IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL IMPORT VERIFICATION COMPLIANCE ARRANGEMENT IVCA (CA-01) PROCEDURE MANUAL REVISION REGISTER Revision No. 1 2 3 4 5 5.1 5.2 Date of Issue 18/11/2003 March 2009 9 April 2009 15 March 2012 21 March 2014 25 March 2014 4 July 2014 Authorised by: Manager, Market Access & Systems Amendment details Original / R C New Act / GSC / IC Edits re New Act / GSC Edits/ logo, BioSA / GSC Edits / Logo / RE Edits / Corrections / RE Edits / Inspection Rates added / RE Date: 4 July 2014 Uncontrolled: Controlled: Holders of uncontrolled copies of this document will not be automatically advised of any amendments or revisions. To check for any changes to this document, contact Biosecurity SA – Plant Health Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 1 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL A copy of this Operational Procedure and other information is available on the Biosecurity SA web-site at http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/ica All contact regarding this Operational Procedure should be made to the Market Access Officer, Biosecurity SA Operations on (08) 8207 7814. Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 2 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL INDEX 1.0 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................ 4 2.0 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................... 4 3.0 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................... 4 4.0 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................... 5 5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................. 6 5.1 The Certification Controller is responsible for – ..................................................... 6 5.2 Responsible Persons are required to: ................................................................... 7 6.0 REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 7 7.0 PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................... 8 7.1 Verification of Interstate Consignments at Receival .............................................. 8 7.2 Release and Certifying Release of Verified Consignments ................................. 11 7.3 Non-Conforming Consignments .......................................................................... 11 7.4 Product Traceability ............................................................................................. 12 7.5 Authenticated Copies of PHC’s or PHAC’s .......................................................... 13 7.6 Verification of Re-consignment Certification (Original or Split) ............................ 13 7.7 Amendments ....................................................................................................... 13 8.0 DOCUMENTATION CONTROL AND RECORDS................................................... 14 8.1 Documents and References ................................................................................ 14 8.2 Records ............................................................................................................... 14 9.0 IVCA ACCREDITATION ......................................................................................... 14 9.1 Accreditation ........................................................................................................ 14 9.2 Audit Process ...................................................................................................... 14 9.3 Compliance Audit Frequency .............................................................................. 15 9.4 Other Types of Audit............................................................................................ 15 9.5 Audit Rules .......................................................................................................... 15 10.0 SANCTIONS POLICY ............................................................................................. 16 10.1 Types of Non-conformities ................................................................................... 16 10.2 Action upon Detection of Nonconformities ........................................................... 16 10.3 Notice of Suspension or Cancellation of Accreditation ........................................ 17 10.4 Appeals ............................................................................................................... 17 10.5 Re-instatement of Accreditation........................................................................... 17 11.0 APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 17 Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 3 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL INTRODUCTION The Plant Health Act 2009 and the Plant Quarantine Standard (PQS) provide the legal requirements for introducing or importing plant and plant related material into South Australia. The objective of these requirements is to protect South Australian resources, minimise the risk of the introduction of plant pests and disease, and to protect South Australia’s horticulture industry. Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA) through Biosecurity SA is responsible for administering and enforcing the Plant Health Act 2009 and the South Australian Plant Quarantine Standard. The options to verify compliance with import quarantine requirements are either; o Direct Inspection of imported produce, where Biosecurity SA must check imported consignments prior to their release, at the cost of the importer, or o IVCA, where the importer assesses and records compliance, and Biosecurity SA audits compliance by the company, at the cost of the importer. IVCA is an option that provides flexibility, and is cost effective for business, whilst managing the quarantine risk associated with imported produce. This would normally be the preferred and most economical option for businesses that routinely import horticultural produce. This Operational Procedure outlines the conditions of an IVCA agreed between an importer and the Minister. 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this IVCA Procedure Manual is to describe the: (a) principles of operation and standards required; and (b) responsibilities and practices of accredited business and their personnel; required in verifying that any plants or plant related products brought into the state meet the conditions of the South Australian Plant Quarantine Standard and Plant Health Act 2009. 2.0 SCOPE This procedure applies to any plant and plant related product brought into the state which requires certification under the Plant Health Act 2009 and is covered under a condition of the South Australian Plant Quarantine Standard. 3.0 REFERENCES Plant Health Act 2009 South Australian Plant Health Regulations South Australian Plant Quarantine Standard (As amended from time to time and available at: http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/biosecuritysa/planthealth/importers/plant_quarantine_standard Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 4 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL 4.0 DEFINITIONS Accredited Business Means a business accredited under the Plant Health Act 2009 to operate an Interstate Verification Compliance Arrangement (IVCA) Biosecurity SA Means Biosecurity SA – Plant Health Certificate Means either a Plant Health Certificate issued by an interstate plant quarantine authority or a Plant Health Assurance Certificate issued by an interstate business accredited under the national Interstate Certification Assurance (ICA) Program or approved equivalent. Consignment Means a quantity of plants or plant related products covered by one certificate Designated Quarantine Area Means an area isolated from all other produce ICA Means the Scheme Inspector Means a person authorised as an inspector under the Plant Health Act 2009. IVCA Means Import Verification Compliance Arrangement (CA01) Non-Conformance Means a failure to comply with the requirements of the IVCA Operational Procedure. Pest Means diseases and pests stated in the South Australian Plant Quarantine Standard PIRSA Means Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA Plant Health Assurance Certificate (PHAC) Means certification in the prescribed form issued by an authorised signatory of an accredited business. (See Appendix 3) Plant Health Import Certificate (PHIC) Means a certificate issued on request by Biosecurity SA to cover a consignment which has been sent to an interstate market but has been rejected for any reason and has, or is being returned to South Australia in its original condition. (See Appendix 6) Plant Health Certificate (PHC) Means a certificate issued by an authorised inspector or officer of a State or Territory department responsible for agriculture. (See Appendix 2) Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Interstate Page 5 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified Certification 4/07/2014 Assurance IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL 5.0 Plant Quarantine Standard (PQS) Means the South Australian Plant Quarantine Standard established under the Plant Health Act 2009 which details the entry requirements for plant and plant related products into South Australia. Plant or Plant Related Produce Means item referred to as Plant or Plant Related Product by the Plant Health Act 2009. Quarantine Direction Order (QDO) A document issued by an inspector placing produce under quarantine instructing the person in charge of the produce to take a particular course of action. Reconsign Means forwarding either entire or part of an original consignment to another person or business. Responsible Person(s) Means an authorised person or person(s) named in the accreditation to complete the verification process The Act Means the Plant Health Act 2009. The Minister Means Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Verification Means activities undertaken by a Responsible Person of the business to determine the imported plant or plant related material is compliant and endorsing documentation accordingly. RESPONSIBILITIES These position titles have been used to reflect the responsibilities of staff under the IVCA Operational Procedure. In some businesses one person may carry out the responsibilities of more than one position. 5.1 The Certification Controller is responsible for – acting as a principal contact with Biosecurity; representing the business during audits and other matters relevant to IVCA Accreditation; ensuring the businesses accreditation is current (accreditation has not expired); ensuring the business has on hand or has easy access to the latest copy of the South Australian Plant Quarantine Standard; training staff in their duties and responsibilities under this Operational Procedure; and ensuring the Business and its staff comply with their responsibilities under this Operational Procedure; and maintaining a register of key personnel and notifying Biosecurity SA of any changes; Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 6 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL 5.2 6.0 Responsible Persons are required to: ensure consignments are inspected and verified; record, collect and file records; ensure that incorrectly certified or uncertified produce is declared to Biosecurity SA; ensure that all unlabelled or incorrectly labelled packages are declared to Biosecurity SA; ensure that produce containing any pest or disease is held for identification by Biosecurity SA; ensuring produce is inspected at the rates prescribed in section 7.1.2 of the IVCA Operational Procedure to check for the presence of any pests or diseases; in consultation with Biosecurity SA, ensure produce that cannot be verified as conforming is returned or re-directed interstate to markets and proof (such as a cart note) kept for audit purposes; oversee the release of conforming produce; and represent the business during audits and in other matters relevant to the IVCA. Follow directions on any QDO and not release product until it has been signed as “rectified”. REQUIREMENTS A business accredited for IVCA is required to verify that imported plant and plant related material received at the accredited facility meets all of the necessary entry requirements stipulated in the PQS prior to release by; appointing and training one or more Responsible Persons to undertake the verifications in accordance with this Manual (see section 7.0 Procedure) and the PQS; nominating one person as the Certification Controller who shall take responsibility for the arrangement and act as the contact person. verifying a valid PHC or PHAC arrives with each consignment when necessary; verifying that certificates accurately describe the consignment verifying that certificates stipulate the necessary conditions required for entry of the consignment verifying that packaging and labelling meet entry requirements verifying and inspecting consignments at the rates described in section 7.1.2 endorsing certification and releasing consignments that meet all requirements applying corrective action in regard to consignments that are not compliant and/or subject to a QDO which may include the need to return or re-direct consignments where required; ensuring proof of any returns or redirections (Plant Health Import Certificate) is obtained, recorded and maintained for audit purposes; Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 7 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL notifying Biosecurity SA when necessary; maintaining files and completing records for audit purposes; ensuring Responsible Persons and necessary records are made available for audits submitting annual returns prior to the due date, and paying all Biosecurity SA charges and fees associated with IVCA in accordance with Biosecurity SA trading terms. A business accredited for IVCA is also required to; maintain records that enable both backward and forward traceability of consignments of imported plant and plant related material it receives; and ensure consignments/produce are able to be and will be recalled for Biosecurity SA in the case of a post-entry quarantine risk being identified. Biosecurity SA will make any required amendments to the IVCA manual and PQS and make them available on the Biosecurity SA web-site. The website should be regularly accessed by the all staff responsible for verifying produce under this arrangement to check for changes to import requirements, host lists, treatment conditions and the most current IVCA procedure manual. http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/biosecuritysa/planthealth/importers 7.0 7.1 PROCEDURE Verification of Interstate Consignments at Receival Consignments arriving from interstate must be recorded and undergo the following verifications by a nominated Responsible Person by the end of the first working day before they can be released under IVCA; 7.1.1 Verify Presence of Plant or Plant Related Material Verify whether consignment contains any Plant or Plant Related Material listed in PQS Index (See Appendix 8) and therefore requires a valid Plant Health Certificate, Plant Health Assurance Certificate, Declaration or other proof of origin. 7.1.2 Verify Pest Freedom Inspect and verify consignment is not apparently affected by any pests or diseases and contact Biosecurity SA if any are found or suspected. Inspections need to be conducted at the following rates unless a different rate is specified in the South Australian Plant Quarantine Standard or as directed by Biosecurity SA: Number of Packages 1–5 Inspection Rate 100% of one package 6 – 10 100% of two packages >11 100% of three packages Large Packages (e.g bins) Inspect the single top (or visible) layer at double the rates described above. For example, for one to five bins, check the top layer of two bins. Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 8 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL Every piece of plant or plant related material from the inspected package (individual pieces of fruit or potted plants for example) need to be visually inspected for any signs of pest or diseases. The exception to this is for larger packages (e.g. bins), where only 100% of the top, single layer of produce needs to be inspected at double the rates described in the table above. Therefore, for one to five bins, it would be necessary to inspect the top layer of two bins, for six to ten it would be four and for more than 11 it would be six. If any pest or disease is found or suspected, the produce must be moved to the Designated Quarantine Area and Biosecurity SA notified immediately. Biosecurity SA will then endeavour to identify the pest or disease and advise the Certification Controller of the result as soon as possible. If the pest or disease is of concern to SA (see Appendix 9) further action will be required, otherwise the consignment can be released after first gaining clearance from Biosecurity SA. In the event produce with pests present is released and distributed, Biosecurity SA must be immediately informed and the business shall immediately commence steps to recall and recover the produce from those it supplied directly for destruction, return or treatment in consultation with Biosecurity SA. 7.1.3 Verify whether Consignment is Subject to any Quarantine Direction Order(s) (QDO) and Rectify Non-conformance(s) before Release. Should a consignment arrive accompanied by a Quarantine Direction Order the directions issued on the order must be strictly followed. Fines apply for disobeying a QDO and not following the directions can also be grounds for cancellation or suspension of IVCA accreditation and/or prosecution. If a consignment arrives with a QDO the Responsible Person must, before releasing the consignment; ensure the requirements of the QDO are fully met (call Biosecurity SA for advice should there be any doubt about how to deal with the QDO); complete the bottom section of the QDO and sign in the required space to attest the requirements have been fully met, enter the details of the QDO and remedy in the Incident Log, and advise Biosecurity SA as soon as practicable. Please note that if Biosecurity SA are not advised within 24 hours, costs incurred in follow-up activity can be recovered. file the completed QDO with the relevant PHC/PHAC for future auditing. fax a copy of the QDO to Biosecurity on SA on 08 8207 7844 or scan and email to pirsa.planthealthmarketaccess.sa.gov.au; 7.1.4 Verify Consignment Re-entering SA Verify any consignment of South Australian produce that arrives (re-enters) from interstate is accompanied with a Plant Health Import Certificate if required. Refer any concerns to a Biosecurity SA Plant Health Inspector and record on “Produce Incident Record”. 7.1.5 Verify Packaging and Product Labelling Verify packaging and labelling matches that indicated on the PHC/PHAC and complies with the provisions of the PQS, namely – Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 9 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL New, or if used, free of soil, plant residues and other organic matter; and Marked legibly and indelibly in English and in letters no less than 5 mm high on the packaging itself or an attached identification tag with following; For packaging associated with ICA and PHAC; the Interstate Produce (IP) number of the accredited business that certified the consignment: the relevant ICA-# (e.g. ICA-01) and Facility #; and the date or date code on which the produce was packed. For packaging associated with a PHC or other than ICA; the name and address including the State or Territory, of the grower and the packer or other person who dispatched such fruit, vegetables, or products; a brief description of the contents of the package; and the date or date code on which the produce was packed. 7.1.6 Verify Presence, Authenticity and Validity of Plant Health Certification Verify consignment is accompanied by an original and uniquely numbered PHC or PHAC and verify its accuracy and completeness (Appendices 2 and 3). Each certificate must contain the following details; consignor’s name and physical address; consignee’s name and physical address; produce type and quantity; grower’s name and physical address; treatment details and treatment code, or pest freedom details and code; interstate Produce Number (if applicable/PHAC); ICA Procedure code (PHAC) or entry condition (PHC) being certified; date packed / dispatched or date code (if applicable/PHAC); treatment dates are present and correct (if applicable) and the signature of the Inspector (PHC) or authorised signatory (PHAC). the business issuing the PHAC is currently accredited and is not currently suspended or their accreditation has not expired. Certificates must; have been issued prior to entry of the consignment into SA; accompany the consignment whilst in transit unless otherwise authorised by a Inspector; be retained for at least 12 months after the date of verification or arrival; and Be presented to a Inspector immediately upon request. If a PHAC or PHC cannot be obtained within 24 hours the produce must remain quarantined and Biosecurity SA contacted for further directions. NOTE: Authenticated copies of Certificates may be obtained and therefore satisfy ICVA verification requirements (See 7.5); Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 10 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL consignments may also be re-consignments or split re-consignments in which case the certificate will clearly indicate this. (See 7.6) 7.1.7 Verify any Alterations on Certification are Endorsed Verify that any alteration of details on a certificate is endorsed with the date and signature of a Government Authorised Officer or an authorised signatory of the accredited business that issued the certificate. Certificates with details altered by a person other than the original signatory or not endorsed shall be noted on the “Produce Incident Record” and the reason followed up with the exporter. 7.1.8 Verify Consignment Contents, Package Conditions and Package Marking Verify the quantity of packages and the produce type matches the consignment details stated on the certification. 7.1.9 Verify Certified Treatments/Conditions Meet Entry Conditions Verify that treatments or conditions stated on the PHC/PHAC meet those required in the PQS. Treatments must be performed prior to the arrival of the consignment in SA. Treatment on arrival is not an acceptable option. 7.2 Release and Certifying Release of Verified Consignments If the consignment has the correct certification and the consigning business (if a PHAC) is currently accredited and has met all the verifications in 7.1 within 24 hours of receival, prior to releasing the consignment the Responsible Person must; Certify/verify on the reverse side of the accompanying verified certificate by; o stamping (or writing) “Inspected and Verified”, o stamping or writing the date, and o signing. The verified certificates must then be filed at the business facility in date order for audit purposes. A consignment that fails the IVCA verification process outlined above must be considered NON-CONFORMING. 7.3 Non-Conforming Consignments Consignments will be regarded as nonconforming and unable to be released if: the accompanying certification is not a valid PHC or PHAC; certification cannot be obtained for the consignment or part consignment; the certification is incorrectly completed; the composition of the consignment differs from that stated in the certification; any package in the consignment is unlabelled or wrongly labelled; any package in the consignment is not new or it is identified as containing soil, plant debris or organic matter; pests are present or suspected; the business which consigned the produce is currently suspended from sending produce into South Australia. Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 11 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL If pests or diseases are suspected or found to be present, the consignment must be held and Biosecurity SA informed immediately. 7.3.1 Control of Nonconforming Produce If the original certificate is not provided with the consignment at the time of receipt or the certificate is defective, the Responsible Person shall; place the non-conforming produce in a Designated Quarantine Area and ensure that it not be re-packed, distributed or sold; record the relevant details on the “Produce Incident Record” noting any irregularities with certification or consignments in the comments column; and attempt to obtain the correct certification by the end of the next working day to enable release of the produce. 7.3.2 Corrective Action Regarding Nonconforming Certification (First 24 Hours) If correct certification can be obtained by the end of the next working day the Responsible Person; shall stamp, date and sign on the reverse side of the certification and file in date order for audit purposes; can release the consignment. If correct certification cannot be obtained, the Responsible Person shall; leave the produce in the Designated Quarantine Area and contact Biosecurity SA to discuss options in relation to the non-conforming produce; and record the relevant details on the “Produce Incident Record” (Appendix 10). 7.3.3 Corrective Action – No Certification Arrives in 24 Hrs. Where a non-conformance cannot be rectified after 24 hours the Responsible Person must; retain nonconforming produce in the designated quarantine area and label it “Quarantined”; enter the details on the Produce Incident Record; and notify Biosecurity SA of the nonconforming produce by the end of that working day. Upon notification, an Inspector will confirm the nonconformity, determine appropriate action and issue a Certificate of Non-Compliance. NOTE: In the event non-conforming produce is found to have been illegally released, the business must, at its expense, recall all of the consignment for presentation to Biosecurity SA. Such release can also incur penalty or prosecution. Biosecurity SA may also seek to recover costs incurred from any follow-up activity such as investigations or destruction of the pest affected produce. 7.4 Product Traceability The business shall keep records of receivals and those whom they have directly distributed produce to that will enable it to conduct any necessary quarantine withdrawal. Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 12 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL 7.5 Authenticated Copies of PHC’s or PHAC’s An authenticated copy of a PHAC or PHC may be provided as a means of verifying the quarantine status of plant or plant related product in situations where the original is absent or lost. The copy must be signed, dated and endorsed with “This is a true and correct copy of the original” at the top of the certificate by the inspector who wrote the original PHC or the person who issued the original PHAC. NOTE: An unauthenticated fax copy sent from an interstate agent/wholesaler is not a valid certificate. 7.6 Verification of Re-consignment Certification (Original or Split) Re-Consignment. The Responsible Person shall verify the consignment certification is altered and endorsed correctly by a Government Authorised Officer and stamped or by an ICA17 accredited business with; name and address of the re-consignee; signature of the authorised signatory, date of re-consignment and stamp on the certificate. The stamp must include; name of the accredited business, address of the facility, IP number of ICA-17 accredited business and the words “ICA-17” and "RE-CONSIGNMENT". All alterations and endorsements shall be in original imprint. A faxed copy of endorsed re-consignment certification is not acceptable unless properly authenticated. Split Consignments: The Responsible Person shall verify the consignment certification is consistent with the requirement that the accredited person has photocopied the original certificate and prepared a split consignment certificate(s). The amended photocopy should show the following split consignment details: name and address of the re-consignee; number of packages of the split consignment with the original number of packages crossed out; signature of the authorised signatory, date of re-consignment and stamp on the photocopy. The stamp must include; name of the accredited business, address of the facility, IP number of the accredited business and the words "RE-CONSIGNMENT". All alterations shown on the photocopy must be in original imprint. A faxed copy of split consignment certification is not acceptable. (See Appendices 4 - Plant Health Certificate and 5 - Plant Health Assurance Certificate). 7.7 Amendments Biosecurity SA will notify accredited businesses of changes to the IVCA manual. The Biosecurity SA website should be regularly accessed by the Responsible Person(s) to check for changes to import requirements, host lists, treatment conditions and the most current IVCA manual. Please see http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/biosecuritysa/planthealth/importers. Additional clarification or advice is available from Biosecurity SA on (08) 8207 7814. Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 13 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL 8.0 8.1 DOCUMENTATION CONTROL AND RECORDS Documents and References The Certification Controller shall retain and have easy access to the following documents: 8.2 the Certificate of Accreditation; a copy of the latest Application for Accreditation form; a copy of the most current IVCA Operational Procedure; access to or a copy of the South Australian Plant Quarantine Standard a copy of the current SA list of Approved Operational Procedures; and a copy of the updated Register of Key Personnel Records The following records must be filed by the Responsible Person and held in a secure area for at least 24 months; 9.0 9.1 copies of all certificates (Appendices 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6), Register of Key Personnel (Appendix 11), Produce Incident Records (Appendix 10), and Biosecurity SA Quarantine Direction Orders. IVCA ACCREDITATION Accreditation Biosecurity SA may accredit a business to implement an IVCA provided that the business complies with the requirements of this IVCA manual. Application for Accreditation To attain accreditation the importer shall apply and submit an application to Biosecurity SA at least ten working days before the accreditation is required. The importer shall nominate in the application the name and contact details of the Certification Controller and Responsible Person(s). Annual Accreditation Returns A business is required to submit an annual return to Biosecurity SA at completion of each accreditation year. Each accredited business will receive a reminder indicating the due date of their Annual Return. It is an expiable offence not to lodge the return within 30 days of this date and accreditation can be cancelled for failure to do so. 9.2 Audit Process Desk Audit Biosecurity SA will check each Application for Accreditation received for accuracy and completeness and any deficiencies or omissions identified will be brought to the notice of the business to be rectified. Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 14 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL Initial Audit Prior to accrediting a business, a Biosecurity SA Plant Health Inspector will carry out an initial on-site audit to verify that the IVCA has been implemented and the business is capable of operating in accordance with the requirements of this manual. A business will not be able to commence IVCA until an initial audit is passed. On completion of a successful initial audit, applicants will be granted accreditation and presented with a Certificate of Accreditation which must be made available at future audits. In the event of cancellation of the accreditation the Certificate must be returned to Biosecurity SA within 14 days. Compliance Audit To verify a business is capable of continuing to operate IVCA in accordance with the requirements of this Operational Procedure, a Biosecurity SA Plant Health Inspector will carry out regular on-site Compliance Audits at each accredited facility. The first Compliance Audit will be scheduled to occur within four weeks of the initial audit or commencement of verification and release of consignments (See Appendix 14). 9.3 Compliance Audit Frequency The ongoing frequency of compliance audits will be determined by Biosecurity SA depending upon the risk factors associated with the imported produce, e.g. type of produce, origin, frequency of consignments, level of compliance, interstate pest pressure and performance of the business. The audit frequency for the ensuing twelve months will normally be indicated to the business at the initial on-site audit but is subject to change at any time. The audit frequency may increase or decrease dependent on the level of compliance and commitment demonstrated by the business at audit. . Audits will usually be carried out when the business is importing produce. 9.4 Other Types of Audit Biosecurity SA may also conduct the following type of audits. Follow up audits: audits conducted by Biosecurity SA subsequent to identifying a non-conformance by the business to ensure the issue has been dealt with and has been rectified. Investigative Audit: audits conducted to investigate a reported or a suspected nonconformity. Unannounced Audits: audits conducted on a business, without prior notice being advised. 9.5 Audit Rules Auditing will involve: checking that nominated responsible persons understand their responsibilities and are properly trained; ensuring that the business performs the verification process in a logical and transparent manner; Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 15 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL checking verified certificates for verification and compliance. The business shall; 10.0 make the Certification Controller and Responsible Person(s) available during Compliance Audits, provide facilities at the facility where the Inspector can adequately perform the audit with minimal interruption. co-operate with an Inspector carrying out the duties and responsibilities required by the IVCA. All auditing and associated travel will incur costs at Biosecurity SA prescribed rates. SANCTIONS POLICY 10.1 Types of Non-conformities Non-conformities are categorised as minor, major or critical. A minor nonconformity is one which does not compromise the effectiveness of the operational or assurance procedures but which varies sufficiently or is omitted from the documented procedure so as to be regarded as irregular. One example would be an occasional failure by the business to keep accurate records. A major non-conformity is one, which compromises the integrity of the system and is likely to increase the risk of a breakdown in procedures. One example would be inadequate verification and record keeping procedures. A critical non-conformity relates to the failure by the business to carry out operational and documentation procedures that are crucial to the effectiveness of the system. Examples include deliberate and/or repeated failures to collect and verify certification-accompanying consignments or to knowingly clear or sell uncertified host produce, or knowingly selling produce which was infested with a pest. 10.2 Action upon Detection of Nonconformities Minor Non-conformities Repeated minor nonconformities of a similar nature may result in the issue of a major nonconformity at subsequent audit. Major Non-conformities Detection of a major nonconformity will result in a follow up audit and may lead to temporary suspension of the IVCA until the problem is investigated and rectified. If the problem is not rectified the nonconformity may be termed critical. The issue of a major nonconformity may lead to an investigation and possible prosecution of the Business for being in breach of legislation. Critical Non-conformities The confirmation of a critical non-conformity may result in very intensive auditing of the IVCA, or suspension or cancellation of accreditation, or the instigation of other verification arrangements as determined by Biosecurity SA. It may lead to an investigation and possible prosecution where a breach of the legislation can be confirmed. Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 16 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL Physical or verbal abuse or aggressive behaviour towards an Inspector, or otherwise hindering the audit process is an offence under the Act and may also incur a critical non-conformance and / or result in immediate cancellation of the IVCA. 10.3 Notice of Suspension or Cancellation of Accreditation Written notice of suspension or cancellation of the IVCA will be provided to the business by Biosecurity SA During a period of suspension Biosecurity SA will inspect and verify consignments by a direct inspection method charged to the importer at the prescribed rate. 10.4 Appeals A business that has had accreditation of an IVCA refused, suspended or cancelled may appeal to the Manager, Food and Plant Standards outlining the reasons for the appeal. Suspension/cancellation of the IVCA will remain in force pending the outcome of the appeal. 10.5 Re-instatement of Accreditation Following a period of suspension a business can reapply for accreditation to Biosecurity SA. Biosecurity SA will assess the application and conduct an on-site audit to ensure compliance with the IVCA. Biosecurity SA may need to train key personnel prior to reinstatement. 11.0 APPENDICES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Application Form (Blank) Plant Health Certificate (Example) Plant Health Assurance Certificate (Example) Split Consignment - PHC (Example) Split Consignment - PHAC (Example) Plant Health Import Certificate (Example) Plant Health Import Certificate (Blank) Index of Conditions of Entry Declaration of Pests/Diseases Produce Incident Record Register of Key Personnel Current List of ICA Arrangements Accepted for Entry into SA Nationally Accepted ICA Codes Biosecurity SA Audit Flow Chart Procedural Chart The above-list of Appendices form part of the IVCA Manual and must be read and used in conjunction with above pages 1-15. The format of any of the appendices may be subject to change by Biosecurity SA at any time. This IVCA manual, and accurate up to date associated information and subsequent updated versions and associated documentation (Act, PQS etc.) may be accessed on the Biosecurity SA website at www.pir.sa.gov.au/ica or www.pir.sa.gov.au/legislation Additional clarification or advice is available from Biosecurity SA on (08) 8207 7814. Objective ID: A440280 Ver: 5.2 CA-01- IVCA Operational Procedure Page 17 of 17 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 ACCREDITATION / REGISTRATION APPLICATION APPENDIX 1 Plant Health Act 2009 ICA/CA Accreditation Sec 16 / Registration Sec 26 ICA / CA / IR APPLICATION for ACCREDITATION / REGISTRATION or ANNUAL RETURN (ICA / CA / IR) Complete clearly and return to Biosecurity SA - Plant Health Operations, 33 Flemington St, Glenside SA, 5065. (Please print. See Conditions / Application Instructions on pages 2 and 3 of this Application.) Type of application being made (Tick or mark one): Annual Return New Amendment NOTE; This application can only cover one Procedure (Arrangement) at one Facility Has Business previously been registered for movement of produce? Yes No If yes, provide Interstate Produce (IP) Number (& Facility number). S - Operational Procedure / Arrangement (# Arrangement details must be included - see note on page 3) ICA/CA/IR Number CA Title of Arrangement Operational Procedure or Registration * IMPORT VERIFICATION COMPLIANCE ARRANGEMENT 01 Tick box if you wish this application to apply to both CA01/(IVCA) and IR01 ? yes Applicant Details. Type of Ownership of Business. (Tick or mark one) Individual Partnership Incorporated Company Cooperative Association Trust Government Last Name Individual Name: Business Name: Postal Address Line 1: Suburb: Last Name Partner Names: (Provide additional partners on a separate sheet) First Name Line 2: State: Postcode: First Name Last Name First Name Last Name First Name Other Trading Names: ABN / ACN Number: Have you, any Partner or Director of the Business or anyone in a Management role been convicted of an indictable offence or other offence involving dishonesty in the past five years ? (answer by circling / marking appropriate box). A Company must attach a copy of Certification of Incorporation with new applications. A Co-operative Association must attach a copy of Certificate or Registration to new applications Yes No Certification is attached Facility / Accreditation Details Facility Address Line 1: Suburb: Accreditation Contact: Position: Property Valuation No.: Contact Details: Line 2: State: Last Name Postcode: First Name Section: Phone: Mobile: Fax: Email: Hundred: Line 2: State: Postal Address Postal Suburb Postcode: Persons Permitted to Sign or Verify Plant Health Certification Role Last Name Given Name(s) Specimen Signature Certification Controller / Responsible Person Backup Cert Controller / Responsible Person Authorised Signatory / Responsible Person Authorised Signatory / Responsible Person Products Certified / Imported: (List all fruit & vegetable types, machinery, grapevines or nursery stock) Seasonal Operator: (tick or Y = Yes) NO YES If yes, indicate operating months Importing Details Consignments per year States of Origin: (tick or Y = Yes) QLD NIASA AGCAS Nursery Membership Y= Yes / N= No NGISA VIC WA NSW NT TAS Overseas ENSURE YOU ALSO COMPLETE AND SIGN SECOND PAGE REGISTRATION / ACCREDITATION APPLICATION Objective ID: A526779 ISSUE: 3.1 Date: 14/6/11 Page 1 of 3 Attachment 1 ACCREDITATION / REGISTRATION APPLICATION Plant Health Act 2009 ICA/CA Accreditation Sec 16 / Registration Sec 26 APPENDIX 1 ICA / CA / IR APPLICATION for ACCREDITATION / REGISTRATION or ANNUAL RETURN (ICA / CA / IR) Product / Certification Assurance Records and Methodology The business must carry out the necessary responsibilities and duties, and maintain records strictly in accordance with the applicable Operational Procedure unless permission to use different records/methods is requested below and is granted and endorsed by Biosecurity SA - Plant and Food Standards on this form. I hereby request to use the following alternative or additional records/methods detailed below. PIRSA Granted by PIRSA STAMP Inspector Initials / Stamp I / We the undersigned applicant(s) do hereby declare that the information provided herein is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and make this application on my behalf, or on behalf of the above-mentioned business as a representative appointed to do so. *Name of Partner / Director (print) Designation Signature Date / / / / / / / / Note: Where applicants are members of a partnership, each partner must sign the application. For corporations/associations a Director, Company Secretary or Manager with legal authority to sign for the company must sign. Use the following checklist to ensure you have provided key information to enable the application to be processed. You, All Partners or Director have signed above. All Responsible Persons have signed page 1. ABN is provided. Type of ownership indicated. Copy of Company Certification attached (new applicants). Applicants must provide an Annual Return on the prescribed form each year they are accredited. Incomplete applications will delay processing as they will need to be returned. Please direct any queries regarding this application or the Accreditation/Registration to the Market Access Officer on 8207 7814. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Office Use Only DESK AUDIT Passed Alternate record-keeping granted Not Passed because ……………………..………………………….…….………. Yes …………………………………….. Name of Desk Auditor (please print) No ...................................................................................................... ………………………….….. Signature of Officer ...... / ….. / .…. PIRSA STAMP Date Conditions of Accreditation S16 / Registration S26 For the purposes of this accreditation / registration the following conditions may apply: The applicant must operate in full accordance with the Act and for ICA/CA Arrangements with the applicable Operational Procedure, which includes maintenance and provision of prescribed records for regular audit. The applicant is responsible to ensure that staff undertaking responsibilities required of the accreditation are adequately trained to do so. The frequency and number of audits will be determined by the Minister and carried out by persons authorised by the Minister. All fees for audits and inspections will be set by the Minister and the costs borne by the accredited person or business. The applicant will receive a Certificate of Accreditation / Registration which must be prominently displayed at the Business Facility. Restrictions may be imposed on the type of product an importer may bring into South Australia. A copy of the relevant Operation Procedure or Act can be viewed or downloaded from – www.pir.sa.gov.au/ica Issue of Assurance Certificates / Registration of Importers / Verification of Product The Plant Health Act 2009 requires any person issuing a Plant Health Assurance Certificate (PHAC) to be accredited to do so. Penalties apply. (see section 25). The Plant Health Act 2009 requires any person bringing or introducing plant or plant related products into SA to be registered (section 26) and imported products require verification. It is an offence to import without being registered or to fail to have imported product verified. Penalties apply (see sections 7, 25 and 33). Only an accredited person may issue an assurance certificate (PHAC) or verify imported products (ie verify that an assurance certificate or other document relating to a plant or plant related product under a corresponding law complies with the requirements of the corresponding law). It is an offence to issue a Plant Health Assurance Certificate or verify imported product without being accredited. Penalties apply (see sections 7, 25 and 33). ENSURE YOU ALSO READ PAGE 3 REGISTRATION / ACCREDITATION APPLICATION Objective ID: A526779 ISSUE: 3.1 Date: 14/6/11 Page 2 of 3 Attachment 1 ACCREDITATION / REGISTRATION APPLICATION Plant Health Act 2009 ICA/CA Accreditation Sec 16 / Registration Sec 26 APPENDIX 1 ICA / CA / IR APPLICATION for ACCREDITATION / REGISTRATION or ANNUAL RETURN (ICA / CA / IR) Application Notes The form must be fully completed by an Applicant on their behalf or on behalf of a legal entity/business that they have authority to represent. Partnerships require all partners to sign. Attach a separate page if there is insufficient space available for all required details. (Late fees apply for Annual Returns) Operational Procedure / Arrangement The ICA / CA / IR number and name you are seeking Accreditation/Registration for must be entered here. E.g. ICA23, CA01 etc. Applications without these details will be delayed or not processed. (You may make application for both CA01/(IVCA) and IR01 by ticking the YES box) Applicant Details Type of Ownership shall be either – Individual, Partnership, Incorporated Company, Co-operative Association, Trust or other legal entity. (It may not be a Family Trust). Name of the Legal Entity either Individual, Business, Corporation, Association or Trust (if a Family Trust a trustee representing the Trust). Use attachment if insufficient room. Address; physical address of business is required Partner Names; all partners names must be provided. Other Trading Name(s); List any other trading names used. Use attachment if insufficient room. ABN / ACN Number; ABN is the Australian Business Number. Convictions; Need to answer whether you, or any Director of the business or anyone in a Management role been convicted of an indictable offence or offence involving dishonesty in the past five years ? This question must be answered. If it is not, the application will not be processed. Facility/ Accreditation Details Facility Address / Location; Clearly indicate the location or physical address details where product will be prepared/verified that will enable a PIRSA officer to easily locate the premises. (Usually the registered address of the business). Contact: Name and role of the principal contact to be used in regard to the accreditation/Registration. Property Valuation Number and Section and Hundred; Must clearly indicate the Property Valuation Number, Section and Hundred of the property. These are available from the Council rate notice. Postal Address; A mailing address may be provided for posting of all correspondence. Persons Permitted To Sign or Verify Plant Health Certification Role; The role of the person able to verify product on behalf of the accredited business. Names; The full name and specimen signature of each of these persons. Product Details Products Certified / Imported; Indicate the imported product / equipment / machinery you expect to certify/verify using this procedure. Seasonal Operator; Indicate whether seasonal operation will apply and if so what months. Consignments per year; Importers to provide estimate number of consignments per year Nursery Membership; Nurseries to provide membership details States of Origin; Provide a yes for States that product is expected to come from. Product / Certification Assurance Records and Methodology Complete only if you wish to maintain records in alternate method to that specified in Procedure. Authorising / Signing The Applicant (individual, all partners or company director/senior manager) must sign acknowledging they represent the business seeking accreditation and the information is accurate. It is an offence under section 51 of the Plant Health Act 2009 to make a false or misleading statement (whether by reason of the inclusion or omission of a particular) in an application made or information provided. Penalties apply. Separate applications are required for each accreditation / registration. (i.e. ICA, CA, IVCA, Importer etc) see www.pir.sa.gov.au/ica Please direct queries regarding this Application, Accreditation or Registration to the Market Access Officer on 8207 7814. Gary Cox, Manager, Market Access & Systems, Biosecurity SA - Plant Health. REGISTRATION / ACCREDITATION APPLICATION Objective ID: A526779 ISSUE: 3.1 Date: 14/6/11 Page 3 of 3 Attachment 1 PLANT HEALTH CERTIFICATE Valid for 21 days from date of certification APPENDIX 2 102501 Certificate Number Original White - Consignment Copy: Yellow - Client Copy: Blue - PHO Copy: Pink - Book Copy Name and Physical Address of Exporter: Declared Name and Physical Address of Consignee: Hoang Gia Thu Tomato Growers State: Lot 88 Salty Rd Buckland Park IP No. (if known) Date Code (as marked on packaging) Number of Packages S A Package Type (e.g. carton, bin, tray) 576 crates Poste Code: Still Slaving Nominees 5 1 2 0 Melbourne Markets Footscray Road Item Name and Physical Address of Grower State: V I Distinguishing Marks Regulation / Treatment Details and / or Packer tomatoes Hoang Gia Thu Tomato Growers Condition # 2 Lot 88 Salty Rd Buckland Park QFF & MFF Post Code: C 3 0 0 3 Accreditation Code(s) This PHC has an Attachment Additional Declaration: or Affix Authorisation Stamp to Split / Re-consignee Here NIL (Re-consignment / Split Consignment Details) Inspector Declaration: I have read and understood the import conditions of entry of the receiving state for the product(s) listed above Name of Authorised Officer: Signature: Jack Duffy Jack Duffy Ph SPHI Place Certified: 1 3 0 0 6 6 6 0 1 0 Date Certified: Buckland Park SA 2 9 - 0 2 - 2 0 0 9 © PIRSA – Plant Health Operations, South Australia PHO – 080908 V1 APPENDIX 3 PLANT HEALTH ASSURANCE CERTIFICATE Original (yellow) - Consignment Copy / Duplicate (white) - Business Copy Certificate Number Accreditation Details (all accreditation details must be completed) Facility No. Arrangement Code Expiry Date IP Number 8 S 8 8 8 - 0 1 Consignment Details I C A 2 29/02/15 (Please print clearly and initial any alterations) Consignor Name Address 3 123520 Consignee Hoang Gia Thu Tomato Growers Lot 88 Salty Rd Buckland Park Sth.Aust Still Slaving Nominees Melbourne Markets Footscray Rd West Melbourne Vic Name Address Reconsigned To Method of Transport (Splitting consignments or reconsigning whole consignments) (Provide details where known) Road Rail Air Name Address Vehicle Details Reg. No. Consignment no. Airline/Flight no. Certification Details Accredited Business that Prepared Produce (as IP# above) Name Address Hoang Gia Thu Tomato Growers Lot 88 Salty Rd Buckland Park Sth.Aust Grower(s) (if more than one grower – attach list) Name Address Hoang Gia Thu Tomato Growers Lot 88 Salty Rd Buckland Park Sth.Aust (for ICA23 each source property must have a current Property Approval) Brand Name or Identifying Marks (as marked on packages) Date Code(s) (as marked on packages) HGT No. of Packages 04/03/ Type of Packages (eg. trays, cartons) 576 trays Type of Produce Authorisation for Re-consignment tomato (Apply ICA-17 Stamp here) Date Treatment Chemical (Act/Ingredient) Concentration Duration and Temperature Additional Certification “Meets ICA-23 -- Grown and Packed in an Area free of Fruit Fly” (Apply ICA Stamp here) Declaration I, an Authorised Signatory of the accredited business that prepared the plants or plant produce described above, hereby declare that the plants or plant produce have been prepared in the business's approved facilities in accordance with the business's Interstate Certification Assurance arrangement and that the details shown above are true and correct in every particular. Authorised Signatory's Name (Please Print) Hoang Thu PIRSA - Plant Health Operations Signature Date Hoang Thu 05/03/2014 08/12 PLANT HEALTH CERTIFICATE Valid for 21 days from date of certification APPENDIX 4 102501 Certificate Number Original White - Consignment Copy: Yellow - Client Copy: Blue - PHO Copy: Pink - Book Copy Name and Physical Address of Exporter: Declared Name and Physical Address of Consignee: Hoang Gia Thu Tomato Growers State: Lot 88 Salty Rd Buckland Park IP No. Date Code (if known) (as marked on packaging) S A Number of Packages (e.g. carton, bin, tray) Package Type 576 crates 192 Poste Code: Still Slaving Nominees 5 1 2 0 Melbourne Markets Footscray Road Item Name and Physical Address of Grower tomatoes Distinguishing Marks State: V I Post Code: C and / or Packer Regulation / Treatment Details Hoang Gia Thu Tomato Growers Condition # 2 Lot 88 Salty Rd Buckland Park QFF & MFF 3 0 0 3 Accreditation Code(s) RECONSIGNMENT This PHC has an Attachment Still Slaving Nominees V0888 Melbourne Markets Affix Authorisation MEETS Stamp ICA-17to Split / Re-consignee Here Authorised: Holly Day Date 7/3/09 Better Tomato Agents Additional Declaration: or Sydney Mkts Homebush West (Re-consignment / Split Consignment Details) NSW Inspector Declaration: I have read and understood the import conditions of entry of the receiving state for the product(s) listed above Name of Authorised Officer: Signature: Jack Duffy Jack Duffy Ph SPHI 1 3 0 0 6 6 6 0 1 0 Place Certified: Buckland Park SA Date Certified: 2 9 - 0 2 - 2 0 1 4 © PIRSA – Plant Health Operations, South Australia Official Stamp PHO – 080908 V1 APPENDIX 5 PLANT HEALTH ASSURANCE CERTIFICATE Original (yellow) - Consignment Copy / Duplicate (white) - Business Copy Certificate Number (all accreditation details must be completed) Facility No. Arrangement Code Expiry Date Accreditation Details IP Number 8 S 8 8 8 - 0 1 Consignment Details - I C A 2 29/02/15 (Please print clearly and initial any alterations) Consignor Name Address 3 123520 Consignee Hoang Gia Thu Tomato Growers Lot 88 Salty Rd Buckland Park Sth.Aust Still Slaving Nominees Name Address Melbourne Markets Footscray Road West Melbourne Vic Reconsigned To Method of Transport (Splitting consignments or reconsigning whole consignments) (Provide details where known) Name Address Road Rail Air Better Tomato Agents Sydney Mkts Homebush West NSW Vehicle Details Reg. No. Consignment no. Airline/Flight no. Certification Details Accredited Business that Prepared Produce (as IP# above) Name Address Hoang Gia Thu Tomato Growers Lot 88 Salty Rd Buckland Park Sth.Aust Grower(s) (if more than one grower – attach list) Name Address Hoang Gia Thu Tomato Growers Lot 88 Salty Rd Buckland Park Sth.Aust (for ICA23 each source property must have a current Property Approval) Brand Name or Identifying Marks (as marked on packages) Date Code(s) (as marked on packages) HGT No. of Packages Type of Packages (eg. trays, cartons) 576 192 Date 04/03/2009 trays Treatment Type of Produce tomato Chemical (Act/Ingredient) Concentration RECONSIGNMENT Authorisation for Re-consignment Still Slaving Nominees V0888 Melbourne Markets MEETS ICA-17 Authorised: Holly here) Day (Apply ICA-17 Stamp Date 7/3/09 Duration and Temperature Additional Certification “Meets ICA-23 -- Grown and Packed in an Area free of Fruit Fly” (Apply ICA Stamp here) Declaration I, an Authorised Signatory of the accredited business that prepared the plants or plant produce described above, hereby declare that the plants or plant produce have been prepared in the business's approved facilities in accordance with the business's Interstate Certification Assurance arrangement and that the details shown above are true and correct in every particular. Authorised Signatory's Name (Please Print) Hoang Thu PIRSA - Plant Health Operations Signature Date Hoang Thu 5/03/2014 08/12 Biosecurity SA – Plant Health Example Plant Health Import Certificate (Completed) APPENDIX 6 Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence Biosecurity SA is collecting the information on this form to enable a quarantine assessment of the product named to be undertaken and to determine if a Plant Health Import Certificate may be granted. Its collection is authorised under the Plant Health Act 2009. Please note that the information provided in this application may be provided to other agencies as authorised. Wherever possible please complete this form electronically to expedite processing Application for Return or Redirection of Produce Biosecurity SA Ref./ Plant Health Import Certificate No. Tick whether this application applies to a Return or a Re-direction Is original PHC or PHAC attached to this application ? Yes No Business or Individual Returning or Redirecting Produce to South Australia Title Given name(s) Surname Company name ABN Attention/Contact person Freds Fresh Fruit & Veg 34 4564 3245 Fred Ricci Corporation Name ACN Attention/Contact person Address line 1 (Must be a physical or location address. P.O. Box will not be accepted.) 1 Fresh Crescent PRODUCEVILLE Address line 2 (Postal Address – must be provided) PO B ox 6 Suburb State/Territory Postcode PRODUCEVILLE VIC 3012 Email [email protected] Work phone Home phone 03 9999 9994 Fax Mobile 0444 444 543 03 9999 9995 South Australian Business Receiving Returned or Redirected Produce Title Given name(s) Surname Company name Attention/Contact person Roberts Farms Rob Williams Address line 1 (Must be a physical or location address. P.O. Box will not be accepted.) 5 Glasshouse Lane VIRGINIA Address line 2 (Postal Address – must be provided) PO Box 789 Suburb State/Territory Postcode VIRGINIA S.A. 5120 Email [email protected] Work phone 08 8654 5677 Home phone Fax 08 8564 7654 Objective ID: A2043467 Page 1 of 4 6 - IVCA APPENDIX 6 - EXAMPLE COMPLETED PHIC FOR RETURNED PRODUCE Security Classification: Unclassified Mobile 0412 345 876 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA – Plant Health Example Plant Health Import Certificate (Completed) Produce details Quantity Type of Packaging Produce Type Copy of Original Certificate provided (yes/no) 144 72 Imperial Mandarins Red Capsicums No Yes Crates Crates Produce history (Information on produce, where and how it has been stored; reasons for being returned / redirected) Imperial Mandarins being returned due to oversupply at Distribution Centre. Red Capsicums are being returned due to quality issues (did not meet specification) Transport details Mode of transport (e.g. road, rail, sea, air) Road Estimated date of arrival (dd/mm/yyyy) 30/01/2014 / Company name Attention/Contact person Terry’s Freight and Transport Terrance Mack Address Work Phone 99 Transport Road, Trucksville, VIC 3011 03 9999 9999 Email Address [email protected] Approved Import Permit Please indicate your preference for the delivery of the Plant Health Import Certificate (please tick only one option): Email Fax Importer Declaration I hereby apply for approval to return/redirect produce as detailed in this application. I declare that the produce will be presented in accordance with all quarantine restrictions and conditions as specified in any Plant Health Import Certificate that may be issued as a result of this application. I declare that the information that I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name (given names and family name) Terrance Mack Date (dd/mm/yyyy) 28/01/2014 *Applications for Plant Health Import Certificate must be submitted to Biosecurity SA, Plant Health Operations by email using the following address [email protected]. *Wherever possible please complete this form using Microsoft Word or another compatible program to expedite processing *All applications must be submitted and approved prior to the intended export date. A tax invoice for $24.00 plus administration costs (minimum charge $76.50) for each Plant Health Import Certificate application will be posted to the applicant of this Import Certificate Objective ID: A2043467 Page 2 of 4 6 - IVCA APPENDIX 6 - EXAMPLE COMPLETED PHIC FOR RETURNED PRODUCE Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL Plant Health Import Certificate Plant Health Act 2009 Certificate No R-02012014 Valid From 27/01/2014 Valid To 10/01/2014 You are authorised to Return and/or Redirect the following produce into SA under the listed conditions: Produce Type & No. of Packages Exporter’s Details Importer’s Details 144 crates of Imperial Mandarins and 72 crates of Red Capsicums Frank’s Fresh Fruit & Veg, 1 Fresh Crescent, PRODUCEVILLE, VIC 4110 Roberts Farms 5 Glasshouse Lane VIRGINIA, SA 5120 Conditions The produce as detailed in this application is to be accompanied by this Plant Health Import Certificate (PHIC) and the original copy of the Plant Health Certificate (PHC), Plant Health Assurance Certificate (PHAC) or alternate documents specified below. The produce must be: Contained within its original packaging; Packaged true to label and original certification if provided or if not required other documentation supporting original movement; Must have been maintained in secure conditions whilst in VIC, and Be accompanied by copies of the original dispatch and the rejection/return form supplied with this Application. Name of Authorised Officer An Inspector Signature Anne Inspector Date (dd/mm/yyy) BSA OFFICIAL STAMP Official Stamp 27/01/2014 Objective ID: A2043467 Page 3 of 4 6 - IVCA APPENDIX 6 - EXAMPLE COMPLETED PHIC FOR RETURNED PRODUCE Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 IVCA OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION OF IMPORTED PLANT AND PLANT RELATED MATERIAL Accreditation Details IP Number S 8 8 8 8 Certificate Number (all accreditation details must be completed) Facility No. Arrangement Code Expiry Date - 0 1 Consignment Details Consignor I C A 2 3 123520 29/02/15 (Please print clearly and initial any alterations) Consignee Name Roberts Farm Address 5 Glasshouse Lane Virginia, SA 5120 Name Address Reconsigned To Method of Transport (Splitting consignments or reconsigning whole consignments) (Provide details where known) Road Rail Air Name Address Certification Details Still Slaving Nominees Melbourne Markets Footscray Rd West Melbourne Vic Vehicle Details Reg. No. Consignment no. Airline/Flight no. Accredited Business that Prepared Produce (as IP# above) Grower(s) (if more than one grower – attach list) Name Address Name Address Roberts Farm 5 Glasshouse Lane Virginia, SA 5120 Roberts Farm 5 Glasshouse Lane Virginia, SA 5120 (for ICA23 each source property must have a current Property Approval) Brand Name or Identifying Marks Date Code(s) (as marked on packages) (as marked on packages) Rob’s Farm Fresh No. of Packages Type of Packages (eg. trays, cartons) 144 72 Date 22012014 Cartons Cartons Treatment Type of Produce Authorisation for Re-consignment Mandarin Red Capsicums Chemical (Act/Ingredient) Concentration (Apply ICA-17 Stamp here) Duration and Temperature Additional Certification ICA Stamp here) Declaration I, an Authorised Signatory of the accredited business that prepared the plants or plant produce described above, hereby declare that the plants or plant produce have been prepared in the business's approved facilities in accordance with the business's Interstate Certification Assurance arrangement and that the details shown above are true and correct in every particular. Authorised Signatory's Name (Please Print) Robert Williams Signature Date Thu R Williams 23/0/2014 PIRSA - Plant Health Operations Objective ID: A2043467 Page 4 of 4 6 - IVCA APPENDIX 6 - EXAMPLE COMPLETED PHIC FOR RETURNED PRODUCE Security Classification: Unclassified 08/12 4/07/2014 Application for Plant Health Import Certificate for Return and/or Redirected Produce Plant Health Act 2009 BLANK EXAMPLE – PLANT HEALTH IMPORT CERTIFICATE APPENDIX 7 Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence Biosecurity SA is collecting the information on this form to enable a quarantine assessment of the product named to be undertaken and to determine if a Plant Health Import Certificate may be granted. Its collection is authorised under the Plant Health Act 2009. Please note that the information provided in this application may be provided to other agencies as authorised. Wherever possible please complete this form electronically to expedite processing Application for Return or Redirection of Produce Biosecurity SA Ref./ Plant Health Import Certificate No. Tick whether this application applies to a Return or a Re-direction Is original PHC or PHAC attached to this application ? Yes No Business or Individual Returning or Redirecting Produce to South Australia Title Given name(s) Surname Company name ABN Attention/Contact person Corporation Name ACN Attention/Contact person Address line 1 (Must be a physical or location address. P.O. Box will not be accepted.) Address line 2 (Postal Address – must be provided) Suburb State/Territory Postcode Email Work phone Home phone Fax Mobile South Australian Business Receiving Returned or Redirected Produce Title Given name(s) Company name Surname Attention/Contact person Address line 1 (Must be a physical or location address. P.O. Box will not be accepted.) Address line 2 (Postal Address – must be provided) Suburb State/Territory Postcode Email Work phone Home phone Application for Plant Health Import Certificate for Return and /or Redirected Produce Version 1.0 July 2013 Fax BIOSECURITY SA Plant Health Ph: 08 8207 7820 Email: [email protected] Mobile Page 1 of 3 APPLICATION TO IMPORT – RETURN or RE-DIRECTION Produce details Quantity Type of Packaging Produce Type Copy of Original Certificate provided (yes/no) Produce history (Information on produce, where and how it has been stored; reasons for being returned / redirected) Transport details Mode of transport (e.g. road, rail, sea, air) Estimated date of arrival (dd/mm/yyyy) Company name Attention/Contact person Address Work Phone Email Address Approved Import Permit Please indicate your preference for the delivery of the Plant Health Import Certificate (please tick only one option): Email Fax Importer Declaration I hereby apply for approval to return/redirect produce as detailed in this application. I declare that the produce will be presented in accordance with all quarantine restrictions and conditions as specified in any Plant Health Import Certificate that may be issued as a result of this application. I declare that the information that I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Name (given names and family name) *Applications for Plant Health Import Certificate must be submitted to Biosecurity SA, Plant Health Operations by email using the following address [email protected]. *Wherever possible please complete this form using Microsoft Word or another compatible program to expedite processing *All applications must be submitted and approved prior to the intended export date. A tax invoice for $24.00 plus administration costs (minimum charge $76.50) for each Plant Health Import Certificate application will be posted to the applicant of this Import Certificate Application for Plant Health Import Certificate for Return and /or Redirected Produce Version 1.0 July 2013 BIOSECURITY SA Plant Health Ph: 08 8207 7820 Email: [email protected] Page 2 of 3 Plant Health Import Certificate Plant Health Act 2009 Certificate No Valid From Valid To You are authorised to Return and/or Redirect the following produce into SA under the listed conditions: Produce Type & No. of Packages Exporter’s Details Importer’s Details Conditions Name of Authorised Officer Signature Official Stamp Date (dd/mm/yyy) Application for Plant Health Import Certificate for Return and /or Redirected Produce Version 1.0 July 2013 BIOSECURITY SA Plant Health Ph: 08 8207 7820 Email: [email protected] Page 3 of 3 Biosecurity SA - Plant Health Index of Conditions of Entry July 2014 APPENDIX 8 PQS Ver 10.1 July 2014 This is an alpha/numerical index of plant material, equipment and soil which, although potential carriers of declared diseases and pests, may enter South Australia under specified conditions. The number(s) opposite each fruit or plant identify the relevant conditions, which are detailed in Section 5 -Conditions of Entry of this Standard. Particular attention is drawn to the requirements for certificates, declarations, and branding/packaging as set out in the Conditions of Entry. The range of fruit fly hosts (Conditions of Entry – Condition 9 – 14 – Table 1) is not necessarily complete and any unlisted fruit will be assessed for its status as a host when demand arises. Some pests are specific to particular states, so whilst the following index may indicate a condition/pest it may be the case that it is not applicable to product from some States. The following are pests that are specific to particular States: Green Snail (GS) Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) Melon Thrip (MT) Myrtle Rust (MR) European House Borer (EHB) Needle Blight Objective ID: A2041461 applies only to host product from WA and Victoria applies only to host product from QLD applies only to host product from, WA (Kununurra only), NT, QLD and NSW applies only to host product from QLD, Victoria and NSW applies only to host product from WA applies only to host product from NSW, Tasmania and Victoria Page 1 of 9 8 - IVCA APPENDIX 8 - PQS INDEX V10.1 July 2014 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA - Plant Health Index of Conditions of Entry July 2014 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY (one or more of these conditions may apply) PRODUCT FRUIT & VEGETABLES PLANTS & FLOWERS Achachairu 9, 10 ,11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Allium spp (onion, leek, 23 spring onion, garlic, shallots, etc (unless peeled and washed) 2, 19, 23 RIFA, Green Snail Apple 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28 2, 19, 23, 28 Apricot 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Aquatic plants Refer to www.pir.sa.gov.au/biosecuritysa/nrm_biosecurity Avocado 9, 10 ,11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Babaco 9, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Banana 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Beans 16, 23 2 ,16, 19, 23 RIFA, Melon thrips, Green Snail Blackberry 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28 2, 19, 23, 28 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail, Fire Blight Black Sapote (Chocolate Persimmon) 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Blueberry 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA Green Snail Cape Gooseberry 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Capsicum/Chillies 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 2, 16, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, Melon thrips, RIFA, Green Snail Carambola, Star fruit, Star apple 9, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Objective ID: A2041461 OTHER PRODUCTS 28 Page 2 of 9 8 - IVCA APPENDIX 8 - PQS INDEX V10.1 July 2014 Security Classification: Unclassified DISEASE (OR PEST) Med fly, Q fly, Fire Blight, RIFA, Green Snail Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA - Plant Health Index of Conditions of Entry July 2014 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY (one or more of these conditions may apply) PRODUCT FRUIT & VEGETABLES PLANTS & FLOWERS Casimiroa (White Sapote) 9, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Cherry 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Chinese Gooseberry (Kiwifruit) 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Chives 23, 24 2, 19, 23, 24 RIFA, Green Snail, Garlic Rust Choko 14, 16 2, 16, 19, 23 Melon Thrips, RIFA, Green Snail Citrus (see interpretations) 9,10 (Tahitian lime),11, 12, 13, 14, 25 1, 2, 5,19, 23, 25 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail, Stem Pitting, Citrus Blight, Citrus Red Mite, Cucumber 14, 16 2,16, 19, 23 Melon Thrips, RIFA, Green Snail Cucurbits 14, 16 2,16, 19, 23 Melon Thrips, RIFA, Green Snail Custard Apple (Annona spp. Also Rollinia) Collective name for atemoya, cherimoya, sugar apple or sweetsop, ramphala and soursop 9, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail 23, 26 Green Snail, Myrtle Rust Cut flowers OTHER PRODUCTS DISEASE (OR PEST) Dates 9,11,12, 13,14 2, 22, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, Parlatoria blanchardii, RIFA, Green Snail Dragon fruit (Pitaya) 9,11, 12, 13, 14, 16 2, 16, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, Melon Thrips, RIFA, Green Snail Durian 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Eggplant (Eggfruit, Aubergine) 9, 12, 13, 14 , 16 2, 16, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, Melon Thrips, RIFA, Green Snail Equipment for grape production Feijoa Objective ID: A2041461 7A 9 , 11, 12, 13, 14, 26 2, 19, 23, 26 Page 3 of 9 8 - IVCA APPENDIX 8 - PQS INDEX V10.1 July 2014 Security Classification: Unclassified Phylloxera Med fly, Q fly, Myrtle Rust, 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA - Plant Health Index of Conditions of Entry July 2014 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY (one or more of these conditions may apply) PRODUCT FRUIT & VEGETABLES PLANTS & FLOWERS OTHER PRODUCTS DISEASE (OR PEST) RIFA, Green Snail Fig 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Fire Blight Hosts – see listing condition 28 28, 9 , 11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23, 28 Fire Blight, Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Fodder / Hay Fruit Fly Hosts (not specifically listed) 2, 23 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Garlic 2, 23 Green Snail, RIFA 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail 2, 19, 23 RIFA, Green Snail Gourd, bitter (Momordica charantia) 9, 12, 13, 14, 16 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Melon Thrips, Green Snail Grapes (Table) 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 1 (if from certain areas), 7 Med fly, Q fly, Phylloxera Grapes (Wine) 8, 9, 12 1 (if from certain areas), 7 Med fly, Q fly, Phylloxera Grape marc & Grape must 8 Grapevines 1(specified areas), 7, 23 Grapevine Diagnostics and Vineyard soils Phylloxera, Green Snail 8A Grapevine tissue cultures Phylloxera Various 7 Phylloxera Guava 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 26 2, 19, 23, 26 Med fly, Q fly, Myrtle Rust, RIFA, Green Snail Jaboticaba 9, 10 ,11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Jackfruit 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Hay / Fodder Herbs (fresh) Objective ID: A2041461 23 2, 23 2, 23 Green snail, RIFA 2, 19, 23 2, 23 RIFA, Green Snail Page 4 of 9 8 - IVCA APPENDIX 8 - PQS INDEX V10.1 July 2014 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA - Plant Health Index of Conditions of Entry July 2014 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY (one or more of these conditions may apply) PRODUCT FRUIT & VEGETABLES PLANTS & FLOWERS OTHER PRODUCTS Hog Plum 9, 10 ,11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Kiwifruit (Chinese gooseberry) 9,11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Leaf vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli etc.) 23 2, 19, 23 Green Snail, RIFA Leeks 23 2, 19, 23 RIFA, Green Snail Lettuce 23 2, 19, 23 RIFA, Green Snail Longan 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Loofah, smooth (Luffa cylindrica) 9, 12, 13, 14, 16 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA Melon Thrips, Green Snail Loquat 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28 2, 19, 23, 28 Lychee (Litchi, lichi) 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 28 DISEASE (OR PEST) Med fly, Q fly, Fire Blight, RIFA, Green Snail Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Machines and Equipment 2, 7A, 27 RIFA, Phylloxera, Potato Cyst Nematode Maize (seed only) 15 Boil Smut Mango 9, 12, 12A (WA Kensington Pride Only), 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Mangosteen 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Medlar 9, 11, 12, 14, 28 2, 19, 23, 28 Objective ID: A2041461 28 Page 5 of 9 8 - IVCA APPENDIX 8 - PQS INDEX V10.1 July 2014 Security Classification: Unclassified Med fly, Q fly, Fire Blight, RIFA, Green Snail 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA - Plant Health Index of Conditions of Entry July 2014 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY (one or more of these conditions may apply) PRODUCT FRUIT & VEGETABLES PLANTS & FLOWERS Melons (watermelon, rockmelon, etc) 14 ,16 2, 16, 19, 23 Melon Thrips, RIFA, Green Snail Mulberry 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Myrtaceae Family 26 26, 2, 19, 23 Nectarine 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Okra 16 2,16, 19, 23 RIFA, Melon Thrips, Green Snail Olive 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail 2, 19, 23 RIFA, Green Snail Onions (seed and fresh unless peeled and washed) OTHER PRODUCTS 26 DISEASE (OR PEST) Myrtle Rust, RIFA Green Snail Passionfruit 9, 10 (purple type only), 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Pawpaw (Papaw, Papaya) 9, 10 (non-defective flowering types only), 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Peach 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA,. Green Snail Pear 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28 2, 19, 23, 28 Peas 16, 23 2,16, 19, 23 RIFA, Melon Thrips, Green Snail Persimmon 9, 11, 12 (inedible peel types only), 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Objective ID: A2041461 28 Page 6 of 9 8 - IVCA APPENDIX 8 - PQS INDEX V10.1 July 2014 Security Classification: Unclassified Med fly, Q fly, Fire Blight, RIFA, Green Snail 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA - Plant Health Index of Conditions of Entry July 2014 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY (one or more of these conditions may apply) PRODUCT FRUIT & VEGETABLES PLANTS & FLOWERS Pineapples Unrestricted 2, 19, 23 RIFA, Green Snail 2, 17, 19, 23 Dothistroma Needle Blight, RIFA, Green Snail Pinus Plants Plant Diagnostics Plants, general (including household and potted plants) OTHER PRODUCTS DISEASE (OR PEST) 6 Various 2, 7,19, 23, 26, 28 28 Myrtle Rust, Phylloxera, Potato Cyst Nematode, Green Snail, Fire Blight, RIFA Plum 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28 (for Prunus salicina) 2, 19, 23, and 28 (for Prunus salicina) 28 Med fly, Q fly, Fire Blight, RIFA, Green Snail Pome fruits (Apple, Pear, Loquat, Medlar and Quince) 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28 2, 19, 23, 28 28 Med fly, Q fly, Fire Blight, RIFA, Green Snail Pomegranate 9, 10, 12, 13 2, 19, 23 Potatoes 1 (PCN infested properties), 18 1, 2, 23, 18 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail 18 Includes Kangaroo Island Potato Cyst Nematode, RIFA, Green Snail, Bacterial Wilt (KI) Prickly Pear (Opuntia spp only) 9, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Pumpkins (various) 16 2,16, 19, 23 Melon Thrips, RIFA, Green Snail Quince 9, 11, 12,14, 28 2, 19, 23, 28 Rambutan 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23, 28 Med fly, Q fly, Raspberry 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28 2, 19, 23, 28 Med fly, Q fly, Fire Blight, RIFA, Green Snail Objective ID: A2041461 28 Page 7 of 9 8 - IVCA APPENDIX 8 - PQS INDEX V10.1 July 2014 Security Classification: Unclassified Med fly, Q fly, Fire Blight, RIFA, Green Snail 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA - Plant Health Index of Conditions of Entry July 2014 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY (one or more of these conditions may apply) PRODUCT FRUIT & VEGETABLES Rooted plants (including turf, household plants) PLANTS & FLOWERS OTHER PRODUCTS DISEASE (OR PEST) 2, 7, 19, 23, 26 Phylloxera, Potato Cyst Nematode, Green Snail, RIFA, Myrtle Rust Sapodilla 9, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Sapote 9, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail 2, 19, 23 RIFA, Green Snail Shallots Silverbeet 16, 23 Melon Thrips, RIFA, Green Snail 2,16, 19, 23 Soil (scientific or commercial use) 2, 6, 8A, 20, 23 Phylloxera, Potato Cyst Nematode, Green Snail, RIFA Soursop 9, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Spinach 16, 23 2, 16, 19, 23 Melon Thrips, RIFA, Green Snail Spring onion 23 2, 19, 23 RIFA, Green Snail Squash (includes zucchini) 14, 16 2,16, 19, 23 RIFA, Melon Thrips, Green Snail Star Apple, Carambola, Star Fruit 9, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Stone fruits (Apricot, Cherry, Plum, Peach, Nectarine) 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Strawberry 9, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly (see note*), Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Objective ID: A2041461 Page 8 of 9 8 - IVCA APPENDIX 8 - PQS INDEX V10.1 July 2014 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA - Plant Health Index of Conditions of Entry July 2014 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY (one or more of these conditions may apply) PRODUCT FRUIT & VEGETABLES PLANTS & FLOWERS OTHER PRODUCTS DISEASE (OR PEST) Sweet corn 23 (with husk) 2, 19, 23 15 RIFA, Green Snail, Boil Smut Tahitian Limes 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1, 2, 3, 5, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Tamarillo 9, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail Timber 4 Tobacco Tomato 9, 12, 13, 14, 16 Turf European House Borer 2, 16, 19, 23 RIFA, Melon Thrips, Green Snail 1 (if from certain areas of Qld), 2, 16, 21, 23 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Fusarium oxysporum Race 3, Melon Thrips, Green Snail 2, 19, 23 2, 19, 23 RIFA, Green Snail, Phylloxera, Potato Cyst Nematode Watermelon 14, 16 2,16, 19, 23 Melon Thrips, RIFA, Green Snail Water Apple 9, 10 ,11, 12, 13, 14 2, 19, 23, 26 Med fly, Q fly, RIFA, Green Snail, Myrtle Rust Zucchini 14, 16 2, 16, 19, 23 RIFA, Melon Thrips, Green Snail *Note: The Mediterranean fruit fly host status of strawberry fruit is under review. WA grown strawberry fruit from Western Australia can enter South Australia unrestricted and without certification until further notice. Objective ID: A2041461 Page 9 of 9 8 - IVCA APPENDIX 8 - PQS INDEX V10.1 July 2014 Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA – Plant Health List of Declared Diseases under the SA Plant Health Act 2009 APPENDIX 9 DECLARATION OF DISEASE The following are declared to be diseases for the purposes of the South Australian Plant Health Act 2009 Common Name Scientific Australian Plague Locust Bacterial Wilt (of potato) Boil Smut (of maize) Branched Broomrape Chestnut Blight Citrus Blight Citrus Canker Citrus Red Mite European House Borer Fire Blight Fruit Flies Grapevine Leaf Rust Green Snail Myrtle Rust Melon Thrips Needle Blight Onion Smut Parlatoria Date Scale Phylloxera Potato Cyst Nematodes Red Imported Fire Ant Small Plague Grasshopper Sweet Orange Stem Pitting Wilt (of tomato plants) Objective ID: A440291 Name Chortoicetes terminifera Ralstonia solanacearum Ustilago maydis Orobanche ramosa Cryphonectria parasitica Xanthomonas axonopodis Panonychus citri Hylotrupes bajulus Erwinia amylovora pest species of Tephritidae family Phakopsora euvitis Cantareus apertus Uredo rangelii Thrips palmi Mycosphaerella pini (syn Dothistroma pini) Urocystis cepulae Parlatoria blanchardii Daktulosphaira vitifolliae Globodera pallida and Globodera rostochiensis Solenopsis invicta Austroicetes cruciata Citrus Tristeza Virus Fusarium oxysporum Race 3 Page 1 of 1 9 - IVCA APPENDIX 9 - DECLARATION OF DISEASE Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 Produce Incident Record – Blank Example APPENDIX 10 PRODUCE INCIDENT RECORD (Use to record details of produce not accompanied by required certification or defective certification) Name of Business: …………………………………………….. Receival Date Certificate Number (If available) Grower / Packer Origin of Produce IP No. Sheet Number………… Interstate Agent Produce Type Qty Results * Column for noting omissions/discrepancies etc. Objective ID: A440294 Page 1 of 1 IVCA APPENDIX 10 - PRODUCE INCIDENT RECORD Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 * Register of Key Personnel REGISTER OF KEY PERSONNEL APPENDIX 11 Name Of Business………………………………………………………… Position Full Name of Occupier Describe the Nature of Training Compliance Agreement (IVCA) Number………………………… Date Training Completed Signature of Employee Signature of Trainer Checked by PIRSA Inspector Certification Controller Back-up Certification Controller Responsible Person “ “ “ Note: This form must be kept update by the Management Representative To the best of my knowledge this form is correct and complete Name: ……………………………………………………. Signature: …………………………………………………………… Date: …………. Objective ID: A440289 Page 1 of 1 IVCA APPENDIX 11 - REGISTER OF KEY PERSONNEL Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 APPENDIX 12 Biosecurity SA - Plant Health Current List of Approved ICA Operational Procedures 26th June 2014 ICA No. ICA Title ICA-01 Dipping with Dimethoate or Fenthion ICA-02 Flood Spraying with Dimethoate or Fenthion ICA-03 Low Volume Non-Recirculated Spraying with Fenthion ICA-04 Fumigation with Methyl Bromide ICA-05 Vapour Heat Treatment of Mangoes Under AQIS Supervision ICA-06 Certification of Hard Green Condition of Bananas ICA-07 Cold Treatment ICA-08 Mature Green Condition and Immature Green Condition of Papaw and Babaco ICA-09 Certification of Pumpkin Condition for Exotic Fruit Fly ICA-10 Hot Water Treatment of Mangoes ICA-11 Pre-Harvest Treatment and Inspection of Strawberries ICA-12 Archived ICA-13 Unbroken Skin Condition of Approved Fruits ICA-14 Pre-Harvest Treatment and Inspection of Lychees ICA-15 Mature Green Condition of Passionfruit, Tahitian Limes Black Sapotes and Tomatoes ICA-16 Certification of Mature Green Condition of Bananas ICA-17 Splitting Consignments and Reconsigning Original Consignments of Certified Produce ICA-18 Treatment and Inspection of Custard Apple and Other Annona spp. ICA-19 Treatment and Inspection of Mangoes ICA-20 Pre-Harvest Treatment and Inspection of Grapes ICA-21 Pre-Harvest Treatment and Inspection of Approved Host Fruit. ICA-22 Transfer of Grape Must and Juice from a PIZ or PRZ for Winemaking in a PEZ ICA-23 Area or Property Freedom based on Monitoring by Accrediting Authority ICA-24 Treatment and Inspection of Aquatic Plants “Not approved for acceptance into South Australia” ICA-25 Cover Spraying of Nursery Stock – (for Green Snail and Palm-leaf Beetle) Pre-Harvest Treatment of Tomatoes, Capsicums, Chillies and Eggplant ICA-26 ICA-27 ICA-29 Mature Green Condition of Tomatoes Pre-Harvest Treatment (Bait Spraying) and Inspection of Citrus “Produce from Central Burnett Region only approved for acceptance into SA” Treatment of Nursery Stock & Soil-less Media ICA-30 Hard Condition of Avocado ICA-31 Pre-Harvest Insecticide Treatment of Blueberries for Blueberry Rust ICA-32 Movement of Apricots from SA to WA “WA only - “Not approved for acceptance into South Australia” ICA-33 Movement of Wine Grapes ICA-28 NB Any produce treated/certified in accordance with any of the above ICA procedures identified as “Not approved for acceptance into South Australia” is not allowed entry into South Australia. Page 1 of 2 4/07/2014 APPENDIX 12 Biosecurity SA - Plant Health Current List of Approved ICA Operational Procedures 26th June 2014 ICA-34 Pre-harvest Field Control and Inspection of Strawberries ICA-35 Inspection and Treatment of Plants for Spiralling Whitefly ICA-36 Property Freedom for Spiralling Whitefly ICA-37 Hot Water Treatment of Grapevines ICA-38 Inspection of Fruit, Vegetables, Live Plants, Cut Flowers & Foliage for Melon Thrip ICA-39 Inspection and Treatment of Plants for Red Imported Fire Ant ICA-40 ICA-41 Property Freedom for Red Imported Fire Ant ARCHIVED ICA-42 Nursery Freedom, Treatment and Inspected for Myrtle Rust ICA-43 VACANT ICA-44 Movement of Potatoes (Processing and Ware) from Potato Cyst Nematode Linked Land. ICA-45 ARCHIVED ICA-46 Baiting for Green Snail (2-25Km) ICA-47 Inspection of Fresh Fruit & Vegetables for Freedom from Fruit Fly “Not approved for acceptance into South Australia” ICA-48 Pre-Harvest Treatment and Post-Harvest Inspection of Tomato and Capsicum in the Bowen-Gumlu Region ICA-49 ARCHIVED ICA-50 ARCHIVED ICA-51 ARCHIVED ICA-52 ARCHIVED ICA-53 ARCHIVED ICA-54 Inspection of Used Vehicles and Associated Equipment to WA WA only - “Not approved for acceptance into South Australia” ICA-55 Irradiation Treatment (of FSANZ approved produce) ICA-56 Emergency Pre-harvest Baiting and Inspection from a PFA ICA-57 Repacking of Certified Fruit Fly Host Produce OTHER NON-ICA PROCEDURES ACCEPTED by SA CA-01 Queensland Fruit Fly Pest Free Place of Production (from NSW Only) DNB-01 From a Property Inspected by an Authorised Inspector and found free of Dothistroma (Pine) Needle Blight (from Victoria only) PS-27 Victorian Nursery Accreditation Scheme PS-37 Yarra Valley Pest Free Places of Production PS-38 Pest Free Production Sites PS-33 Internal Victorian Use only “Not approved for acceptance into South Australia” HMC-01 Hard Mature Condition of Mangoes (from NT Only) NB Any produce treated/certified in accordance with any of the above ICA procedures identified as “Not approved for acceptance into South Australia” is not allowed entry into South Australia. Page 2 of 2 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA – Plant Health National Accreditation Code Listing 26th of June 2014 APPENDIX 13 Accreditation Codes for Issuing PHACs Code AAT01 Title Property Freedom for Grown on a property inspected and Argentine Ant found free from Argentine Ant AAT02 Treatment for Argentine AAT03 ACT01 AGS01 ASW01 Accepting Description State Accreditation Procedure Active/ Inactive Tas Inactive Treatment of host plants with 0.5 % Tas Inactive Inspection for Argentine Plants inspected and found free of NT Active Asparagus Chlorine Treated with 50 ppm active chlorine at a Treatment pH of 6.5 to 7.0 and remained wet for 5 Approved Grapevine Approved source of grape vine material Source for entry into Queensland Ash Whitefly Freedom Grown and packed on a property known Ant Ant chlorpyrifos solution Argentine Ant Inactive min after treatment. Qld Inactive Tas Inactive Tas Inactive NT Inactive to be free of ash whitefly and inspected and found free of ash whitefly ASW02 Ash Whitefly Treatment Treated according to the label with a and inspection product registered with the APVMA for use on whiteflies and then inspected and found free of Ash Whitefly BBS01 BBS02 Banana Black Sigatoka Grown and packed on a property more Area Freedom - 50 km than 50 km from a known infestation of Banana Black Sigatoka Grown and packed on a property greater Area Freedom - 7.5-50 than 7.5kmbut less than 50km from a km banana black Sigatoka Inactive known infestation of banana black sigatoka BHA01 BioSecure HACCP Arrangement Nursery stock prepared and certified in accordance with the Nursery and Garden Qld, Vic Vic = BHA-01 Active Industry BioSecure HACCP System CCA07 CHL01 Citrus Canker Area Grown and packed on a property that is Freedom in an area of the State that has area Chlorine Dipping of All apples completely immersed in a Apples water solution containing minimum of Inactive freedom for citrus canker WA Active WA Active Tas Inactive Tas Inactive 100 ppm available free chlorine for minimum of one minute under approved conditions CLS01 Cercospora Leaf Spot Grown and packed in an area where the Area Freedom disease Cercospora Leaf Spot has not been detected and in premises which do not and have not previously handled avocado fruit or plants from an infected area CWR01 Property Freedom Grown on a property inspected and Chrysanthemum White found free from Chrysanthemum White Chrysanthemum White Treated with a registered fungicide as Rust Treatment per label Rust CWR02 Objective ID: A440297 Rust Page 1 of 7 IVCA APPENDIX 13 - National Codes for ICA Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA – Plant Health National Accreditation Code Listing 26th of June 2014 Accreditation Codes for Issuing PHACs Code DIS01 DIS02 Title Disinfestation of Plant Treatment of plant material until run-off Material with required chemical(s) no more than Disinfesting plants - Plants treated with Methyl Bromide as Methyl Bromide described in WA's Import Condition XX. Fumigation Accepting Description State NT Accreditation Procedure Vic = PS-27 Active/ Inactive Active 3 days prior to consignment Inactive Treatment applied within three days prior to export DNB01 Dothistroma Needle Property inspected within the last 12 Blight – Property months and found free of Dothistroma Freedom EHB01 SA Vic = PS-27 Active Needle Blight European House Borer - WA = CA-PA Area Freedom ERM01 European Red Mite Area Freedom - 50 km Grown and packed on a property more Inactive than 50 km from a known infestation of European Red Mite ERM02 FBM01 European Red Mite Grown and packed on a property Property Freedom inspected and found free from European Red Mite Fruit Bagging Mango - Accredited under the Interim Protocol Interim Protocol for Fruit Bagging Mangoes for the FFA01 Fruit Fly Area Freedom Fruit Fly area freedom GSL01 Green Snail < 2km Bait Sourced from a property within 2km of a Surveyed WA Protocol Inactive Inactive 2000/2001 Season green snail outbreak which has been Vic WA = CA-PA Vic WA = CA-PA bait surveyed as per WA Green Snail Protocol GSL02 Green Snail 2km - Sourced from a property greater than Protocol green snail outbreak which has been 25km Bait Surveyed WA 2km but less than 25km of a known bait surveyed as per WA Green Snail Protocol GSL03 Green Snail > 25km Sourced greater than 25km of a known Vic, NT WA = CA-PA HMC01 Hard Mature Condition Honey Gold and Calypso mangoes SA NT =CA- of Mangoes harvested, treated, inspected and green snail outbreak HMC01 packed in a hard mature condition for Active consignment to SA IDM01 Impatiens Downey Grown on a property free from Mildew Property Impatiens Downey Mildew and the area Freedom Tas Inactive Inactive within a 20km radius of the property is known to be free IDM02 Impatiens Downey Seeds of Impatiens - Dressed with a Tas MFF01 Mediterranean Fruit Fly Grown in an area free of MFF SA, WA, Vic, MFF02 Mediterranean Fruit Fly Grown in an area more the 80km from a Area Freedom >80km known outbreak Mildew Seed Treatment Area Freedom Objective ID: A440297 fungicide NSW Page 2 of 7 IVCA APPENDIX 13 - National Codes for ICA Security Classification: Unclassified ICA-23, ICA-33 Active Inactive 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA – Plant Health National Accreditation Code Listing 26th of June 2014 Accreditation Codes for Issuing PHACs Code Title Inspection and Inspection and treatment of plants and Treatment of Plants and plant products for melon thrips, Melon Thrips, Silverleaf under a certification assurance Mango Seed Weevil Pest A pest free place of production or pest Free Place of Production free production site Melon Thrips Area Grown and packed on a property more Freedom - 100 km than 100 km from a known infestation Melon Thrips Property Grown and packed on a property Freedom - Trapping monitored for freedom from Melon Melon Thrips Nursery Potted plants from a property not Inspection known to be infested with Melon Thrips Melon Thrips Approved Approved postharvest treatment for Treatment Melon Thrips MYR01 Myrtle Rust Approved NPM01 NPM02 MSS01 Plant Products for and Spiralling Whiteflies MSW01 MTF01 MTF02 MTF03 Accepting Description State WA Accreditation Procedure NT = CA – MSS01 silverleaf whitefly and spiralling whitefly Active/ Inactive Active arrangement WA NT = CA MSW01 SA, WA, NSW WA = CA-PA Active Active of Melon Thrips Inactive Thrips WA Active SA, WA Active Nursery Stock is treated by an approved Tas Inactive Nursery Potting Mix - Nursery Potting Mix - soil free media NT Nursery Potting Mix - Nursery Potting Mix - steam steam pasteurisation pasteurisation NPM03 Nursery Potting Mix - Nursery Potting Mix - Methyl Bromide WA = CA-PA NPM04 Nursery Potting Mix - Nursery Potting Mix - dazomet WA = CA-PA dazomet treatment treatment NPM05 Nursery Potting Mix > Nursery potting mix sourced greater MTF04 Treatment soil free media Methyl Bromide fungicide for myrtle rust WA = CA-PA Vic = PS-27 Active WA = CA-PA fumigation fumigation 25km WA = CA-PA than 25 Km from a known green snail outbreak NWD01 OLB02 OSM01 Property freedom Grown on a property inspected and Olive Lace Bug Property Grown in an area free from the Olive noxious weeds Freedom found free from noxious weeds. Onion Smut Property From crop inspected by an Officer of Freedom PIRSA and found free from disease OSP01 Orange Stem Pitting Grown in an area free from the Orange Virum freedom Stem Pitting Virus PA01 Pepper Anthracnose Plants for consumption - Grown and Property Freedom packed on a property free from Pepper Pepper Anthracnose Plants for propagation - Plants Freedom inspected and found free of Pepper PA02 Objective ID: A440297 Inactive Lace Bug American Onion Smut Tas Inactive Tas Inactive Anthracnose for the past 12 months Anthracnose Page 3 of 7 IVCA APPENDIX 13 - National Codes for ICA Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA – Plant Health National Accreditation Code Listing 26th of June 2014 Accreditation Codes for Issuing PHACs Code PA03 Title Accepting Description State Accreditation Procedure Active/ Inactive Pepper Anthracnose Plants for propagation - Treated with Treatment the approved treatment under Tas Pepper Anthracnose Plants for consumption - Treated with Treatment the approved treatment under Tas PCN01 Potato Cyst Nematode - Plant material grown and packed in soil- Tas, SA, WA, Vic = PS-27 Active PCN02 Potato Cyst Nematode - Plant material wash free of all soil and Tas, SA, WA, Vic = PS-27 bare rooted material packed free of potting media NT, NSW Active PCN03 Potato Cyst Nematode - Consignment approval obtained from Tas, SA, WA, Potato Cyst Nematode - Bulb stock free of all soil and packed Tas, SA, WA, bulb stock free of potting media NT, NSW PCN05 Potato Cyst Nematode - Potted plants grown above ground in PCN06 Potato Cyst Nematode Grown in an area more than 20km from PCN07 Potato Cyst Nematode PCN08 PA04 potted plant stock Advanced field grown Tas Inactive Tas Inactive requirement 35 requirement 35 less the importing state NT, NSW Active NT, NSW trees PCN04 Vic = PS-27 Active SA Vic = PS-27 Active WA, Tas, SA, Vic = PS-27 Active Strawberry runners grown to meet PCN WA Vic = PS-30 Active Potato Cyst Nematode Solanaceous seedlings from nursery SA Vic = PS-27 Solanaceous seedlings within 20km of PCN detection, handled Active potted plant stock >20km sterilised media containing soil a known outbreak of Potato Cyst NT, NSW WA = CA-PA Nematode Strawberry Runners handled above-ground requirements above-ground, potted in soil-less, sterilised media, having never contacted ground and growing/potting area having hard (soil-less) surface with entry and exits to it utilising footbaths of ‘phytoclean’ used in accordance with label instructions PFF01 PFF Area Freedom - 80 km Grown and packed on a property more Inactive than 80 km radius from a confirmed detection of papaya fruit fly in the last 12 months PFF02 PFF Area Freedom - Grown and packed on a property with PQA area free status for papaya fruit fly in a PHY01 Phylloxera Area The tree or plant has been grown at a (PAF01 in Freedom greater distance than 45 m from any Qld) Inactive Papaya Fruit Fly Pest Quarantine Area WA Vic = PS-27 Active Vic = PS-27 Active grapevine or root thereof; and no phylloxera exists or has existed in a nursery or garden in which the tree or plant has been growing PHY02 PHY03 Phylloxera Area Grown in an area free of Phylloxera. Freedom (Vine protection district or PEZ) Phylloxera Area Grown in an area more than 40km from Freedom Objective ID: A440297 a known occurrence of Phylloxera WA, SA, Vic ICA-23, ICA-33 Tas Page 4 of 7 IVCA APPENDIX 13 - National Codes for ICA Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA – Plant Health National Accreditation Code Listing 26th of June 2014 Accreditation Codes for Issuing PHACs Code PHY04 PHY05 Title Accepting Description State Accreditation Procedure Phylloxera Area Grown in an area where Phylloxera is Freedom 50m not known to exist and more than 50m NT Phylloxera Area Grown more than 50m from a grapevine SA, NT Vic = PS-27 Active Vic, SA, NSW ICA-33 Active NT Vic = PS-27 from a grapevine Freedom 50m PHY06 PMNT0 Active/ Inactive Phylloxera Area Surveyed as per the National guidelines Freedom and found free of Phylloxera Meets NT Entry Meets NT Entry Requirement 18, Scale for plant material Stock; and Requirements 18 & 19 insects and sucking insects – Nursery Requirement 19, Soil borne pests and snails – Plants generally PMWA0 Meets WA Conditions Meets WA Conditions 13 for plant WA Inactive Table grapes packed with sulphur pads SA, NSW Active Phytophthora Grown in a property free from NT Inactive Pea Weevil Area The peas have been grown in Queensland Fruit Fly Grown in an area free of QFF 13 and 29 for plant material material PST01 Phylloxera Sulphur Treatment PTA01 PWF01 QFF01 Freedom phytophthora Queensland which is free of Pea Weevil Area Freedom SA, WA, Vic, QFF02 Queensland Fruit Fly RAF01 RIFA Area Freedom - 5 Sourced from a property more than 5 NSW, Vic, SA, km km from a known infestation of Red WA, NT, Tas Area Freedom ICA-23, ICA-33 Active ICA-23 Active NSW Grown in an area more the 80km from a known outbreak (amended to 15km Tas, NSW (conditional)) RAF02 RLR01 Imported Fire Ant RIFA Area Freedom - 10 Sourced from a property more than 10 km km from a known infestation of Red RIFA Low Risk Business approved as a Low Risk Enterprise - VIC Enterprise by Victoria's Department of Approval Active Inactive Imported Fire Ant Vic Active Primary Industries for entry of Red Imported Fire Ant host material RLR02 RIFA Low Risk Business approved as a Low Risk Enterprise - NSW Enterprise by the Chief, Division of Plant Approval NSW Industries NSW for entry of Red Imported Fire Ant host material RPF01 RIFA Property Freedom The certifying facility and source property has been inspected by an Vic, NSW, SA, Active WA, Tas officer of the Department of Primary Industries within the past 4 weeks and found free from Red Imported Fire Ant SEC01 Secure Storage Facility - Approved Facility Involved in the PFF Security of Fruit Moving Through a Objective ID: A440297 Inactive Papaya Fruit Fly Pest Quarantine Area Page 5 of 7 IVCA APPENDIX 13 - National Codes for ICA Security Classification: Unclassified 4/07/2014 Biosecurity SA – Plant Health National Accreditation Code Listing 26th of June 2014 Accreditation Codes for Issuing PHACs Code SEC02 SJS01 Title Accepting Description State Accreditation Procedure Secure Storage Facility - Approved Facility Involved in the Black Sigatoka Security of Fruit Moving Through a Black San Jose Scale – property freedom from San Jose Scale Tas Inactive San Jose Scale - Fumigation with methyl bromide for San Tas Fumigation Jose Scale Inactive Silver Leaf Whitefly area Grown on a property free from Silver Inactive Sigatoka Quarantine Area Property freedom SJS02 SLW01 Active/ Inactive freedom Leaf Whitefly and the area within a Tas, WA, NT Vic = PS-27 Active Vic = PS-27 Active 50km radius of the property is known to be free SLW02 Silver Leaf Whitefly area Grown on a property inspected and free freedom from Silver Leaf Whitefly Silver Leaf Whitefly Treated with an approved cover spray of treatment imidacloprid SPW01 Spiraling Whitefly Grown and packed on a property more SPW02 Spiraling Whitefly Area Grown and packed on a property more Freedom - 500 km than 500 km from a known infestation Spiraling Whitefly Area Grown and packed on a property more Freedom - 10 km than 10 km from a known infestation of Spiraling Whitefly Source property has never been infested Property Freedom WA with Spiraling Whitefly (SW). Property at SLW03 Property Freedom than 100 km from a known infestation WA Inactive WA Inactive Vic, NSW, SA Active WA Active Tas Inactive Tas Inactive Tas Inactive Tas Inactive of Spiraling Whitefly SPW03 SPW04 of Spiraling Whitefly Spiraling Whitefly least 1km from known infestation of SW. Plants on property inspected by a QDPI officer & found free of SW. Authorised person inspected plants @ 4wk intervals & found free SPW05 Spiraling Whitefly Grown on a property that is free of SSF01 Soil Sterilisation Meets requirements for soil sterilisation TBM01 Tobacco Blue Mould Plants for consumption - Grown and Property Freedom Property Freedom Spiraling Whitefly packed on a property free from Tobacco Blue Mould for the past 12 months TBM02 TBM03 Tobacco Blue Mould Plants for propagation - Plants Freedom inspected and found free of TBM Tobacco Blue Mould Plants for propagation - Treated with Treatment the approved treatment under Tas requirement 17 TBM04 Tobacco Blue Mould Treatment Plants for consumption - Treated with the approved treatment under Tas requirement 17 TYLCV01 Tomato Yellow Leaf Grown on a property inspected and Curl Virus Property found free of TYLCV Freedom Objective ID: A440297 WA Page 6 of 7 IVCA APPENDIX 13 - National Codes for ICA Security Classification: Unclassified SA = TYLCV01 4/07/2014 Active Biosecurity SA – Plant Health National Accreditation Code Listing 26th of June 2014 Accreditation Codes for Issuing PHACs Code TIP01 Title Treatment and Persimmons pre-harvest treated and Inspection of postharvest inspected Western Flower Thrips Property Freedom Persimmons WFT01 WFT02 Western Flower Thrips – Fumigation Accepting Description State Accreditation Procedure Active/ Inactive Vic Qld = TIP01 Active Grown and packed on a property NT, Vic Vic = PS-09 monitored for Western Flower Thrips (Toolangi Vic = PS-31 Active protocol Protection Western Flower Thrips Fumigation Tas (nursery and packed in accordance with the Plant District) stock for ICA-04 Inactive planting only), NT WFT03 WFT04 Western Flower Thrips – Plant material treated in accordance Tas (nursery Treatment with Condition 19, I (c), or (d) (orchids stock for Western Flower Thrips - Plant material treated in accordance NT Treatment with Entry Requirement 22 (b) Objective ID: A440297 only) Inactive planting only) Page 7 of 7 IVCA APPENDIX 13 - National Codes for ICA Security Classification: Unclassified Vic = PS-27 4/07/2014 Active APPENDIX 14 BSA – PLANT HEALTH AUDIT SCHEDULE If Non-conformance detected, ‘Non-conformance Report’ issued Desk Audit and Initial Audit And Normally 2 – 12 Compliance Audits * If Non-conformance closed out (rectified) If Non-conformance not closed out (not rectified) If Compliant: Close Out Report Follow-up Audit If Non-conformance amounts to ‘Critical Non-Conformance’, It may lead to: (Training) Clearance Suspension: Revert to Direct Inspections, charged at current rate of $105.00/hr *Frequency of audits is determined by BSA dependent on risk factors i.e. season, volume, origin of import, consignment numbers and performance. (Some circumstances will require more than 12 audits). PIRSAAuditScheduleFlowChart(01/03/2014) BSA PROCEDURAL IMPORT VERIFICATION CHART APPENDIX 15 UNLOAD PRODUCE VERIFY CERTIFICATE / MATCH TO PRODUCE / CLEAN PACKAGING /INSPECT PRODUCE FOR SIGNS OF PESTS / CORRECT LABELLING (see section 7.0 PROCEDURE) DOES NOT CONFORM Enter in Incident Log CONFORMS RELEASE PRODUCE AND STAMP, DATE & SIGN CERTIFICATE RETURN / REDIRECT OR CONTACT PIRSA 1300-666-010 FOR DIRECTION PUT PRODUCE ASIDE (QUARANTINE) CERTIFICATE FOUND AND IN ORDER HOLD PRODUCE (QUARANTINE) SEEK CERTIFICATE BY END OF THAT WORKING DAY OR END OF NEXT WORKING DAY NO CERTIFICATE (OR INCORRECT) MAR 2014
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