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Exhibitors can either book in their stand contractors, or simply email the link to the contractor for them to book their own space. Please ask your contractor to have the details of the stand name and number that they will be working on when they make their booking. There is a time limit of 30mins unloading time for cars, 1 hour for vans and &1/2 tonne vehicles and 2 hours for arctics. Once you have unloaded your vehicles you will need to remove it from the unloading space. Failure to do so will result in your vehicle not being able to come onto site for the pull out. th Access for shell scheme exhibitors is available from 1400 hrs on Monday 20 January 2014 Please note that couriers are exempt from the above system. All deliveries should be made on the 20th January 2014 and NOT before to: Your company name/stand number / contact number PMA Summit Olympia Conference Centre G Gate, Blythe Road London, W14 8UX Tel: +44 (0) 20 7598 6595 (NB: Please note that this is the telephone number allocated to your on-site organisers office, I don’t know if you want to substitute for another number?) Web: www.olympia.co.uk th Any deliveries sent to this address before the 20 January will not be accepted and returned to sender. • Goods Lifts Olympia Conference Centre is located on Level 3 of Olympia Central. The venue is serviced by 2 goods lifts, dimensions as follows: Length Width Height Maximum capacity weight Lift 16 5.2 metres 2 metres 2.5 metres 2500 kg Lift 17 4.2 metres 2.0 metres 2.2 metres 3000 kg Please ensure that, if required, you make your own provision for trolleys (or similar) to transport goods from your vehicle to your stand. A chargeable porter service is available to book via the on-line vehicle booking system if required. 6 4. BUSINESS CENTRE Photocopying, scanning, printing, PC workstation and internet access are all available at the Business Centre in Olympia Conference Centre. 5. CAR PARKING All parking in Olympia London’s car parks is chargeable. Discounted rates are available for bookings made in advance. Please contact Booking Services on 020 7598 2515 or visit www.olympia.co.uk for further details and pre-booking. The car parks are open from 0700hrs until one hour after the building closes (or one hour after the event closes on open days). 6. FIRST AID The venue has a medical centre staffed by qualified nurses. If you require medical assistance, we ask that you go to the centre where possible. Please make yourself known to a member of staff and we will escort you. If you require urgent assistance or an ambulance, this request should be directed to the venues control room on 020 7598 266. The staff’s knowledge of the venue and where to direct the ambulance could save vital time. Location: Olympia Central Level 1 7. SECURITY The organisers accept no liability for any loss or damage which may occur. Exhibitors are responsible for security of their stand and exhibits (including personnel and their belongings) and must arrange for their own insurance to cover all stages of the exhibition. There will be on-site security for the duration of the event managed through the on-site organisation. 8. FREIGHT FORWARDING & ON SITE HANDLING The on-site freight handling of all freight related to this event will be conducted by the Official Freight Forwarder – Worldwide Exhibition Specialists Ltd Unit 28 Stansted Distribution Centre Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, CM22 7DG Tel: 02085082224 Fax: 01279 757944 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.wes-group.com The official freight forwarder will contact you directly or through your agent regarding documentation and procedures for shipping your exhibits. 1) For security and safety purposes ONLY the Official Contractor is permitted to handle freight from the entry gate and operate lifting equipment inside the exhibition hall. 2) Only the official freight forwarder will provide lifting, handling equipment and labour on the site 9. AUDIO VISUAL For all your Audio Visual requirements please contact: Chris Harris Aztec Event Services Limited Units 1-2 Falcon Business Centre 14 Wandle Way Mitcham Surrey CR4 4FG Tel: +44 (0) 20 7803 4000 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7100 1609 Email: [email protected] Web: www.aztecuk.com 7 10. HOSPITALITY & CATERING All stand catering and hospitality MUST be ordered through the venue catering company below, NO catering is allowed to be bought in by the exhibitor or an external catering company. To arrange catering on your stand please contact: Levy Restaurants Tel: +44 (0) 20 7370 8156 Email: [email protected] http://standdelivery.co.uk/ 11. IT & COMMUNICATIONS Telephone and Fax facilities will be available to exhibitors for use at their stands and pavilions, please contact: EFORCE Earls Court, Warwick Road London, SW5 9TA Tel: +44 (0) 20 7370 8400 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7370 8405 Email: [email protected] Web: www.eforce.co.uk $ 12. TEMPORARY STAFF Alexi Promotions offer the highest calibre of staff in the Exhibition Industry. They specialise in dedicated, professional, reliable, pro-active personnel. They can supply… • Receptionists • Hostesses • Interpreters • Bi-lingual interpreters • Leaflet distribution • Sales Staff Alexi has all the staff for any event leaving you to concentrate on your business. Alexi Promotions Tel: + 44 (0) 2476 399127 Fax: +44 (0) 2476 399127 E-Mail: [email protected] www.alexipromotions.co.uk ! 13. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION HQ hotel London Marriott Hotel Kensington – Deadline to receive event discount is 19 December AVM Summit Reservations 14. STAND BUILDING & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS The organisers have appointed the following company as Official Shell Scheme Stand Building contractor. They will provide on-site management and technical services to the exhibitors. Melville Exhibition Services Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park, Coventry West Midlands, CV6 6PA T (UK): +44 (0) 08448793226 T (Non UK): +44 (0)2476380181 F: +44 (0) 2476380221 [email protected] 8 The exhibiting companies who are taking ‘Space Only’, may contact the official stand building contractor for the designing and construction of their stand. 15. SHELL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS Technical Information • 2.5m high white panels • Fascia name board • Stands will include fitted carpet 16. MUSIC ON YOUR STAND A simple guide to the licences you may require Performing Rights Society (PRS) Licence When music is played in public, the owner of the copyright is entitled by law, to payment from the user. The Performing Rights Society is an organisation that collects and distributes this money (royalties) to its members- the owners of the copyright, (usually the composers or publisher). A PRS Licence is required for the live performance or public playing of copyright music by ANY means. This includes jukeboxes, CD’s, video, radio, TV or live bands and discos. Performing Rights Society www.prsformusic.com Phonographic Performances Ltd (PPL) Licences A PPL licence is needed for the playing of original sounds recordings; e.g. CD’s, tapes or records, including jukeboxes and background music systems. In most circumstances when music is provided, both the PRS and PPL licences are required. It is PPL’s policy to licence exhibitors for all sound recordings used at any event, not the owner of the venue or the organisers. PPL www.ppluk.com Please note: It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure that they apply for any of the abovementioned licences. ! 9 Please register the names of all your staff that will be working on the stand. Badges can them be collected from the registration counter on arrival at the event during the build up period. This counter will prepare and issue passes to the exhibitors only according to the rules and regulations of the exhibition. A separate counter will be available for members of the press, delegates and visitors. Exhibitors Badge Form The form below is for STAND PERSONNEL ONLY. These are members of staff who will be manning your stand - they will have access to the event during build up, open period, break down. Please ensure badges are passed onto your staff personnel prior to arrival at the show. Please take care to complete all required fields marked Company/Organisation Name: Stand No: Street Address: Town/City: County (if UK): Province/State (non UK) You need to fill either the County field or the Province/State field: Postcode/Zip Code: Country: Telephone No1: Facsimile No1: Mobile No1: 1. Please include your country dialling code. Mobile Phone Type: E-mail Address: Please enter below names of all the personnel who will be manning your stand during the exhibition. Forename: Surname: Job Title: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 If you have any queries regarding exhibitor badge requests, please email: [email protected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email protected].$.8).+$)4.$:'.]?9A$98?$,)4.+$?.)9(@7$,8$)4.$C+(?$5.@,[$98?$.'9(@$)4(7$),$4.+$!%!6$M<,8)9<)$?.)9(@7$5.@,[ND ^._&(+.?$O8P,+'9:,8 !*#.#**#9&<4-#&J"/( L4*%(&!*#.#*#+'# J#'/+9&!*#.#*#+'# <74*9&!*#.#*#+'# K,'-98A$L9'. 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The obligatory order form testing charge of £15 is for order form items only. All direct mains ordered will need to provide relevant information at the time of quotation, full details can be given upon request. If a direct main Test & Inspect is required then this will be by quotation also Sub total *Testing £15.00 VAT 20% TOTAL Orders will not be processed without full payment (cheque payable to: Global Experience Specialists (GES) Ltd) -‐ please see below the credit card authorisation form. Customers wishing to pay by Visa and MasterCard credit cards as well as both American Express charge and credit cards please be advised that a surcharge of 2.5% will be applied to the total invoice amount. Orders received after 6th January 2014 will be subject to a 20% surcharge Please use the grid plan overleaf to indicate the positions Page 1 of 3 Electrical Order & Grid Plan Form -‐ South Show st nd Show Dates 21 ʹ 22 January 2014 Return By Venue Olympia 6 January 2014 Stand Number Please tick the box to the right if your stand will be having a Raised Platform th ( laying boards directly to venue floor will not be classed as a raised platform) Front of Stand Please Indicate Stand Orientation You can do this by showing surrounding stands or the open sides of your stand Dimensions of stand: _______m x _______m Please utilise symbols below to indicate the positions of your fittings: = Spotlight = Socket = Fluorescent RETURN TO: Global Experience Specialists (GES) Ltd., One Western Gateway, Royal Victoria Dock, ExCel, London, E16 1XB Fax: +44(0) 207 069 4247 Phone: +44 (0) 207 069 4255 Page 2 of 3 Electrical Order & Grid Plan Form -‐ South Mandatory Form* COMPANY NAME EXHIBITION STAND NUMBER COMPANY ADDRESS POST CODE PHONE Fax E-‐Mail PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER PAYMENT POLICY CREDIT CARD CHARGE AUTHORISATION Payment for Services Ͷ Global Experience Specialists (GES) Limited requires payment in full at the time services are ordered. Further, Ges Exhibition & Event Services Ltd requires that you provide a credit card authorisation with your initial order. For your convenience, we will use this authorisation to charge your account for any additional orders. Method of Payment Ͷ Global Experience Specialists (GES) Limited accepts all major credit/debit cards, cheques and bank transfers. Purchase orders are not considered payment. Adjustments and Cancellations Ͷ No adjustments to invoices will be made after the close of the show. Please refer to the individual forms for cancellation fees. All orders cancelled by the Exhibitor or due to the cancellation of an event or their nonparticipation may be subject to cancellation fees. All information must be provided. Your order will not be processed if any information is missing (ie. Expiration Date, Account Number, Contact Information, Type of Card and Signature). We require your credit card charge authorisation to be on file Global Experience Specialists (GES) Limited even if you are paying by cheque, Cash or bank transfer. Please note that there is a 2.5% charge for credit card transactions Card Number Corporate Card Personal Card Debit Card (any) Master Card Credit Card Visa Credit Card American Express Other (please state) If you have any questions regarding our payment policy, please call Customer Services on 0844 879 3226 (or non UK +44(0) 2476 380180) Please complete the information and return payment in full with this form and your orders. You may choose to pay by credit card, cheque, or bank transfer; however, we require your credit card charge authorisation to be on file with Global Experience Specialists (GES) Limited All balances must be paid prior to the event For your convenience, we will use this authorisation to charge your credit card for any additional amounts ordered by your representative or services rendered to your company for this event. Beneficiary: Global Experience Specialists (GES) Limited Start Date Expiry Date Issue Number CSC Number Bank transfer payment information: (last 3 digits on the back of the card / signature strip) Cardholders Name Please Print Natwest Bank Regent Street Branch PO Box 4RY 250 Regent Street London W1A 4RY Account: 27607275 Sort Code: 56-‐00-‐27 IBAN BIC: NWBKGB2L IBAN No: GB82NWBK56002727607275 Cardholders Billing Address To ensure your bank transfer is allocated correctly, please supply the following information to: [email protected] exhibiting company name, account number, invoice number, show name, stand number Date and amount of bank transfer Bank and country where transfer originated I agree in placing this order that I have accepted Global Experience Specialists (GES) Limited Terms and Conditions of Contract X _______________________________________ AUTHORISED SIGNATURE _______________________________________ ____/__ / __ _ AUTHORISED NAME -‐ PLEASE PRINT DATE Post Code PLEASE SIGN X _________________________ ________ Z,K>Z͛^^/'EdhZd order that I have accepted GES * This form must be returned to Ges Exhibition and Event Services for your order to be processed Page 3 of 3
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