Januar 2015 Aktualno poročilo o kapitalskih trgih na razvijajočih se trgih emreport Stran 1 od 5 Globalni pregled Delniški trgi Delnice razvijajočih se trgov (EM) skupno leta 2014 ponovno šibkejše kot delnice na razvitih trgih Zdravstvo in oskrba sta se odrezala občutno bolje kot panoge, ki so občutljivejše na konjunkturo Padec cen nafte dodatno razdvaja EM na zmagovalce in poražence Tudi v letu 2014 so delniški trgi držav na pragu razvitosti v celoti zaostali za razvitimi trgi (-2 % naproti 5 %, v ameriških dolarjih). Razlika je sicer bila s 7 % občutno manjša kot leta 2013. Toda ponovno so bili pri tem razvijajoči se trgi (EM) zelo heterogeni. Močnim porastom z občutnimi 20 odstotki na eni strani (Egipt, Indonezija, Indija, Filipini, vse v ameriških dolarjih) so bili nasproti močni padci na drugi strani (Rusija, Grčija, Madžarska). Podjetja s področja IT in defenzivnih panog, kot sta zdravstvo in oskrba, so bila najmočnejša in so močno prednjačila pred cikličnimi panogami, ki so občutljivejša glede konjunkture. Šibkemu prvemu četrtletju (bojazni pred t.i. „tapering“) je sledilo jasno izboljšanje, ki pa se je nazadnje septembra umaknilo ponovnemu šibkejšemu razvoju (padec cen nafte, kriza rublja). S saldom je leta 2014 na globalni ravni iz delniških skladov EM odteklo okoli 25. mrd. ameriških dolarjev. Temu je treba prišteti še dejavnike, ki so relevantni na nacionalni ravni. Rusija in Vzhodna Evropa sta spomladi trpeli še zaradi zaostritve državljanske vojne v Ukrajini, ter vzporedno zaradi vedno strožjih sankcij in političnih ukrepov Zahoda do Rusije (ZDA/NATO/EU). Indiji, Indoneziji in Turčiji so bili v prid razvojni trendi na notranje politični ravni, kar so trgi sprejeli pozitivno. V zadnjem četrtletju pa je padec cen nafte dodatno in še močneje razdelil države na pragu razvitosti na zmagovalce in poražence. Splošno so finančni trgi uvoznikov nafte in industrijskih kovin bili v boljšem položaju (zlasti v Aziji), medtem ko so se finančni trgi izvoznikov znašli pod dodatnim pritiskom (Rusija, Latinska Amerika, Bližnji in Srednji vzhod). Vzporedno smo bili od septembra naprej priča vedno večji slabitvi valut in obveznic mnogih razvijajočih se trgov. Obveznice in valute Valute držav na pragu razvitosti tendenčno pod pritiskom spričo še naprej močnega ameriškega dolarja www.rcm-international.com Glede obvezniških trgov v državah EM je bilo moč na ravni letne primerjave zabeležiti razpone donosov v primerjavi z ameriškimi državnimi obveznicami. Podobno kot pri delnicah so tudi ta razvoj zaznamovale občutne razlike med posameznimi državami. Medtem ko so se razponi denimo za Ukrajino, Venezuelo in Rusijo občutno zvišali, pa so nasprotno občutno padli za države, kot sta Indija ali Turčija. Pri valutah se je rubelj v določenih fazah znašel v prostem padcu in je leto zaključil z minusom 40 % v primerjavi z ameriškim dolarjem, sicer pa so šibkejšo podobo kazale tudi druge valute razvijajočih se trgov. Kljub temu so državne obveznice EM v trdih valutah v letu 2014 skupno dosegle zavidljiv donos okoli 7,5 % (v am. dolarjih), nasproti 3,6 % za ustrezne podjetniške obveznice EM, z bonitetno oceno netvegane stopnje. Pri obveznicah v lokalnih valutah so nasprotno beležili minus skoraj 6 odstotkov. Azija je pri tem dosegla jasen plus (+5 %), medtem ko sta bili Latinska Amerika (-4 %) ter Srednja in Vzhodna Evropa (-11 %) na strani poražencev. Zelo heterogeno so se razvijale tudi stopnje inflacije in konjunktura. Medtem ko je večina razvijajočih se trgov beležila padec stopenj inflacije, so slednje v nekaterih državah ostale zelo visoko (Brazilija, Rusija, Južna Afrika, Turčija, Indija, Indonezija). Januar 2015 Aktualno poročilo o kapitalskih trgih na razvijajočih se trgih emreport Stran 2 od 5 Globalni obeti Delniški trgi Še naprej heterogen gospodarski razvoj – toda hkrati močnejša usklajenost razvoja finančnih trgov v državah na pragu razvitosti? Privlačnejši trgi še naprej občutljivejši – sicer v osnovi močni, toda zato zelo dragi Osnovna raznolikost med narodnimi gospodarstvo posameznih držav in regij na razvijajočih se trgih se bo leta 2015 nadaljevala. Zanimivo z vidika vlagateljev pa se utegne za določen čas pojaviti prav nasprotni scenarij, namreč močnejša usklajenost v razvoju delniških trgov v državah razvijajočih se trgov. Tako so se korelacije med delniški trgi posameznih držav na pragu razvitosti v preteklih mesecih že močno povečale. Hkrati ugotavljamo, da so se delnice v državah na pragu razvitosti in panogah, ki imajo sicer v osnovi dobre obete in so močne, že močno podražile. Nasprotno pa so sicer močneje povezani trgi primerjalno dobili privlačnejše ocene. Toda hkrati ostajajo z gospodarskega vidika še naprej posebej občutljivi. Zato se spričo slednjega za leto 2015 postavlja naslednje vprašanje: Se bo splošni trend na delniških trgih EM obrnil navzgor ali navzdol? Jasne tendence razvoja glede slednjega v tem trenutku še ne moremo prepoznati. Z vidika ocene posameznih podjetij bi lahko trenutno pričakovali nekaj več pozitivnejših impulzov, zlasti relativno glede na razvite trge in posebej glede trgov v ZDA, ki so že zdaj dokaj dragi. Z makroekonomskega vidika pa kažejo razvoj kreditov, dinamika dobičkov, obeti glede konjunkture in cikli vlaganj na nadaljnje zbiranje nevihtnih oblakov v večini držav na pragu razvitosti, zato gre vsaj kratkoročno pričakovati padec oziroma nazadovanje razvoja delniških trgov EM (in/ali valut). Obveznice in valute Pri podjetniških obveznicah EM v letu 2015 lahko ponovno pričakujemo številne nove izdaje Ciljna izbira držav ostaja pomembna www.rcm-international.com Tudi na področju obveznic slika ni povsem jasna. Ponudba novo izdanih državnih obveznic bo sicer verjetno manjša kot lani, kar pomeni, da bo tudi preglednejša. Na drugi strani pa lahko pri podjetniških obveznicah pričakujemo bistveno večji obseg novih izdaj – skoraj sedemkratnik v primerjavi z državnimi obveznicami, pri čemer bodo v ospredju najverjetneje zlasti azijska podjetja. Donosi na trgu EM ostajajo v primerjavi z industrijskimi državami še naprej prav privlačni. Ker lahko za prvi dve četrtletji 2015 pričakujemo močnejši ameriški dolar, bi lahko bilo slednje v prid razvoju obveznic v trdih valutah razvijajočih se trgov, medtem ko si lahko obveznice, denominirane v lokalnih valutah, primerljivo obetajo le manjši donos. Potem ko so tuja sredstva leta 2014 s pribl. 14 mrd. ameriških dolarjev predstavljala le tretjino dolgoletnega povprečja, mnogi analitiki za leto 2015 pričakujejo ponovno nekoliko močnejši, še vedno pa podpovprečen, dotok kapitala iz tujine. Nikakor pa ne smemo podcenjevati možnih negativnih vplivov morebitnega dotekanja sredstev iz naslova obveznic EM, do česar bi lahko prišlo, če bi ameriška centralna banka v teku leta dejansko zvišala vodilne obrestne mere. Toda če pustimo ob strani ta globalna razmišljanja, se tako enim kot drugim tudi leta 2015 obetajo dobre priložnosti za donos v posameznih državah pri obveznicah v lokalnih valutah, in sicer zlasti tam, kjer imajo centralne banke na voljo večji manevrski prostor za zniževanje obresti. Januar 2015 Aktualno poročilo o kapitalskih trgih na razvijajočih se trgih emreport Stran 3 od 5 Countries and regions Asian EM countries continue to have the best economic prospects Economic performance by China remains the Achilles’ heel of the Asian markets Chinese mainland stocks see spectacular gains in 2014 India: Plenty of confidence up-front, now it’s time for action European EM equities: Slack EU economy and geopolitical tensions weigh on prices and investor sentiment Positive performance for the Turkish equity market www.rcm-international.com Asia Among the emerging markets, however, this region probably still has the best economic prospects. Many of the countries will also profit from the sharp decline in prices for oil and other commodities. Nevertheless, there is no reason to get overly excited, because on the one hand the stock valuations are generally above average in this region. On the other hand, most of the Asian markets are also very vulnerable in the event that growth in China slows down significantly. Naturally, it is impossible to foresee whether and to what degree this will be the case. The fact is, however, that China has opted to slow down lending growth substantially. Of course, viewed against the backdrop of the extremely strong expansion in lending during the last decade, this process is just now getting started. Additionally, a downturn in the lending cycle can also be expected in some other EM countries (albeit not to the degree seen in China), and this will consequently put the brakes on economic performance as well (e.g. in Russia, Turkey, Brazil, India, Indonesia). It remains to be seen whether and how well the Chinese economy will be able to navigate these changes without any major disruption. Chinese A-shares traded on the mainland market enjoyed an impressive rally in recent months. As a result, their previous valuation discount compared to H-shares listed in Hong Kong (which can also be traded by non-resident investors) has turned into a valuation premium. The spectacular increase in share prices, however, is starting to show strongly speculative aspects now. One reflection of this was the recent slump in prices after some of the largest brokers were no longer allowed to open customer accounts for loan-financed purchases of equities. Of course, this attempt by the authorities to counter the development of a speculative bubble at an early stage does not necessarily mean that the rally for stocks is now over and done. Indeed, more significant gains may still be possible when one looks at the valuations and similar sets of circumstances in the past. On the Indian market, many analysts are also expecting to see more strong performance by equities, despite the fact that the two previous years were already very robust. From a long-term perspective, we also take a positive view on Indian equities. Over the short to medium term, however, caution is the order of the day. Because a great deal of positive expectations has already been priced in, and this will now have to be backed up by actual developments. Europe In 2014, Central and Eastern European emerging markets suffered both from the slack pace of economic activity in the EU and from the Ukraine crisis and related escalation of the conflict between Russia and the West. Towards the end of the year, the collapse in the oil price resulted in extreme pressure on the rouble in particular. While the Russian stock market only posted a modest loss in local currency terms, foreign investors took a beating (-47% in USD, roughly -36% in EUR). Greece suffered from the prolonged economic misery and another flare-up of political uncertainty. Along with Russia, the Greek stock market was one of the weakest (roughly -30%). A positive exception in the region was Turkey, where the equity market posted a strong doubledigit gain. Looking at the CE3 (Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary), the strongest performance was booked by Poland, where the stock market remained practically unchanged (in Januar 2015 Aktualno poročilo o kapitalskih trgih na razvijajočih se trgih emreport Eastern Europe’s longterm prospects are still intact, but negative factors still dominate the short to medium term Sharp recession and a longer period of economic doldrums look unavoidable in Russia – Can this function as a possible catalyst for the badly needed structural reforms? Stock valuations look attractive, but the massive potential can probably only be tapped over the long term Few good prospects in the region – Brazil faces significant economic challenges in 2015 as well LCY terms). While the performance of stocks and currencies was marginal to negative, the bond markets did very well (with the exceptions of Russia and Ukraine). Despite some attractive valuations, many investors may maintain their wait-and-see attitude on this region, as long as there is no lasting de-escalation of the confrontation between Russia and the West. Along with the negative economic impacts of the sanctions, this poor investor sentiment is an additional factor which is detrimental for the stock markets in this region. Barring a sustained economic upturn in the Eurozone, stronger economic performance in Central and Eastern Europe is hard to imagine. This is particularly the case since further declines in exports to Russia can be anticipated, due to the sanctions, the slump in oil prices and recession in the Russian economy. Falling oil prices, the collapse of the rouble and Western sanctions will weigh heavily on the Russian economy for the foreseeable future. It remains to be seen whether and to what extent Moscow will be able to mitigate some of this by intensifying its economic and financial cooperation with other countries (India, Brazil, former Soviet republics). Over the long run, however, in a positive scenario the current situation may lead to structural reforms in the Russian economy, albeit these would only bear fruit after a few years. Development of production capacities to replace the imports from the past and deepening financial cooperation in the BRICS countries will likely be high on Moscow’s list of priorities, because it does not look like the Western sanctions will be loosened or lifted any time soon, and from the current perspective it is also unlikely that there will be any rapid recovery in the price of oil. In 2016 and thereafter it is possible that the oil price will be significantly higher again. In the meantime, Russia will have to endure some very hard times, although the country is far better prepared to deal with this now than it was 10 years ago. On the other hand, Russia’s financial markets have already priced in a great deal of this misery. Still, despite the fact that some valuations are looking quite attractive, significant downside risks remain (e.g. further weakening of the rouble, rating downgrades, sustained capital flight, tightening of sanctions). Bearing this in mind, Russia investors will have to have plenty of patience and calm nerves. Latin America Stock markets in Latin America did far worse than the EM average (around 10% worse in USD). With the exception of Peru, negative performances were seen almost everywhere. Share prices in Brazil plunged recently, despite a temporary speculative rally on the stock market in the run-up to the presidential election. Along with the disappointed political hopes, the stock market was dragged down by the declining oil price, slack economic performance and high inflation. Brazil’s economy will continue to face major challenges in 2015 as well, in the form of inflation, low commodity prices and negative lending growth. It remains to be see whether and to what extent Brazil’s president who was re-elected by a narrow margin in October can steer the country’s economy in a radically new direction. Imprint Publisher and copyright owner: Zentrale Raiffeisenwerbung, 1030 Vienna, Am Stadtpark 9 Published and prepared by: Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft m.b.H., Schwarzenbergplatz 3, 1010 Vienna For more information, please visit us at:www.rcm.at www.rcm-international.com Stran 4 od 5 Januar 2015 Aktualno poročilo o kapitalskih trgih na razvijajočih se trgih emreport Stran 5 od 5 This document was prepared and designed by Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft m.b.H., Vienna, Austria (“Raiffeisen Capital Management” or “Raiffeisen KAG”). Although all information contained therein has been carefully researched, it is for information purposes only, non-binding, based on the current state of knowledge of the persons responsible for its preparation at the time of its completion and subject to change by Raiffeisen KAG at any time without further notice. 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