COMMUNICATION MANUAL WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator DE020742 V1.3 © Copyright 2014 Lahti Precision Oy LAHTI Finland All rights reserved. Also partial copy of this manual is forbidden without a written permission of Lahti Precision Oy. Subject to change without notice. CONTENTS Page 3 CONTENTS 1. FIELDBUSES .................................................................................................................. 5 1.1. GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 5 1.2. STRUCTURE OF USER DATA ........................................................................................... 7 1.3. FIELDBUS DATA ............................................................................................................ 8 1.4. USER DATA DIAGNOSIS ............................................................................................... 13 2. PROFIBUS DP .............................................................................................................. 16 2.1. GUIDELINES FOR COMMISSIONING ................................................................................ 16 2.2. FUNCTIONALITY OF THE PROFIBUS CONNECTION ........................................................... 16 2.3. STRUCTURE OF USER DATA ......................................................................................... 17 2.4. PROFIBUS DP MASTER SETTINGS ................................................................................ 17 2.5. DIAGNOSIS AND TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................ 17 2.6. PROFIBUS MODULE (VPB8020) .................................................................................. 18 3. DEVICENET .................................................................................................................. 21 3.1. GUIDELINES FOR COMMISSIONING ................................................................................ 21 3.2. FUNCTIONALITY OF THE DEVICENET CONNECTION ......................................................... 21 3.3. STRUCTURE OF USER DATA ......................................................................................... 21 3.4. DEVICENET MASTER SETTINGS .................................................................................... 21 3.5. DIAGNOSIS AND TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................ 22 3.6. DEVICENET MODULE (VCB8020) ................................................................................ 22 4. MODBUS ....................................................................................................................... 26 4.1. GUIDELINES FOR COMMISSIONING ................................................................................ 26 4.2. FUNCTIONALITY OF THE MODBUS CONNECTION ............................................................. 26 4.3. DATA FORMAT ........................................................................................................... 26 4.4. FUNCTION CODES (FC) ............................................................................................... 27 4.5. SECURING TRANSMISSION ........................................................................................... 27 4.6. ERROR CODES ........................................................................................................... 28 4.7. SUBSCRIBER ADDRESSES ........................................................................................... 28 4.8. PROCESS VALUES ...................................................................................................... 28 4.9. EXAMPLE TELEGRAMS ................................................................................................ 29 4.10. MODBUS MASTER SETTINGS ...................................................................................... 29 4.11. DIAGNOSIS AND TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................................... 29 4.12. WA-BELT FIELDBUS VIEW ......................................................................................... 29 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 4 COMMUNICATION MANUAL 4.13. XES3 SERIAL INTERFACE .......................................................................................... 30 5. ETHERNET ................................................................................................................... 31 5.1. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................ 31 5.2. GENERAL TCP/IP SETTINGS ....................................................................................... 32 5.3. MODBUS/TCP............................................................................................................ 32 5.3.1. Guidelines for commissioning ............................................................................ 32 5.3.2. Ethernet functionality ......................................................................................... 32 5.3.3. Modbus/TCP master settings ............................................................................ 34 5.3.4. Diagnosis and Troubleshooting ......................................................................... 34 5.4. ETHERNET/IP ............................................................................................................. 35 5.4.1. User Data Structure ........................................................................................... 35 5.4.2. Diagnosis and Troubleshooting ......................................................................... 35 5.4.3. WA-belt Fieldbus View ...................................................................................... 35 5.4.4. Configuration of the Ethernet/IP Server (WA-810) ............................................ 36 5.4.5. Configuration of the network in “RSLogix 5000" ................................................ 36 COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator FIELDBUSES Page 5 1. FIELDBUSES All protocol variants of the WA-810 are described in the following chapters. If you use one of the following protocols, you should always read the chapter ‘Fieldbuses’ and the protocol-specific chapter before commissioning! This chapter describes all the data that can be transmitted via the various fieldbus protocols. The data basis is the same for all Fieldbuses. The particulars are described in the protocol-dependent sections. 1.1. General Information Data segments In the WA-810 system, a distinction is made between the following cyclical data: Commands (Bit- or Byte information) Setpoints (floating point values) Status information (Bit- or Byte information) Measured values (floating point values) Long (INT32)-values (integer values) Dimensions WA-810 uses two systems of units SI-units and NON SI-units The parameter ‘Units’ is used to switch between the two. For the Fieldbuses this means that in the SI setting, all dimensioned magnitudes are transferred in the units ‘m, kg and sec’. If you have chosen NON-SI, the dimensioned magnitudes are transferred in ‘ft, lb and sec’. Floating-point values Measurement values, setpoints and some parameters are in the WA-810 as floating point numbers in IEEE-754 4-Byte format. A conversion can be made into another floating-point format depending on the parameter and protocol. Further information can be found in the protocol descriptions. Transmission always starts with MSB. WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 6 FIELDBUSES Here is an example of the transfer of the value 150,5 in IEEE format (the sequence in the circuit is given): Byte 1: Sign/Exponent Byte 2: Mantissa 1 Byte 3: Mantissa 2 Byte 4: Mantissa 3 0x43 0x16 0x80 0x00 Example of floating point numbers Number IEEE Format (HEX) Siemens KG-Format (HEX) 1.0 3F800000 01400000 10.0 41200000 04500000 100.0 42C80000 07640000 1000.0 447A0000 0A7D0000 Data (double) words Data words are transferred in Motorola format as standard (high byte followed by a low byte). A different byte sequence can be set depending on the protocol and parameters. Further information can be found in the protocol descriptions. Byte sequence Data Type MSB LSB Int 32 / LONG MSB LSB Int 16 0 0 MSB LSB Bit information Bits are summed up in words (Modbus, Modbus/TCP) or double words (Profibus, DeviceNet and Ethernet/IP). The sequence is as follows: Ex.: CommandID 0x0140 Komm4_HI Komm4_LO Komm5_HI Komm5_LO Ex.: Status-ID 0x02F0 Status2_HI Status2_LO Status3_HI Status3_LO COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator FIELDBUSES Page 7 1.2. Structure of user data Pre-assigned data are transferred in pre-assigned positions between the control system and WA-810. Each value is always the size of one data double word (4 Bytes). Unused words are preconfigured with a zero. ATTENTION In the preset value 1 (commands 4 + 5), the release bit (Fieldbus release) must always be statically set as it monitors the data link. If this bit is not set, the following preset values will not be evaluated and the HOST communication error will be set! Example of FIXED mode telegram (Profibus, DeviceNet, EIP) WA-810 parameter Floating point format Word/Byte sequence IEEE Format Big Endian configured by L05: High-Low; L04:I:std/L:std Master to Slave Bytes (hex) Meaning (IDWert, hex) Current Value Preset Value 1 Byte 1-4 00 0C 00 00 Commands 4+5 (0140) Event acknowledged, Release set Preset Value 2 Byte 5-8 00 00 00 00 Commands 6 & 7 (0160) No command Active Preset Value 3-8 Byte 9-32 00… 00 Unused Slave to Master Bytes (hex) Meaning (IDWert, hex) Current Value Read Value 1 Byte 1-4 01 05 00 10 Status 2+3 (02F0) Normal operation Counter active, Scales is running, NONSI active Read Value 2 Byte 5-8 00 00 00 00 Status 4+5 (0310) Read Value 3 Byte 9-12 03 18 03 0C Highest priority error (0610) Event S9, Warning2 Read Value 4 Byte 13-16 48 B5 8D 54 Feed rate actual value (0750) 371818 lb/h Read Value 5 Byte 17-20 44 9A 40 00 Totalizing counter 1 (0752) 114881 lb Read Value 6 Byte 21-24 43 AC 80 00 Belt load (0758) 31.48 lb/f Read Value 7 Byte 25-28 45 F6 90 00 Belt speed (075C) 3.28 f/s WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 8 FIELDBUSES Read Value 8 Byte 29-32 00 00 00 00 Unused Examples of Modbus and Modbus/TCP telegrams Data to Scales Scales Reply Meaning 01 10 0140 0004 08 00040000 00000000 01 10 0140 0004 Commands 4-7: Acknowledge event 01 05 0142 ff00 01 05 0142 ff00 As above, but with FC5 01 06 0140 0040 01 06 0140 0040 Reset counter 1 (word setpoint) 01 03 02F0 0004 01 03 08 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx Status 2-5 read, xx = Data 01 03 0610 0001 01 03 02 xx xx Read the highest-priority error 01 03 0750 0005 0A 01 03 0750 0A xx .... xx Read measured values in IEEE format The FIXED mode data for all protocols is explained further in the following tables. 1.3. Fieldbus data Commands description ID (hex) ID (dec) 140 320 Note Description Static/ Dynamic Command 4 LO (bit coded) 0- Belt running input, RUNNING 1- Belt running input, STOPPED 2- Acknowledge events 3- Fieldbus Release (must always be set in FIXED mode) 456- Reset totalizing counter 1 7Command 4 HI (bit coded) – unused COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator FIELDBUSES Page 9 Command 5 LO (bit coded) – unused Command 5 HI (bit coded) – unused 160 Command 6 LO (bit coded) – unused 352 Command 6 HI (bit coded) – unused Command 7 LO (bit coded) ! 0 - Tare (D) 1! 2 - Weight control-circuit (D) ! 3 - Calibration pulse per belt-circuit (D) 4567Command 7 HI (bit coded) 89AB - Apply calibration result (D) C - Abort calibration (D) D - Apply time (D) EF- WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 10 FIELDBUSES Description of highest priority event ID (hex) ID (dec) Description 0610 1552 Highest-priority event (LO) Bit 0 - 3 Event Number Range 0 – 8, (corresponds to display 1 – 9) Bit 4 – 7 Event Group Range 1 – 12, (S = 1, E = 3, B=5, C=9, H=10, L=11) Highest-priority event (HI) Bit 8 – 11 Event Class Range 1 – 4, (A=1, W1=2, W2=3, (IG=4)) Bit 12 – 15 Acknowledge Event Range 0 – 1, (Acknowledged = 1, Not acknowledged = 0) Parameter block which contains the event class (Byte) Number in the parameter block (Byte) Description of the measured values ID (HEX) ID (DEC) Value 0750 1872 Actual feed rate [kg/h] 0752 1874 Totalizing counter 1 [kg] 0754 1876 0756 1878 0758 1880 075A 1882 075C 1884 Belt load [kg/m] Belt speed [m/s] Measured values in integer format (Modbus) ID (HEX) ID (DEC) Value 30 48 Actual value [kg/h] - 0 to MAXPARTS = 0 to 300% P 31 COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 49 Totalizing counter 1 [kg] - 0 to MAXPARTS = 0 to P WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator FIELDBUSES Page 11 * 8 hours 32 50 33 51 34 52 Belt load [kg/m] - 0 to MAXPARTS = 0 to 200% Q ID (dec) Description 752 Status 2 LO (bit coded Status description ID (hex) 02F0 0 - Scales is running (not binding in local operation) 1 - No release 2 - Totalizing counter active 34 – Language selection OK 5 - Group alarm 6 - Group warning 7 - Calibration active Status 2 HI (bit coded) 8 - Normal operation 9ABCDEFStatus 3 LO (bit coded) 01WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 12 FIELDBUSES 234 - NONSI active 567Status 3 HI (bit coded) 8 - Tare 9A - Weight Control B - Impulse/Belt circuit CDE- 0310 784 FStatus 4 LO (bit coded) unused Status 4 HI (bit coded) 89A - Belt load > MAX B - Belt load < MIN CDEFStatus 5 LO (bit coded) unused Status 5 HI (bit coded) - unused COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator FIELDBUSES Page 13 1.4. User data diagnosis WA-belt provides a simplified form of a bus monitor. The dialog window can be opened via the menu ‘Fieldbus View’. The following diagnoses are possible: Display of the first 50 characters of the last 500 telegrams in hexadecimal format. The display is restricted to user data only. The following errors can be identified: Incorrect data parameters. All floating-point numbers will be displayed incorrectly! Identifications of defective data incorrectly preset by the master The following are not recognized: Initialization error while establishing connection Layer 2 problems when exchanging data The diagram shows the WA-belt monitor display (Profibus, DeviceNet or Ethernet/IP) Explanation: The ‘Acknowledge Event’ command and the Fieldbus release bit are transmitted by the master. The reply contains all data defined in FIXED mode. WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 14 FIELDBUSES The diagram shows the Modbus telegram depiction (including Modbus frame) Meaning of the display The current Fieldbus protocol is displayed (see title row), and the data selected via the checkboxes in the window. ‘==>’ Identifies data sent from the master to the scales WA-810. ‘<==’ Identifies data of the WA-810 transferred to the master. Meaning of the selection buttons Record: Begin recording in the scales. Display: The data are transferred from scales to PC and displayed. This process can take several seconds, depending on how much data has been stored up until that moment. At most the last (most recent) 50 telegrams can be recorded. Copy: All (no selection), individual or a group of telegrams can be selected with the mouse and stored in the clipboard. The data can be transferred into an editor if desired. Checkboxes: The checkboxes are used to choose the direction of data and to activate a time stamp. Diagnosis display with the Modbus/TCP protocol All data streams are transmitted to WA-belt using the UDP protocol. The next diagram shows the external data display. The upper row is identical to the standard diagnose view. The selection fields in the second row allow the selection (filtering) of particular data after recording has been stopped. The filters are described in detail below. Number of direction Channels for selection COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator FIELDBUSES Page 15 The direction filter enables selection --- All > Receive < Send The channel filters show all channels, which appear in the record. The following mean: --- All 5, 6 explicit host channel number The data of two host channels can be filtered out by combining both channel filters. The host data contain the 6 Modbus/TCP header bytes. The copy function transfers the currently selected data into an editor window. WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 16 PROFIBUS DP 2. PROFIBUS DP The following chapter describes the coupling of the Profibus slaveWA-810to a Modbus master component group. The Profibus connection functionality, the data exchange between the Profibus master and the WA-810 and notes on troubleshooting and diagnosis are all described. The Profibus hardware connection is described in the chapter ‘Profibus Module VPB8020’. 2.1. Guidelines for commissioning 1. Preparing the hardware as described in the chapter ‘Profibus Module VPB8020’. 2. Setting the WA-810 - ‘Address’ parameter 3. Creating master parameter sets using the GSD file 4. Start communication by the master 2.2. Functionality of the Profibus connection Certified connection after specification EN 50170 A cyclical data exchange is performed with the master (DP-V0) Automatic baud rate detection Monitoring the bus interface The VPB8020 is easily parameterized using the basic model’s operating station or the WA-belt diagnostic tool. Profibus control command SYNC support for synchronized data transmission from master to several slaves. Profibus control command FREEZE support for synchronized data transmission from several slaves to the master. No operator-specific diagnostic functions Failsafe: Clear state does not support any alteration of the station address via bus. COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator PROFIBUS DP Page 17 2.3. Structure of user data Details on and examples of the structure of user data can be found in the chapter ‘Fieldbuses user data structure’. 2.4. Profibus DP master settings Device log file (GSD) Of the WA-810 is a Compact Device. Note: The configuration of the WA-810 can be found in the S7 hardware configurator under ‘Profibus DP/Other field devices/Controller/WA-810’. When reading or writing double words in S7 systems: please note that theWA-810 double words cannot be read or written with the S7 system function modules SFC14 or SFC15. In this situation please use direct peripheral access! 2.5. Diagnosis and Troubleshooting If one of the Fieldbuses has been activated (selected), every fault will be registered by the ‘’Communication Host’ (S9) event message if this message has not been assigned the event class IG(NORE). The message is visible in the display and in WA-belt. If you only have a display available, please read the following two sections, otherwise WA-belt will send more information for error diagnosis. Meaning of the ‘Communication Host’ S9 event message The event message is a group message for all errors concerning the Fieldbus connection. These are: Different station addresses are sent to the master and scales. There is a problem with the cabling between Fieldbus connection and main board. Observe he LEDs on the connection. If in doubt, turn the power off and on, if the parameterization as been performed correctly the connection will be initialized (red LED blinks). Fieldbus cable is not working or improperly connected. See the chapter ‘Fieldbus Hardware’ or the correct connection. The bus termination is either absent or is present multiple times. Check the resistances a connection (delivery condition is ‘not activated’) and possibly the resistances in the bus plugs. See the chapter ‘Fieldbus Hardware’ for details. WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 18 PROFIBUS DP The selected protocol does not correspond to the add-on card. Change the parameterization or swap the interface connection. The timeout parameter has been set at too small a value. Change the parameterization of the scales. The configuration of the scales does not correspond with the configuration of the master. Change the incorrect GSD module or the parameterization of the scales. An improper ID has been identified in the telegram from the master to the scales (use only IDs printed in bold type!) The release bit must always be set! 2.6. Profibus module (VPB8020) The module may be attached to the main board of the WA-810 to create an interface to the Profibus. Bus termination The bus termination resistances must be activated at the first and last station of the bus. This is done by setting all jumper plugs into position 1-2 on the card. As a rule the resistances are not activated (position 2-3). COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator PROFIBUS DP Page 19 Bus addresses: The addresses are set using parameters. Meaning of the LEDs on the Profibus connection On the Profibus connection (VPB8020), the LED is lit Operation Mode State Indication Off Not online/No power Green On-line, Date exchange Flashing Green On-line, clear Flashing Red (1 Hz) Parameterization error Flashing Red (2 Hz) PROFIBUS Configuration error Status State Indication Off Not power or not initialized Green Initialized Flashing Green Initialized, diagnostic event(s) present Red Exception error WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 20 PROFIBUS DP Pin assignment Pin Signal (XP1 9-pin Sub-Dfemale) Signal (XP3, 5-pin Phoenix MSTB 3.5 max. 1.5mm²) 1 - B-Line, Positive RS485 RxD/TxD * 2 - A-Line, Negative RS485 RxD/TxD ** 3 B-Line, Positive RS485 RxD/TxD * GND BUS 4 RTS, Request To Send +5V BUS 5 GND BUS Shielding 6 +5V BUS - 7 - - 8 A-Line, Negative RS485 RxD/TxD ** - 9 - - Housing Bus Cable Shield - * This cable has the conductor color red. ** This cable has the conductor color green. Characteristics Disconnection Optocoupler Power supply 5V DC internal Power supply Max 310mA Plug connector 5-Pin Phoenix MSTB 3.5 max. 1.5mm² 9-pin Sub-D-female COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator DEVICENET Page 21 3. DEVICENET The following chapter describes the connection of the DeviceNet slave WA-810 to a DeviceNet master component group. It describes the functionality of the DeviceNet connection, the data exchange between DeviceNet master and the WA-810, and contains notes on troubleshooting and diagnosis. The DeviceNet hardware connection is described in the chapter ‘DeviceNet Module VCB8020’. 3.1. Guidelines for commissioning Preparing the hardware as described in the chapter DeviceNet Module VCB8020’. Creating master parameter sets using the EDS file. Setting the WA-810 - ‘Slave Address’ and ‘Baud Rate’ parameters Start communication by the master 3.2. Functionality of the DeviceNet connection Certified connection after DeviceNet specification 2.0. A cyclical data exchange is performed with the master. As a rule the POLL mode is used for transferring I/O data. Monitoring the bus interface The VCB8020 is easily parameterized using the basic model’s operating station or the WA-belt diagnostic tool. 3.3. Structure of user data Details on and examples of the structure of user data can be found in the chapter ‘User Data Structure of Fieldbuses’. 3.4. DeviceNet master settings Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) The description files (INTECONT_Satus.EDS) can be found on the Schenck Process GmbH website ( path: ServiceDownload-Bus Systems-DeviceNet). WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 22 DEVICENET 32 bytes are always transmitted in each direction regardless of the configuration (Produced Connection Size = Consumed Connection size = 32). 3.5. Diagnosis and Troubleshooting If one of the Fieldbuses has been activated (selected), every fault will be registered by the ‘’Communication Host’ (S9) event message if this message has not been assigned the event class IG(NORE). The message is visible in the display and in WA-belt. If you only have a display available, please read in the following two sections, otherwise WA-belt will send more information for error diagnosis. Meaning of the ‘Communication Host’ S9 event message The event message is a group message for all errors concerning the Fieldbus connection. These are: Different station addresses are sent to the master and scales. Different baud rate settings are sent to the master and scales. There is a problem with the cabling between Fieldbus connection and main board. Fieldbus cable is not working or improperly connected. See the chapter ‘Fieldbus Hardware’ or the correct connection. The bus termination is either absent or is present multiple times. Check the resistances at the connection (delivery condition is ‘not activated’) and possibly the resistances in the bus plugs. See the chapter ‘Fieldbus Hardware’ for details. The selected protocol does not correspond to the add-on card. Change the parameterization or swap the interface connection. The timeout parameter has been set too low. Change the parameterization of the scales. An improper ID has been identified in the telegram from the master to the scales (use only IDs printed in bold type!). The release bit must always be set! 3.6. DeviceNet module (VCB8020) The module may be attached to the main board of the WA-810to create an interface between the CAN bus and the DeviceNet procedure. Bus termination COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator DEVICENET Page 23 The bus termination resistances must be activated at the first and last station of the bus. This is done by applying the W160 jumper to the position 1-2. By default, the resistances are not activated (position 2-3). Baud rate and bus addresses: Both values are set using parameters. The W100 jumper, for determining the power supply, must be plugged in position 23. WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 24 DEVICENET Network Status (LED) Status Indication Off Not online/ No power Green On-line, one or more connections are established Flashing Green (1Hz) On-line, no connections established Red Critical link failure Flashing Red (1 Hz) One of more connection timed-out Alternating Red/Green Self test Model Status LED Status Indication OFF No power Green Operating in normal condition Flashing Green (1Hz) Missing or incomplete configuration, device needs commissioning Red Unrecoverable Fault(s) Flashing Red (1 Hz) Recoverable Fault(s) Alternating Red/Greed Self test Plug assignment X20/XC3 Pin Signal X20 3 Screening 4 CAN_H 2 CAN_L 1 V- 5 V+ COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator DEVICENET Page 25 Characteristics Disconnection Optocoupler Power supply 5V DC internal Power supply Max 250mA Plug connector Phoenix MSTB 5 max. 2.5mm² Phoenix MSTB 5 max. 1.5mm² WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 26 MODBUS 4. MODBUS The following chapter describes coupling the Modbus slave WA-810 to a Modbus master component group. The chapter describes how the Modbus is activated by selecting ‘MODBUS’. The Modbus connection, the data exchange between the Modbus master and the WA-810are described, and notes for troubleshooting and diagnosis are given. The Modbus connection hardware is described at the end of this chapter. 4.1. Guidelines for commissioning Preparing the hardware as described in the chapter ‘Fieldbus Hardware’. Determining the data to be transmitted - the ID of the data is required (see ‘Fieldbus Data’ chapter). Setting the WA-810 - ‘Slave Address’ and ‘Data Format’ parameters Start communication by the master 4.2. Functionality of the Modbus connection A cyclical data exchange is performed with the master. Monitoring the bus interface The interface is easily parameterized using the basic model’s operating station or the WA-belt diagnostic tool. Modbus mode: RTU 4.3. Data Format The transmission begins at the same time as the MSB. Nominal and measured values can be transmitted in IEEE format (IEEE754, 32 bit) and integer format. In integer format, a 16-bit word is available, whose resolution is adjustable within the 0 ... MAXPARTS range. Two parts is the maximum resolution. Integer and IEEE formats are addressed using different data addresses. 15 A wordwise turning of the IEEE format is possible for the parameters. All control information and status are represented as a binary signal with each character’s 8 data bits. Additionally, all control and status information can be treated as single-bit information. COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator MODBUS Page 27 4.4. Function codes (FC) The codes used are listed and explained in the following table: FC [Dec] Meaning 1 Bitwise (reverse) reading of control information (one or more bits) 2 Bitwise reading of status information (one or more bits) 3 Wordwise (reverse) reading of nominal, measured and LONG values and parameters (one or more words) 4 Wordwise reading of status information (one or more words) 5 Bitwise resetting of control information (always one bit) 6 Wordwise writing of control bits or setpoint values (always one data word) 8 Diagnosis (only sub code 0 and 1) 15 Bitwise writing of control information (one or more bits) 16 Wordwise writing of commands (one or more data words) 23 Wordwise reading and writing of several data words This function code can be used everywhere FC3 or FC16 are possible. 4.5. Securing transmission The characters are set by a parity bit; the telegrams are secured by a checksum (CRC16) (see MODBUS specifications). The MODBUS specifications determine the response to a transmission error (see 2-1 EXCEPTION RESPONSE). WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 28 MODBUS 4.6. Error codes Only the error codes 01 to 03 are used. No reply is sent with CRC errors. All errors described in the following are collected in the device to a ‘Communication Host’ group message. The message includes the Timeout. Error Code Meaning 1 The requested function is not supported by the subscriber 2 Incorrect data address ID or SC out of range Data offset + length to large 3 Incorrect data type Incorrect data with FC5 (0xff00 and 0x0000 are permitted) Data length smaller than 0 Requested length too long The IEEE or INT32 data address values are odd-numbered. 4.7. Subscriber addresses Each scales has a slave address, which begins at 1 and continues in ascending sequence. The highest address it is possible to set is labeled MAXSLAVE in the following text. The address can be set using the dialog window on the scales or in WA-belt. MAXSLAVE has a value of 254. Address 0 is the broadcast address. In this case, the slaves send no reply. 4.8. Process values Every segment of the cyclical user data contains values of the same type. From an address standpoint, the data within a segment line up with no gap. The data of a segment can be read or written with one telegram each. Note: A so-called ‘segment address’ must be added multiple times by the control system to the data address described (depending on the function code). Also, the data address must be increased by 1, because the registry Modbus protocol addresses start at 1. So the data address configuration rule is as follows: Data address = segment address + WA-810 address + 1. COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator MODBUS Page 29 4.9. Example telegrams Example telegrams are described in the section: Examples of telegrams for MODBUS and MODBUS/TCP. 4.10. Modbus master settings If data from several segments is used, each segment requires at least one telegram. When setting the correct byte sequences with values in IEEE and LONG format the maximum permissible telegram length is 256 bytes, including the header and trailer bytes. 4.11. Diagnosis and Troubleshooting If one of the Fieldbuses has been activated (selected), every fault will be registered by the ‘’Communication Host’ (S9) event message if this message has not been assigned the event class IG(NORE). The message is visible in the display and in WA-belt. If you only have a display available, please read the following section. The WA-belt tool can assist in providing more information for error diagnosis. Meaning of the ‘Communication Host’ S9 event message The event message is a group message for all errors concerning the Fieldbus connection. These are: Different station addresses are sent to the master and scales. Different baud rate settings are sent to the master and scales. The bus termination is either absent or is present multiple times. Check the wire jumpers in the connection plug. See chapter ‘XES3 Serial Interface’ for details. The timeout parameter has been set too low. Change the parameterization of the scales. An improper ID has been identified in the telegram from the master to the scales. See the section on error codes 4.12. WA-belt Fieldbus view The chapter ‘Fieldbuses User Data Diagnosis’ shows and explains how cyclical user data is displayed for all protocols. WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 30 MODBUS 4.13. XES3 serial interface The interface can be operated as an RS485 2-wire or 4-wire interface. Fig. 12: XES3 as RS485-2 Connection diagram Contacts 1-3 and 2-4 are bridged for operation as an RS485-2-wire interface. An additional 120-Ohm bus termination resistance should be installed for the last bus subscribers. If the interface is operated in the 4-wire mode, the terminating resistor comes onto the reception side (PIN 3-4). Use as an RS232 interface is only possible using an external converter. COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator ETHERNET Page 31 5. ETHERNET All Ethernet-based protocols and tools are described in this chapter. These are currently the application protocols Modbus/TCP and Ethernet/IP. As different communication modules are used for the various application protocols, the corresponding software user interfaces are also different. 5.1. Terms and Definitions Modbus/TCP Uses the TCP/UP standard for transmission. The application data appear as a Modbus RTU-frame. Ethernet/IP Ethernet/IP expands the standard Ethernet by the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP™). This is the same application protocol and object model used by DeviceNet. CIP facilitates interoperability between devices from different manufacturers and sub-networks. WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 32 ETHERNET 5.2. General TCP/IP Settings 5.3. Modbus/TCP The following chapter describes the functionality of the WA-810 as a Modbus/TCP server in the Ethernet. The following are described in detail: The configuration of the Ethernet connection (subscriber address allocation), The ‘FIELDBUS’ mode of operation between an Ethernet client and the WA810 via Modbus/TCP, Notes for troubleshooting and diagnosis 5.3.1. Guidelines for commissioning Activating the Modbus/TCP protocol type in the WA-810 Parameterization of the Ethernet address Start communication by the master 5.3.2. Ethernet functionality The connection is an RJ45 plug. COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator ETHERNET Page 33 The server can exchange data with up to 3 clients simultaneously. If the WAbelt tool is used, it can occupy one of the three channels if the coupling is performed over the network. The data are either sent as Modbus (RTU)/TCP packets or are expected as such from external. The functional range is described in more detail below. Monitoring the bus interface The Ethernet interface is easily parameterized using the basic model’s operating station or the WA-belt diagnostic tool. The WA-810 behaves as a Modbus/TCP server, after the ‘OPEN MODBUS/TCP SPECIFICATION, Release 1.0,’ 29th March 1999 standard. It can handle all class 1 and class 2 function codes (except for FC7) and the most important class 2 codes (FC15 and FC23). This data representation is based entirely on the Modbus standard. The role of the modbus telegram check sum (CRC16) is assumed by the TCP safety layer. The WA-810 only uses the sixth byte of the 6-byte telegram header defined in the OPEN MODBUS standard to transmit the data length. All other bytes are sent back 1:1 in the reply. These header bytes (1-5) should not be used to enable subsequent expansion, they should be set to ZERO! Subscriber addresses All stations in the Ethernet network are explicitly identified by their IP addresses, so the Modbus-slave address can always be set to 1. Function codes (FC) Identical to Modbus RTU Securing transmission The TCP layer safety measures guarantee transmission reliability for the Modbus/TCP. Error codes Identical to Modbus RTU Data formats Identical to Modbus RTU Process values Identical to Modbus RTU Example telegrams WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 34 ETHERNET Example telegrams are described in the section: Examples of telegrams for MODBUS and MODBUS/TCP. 5.3.3. Modbus/TCP master settings If data from several segments is used (see Fieldbus Data), each segment requires at least one telegram. Setting the correct byte sequence with values in IEEE and LONG format. The maximum permissible telegram length is 256 bytes, including header and trailer bytes. 5.3.4. Diagnosis and Troubleshooting If one of the Fieldbuses has been activated (selected), every fault will be registered by the ‘’Communication Host’ (S9) event message if this message has not been assigned the event class IG(NORE). The message is visible in the display and in WA-belt. If you only have a display available, please read the following section. The WA-belt tool can assist in providing more information for error diagnosis. Network Block LEDs The network LEDs are described in the chapter ‘Connecting the Device’. ‘Communication Host’ (S9) event message The event message is a group message for all errors concerning the Fieldbus connection. These are: Different station addresses are sent to the master and scales. Fieldbus cable is not working or improperly connected. See the chapter ‘Fieldbus Hardware’ for the correct connection. The timeout parameter has been set at too small a value. Change the parameterization of the scales. See the section on error codes Monitoring the Fieldbus channels The Fieldbus channels are monitored for timeout. Timeout and all Modbus errors are registered as ‘Communication Host (S9)’ event messages. In the terms of this monitoring strategy, WA-belt is not considered to be a Fieldbus client. The special settings in the relevant parameter block apply for WA-belt and also the same rules with regard to logging on and off apply as with a serial coupling. COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator ETHERNET Page 35 5.4. Ethernet/IP WA-810 is an Ethernet/IP server. You can activate the protocol and all parameter changes specific to the protocol in the fieldbus block. You can use the unit’s control terminal or WA-belt diagnostic tool for this. It is connected to the network with the RJ45 plug on the basic board (refer to the chapter on Connecting up the Unit). The server can exchange data with as many as 16 clients at the same time. It cannot be locked against writing access, meaning that the client most recently sending specifications wins. The bus interface is monitored for timeout and the defective ID configuration on the control side as per the configuration in the fieldbus block. 5.4.1. User Data Structure You can find details on and examples of the structure of user data in the chapter on User Data Structure of Fieldbuses. 5.4.2. Diagnosis and Troubleshooting If you have activated (selected) one of the fieldbuses, every fault will be registered by the ‘’Communication Host’ (S9) event message if the event class IG(NORE) has been assigned to this message. This message is visible in the display and in WAbelt. If you only have a display available, please read the following two sections. Otherwise, WA-belt can also supply you with more information for error diagnosis. ‘Communication Host’ S 9 event message This event message is a group message for all faults affecting the fieldbus connection. These are: Different station addresses sent to the master and scale. The fieldbus cable is defective or incorrectly connected. The timeout parameter has been set at too small a value. Change the parameterization of the scales. An improper ID has been identified in the telegram from the master to the scales (only use IDs printed in bold type) The release bit always has to be set in the FIXED mode. 5.4.3. WA-belt Fieldbus View The chapter on User Data Diagnosis shows and explains how cyclical user data are displayed jointly for all protocols. WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 36 ETHERNET 5.4.4. Configuration of the Ethernet/IP Server (WA-810) 5.4.5. Configuration of the network in “RSLogix 5000" Create a new project in RSLogix Configure the controller Select the Ethernet/IP bridge Configure the Ethernet/IP Bridge Add the WA-810 station to the I/O configuration COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator ETHERNET Page 37 Add a generic Ethernet module Configure the new Ethernet/IP module Set connection options for WA-810 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 Page 38 ETHERNET Download the configuration COMMUNICATION MANUAL DE020742 V1.3 WA-810 Totalizing Belt Scale Indicator Lahti Precision Oy Ahjokatu 4 A, P.O.B. 22 FI-15801 Lahti, Finland
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