Aviv 2015 אָּ בִ יב Reuben יֹום ִראׁשֹון יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Yom Rishon Yom Shanee Yom Shleeshe ראובן יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Yom Chamishe Yom Sheshe Yom Shabbat Thursday Yom Rivee’EE And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them, The set feasts of Yahweh which you shall proclaim as holy gatherings, shall be these, These are My appointed Feasts. In the first month on the fourteenth of the month between the evenings is the Passover to Yahweh. And on the fifteenth day of this month is the Feast of Unleavened to Yahweh; you shall eat unleavened things seven days. Leviticus 23:1-2; 5-6 2 3 March 22 9 4 March 24 March 23 10 5 11 6 March 25 12 7 14 Passover Ceremony After Sunset March 29 16 Start Omer Count March 31 March 30 17 18 19 20 Holy Day Starts After Sunset First Day of Biblical Year March 21 8 שבת Shabbat שלוםShalom March 28 Holy Day Starts After Sunset 15 Holy Day Feast of Unleavened Bread Pesach April 3 April 2 April 1 1 March 27 March 26 13 Saturday Friday 21 Chag HaMatzot April 4 Holy Day 22 End of Week One Omer Count Feast of First Fruits Feast of Unleavened Bread Feast of Unleavened Bread Feast of Unleavened Bread Feast of Unleavened Bread Feast of Unleavened Bread Feast of Unleavened Bread Chag HaMatzot Chag HaMatzot Chag HaMatzot Chag HaMatzot Chag HaMatzot Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom April 5 April 6 April 7 April 8 April 9 April 10 April 11 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 New Moon Conjunction April 12 Shabbat Shalom 30 April 19 End of Week Two Omer Count April 13 April 14 April 15 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem www.coyhwh.com April 16 April 17 9:57 PM שבתשלום Jerusalem April 18 Photo: Sea of Galilee Ziv 2015 זִו Simeon יֹום ִראׁשֹון יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י Sunday יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל Yom Rishon Yom Shanee 1 יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י Tuesday Monday 2 Yom Rivee’EE 3 יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Yom Chamishe Yom Sheshe Yom Shabbat Friday Thursday Wednesday Yom Shleeshe שמעון 4 5 6 April 20 8 9 15 10 April 28 16 April 23 April 22 April 21 April 27 April 26 14 End of Week Three Omer Count Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom Sunday 7 Saturday 11 April 29 17 April 24 12 18 13 May 1 April 30 April 25 19 End of Week Four Omer Count Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom May 2 20 End of Week Five Omer Count Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom May 3 21 May 4 22 28 23 May 11 May 10 29 New Moon Conjunction 7:13 AM May 17 May 5 Jerusalem May 18 May 6 24 May 12 25 May 13 26 May 14 May 9 May 8 May 7 27 May 15 End of Week Six Omer Count Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom May 16 And now, Israel, what has Yahweh your Elohim asked of you, except to fear Yahweh your Elohim, to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your soul; to keep the commandments of Yahweh, and His statutes which I am commanding you today, for your good. Deuteronomy 10:12-13 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem www.coyhwh.com Photo: Pella, Jordan Sivan 2015 ִסי ָּון Levi יֹום ִראׁשֹון Sunday Yom Rishon יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י Monday Tuesday Wednesday Yom Shanee Be a rock of strength for me, to which I may always go; You have given a command to save me; for You are my rock and my fortress. Psalm 71:3 Yom Shleeshe 1 Holy Day 7 יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש Yom Chamishe 3 Saturday Yom Sheshe 4 Yom Shabbat 5 8 May 21 May 20 9 10 May 22 11 End of Week Seven Omer Count Shalom May 23 שבת שלום 12 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom Feast of Weeks - Pentecost Shavuot May 24 13 יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Friday Thursday Holy Day Starts After Sunset Shabbat May 19 6 יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ Yom Rivee’EE 2 לוי May 25 14 May 26 15 May 27 16 May 28 17 May 29 18 May 30 19 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom May 31 20 June 1 21 22 28 June 4 24 June 10 June 5 25 June 11 June 6 26 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom June 12 June 13 29 New Moon Conjunction 5:05 PM Jerusalem June 14 June 3 23 June 9 June 8 June 7 27 June 2 June 15 June 16 O man, He has declared to you what is good. And what does Yahweh require of you, but to do justice, and to love grace, and to walk humbly with your Elohim. Micah 6:8 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem www.coyhwh.com Photo: Mount Nebo, Jordan Tammuz 2015 תַׁ מּוז Judah יֹום ִראׁשֹון יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י Sunday יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל Yom Rishon Yom Shanee Summer Solstice 6 7 7:38 PM Yom Rivee’EE 1 Yom Chamishe 2 June 17 8 יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Yom Sheshe Yom Shabbat Friday Thursday 3 June 18 9 Saturday 4 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom June 20 June 19 10 11 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom June 21 12 יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ Wednesday Yom Shleeshe Because everything having been regenerated of Yahweh overcomes the world, and this is the victory which overcomes the world, even our faith. 1st John 5:4 5 יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י Tuesday Monday יהודה June 22 13 June 24 June 23 14 15 16 June 27 June 26 June 25 17 18 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom June 29 June 28 19 20 June 30 21 22 23 July 4 July 3 July 2 July 1 24 25 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom July 6 July 5 26 27 July 7 28 July 8 29 July 9 30 New Moon Conjunction 4:25 AM Jerusalem July 12 July 13 July 14 July 15 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem www.coyhwh.com July 16 July 10 July 11 Do not fear, for I am with you; do not gaze about, for I am your Elohim; I will make you strong; yea, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with you with the right hand of My righteousness. Isaiah 41:10 Photo: Jaffa Port Av 2015 אָּ ב Dan יֹום ִראׁשֹון יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י Sunday יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל Yom Rishon יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י Tuesday Monday Yom Shanee יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ Wednesday Yom Shleeshe Yom Rivee’EE 4 5 6 Yom Chamishe 7 יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Yom Sheshe Yom Shabbat Friday Thursday For we have not a high priest, who cannot share our infirmities; but we have one who was tempted in everything as we are, yet without sin. Therefore, let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and we may find grace in time of need. Hebrews 4:15-16 3 דן 1 Saturday 2 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom July 17 8 July 18 9 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom July 19 10 July 20 11 July 21 12 July 22 13 July 23 14 July 25 July 24 15 16 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom July 26 17 July 28 July 27 18 19 July 30 July 29 20 21 July 31 22 August 1 23 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom August 2 24 August 3 25 26 August 6 August 5 August 4 27 28 August 7 August 8 29 New Moon Conjunction 5:54 PM Jerusalem August 9 August 10 August 11 August 12 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem www.coyhwh.com August 13 August 14 Photo: Tel Hazor Elul 2015 אֱלִ ּול Naphtali יֹום ִראׁשֹון יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י Sunday Yom Rishon 2 יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י Tuesday Monday Yom Shanee Yom Shleeshe נפתלי יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש Yom Rivee’EE יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Friday Thursday Wednesday Yom Chamishe Saturday Yom Sheshe The Torah of Yahweh is perfect, converting the soul. The testimony of Yahweh is sure, making the simple wise. The precepts of Yahweh are right, rejoicing the heart. The commandments of Yahweh are clear, giving light to the eyes. The fear of Yahweh is clean, enduring forever. The judgments of Yahweh are true, they are righteous altogether. They are more precious than gold, even much fine gold, and sweeter than honey and drops from the honeycomb. Psalms 19:7-10 3 4 5 6 7 Yom Shabbat 1 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom August 15 8 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom August 16 9 August 17 10 August 18 11 August 19 12 August 20 13 August 22 August 21 14 15 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom August 23 16 August 25 August 24 17 18 August 27 August 26 19 20 August 29 August 28 21 22 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom August 31 August 30 23 24 25 26 September 4 September 3 September 2 September 1 27 28 29 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom September 6 30 New Moon ConjunctionHolyAfterDaySunsetStarts 9:42 AM Jerusalem September 13 September 5 September 7 September 8 September 9 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem www.coyhwh.com September 10 September 11 September 12 Photo: Kadesh Barnea Tishri 2015 ִת ְׁׁש ֵׁרי Gad יֹום ִראׁשֹון יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י Sunday יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל Yom Rishon Yom Shanee 1 יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י Tuesday Monday יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ Wednesday Yom Shleeshe 3 Yom Chamishe 4 יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Yom Sheshe Yom Shabbat Friday Thursday Yom Rivee’EE Holy Day 2 גד 5 6 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom Feast of Trumpets Yom Teruah September 15 September 14 7 8 September 20 14 Holy Day Starts After Sunset Holy Day Starts After Sunset Holy Day 11 Holy Day Starts After Sunset Day of Atonement September 22 September 23 12 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom Yom Kippur Holy Day 16 September 24 17 18 19 20 Feast of Booths – Feast of Tabernacles Feast of Booths – Feast of Tabernacles Feast of Booths – Feast of Tabernacles Feast of Booths – Feast of Tabernacles Sukkot Sukkot Sukkot Sukkot Sukkot 22 September 29 October 1 September 30 Holy Day 23 24 25 October 2 26 October 5 29 October 7 October 6 30 New Moon Conjunction 3:06 AM October 11 October 12 Sukkot שבתשלום October 3 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom Shemini Atzeret 28 Shabbat Shalom 27 The Last Great Day – The Eighth Day of Assembly October 4 September 26 September 25 Feast of Booths – Feast of Tabernacles September 28 September 19 13 Feast of Booths – Feast of Tabernacles September 27 21 10 September 18 September 17 September 16 9 September 21 15 Saturday Jerusalem October 13 October 8 October 9 October 10 Yahweh your Elohim is mighty in your midst; He will save (Y’shua), He will rejoice over you with joy; He is silent in His love. He rejoices over you with a joyful shout. Zephaniah 3:17 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem www.coyhwh.com Photo: Old City, Jerusalem The Dead Sea Bul 2015 בּול Asher יֹום ִראׁשֹון יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל Monday Sunday Yom Rishon Yom Shanee 6 7 יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ Wednesday Yom Shleeshe And may the Elohim of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, for you to abound in hope, in power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 5 יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י Tuesday Yom Chamishe 2 יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Yom Sheshe Yom Shabbat Friday Thursday Yom Rivee’EE 1 אשר 3 Saturday 4 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 8 October 14 9 October 15 10 October 16 11 October 17 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 12 October 18 13 October 19 14 October 20 15 October 21 16 October 22 17 October 23 18 October 24 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 19 October 25 20 October 26 21 October 27 22 October 28 23 October 29 24 October 30 25 October 31 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 26 November 1 27 November 2 28 November 3 29 November 4 New Moon Conjunction 30 November 5 7:48 PM Jerusalem November 8 November 9 November 10 November 11 November 12 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem www.coyhwh.com November 6 November 7 And we have known and have believed the love which Elohim has in us. Yahweh is love, and the one abiding in love abides in Elohim and Elohim in him. 1st John 4:16 Photo: Dead Sea Kislev 2015 ְּׁכסלֵׁו Issachar יֹום ִראׁשֹון יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י Sunday יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל Monday Yom Rishon יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י Tuesday Yom Shanee יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ Yom Rivee’EE Yom Chamishe And Yahweh returned to me according to my righteousness, according to my cleanness in His eyes. With the faithful You show Yourself kind. With the upright man, You will show Yourself upright. With the pure, You will show Yourself pure, and with the perverted You will appear perverse. And you shall save the afflicted people, and Your eyes are on the haughty, whom You bring low. For You are my lamp, O Yahweh; and Yahweh shall light up my darkness. 2nd Samuel 22:25-29 3 4 5 6 7 יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Yom Sheshe Yom Shabbat Friday Thursday Wednesday Yom Shleeshe יששכר 1 Saturday 2 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 8 November 13 9 November 14 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 10 November 15 11 November 16 12 November 17 13 November 18 14 November 19 15 November 20 16 November 21 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 17 November 22 18 November 23 19 November 24 20 November 25 21 November 26 22 November 27 23 November 28 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 24 November 29 25 November 30 26 December 1 27 December 2 28 December 3 29 December 4 December 5 New Moon Conjunction 12:30 PM December 6 December 7 December 8 December 9 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem www.coyhwh.com December 10 Jerusalem December 11 Photo: Mediterranean Sea Tevet 2015 טֵׁ בֵׁ ת Zebulun זבולון יֹום ִראׁשֹון יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Yom Rishon Yom Shanee Yom Shleeshe Yom Rivee’EE Yom Chamishe Yom Sheshe Yom Shabbat Monday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday A song of Ascents. I will lift up my eyes to the hills; from where shall my help come? My help comes from Yahweh, the maker of the heavens and the earth. He will not give your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will not slumber nor sleep. Yahweh is the One keeping you; Yahweh is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night; Yahweh shall keep your soul. Yahweh shall keep your going out, and your coming in, from now on and till forever. Psalm 121:1-8 2 3 4 5 6 Saturday Friday 7 1 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 8 December 12 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 9 16 23 December 13 December 20 December 27 10 17 24 December 14 December 21 December 28 11 18 25 December 15 Winter Solstice 6:48 AM December 22 December 29 12 December 16 13 December 17 14 December 18 19 26 December 23 December 30 20 27 December 24 December 31 21 December 25 December 26 January 2 January 1 28 29 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 3:31 AM January 10 22 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom New Moon Conjunction Jerusalem December 19 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom January 3 30 15 January 4 January 5 January 6 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem www.coyhwh.com January 7 January 8 January 9 Photo: Herodian Shvat 2016 ְׁׁשבָּ ט Manasseh יֹום ִראׁשֹון ם Sunday Yom Rishon יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י Monday Tuesday Wednesday Yom Shanee 1 Yom Shleeshe 2 January 11 7 8 January 12 9 יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ 5 11 Saturday Yom Sheshe January 14 January 13 יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Friday Yom Chamishe 4 10 יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש Thursday Yom Rivee’EE 3 מנשה Yom Shabbat 6 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom January 16 January 15 12 13 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom January 17 14 January 18 15 January 19 16 January 20 17 January 21 18 January 22 19 January 23 20 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom January 24 21 January 26 January 25 22 23 January 27 24 January 28 25 January 29 26 January 30 27 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom January 31 28 February 1 29 New Moon Conjunction 4:39 PM Jerusalem February 7 February 8 February 2 February 3 February 4 February 5 February 6 Because of this, you also be ready, for in that hour you think not, the Son of Man comes. Who then is the faithful and wise servant whom his Master has set over His household, to give to them the food in season? Blessed is that servant whom his Master shall find so doing when He comes. Matthew 24:44-46 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem www.coyhwh.com Photo: Ein Gedi Pool Adar Aleph 2016 אֲדָּ ר א Ephraim אפרים יֹום ִראׁשֹון יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Yom Rishon Yom Shanee Yom Shleeshe Yom Rivee’EE Yom Chamishe Yom Sheshe Yom Shabbat Sunday Monday Blessed are the ones doing His commandments, that their authority will be over the Tree of Life, and that they may enter by the gates into the city. Revelation 22:14 6 7 February 14 13 Tuesday 1 2 Friday Thursday 3 4 Saturday 5 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom February 9 8 February 15 14 Wednesday 9 10 February 17 February 16 15 February 11 February 10 16 February 12 11 February 18 17 February 13 12 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom February 19 18 February 20 19 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom February 21 20 February 23 February 22 21 22 February 24 23 February 25 24 February 27 February 26 25 26 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom February 28 27 February 29 28 29 March 1 30 March 2 March 7 March 8 March 4 March 5 For Yahweh did not give a spirit of cowardice to us, but of power and of love and of good discipline. Then do not be 3:55 AM ashamed of the testimony of our Master, nor of me, His Jerusalem prisoner. But suffer hardship with the good news, March 9 according to the power of Elohim. 2nd Timothy 1:7-8 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem Photo: Hills of Samaria www.coyhwh.com New Moon Conjunction March 6 March 3 Adar Bet 2016 אֲדָּ ר ב Benjamin בנימין יֹום ִראׁשֹון יֹום ׁשֵׁ נִ י יׁשי ִ ִיֹום ְׁׁשל יֹום ְׁרבִ יעִ י יׁשי ִ יֹום ח ֲִמ יׁשי ִ יֹום ִׁש יֹום ׁשַׁ בָּ ת Yom Rishon Yom Shanee Yom Shleeshe Yom Rivee’EE Yom Chamishe Yom Sheshe Yom Shabbat Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Having purified your souls in the obedience of the truth through the Spirit to sincere brotherly love, love one another fervently out of a pure heart, being regenerated, not by corruptible seed, but incorruptible through the living Word of Yahweh, which abides forever. 1st Peter 1:22-23 4 5 6 7 Friday Thursday 1 2 Saturday 3 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 8 March 10 March 11 9 10 March 12 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 11 18 March 13 Spring Equinox 6:30 AM March 20 12 19 March 14 March 21 13 20 March 15 March 22 14 21 March 16 March 23 15 22 March 17 March 24 March 18 16 23 17 March 19 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom March 25 March 26 24 Shabbat שבת שלוםShalom 25 March 27 26 March 28 27 March 29 28 March 30 29 March 31 New Moon Conjunction April 4 April 5 April 6 Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem www.coyhwh.com April 2 1 Jerusalem Aviv 1 April 7 April 8 2:24 PM April 3 April 1 Photo: Tel Gezer
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