FEBRUARY 2014 MISSION OF THE MONTH: HEAT/FEEDING CHILDREN OF HAITI/SOUPER BOWL I can see a swath of sinners settin’ yonder and they’re actin’ like a pack of fools, Gazin’ into space, lettin’ their minds wander ‘stead of studying the Good Lord’s rules. You better pay attention, Build your comprehension: There’s gonna be a quiz at your ascension, Not to mention any threat of hell, But if you’re smart, you’ll learn your lessons well.” -- Jesus (quoted in song by Steven Schwarz in the Broadway production “Godspell”) Dear St. David’s family and friends, Imagine having the opportunity to sit at Jesus’ feet as he sings and tells the joyful news about the kingdom of heaven that is coming near to us, right here in Massapequa Park! Would you “Come and see”? This February brings us that rare opportunity to spend several weeks listening to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Imagine – if you dare – Jesus wearing bib overalls with the letter “S” on his chest, the Superman logo, bubbling over with a joy aglow with the radiance of God’s own face -- a love so big it draws into its orbit each and all who “Come and see!” That’s the joy that captivated me, when I first saw Godspell, Steven Schwarz’s musical based on the Gospel of Matthew. It continues to pop for me, each time I see the production, hear or sing the music – and it’s waiting for us as Matthew’s Jesus meets us. The costume and grease painted face may make us uncomfortable, so unlike the Werner Sallmann portrait of Jesus that we grew up with in Sunday School. Yet, what if we could catch that joy, experience that healing love waiting for each and everyone who comes to him, looking to see – even though to the eyes and ears of this world, his teaching sound like sheer foolishness, totally out of touch with reality. Thankfully, our February launches with the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, February 1st/2nd -forty days after the birth of Jesus, as Jesus’ parents bring him into the temple, in the conclusion of Luke’s Christmas story to offer the poor people’s sacrifice required for every first born son of Israel. Waiting in the wings – are two senior citizens, who are “looking for the consolation of Israel, the redemption of Jerusalem.” Led by the Spirit of God, these two, Simeon and Anna, come to see the infant Jesus, catch that joy that issues from Jesus’ presence, and sing his praises, Simeon in a song that made it into our liturgy as one of the songs we sing after Holy Communion: “Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace. . . my own eyes have seen the salvation, which you have revealed in the sight of every people.”(Luke 2:29-32) Simeon’s song points forward to the enlightening of the whole world – a preview of where the story of Jesus will take him, and all of us who “come and see.” 1 The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church The leaders of St. David’s will be gathering for a one day retreat on Saturday, February 8, led by Pastor John Jurik, in reflecting on “A Door Set Open,” by Lutheran pastor Peter Steinke, which provides guidance in congregational renewal through the building of a culture of mission: that all may “come and see.” Pray for us, your leaders, as we seek the Lord’s counsel and inspiration. And, speaking of contemporary music, we at St. David’s will be doing a contemporary Prayer and Praise service on Sunday Evening, February 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the Church sanctuary. It will be an opportunity to hear about the “Healing touch of Jesus,” to join Simeon, Anna and the singing dancing disciples of Godspell as we gather at Jesus’ feet to be taught – in his healing presence. Individual prayer for healing will be done for all who wish to be prayed and anointed. St. David’s own homegrown musicians will lead the praises and share in the praying. What’s more, the saints of St. David’s rejoice to welcome two new saints into the continuing story of salvation in the waters of baptism: Ryder Joseph Domina on February 16 and Kate Elizabeth Normile on February 23. And now: a few teasers from Jesus’ unfolding Sermon on the Mount: February 8/9: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish, but to fulfill. For truly I tell you, . . . not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. . . For I tell you, if your righteousness does not exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5: 17-20) I guess there will be a quiz at our ascension! February 15/16: “And again, you have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not murder.’ But I say to you, . . . that if you insult a brother or a sister, . . . if you say, ‘You fool,’ you will be liable to the hell of fire.” (Matthew 5:21-22) Not to mention any threat of hell. . . February 22/23: You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you. . . if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; . . . and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give to everyone who begs from you.” (Matthew 5:38-42) Anyone else getting tempted to let our minds wander, ‘stead of studying the good Lord’s rules? But wait, we haven’t even gotten to my personal favorite! Here that comes, the “bottom line” of Matthew 5: “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Actually, Jesus directly quotes Deuteronomy 18:13, then throws in another “perfect” for emphasis. And what about us? Thank you, Steven Schwarz, thank you, Jesus: If we’re smart, we’ll learn our lessons well. What’s the lesson? That we should become perfect? But wait. Nobody’s perfect. Where’s the joy in being told “Be perfect”? Isn’t the message of the kingdom of heaven supposed to be Good news (Godspell)? Stay tuned. . . Try to keep your focus on the bubbling over joy, the song, the humor, the foolishness of the message that Paul comments on throughout this month, in the continuous reading of 1 Corinthians – the foolishness of the Cross, where the wisdom of God Isaiah talks about, that outsmarts the wisdom of this world (Isaiah 29:14). Say, didn’t Jesus say something about how he didn’t come to abolish, but to fulfill? Could it be Jesus knew where his “mission” in this world was taking him all along? But perfect? How can children of a fallen humanity become perfect? How about coming to be 2 The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church complete, more and more fully equipped for everything that is good – for the life that God always intended for us in love to enjoy – up close and personally? Stay tuned.“Come and see”! But perfect? That’s where the story of Epiphany is heading. And where is the best place to be in the unfolding story? At the feet, in the presence of that joy, that love that waits to teach us to see and live life, not only as this world does, but in the light of the Lord’s shining face, in the faithful love of God that grows as it flows – to us, among us, through us, enabling us to see epiphanies – revelations, signs, sneak previews of the completion of all things that is the reign of God right here, in the heights of Massapequa. “Come and see!” The Lord invites us. There’s room at Jesus’ feet. Joy awaits. anticipation of that joy, ` Yours in the COUNCIL NOTES FEBRUARY HERALD At the Council meeting--------TREASURER- Note received from Insurance company that are rates will be going up 15% next year, have appointment with another Insurance Company to give us premium costs, need increase the budget line for both Insurance and office supplies. MISSION OF THE MONTHDECEMBER- Heat and Wounded Warriors JANUARY- Heat and INN at Freeport FEBRUARY-Feeding the children of Haiti and “Souper Bowl” COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONSReceived a letter from YES (Youth Environmental Services) thanking us for the gifts from St. David’s. PASTOR DAVID MEYERSSpoke with Chuck Schultz about putting amplifier in Choir pews. DEACONS DCN.BOB- Visited with Chris Brickner with gift for the homebound, preaching two worship services in January, coordinated handouts for children at Christmas Eve children’s service. 3 The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church DCN.FLORENCE- Leading 4:00 P.M. Children’s Christmas Eve service, attended Worship Committee meeting. FINANCEIncrease the office supply and insurance lines in new budget, approval of budget to be presented at the Annual Meeting. EVANGELISM- Prayer and Praise service on February 9th, rehearsal on December 17th. PROPERTYFolding machine repaired by Matt Ho, Sunrise Trail Railroad Club would like to have their awards dinner and banquet here, with use of kitchen; need to review building use regulations and insurance liability coverage. SOCIAL MINISTRYWrapping gifts on December 14th. STEWARDSHIPMaterials sent to congregation for Commitment Sunday were not delivered in time. WORSHIPReady for Christmas! FELLOWSHIPWill be having both decaf and regular coffee in the future. DEAF MINISTRYHad Christmas party- 43 attended, many helpers. NOMINATINGNow have three candidates for Council positions- Janis Garone has agreed to run again, will ask for nominations from the floor at Annual Meeting. Respectfully submitted, Jo Ann Justus, Secretary. 4 The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church SEE YOU IN CHURCH----- FEBRUARY HERALD As we move from the season of Advent into the season of Lent, there are many activities begin planned at St. David’s that help us to look forward to the upcoming Spring season. Our worship schedule returns to normal hours after some changes during the Christmas season. Sunday morning services are at 9:00 A.M. along with Sunday Church School, and again at 11:00 A.M. - both celebrate Holy Communion. The Saturday evening service remains at 5:30 P.M. as usual also celebrating Holy Communion. Saturday February 1st. and Sunday February 2nd will be “Souper Bowl” days- we will be collecting monetary donations for food pantries which are experiencing a crisis on Long Island. February 8th we will be holding a workshop to study the book “A Door Set Open” by Dr.Peter Steinke- our church Council and committee members as well as guests will be attending- being led by Pastor John Jurik, from 9:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. Those who will be attending are asked to bring their lunch- coffee and cake to be provided. Sunday February 9th at 7:30 P.M. the second Prayer and Praise service will be held in the church Nave. This will be a different service then we are accustomed to- come join us for a new experience in worship. There are two Baptisms scheduled for this month- one on February 16th and another on February 23rd. Ryder Joseph Domina will join the family of God on February 16th he is the son of Richard and Jessica Domina and Kate Elizabeth Normile on February 23rd. daughter of Robert and Jean Normile, sister of Christopher. Let us ask God to bless this new brother and sister and their families as they approach their special day. Our Confirmands will be helping to pack food for the children of Haiti again this year. There will be a soup supper on February 28th to raise the funds needed to send our youth to `this event. Please plan on joining the congregation for great soup, bread and desserts on that night. There is a charge for adults and children- please call the church office for reservations and to answer any questions you might have. Looking ahead- Ash Wednesday is March 5th- services will be held at 12:00 P.M. and again at 7:30 P.M. ashes will be distributed at both services and communion will be celebrated. COME HOME WHERE PEOPLE CARE. Respectfully submitted, Worship Committee. 5 The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Ministry With the cut in social security food stamps the need is critical. Please consider dropping off more food of possible. we could also use some gift cards. We will be collecting on February 1 and 2nd for the Souper Bowl. The money will be going to the INN and LSS as that is where the need is here near us. The children, of Sunday school and Confirmation students as well as the pre-school are being asked to bring in cans of soup tor the Souper Bowl collection.. Keep March 15 open for our annual Pancake Breakfast at Applebees to benefit St. David's. PRESCHOOL Registration for children of our parishioners will begin on Thursday January 2. Our rates are the same as last year; $135 for the 2 day 3 year old program, 9 – 11:30AM; $184 for the 3 day 3 year old program and the 3 day 4 year old program and $290 for the 5 day 4year old program, 9AM to 12 noon. Take advantage of the early registration. We open to the community on January 18. News & Notes The Men's Luncheon will be Tuesday, 02/11/14 12:00 o’clock, the Corner Galley, 5411 Merrick Road, Massapequa. All members of St. David’s and their guests are invited to participate in the luncheon. For any questions please call John Niesen at 799-5139. Stretch and Tone Classes are Wednesdays at 10:00 AM. & Aerobics classes are Tuesday evening @ 7:30 PM Please check weekly Bulletins for any changes to schedule 6 The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church Our Confirmation Classes are hosting our Annual “No Empty Soup Bowl Supper” Our Annual “Haiti Meal Packing Event” is here. The date for this event is Sunday April 6th, from 4:00 to 6:00pm. We will be going with Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. We are particularly excited for this year’s event, because two-thirds of the meals packed will be going to local food shelters here on Long Island. The remainder will divided between the Philippines for their relief after Typhoon Haiyan, and Nicaragua, delivered by the students who participate in our mission trip there. OUR ANNUAL “NO EMPTY BOWLS SOUP SUPPER” IS GOING TO BE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28TH AT 6:OOPM. Please plan to be here to support our St. David’s Confirmation Students and parents who will be preparing and serving for that evening. If you cannot attend please try and make a donation. The money we raise that night will go towards sponsoring Confirmation Students who will be attending this wonderful event listed above. HELP WANTED, NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, WILL TRAIN - USHERS, GREETERS, LECTORS, COMMUNION ASSISTANTS, FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE- SATURDAY EVENING OR SUNDAY MORNING. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS ARE OUT OF THIS WORLD! NO NEED TO SEND YOUR RESUME JUST CALL - JO ANN JUSTUS 541-7127 OR E-MAIL [email protected] Have you looked at our website recently? You can catch-up on all that is going on at St. David’s! You can get back issues of The Herald; see the Worship Assistants Schedule (Ushers, Greeters, Assisting Ministers, Communion Assitants, Lectors and Acloytes) and if you can’t make it to church services, you can read the News & Notes and the Calendar schedule for the week. www.stdavidsevangelicallutheranchurch King David Fellowship The King David Fellowship, which is an outreach of St David’s, was started in July. The group meets at the home of the Juanita and Walt Hilsenbeck.........It is a get together of fellowship, food and music .Pastor David when time permits joins us with the guitar for sing alongs and Walt plays the Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ(1200 pipes) that is installed in their home. The organ was formerly installed in the Lowe's 167th street theatre in the Bronx in 1928.Dates and times and posted....for more info to join in Christian fellowship talk to Gloria Thorsen or email [email protected] In Dec a talented organist Dan Minervini played a mini revival........ 7 The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church Cruising for Christ Juanita and Walt Hilsenbeck continue to bring bibles, school supplies, shoes etc to Labadee Haiti. A Blessed Birthday to Gloria Thorsen on her Valentine Day Birthday 80.............from The King David Fellowship. Craft Baskets St. David’s Annual Craft Basket raffles for 2013 was a HUGE success. We brought in $1,446 . 10% of that figure will be tithed to Wounded Warriers. The rest will go to St. David’s. I want to take this opportunity to thank all committee members and individuals who donated baskets. Words cannot express how grateful I am for all your help. I could not do it without your helping hands. And, now the basket winners: Closet Organizer—Nancy Downey Yankee Candle—Diana Bruu Fair Trade—David Lynam Travel—Sue Teitel Desk Organizer—Diane McMahon Drip Coffee Pot—Jean Knabbe Movie—Anita Trabold Christmas Table runner—Ina Cohen Golf —David Lynam Toaster oven—Keith Ryan Spa—Diane Sheridan Needlepoint Cross—Lynn Benov Pasta—Diane Hoffman Sweatshirt + tees—Maddie Brower Movie—Barbara Realmuto Sweatshirt + tees—Anne Tactikos Tea—Barbara Puleio Sweatshirt ¼ zip--Pastor Holiday—Janis Garone Sweatshirt ¼ zip—Mark Corbett Coffee—Linda Schiede Sweatshirt ¼ zip—Sue Wurthmann Sweatshirt full zip—Dot Fullert Sweatshirt full zip—Nancy Michaelis Sweatshirt ¼ zip—Debbie Cirrincione Congratulations to the winners and thank you, Sue Teitel Chair, Craft Baskets ATTENTION ALL CAREGIVERS!! There is a program for caregivers that originated with a church in Syosset and now has chapters all over Long Island including the one sponsored by the combined Massapequa churches. “Caring for the Caregiver” meets at the Massapequa Reformed Church on Merrick Road on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 2:00 PM in the library across from the church office in back of the fellowship hall. There is a small core group who has been with us since the beginning more than a year ago and others come and join us on and off as they feel the need. The concept is simple. Care giving is a lonely situation and only others who have experienced the same thing can appreciate what you are going through. There are certain characteristics that apply to all but many think they must be the only one in such a place. That is where this group comes in. We all get a chance to tell our story and to hear what is going on with one another. Sometimes we learn some useful piece of information that can benefit our situation as well. Other times we just get a chance to feel the caring of others in a similar position. St. David’s is one of the sponsors of this group and I am one of the facilitators. I know we have many people at St. David’s who are in this situation and can surely use the companionship of some of these wonderful people who live daily with this challenge. 8 The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church So please, give us a chance and avail yourself of this opportunity to give yourself a break and learn some new coping mechanisms for the challenging work you are doing. In Christ, Deacon Florence Poeschke Jesus Christ’s Healing Touch St. David’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Invites you to join us At a Contemporary Prayer and Praise Service on Sunday, February 9, 2014 at 7:30 pm St. David’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 20 Clark Boulevard Massapequa Park, New York 11762 Phone- 516-799-7832 9 The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church Come Feel With thanks to all who remembered or honored their friends and loved ones with gifts to our funds this month: Memorial Fund: Edna England by Ingeburg Schuett, William Hozdara by Barbara Pulieo, Delores Byrne Hausken by Robert & Iren e Staab, Frank Lopopolo by Amy Holton William Hozdara by Ted & Carolyn Burkle. In Thanksgiving for: Soup Spoilers: Helmut Johannen by Ingeburg Scheutt,Michael O Halleran by Ingeburg Scheutt, Organ fund: Happy 80 t h birthday to Gloria thorsen by your “King david family”. 10 The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK, PLEASE REMEMBER: + KNOWN TO BE HOSPITALIZED, ILL OR RECOVERING Jackie Giacone, Joe Nightengale, Gail Wertz, James Preiss, Joe Gaiti, Edward O’Neil, Susan Sousa, Paul Fink, Garrett Bolinger, Betty Ann Dixon, Steven Riley, Mitch Maybury, Pastor Saeed, Erin Fesefeldt, Marina Alverez, Kristi, Issabella Ward, Nancy, Marge Garrett, Gary Naylor Sr, Al Fesefeldt, Louise Cappo, Mary Faccini, Carolyn Arndt, Jim Priess, Mary Ann Strecther, Linda Mann, Joseph Macri, Tom Lloyd, Leslie Agosto, Marshal Balbuena, Esther Hansen, Debbie Blankley, Dave Dantonio, Joel Trent, Barbara Vigorito, Chris Kuechenmeister, Gladys Toler, Thea Erickson, Ron Ottomano, Helmut Johannan, Maria Spony, Vincent & Norma Cianfaguoni, Michael Burkhart, Richard, Nicole Trabold, Becky Neumen, JeffreyFisher, AnneMarie deRiesthal, Marge Dankenbrink, Ronald Balbuena, Bob Roth, Nancy Zickmund, Skyler, Betty Ann Dixon, Ross Hessinger,Susan Mast Trinder, Joan Maybury,Frank Libschik, Lynne Schenk, Lenore Ewen, Alex, Mildred Ulrich, Al Trabold Rose Hesinger, Lauren McCarthy, Thomas McCarthy, Pat Bernstein, Nancy Michaelis, Dorothy McGowan, Doris Glatthaar, David Cohen, Olga Cohen, Joe Gibbons, Anita Scanio, Peter Klamann, Carol Weis, Martha & Eric Anderson, Scott Goldman, Lillian Cortez, Vi Madison, Sanzio Vagnini, Steve Dunne, Elsie Grabow, Florence Copeland, Dora Wharmby, Tom McCarthy, Blanche Whaley, Catherine, Richard & Carolann, Flora Bryant, Lauren, +THOSE WHO MOURN THE PASSING OF: Delores Byrne, Michael Burkhardt’s, Thomas Petersen, Don Strecher, William Hozdara, Allen Ambrose, Joan Siry, Angelina George, Pastor Frederic Teichmann Pray For our Staff: Rev. David J. Meyers Senior Pastor Robert Michaelis Deacon Florence Poeschke Deacon Janet Pinto Organist, Saturday Bethany Porter Organist/Choir Dir. Janis Garone LBS Director Mary Ann Ho Office Administrator Domingo Rojas Custodian Patricia McCarthy Deaf Min. Coord/Signer Karen Co rbett Parish Nu rse Jill Ewen Parish Nu rse Jo -Ann Rey Su nday Schoo l Pian ist Mitch Maybury Confirmation Pray for our Preschool Staff: Robin Lever Preschool Dir. /Teacher Ruth DeSilva Preschool Teacher Asst. Colleen Smith Preschool Teacher Communion Teacher Pastor David J. Meyers The Herald The monthly newsletter of St. David's Lutheran Church January-2014 Mission Statement We are called in Christ: +To Live Faithfully +To make Disciples + To show God's love to all Submissions for February Herald is due by January15th. Editor: MaryAnn Ho ([email protected]) Pray for Our Sunday School Teachers, Teacher Assistants and our Lay Ministers Confirmation Teachers Mitch Maybu ry 6 t h grade Anne Anderson 7 t h grade Pastor David J. Meyers 8th & 9 t h grades Pray For: Led By the Spirit, Adult Choir, Pray Fo r our Lay Leaders: Karen Corbett, President/Evangelis m/ Person nel/Steward ship Lynn Benov, Vice-president/Stewardship/ Wo rsh ip/ Social Min istry/Evang elism Jo Ann Ju stu s, Secretary/Wo rsh ip/No min ating Anne Anderson, Co uncil/Treasu rer Mark Co rbett, Coun cil/Prop erty/No min atin g/ Safe Environ. Jill Ewen, Council/Social Ministry Helen Hayes, Financial Sec./Finance/Endow. David Lynam Council/Property/Safe Environ. Jo -Ann ReyCouncil/Youth/VBS/Assist ,S.S.Dir/ Safe Environ. Jim Sheridan, Council/Property Sue Teitel, Council/Deaf Ministry/Nominating/Fellowship Anita Trabold, Council/Social Ministry Debbie Geis Preschool/VBS/Evangelism Michael Lees, Evangelism Please pray for our Military men and women, especially… Sr. Airman Emily Volz Airman Carl Seaman Marine Lance Corporal Christopher Buckley 11 The Monthly Newsletter of St. David's Evangelical Lutheran Church
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