BULLETIN 5 ♦ Autumn Term 2013 ♦ Girls and Nursery To read the full range of news, dates and fixtures/results, please check our website http://www.clairescourt.com/news-and-media/bulletins If you wish to change your email address please email [email protected] www.facebook.com/clairescourt @clairescourt SATURDAY 12 OCTOBER - SOCIETY/PTA FAMILY FIREWORKS – To be held at our Junior Boys site (SL6 4QQ). Gates open at 5.15pm. New this year Laser Tag and an Outdoor Cinema (bring your own chairs and blankets). Lots of activities and stalls. Ticket prices include a hot food item. BBQ prices £20.00 family ticket (2 adults+2 children) or separately £5.00 for children and £8 per adult ticket. And don’t forget to enter the Guy Fawkes and pumpkin competitions. JUNIORS HARVEST THEIR PRODUCE The School Gardening Club harvested their produce this week. The crops included potatoes, apples from the tree, tomatoes, pumpkins, lettuce and marrows. As you can see, they also had a bumper crop of sunflowers which they will be drying out and then planting the seeds next year. YEAR 1 FOLLOWS THE LETTER TRAIL … Year 1 girls visited Maidenhead Sorting Office to find out what happens to letters after they are put in the post box. They learned how the letters are collected and sorted. Each girl had written a letter to post home and after posting it outside the Office, they watched as the postman emptied the box. They were then able to follow their letters on their journey around the office and ultimately see them in the correct slot for delivery the next morning. NURSERY & JUNIOR GIRLS HARVEST FESTIVALS Thank you to all parents for their kind donation of produce for Harvest Festivals. The Salvation Army collected the goods on Thursday and they will be distributed to the elderly and needy members of our community. NETBALL SELECTION Congratulation to Robyn Watkins, Year 8, whose netball club, ‘Eagles’, put her forward to the Berkshire Satellite Netball selectors. She attended two sets of trials and has been selected to attend weekly satellite training sessions. This is a huge achievement – well done Robyn! Important information for parents! FORMAL NOTICE is given of CLAIRES COURT SCHOOLS ‘THE COLLEGE PTA’ (Girls and Nursery PTA) AGM on Monday 4 November 2013 at 7.30pm in the Chapel 1 College Avenue, Maidenhead, SL6 6AW All members will be warmly welcomed to enjoy a review of the year, elect the Committee and enjoy a small social after the meeting. Charity Number: 1057507 SAFE DRIVING! Please can all parents drive slowly, and with great care when in the School Car Park. We have received complaints from some parents that others drive far too fast. SNOWPHONE CASCADE The School Office has emailed all parents with a letter asking if they wish to take part in the cascade (to be used in the event of bad weather / other emergency). If you have not received the email please telephone Mrs Phipps on 01628 411480. Please return your slip by Friday 18 October. Thank you. SIXTH FORM AND SENIORS SKI TRIP TO ALPE D’HUEZ 12 TO 19 APRIL 2014 We still have one or two places available for our ski trip in April 2014. Information and booking form can be obtained from the School Offices. Sign up quickly! RESPONSIBILITY RESPECT LOYALTY INTEGRITY NEWS FROM THE SENIOR AND JUNIOR GIRLS LIBRARIES Senior and Junior Reading Panels Are you a good reader? Would you like a say in what new fiction books are bought for the Senior and Junior Girls Libraries every term? We are looking for student representatives to form a Reading Panel to discuss and judge the new books on offer and decide with the Librarians which books make it to our shelves… If you are interested, come along and register at your Library Book Club next week: Senior Girls Book Club: Wednesday 9 October; Junior Girls Book Clubs: Years 3 & 4 Tuesday 8 October; Years 5 &6 Wednesday 9 October. LOST! (Year 5) Gracie Fenemer's named jumper. Please check at home. Thank you. MACMILLAN COFFEE AFTERNOON Tea, coffee and cake were on the menu last Friday in the Dining Room at Claires Court Girls & Nursery when a couple of mums put on a Macmillan Coffee Afternoon. There was an array of delicious cakes, scones and some very well made tea on offer! The afternoon raised in the region of £200 for the Macmillan Cancer Support as well as allowing a number of parents and staff to add to their waistlines! Many thanks to those who very kindly donated the most delicious cakes, Nina Stokes of Flourpower in Cookham, Gill Towell of Gillymac Designs, Handmade Cake Company, Sharon Armatage, Julie Van Vurren, Pilar Leon, Mandy Perera and many thanks to ‘Starbucks of Taplow’ who donated the coffee and cups. Apologies if we've missed anyone!! ‘THE LION, THE WITCH & THE WARDROBE DVD - STOP PRESS!! We have just heard from Wizard Video that because the soundtrack on the ‘Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ DVD was “not up to their usual standards”, they are discounting it from £18.85 to £8.95!! If this might appeal to you, please place your order by Tuesday 8 October. We will send the order off on Wednesday 9 October. (All those who have already ordered the DVD at the full price have been contacted and asked for a new, smaller cheque.) DATES! Week Commencing Monday 7 October: The Set Hot Lunch will be Week 2 of the Autumn Term Menu. Tues 8 Oct - YEAR 3 GIRLS AND BOYS CELTS & ROMANS DAY AT JUNIOR BOYS A reminder that girls will need a packed lunch on the day. Tues 8 Oct – LOWER JUNIORS PARENTS’ EVENING The Form Teachers look forward to seeing you in your classroom. Wed 9 Oct – YEAR 6 OSMINGTON BAY INFORMATION MEETING 8.50 – 9.20am Parents are advised that there will be an information meeting at Junior Boys (8.50am 9.15am) in the Science Room. Mrs Prestedge will be on hand to answer any questions parents may have about this important week's work. Details have been sent home, please return the reply slip to indicate numbers attending. Thurs 10 Oct – INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL PHOTOS Girls with brothers at Junior Boys, wanting a family photo, should please go to Junior Boys on Wednesday 9 October at 8.45am. Mon 14 Oct – YEAR 11 HISTORY TRIP TO IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM The group will leave Senior Boys at 9am. They will be returned to Senior Girls in the afternoon. The consent slip is due in by 9 October Mon 14 – 17 Oct - YEAR 6 FIELD STUDIES TRIP TO OSMINGTON BAY RESPONSIBILITY RESPECT LOYALTY INTEGRITY Tues 15 Oct – YEAR 7 PARENTS’ EVENING 6 – 8.30pm A letter has been sent home this week and parents should ask their daughter to make appointments on their behalf. We would expect your daughter to attend with you but if you prefer her not to attend please email her Head of Key Stage, Mrs Hawker, at [email protected] Mr Bevis will be available on the evening if you would like to talk to him. He will also be giving two brief talks to parents at 6.45pm and 7.30pm in a nearby classroom, both covering the same content, (MidYis testing), so please endeavour to build one of the sessions into your schedule. Wed 16 Oct – YEAR 4 HISTORY TRIP TO HAMPTON COURT As part of their studies on the Tudors, the children will take a tour of the kitchens where food was prepared for Henry VIII, led by costumed Tudor kitchen staff. Pupils will find out how the court was fed and investigate food storage, preparation, cooking methods and table etiquette. The coach will leave Junior Girls at 9am and return by the end of the School day. Pupils must wear their school uniform and bring with them a packed lunch. It is advisable for them to bring a waterproof coat. Please return the consent slip below to School by Friday 11 October. Wed 6 Nov – YEAR 9 HISTORY TRIP TO THE BLACK COUNTRY MUSEUM A letter has been sent home with details. Please return the consent slip by Friday 18 October. Fri 8 – Mon 11 Nov – YEARS 5 & 6 SPORTS TOURS TO NEWQUAY, CORNWALL A letter has gone home this week with further information. PTA NEWS Northbrook Gift Wrap: the mince pies are hitting the shelves in the supermarkets so it can only mean one thing, Christmas is just around the corner!!!! As part of The College PTA Christmas fundraising we are able to offer all Claires Court parents (neighbours/grandparents!) our fabulous Northbrook Wrapping Paper. Leaflets are being sent home next week via pupil post and if you would like to order any, simply complete the order form and return to your School Office marked Northbrook Wrapping Paper, The College PTA. or use the following link https://sites.google.com/site/ccsthecollegepta/home and click on the Northbrook link. Save the date - The College PTA Junior Christmas Disco, Friday 6 December, 7 - 9p.m. ADVANCE DATES & REMINDERS Language trips to Cologne and Salamanca in October: Medical information and ground rules to be returned to School by Friday 11 October, please. NURSERY NEWS: FROM MRS WILDING (specific news but please read the rest of the Bulletin!) The Nursery children have learnt about healthy foods and how to keep their teeth white. They have thoroughly enjoyed printing with windfall apples as part of our topic on “Snow White”. This week we will listen and discuss the story “Percy the Park Keeper” and will be doing a range of related crafts. Our number is 5, the colour is brown the letter is t. Transition children had a great week learning about pirates. They made a fantastic pirate ship to sail away and search for treasure. They dressed up and walked the plank! This week they will be looking at the story “The Gruffalo”. Their letters of the week are u and y. Individual School Photos – next Thursday 10 October: if this is not your child’s normal morning but you would like a School photo, please bring your child in to Nursery at 8.30am. Reminders: *Please remember to get your tickets for the Fireworks Evening on Saturday 12 October as it is always a wonderful family occasion for all ages. *Please return your sessions sheets for the Spring Term, which commences Monday 6 January, by Friday 11 October at the latest as I will be allocating spaces for the new children very shortly. *Please return any clothes which your children have borrowed from the Nursery and remember to name all outdoor clothing, jumpers, tee shirts, boots and shoes. RESPONSIBILITY RESPECT LOYALTY INTEGRITY JUNIOR NEWS: FROM MISS BARLOW This week we held our Harvest Festival (can you believe it is that time of year already?!) and what a wonderful afternoon it was! The girls from Reception to Year 6 performed songs, poems and plays which told us the meaning of Harvest and how important it is to eat healthily and to be thankful for all the good things in their lives. I would like to personally thank all of the children and the teachers for their hard work, and to the parents for the food gifts and their support at our event yesterday afternoon. (A special mention goes to Mrs Shafiq and Mrs Wrench-Edwards for their hospitality skills in the Dining Room afterwards!) Events such as this remind me of the variety of pursuits the girls have and just how well they cope with the different endeavours that they take on. For example within this week alone, Year 5 went on their residential trip to Marchant’s Hill (a very successful trip led by Mrs Prestedge and Mr Leuzinger); Reception took a trip to Junior Boys for their ‘First Class’ photo (keep an eye on the Maidenhead Advertiser); Year 1 learned about the journey of a letter at the Sorting Office; Year 5 and 6 assisted at Open Morning by showing prospective parents around the School and, just after the Harvest Festival, two netball team were off to play Eton End! Bunny Award: Alina Bikineeva (Year 1) for being her best self, sharing well and generally being a great model for keeping our golden rules. Aarti Sanger (Year 4) for having a focused approach to her learning. Merit Certificates: Megan King (Reception), Rhiannon Thomas and Keelan Hopley (Year 1), Isabella Davy (Year 2), Yana Todorova (Year 3), Amara Shafiq (Year 4), Becca Ramsay (Year 5), Emily TaylorWest (Year 6) and Anya Brewer (PE). Correction – Riley Hopley was award a Merit Certificate last week, not Jyotpreet Samra. IMPORTANT NOTE: Mandarin on Monday mornings will now start at 8:30am for Lower Juniors and 8:50am for Upper Juniors. NOTES FROM THE HEAD: The immutable facts of a school calendar and the half term break mean that our Fireworks Celebration takes place on the 12 October. This is always a great night of celebration, fun and events that are a combination of the traditional and the modern. I hope to see you all there on the night, but remember this year it is at the Junior Boys site, Ridgeway. Our PTA will of course be helping out on the night but the bulk of the work is undertaken by the Claires Court Boys’ PTA team and we will be giving them a big clap on the back after the event I’m sure. As you know our PTA is a hugely energetic body of parents who have as their twin objectives raising money for the provision of the ‘icing on the cake’ and providing a welcoming face to new parents and putting a range of social events that enable new friendships to be formed and great fun to be had. The culmination of much of that hard effort came together this week at the first PTA Committee meeting of the year when funding was approved for a whole host of projects. This included support for our current ‘big project’ which was the support and development of our Performing Arts provision. Over the summer, the School committed much effort in reshaping the infrastructure of the Chapel and the PTA have now committed funding for mobile staging, improved lighting, enhanced sound production and, you will be delighted to hear, the purchase of padded seating to replace the existing chairs. It is the case that this provision is highly portable so can also enhance the use of the Main Hall for major productions and concerts. In addition funding has also been committed to enhance the teaching of science and technology for Junior Girls. There were other items of smaller spending agreed and in total a sum of £34,000 was committed. I cannot say how delighted I am with the scope and scale of the both of the major projects. Performing Arts is one of our major co-curricular activities, engaging girls from Reception to Year 11, giving a host of opportunities for achievement. As an example, on Monday I had the privilege to RESPONSIBILITY RESPECT LOYALTY INTEGRITY see our GCSE Drama students, directing and coaching five groups of Junior girls in preparation for the Drama showcase in November. Science and technology are the vital economic lifeblood of our country, as well as being one of the most exciting areas of learning in which to be involved. We do not produce enough young people in this sector, and certainly not enough young female scientists and technologists. To have the opportunity to change that picture for our girls is inspiring and says much of the way in which the PTA is fully engaged in supporting our educational objectives. Wednesday was our first Open Morning of the year and we were delighted that 39 families visited us to see all that we have to offer from Nursery to Sixth Form. The most pleasing element of such events is my chat to parents afterwards and to hear their comments about how confident the girls of all ages were in talking about their learning and their School, and the fact that that they seem so comfortable in their own skin. And what else.... well our Year 7 netball teams triumphed in the District Championships, with the ‘A’ team winning the competition against 15 other teams, mostly from schools with much larger numbers from which to choose. The Under 14 and 1st team hockey have also starting in winning style against Reading Blue Coat and Newlands. Thursday was National Poetry Day and we were all asked to share our favourite poem: my contribution was “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost and it may be found here - http://www.bartleby.com/119/1.html “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.” Albert Einstein Paul Bevis SPORT RESULTS: U13A Hockey v Furze Platt A U13B Hockey v Furze Platt A U11 Hockey v The Abbey U18 Super League v Reading Blue Coat U14 Netball A v Furze Platt A v Newlands A U14 Netball B v Newlands B v Furze Platt B Junior Netball - Year 5 v Eton End - Year 6 v Eton End WON 2 – 0 LOST 8 – 0 WON 4 – 0 WON 4 – 0 WON 12 – 1 DREW 10 – 10 WON 6 – 5 WON 11 – 3 LOST 8 – 2 LOST 14 - 1 Player of the Match Scorers C Webster I Molhoek x 2 A Worsfold L Wallis L Wallis x 2, S Puri x 2 F Hulse - L Bampfield, E Rayer, G Lindley, S Fletcher N Bates A Pusey V Noone S Price Z Allanson H Straw FIXTURES: Mon 7 Oct Tues 8 Oct U18 Indoor Hockey League v Maidenhead Ladies Hockey Club Squad: M Jones, L Young, E Rayer, C French, F Hulse, B Holder, L Bampfield U12 A & B League Hockey v Furze Platt E Taylor-West GK M Todd A Worsfold LD L Thomas G Lancaster RD I Byrne (Cpt) D Ayres (Cpt) LM C Wheeler (Cpt) G Lancaster CM A Gronmark I Molhoek RM L Ditchfield (Cpt) G Mead CA R Smith S Puri Res J Edge, A Ingram At Wycombe High School. 8.30pm meet at Wycombe High, 9pm Game. KIT: white indoor shirts (which you have), navy skort, navy socks. Pick up from Wycombe High at 10pm At Braywick ATP – 4.30pm start Leave School at 3.55pm sharp Get organised at lunchtime and ensure all of your bags are ready to go. KIT: white PE shirt, navy skort, navy socks. Pick up from Braywick ATP at 5.30pm only. RESPONSIBILITY RESPECT LOYALTY INTEGRITY Wed 9 Oct Wed 9 Oct Under 13 Netball League fixture A B F Laursen GS E Jones K Mudge GA M Sparkes S Pierce/ WA C Mankoo/L A De Torres Hamlet R Watkins C F Callow C Webster WD D Wright A Slater GD Z Saleem I van Vuuren GK A Walters U18 Super League Hockey v Leighton Park E De GK E Rayer CM Torres F Hulse SW L Young RM M Draper LD S Fletcher LA M Jones CD L Bampfield CA M Swift RD G Lindley RA A Love LM H Jackson, Res D Rȕhle At Kidwells Park (E) 4.20pm B Team v Furze Platt B (E) 4.20pm A Team v Churchmead (L) 4.55pm B team v Churchmead (L) 4.55pm A team Trevelyan Leaver School at 3.50pm Kit: white PE top, marron skort, ankle socks and trainers. Blue tracksuit and maroon waterproof top Pick from Kidwells Park at 5.20pm. At Leighton Park Leave School at 1.15pm, match starts at 2.30pm KIT: Super League Shirt, navy skort, navy socks. Pick up from School at 4.30pm Holiday Club is running during October half-term from Monday 21 October to Friday 1 November. Enjoy Holiday Club’s many activities this half-term including Art & Craft Club and Drama Club at our College Avenue site. Sport Club is also delivering exciting courses at our Junior Boys site. Get your booking to us by next Friday 11 October for a 20% discount on a Standard Day and FREE extended sessions to pupils of the Junior and Seniors. Email us on [email protected] or call on 01628 687440 if you have any questions or visit our website. 4.10. 2013 RESPONSIBILITY RESPECT LOYALTY INTEGRITY
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