Nashua Mobile SMS Gateway User Manual

Nashua Mobile SMS Gateway User Manual
May 2014
Nashua Mobile SMS
Gateway User Manual
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Nashua Mobile SMS Gateway User Manual
May 2014
About IMS Office .............................................................................................................. 3
Logon ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. First time User .................................................................................................................. 4
Address Book ................................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Manage Groups................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.1. Creating a Group .............................................................................................................. 7
3.2. Manage Contacts ............................................................................................................. 9
3.3. Importing Contacts ........................................................................................................... 9
IMS Office ...................................................................................................................... 13
4.1. Inbox .............................................................................................................................. 13
4.2. Sent Messages............................................................................................................... 16
4.3. New SMS Message ........................................................................................................ 16
4.4. New Fax Messages ........................................................................................................ 18
4.5. New Email Message ....................................................................................................... 21
4.6. Bulk Messaging .............................................................................................................. 21
4.7. Message Templates ....................................................................................................... 23
4.8. Scheduled Messages ..................................................................................................... 24
Exclusions ...................................................................................................................... 25
5.1 View Opt Outs ................................................................................................................ 25
Appendix A: Message Statuses ............................................................................................. 26
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May 2014
1. About IMS Office
Travel worldwide and communicate as if you were sitting in your office. Send and receive faxes without
the need of a fax machine, SMS messages without the need of a cell phone or Email. Nashua Mobile
IMS Office is a mobile office accessible from any Web enabled PC or PDA worldwide to manage all
your communications without expensive communications infrastructures. Nashua Mobile IMS Office
offers a unified, one stop solution.
Secure personalised logon for all users;
Send SMS messages to MTN, Vodacom and Cell C subscribers;
Send bulk SMS messaging, up loadable from a file;
Send Email and Faxes worldwide;
SMS, Fax and email scheduling;
Birthday notification functionality;
Personalised address book and groups functionality for all users;
Inbox functionality for the viewing of SMS replies Emails and Faxes;
Delivery and Exception Reporting.
IMS Office is developed, owned and maintained by Nashua Mobile and is accessible via the following
Unified Communication, at your fingertips anywhere in the world.
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2. Logon
In order to access IMS Office, you will be required to enter your logon details. These details are emailed
to you upon completion and acceptance of your Nashua Mobile contract. The Business Solution
contract can be located on the intranet.
Type in Username
and Password and
click Login
2.1. First time User
Once you have successful logon, first time users will be required to personalise and update their IMS
Office account.
The following screen will be displayed.
Press OK
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Complete the
details as
You can
your IMS
the page
you would
each time
you log on.
Submit the
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3. Address Book
Address book allows you to record contacts information of friends, family and colleges. The address
book consists of:
Manage Groups;
Manage Contacts;
Import Contacts.
3.1. Manage Groups
Groups are a number of contacts that are grouped together under a specified name. It is advisable to
create and use groups when you send messages to the same set of contacts on a frequent basis. For
example: Sending every Fridays' project meeting details to a list of colleagues.
Click on search to
view all the IMS
groups that has been
You can now select the group you wish to send the message to.
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3.1.1. Creating a Group
To create a group, click on the New Group. The following screen will be displayed.
Complete the
details and click
“Submit” to save
and update.
A group name must be entered along with a 6-letter abbreviation. Each group must be assigned a code
of up to six characters (a character is any stroke of the keyboard, including a space). This code is used
to identify a group when sending a SMS via Nashua Mobile’s Mobile Originating Group Notification
Once the group has been added, a user can perform a search for the group.
Type in the code
and click search to
ad contacts to the
Click on the
group name.
The following screen will be displayed.
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Click on
(This is similar to set up your email distribution list or contact list. A contact can consist of an individual
or group.)
The following screen will be displayed.
If it is a large group, the
following notification will pop
up. Click OK to proceed.
Select the user for the list
and click “Select” to accept
the details
This screen will display all the users that have been selected and or added to that group.
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Click “Delete” to discard the
details, “Submit” to accept and
“Back” to go to previous screen.
3.2. Manage Contacts
This is where you will add new contacts or delete existing contacts from your contact list. Contacts
selected from the contact list can also be exported to a .csv file.
3.3. Importing Contacts
The Import Contacts screen offers the ability for the bulk upload of contacts via a CSV file directly into
the IMS Office address book. A .csv file is a file that contains values that are separated by commas (Comma Separated Values). Generally a system creates these files automatically and you load them
into this application to load multiple contacts.
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If you already have an
existing CSV file, locate it
by clicking on “Browse” or
create one by clicking on
“Contacts Import CSV
By clicking on the “Contacts Import CSV Example file” link in the lower left hand corner of the screen,
a user is able to download and save the CSV sample file to their desktop.
Creating a CSV file using the “Contacts Import CSV File”Microsoft”
Use Microsoft Excel to edit the CSV example file. Once completed please ensure the following
procedure is followed:
1. Click on the "File" menu and select "Save As".
2. Locate the destination folder to which you want to save the contact list.
3. Give the file a name by entering a name in the "File Name" text box.
4. Drop the "Save as Type" list down and select the "CSV (Comma Delimited)" option.
5. Click on the "Save" button to save the File.
Once you click on Contacts Import
CSV Example, the following screen
will be displayed.
The CSV example file can be used to import multiple contacts. Do not
change the format (Row 1) of the CSV example file. Please note that
columns A, B and I are mandatory fields and must be completed for a
successful import.
Once the CSV File has been saved (also see “Creating a CSV file using Microsoft Excel/Notepad”
below) click the “BROWSE” button to locate the CSV file and then “LOAD” to upload the contacts into
IMS Office.
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Creating a CSV file using Microsoft Excel
1. Launch Microsoft Excel (Start > Programs > Microsoft Excel).
2. In cell "A1", enter the last name (surname) of the first contact you want to create.
3. Select cell "B1" by pressing the TAB key and type the first name of the contact.
4. Select cell "C1" by pressing the TAB key and enter the contact's middle name. If you do not
want to specify a middle name, leave this column blank.
5. Select cell "D1" by pressing the TAB key and enter the contact's job title. If you do not want to
specify a job title, leave this column blank.
6. Select cell "E1" by pressing the TAB key and enter the company name for which the contact
works. If you do not want to specify a company name, leave this column blank.
7. Right click on the column heading "F" and select "Format Cells..." from the drop down menu.
8. Under the number tab, select "Text" and click on OK.
9. Select cell "F1" and enter the contact's business telephone number. If you do not want to
specify a business telephone number, leave this column blank.
10. Right click on the column heading "G" and select "Format Cells..." from the drop down menu.
11. Under the number tab, select "Text" and click on OK.
12. Select cell "G1" and enter the contact's home telephone number. If you do not want to specify
a home telephone number, leave this column blank.
13. Right click on the column heading "H" and select "Format Cells..." from the drop down menu.
14. Under the number tab, select "Text" and click on OK.
15. Select cell "H1" and enter the contact's facsimile number. If you do not want to specify a
facsimile number, leave this column blank.
16. Right click on the column heading "I" and select "Format Cells..." from the drop down menu.
17. Under the number tab, select "Text" and click on OK.
18. Select cell "I1" and enter the contact's cellular telephone number. Note that this number is
required to store the contact's details.
19. Select cell "J1" by pressing the TAB key and enter the contact's email address. If you do not
want to specify an email address, leave this column blank.
20. Select cell "K1" by pressing the TAB key and enter the contact's website address. If you do not
want to specify a website address, leave this column blank.
21. Select cell "L1" by pressing the TAB key and enter any notes or comments you wish to save. If
you do not want to specify any notes, leave this column blank. Please note that you can enter
any text into this field (up to 1024 characters).
22. Select cell "M1" by pressing the TAB key and enter the group name, which the contact must be
added to. If you do not want to specify a group, leave this column blank. Please note that you
can enter any text into this field (up to 1024 characters).
23. Press enter to navigate the next row of the spread sheet.
24. Repeat steps 4-15 for each contact you want to add to the file.
25. Click on the "File" menu and select "Save As".
26. Locate the destination folder to which you want to save the contact list.
27. Give the file a name by entering a name in the "File Name" text box.
28. Drop the "Save as Type" list down and select the "CSV (Comma Delimited)" option.
29. Click on the "Save" button to save the File.
Creating a CSV file using Microsoft Notepad
1. Note: It is vital that a comma is entered for each field (even if it is to be left blank).
2. Launch Microsoft Notepad (Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad).
3. Enter the last name (surname) of the first contact you want to create and press the comma
(,) key.
4. Enter the contact's first name and press the comma (,) key.
5. Enter the contact's middle name and press the comma (,) key. If you do not want to specify a
middle name, record the field as empty by simply inserting a comma (,) directly after the
previous one.
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6. Enter the contact's job title and press the comma (,) key. If you do not want to specify a job
title, record the field as empty by simply inserting a comma (,) directly after the previous one.
7. Enter the company name for which the contact works and press the comma (,) key. If you do
not want to specify a company name, record the field as empty by simply inserting a comma
(,) directly after the previous one.
8. Enter the contact's business telephone number and press the comma (,) key. If you do not
want to specify a business telephone number, record the field as empty by simply inserting a
comma (,) directly after the previous one.
9. Enter the contact's home telephone number and press the comma (,) key. If you do not want
to specify a home telephone number, record the field as empty by simply inserting a comma
(,) directly after the previous one.
10. Enter the contact's facsimile number and press the comma (,) key. If you do not want to
specify a facsimile number, record the field as empty by simply inserting a comma (,) directly
after the previous one.
11. Enter the contact's cellular telephone number and press the comma (,) key. Note that this
number is required to store the contact's details.
12. Enter the contact's email address and press the comma (,) key. If you do not want to specify
an email address, record the field as empty by simply inserting a comma (,) directly after the
previous one.
13. Enter the contact's website address and press the comma (,) key. If you do not want to
specify a website address, record the field as empty by simply inserting a comma (,) directly
after the previous one.
14. Enter any notes or comments you want to save and press the comma (,) key. If you do not
want to specify any notes, record the field as empty by simply inserting a comma (,) directly
after the previous one. Please note that you can enter any text into this field (up to 1024
15. Enter the group name you want the contact to be added to and press the comma (,) key. If
you do not want to specify a group, record the field as empty by simply inserting a comma (,)
directly after the previous one. Please note that you can enter any text into this field (up to
1024 characters).
16. Press Enter and repeat steps 2-13 for each contact you want to add to the file.
17. Click on the "File" menu and select "Save As".
18. Locate the destination folder to which you want to save the contact list.
19. Give the file a name by entering a name in the "File Name" text box.
20. Click on the "Save" button to save the File.
21. Close the Microsoft Notepad application.
22. Locate and open the folder in which the text file was saved.
23. Highlight the file by clicking on it.
24. Click on the "File" menu and select "Rename".
25. Change the file type from ". Txt" to ". CSV" and press enter.
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4. IMS Office
IMS office is broken down into six sections:
1. Inbox;
2. Sent Messages;
3. New SMS Messages;
4. New Fax Messages;
5. New Email Messages;
6. Bulk Messages;
7. Template List;
8. New Template;
9. Scheduled messages.
4.1. Inbox
The SMS Inbox is a search facility to find all the messages that were sent back to you in reply to the
SMS message you sent out.
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To locate messages
sent between certain
dates, use the time
frame to select the
search criteria.
The following screen will be displayed.
Click “search” to locate the
SMS or “Clear” to put in
other dates.
Once the message/s has been located, they will be displayed here.
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It will show the Reply ID
number, recipient cellular
number, date and time
message was sent and
the message.
Click on the “Reply ID” to view the
message and the response.
You can respond the
message or delete
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4.2. Sent Messages
Similar to the inbox, you are able to view messages sent by selecting the relevant search criteria.
4.3. New SMS Message
To send an SMS, click on IMS Office and select New SMS message.
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Type in the recipient cell
number and the
If you want to have the message sent at a
later date, select the date from the calendar,
or you can leave it blank
Click “Send” to
send the
The following screen will be displayed to notify you that the SMS has been successfully send.
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4.4. New Fax Messages
You can also use IMS office to send a fax to someone.
You can enter message text
or just click “Attach” to
attach the fax.
The following screen will be displayed
Click “Browse”
to locate your
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Locate the
document and
click “Open”.
Once the document had been located,
Click “Attach” to have the
document attached.
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If you have attached
the wrong document,
highlight it and click
“Confirm” to
Type in the
Fax Number
Type in a
message in the
“Message Text”
Press send.
The following screen will be displayed to notify you that the fax has been successfully send.
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4.5. New Email Message
Type in the recipients email
address message and you
can attach documents as well.
Click “Send”.
Similar to sending a fax, the following screen will be displayed…
4.6. Bulk Messaging
This function allows you to send multiple Faxes, SMS or Email messages to multiple people at once
through the use of a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file.
Generally a system creates these files automatically and you load them into this application for sending.
A CSV file is a file that contains values that are separated by commas - (Comma Separated Values).
Use the Browse button to locate the CSV file on your system and the SUBMIT button to upload and
distribute the contents of the CSV file.
By selecting a message protocol and clicking the “Download Example” link, a user is able to download
and save the CSV sample file to their desktop.
Creating a CSV file using the “Download Example” link.
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Use Microsoft Excel to edit the CSV example file. Once completed please ensure the following
procedure is followed:
1. Click on the "File" menu and select "Save As".
2. Locate the destination folder to which you want to save the bulk list.
3. Give the file a name by entering a name in the "File Name" text box.
4. Drop the "Save as Type" list down and select the "CSV (Comma Delimited)" option.
5. Click on the "Save" button to save the File.
Once you click on Download
Example, the following screen will be
The CSV example file can be used to import
multiple messages. Do not change the format
(Row 1) of the CSV example file.
Once the CSV File has been saved click the “BROWSE” button to locate the CSV file and then “LOAD”
to upload the messages.
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4.7. Message Templates
To get a list of templates defined for you, select IMS Office->Template List. The following screen will
be displayed.
To modify a particular template, click on the Template ID of the template in the list. The following screen
will be displayed.
Do the required modifications and press
“Update” to save the modifications.
To Add a new template, Press the ADD NEW TEMPLATE button on the Template List, OR select the
IMS Office->New Template menu item. The following screen will be displayed.
Please enter the requested values
and click “Add Template” to save the
new template.
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4.8. Scheduled Messages
Scheduled Messages can be managed by selecting the menu item IMS Office->Scheduled Messages.
Messages may be modified or deleted if it has not been processed yet.
To view the messages scheduled
type in the required fields and
press SEARCH.
To view a specific
message, select the
Message Id.
To delete a specific
message, press Delete.
If you selected to view a specific message, the following screen will be displayed.
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5. Exclusions
Exclusions allow you to view numbers (or e-mail addresses) of clients that will be blocked from receiving
your messages. If you have the appropriate rights you may also add your own exclusions.
5.1 View Opt Outs
Opt Outs is viewable by selecting the menu item Exclusions->View Opt Outs. Opt Outs are exclusions
where clients receiving your messages have opted out by replying with words like ‘stop’, ‘opt out’, or
If you send a message to a client in your opt out list, the message will be blocked and marked with a
status of ‘Blocked by Exclusionrule’.
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Appendix A: Message Statuses
Unprocessed: The message has not yet been submitted to the network.
Pending: The message was submitted to the network, but the delivery status report has not been
received yet.
Delivered: The message was successfully delivered to the mobile device by the network.
Partial Delivered: Some, but not all, message segments of a multipart message were successfully
delivered to the mobile device by the network.
Undelivered: The network did not succeed to deliver the message to the mobile device.
Expired: The network was unable to deliver the message in a specified time period. If the period
expires, the SMS is deemed EXPIRED and not worth delivering.
Rejected: The message was rejected by the network. The provider could have blocked phonenumbers
in this range.
Accepted: The message was accepted by the network, but did not deliver it to the mobile device.
Invalid Recipient: The message couldn't be delivered because of a invalid number.
Blocked by Exclusionrule: The intended recipient has opted out from receiving messages from this
customer; therefore the message was not submitted to the network.
Monthly message limit exceeded: Either the user’s or the customer’s monthly message limit has
been reached; therefore the message was not submitted to the network.
Deleted by User: The user logged into the MPG portal and deleted the message that was scheduled to
be sent some time in the future.
Deleted by Network: The message was deleted by the network.
Submit Failure: The attempt to submit the message to the network failed.
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