in detail. Also consider in your response any potential long-term impacts. If any of the above impacts are negative, please describe what mitigation measure are proposed through a full Environmental Impact Assessment. Please note that the information provided must be as truthful and reliable as possible. The Applicant is accountable for any inaccurate and misleading information that may be provided in this questionnaire Based on the information provided, MCA-N in consultation with MET DEA will decide if a more comprehensive Environmental and Social Assessment is required. NB: If this application involves infrastructure, the applicant must also complete the Environmental Screening Checklist attached to this Grants Application form (Appendix IX) 2.9 Financial Viability A financing plan in Namibian Dollars including the following elements: 2.9.1 A summary of the financing sources (including the mix of equity and debt, and shareholders or third-party loans); 2.9.2 Documentary evidence that the Applicant or business partner has potential access to the proposed equity capital necessary for the Project; 38 2.9.3 Draft funding agreements or written undertakings from reputable financing institutions for all proposed debt finance, including the key terms of such finance; 2.9.4 Capital expenditure estimates including a project-cost breakdown (i.e. infrastructure, building costs, fittings, furniture, equipment, pre-opening expenses and other), describing the bases for the estimates and annual ongoing capital expenditure and replacements; 2.9.5 Financial projections including annual operating projections for ten (10) years of operation with an extrapolation of the aggregates for the full period of the Operator Contract, which should include projections of income, expenditure, cash flow and balance sheet values together with the explicit assumptions on which they are based; 2.9.6 A summary of the key revenue-generating variables (occupancy, average rates, guests spends, add-ons), and growth rates applied; 2.9.7 The inflation and exchange-rate assumptions applied to projected revenues and costs; 2.9.8 The projected staffing numbers and costs (salaries and payroll burden); 2.9.9 Projected management fees and other operator remuneration (formulae & breakdown); 2.9.10 Projected income-tax computations; 2.9.11 Projected interest and debt-service costs and a summary illustrating the viability of the Project including, projected profits and returns, before and after tax, projected net cash flow before and after debt-service, projected liquidity and solvency ratios and a sensitivity analysis demonstrating the effect of changes in key variables such as occupancy, average rate, exchange rate, inflation, etc. SECTION 3 BUDGET A detailed budget for the proposed action must be completed according to the format presented below. Different and more lines can be added under each budget line if needed, this is merely an example. Matching funds must be clearly indicated in the budget. Note: Care must be taken with respect to the eligible and ineligible costs as detailed in point 4.1.5 of the CDSGF Manual. 39 Item 1 Personnel Costs (i.e. professional fees) 2 Travel 3 Material, Equipment and Supplies (if possible, submit a Bill of Quantities) 4 Operational costs 5 Workshops 6 Other Allowable Costs (define in detail) Unit No of units Unit cost Conservancy match funds Private sector contribution MCA-N Total cost grant (N$) amount requested Grand Total This Table can be presented in landscape format. If required, additional rows can be added by the Applicant. SECTION 4 4.1 APPLICANT AND PARTNER INFORMATION Description of partners The following Table must be completed for each partner in the proposed action/s. In addition the CV of those who will be involved in the action must be submitted. DESCRIPTION OF PARTNERS TITLE OF ACTION/S: Full legal name (business name) Nationality Legal status 40 Official address Contact person Telephone number Fax number E- mail address Experience of similar actions, in relation to role in the implementation of the proposed action History of cooperation with the applicant Role and involvement in preparing the proposed action Role and involvement in implementing the proposed action Describe the management capacity in relation to the application 4.2 Partnership statement The description of the partner form in 5.2 above must be accompanied by a signed partnership statement on an appropriate letterhead by each partner in addition to the applicant. The statement should include the following: We have read and approved the contents of this Grants Application to the MCAN CDSGF and agree to comply with the roles and responsibilities detailed in the Grants Application Form. Name: ___________________________________________________________ Organisation: _____________________________________________________ Position: __________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________ Place: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________ 41 4.3 Declaration by the applicant Similarly a signed declaration must be submitted by the lead Conservancy Chairperson. It should also appear on an appropriate letterhead. The declaration should include the following: I the undersigned, being the person responsible in the applicant organisation for the proposed action/s, certify that the information given is true and correct and the time of submission. Name: ___________________________________________________________ Position: __________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________ Place: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________ 42 Appendix II: CDSGF Joint Venture Grants Application Form (No Operator Identified Yet- Application for Notional Award) This Grants Application Form must be completed in full; failure to do so will result in the Grants Application not being considered. The maximum length of each section must be adhered to. Grants Applications must be completed in Calibri font, size 12. In addition all the documentation outlined in section 6.1.2 of the main document must be provided or explanations regarding the lack of documentation or draft forms, etc. SECTION 1 APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF THE CONSERVANCY: ______________________________________________ PROPOSED ACTION TITLE: __________________________________________________ ACTION LOCATION/S: _____________________________________________________ AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM MCA-N (N$): ____________________________________ DURATION OF THE ACTION: ________________________________________________ PROPOSED STARTING DATE: ________________________________________________ TYPE OF ORGANISATION & REGISTRATION No: _________________________________ CONTACT PERSON/S: _____________________________________________________ POSITION IN ORGANIZATION: _______________________________________________ STATUS OF LAND OWNERSIP: _______________________________________________ TEL: ___________________________________________________________________ FAX: ___________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT* _________________________________ DATE: ________________________________ * By signing this Grants Application Form, you certify that the content contained herein is a true reflection of the facts. 43 SECTION 2 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION Summary of the Action/Activities (Max. 15 lines) Give a brief summary of the proposed action including (i) the outcome of the Action; (ii) the intended impact and beneficiaries; (iii) the main Activities; and (iv) the applicable theme associated with this application. 2.2 Justification (Max. 2 pages) Please provide information on the following: 2.3 2.2.1 A justification for the tourism product to be supported through the grant agreement including issues of demand for this product, marketability and competitiveness 2.2.2 A description of the site location i.e. whether the product is close to a National park, important scenic features which make the product a viable tourism option. 2.2.3 An indication whether the conservancy has been awarded Access Concession, leasehold or Lodge Concession rights? Environmental and Social Assessment (Max. 2 pages) What are the potentially significant environmental and social impacts (both positive and negative) of the proposed Actions? Please describe each impact in detail. Also consider in your response any potential long-term impacts. If any of the above impacts are negative, please describe what mitigation measure are proposed through a full Environmental Impact Assessment. Please note that the information provided must be as truthful and reliable as possible. The Applicant is accountable for any inaccurate and misleading information that may be provided in this questionnaire. Based on the information provided, MCA-N in consultation with MET DEA will decide if a more comprehensive Environmental and Social Assessment is required. Based on the information provided, MCA-N will decide if a more comprehensive Environmental and Social Assessment is required. NB: If this application involves infrastructure, the applicant must also complete the Environmental Screening Checklist attached to this Grants Application form (Appendix IX) 44 SECTION 3 3.1 DECLARATIONS Declaration by the applicant Similarly a signed declaration must be submitted by the lead Conservancy Chairperson. It should also appear on an appropriate letterhead. The declaration should include the following: I the undersigned, being the person responsible in the applicant organisation for the proposed action/s, certify that the information given is true and correct and the time of submission. Name: ___________________________________________________________ Position: __________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________ Place: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________ 45 Appendix III: CDSGF Application for other Small Tourism Enterprises (non-JV) Use this application form for grants for hides for watching game, facilities for meat processing, campsites, craft shops, guiding and rhino tracking. This Grants Application Form must be completed in full; failure to do so will result in the Grants Application not being considered. The maximum length of each section must be adhered to. Grants Applications must be completed in Calibri font, size 12. In addition all the documentation outlined in section 6.1.2 of the main document must be provided or explanations regarding the lack of documentation or draft forms etc. SECTION 1 APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF THE CONSERVANCY: ______________________________________________ PROPOSED ACTION TITLE: __________________________________________________ ACTION LOCATION/S: _____________________________________________________ TOTAL COST OF THE ACTION (N$): ___________________________________________ MATCH FUNDING FROM CONSERVANCY (N$): _________________________________ CONTRIBUTION FROM THE PARTNER (N$): ____________________________________ AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM MCA-N (N$): ____________________________________ DURATION OF THE ACTION: ________________________________________________ PROPOSED STARTING DATE: ________________________________________________ TYPE OF ORGANISATION & REGISTRATION No: _________________________________ COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS: ________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON/S: _____________________________________________________ POSITION IN ORGANIZATION: _______________________________________________ STATUS OF LAND OWNERSIP: _______________________________________________ TEL: ___________________________________________________________________ FAX: ___________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT* _________________________________ DATE: ________________________________ * By signing this Grants Application Form, you certify that the content contained herein is a true reflection of the facts. 46 SECTION 2 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION Summary of the Action/Activities (Max. 15 lines) Give a brief summary of the proposed action including (i) the outcome of the Action; (ii) the intended impact and beneficiaries; (iii) the main Activities; and (iv) the applicable theme associated with this Call. 2.2 Justification (Max. 4 pages) Please provide information on the following: 2.3 2.2.1 What additional benefits will this Grant add to conservancies? (ii) How does this conservancy currently share benefits and how will this Grant improve benefit sharing? Please also quantify potential benefits as much as possible. This should include an explanation of both potential direct and indirect benefits. 2.2.2 An explanation of how the proposed Action has been developed including, for example, the level of participation of the target group/s, if applicable. 2.2.3 Experience of the Conservancy with the implementation of similar projects. 2.2.4 The inherent or potential risks involved that could negatively impact on the success of the Action such as management expectations, land tenure, zoning issues and any mitigation measures proposed. Environmental and Social Assessment (Max. 2 pages) What are the potentially significant environmental and social impacts (both positive and negative) of the proposed Actions? Please describe each impact in detail. Also consider in your response any potential long-term impacts. If any of the above impacts are negative, please describe what mitigation measure are proposed through a full Environmental Impact Assessment. Please note that the information provided must be as truthful and reliable as possible. The Applicant is accountable for any inaccurate and misleading information that may be provided in this questionnaire. Based on the information provided, MCA-N will decide if a more comprehensive Environmental and Social Assessment is required. NB: Please use the Environmental Screening Checklist attached to this Grants Application form (Appendix IV) 2.4 Workplan Please provide a detailed workplan for YEAR 1 of the proposed Action. The workplan should not specify actual dates, but should indicate “month 1”, “month 2” etc. It is important that this action plan be as accurate as possible as it will form the basis for the completion of the deliverables schedule against which payments will be made, and this will be incorporated into the Grant Agreement. However, it is also advised to retain a degree of flexibility when completing the Table. Only the main Activity titles should be indicated in the Table based on 47 those listed in Section 2.4 above; shade in the months per Activity as applicable. Include any requirements for funds to be disbursed directly to services providers under the activity lines. Insert additional rows if needed. WORK PLAN – YEAR 1 MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IMPLEMENTING RESPONSIBILITY ACTIVITY TITLE 1. 2 2.1 2.2 3. etc. 2.5 Business Plan Please provide a Business Plan based on the following: 2.5.1 Business Rationale A description of the business objectives experience including: A description of the product concept including the accommodation size, type, standard, and other key facilities, guest services, etc.; A description of the business model including the interrelationships with other existing or planned amenities and facilities in the surrounding area. 2.5.2 Market Justification A market justification describing the type and extent of research/investigation undertaken: Delineating the target markets identified (demographics, seasonality, sources, and other key characteristics); Identifying and evaluating existing & expected future competition; An analysis of likely future demand Describing and justifying the period expected to establish a firm market presence. 48 2.5.3 Organization and Management Please provide the following information: An illustration of the proposed model including relationships the Conservancy and the future JV partner A desired employment plan including; A schematic diagram of the proposed management structure showing keypost occupiers and reporting lines (and the resume of any key personnel already earmarked or identified); The number, positions and key conditions of service (including levels of remuneration) of staff to be employed, specifying which positions will be recruited locally from the conservancy at the outset and setting dated targets for the filling of all positions by conservancy members; 2.5.4 Empowerment Plan The Grants Application must provide an Empowerment Plan consisting of some or all of the following elements: the conservancy ownership component; strategic representation; an employment plan; a skills development plan; a local procurement and entrepreneurial support plan; any other commitments such as social investments in health, education or other contributions to local development. SECTION 3 BUDGET A notional budget for the proposed action must be completed according to the format presented below. Different and more lines can be added under each budget line if needed, this is merely an example. Matching funds must be clearly indicated in the budget. Note: Care must be taken with respect to the eligible and ineligible costs as detailed in point 4.1.5 of the CDSGF Manual. Item Unit No of units Unit cost Human Resources 1 (i.e. professional fees) 49 Conservancy match funds Private sector contribution MCA-N TOTAL grant COST (N$) amount requested Item Unit No of units Unit cost Conservancy match funds Private sector contribution MCA-N TOTAL grant COST (N$) amount requested 2 Travel 3 Material, Equipment and Supplies 4 Operational costs 5 Workshops Other Allowable 6 Costs (please define in detail) Grand Total This Table can be presented in landscape format. If required, additional rows can be added by the Applicant. SECTION 4 4.1 APPLICANT INFORMATION Declaration by the applicant Similarly a signed declaration must be submitted by the lead Conservancy Chairperson. It should also appear on an appropriate letterhead. The declaration should include the following: I the undersigned, being the person responsible in the applicant organisation for the proposed action/s, certify that the information given is true and correct and the time of submission. Name: ___________________________________________________________ Position: __________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________ Place: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________ 50 Appendix IV: CDSGF Marketing Grants Application Form This Grants Application Form must be completed in full; failure to do so will result in the Grants Application not being considered. The maximum length of each section must be adhered to. Grants Applications must be completed in Calibri font, size 12. In addition all the documentation outlined in section 6.1.2 of the main document must be provided or explanations regarding the lack of documentation or draft forms etc. SECTION 1 APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF THE CONSERVANCY: ______________________________________________ PROPOSED ACTION TITLE: __________________________________________________ ACTION LOCATION/S: _____________________________________________________ TOTAL COST OF THE ACTION (N$): ___________________________________________ MATCH FUNDING FROM CONSERVANCY (N$): _________________________________ CONTRIBUTION FROM THE PARTNER (N$): ____________________________________ AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM MCA-N (N$): ____________________________________ DURATION OF THE ACTION: ________________________________________________ PROPOSED STARTING DATE: ________________________________________________ TYPE OF ORGANISATION & REGISTRATION No: _________________________________ COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS: ________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON/S: _____________________________________________________ POSITION IN ORGANISATION: _______________________________________________ TEL: ___________________________________________________________________ FAX: ___________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT* _________________________________ DATE: ________________________________ * By signing this Grants Application Form, you certify that the content contained herein is a true reflection of the facts. 51 SECTION 2 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION Summary of the Action/Activities (Max. 15 lines) Provide a brief summary of the proposed marketing activity, including (i) the aim of the Action; (ii) the intended impact and beneficiaries; and (iii) the main Activities. 2.2 Justification (Max. 2 pages) Please provide information on the following: 2.3 2.2.1 Statement of the conservancy tourism products’ current situation in relation to the existing and future tourism enterprises, low occupancy rates and current marketing strategies and why these are not adequate. 2.2.2 Describe the marketing activities to be supported under this Grant Grants Application. 2.2.3 Describe how the proposed activities will lead to increased occupancies of the established tourism enterprises or use of tourism businesses. 2.2.4 Does this Grants Application link with on-going marketing interventions such the NTB website, the proposed Conservancy Tourism website, NACOBTA activities? 2.2.5 An explanation of why a CDSGF Grant is needed for this proposed Action and how will this Grant will build capacity of conservancy members to become directly evolved in marketing activities in the future e.g. capacity built in young members of the conservancy to add content to the website? 2.2.6 An explanation of how the proposed action has been developed including, for example, the level of participation of the target group/s, if applicable. 2.2.7 A list of the target groups and number of direct and indirect beneficiaries, and how it will benefit them. 2.2.8 The inherent or potential risks involved that could negatively impact on the success of the Action, and any mitigation measures proposed. Description of Activities (Max. 1 page) What Activities will be carried out to produce the proposed results? The information should be contained in the format of the following Table: 52 Title of the Activity 2.4 Description of the Activity Responsible person Methodology (Max. 2 pages) Please provide information on the following: 2.5 2.4.1 The method for implementing the proposed Activities and the justification for this methodology 2.4.2 Experience of the Conservancy with the implementation of similar projects. 2.4.3 List the partners and the role of each partner in the proposed Action. Workplan Please provide a detailed workplan for YEAR 1 of the proposed Action. The workplan should not specify actual dates, but should indicate “month 1”, “month 2” etc. It is important that this action plan be as accurate as possible as it will form the basis for the completion of the deliverables schedule against which payments will be made, and this will be incorporated into the Grant Agreement. However, it is also advised to retain a degree of flexibility when completing the Table. Only the main Activity titles should be indicated in the Table based on those listed in Section 2.4 above; shade in the months per Activity as applicable. Insert additional rows if needed. WORK PLAN – YEAR 1 MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IMPLEMENTING RESPONSIBILITY ACTIVITY TITLE 1. 2 53 SECTION 3 BUDGET A detailed budget for the proposed action must be completed according to the format presented below. More lines can be added under each budget line if needed, this is merely an example. Item 1 Personnel costs (i.e. professional fees) 2 Travel 3 Material, Equipment and Supplies 4 Operational costs 5 Workshops 6 Other allowable costs (please define in detail) Unit ConserNo of vancy Unit cost units match funds Private sector contribution MCA-N grant TOTAL amount COST (N$) requested Grand Total This Table can be presented in landscape format. If required, additional rows can be added by the Applicant. SECTION 4 4.1 DECLARATIONS Declaration by the applicant Similarly a signed declaration must be submitted by the lead Conservancy Chairperson. It should also appear on an appropriate letterhead. 54 The declaration should include the following: I the undersigned, being the person responsible in the applicant organisation for the proposed action/s, certify that the information given is true and correct and the time of submission. Name: ___________________________________________________________ Position: __________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________ Place: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________ 55 Appendix V: CDSGF Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Grants Application Form This Grants Application Form must be completed in full; failure to do so will result in the Grants Application not being considered. The maximum length of each section must be adhered to. Grants Applications must be completed in Calibri font, size 12. In addition all the documentation outlined in section 6.1.2 of the main document must be provided or explanations regarding the lack of documentation or draft forms etc. SECTION 1 APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF THE CONSERVANCY: ______________________________________________ PROPOSED ACTION TITLE: __________________________________________________ ACTION LOCATION/S : _____________________________________________________ TOTAL COST OF THE ACTION (N$): ___________________________________________ MATCH FUNDING FROM CONSERVANCY (N$): _________________________________ AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM MCA-N (N$): ____________________________________ DURATION OF THE ACTION: ________________________________________________ PROPOSED STARTING DATE: ________________________________________________ TYPE OF ORGANISATION & REGISTRATION No: _________________________________ COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS: ________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON/S: _____________________________________________________ POSITION IN ORGANISATION: _______________________________________________ TEL: ___________________________________________________________________ FAX: ___________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT* __________________________________ DATE : _______________________________ * By signing this Grants Application Form, you certify that the content contained herein is a true reflection of the facts. 56 SECTION 2 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION Summary of the Action/Activities (Max. 15 lines) Provide a brief summary including (i) the aim of the Action; (ii) the intended impact and beneficiaries; and (iii) the main Activities. 2.2 Justification (Max. 2 pages) Please provide information on the following: 2.3.1 Statement of the problem. What is the specific Human Wildlife Conflict issue that the conservancy is trying to address. What are the specific objectives of the proposed grantfunded activity? How is this problem negatively impacting on the human settlement activities, communal resources such as water points or revenue generating activities. If possible, please define the value of the losses to crops, water point damage, and livestock. How many people are currently being affected by this problem. Explain the dynamics of wildlife migration and conflict related behaviour in this conservancy. The relevance of the Action to towards mitigating human wildlife conflict in conservancies and link back to poverty alleviation. How will the proposed Grant activity address the problem being experienced and specifically describe how resolving this problem will enhance livelihoods and revenue generating activities. What is the value of the assets that will be protected against the value of the losses being experienced such as crops, water point e.g.. 2.3.2 How many conservancy members will benefit from the proposed intervention? 2.3.3 An explanation of how the proposed Action has been developed including, for example, the level of participation of the target group/s, if applicable. 2.3.4 A list of the target groups and number of direct and indirect beneficiaries, and how it will benefit them. 57 2.3.5 The inherent or potential risks involved that could negatively impact on the success of the Action, and any mitigation measures proposed. 2.4. Description of Activities (Max. 1 page) What Activities will be carried out to produce the proposed results? The information should be contained in the format of the Table below. Title of the Activity 2.5 Description of the Activity Responsible person Methodology (Max. 2 pages) Please provide information on the following: 2.5.1 The method for implementing the proposed Activities and the rationale for selecting this methodology 2.5.2 Experience with the implementation of similar projects. 2.5.3 List the partners, if any, and the role of each partner in the proposed Action. 2.6 Environmental and Social Assessment (Max. 2 pages) What are the potentially significant environmental and social impacts (both positive and negative) of the proposed Actions? Please describe each impact in detail. Also consider in your response any potential long-term impacts. If any of the above impacts are negative, please describe what mitigation measure are proposed. Please note that the information provided must be as truthful and reliable as possible. The Applicant is accountable for any inaccurate and misleading information that may be provided in this questionnaire. Based on the information provided, MCA-N in consultation with MET DEA will decide if a more comprehensive Environmental and Social Assessment is required. Based on the information provided, MCA-N will decide if a more comprehensive Environmental and Social Assessment is required. NB: If this application involves infrastructure, the applicant must also complete the Environmental Screening Checklist attached to this Grants Application form (Appendix IX) 2.7 Workplan Please provide a detailed workplan for YEAR 1 of the proposed Action. The workplan should not specify actual dates, but should indicate “month 1”, “month 2” etc. It is important that this action plan be as accurate as possible as it will form the basis for the completion of the 58 deliverables schedule against which payments will be made, and this will be incorporated into the Grant Agreement. However, it is also advised to retain a degree of flexibility when completing the Table. Only the main Activity titles should be indicated in the Table based on those listed in Section 2.4 above; shade in the months per Activity as applicable. Insert additional rows if needed. WORK PLAN – YEAR 1 MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IMPLEMENTING RESPONSIBILITY ACTIVITY TITLE 1. 2 SECTION 3 BUDGET A detailed budget for the proposed action must be completed according to the format presented below. More lines can be added under each budget line if needed, this is merely an example. Item 1 Personnel Costs (i.e. professional fees) 2 Travel 3 Material, Equipment and Supplies 4 Operational costs 5 Workshops 6 Other Allowable Costs (define in detail) Unit ConserNo of vancy Unit cost units match funds Grand Total 59 Private sector contribution MCA-N grant TOTAL amount COST (N$) requested This Table can be presented in landscape format. If required, additional rows can be added by the Applicant. SECTION 4 4.1 DECLARATIONS Declaration by the applicant Similarly a signed declaration must be submitted by the lead Conservancy Chairperson. It should also appear on an appropriate letterhead. The declaration should include the following: I the undersigned, being the person responsible in the applicant organisation for the proposed action/s, certify that the information given is true and correct and the time of submission. Name:____________________________________________________________ Position:__________________________________________________________ Signature:_________________________________________________________ Place:____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________ 60 Appendix VI: CDSGF Wildlife Translocation Grants Application Form This Grants Application Form must be completed in full; failure to do so will result in the Grants Application not being considered. The maximum length of each section must be adhered to. Grants Applications must be completed in Calibri font, size 12. In addition all the documentation outlined in section 6.1.2 of the main document must be provided or explanations regarding the lack of documentation or draft forms etc. SECTION 1 APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF THE CONSERVANCY: ______________________________________________ PROPOSED ACTION TITLE: __________________________________________________ ACTION LOCATION/S : _____________________________________________________ TOTAL COST OF THE ACTION (N$): ___________________________________________ MATCH FUNDING FROM CONSERVANCY (N$): _________________________________ AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM MCA-N (N$): ____________________________________ DURATION OF THE ACTION: ________________________________________________ PROPOSED STARTING DATE: ________________________________________________ TYPE OF ORGANISATION & REGISTRATION No: _________________________________ COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS: ________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON/S: _____________________________________________________ POSITION IN ORGANISATION: _______________________________________________ TEL: ___________________________________________________________________ FAX: ___________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT* __________________________________ DATE : _______________________________ * By signing this Grants Application Form, you certify that the content contained herein is a true reflection of the facts. 61 SECTION 2 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION Summary of the Action/Activities (Max. 15 lines) Provide a brief description of the proposed activities including (i) the aim of the Action; (ii) the intended impact and beneficiaries; and (iii) the main Activities. 2.2 Justification (Max. 4 pages) Please provide information on the following: 2.2.1 Describe the current wildlife situation and wildlife based tourism currently in your conservancy? 2.2.2 Define the relevance of the action in relation to increasing wildlife numbers and increasing the viability of tourism products in conservancies. What are the specific species requested and why? 2.2.3 What new non-consumptive and consumptive tourism activities could be developed that feature these species? 2.2.4 Are these species being applied for part of the MET annual translocation planning? 2.2.5 Does your conservancy have suitable habitats for these species? 2.2.6 Are these species present in your conservancy or were they present in the past? 2.2.6 Are there existing water sources accessible to wildlife in your conservancy? 2.2.7 Does your conservancy have adequate management capacity to ensure survival of these species? 2.2.7 Does your conservancy have adequate management capacity to ensure an efficient post release monitoring of these species? 2.2.8 Does the conservancy have a game management plan and will the translocated game become part of the established management plan. 2.2.9 An explanation of why a CDSGF Grant is needed for this proposed Action. Will Grant funds applied for be for purchase, transport, release, infrastructure or any other need? 2.2.10 An explanation of how the proposed Action has been developed including, for example, the level of participation of the target group/s, if applicable. 62 2.2.11 A list of the target groups and number of direct and indirect beneficiaries, and how it will benefit them. (You will need to expand on and quantify this in Section 3.1 below.) 2.2.12 The inherent or potential risks involved that could negatively impact on the success of the Action, and any mitigation measures proposed e.g. increased Human Wildlife Conflict as a result of translocations. 2.3. Description of Activities (Max. 1 page) What Activities will be carried out to produce the proposed results? The information should be contained in the following Table: Title of the Activity 2.4 Description of the Activity Responsible person Methodology (Max. 2 pages) Please provide information on the following: 2.4.1 The method for implementing the proposed Activities and the rationale for using this method. 2.4.2 Experience with the implementation of similar projects. 2.4.3 List the partners, if any, and the role of each partner in the proposed Action. 2.5 Environmental and Social Assessment (Max. 2 pages) What are the potentially significant environmental and social impacts (both positive and negative) of the proposed Actions? Please describe each impact in detail. Also consider in your response any potential long-term impacts. If any of the above impacts are negative, please describe what mitigation measure are proposed. Please note that the information provided must be as truthful and reliable as possible. The Applicant is accountable for any inaccurate and misleading information that may be provided in this questionnaire. Based on the information provided, MCA-N will decide if a more comprehensive Environmental and Social Assessment is required. 63 NB: Please use the Environmental Screening Checklist attached to this Grants Application form (Appendix IV) 2.6 Workplan Please provide a detailed workplan for YEAR 1 of the proposed Action. The workplan should not specify actual dates, but should indicate “month 1”, “month 2” etc. It is important that this action plan be as accurate as possible as it will form the basis for the completion of the deliverables schedule against which payments will be made, and this will be incorporated into the Grant Agreement. However, it is also advised to retain a degree of flexibility when completing the Table. Only the main Activity titles should be indicated in the Table based on those listed in Section 2.4 above; shade in the months per Activity as applicable. Insert additional rows if needed. WORK PLAN – YEAR 1 MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IMPLEMENTING RESPONSIBILITY ACTIVITY TITLE 1. 2 SECTION 3 BUDGET A detailed budget for the proposed action must be completed according to the format presented below. More lines can be added under each budget line if needed, this is merely an example. Item 1 Personnel Costs (i.e. professional fees) 2 Travel 3 Material, Equipment and Supplies Unit ConserNo of vancy Unit cost units match funds 64 Private sector contribution MCA-N grant TOTAL amount COST (N$) requested Item 4 Operational costs 5 Workshops 6 Other Allowable Costs (define in detail) Unit ConserNo of vancy Unit cost units match funds Private sector contribution MCA-N grant TOTAL amount COST (N$) requested Grand Total This Table can be presented in landscape format. If required, additional rows can be added by the Applicant. SECTION 4 4.1 DECLARATIONS Declaration by the applicant Similarly a signed declaration must be submitted by the lead Conservancy Chairperson. It should also appear on an appropriate letterhead. The declaration should include the following: I the undersigned, being the person responsible in the applicant organisation for the proposed action/s, certify that the information given is true and correct and the time of submission. Name:____________________________________________________________ Position:__________________________________________________________ Signature:_________________________________________________________ Place:_______________________________ _____________________________ Date:_____________________________________________________________ 65 Appendix VII: CDSGF Pre – Grant Funding for Professional Services (JV’s onlyCommunity owned accommodation establishments, and/or where No Operator has been Identified Yet) Application Form This Pre- Grant Fund for Professional Services Application Form must be completed in full; failure to do so will result in the Grants Application not being considered. The maximum length of each section must be adhered to. Grants Applications must be completed in Calibri font, size 12. In addition all the documentation outlined in section 6.1.2 of the main document must be provided or explanations regarding the lack of documentation or draft forms etc. SECTION 1 APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF THE CONSERVANCY: ______________________________________________ PROPOSED ACTION TITLE: __________________________________________________ ACTION LOCATION/S: ______________________________________________________ AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM MCA-N (N$): _____________________________________ DURATION OF THE ACTION: _________________________________________________ PROPOSED STARTING DATE: _________________________________________________ TYPE OF ORGANISATION & REGISTRATION No: __________________________________ CONTACT PERSON/S: _______________________________________________________ POSITION IN ORGANIZATION: ________________________________________________ TEL: _____________________________________________________________________ FAX: ____________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT* _________________________________ DATE: __________________________________ * By signing this Grants Application Form, you certify that the content contained herein is a true reflection of the facts. 66 SECTION 2 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION Summary of the Action/Activities (Max. 15 lines) Give a brief summary of the proposed action including (i) the outcome of the Action; (ii) the intended impact and beneficiaries; (iii) the main Activities; and (iv) the applicable theme associated with this application. 2.2 Justification (Max. 2 pages) Please provide information on the following: 2.2.1 A justification for the professional services to be supported through the pregrant agreement including issues of demand for this product, marketability and competitiveness, and how this information will be used to support the Grant Application. 2.2.2 A description of the site location i.e. whether the product is close to a National park, important scenic features which make the product a viable tourism option. 2.2.3 An indication whether there is an incumbent operator or no operator, leasehold or Lodge Concession rights. 2.2.4 Define the contribution of the conservancy and/or the private sector partner (if applicable) or describe why a match contribution has not been made. SECTION 3 3.1 DECLARATIONS Declaration by the applicant Similarly a signed declaration must be submitted by the lead Conservancy Chairperson. It should also appear on an appropriate letterhead. 67 The declaration should include the following: I the undersigned, being the person responsible in the applicant organisation for the proposed action/s, certify that the information given is true and correct and the time of submission. Name: ___________________________________________________________ Position: __________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________ Place: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________ 68 Appendix VIII: Grant Agreement MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE ACCOUNT NAMIBIA CONSERVANCY DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT GRANT FUND (CDSGF) GRANT AGREEMENT This GRANT AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”), dated [day, month, year] is made between MCANamibia (hereinafter called “Grantor”), and [Grantee], [type of entity] (hereinafter called “Grantee”) (each, a “Party”, and together, the “Parties”). PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”), and [insert name of country] (the “Government”) executed the Millennium Challenge Compact on [insert date] (as amended or otherwise modified from time to time, the “Compact”) that sets forth the general terms and conditions on which MCC will provide funding of up to US$[insert amount] (“MCC Funding”) to the Government for a Millennium Challenge Account programme (the “Programme”) to reduce poverty through economic growth in [insert name of country]. Unless otherwise stated, all capitalized terms used but not defined herein will have the meanings given such terms in the Compact. WHEREAS, under the Compact, Grantor has been designated by the Government to oversee, manage and implement the Program, which includes [describe compact project that is relevant to the Grant being made]. WHEREAS, Grantee [describe Grantee’s work and how it relates to compact project, including whether Grantee will be an implementer of the part of the project or the work of its mission complements the project objective]. WHEREAS, Grantor desires to make a Grant to Grantee for the purpose of carrying out the activities described herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and subject to the terms herein, Grantee will provide a Grant to Grantee on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. ARTICLE I – AGREEMENT EFFECTIVENESS AND TERM Section 1.1 (a) Grant. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Grantor will make available to Grantee an amount not to exceed [insert Grant amount] [United States dollars] (the 69 “Grant”) to carry out the activities described in Section A (the “Grant Project”). In consideration of the funds received, Grantee will perform the Grant Project on the terms provided in this Agreement. (b) The goal of the Grant Project is [describe objective of the Grant]. (c) Total Grantor funding for the Grant Project is limited to the Grant. Each disbursement of the Grant will be subject to the availability of funds to Grantor for that purpose at the time of the disbursement. Unless Grantor and MCC agree otherwise in writing, the Grant may be used only for expenditures for the Grant Project. (d) If Grantee chooses to continue the Grant Project after Grant funding has been exhausted, Grantee understands that Grantor makes no commitment of funding beyond the amounts available under the terms of this Agreement. Unless Grantor agrees otherwise in writing, Grantor will not authorize disbursement of the Grant for activities undertaken or for costs incurred after the Expiration Date, as defined below. Section 1.2 Term. This Agreement will be effective as of the date first written above upon signature by the Parties, and will expire on [insert end date for Grant term] (the “Expiration Date”) unless further extended by written agreement of the Parties, or earlier terminated in accordance with Article IV. [note this date should not extend beyond 45 days before the Compact end date to allow sufficient time for final payment to be disbursed.] ARTICLE II – DISBURSEMENT Section 2.1 Type of Grant. The Grant is a Fixed-Obligation Grant and Grantor will disburse the Grant amount to Grantee based on the successful performance and achievement of the proposed activities and milestones. [insert the following sentence if an initial advance will be made: Upon [describe event that will trigger this], Grantor will transfer to the account of Grantee [specify amount or make reference to it in Section B] as an advance to cover costs for activities associated with achieving the first milestone. Describe how the advance will be liquidated.] Section B of Annex I sets forth a schedule of each disbursement of the Grant that is payable to Grantee under this Agreement, the milestone the Grantee must achieve to obtain payment of each disbursement, and the documentation that Grantee must submit to Grantor to evidence such achievement. At the time Grantor confirms completion of each milestone, the fixed amounts identified as corresponding to each such milestone on Section B of Annex I will be transferred to the account of Grantee. Section 2.2 Financial Plan. The budget for permitted costs and expenses or other direct charges in connection with this Agreement is set forth in Annex II (the “Budget and Financial Plan”). Only costs identified in the Budget and Financial Plan will be eligible for payment. All costs charged against the Grant will be at reasonable prices from responsible sources and subject to the MCC Cost Principles for Government Affiliates Involved in MCC Compact 70 Implementation. The Grantee is permitted to move budget amounts up to 10% of the total Grant amount within expense categories in the Budget and Financial Plan by notifying the Grantor, and across expense categories with prior approval of the Grantor. Except as provided in this Agreement, Grantee will not be entitled to any fees or other remuneration, directly or indirectly, for performing the Grant Project under this Agreement. Section 2.3 [Conditions Precedent to Disbursement of the Grant. Unless the Parties agree otherwise in writing, before the first disbursement of the Grant, Grantee must furnish to Grantor, in form and substance satisfactory to Grantor: (a) [List evidence or documents required to be furnished to show that Grantee has met underlying conditions, e.g., registered, executed underlying agreements, opened bank account.] (b) [etc.]] Section 2.4 Disbursement Requests. (a) Requests for disbursement must be accompanied by all invoices and other proof sufficient to Grantor of Grantee’s satisfaction or completion of each milestone the satisfaction of which was a condition to permit the requested disbursement [No advance payments will be permitted, unless otherwise agreed to by Grantor and MCC.][delete preceding sentence if future payments are anticipated in the Budget] All disbursement requests and supporting documentation must be in form and substance satisfactory to Grantor. Grantee must submit a final request for payment no later than 45 days after the Expiration Date or, if applicable, Termination under Article IV, of this Agreement. (b) Grantor will make all disbursements to Grantee under this Agreement to the following account: Bank Name: Address: SWIFT: ABA: Account Name: Account #: (c) All payments by Grantor under this Agreement will be subject to the availability of funds under the Compact. Section 2.5 [Assets, Interest and Income. Unless otherwise provided in writing by MCC or by Grantor, all assets, interest and income derived by virtue of entering this Agreement will 71 remain the property of Grantee during the term of this Agreement and thereafter and must be used in support of the Grant.] Section 2.6 Grantee Contribution. Grantee will be responsible for any costs not otherwise funded under this Agreement that are related to carrying out the terms hereof and that are necessary to achieve the purpose of the Grant. Section 2.7 VAT Payments. The Grantee recognises that under the provisions of the Compact, Section 2.8, any project or activity implemented under the Program, including the Grant, shall be free from payment of any taxes, including Value Added Tax (“VAT”). The Grantee further recognises that a Tax Agreement was signed pursuant to the Compact to enable the monthly reimbursement of VAT to the Grantor for project expenditures. The Grantee hereby agrees to co-operate with the Grantor to seek reimbursement of all VAT payments made with the Grant funding. The process of VAT reimbursement is attached as Annex [____]. Section 2.8 Procurement. [insert one of the following alternatives based on the particular grant arrangement: Alternative 1: In addition to following the procurement provisions set out in Annex III Section C of this Agreement, the specific procedures defined below shall apply for the procurement of all goods, services and works related to this Agreement: (a) The Grantor, on behalf of and as requested by the Grantee, will execute procurements of all VAT related goods and services. The Grantor will execute all procurements according to a procurement plan and will debit the Grant and the Grantee’s next disbursement with the actual cost of the goods or services. This arrangement will remain in force until the Parties agree on alternative procurement arrangements. (b) The Grantee will submit to the Grantor a quarterly procurement progress report reflecting all procurement details for the previous quarter in the format specified by the Grantor. Alternative 2: In addition to following the procurement provisions set out in Annex III Section C of this Agreement, the Grantee will also follow the specific procedures defined below for the procurement of goods, services and works related to this Agreement: (a) The Grantee will be responsible for procurements in respect of this Grant. The Grantor will provide the necessary procurement training and mentoring to staff of Grantee. (b) For all procurements equal to or greater than N$ 50,000, the Grantee will submit the following documents to the Grantor for review and approval before proceeding with the next step in the procurement process: 72 i. A quarterly procurement plan with each disbursement request, along with a report reflecting all procurement details for the previous quarter in the format specified by the Grantor. ii. The solicitation documents prior to the advertisement of the procurement. iii. Shortlists of vendors where procurements are not publically advertised prior to distribution of such documents. iv. Bid evaluation reports and recommendations for award prior to the issuing of purchase orders or award of contracts. v. Final contract documents where standard purchase orders are not used. (c) The Grantor may raise the N$50,000 threshold mentioned above at its discretion based on performance of the Grantee.] Section 2.9 Unauthorized Use. The Grantee will be liable for repaying any Grant funds found to have been used for any purpose not authorized under this Agreement or otherwise in violation of any of the terms of this Agreement. ARTICLE III – REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS Section 3.1 Representations. Each Party represents and warrants to the other Party, as of the date of this Agreement, that (a) it has the power and authority to execute, deliver, and perform its obligations under this Agreement and each other agreement, certificate, or instrument contemplated hereby; (b) the execution, delivery and performance by such Party of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein will not violate any applicable law or regulation or any of its other contractual obligations; (c) no consent, approval, registration or filing with or any other action by any person, entity or governmental authority is required in connection with such Party’s execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement; and (d) this Agreement is a valid, binding and legally enforceable obligation of such Party. Section 3.2 Covenants. In the performance of its duties and obligations under this Agreement, Grantee will comply with (a) all of the relevant terms of this Agreement, including any Annexes hereto, (b) all applicable laws, and (c) any guidelines, instructions or procedures provided by Grantor from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, Grantee agrees and understands that the provisions of the Annexes are an integral part of this Agreement and that, as with other sections of this Agreement, the provisions of each Annex are binding obligations of Grantee under this Agreement. ARTICLE IV – SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION 73 Section 4.1 Suspension. Grantor may, at any time and in its sole discretion, suspend the Grant by delivering a written suspension notice (“Suspension Notice”) to Grantee. In the event that any suspension is related to Grantee’s failure to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, Grantee will have 30 days to cure the breach or failure for which such Suspension Notice was issued; provided that if Grantee fails to cure such breach or failure within the 30day period, Grantor may terminate this Agreement. During any suspension period, neither Grantor nor Grantee will disburse or claim any Grant funds, and Grantor will not be required to perform its obligations hereunder. If Grantor determines, in its sole discretion, to resume the Grant, Grantor will deliver to Grantee written notice of the end of such suspension and the resumption of the Grant. Section 4.2 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated prior to the Expiration Date: (a) By either Party giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other Party; (b) By Grantor, with immediate effect, (i) if Grantee fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, and such failure continues for 30 days after Grantor delivers notice to Grantee of the failure; (ii) in accordance with Section 4.1 following a period of suspension; (iii) if Grantor determines that Grantee is no longer able to implement the Grant Project; or (iv) Grantee (1) is terminated or dissolved as a conservancy under Namibian law, or (2) takes steps to place itself, or is placed, in liquidation, whether voluntary or compulsory or under judicial management in either case whether provisionally or finally, or (3) permits execution by way of judicial disposal to be levied against any of Grantee’s assets or income; (c) Section 4.3 If, under its terms, the Compact expires or any event occurs that would permit the termination of the Compact. Effect of Expiration or Termination (a) Upon termination of this Agreement under Section 4.2 Grantee will immediately transfer any Grant proceeds in Grantee’s possession and any income or assets derived with the Grant to Grantor. (b) Upon termination of this Agreement under Section 4.2(b), any amounts due but unpaid under Section 4.3(a) will accrue interest at a rate of [__ per cent] [per ___ [day][month][annum]] starting on the date after any applicable cure period. (c) Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, the Parties will cooperate to close out all matters related to this Agreement in accordance with the procedures to be stipulated in the sole discretion of the Grantor, which might include but might not be limited to, arrangements regarding return of assets acquired from Grant 74 funding, cash transfer of Grant funding, return of documentation, and confidentiality issues. (d) Upon any termination or expiration of this Agreement, Grantor’s obligation to make the Grant is terminated. (e) Termination of this Agreement will not relieve a Party of obligations imposed upon such Party by statute or regulation or by this Agreement. (f) All the remedies provided under this Article IV are cumulative and in addition to any other remedies available to the Parties under applicable law. ARTICLE V – MISCELLANEOUS Section 5.1 Notices and Communications. Any document or communication required or submitted by either Party to the other under this Agreement must be in writing and, except as otherwise agreed, in English, and will be delivered either by hand, by registered mail or by facsimile (with confirmation copy sent by registered mail). All such communications will be deemed to be received by the other party upon the actual receipt or actual delivery. For this purpose, the address of each Party is set forth below. Grantor: Attention: [_________] [_________] [_________] Facsimile: [_________] Email: [_________] Grantee: Attention: [_________] [_________] [_________] Facsimile: [_________] Email: [_________] Section 5.2 Intellectual Property. Grantee may copyright, patent, or secure a trademark for any work, device, instrument, or other intangible property (each, the “Intellectual 75 Property”) right that was developed, or for which ownership was purchased, under this Agreement. Grantor, the Government, and MCC reserve a royalty-free, or otherwise, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to produce, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use any and all Intellectual Property for their individual purposes, and to authorize others to do so for the duration of the Compact. Section 5.3 Assignment. Grantee may not assign, delegate or otherwise transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of Grantor. Section 5.4 Governing Law. The laws of Namibia will govern the validity, interpretation and performance of this Agreement and the courts of Namibia will have exclusive jurisdiction. Section 5.5 Severability. The invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any of the provisions of this Agreement will not affect the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. Section 5.6 No Waiver. The failure of either Party to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right, power or remedy consequent upon a breach hereof will not constitute a waiver by such party to require strict and punctual compliance with each and every provision of this Agreement. Section 5.7 Entire Agreement and Variation. This document embodies the entire Agreement between the parties hereto. No amendment of any of the provisions of this Agreement will be of any force or effect unless in writing and signed by both Parties. No waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement will be of any force or effect unless in writing and signed by the Party against whom enforcement is sought. Section 5.8 Annexes. Each annex, exhibit, schedule, section, appendix and attachment to this Agreement is incorporated herein and constitutes an integral part of this Agreement. Section 5.9 Dispute Resolution. Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement that cannot be settled amicably within thirty (30) days after receipt by one Party of the other Party’s request for such amicable settlement may be submitted by either Party for settlement by arbitration under the rules of arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (the “Rules”) by a tribunal composed of three arbitrators appointed in accordance with the Rules. The arbitration will be held in Windhoek, Namibia and will be conducted in English. The arbitration panel will maintain a written transcript of the proceedings or hearings and render a reasoned written award. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS ON NEXT PAGE 76 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor and Grantee, each acting through its duly authorized representative, have caused this Agreement to be executed in their names and delivered as of the date first written above. [Grantor] [Grantee] BY: ___________________________ BY: ___________________________ NAME: ___________________________ NAME: ___________________________ TITLE: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER TITLE: ___________________________ 77 ANNEX I SECTION A GRANT PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. BACKGROUND 2. AGREEMENT OBJECTIVES 3. EXPECTED RESULTS OF THE GRANT PROJECT Grantee will endeavour to manage the Grant Project to achieve the following results by the end of the term of this Agreement: 4. 5. [...] COORDINATION a. Grantee b. Grantor c. [other party] WORKPLAN SECTION B FINANCIAL PLAN This Section B sets forth the milestones or requirements for payment of each disbursement of the Grant under this Agreement. A milestone will be provided for each line item of the Budget. In the case of an absent a milestone, the Grantor’s written consent will be required to permit the disbursement of a line item detailed below. Description Milestone Amount (currency) 1. [Grant Project and Grant ProjectRelated Implementation] 2. [Administration] TOTAL ANNEX II Budget and Financial Plan 78 Date 79 ANNEX III GENERAL PROVISIONS The Grantor is the Millennium Challenge Account - Namibia, established under the National Planning Commission, tasked by the Government for the oversight and management of the implementation of the Compact on behalf of the Government and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of the Compact to eligible payments under this Agreement, provided that (a) such payments will only be made at the request of and on behalf of Grantor and as authorized by the Fiscal Agent, (b) MCC has no obligations to Grantee under the Compact or this Agreement, (c) such payments will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Compact, and (d) no party other than the Government and Grantor will derive any rights from the Compact or have any claim to MCC Funding. A. MCC 1. MCC Status. MCC is a United States Government corporation acting on behalf of the U.S. Government in the implementation of the Compact. As such, MCC has no liability under this Agreement, and is immune from any action or proceeding arising under or relating to this Agreement. In matters arising under or relating to this Agreement, MCC is not subject to the jurisdiction of the courts or any other juridical or other body of any jurisdiction. 2. MCC Reserved Rights. (a) Certain rights are expressly reserved to MCC under this Agreement, the Compact and other related Compact documents, including the right to approve the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as well as any amendments or modifications hereto, and the right to suspend or terminate this Agreement. (b) MCC, in reserving such rights under this Agreement, the Compact or other related Compact documents, has acted solely as a funding entity to assure the proper use of U.S. Government funds, and any decision by MCC to exercise or refrain from exercising these rights will be made as a funding entity in the course of funding the activity and will not be construed as making MCC a party to this Agreement. (c) MCC may, from time to time, exercise its rights, or discuss matters related to this Agreement with the Parties or the Government, as appropriate, jointly or separately, without thereby incurring any responsibility or liability to any party. (d) Any approval (or failure to approve) or exercise of (or failure to exercise) any rights by MCC will not bar the Government, Grantor, MCC or any other person or entity from asserting any right against Grantee, or relieve Grantee of any liability which Grantee might otherwise have to the Government, Grantor, MCC, or any other person or entity. For the purposes of this clause (d), MCC will be deemed to include any MCC officer, director, employee, affiliate, contractor, agent or representative. 80 3. Third-Party Beneficiary. MCC will be deemed to be a third party beneficiary under this Agreement. B. Limitations on the Use or Treatment of MCC Funding. The use and treatment of MCC Funding in connection with this Agreement does not, and will not, violate any limitations or requirements specified in the Compact or any other relevant agreement or Implementation Letter or applicable law or U.S. Government policy. A summary of the applicable provisions referenced in this paragraph may be found on the MCC website at: C. Procurement. Grantee will use its reasonable best efforts to ensure that all procurements of goods, services or works under, related to or in furtherance of this Agreement are conducted in a fair, open and competitive fashion, except as otherwise agreed by the parties hereto and MCC in writing. Grantee will comply with the eligibility requirements related to prohibited source or restricted party provisions in accordance with U.S. law, regulations and policy, applicable World Bank policies or guidelines and in accordance with other eligibility requirements as may be specified by MCC or Grantor. A summary of the applicable provisions referenced in this paragraph may be found on the MCC website at: D. Reports and Information; Access; Audits; Reviews. 1. Reports and Information. Grantee will maintain such books and records and provide such reports, documents, data or other information to Grantor in the manner and to the extent required by the Compact or related documents and as may be reasonably requested by Grantor from time to time in order to comply with its reporting requirements arising under the Compact or related documents. MCC may freely use any information it receives in any report or document provided to it in any way that MCC sees fit. The provisions of the Compact and related documents that are applicable to the Government in this regard will apply, mutatis mutandis, to Grantee as if Grantee were the Government under the Compact. A summary of the applicable provisions referenced in this paragraph may be found on the MCC website at: 5 Prior to finalizing this as a part of a specific agreement, confirm that it remains the proper link. 6 Prior to finalizing this as a part of a specific agreement, confirm that it remains the proper link. 81 2. Access; Audits and Reviews. Upon MCC’s request, Grantee will permit such access, audits, reviews and evaluations as provided in the Compact or related documents. The provisions of the Compact or related documents that are applicable to the Government with respect to access and audits will apply, mutatis mutandis, to Grantee as if Grantee were the Government under the Compact. A summary of the applicable provisions referenced in this paragraph may be found on the MCC website at: 3. Grants Application to Providers. Grantee will ensure the inclusion of the applicable audit, access and reporting requirements in its contracts or agreements with other providers in connection with this Agreement. A summary of the applicable requirements may be found on the MCC website at: E. Compliance with Anti- Corruption, Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Statutes and Other Restrictions. 1. Grantee will ensure that no payments have been or will be made by Grantee to any official of the Government, Grantor, or any third party (including any other government official) in connection with this Agreement in violation of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended (15 U.S.C. 78a et seq.) (the “FCPA”) or that would otherwise be in violation of the FCPA if the party making such payment were deemed to be a U.S. person or entity subject to the FCPA, or similar statute applicable to this Agreement, including any local laws. Grantee affirms that no payments have been or will be received by any official, employee, agent or representative of Grantee in connection with this Agreement in violation of the FCPA or that would otherwise be in violation of the FCPA if the party making such payment were deemed to be a U.S. person or entity subject to the FCPA, or similar statute applicable to this Agreement, including any local laws. 2. Grantee will not provide material support or resources directly or indirectly to, or knowingly permit MCC Funding to be transferred to, any individual, corporation or other entity that Grantee knows, or has reason to know, commits, attempts to commit, advocates, facilitates, or participates in any terrorist activity, or has committed, 7 Prior to finalizing this as a part of a specific agreement, confirm that it remains the proper link. 8 Prior to finalizing this as a part of a specific agreement, confirm that it remains the proper link. 9 Prior to finalizing this as a part of a specific agreement, confirm that it remains the proper link. 82 attempted to commit, advocated, facilitated or participated in any terrorist activity, including, but not limited to, the individuals and entities (i) on the master list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons maintained by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, which list is available at: (ii) on the consolidated list of individuals and entities maintained by the “1267 Committee” of the United Nations Security Council, (iii) on the list maintained on:, or (iv) on such other list as Grantor may request from time to time. For purposes of this provision, “material support and resources” includes currency, monetary instruments or other financial securities, financial services, lodging, training, expert advice or assistance, safe houses, false documentation or identification, communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances, explosives, personnel, transportation, and other physical assets, except medicine or religious materials. 3. Grantee will ensure that its activities under this Agreement comply with all applicable U.S. laws, regulations and executive orders regarding money laundering, terrorist financing, U.S. sanctions laws, restrictive trade practices, boycotts, and all other economic sanctions promulgated from time to time by means of statute, executive order, regulation or as administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or any successor governmental authority, including, 18 U.S.C. §1956, 18 U.S.C. §1957, 18 U.S.C. §2339A, 18 U.S.C. §2339B, 18 U.S.C. §2339C, 18 U.S.C. §981, 18 U.S.C. §982, Executive Order 13224, 15 C.F.R. Part 760, and those economic sanctions programs enumerated at 31 C.F.R. Parts 500 through 598 and will ensure that its activities under this Agreement comply with any policies and procedures for monitoring operations to ensure compliance, as may be established from time to time by MCC, Grantor, the Fiscal Agent, or the Bank, as may be applicable. Grantee will verify, or cause to be verified, appropriately any individual, corporation or other entity with access to or recipient of funds, which verification will be conducted in accordance with the procedures set out in the MCC Program Procurement Guidance paper entitled “Excluded Parties Verification Procedures in MCA Entity Program Procurements” that can be found on MCC’s website at Grantee will (A) conduct the monitoring referred to in this paragraph on at least a quarterly basis, or such other reasonable period as Grantor or MCC may request from time to time and (B) deliver a report of such periodic monitoring to Grantor with a copy to MCC. 4. Other restrictions on Grantee will apply as set forth in the Compact or related documents with respect to any activities in violation of other applicable U.S. laws, regulations, executive orders or policies, any misconduct injurious to MCC or Grantor, any activity contrary to the national security interests of the United States or any other activity that materially and adversely affects the ability of the Government or any other party to effectively implement, or ensure the effective implementation of, the Program 83 or any Project or to otherwise carry out its responsibilities or obligations under or in furtherance of the Compact or any related document or that materially and adversely affects the Program assets or any Permitted Account. F. Publicity Information and Marking 1. Grantee will cooperate with Grantor and the Government to provide the appropriate publicity to the goods, works and services provided under this Agreement, including identifying Program activity sites and marking Program assets as goods, works and services funded by the U.S. Government, acting through MCC, all in accordance with the MCC Standards for Corporate Marking and Branding, available on the MCC website at: provided, however, that any press release or announcement regarding MCC or the fact that MCC is funding the Program or any other publicity materials referencing MCC will be subject to MCC’s prior written approval and must be consistent with any instructions provided by MCC from time to time in relevant Implementation Letters. 2. Upon the termination or expiration of the Compact, Grantee will, upon MCC’s request, cause the removal of any such markings and any references to MCC in any publicity materials. G. Insurance. Grantee will obtain insurance or other protections appropriate to cover against risks or liabilities associated with performance of this Agreement. Grantee will be named as payee on any such insurance. Grantor and, at MCC’s request, MCC will be named as additional insureds on any such insurance or other guarantee, to the extent permissible under applicable laws. Grantee will ensure that any proceeds from claims paid under such insurance or any other form of guarantee will be used to replace or repair any loss or to pursue the procurement of the covered goods, works and services; provided, however, that at MCC’s election, such proceeds will be deposited in an account as designated by Grantor and acceptable to MCC or as otherwise directed by MCC. H. Conflict of Interest. Grantee will ensure that no officer, director, employee, affiliate, contractor, subcontractor, agent, advisor or representative of Grantee participates in the selection, award, administration or oversight of a contract, Grant or other benefit or transaction funded in whole or in part (directly or indirectly) by MCC Funding in connection with this Agreement, in which (i) the entity, the person, members of the person’s immediate family or household or his or her 84 business partners, or organizations controlled by or substantially involving such person or entity, has or have a financial or other interest or (ii) the person or entity is negotiating or has any arrangement concerning prospective employment, unless such person or entity has first disclosed in writing to the parties under this Agreement and MCC the conflict of interest and, following such disclosure, the parties to this Agreement agree in writing to proceed notwithstanding such conflict. Grantee will ensure that none of its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, contractors, subcontractors, agents, advisors or representatives involved in the selection, award, administration, oversight or implementation of any contract, Grant or other benefit or transaction funded in whole or in part (directly or indirectly) by MCC Funding in connection with this Agreement will solicit or accept from or offer to a third party or seek or be promised (directly or indirectly) for itself or for another person or entity any gift, gratuity, favour or benefit, other than items of de minimis value and otherwise consistent with such guidance as MCC may provide from time to time. Grantee will ensure that none of its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, contractors, subcontractors, agents, advisors or representatives engage in any activity which is, or gives the appearance of being, a conflict of interest in connection with this Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, Grantee will comply, and ensure compliance, with the applicable conflicts of interest and ethics policies of Grantor as provided by Grantor to Grantee. I. Inconsistencies In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and the Compact and/or the Program Implementation Agreement, the term(s) of the Compact and/or the Program Implementation Agreement, as applicable, will prevail. J. Other Provisions Grantee will abide by such other terms or conditions as may be specified by Grantor or MCC in connection with this Agreement. K. Flow-Through Provisions In any subcontract or sub-award entered into by Grantee, as permitted by this Agreement, Grantee will ensure the inclusion of all the provisions contained in paragraphs (A) through (J) above. 85 86 Appendix IX: Current List of MCC Supported Conservancies, April 2010 The following conservancies will be supported by MCC-funded technical assistance to promote the development of revenue-generating ecotourism enterprises. Region Conservancy Name Phase 1 Orupembe B 2 Sanitatas B 3 Ehirovipuka M 4 Omatendeka M Sesfontein B 6 Torra A 7 Puros A 8 Anabeb M 9 Marienfluss M 10 Okolonadhi-Ruacana B 11 Doro !Nawas B Uibasen-Twyfelfontein A 13 Khoadi Hoas M 14 Sorris Sorris M New: Vicinity of Namutoni or Okakuejo Gate, ENP* B Uukwaludhi B Sheya Uushona B King Nehale B New: Narawandu* B Muduva Nyangana B George Mukoya B Nyae-Nyae A N≠a-Jaqna B 5 Kunene North 12 Kunene South 15 Oshana South 16 Omusati 17 18 North Central 19 20 Kavango 21 22 Otzondjupa East 23 87 24 Kwando A 25 Mayuni A 26 Mashi A Wuparo B 28 Balyerwa A 29 Sikunga B 30 Impalila M 31 Salambala A 27 Caprivi Note: Phase of Development: B = Beginning, M = Mid-Level, A = Advanced * If these conservancies are not registered by September 2011, they will be replaced with Kasika and/or Kabulabula. 88 Appendix X: ESA Screening Checklist for CDSGF Grants Yes A General questions: 1 Is a license/permit required for the activity? 2 Is the project an extension of an existing activity? 3 Will the project involve land disturbance, site clearance, earthmoving, or underground workings? 4 Will the project involve re-zoning? 5 Will the project involve the transport, storage, handling, production or use of toxic or hazardous substances? 6 Will the project require the construction of facilities to bring power or water to the project? 7 Will new roads be constructed? 8 Will construction or operation of the project generate large volumes of traffic? 9 Will explosives be used? 10 Will the project have large water requirements? If yes, where will water be obtained? 11 Will the project have significant energy requirements? B 12 13 14 15 Environment – Will the subproject: Depend on water supply from an existing dam, boreholes, weir, or other water diversion structure? Risk causing the contamination of drinking water? Affect the quantity or quality of surface waters (e.g. rivers, streams, wetlands), or groundwater (e.g. wells)? Cause poor water drainage and increase the risk of water-related diseases such as malaria or bilharzia? 16 Harvest or exploit a significant amount of natural resources such as trees, fuel wood or water? 17 Introduce any alien invasive organism (plant and animal) that threatens the survival of indigenous species? 18 Be located within or nearby environmentally sensitive areas (e.g. intact natural forests, mangroves, wetlands) or threatened species? 19 Contaminate soil or groundwater? 89 No Yes 20 Create a risk of increased soil degradation or erosion? 21 Create a risk of increasing soil salinity? 22 Result in the production of solid or liquid waste, or result in an increase in waste production, during construction or operation? 23 Is the area already experiencing pollution or other environmental damage? 24 Will the project be located in or close to wetlands, rivers or any other water body (including groundwater)? 25 Generate emissions to the air from fuel combustion, production processes or other sources? 26 27 Involve disposal of waste through burning in the open air (e.g. slash material and construction debris)? Give smell / odour emission? 28 Require disposal of large volumes of sewage or industrial effluent? 29 Require channel dredging, straightening or crossing of streams? 30 Require the construction of piers or seawalls? 31 Require the construction of offshore structures? 32 Adversely affect the quality, flow or volume or surface or groundwater? 33 Result in loss or disturbance of valuable habitats or ecosystems? 34 Disturb wildlife migration, feeding or breeding? 35 Cause the introduction of alien (exotic) plants or animals (excluding livestock)? 36 Significantly increase the risk of veld fires? 37 Generate domestic or industrial wastes? 38 Cause noise, vibration, light, heat or other radiation into the environment? 39 Will the project involve regular use of substances for pest or weed control? C Land use, acquisition and access to resources – Will the subproject: 40 Require that land (public or private) be acquired (temporarily or permanently) for its development? 41 Use land that is currently occupied or regularly used for productive purposes (e.g. gardening, farming, pasture, fishing locations, forests) 42 Displace individuals, families or businesses? 90 No Yes 43 Result in the temporary or permanent loss of crops, fruit trees or household infrastructure such as granaries, outside toilets and kitchens? 44 Be located in or near an area where there is an important historical, archaeological or cultural heritage site? 45 Be located within or adjacent to any areas that are or may be protected by government (e.g. National park, national reserve, world heritage site) or local tradition, or that might be a natural habitat? 46 Decline the scenic and amenity value of the landscape? 47 Be located in a densely populated area or in the vicinity of residential property or other sensitive land uses (e.g. schools, hospitals, community facilities)? 48 Require any people to be moved or resettled? 49 Attract a large number of people into the area? 50 Result in demolition of structures or occupation of homes, gardens, businesses? 51 Result in existing population be physically divided as a result of the project? D Social : Indigenous people – Are there: 52 Any indigenous groups living within the boundaries of, or nearby, the project? 53 Members of these indigenous groups in the area who could benefit from the project? 54 Any plans to maintain a healthy workforce? 55 Will the sub-project provide any formal staff training and essential services such as housing, running water, electricity, cooking and ablution facilities? 56 Will the sub-project involve employment of large numbers of workers? 57 Has there been public concern about the proposed sub-project? 58 Will the sub-project have an impact on the neighbouring country? 59 Has the public been consulted yet about the sub-project? 60 Will the project be visible to the public? No Note: If the answer to any of the questions from 12-22 & 40-46 is “Yes”, Consult MCA-N for advise before any action is taken. 91 (Please note that a full Environmental & Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) might be required once the grant has been approved and prior to implementation) CERTIFICATION We certify that we have thoroughly examined all the potential adverse effects of this subproject. Upon approval of the grant, a full Environmental Impact Assessment and an Environmental Management Plan will be produced in consultation with MCA-N to avoid or minimize all adverse environmental and social impacts. Conservancy Chairperson (signature): ____________________________ Partner / his representative (signature): ____________________________ 92 Appendix XI: Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) Plan Each grantee will be required to develop a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (M&E Plan), outlining indicators which will be measured and reported against on a quarterly, annual, or end-of-grant basis, and which will be attached here as part of the grant agreement. The grantee will be required to report against the M&E Plan as part of the grant’s quarterly reporting requirements. The M&E Plan also will outline the data collection method for measuring each indicator, the grantee’s approach to ensuring data quality, which indicators will be disaggregated by gender in their reporting, and how the grantee will track the grant’s beneficiaries against the beneficiary estimates provided as part of the grant. M & E Template Activities Results* (Please include all activities listed in the Description of Activities section above) (the expected status after activity implementation) Indicator (how you will measure the achievement of results) Target (what the indicator is expect to achieve) Definition (define the indicator in detail) Reporting Interval (monthly, quarterly or annually) Data Source (Project reports, or other sources) Results* (the expected status after activity implementation) Objective 1. Activity 1. Activity 2 Note: This table can be presented in landscape format. If required, additional rows can be added by the Applicant. The Applicant is not necessarily required to have two activities per result as the template only makes use of an example; one may even have three activities that would lead to one result. One may also have one result which is measured by one indicator or more. *The Grantee shall work with MCA Namibia to document and monitor expected impacts and results, as outlined in the Expected Results and Impacts section above, through the M&E Plan. 93
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