Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II CAPACITY BUILDING GUIDELINE Name of the project: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II (RWSSP-WN II) 09/2013-09/2018 Type of report: Capacity Building Guideline Date and location: August 25, 2014 Pokhara, Nepal Endorsed by 4th Supervisory Board meeting 25.8.2014 Who has prepared the report: Project Support Unit, Pokhara Distribution of the report: Public File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 Page 1 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline 1 BACKGROUND....................................................................................................................... 5 2 PURPOSE AND TARGET GROUPS FOR CAPACITY BUILDING ..................................................... 6 3 CAPACITY BUILDING PLANNING AND BUDGETING .................................................................. 7 4 3.1 FUNDING SOURCES...................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 ANNUAL PLANNING PROCESS AND APPROVAL.................................................................................. 9 3.3 IMPLEMENTATION AND REPORTING ............................................................................................. 11 3.4 TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... 15 NORMS FOR BUDGETING DIFFERENT CAPACITY BUILDING EVENTS ....................................... 15 4.1 NORMS FOR COMMUNITY LEVEL TRAININGS ................................................................................... 16 4.2 NORMS FOR DISTRICT LEVEL TRAININGS......................................................................................... 16 4.3 NORMS FOR TECHNICAL TRAININGS .............................................................................................. 16 4.4 NORMS FOR WUSC/VWASHCC/WCF/STAFF EXPOSURE VISITS ..................................................... 17 4.5 GENERAL NORMS FOR RESOURCE PERSONS ................................................................................... 17 4.6 LOCAL RESOURCE PERSON FEE .................................................................................................... 18 4.7 EXTERNAL RESOURCE PERSON FEE ............................................................................................... 18 4.8 STAFF AS RESOURCE PERSON ...................................................................................................... 19 4.9 VALUE-ADDED TAX (VAT) .......................................................................................................... 19 4.10 OTHER COSTS ........................................................................................................................... 19 4.11 FOOD AND ACCOMMODATION COST ............................................................................................ 19 4.12 REGIONAL LEVEL TA FUNDED ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................... 20 4.13 DAILY SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE ................................................................................................. 20 4.14 TRAVEL COST FOR THE TRAINING ................................................................................................. 20 5 MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF TRAINING .................................................................... 20 5.1 OVERVIEW TO MONITORING ....................................................................................................... 20 5.2 DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION ........................................................................................................... 20 5.3 MONITOR THE PROGRESS AND ATTENDANCE .................................................................................. 21 5.4 ASSESS THE FEASIBILITY OF TRAINING PLAN AND IMPLEMENTATION .................................................... 21 5.5 EVALUATION OF LEARNING RESULTS ............................................................................................. 21 5.6 POST EVALUATION .................................................................................................................... 22 5.7 IMPACT OR EFFECTIVENESS MONITORING OF CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES ..................................... 22 5.8 REPORTING ........................................................................................................................... 23 File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 Page |i Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Classification of Capacity Building Activities by Source of Funding ................... 8 Table 2 Implementation Process of Capacity Building Events..................................... 13 Table 3 Norms for WUSC/VDC Level Training .......................................................... 16 Table 4 Norms for District Level Training ................................................................ 16 Table 5 Norms for technical training organized at village level................................... 17 Table 6 Norms for exposure visits ......................................................................... 17 Table 7 Basis for Local Resource Persons Fee (Amount in Rupees) ............................. 18 Table 8 Basis for External Resource Persons/Consultants Fee (Amount in Rupees) ....... 18 Table 9 Maximum Food and Accommodation Cost or Allowance (Non–Board) .............. 19 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Core elements of capacity building .............................................................. 5 Figure 2 Annual Planning and Approval Process of Capacity Building activities ............. 10 Figure 3: Implementation Process of Capacity Building Activities ............................... 12 LIST OF ANNEXES Annex 1 Template for District Capacity Building planning (DDF funded in Annual Work Plan) Annex 2 Template for PSU coordinated Capacity Building planning (TA funded in Annual Work Plan) – also template for reporting Annex 3 Template for Training Proposal Annex 4 Template for Training Report – includes Training Fact Sheet and updates the Training Proposal Annex 5 Sample Pre-Test for Diagnostic and Learning Evaluation (At the beginning of an event) Annex 6 Sample Evaluation of Training (At the end of an event) Annex 7 Participants’ Record Annex 8 List of Capacity Building Events under RWSSP-WN II and respective referral manuals Annex 9 Checklist for GESI mainstreaming in capacity building program LIST OF REFERRAL MANUAL OF THIS GUIDELINES Step by Step Manual for water supply schemes, March 2014 VWASH Plan Preparation Guidelines, March 2014 VWASH Plan Updating Guidelines, June 2014 DWASH Plan Guidelines, under process Post Construction Manual, under process Project Administration Manual, February 2014 Technical Training Manual, under compilation Sanitation and Hygiene Capacity Building Manual, under compilation DWASH Unit-Support Persons Capacity Building Manual, under compilation File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | ii Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline LIST OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Final Project Document, June 2014 Final Inception Report, June 2014 District Inception Workshop Reports, 20.2.-14.3.2014 Support Person Selection and Mobilisation Guidelines Internal communication guideline, in process Security, emergency & preparedness plan of RWSSP-WN, in process Strategy for mainstreaming HRBA through GESI Strategy and Action Plan, in process Strategy for mainstreaming climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, in process RWSSP-WN Annual Work Plans of different fiscal years Nine districts WASH plans, in process – final versions needed VWASH Plans of RWSSP-WN Working VDCs LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AWP CB CBS CTA CY DDC DDF DMC DoLIDAR DSA DTO D-WASHA D-WASH-CC D-WASH Unit EUR FCG FY GESI GOF GON HH HRBA ID M&ES MFA MFALD MIS MOU NGO NPC NPR O&M Annual Work Plan Capacity Building Capacity Building Specialist (of RWSSP-WN II) Chief Technical Adviser Calendar Year District Development Committee District Development Fund District Management Committee Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads Daily Subsistence Allowance District Technical Office District WASH Adviser District WASH Coordination Committee District WASH Unit of DDC Euro Finnish Consulting Group (FCG International) Fiscal Year Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Government of Finland Government of Nepal Household Human Rights Based Approach Institutional Development and Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist Ministry for Foreign Affairs (of Finland) Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development (of Nepal) Management Information System Memorandum of Understanding Non-Governmental Organization National Planning Commission Nepalese rupee Operation and Maintenance File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | iii Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline ODF p/m PCO PMT POCO PSU RVWRMP RWSSP-WN SO SP TA TOT VDC V-WASH-CC VMW WASH WSP WUSC Open Defecation Free Person month (21 day working month = 1p/m) Project Coordination Office Project Management Team Post-Construction Phase Project Support Unit Rural Village Water Resources Management Project Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Support Organisation Support Person (individual hired by DDC) Technical Assistance Training of Trainers Village Development Committee VDC WASH Coordination Committee Village Maintenance Worker Water supply, sanitation and hygiene Water Safety Plan Water Users and Sanitation Committee File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | iv Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline 1 BACKGROUND Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II (RWSSP-WN II) overall objective is to achieve improved health and fulfilment of the equal right to water and sanitation for the inhabitants of the Project area. The purpose of Phase II is the poorest and excluded households’ rights to access safe and sustainable domestic water, good health and hygiene ensured through a decentralised governance system. The original results of RWSSPWN Phase II are largely impact oriented: Result 1 (Component 1 Sanitation and Hygiene): Access to sanitation and hygiene for all achieved and sustained in the project working districts; Result 2 (Component 2 Rural Water Supply): Access to safe, functional and inclusive water supply services for all achieved and sustained in the project working VDCs Result 3 (Component 3 Capacity Development): Strengthened institutional capacity of government bodies to plan, coordinate, support and monitor the WUSCs and other community groups in the implementation, operation and maintenance of domestic water, sanitation and hygiene programmes in a self-sustainable manner. All the three result areas call for a systematic and extensive capacity building. Many capacity building activities do, in fact, support several result areas at the same time. It must also be noted that capacity building is not only about training events and theoretical learning, but that learning-by-doing, on-the-job training and then applying (getting opportunities to apply!) the new skills into practice are equally important. Figure 1 ‘Core Elements of Capacity Building’, captures the holistic understanding of capacity building which entails three core elements, as shown below. Capacity building is a leading theme across all result areas: these cannot be achieved without systematic capacity building. These ultimate results must be kept in mind when defining capacity building activities. Figure 1 Core ele- ments of capacity building INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Formal & informal institutions Good (water) governance Factors of resilience and livelihoods strategies (coping, adaptation) CAPACITY BUILDING ENABLING ENVIRONMENT All levels: central to DDC & VDC Decentralisation & LG reform processes HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Policy & legal framework Continuous process of Fiscal transfers (DWRDF, UC acc.) skills development & learning-by-doing GESI Strategies Training modules: Managerial, financial, Leadership, planning & technical skills File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 Page |5 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline This Capacity Building Guideline is prepared to ensure uniformity within RWSSP-WN while implementing the capacity building activities at all levels (community, district and central) of the Project. All the proposed training activities have to be in line with the Project Document and approved as a part of the Annual Work Plan of the year concerned. The purposes of training activities vary between the organizational levels and between the target/beneficiary groups. Planning and reporting are important to ensure that we will remain fully accountable on how the capacity building budgets were utilized. Keeping the results-orientation in our minds, in addition to the activities themselves, we need to pay attention to the expected results and impacts that the training is meant to have. Therefore, this document is not a standalone document but must be seen together with the other key documents. In addition to the Project Document and relevant annual work plans, the Step-By-Step Manual provides details for the capacity building of a very specific target group, namely the Water Users and Sanitation Committees (WUSCs). These events are all funded through the District Development Funds (DDF). There are also the DoLIDAR WASH Training Norms (draft July 2013) that includes a range of WASH-related training. 2 PURPOSE AND TARGET GROUPS FOR CAPACITY BUILDING The Project arranges and/or facilitates training activities for four major levels of beneficiaries/ stakeholders, as follows: a) Central Level: MoFALD/DoLIDAR co-ordinates with concerned organizations to develop common understanding and capacities for WASH. Typical activities include regular meetings, national level workshops and visits, and contributions to national-level thematic groups and sector policy debates, such as the Joint Sector Review and its thematic working groups. b) District Level: Activities focus on building the capacity of local government officials at the districts, particularly the DDC, DMC, D-WASH-CC members and D-WASH Unit staff that will enable them to effectively plan, implement, monitor, and support the WASH sector development across the whole district. Most of the district-specific activities are funded through DDF. TA-funds are used for capacity building related to cross-cutting themes such as gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), human rights based approach (HRBA), climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, conflict resolution, anti-corruption and prevention. The capacity of the Support Persons (SPs) hired by the DDCs for the district WASH Units (or Support Organizations i.e. local NGOs) is critical for the successful WASH programme. They are the front line cadres working with the communities. SPs systematic capacity building is a must. It is recommended that a training topic is always included into their bi-monthly reporting & planning meetings. Similarly accounting software training and its refreshers to DDC Accounts Officers and WASH scheme survey and design training to District WASH Unit technicians is key capacity building event of the project. c) Community Level: Training activities for the ultimate beneficiaries are provided at VDC and scheme level. The training for Water Users and Sanitation Committees (WUSC), V-WASH-CC and VDC staff is to enhance their knowledge, skills and attitude in construction management, transparency, accounting and O&M of the constructed schemes. Capabilities are also enhanced as a result of the learning-by-doing as per the Step By Step. Keeping WUSC in the leading role the WUSC members and the beneficiary community will learn through action about, consensus decision making, benefit sharing, transparency, accountability, empowerment and good governance. Technical training focuses at the community level. File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 Page |6 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline d) The Project Staff Level: The training for the Project staff is to upgrade and keep updated professional and technical skills and attitudes in line with their respective support tasks to the Project in the range of areas. Given that all project staff have a significant role to play in the capacity building, also their capacity needs to be kept updated and diversified when new thematic areas get introduced into the project. Annual performance assessments can be used to identify capacity building needs for each individual. The training needs should be identified by respective District WASH Units analysing the capacity gaps of the SO staffs or SPs working in the field. Any person shall not be accepted to the same training event more than once. While inviting and selecting participants, the participation of women, Dalit, Janajati and other disadvantaged groups shall be encouraged; GESI mainstreaming checklist for capacity building is given in Annex 9. The total number of participants shall be considered within the approved budgets in the Annual Work Plan (AWP). The number of trainees in a course shall be adjusted taking into account the set objectives and the training methods to be applied. 3 CAPACITY BUILDING PLANNING AND BUDGETING 3.1 Funding Sources There are two funding sources available for capacity building at different levels. One fund flow goes through the District Development Funds (DDF) together with the investment funds from both GoN and GoF. Another fund flow is through the Technical Assistance (TA Fund) that is 100% from GOF and cleared through the consultant’s accounts (FCG). District WASH Unit lead all the events – PSU’s role is to support to implement them and to ensure that the events get reported. PSU does not organize any events in the districts directly. All events are planned and coordinated together with ach District Management Committee (DMC) and the Project Coordination Office (PCO) that also send the invitation letters as needed. Regional and Central level activities will be planned and organized by Project Support Unit (PSU) in coordination with DoLIDAR and MoFALD as relevant case by case basis. The capacity building budget available for each district will be provided during AWP preparation process. If there is a very good justification for higher budget, exceptions can be expressed but in these cases the full participation of DDC is to be assured. District-wise annual work plans will also identify other funding sources for joint-events with other governmental or non-governmental stakeholders. Many events operating through D-WASH-CC for instance should be increasingly joint efforts. Contributions from GoN, DDC and VDC - - - GoN and DDC contributions will be included in DDF-funded capacity building activities during the AWP planning process. DDC contribution is one indicator in considering district performance. VDC contributions for capacity building activities will be sought during V-WASH Plan preparation and when interacting with V-WASH-CCs in planning for VDC-wide sanitation and hygiene activities. VDC contribution for other individual training events is not practical to contribute. Contributions to individual training events from the other WASH sector stakeholders are on cost-share basis as defined for each individual event case by case. File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 Page |7 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline District-wise capacity building activities will be coordinated and reported by the respective District WASH Advisor. Capacity building activities combining more than one district will be coordinated and reported by the respective PSU Specialist. Generally, the activities where there is no need to combine the participants from more than one district are funded from DDF as reflected in approved annual work plan. TA fund shall be provisioned for DDC/DTO/DWASH Unit, SO/SP related and central level capacity building activities where participants from more than one district need to be trained by an event. List of the different capacity building events and their referral manuals are presented in Annex 8. Details of those capacity building events are given in the respective training manuals. General classification of Capacity Building Activities by Source of Funding is provided in Table 1 below; Table 1 Classification of Capacity Building Activities by Source of Funding Thematic Area DDF Funded Users Level capacity All scheme related trainings building as per step by step procedure SO/SP Level capacity building Local human resources development Technical Training The events planned for only one district and other regular meeting cost. Local Service Providers All technical trainings like Local Latrine Builders, Village Maintenance Workers, Rainwater Harvesting Mistries, Pump operators etc) Events, Festivals and All regular events that can Awareness Campaigns be planned annually, such as National Sanitation Week, Women’s Day, World Water Day, ODF celebrations. Sanitation and Hygiene All community/VDC level training campaigns District Level Capacity Regular meeting/workshops Building Activities All WUSC/VDC and DDC/DMC level exposure visits/trips, human resources development GESI & HRBA workshop, Monitoring workshop, PoCo workshop, etc. Central Level Capacity None Building Activities None TA Funded Special training events or piloted activities which is not planned in district AWP (as decided by PMT, case by case) All SO/SP trainings that are combined to one or more districts. Local Service Providers IEC Materials External Resource Person cost in special case only (case by case as decided by PMT) Special events, workshops, conferences and other occasions arising over the year as agreed case-by-case, District ODF cost sharing (district and central level) Regional level trainings e.g. MTOT for behaviour change triggers, SP/SO staffs, etc. DDC Accountants training VDC/DDC/DTO/D-WASH-CC policy formulation, local governance, effective implementation of laws, technical trainings, incl. GIS, MIS, GPS training that need to combine participants from more than one districts. All central level capacity building activities. Project Staff exposure visits and participation in different workshops/trainings/conferences Central level exposure visits and other visits that combine participants from more than one district. File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 Page |8 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline 3.2 Annual Planning Process and Approval Planning and budgeting of capacity building activities is an integral part of the preparation of an Annual Work Plan (AWP) to achieve the overall objectives, purpose and the key result areas of the Project. Major basis of planning of investment and capacity building activities under RWSSP-WN II is the comprehensive V-WASH Plan prepared by community and approved by VDC, DSWASH plan and the budget ceiling provided from central level. All scheme investment and major capacity building events should pass through village council to Ilaka level planning workshop and respective DDC meetings before District Council. After approval of the annual programs by District council, detailed planning and budgeting is started. In this guidelines the planning and implementation process of the activities after approval of DDC council is described. Capacity building activities are planned for each of the two sources of funds. Figure 2 below describes annual planning and approval process of capacity building activities under RWSSP-WN II. Planning Steps: 1. D-WASH Unit prepares the detail annual plan and budget after district council. While planning sanitation and hygiene activities and related capacity building activities the Unit incorporates D-WASHCC recommendations. Carried over or ongoing activities shall get first priority while preparing plan within the budget ceiling provided by DoLIDAR/MOFALD. District WASH Adviser provides advisory support to the unit regarding prioritization of the activities and recommending TA funded capacity building activities. The capacity building activities include both DDF funded and TA funded as per the classification given in Table 1 above. DWASH Unit submits the capacity building activities planned under TA support to Project Support Unit and the unit prepares Draft AWP of the district to DMC. Planning format for the DDF funded activities is given in Annex 2 of this guidelines. 2. District Management Committee (DMC) is responsible to finalize annual work plan of the district. DMC reviews the draft annual work plan prepared by DWASH Unit and finalizes it in consultation with PCO/PSU. PCO/PSU provides feedback to DMC as per need before finalization of AWP. 3. Once the AWP from the district is finalized it is forwarded to PCO/PSU for compilation and consolidation with TA funded capacity building activities. The PSU-based specialists outline their capacity building plans after having studied the plans made by districts and after close coordination with both the district and PSU-based long term experts. Each specialist will have their own annual budget that they will be accountable for from planning, coordinating, and reporting to financial clearance. The planning format that is also used for reporting purposes is given in the Annex 3. The plans are discussed in the PSU Weekly meetings and if needed, thematic working groups can be established especially for conceptual development of completely new issues. 4. The Capacity Building Specialist will compile all the proposals into one file to cross-check that they are relevant for the results areas and to ensure that there is no serious gaps or overlaps considering what the districts have also planned. The CB specialist will also consolidate DDF and TA funded capacity building activities and prepare capacity building plan of the project for the fiscal year. Final TA budget allocation among the thematic areas will be discussed in the PSU Weekly meetings. File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 Page |9 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline Figure 2 Annual Planning and Approval Process of Capacity Building activities DISTRICT PROJECT SUPPORT UNIT ❶ S&H CB Plan D-WASH-CC D-WASH Unit o Prepares District AWP based on budget ceiling and District Council Proposal First DRAFT AWP ❸ DDF-Funded AWP TA-Funded Sample format in Annex 1 o Prepare TA - CB Plan Reviewing District CB Plans and Annual Budget - Format in Annex 2 PCO/PSU CB PLAN PSU Specialists ❷ DMC o DMC Review and Finalize the Plan in close consultation with PCO/PSU o PCO/PSU provides Feedback to DMC District Draft AWP o Includes all schemes and CB Activities (District AWP) TA Funded CB PLAN DDF Funded CB PLAN ❹ CB Specialist ❺ ID M&E Specialist o Reviews and Consolidates CB Plans ❾ D-WASH Unit o Converts into NPC Format o Reviews and Include CB Plan in Draft AWP RWSSP-WN II AWP in Draft AWP NPC Format ❿ ❻ PCO Project Internal Coordination Meeting o Compilation o Summarization o Draft Final AWP produced ❼ DoLIDAR, MFALD, NPC RWSSP-WN II Final Annual Work Plan PMT o Approves AWP o Propose to SC/SVB SC/SVB o AWP Final Approval ❽ File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 10 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline 5. The Institutional Development and Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist/Chief Technical Advisor will review the final capacity building plan and consolidate it with the annual work plan of the project. The consolidation in AWP will also include an investment plan proposed by the districts. The ID and M&E specialist is responsible to prepare draft annual work plan of the project for the fiscal year. 6. Internal Coordination Meeting, represented by PCO/PSU and District WASH Advisers will discuss on the draft annual work plan and ID and M&E Specialist produces final draft of the annual work plan. 7. Project Management Team (PMT) will approve the final draft annual work plan to be submitted to project Steering Committee for recommendation and project Supervisory Board for Approval. 8. Project Steering Committee provides comments/suggestions for finalization and recommends to the Project Supervisory Board for approval of AWP. PMT will incorporate the comments/suggestions provided by steering committee and submit the AWP to Supervisory Board for approval. Project Supervisory Board approves the Annual Work Plan. 9. Based on the final AWP of the district, DWASH Unit will convert the district's AWP in planning format prescribed by National Planning commission (NPC) and submit to PCO. 10. PCO compiles the plans of all districts and prepares projects work plan in NPC format. PCO also summarizes the annual beneficiaries and budget targets in trimester basis and submits them to DoLIDAR. Generally, all AWPs can be revised towards the end of the second trimester based on actual expenditure, available budget and needs arising during the year. At this point a ‘reality check’ can be given to each activity. 3.3 Implementation and Reporting After approval of the AWP, Training Proposals are prepared and capacity building activities carried out either by Project Support Unit or DWASH Unit. In RWSSP-WN II majority of the activities are implemented by DWASH Unit. Capacity building activities are generally funded from two sources as presented in Table 1 above, List of trainings and possible source of funding are presented in Annex 8. Process of implementation and reporting is presented in Figure 3 and Table 2 below; File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 11 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline Figure 3: Implementation Process of Capacity Building Activities RWSSP-WN II Approved CB Plan (In AWP) DISTRICT PROJECT SUPPORT UNIT A B DDF Funded TA Funded Trimester Plans ❶ o DWASH Unit Prepare Event Proposal Based on the Approved Norms Proposal DWASH Unit o DTO Chief/DWASHA Review the Proposal and Recommend LDO for Approval Recomendation o LDO on behalf of DDC approves DDF Funded Training/Event Proposals DWASHA/DTO Single District o DWASH Adviser, in Consultation with Concerned PSU Specialist in case of single district event and o Concerned PSU Specialist in Case of Multiple Districts event Prepares the Proposal and Submit to CB Specialist for Review and Recommendation (Proposal format is given in Annex 3) o Training Event Incharge Prepare the Report and Submit to DMC, DWASH Unit summarize the data and send to PSU (Templete Annex 4) Financial Clearance Recommendation CB Specialist ❷ ❸ o CTA Approves TA Funded Training/Event Proposals Approval LDO o Implementation of event as per approved Proposal Proposal PSU Specialist Proposal DWASH-A ❸ ❹ ❻ ❶ o Review the Proposal and Recommend CTA for Approval ❷ Multiple District Approval CTA ❹ Implementation Implementation ❺ ❺ Training/Event Report Training/Event Report GESI Disaggregated Participants Data (Templete is given in Annex 7) o DDC Account Section o Implementation of event as per approved Proposal o Training Event Incharge Prepare the Report and Submit to CTA/project drop box (Report Templete is given in Annex 4) Financial Clearance o PSU Account Section RWSSP-WN II Project MIS o MIS Specialist Updates the CB Data ❼ File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 12 ❻ Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline Implementation and Reporting Steps Due to different administrative arrangements the implementation and reporting of TA and DDF funded capacity building events have different processes for implementation and reporting. The process of capacity building activities preparation, implementation and reporting under each funding sources is described in following Table 2. Table 2 Implementation Process of Capacity Building Events Implementation Process DDF Funded TA Funded Step 1: Preparation of Training/Event Proposal Training Proposals (Annex 3) shall have clear and detailed training course contents that will enable anyone to review the contents whether they fit to the work requirements of the participants and enable the participants to apply practically what they have learned. As such, training courses should not all be theoretical in nature, but must allocate sufficient time for practical and participatory exercises. It is necessary to prepare for the event in a way that the participants can apply the new skills and knowledge on their work. While calculating cost of the training, the approved norms will be followed. None of the training events will be implemented without prior approval of the proposal. DMC will decide to conduct the training events before preparing the proposals. DDF Funded TA Funded DWASH Unit is responsible for Training Proposals. a) The respective DWASHA is responIt will be managed as follows; sible for the preparation of training a) Scheme/VDC Level capacity building activities: proposal for the district and VDC Field Coordinator (SP) of respective VDC will pre- level activities. pare the proposal. b) Multi VDC/Technical Training: Proposal of the training that covers participants from more than one VDC shall be prepared by the DMC and the event shall be coordinated by DDC/DTO staff and/or the relevant SP assigned by DMC. b) Events combining participants from more than one district and focusing on specific sector will be prepared and coordinated by the concerned PSU Specialist. c) Study tour/Exposure Visits: Proposal of the study tour will be prepared by the DMC-nominated Sample of proposal for training person and coordinated by DDC/DTO staff as- events is presented in Annex 3 signed. d) Sanitation and Hygiene: Proposal of sanitation and hygiene related events will be prepared by DMC-nominated personnel of DWASH Unit. Step 2 : Recommendation for Approval DTO Chief and/or DWASHA on behalf of DMC will Capacity Building Specialist will rereview and recommend the proposal for approval. view and recommend the training Recommendation will be based on the allocated proposal for approval. Recommendation will be based on the allocated File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 13 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline budget in AWP, unit rate of items and manage- budget in AWP, unit rate of items ment of resource persons. and management of resource persons. Step 3 : Approval of the Proposal LDO or assigned officer will approve the proposals Chief Technical Adviser (CTA) will apon behalf DMC. prove all kinds of TA funded capacity building proposals. Step 4 : Implementation of the Event Field Coordinator in case of scheme level activities and DMC-nominated person in case other trainings will be responsible for management and coordination of the training. The in-charge will manage training venue, logistics, session management etc for the training. DWASH Adviser in case of single district training and respective PSU specialist in case of multiple district training. The person who prepares proposal is generally responsible for entire management of the training. Step 5 : Training/Event Report The training report of each DDF funded training event will be produced and submitted to DMC. Report as per the format given in Annex 4 will be produced for technical and other major training events whereas, WUSC training report can be produced scheme wise at the end of completion of respective scheme phase (e.g. preparatory, implementation, post construction). WUSC level training participants and date will be updated in respective scheme cards. WASH Adviser will be responsible to ensure of submitting the summary of the training report to CTA/project drop box. The training in-charge (DWASH Adviser or concerned PSU specialist) is responsible for the training report (template in Annex 4). Report of each TA funded training shall be produced and submitted to CTA and will also be recorded in project drop box. Project secretary will compile all training reports and forward to project MIS for updating. Step 6 : Financial Clearance Training in-charge of respective training will submit original bills and receipts along with the training report to the DDC account section for financial clearance. All the costs of the training should be within the limit of approved proposal. Training in-charge of respective training will submit original bills and receipts to the PSU account section for financial clearance. All the costs of the training should be within the limit of approved proposal. Step 7 : Updating Project MIS GESI disintegrated capacity building data of each event will be forwarded to PSU for MIS update in regular basis. WUSC level training data will be updated in scheme cards. DWASH Adviser is responsible for regular submission CB data to PSU MIS. In case of TA funded activities training in-charge of respective training is responsible for submission of CB data to PSU. MIS specialist of PSU is responsible to record all data and produce information for different types of project reports. The GESI disintegrated data format is presented in Annex 7. File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 14 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline Notes: - - The project staff may not handle the fund from DDF. Proposals not mentioned in AWP are subject to approval by PMT. If the proposal involves large amount of funds, it is subject to approval of the Supervisory Board. Approval process of the individual events is as follows. All proposals should be approved at least 2 weeks before starting the event for better management and timely information to the participants. Proposals for big events should be made 4 weeks in advance and once approved, should be posted for public notice and for stakeholders and beneficiaries information within the Project area. 3.4 Training Course Contents Training course contents and their implementation process is described in different training manuals as follows. The contents and manuals will be followed while implementing the training activities. 1. All Scheme level WUSC capacity Building Step by Step Manual 2. V-WASH Plan preparation VWASH Plan Guidelines 3. V-WASH Plan updating VWASH Plan Updating Guidelines 4. D-WASH Plan preparation related DSWASHP Guidelines : Under PP'n 5. Technical Trainings Technical Training Manual : Under PP'n 6. Post Construction and WSP related Post Construction Manual : Under PP'n 7. Sanitation and Hygiene Sanitation and Hygiene CB Manual : Under PP'n Other District level capacity building events e.g. DDC accountants training, design software training course contents will be developed as per requirements. List of trainings provided under RWSSP-WN II funding is presented in Annex 8. 4 NORMS FOR BUDGETING DIFFERENT CAPACITY BUILDING EVENTS Budget breakdown of the event will be presented to the participants before the training for transparency of the activity. Also the expenditure will be presented at the end of the each training in training report. If any training materials such as tools or various items are handed out at the end of the training, there needs to be clear records on this: what was handed out and signed as received. The materials can be handed out only for the participants based on transparent system. Alternatively, they are to be returned to DDC store to be used in the next training. The training proposals should be able to anticipate whether the items will be returned or not. All the training/meeting and workshops shall be conducted only after approval of event proposal as planned in annual work plan and decided by DMC. File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 15 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline 4.1 Norms for community level trainings Following rates of the expenses are given for all kind of trainings (WUSC level/VDC level) that are organized at the same scheme area or VDC/DDC. The trainings will be facilitated by DDC/DTO staff SO/SPs. The costs will be incurred from DDF. Table 3 Norms for WUSC/VDC Level Training Sn 1 2 3 4 5 Expenditure Heading Stationeries Tea and snacks Hall rent Classroom materials Food cost Maximum ceiling NPR 50/participant/event NPR 100/participant/per day NPR 200/day NPR 500/event NPR 200/participant/day Remarks if needed Max'm 3 days See below Only for the trainings having more than 6 hours and will not be provided for meeting, awareness campaign etc. 4.2 Norms for district level trainings Following rates of the expenses are given for all kind of district level trainings that are organized at district level. The trainings will be facilitated by DDC/DTO and other resource persons. The costs will be incurred from DDF. Table 4 Norms for District Level Training Sn 1 2 Expenditure Heading Stationeries Tea and snacks 3 4 5 6 Hall rent Classroom materials Food and accommodation cost Coordination cost 7 Logistic management cost Maximum ceiling NPR 100/participant/event NPR 100/participant/per day NPR 1000/day NPR 300/day NPR 800/participant/day Remarks if needed Out of HQ Participants NPR 300/day NPR 100/day For district level meeting/workshop that are participated by district level WASH stakeholders and Multi Stakeholder Forum Members NPR 200/meeting shall be provided. In addition tea and cost maximum NPR 100 shall be covered from the DDF. 4.3 Norms for technical trainings Following rates of the expenses are given for budgeting all kind of technical trainings e.g. Water Supply Technicians training, rainwater harvesting Mistries training, local latrine builders (residential training – more than 7 days) that are organized at a place/scheme where participants from various other VDCs/schemes do participate. The training will be managed jointly by DMC and D-WASH Unit and the cost will be incurred from the DDF. DMC will nominate training in-charge either from DDC office or DTO. Training in-charge will be responsible for the management of the training. File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 16 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline Table 5 Norms for technical training organized at village level Sn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Expenditure Heading Stationeries Tea and snacks Food and accommodation cost Hall rent Classroom materials Equipment Transportation Opening and Closing ceremony cost Medicine cost Maximum ceiling Rs. 150/participant/event Rs. 100/participant/per day Rs. 500/participant/per day Rs. 1,000/day Rs. 10000/event As per estimation As per actual Rs. 100/participant * 2 times Remarks if needed Rs. 2000/training 4.4 Norms for WUSC/VWASHCC/WCF/staff Exposure Visits Following rate of the expenses are given for WUSC/VWASHCC/WCF exposure visits to different places. The visits will be managed by DMC and the costs will be incurred from DDF. DMC will nominate in-charge of the visit either from DDC/DTO office. In-charge will be responsible for the management of the visit. Table 6 Norms for exposure visits Sn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Expenditure Heading Stationeries Tea and snacks Lunch/Dinner Accommodation cost Transportation cost Other fees and costs Medicine cost Max’m ceiling Rs. 250/participant/trip Rs. 100/participant/per day Rs. 300/participant/per time Rs. 600/participant/night As per actual As per actual Rs. 2,000/trip 4.5 General Norms for Resource Persons General Norms Training: 1) 2) 3) All Resource Persons shall be specialists in the subject matter. Local Resource Persons a) Line agencies, local body staff, NGO of the same district. b) No service contract is required for Local Resource Person. External Resource Persons a) Freelancer or consultant b) GoN, NGO and line agency officials (from other district) c) A person facilitating training as an external resource person must take leave for those facilitating days, if he/she is working in any government or non-government agencies /organization. d) CVs of three candidates are required for the selection. If a CV of a resource person has already been approved for CV Roster, he/she can be directly hired as External Resource Person (as individual Short Term Service Provider) e) Signing a Service Contract before the event is MUST for external resource person. Respective coordinator is responsible for having the contract approved prior to the event. f) Fee and selection process of external resource person shall be as per the existing Rule of DDC/DoLIDAR. File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 17 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline One training day consists of minimum of 6 hours. 4.6 Local Resource Person Fee The fee (Including tax) of Local Resource Person shall be applied as follows (Table 4). Table 7 Basis for Local Resource Persons Fee (Amount in Rupees) LEVEL RATE PER SESSION WITH HAND-OUTS IN A DAY Gazetted officers (Central level training) Per Session Remarks 3,000 Max 3 sessions/day Gazetted officers (district or regional level training) 1,700 Max 3 sessions/day Non Gazetted (at VDC/community level training) 1,000 Max 3 sessions/day 1A session shall be of at least 1.5 hrs. in technical subject matter. Briefing the training objectives, welcoming the participants, inaugurating, conducting pre or post-tests etc shall not be considered as session and paid. 2Rate above is the maximum for Specialized Level Gazetted officers. Other levels (G1, G2 and G3 Gazetted Officers) will be lower than the rate above and will be indicated in respective Project Proposal prepared for the purpose. 4.7 External Resource Person Fee The fee (including tax) of External Resource Person shall be applied as follows: Table 8 Basis for External Resource Persons/Consultants Fee (Amount in Rupees) Education Experiences Master or above More than twenty years of experience 9,000 – 10,000 Fifteen to twenty years of experience 7,000 – 8,500 Ten to fifteen years of experience 6,000 – 7,000 Five to ten years of experience 5,500 – 6,000 More than fifteen years of experience 5,000 – 5,500 Ten to fifteen years of experience 4,500 – 5,000 Five to ten years of experience 3,500 – 4,500 Up to five years of experience 2,700 – 3,300 More than fifteen years of experience 3,000 – 4,000 Ten to fifteen years of experience 2,500 – 3,000 Five to ten years of experience 2,000 – 2,500 Bachelor or above Intermediate or equivalent or above Up to five years of experience More than fifteen years of experience Ten to fifteen years of experience Five to ten years of experience Above rates include the hand-outs and presentation preparation. Skill Technician or above File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 Amount/day/person 1,750 – 2,000 1,900 – 2,200 1,700 – 1,900 1,400 – 1,700 P a g e | 18 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline If the training event is organized outside the then residential location, Daily Subsistence Allowance during the travelling days will be provided on top of the above fee. This shall be clearly mentioned in the service providers’ contract. For highly specialized Resource Persons where the rates above do not apply, the Resource Persons can negotiate for a lump sum amount that covers travelling allowance, professional fee, and preparation of training materials through a Proposal that will be reviewed by the PSU Specialist concerned and IDE/M&E Specialist and for endorsement to the (dis)/approval of the Chief Technical Adviser. 1 In special cases the above fees can be increased by 10-15 % (subject to prior approval of CTA) 4.8 Staff as Resource Person If a Project Staff member participates/facilitates an event outside his/her duty station, the costs are covered as normal duty travel. There is no extra payment for a staff member who acts as an event coordinator or a resource person – this is considered part of duties. If a project staff member participates a training event organized by other agencies, and allowance is provisioned, the participant shall accept allowances from only one source (either training allowances or Daily Subsistence Allowance from the project) If a project staff member facilitates a training organized by other stakeholders during normal office hours in the duty station, he/she is not entitled to receive additional allowances. If it is 4.9 Value-Added Tax (VAT) It is encouraged that External and Internal Resource Persons conducting capacity building for foreign-funded projects should apply exemption from the GoN on the payment of VAT, as it cannot be added as extra charge above their professional fees. 4.10 Other Costs Miscellaneous Unit Cost on training: Maximum unit cost of miscellaneous items at the different levels of training shall be applied as follows (Table 4). 4.11 Food and Accommodation Cost Full-board training system will be applied at PSU and district level. In case of VDC level and at district level where management of food and accommodation is not possible, non-board system will be applied with justification. Under full-board system, the budget covers breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea and snacks. Under non-board option, only day time snacks are covered. Staff of DDC/DTO/DADO/VDC will not be paid any training allowances under non-board option. They are entitled to get DSA from DDC/project/concerned office as mentioned in the training proposal. No allowances will be paid for the participant of training organized in duty station, VDC or resident location of the participant. Table 9 Maximum Food and Accommodation Cost or Allowance (Non–Board) Level of the Training Central Level PSU Level* District Level VDC Level Option 1 (Full Board) Option 2 (Non-Board) (Amount in Rupees) (Amount in Rupees) As per approved Proposal by Team Leader As per need with prior approval of Team Not applicable leader Rs. 850/participant/day Rs. 700/participant/day Not applicable Rs. 500/participant/day (for outside participants only) File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 19 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline 4.12 Regional Level TA Funded Activities In case of TA funded regional level training/seminar/workshop/visits where participants from DDC, DTO DoLIDAR participates project will apply either full board system or DSA as per project norms will be paid. Other payment and arrangements will be as per Project Administrative Manual (PAM). 4.13 Daily Subsistence Allowance For Project staff, a 25% Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) will still be provided in full-board training/seminar/workshop/visits as per the project rules. For non-Project staff, they will also be entitled for 25% allowance. 4.14 Travel Cost for the training Transportation cost (public bus fare) to the participants will be paid (from duty station/home station to the training venue & to and from) as per actual bus fare. One way travel ticket shall be submitted while claiming the cost. DSA of the participants of the actual travelling days will be paid as per DDC norms in case of DDF funded activities and as per Project norms in case of TA funded capacity building activities. 5 MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF TRAINING 5.1 Overview to monitoring Monitoring and evaluation of CB activities is an essential part of the CB activity planning and implementation. The training proposal has to include description on how M&E will be carried out. Monitoring and evaluation can include different forms as follows:- Diagnostic evaluation Monitor the process and attendance Assess the feasibility of the training plan and implementation Evaluation of learning results, and Post evaluation (impacts) Depending on the purpose and nature of an event, it should be considered whether all of the above forms are to be included or not. For example, in a planning workshop, it is not necessary to include all of them, but in case of the training courses, all of them should be planned and implemented in some way. 5.2 Diagnostic evaluation Purpose of diagnostic evaluation is to assess the existing knowledge and skills of the participants either before an event or latest at the beginning. It collects information on participants' capabilities that can be taken into account in during the training. Diagnostic evaluation can be done in different ways, e.g. through class discussion, asking the participants to perform a small task, like planting a tree, or requesting the participants to answer the questions in a pre-test form (see Annex 5 as an example). File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 20 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline 5.3 Monitor the progress and attendance Monitoring of progress and attendance is necessary for seeing if the event is implemented as planned and that the participants are present. In case of no progress, there may be a need to adjust the plans during an event, or in worse case, postpone or cancel the event. The attendance records of the participants have to be kept on daily basis in writing as it may have direct implications on budget and issuance of certificates. The attendance record is kept in the attendance record book (PSU, district, community organization or scheme wise). The information required in the books is: name of the event, timing of the event (dates & duration), location/venue, names of the participants and their signatures on daily basis. As the book is a unique record of attendance, the responsible persons have to ensure the book is not lost. In addition to the book, a list of the event participants has to be annexed to the event report and summarized in a fact sheet. See Annex 4 for the Training Report and Annex 7 for participant list. The person coordinating the event must make sure that the fact sheet is filled up during the event itself. 5.4 Assess the feasibility of training plan and implementation This assessment is normally done at the end of a training event using ‘standard’ questionnaire as enclosed in Annex 6. In addition, it is useful to organize a wrap-up discussion among the participants and trainers. This will give an opportunity to raise issues, which are not covered by the questionnaire. 5.5 Evaluation of learning results The evaluation of the learning results is an essential part of a training event. With good planning and implementation of learning evaluation, one can measure whether a training event met its purpose and to which extent the set learning objectives were achieved. Evaluation of learning results has to be based on the set objectives in the training plan. Learning evaluation can be done in different ways depending on the nature of an event (e.g. training course, workshop, study tour or an on-the-job training). Some examples on how learning evaluation can be done are described below: - - Oral questions and oral answers, directly to a certain trainee or to the whole group selecting a trainee to give an answer in different ways. Written test where trainees write answers on paper, which are evaluated against teacher models answers, based on the set objectives and the presented content. Multiple-choice questionnaire: This can be used both for diagnostic test and for learning evaluation, and if done so, the comparison will give quick ‘picture’ of expected improvements (change). False-true questionnaire where a trainee has to consider and tick, whether the statements made are false or true. Observation of a trainee’s work performance using a record sheet including the critical points of that particular work. Assessing practical/concrete outputs of learning activities; e.g. PoCo action plan or O&M Plan prepared by WUSC during the training, concrete foundation of a tap stand, sample page in the WUSC book keeping, etc. The evaluation has to be as objective as possible. Attention should be paid to selecting evaluation method depending on the set objectives, knowledge, skills and attitudes. File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 21 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline 5.6 Post Evaluation Post evaluation means evaluation that is done several months or even a year after training was completed. It is done in the working site of a trainee. The purpose is to evaluate whether the learnt knowledge, skills and attitudes have been taken in use (impact). Normally a post evaluation is done by two different ways: - - Through observation/assessment of trainee’s work performance and outputs. Through interviews or using questionnaire. In this case, opinions have to be received from a trainee him/herself, from immediate supervisor(s), and even from clients depending on the nature of work. Effectiveness evaluation and retention test of all scheme related training activities shall be carried out during scheme regular monitoring and evaluation process. (please refer: scheme monitoring and evaluation booklet for details) 5.7 Impact or Effectiveness Monitoring of Capacity Building Activities All the capacity building activities funded by the project should be guided towards achievement of project indicators ultimately contributing to project overall objectives. Project does not fund such capacity building events that are not related with the project indicators and objectives. Therefore, all training events should be effectively implemented and the skills and knowledge obtained from the trainings should be translated into practice. To ensure the effectiveness of the training, the following monitoring system is established that will be implemented during different monitoring visits and impact studies. Table 10 Effectiveness Monitoring of Capacity Building Activities Sn Level of Training/ Expected Outcome Target Audience Effectiveness monitoring process 1 Step by Step related The Water Supply schemes imTrainings – Water Us- plemented with enough particiers and Sanitation pation, quality and transparency Committees All the step by step implementation monitored during different stages of scheme monitoring. Effectiveness and retention test shall be done during scheme monitoring process. 2 SPs, DWASH Unit, All the activities in the field fol- Peruse of all the guidelines in the Service Providers, low the project approach, mo- field monitored during scheme mobilizers – ToT type dality and process and VDC level monitoring visits of Training 3 Technical Trainings 4 DWASH/VWASH Plan Prepared plans are Participatory, Monitored through district and related Training realistic plan and all stakeholders VDC level workshops agree on the existing status. 5 Celebration of differ- Level of awareness of the com- Monitored through scheme/VDC ent national and in- munity raised and status of sani- level monitoring. ternational days, tation and hygiene improved. Developed human resources provide service to the schemes, they have enough quality to serve Monitored during scheme/VDC level monitoring. Special monitoring/study will also be carried out. File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 22 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline events and awareness paigns 6 other cam- District level Meet- Increased coordination among Monitored analysing timely deciings, workshops stakeholders and DDC and stake- sions, reporting and initiation holders own the project. taken by district to solve problems and completion of activities. 5.8 REPORTING All DDF funded activities are reported to DMC and DWASH Unit reports to PCO/PSU in monthly basis. The capacity building data are submitted to PSU in bi-monthly basis. All the field activities will be reported in monthly/bi-monthly basis to the DWASH Unit through monthly/bimonthly review meeting with field staffs. For TA funded capacity building, the Training Coordinator is responsible for Training Report preparation. Annex 4 shows the template for the Training Report. Note that the first pages of the Training Report are the same as in the Training Proposal Annex 3 – the objective is to update with actual figures and names the same information as was provided in the Training Proposal. The report is concise and informative on key issues. Particular attention is to be paid on outputs and achievements and ensuring the fact sheet is updated. Fact sheet is an important link to financial control and to MIS records of the Project; the participant figures are also needed for the progress reports. The final reports of events are to be submitted to: [email protected] and shared through the Training Reports Drop Box. Depending on the topic and location of an event, copies may be submitted also to relevant experts and stakeholders, including districts and resource persons/service providers. File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 23 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline ANNEX 1 TEMPLATE FOR DISTRICT CAPACITY BUILDING PLANNING (DDF FUNDED IN ANNUAL WORK PLAN) File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 24 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II A Total Estimated Budget of FY 01 (2071/72) (NPR) DDF DDF Water Supply 1 2 Total (A) B B1 B2 Sanitation & Hygiene Institutional Toilet Construction Public toilet Construction Institutional Toilet Construction Rewards ODF reward B3 Sanitation Related Sanitation Exhibition Wall Painting IEC & media National Sanitation Week, Hand washing Day, Toilet Day District ODF declaration VDC ODF declaration Journalist Mobilization Total (B) C Capacity Building C.1 1 2 Scheme Level (Step-By-Step) Pre-Construction/Procurement training to WUSC Post Construction training to WUSC File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 25 Kind Users Cash Total DDF DDC VDC GOF Total Kind Cash VDC Total DDF DDC GOF Users GON Total Estimated Budget (complete scheme) (NPR) GON Pop'n Beneficiaries HH Complete Year Start Year Implementation Phase New/ rehab Scheme status Budget item Scheme Type Sn Scheme Code Capacity Building Guideline To ta l Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline C.2 Technical Training 1 WSP Training 3 Days C.3 Sanitation & Hygiene 1 3 ToT ODF/TBC training ODF/TBC orientation to Multistakeholders WASH orientation to Media 4 ODF Refresher Training 2 C.4 GESI C.5 Exposure Visits C.6 Post Construction C.7 Planning V-WASH Plans Total (C) D. 1 SO/SP BUDGET SO/SP cost Total (D) E. E1 Running/Monitoring GON Admin Administrative Cost E2 Running Establishment/Strengthening WASH Unit E3 Monitoring Scheme monitoring as per SBS VDC level monitoring Total (E) Total (A+B+C+D+E) File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 26 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline ANNEX 2 TEMPLATE FOR PSU COORDINATED CAPACITY BUILDING PLANNING (TA FUNDED IN ANNUAL WORK PLAN) – ALSO TEMPLATE FOR REPORTING File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 27 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline Budget code # Name of the Event Level of training When? How many days? (Duration) (mm/yyyy only) days Where? (Venue) Budget External Resource Person NPR Y/N C1.02 Central/district meetings 0 C1.03 Non-Project Districts (off-DDF costs) 0 C1.04 Result 1 Sanitation 0 C1.05 Result 2 Water Supply 0 C1.06 Result 3 Institutional Development 0 File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 28 Participants (who?) Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline ANNEX 3 ............................... TEMPLATE FOR TRAINING PROPOSAL File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 29 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II TRAINING PROPOSAL FOR XXXXX TITLE OF TRAINING HERE XXXX Budget Code: ......... Submitted date: File name: TR_Proposal for Title of the training event: Training dates (FROM – TO): (Dates: both in Calendar Year and Nepali calendar) Location: Venue, District & VDC: Prepared by (name & designation): Other team members involved in the training: Training level: 1. Scheme level 2. VDC level 3. District level 4. Project level Summary (to be updated in the Training Report) Name of the Event Dates: Duration (days): Funding Source Budget and actual cost TA/DDF ?? TA Budget Code Estimated NPR Actual NPR External resource person/s Participants: Mr./Ms. Name & organization No of participants Detail of participants Expected To be updated in the Training Report WUSC/V-WASH-CC/D-WASH-CC/etc F Dalit M Actual A/J F M F RM M F DTC M To be updated in the Training Report Others Total F M M F Other remarks: File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 30 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF THE TRAINING OBJECTIVES, METHODOLOGY AND EXPECTED OUTCOME (Training schedule outlining context to be presented in Annex 1 to this proposal) VENUE AND DURATION (add any details needed especially if the admin needs to organize something; if the venue and dates are clear from the page 1 and there is no need for special arrangements/equipment/booking, no need to have this chapter) Venue for class room training: Venue for practical works (if any): PARTICIPANTS Who are the participants? (which agencies, SOs/UCs, from which VDC, schemes etc, estimated numbers & background/level) RESOURCE PERSONS AND FACILITATORS Full time Facilitators/Resource Persons: Part time Facilitators Project Internal/External: Support Staff: BUDGET AND MODE OF PAYMENT Total estimated cost is...................../- as per attached budget sheet (Annex 2 to this proposal). Prepared and Submitted by: Recommended by: Approved by: _______________________ _______________________ ____________________ Name: Name: Name: Designation: Designation: Designation: Date: Date: Date: LIST OF ANNEXES 1. 2. 3. 4. Session plan/s of the training Detailed budget sheet CVs of the Resource Persons Other relevant information File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 31 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline ANNEX 1. SESSION PLAN OF THE TRAINING Overview (for several days trainings) Date Time Session I Session II Session III Lunch Break Session IV Session V Session VI Day I Day II Day III Day IV Detailed daily programme (for daily details) Time Session Facilitator/resource person Day V Day … Day … Remarks/materials ANNEX 2. DETAILED BUDGET SHEET Sn A. 1 2 B. 1 2 3 C. 1 2 D. 1 E. 1 2 F. G. 1 2 Particulars Nbr Rate Days Tea, snacks, food, accommodation During Training Period Participants Trainer and resource persons Sub Total Stationeries For distribution For classroom use Banner Sub Total Transportation Bus for field trip Participants bus fare (2 way) Sub Total Daily Subsistence Allowance for Traveling Days in average from respective VDCs Sub Total Resource Person Fee Facilitation fee Transportation Sub Total Training Hall rent Sub Total Miscellaneous Cost Medicine (first aid) Photocopy of hand-outs Sub Total Grand Total (A+B+C+D+E+F+G) File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 Total Remarks P a g e | 32 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline ANNEX 3 CVS OF THE RESOURCE PERSONS ANNEX 4 ............... TEMPLATE FOR TRAINING REPORT – INCLUDES TRAINING FACT SHEET AND UPDATES THE TRAINING PROPOSAL File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 33 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II TRAINING REPORT OF XXXXTITLE OF TRAINING HERE XXXXX Budget Code: ......... Submitted date: File name: Title of the training event: Location: District & VDCs Training dates: Report by (name & designation): Other team members involved in the training: Training level: 1. Scheme level 2. VDC level 3. District level 4. Project level: Summary (updated from the Training Proposal) Name of the Event Dates: Duration (days): Venue: VDC/District: Funding Source Budget and actual cost External resource person/s Participants: TA/DDF ?? TA Budget Code No of participants Expected* From the Training Proposal Actual Detail of participants Dalit F A/J F DTC F From the Training Proposal Estimated NPR Actual NPR Mr./Ms. Name & organization WUSC/V-WASH-CC/D-WASH-CC/etc M M RM F M M Others F M Total M Other remarks: File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 34 F Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline BACKGROUND ANDPURPOSE OF THE TRAINING (updated from the Training Proposal) OBJECTIVES, METHODOLOGY AND EXPECTED OUTCOME (updated from the Training Proposal) RESOURCE PERSONS, FACILITATORS AND PARTICIPANTS (updated from the Training Proposal) Full time Facilitators/Resource Persons: Part time Facilitators Project Internal/External: Support Staff: EVALUATION OF THE TRAINING Participants pre- and post-training tests and evaluation details in the annex CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION What was good/worked/should be repeated in other similar events What did not work/should not be repeated in the similar events What should be followed up with these participants/schemes/VDCs? Recommended methodology and training tools/resources Other recommendations for the future reference LIST OF ANNEXES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Session plan/s of the training List of participants Pre-and post-training test results Evaluation results (by participants in the training) **** any other annexes needed ***** File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 35 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline ANNEX 5 SAMPLE PRE-TEST FOR DIAGNOSTIC AND LEARNING EVALUATION (AT THE BEGINNING OF AN EVENT) u|fld0f d/Ddt ;+ef/ sfo{stf{ tflndM VILLAGE MAINTENANCE WORKERS TRAINING PRE-Test questionnaire -k"j{ kl/Iff_ Time: 30 minute ;doM #) ldg6 Name: ....................................... gfdM ============================================= Date: ldltM VDC: ............... uf=lj=;= =============== Ward No. ............. j8f g+= ================ Name of Scheme:………………................ VDC:……………………. Ward No.:………. of]hgfsf] gfdM ============================================= Q. No. 1 uf=lj=;= =========================== j8f g+= ================ What is your purpose of incoming here? tkfO{ of] tflnddf cfpg'sf] p2]Zo s] xf] < Q. No. 2 What do you means by W/S and sanitation scheme? vfg]kfgL / ;/;kmfO{ of]hgf eGgfn] tkfO{n] s] a'em\g'x'G5 < Q. No. 3 Were users committee involved during scheme implementation? s] vfg]kfgL of]hgf lgdf{0fsf] ;dodf pkef]Qmf ;ldlt ;+nUg lyP < Q. No. 4 Who selected you & how for training? tkfO{nfO{ tflnddf s;n] / s;/L 5fg]/ k7fof] < Q. No. 5 Why you were selected? lsg tkfO{ 5flgg' eof] < Q. No. 6 What is the main reason of scheme not run successfully after completion? of]hgf ;DkGg eP kl5 lg/Gt/?kdf grNg'sf] sf/0f s] xf] < Q. No. 7 Who is the owner of the scheme? of]hgfsf] dflns sf] xf] < Q. No. 8 What is the role of women for operates the scheme successfully? of]hgfnfO{ ;kmntf k"j{s ;+rfng ug{ dlxnfx?sf] e"ldsf s] x'G5 < Q. No. 9 How water gets polluted and how does we prevent from pollution of water? kfgL s;/L b'lift x'G5 < kfgL b'lift x'g'af6 s;/L arfpg ;lsG5 < File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 36 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline Q. No. 10 what do you mean by operation and maintenance of W/S scheme? tkfO{sf] ljrf/df vf=kf= of]hgfsf] d/Ddt ;+ef/ eGgfn] s] a'em\g'x'G5 < Q. No. 11 How does water comes in source? kfgL >f]tdf s;/L cfp+5 < Q. No. 12 How many meters in 100 feet? !)) lkm6df slt ld6/ x'G5 < Q. No. 13 Write the name of three structure of W/S scheme and also write the name of five GI fittings and tools using W/S scheme. vfg]kfgL of]hgfsf] # j6f ;+/rgfsf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ , To:t} % j6f lh=cfO{ lkml6ésf] gfd / # j6f cf}hf/x?sf] gfd klg n]Vg'xf];\ . u|fld0f d/Ddt ;+ef/ sfo{stf{ tflndM VILLAGE MAINTENANCE WORKERS TRAINING Post-Test Questionnaire Time: 30 minute Date: ;doM ldltM Name: ....................................... VDC: gfdM ============================================= ............... uf=lj=;= =============== Ward No. ............. j8f g+= ================ Name of Scheme:………………................ VDC:……………………. Ward No.:………. of]hgfsf] gfdM ============================================= Q. No.1 uf=lj=;= =========================== j8f g+= ================ what do you understand about it? lgDg s'/fx? eg]sf] s] xf] < a) Community participation hg ;xeflutf b) Communication ;+rf/ c) Motivation pTk|]/0ff Q. No. 2 What is the plus point of women involvement actively in scheme cycle rather then men? File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 37 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline k'?ifx? eGbf dlxnfx?nfO{ of]hgfdf ;xefuL u/fp+bf ;sf/fTds kIfx? s] s] x'g\ < Q. No. 3 What is the role of WUCs in O & M the scheme? d/Ddt ;+ef/ sfo{df pkef]Qmf ;ldltsf dxGjk"0f{ e"ldsf s] s] x'Gf < Q. No. 4 Write the 7 names of water borne diseases (by drinking polluted water only)? b'lift kfgL lkP/ nfUg] s'g} & j6f /f]ux?sf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ . Q. No. 5 What is the importance of latrine? Which type of latrine is most useful and why? rkL{sf] dxTj s] 5 < s'g k|sf/sf] rkL{ ;a}eGbf pkof]uL x'G5 / lsg < Q. No. 6 What is the function of these components? lgDg ;+/rgfx?sf] sfd s] xf] < a) Sed. Tank b) BPT c) WOV d) IC e) RVT Q. No. 7 Write the names of 10 tools basically use in O & M of scheme. d/Ddt ;+ef/df ;fwf/0ftof k|of]u ul/g] !) j6f cf}hf/x?sf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ . Convert this mathematical measurement: lgDg dfknfO{ kl/0ft ug'{xf];\ M Q. No. 8 a) 25 mm HDPE pipe/fitting to GI pipe/fittings (in inches) @% ld=ld= Pr=l8=kL=O{= kfOk ;+u nfUg]÷lkml6énfO{ O~rdf b) 2.5 cu.m. To litre @=% 3=ld= nfO{ ln6/df $ O~rnfO{ ;]=ld= df c) 4 inches to centimetre d) 1 meter to feet ! ld6/nfO{ lkm6df e) 28456 meter to kilometre Q. No. 9 @*$%^ ld= nfO{ ls=ld= df What would you do when HDPE pipe was leakage in distribution line? Pr=l8=kL=O kfOk ljt/0f efudf r'x\of] eg] tkfO{ s] ug'{ x'G5 < Q. No. 10 What are size and series of HDPE Pipe? write any five . Pr=8L=kL=O kfOksf s'g} % j6f ;fOh / ;]l/hsf] gfd n]Vg'xf]; < Q. No. 11 After completion of this training, what should you do firstly in your scheme? tflnd kZrft\ tkfO{n] tkfO{sf] of]hgfdf klxnf] sfd s] ug'{ x'G5 < File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 38 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline ANNEX 6 .. SAMPLE EVALUATION OF TRAINING (AT THE END OF AN EVENT) Please give your personal opinions on the questions below. (All the given answers will be collected confidentially, not to mention anybody’s name) 1) What were the new things you learnt in the training/workshop/study tour? __________________________________ __________________________________ 2) What were the most interesting contents or practices introduced? __________________________________ __________________________________ 3) Would you like to add more topics or practices in the future? __________________________________ __________________________________ 4) How was the duration of an event? (Please tick) Too Short __ Just Suitable __ Too Long __ 5) How was the timing of an event? Was it suitable from farming season or office work load point of view? (Please tick) Yes ___ No ___ If not, what is the best timing? Month; __________ 6) How was time shared between theory and practice? (Please tick) Too much theory ___ Shared well ___ Too much practice ___ 7) How do you consider the capacity of the trainers? (Please tick) Assessment Topic 1 or Name Topic 2 or Name Topic 3 or Name Topic 4 or Name Topic 5 or Name Very Good Good Not Good 8) Other Comments (if any) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 39 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline ANNEX 7 ......................................................... PARTICIPANTS’ LIST SUMMARY to the Training Report first page: Detail of participants Dalit F A/J M F M F RM M F DTC M F Others M M Total F Other remarks: No Name of Dalit A/J Participant F F M RM M F M DTC Others F F M Age Signature M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 40 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline ANNEX 8. LIST OF WASH TRAININGS AND REFERRAL TRAINING MANUALS Sn Name of Training Duration Source of Funding Expected Participants A. WUSC Level Training - Refer Step by Step Manual for Detail Contents and Process 1 WUSC Orientation and Gender 1-2 days WUSC Members/VWASHCC DDF 2 Financial Management/Book Keeping 3 days WUSC Officials DDF 3 WSP, DRR, O&M Orientation 1 day WUSC Members DDF 4 Community Action Planning 2 days WUSC Members DDF 5 Pre-construction Seminar 1 day WUSC Members DDF 6 During Construction Seminar 1 day WUSC Members DDF 7 Financial Management Refresher 1 day WUSC Members DDF 8 Post Construction Seminar 2 days WUSC Members DDF B. Post Construction and Water Safety Planning Training - Refer Post Construction Manual 1 Water Tariff Training to WUSC 3 days WUSC Members/VMW DDF 2 Scheme Management Training 3 days WUSC Members DDF 3 WSP Formulation Training Other Relevant Post Construction Workshop 2 days WUSC Members DDF WUSC Members DDF 5 Book Keeping Training 3 days 6 VMW/Pump Operator Refresher 3 days 4 C. Technical Training - Refer Technical Training Manual 1 VMW Training 14 days WUSC Staffs of larger schemes VMW/Pump Operators DDF DDF Selected VMWs DDF 7 days Selected Masons DDF 14 days Selected Masons DDF 7 days Selected Pump Operators DDF ICS Mistry Training 3 days Selected Masons DDF Ferro cement Tank Construction Training 14 days Selected Masons DDF 2 LLB Training 3 RWH Mistry Training 4 Pump Operators Training 5 6 D. New VWASH Plan Formulation Training - Refer VWASH Planning Guidelines 1 VWASH Planning Training 4 days SPs, VDC Secretaries DDF 2 VDC Level Orientation Workshop 1 day VWASHCC members DDF 3 Ward Level Orientation workshop 1 day DDF 2 days 6 Confidence Building Workshop for Female VWASHCC Capacity Building Training WCF Members Selected Community Members Selected Community Members 5 days VWASHCC members DDF 7 VDC Level Planning Workshop 3 days VWASHCC members DDF E. VWASH Plan Updating Training - Refer VWASH Plan Updating Guidelines 1 VWASH Plan Updating Training 2 days SPs, VDC Secretaries DDF 4 5 Confidence Building Workshop for Dalit 2 days DDF DDF 2 VDC Level Updating Workshop 1 day VWASHCC members DDF 3 Ward Level Workshops 1 day WCF Members DDF 4 VDC Level Planning Workshop 2 days VWASHCC members DDF F. DWASH Plan Preparation Training/Workshops - Refer DSWASH Plan Preparation Guidelines 1 2 DWASHCC-MSF Orientation Workshop Draft Plan Sharing Workshop 2 days DWASHCC-MSF Members DDF 2 days DWASHCC-MSF Members DDF File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 41 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline 3 Final Draft Plan Sharing Workshop 4 DWASHCC and DTC Meetings 2 days DWASHCC-MSF Members DDF Members as per need DDF G. Sanitation and Hygiene Related Trainings - Refer Sanitation and Hygiene CB Manual 1 Orientation on Sanitation & Hygiene 1 day DWASHCC Members 2 16 Orientation on ODF/Post ODF M ToT Training on Sanitation & Hygiene (ODF/Post ODF) ToT Training on sanitation, hygiene (ODF/Post ODF) Workshop on district budget and program Orientation about WASH and social marketing Workshop on ODF/Post ODF support access Refresher Training on sanitation and hygiene (ODF/Post ODF) Training on Sanitation & hygiene (ODF/Post ODF) Orientation on sanitation & hygiene (ODF/Post ODF) Orientation on Community Health Fund Orientation on sanitation & hygiene (ODF/Post ODF) Orientation on sanitation & hygiene (ODF/Post ODF) Orientation on sanitation & hygiene (ODF/Post ODF) Orientation on Improved cooking Stove 17 Orientation on Eco-san toilet 1 day VWASHCC DDF 18 Training on Bio-gas Toilet 1 day DDF 19 Orientation on sanitation and hygiene 1 day VWASHCC VDC Level Child and Health Clubs 1 day VWASHCC DDF 1 day School Girls DDF 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 Workshop on review progress and update action plan Orientation on school sanitation and menstruation hygiene 1 day DDF Multi stakeholder Forum DDF 3-5 days Resource Persons DDF 3-5 days Social Mobilizers/Others DDF 1 day WASH Stakeholders DDF 1 day Media / Journalist DDF 1 day sector Members DDF 2 days Support Persons DDF VWASHCC/Triggers DDF 1 day VWASHCC/MSF DDF 1 day VWASHCC DDF 1 day School Teachers DDF 1 day Ward Citizen Forums DDF 1 day Mother Group and FCHVs DDF 1 day VWASHCC DDF 1-4 days H. DWASH Unit - SO/SP Capacity Building - SPs training Manual 1 Step by Step Orientation 3 days SPs, DWASH Unit Staffs DDF DDF 2 Post ODF Master ToT 5 days HPs/LWASH Facilitators TA 3 MToT on Scheme Management 5 days TA 4 WSST Refresher Training 7 days 5 Survey and Design Training 7 days Field Co-ordianaters WSST/Assistant Sub Engineer SPs and DTO Technicians 6 WSP ToT 3 days FC and SE TA 7 District MIS Training 3 days DWASH Unit TA 5 days HPs/LWASH Facilitators TA 7 days DTO/DWASH Unit TA 2 days Support Persons DDF 8 9 10 ToT Training on sanitation, hygiene (ODF/Post ODF) for service provider ( 5 days) GPS/GIS Training SPs bimonthly thematic orientation File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 TA TA P a g e | 42 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline I. Other District Level Capacity Building Events 1 DDC Accountants Training 3-5 days 2 Regional Review Workshop 2 days DDC Accountants, Internal Auditors LDOs 3 Regional Review Workshop 2 days DTOs TA 4 Regional Review Workshop 2 days TA 5 DMC/DWASHCC Meetings Regular 6 GESI/HRBA Workshop 1 day 7 Media Regional Workshop 2 days Focal Persons Relevant Committee Members DWASHCC and DMC members WASH Media Forum 8 Women's Conference 3 days Active Females (VMW, WUSC Officials, Triggers etc) TA TA TA DDF DDF TA J. Central Level Capacity Building Events 1 Project Steering Committee Meeting 2 days SC members and invitees TA 2 1 day SVB members and invitees DDC/DTO/DoLIDAR/Project Staffs TA 3 Project Supervisory Board Meeting Participation in National Level Training/Workshops/Conferences 4 Participation in International Level Training/Workshops/Conferences DDC/DTO/DoLIDAR/Project Staffs TA TA K. RWSSP-WN II Staffs Capacity Building Events 1 Internal Coordination Meeting 2 3 Other Thematic Trainings as identified Fire Fighting Training to Guard and Drivers 4 Office Management Training 3-5 days PSU, DWASHA, FP of San districts PSU/PCO/DWASHA/DTO/Focal Persons TA TA PSU Guards and Drivers TA PSU Receptionist/Secretary TA L. Celebration of National and International Days, events etc. 1 National Sanitation Action Week District HQ and VDC Level DDF 2 World Water Day District HQ and VDC Level DDF 3 World Toilet Day District HQ and VDC Level DDF 4 Global Hand washing Day District HQ and VDC Level DDF 5 International Women's Day District HQ and VDC Level DDF 6 World Environment Day District HQ and VDC Level DDF 7 Other Days District HQ and VDC Level DDF File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 43 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline Annex 9 Checklist for GESI mainstreaming in capacity building program 1. Training Need Assessment and designing: While conducting the training needs assessment consider the special focus on gender and social equity related issues such as “gaps” in skills/ knowledge family and personal attitudes, mobility, personal and family background, education background, (Formal and Informal), interests and motivation, work experience and exposure to outside work. Ensure GESI priorities are reflected in selection of topics and designing of the training program. While designing the training program for different social groups and women be considerate of duration, time, venue / location and flexibility. For instance child care facilities could be provided for participants with children. Ensure the facilitator is GESI sensitive. If possible maintain the facilitator composition by gender and caste. 2. Training Participants selection: In all training organized at district level ensure equal participation of women and men. Give priority to women candidates from excluded group. A written explanation should be provided if no female or excluded groups are selected for a given course. If possible always select two participants for any training program. If a District official is asked to select two staff for a given training, the formal criteria for selection of participants should be “one woman and one man”. Always give priority for excluded member. Women and excluded group will be given priority when selecting candidates for skilled training opportunities (i.e. LLB, TBC triggers, mason, MW, etc.). At least reserve 50% of skilled training opportunities for them. For Study tour and exposure visit introduce a quota saying that 50% of the participants must be women and excluded group. If possible ensure pro-women travel conditions and lodging. Various trainings arranged for WUSC (e.g. WUSC Orientation, TBC, Financial Management, CAP, Solid Waste Management, and IG etc). Efforts will be made to promote importance of increasing women and representation and participation of excluded group throughout these trainings. 3. Training Facilitation: Use GESI sensitive language and proverbs. Avoid using humiliating, insulting, proverbs or quotations to women or some particular caste group. The facilitator File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 44 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II Capacity Building Guideline needs to act as a role of gender sensitivity. S/he should be able to act as a friend, mentor and guide. Use the names of men and women characters equally in examples, stories and content. Be sensitive and careful enough not to pass only message against or beyond its target e.g. complete reversal or role where men do all the house hold work, women does just opposite. Provide successful case studies / best practice of non-traditional jobs done by women or some particular group. During the training rotate participants roles, assignment, group formation such formation of management team (chair, rapporteur, evaluator), to build the confidence of weak participants assign the role in a team. Use of visual training materials, role play, games and demonstration while giving training to grass root people mainly for illiterate and disadvantaged group’s level. During the whole training period apply equitable principle e.g. formation of group daily management team, presentation. Give priority to those participants who are shy and speak less. Apply process – monitoring system during the training. Always ask probing questions: who is actively participating who is not? Who is talking? Who is listening? Who is not talking? Who is dominating and why? Whys/he is not participating? What are the constraints of passiveness? How can we improve? Etc. always keep eye on those participants who are weak and shy. Create enabling environment to participate them. 4. Training Evaluation: Add the following questions in the post evaluation: - Who benefits most from this training? - What change in gender and social relation can be expected from this training in your behaviour, in your organization where you work and in the community (women, men, rich, poor, Dalit) you work for? - At the end of each training program ask the participants how women, poor and excluded member of the WUSC/WCFs/IMCs get benefit from this training. File: RWSSPWN II_Capacity Building Guideline_Endorsed_25.08.2014 P a g e | 45
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