Revelations Newsletter | January 2014 Special Events January 1 St John Office Closed January 5 Junior High Youth Group January 6 Epiphany January 13 Well Seasoned Group January 18 Market Day January 19 Junior High Youth Group January 31 Book Fair Set Up A New Year…Start It Right! As the calendar page turns and the number on top changes, it gives us a mixture of emotions. There is always the sense of anticipation. What will this New Year bring? For our family it will bring both a Confirmation and a graduation. Now there’s some anticipation! I know that your family will have the same anticipations as well. But as we reflect on the past year, we also know that there were plenty of times when our anticipation was met with a response that was less than what we expected. This is true for all of us! There were the unexpected medical situations that cause worry. There were the unexpected expenses that threw the financial equilibrium of the family off for a time. There were those people in your lives that you offended and perhaps have even separated them from you. For some of you, death was unexpected and unwelcome visitor. With this reality in mind, we really need to temper the anticipation for the New Year with the reality that it will not play out 100% the way we would want. So what then should we do? Should we be irrationally exuberant, thinking that this New Year will bring only puppies and rainbows? Or should we be melancholy and spend the entire year waiting for the other, unexpected and unwelcome shoe to drop? NO! This is not what the Lord calls us to. He calls us to a living, active hope in His Word and Promise. We have just celebrated the arrival of our Lord Jesus into the world at Christmas. This was the Lord keeping His promise to us! He will keep every promise! That means His promise never to leave or forsake you! This New Year is another New Year of His blessing. This means we need to start it right. The only way to start it right is to turn our back on the bitterness and sin of the past. We will be doing that as a congregation as we start a new Sunday Morning Bible Study on January 12. “Blessed Are the Peacemakers” is the title of this study. We will be looking at what the Bible says about Reconciliation and Forgiveness between brothers and sisters in Christ. There isn’t any one of us here at St. John who doesn’t need either a refresher or new learning on this incredibly important topic. Please make plans to be a part of this study! If you are an elected leader, it is critical you are there. If you are spouse, parent or child, it is critical you be there. If, as Pastor, I have offended you, it is critical that you are there. It is critical because reconciliation is the mark of forgiveness. This is what we have been called to by our Lord. That is what the cross is all about! Please be there! As we start this New Year with reconciliation we are living in the way of Christ. This is something that will prepare us to face both our anticipation and regret with God’s gracious presence and help. It promises to be a great year! Blessings! Pastor Meador Page 2 Contact Us Senior Pastor Rev. Nathan Meador [email protected] H: (920) 449-5252 C: (920) 838-4709 Associate Pastor Rev. John Schultz [email protected] C: (618) 972-3914 School Principal Tim Gieschen [email protected] C: (313) 623-6807 Visitation Pastor Rev. Thomas Burton H: (920) 893-8271 Music Minister Timothy Huebschman [email protected] Marriage Ministry Donn Davis [email protected] C: (920) 980-1025 Church Secretary Sharon Mohs [email protected] School Secretary Diane Adams [email protected] Business Manager Robin Lemkuil [email protected] Custodian Hugh Hollister [email protected] Tree of Life Retreat Center (920) 526-3120 [email protected] CHURCH CALENDAR Over the last few months, the Church and School Offices have been working hard on implementing a new calendar program. In the past, at least 5 different calendars were used to schedule and manage all of the Church and School events. With the new calendar program, now all SJL events can be viewed and managed on one calendar. While most of our church family will not notice any change, we give thanks for the ability to simplify and to work more efficiently. We give thanks for Sharon Mohs, Diane Adams and Robin Lemkuil who have worked hard (even during stressful times) to implement, manage and assist in event planning. Please Note: All SJL events should be on the calendar. If you or your group is having a meeting or an event, the Church and School Office must know about it. Please contact the Office, so that your event is scheduled and that the location is reserved. NEW START TIME FOR BIBLE CLASS & SUNDAY SCHOOL Starting in January, Adult Bible Class & Sunday School will be offered each Sunday from 9:30-10:15 AM. A new start time for Christian Education is necessary so that worship services may remain meaningful and Christ centered and so that our Sunday School Staff do not leave worship services early and rush to their classrooms because there are children waiting unattended for Sunday School to start. In the time between the end of early service and the beginning of Sunday School (9:30 AM), please remain with your children and join in conversation and fellowship with your church family. For more information, please contact one of the pastors. SUNDAY SCHOOL Join us again in the New Year as we build relationships, have fun, weekly study, and grow in His Word! Sunday School is for all children 3K - 8th Grade. During the school year, we meet in the school classrooms from 9:30-10:15 AM. There will be NO Sunday School on February 2nd. During the normal Sunday School Time (9:30-10:15 AM) we invite you and your family to walk through the Gym and interact with students from St. John Lutheran School. Students will be presenting their "Discovery Days Projects" - the projects will be interactive and for all ages. Join us as we foster and build connections within our community. Deadline to Submit Articles: Noon on the 15th of the month Email Articles to: [email protected] Newsletter Assembly: Last Tuesday of the Month, 1:00 PM Page 3 Baptisms Gifts & Memorials Capital Improvement: This fund is used for general Keegan Nicholas Noster, child of Nicholas and Jennifer Noster. Keegan was baptized on November 23, 2013. building projects and maintenance in keeping the building updated and presentable. School: This fund is used for general school needs including student assistance, resources for classrooms, technology, student programs and teacher education programs. Ministries: This fund supports the ministries of St. John Congregation including Music, Marriage, Mission trips, Crossing Hearts, Altar Guild, Sunday School, Benevolence programs and public relations. Roger & Vivian Greisch in celebration of their November Birthdays! David & Barbara Karsten in celebration of their anniversary. Tree of Life Retreat Center: This fund supports the Tree of Life Retreat Center programs, ministries and maintenance of the property. Debt Reduction: This fund accelerates the reduction of overall church and school indebtedness. Kaida Nicole Galloway and Seth Myles Galloway They were baptized on November 23, 2013 Children of Gabriel and Jamie Galloway General Operations: This fund shall support the general operations of the Church and School. William and Elizabeth Lagacy in celebration of William Eggebeen, Veteran Endowment Fund: This fund shall provide a perpetual source of income to benefit Education, Youth, & Capital Projects. Deaths Verna V. Ehlenbeck 11/14/13 Lukas Alan Krueger Lukas is the child of Shawn and Bonnie Krueger Lukas was baptized on July 22, 2013 and reaffirmation on December 8, 2013 Eugene C. Adams 11/17/13 Page 4 Mrs. Konz’s 3rd grade class was invited to decorate one of the many Christmas trees that adorned Sheboygan Historical Museum over the holiday season. They chose the theme to be “Colors of Christmas”. They spent an art class creating ornaments in all the “colors of Faith” and added sparkle to make the true meaning of Christmas really shine for all the visitors of the museum to see over the holiday season. Red represents the blood Jesus shed for us; Purple represents the crown of life; Black represents our sins; White represents the cleansing of our sins; Blue represents the baptism that identifies us with Jesus; Green represents the new life we have in Jesus. The class was honored to have their artwork created Christmas tree represent St. John Lutheran at the museum. Over 75 students, grandmas, sisters and moms gathered for muffins before school. PTO sponsored the event to recognize the wonderful women of SJL. St John chartered a troop of American Heritage Girls in October of 2013. American Heritage Girls or AHG is a scouting group for girls that emphasizes character development in young women by embracing Christian values and encouraging family involvement. AHG WI 1427 (SJL’s troop) would like to thank the family of St John for supporting us by purchasing cookie dough and allowing us to use the school’s kitchen and cafeteria. Special thanks to Cheryl & Steve Steinhardt, Kara Abraham, Erin Hoffman and all the moms, dads, grandmas, aunts, and other family and friends for your help in the kitchen. American Heritage Girls WI 1427 currently meets on Tuesdays right after school and is open to all girls aged 5—18. For more information contact one of the board members: Mandy Berres at [email protected] Amy Guse at [email protected] Shelly Hendrickson at [email protected] or Niki Steinhardt at [email protected] Page 5 Congratulations to our Geography Bee champions 5/6th grade: Elizabeth Montaba and 7/8th grade: Brenden Ashe Pizza Sale - Feb. 15 It's time for the annual SJL pizza sale. We thank the community, the congregation, and the parents and friends of St. John for helping sell, make, deliver, and eat pizza in the past and ask for your support again this year. Contact any SJL school family or the church office to place your order. Important Pizza Sale Dates...Thursday, January 23rd Pizza Orders Due, Friday, February 14th & Saturday, February 15th Pizza making and Saturday February 15th Pizza Pick Up 10am-1pm. The SJL Junior Lego Team participated in a lego event at Marquette University. The SJL Kindergarten through 3rd graders won the best teamwork award. Thanks to Amanda Farr for coaching the team! Page 6 The SJL Girls A basketball team after winning the championship of 36th Annual Plymouth Invitational Girls Basketball Tournament held Dec 12-14 at St. John. Pictured are: (kneeling L to R) Jessica Leider, Vanessa Baker, Holly Oberriech, Lauren Pritzlaff, Lizzy Matz. (Standing L to R) Asst. Coach Gary Pritzlaff, Head Coach Brad Steinhardt, Bethany Meador, Dacota Wiegert, Alyssa Grande, Halie Wagner, Madisyn Wiegert, Asst. Coach Missy Kohlman. Families with young children are invited to attend the SJL Early Childhood Open House to tour the 3K, 4K, Kindergarten, and Day Care rooms and to meet our teaching staff on Sunday January 19 from 11:30am-1:00pm. Page 7 WELCOME TABLE Our SJL family prepares, serves, joins in fellowship, and cleans-up meals for the Welcome Table. Our family provides a resource to our Plymouth community - food and fellowship - to those are in need. The Welcome Table serves meals at Redeemer Lutheran Church, every Tuesday night, for 40-75 people. This is a great way to serve and to live out your faith. SJL's Upcoming Dates: March 4, 2014 April 29, 2014 May 27, 2014 October 28, 2014 December 30, 2014 If you would like to learn more about the Welcome Table or serve those in need, please contact Pastor Schultz ([email protected]). PASTOR'S INFORMATION CLASS/NEW MEMBER CLASS We will begin a new seven week class in January. The same class will be offered twice a week to best fit into your schedule. The classes will meet on Sunday mornings (9:30-10:15 AM) and on Thursday nights (6:30-7:30 PM). The first classes will start on Sunday January 12 and Thursday January 16. The classes will cover such topics as, "The Bible", "The Ten Commandments", "Holy Baptism", "Holy Communion", and more. Feel free to invite your family and friends! Whether you are new to St. John or have been here for years, join us for refreshment through the Word and relationship building. Contact the Church Office for more information or to register. JR. HIGH YOUTH GROUP (6TH, 7TH & 8TH GRADE) Upcoming Activities: January 5 - Christmas Caroling, Hot Chocolate, & Cookies! Dress Warm!; January 19 - Outside Games! Dress Warm!; February 23 - Winter Olympic Games! WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDIES Study God's Word in a small group setting. Every Wednesday, we gather to read through portions of the Bible, reflect on His desires and work, talk about what is going in our lives, and join in prayer. You are always invited and are encouraged to come! Morning Life with God - Wednesdays in the Fellowship Hall - 7:30-8:30 AM Night Life with God - Wednesdays in the Fellowship Hall - 7:00-8:00 PM Both Bible Classes cover the same topic each week. Currently we are studying the book of 1 Samuel where we read and learn about Israel, Samuel, Saul, David and many others who have lived their lives trusting in their God. VBS IS COMING SOON! The dates for Vacation Bible School (VBS) are June 23-27, 2014. St. John is looking for 2 -3 more people to serve on the VBS Committee. VBS Committee members meet with Pastor Schultz to brainstorm and help plan for snacks, crafts, games, and daily activities for the week of VBS. We plan to meet 5-6 times - We will meet at your convenience and schedule. Please contact Pastor Schultz if you are interested ([email protected]). We look forward to another successful week of VBS where we teach and share the love of Jesus to others! Page 8 Project Angel Hugs is starting the big Valentine Drive. Last year 34,000 Valentines were processed through Project Angel Hugs. Cards were received from Germany, South Africa, Australia, the Philippines, Japan and many other countries. Cards can be store bought, computer generated, handmade, cutout hearts on paper plates, you name it!! Do not put the cards in envelopes because they need to be sorted. Sign your name or organization, city and state. Kids love to see where their mail comes from....and so do the volunteers who do the sorting. Put cards in a box or shipping envelope and send them to Project Angel Hugs (307 E. Mill Street, Suite 1, Plymouth, WI 53073) or drop them off at the Project Angel Hugs office. Deadline for them to reach the office is January 18, 2014. Thank you for your help. The PTO would like to thank Palo Popcorn and Jim & June Chisholm for their generous donation of popcorn which was used to fill the Christmas goodie bags for the students. THANK YOU! Thank you for all of the Christmas cards, baked goods, warm thoughts and gifts. We appreciate all of your continued love and support to our family. We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas! God's richest blessings in the new year! We have a great God who continues to bless our whole SJL family! - Pastor John, Sarah, Miriam & Rebecca Schultz Page 9 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH RETREAT Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.” This is most certainly true! Really? How can I be so sure that the Christian faith is really true? How can I speak of the reality of this truth to my family and friends? How do I live the Christian faith in a world that is increasingly hostile to it? Pastor Peter Bender will answer these and many more of your questions as we look at the rich gifts that God has given to us in His Holy Word and Luther’s Small Catechism. Join Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sheboygan, Wisconsin for our 7th annual retreat. Pastor Peter Bender of Peace Lutheran Church and Concordia Catechetical Academy in Sussex, Wisconsin will serve as our main teacher. When: February 14-16, 2014 Where: Trinity Lutheran Church - Sheboygan, WI Church Office: (920) 458-8246 Rev. John Berg: [email protected] Cost: $60 per person: 1/1/13 - 1/31/14 $70 per person: after 1/31/14 RSVP: via online registration at or email Sandra Ostapowich Higher Things Retreat Coordinator [email protected] A number of years ago, when my mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer, I discovered a pattern for a prayer shawl. On the surface it looked like a regular shawl, but as I knitted the shawl, I prayed for my mother-in -law. I prayed for healing and also for strength, courage and peace. I gave the prayer shawl to her when she started chemotherapy so that it would keep her warm when she was going through treatments. She used it frequently both at home and during her treatments. When she went into the hospital and later the nursing home, she had it with her all the time. She said that she could feel the strength of the prayers wrapped around her with the shawl. I started the prayer shawl ministry with the help of my daughter, Jessica, so that we could share this blessing with others who were sick or troubled. The response has been wonderful. We have about 20 crafters who have knitted and crocheted about 75 prayer shawls. There are only 3 left at this time. We are in need of more! We are looking for people to knit and crochet the prayer shawls. The pattern is simple, so you don’t have to be an expert to complete them. We will provide you with the pattern, you complete the shawl and return it to the church office and we will distribute it to someone in need. If you have a shawl pattern of your own, you are welcome to make it and turn it in to the office. Please remember to pray for the shawl recipient as you make it. Don’t knit or crochet? The church office will be accepting financial donations to defray the cost of yarn. Simply indicate “Prayer Shawl” on the envelope. We are also looking for people who would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl. If you know of someone, someone who is sick, or troubled or in need of comfort, please contact the church office or Kendra Ford. Thank you to all those who have supported the Prayer Shawl Ministry in the past and we hope to continue to thrive in the coming years. Kendra Ford 528-7060 [email protected] Page 11 Thrivent Choice Dollars Cheer On Lutheran High! Friday January 24 is the "St. John Lutheran Night" at Lutheran High. We encourage you to come, support, and cheer on the Lutheran High boys basketball teams. Lutheran High will play against Elkhart Lake. Also, on this night, admission will be free to all St. John Lutheran members and the congregation members will be recognized as well. Freshman Boys - 4:30 PM; JV - 5:50 PM; Varsity - 7:30 PM. We hope to see you at the game! Thrivent Members - Don't forget to designate your Thrivent Choice dollars. Thrivent Choice dollars can be sent to charitable organizations of your choice, including St. John Lutheran! Go to or call 1-800-847-4836 (choose Thrivent Choice when prompted). Thrivent Choice dollars are awarded based on the Thrivent products held. Newsletter Sponsors Archangels - $1000 Schneider Funeral Home and Life Tributes Jason and Angela Schneider Zimmermann Printing David Zimmermann and Family Cherubim - $750 Seraphim - $600 Robert and Judy Johanning Authorities - $150 MacGillis Insurance Agency Brian MacGillis Brian and Libby MacGillis Marvin and Donna Mae Cain Mighty Angels - $100 Aldag Honold Mechanical, Inc. K W Electric Piggly Wiggly Tangles Hair Salon Roger and Vivian Greisch Dwayne and Michelle Hendrickson Gary and Eileen Wightman Thrones - $500 Powers - $300 David E. Andrews Law Office, S.C. David and Tammy Andrews Mike Burkhardt Ford Holden and Hahn S.C. Richard and Dou May Hahn Joe Van Horn Chevrolet Inc. M.J. Manufacturing, Inc. John and Dawn Mueller Meyer Motors Inc. Sargento Foods Inc. 20/20 Visions LLC Rulers - $200 Sun Graphics Lorraine Doebert Mary Jones Living Creatures - $50 Haucke Plumbing Deicher Construction Co., Inc. Thomas and Carrie Rooker H. Lulloff & Son, Inc. McKenzie Financial Services, LLC Randy Prange Excavating, LLC Suchon Funeral Home and Cremation Services Adela Hueppchen Gerald and Barbara Wimmler In Loving Memory of Jim Bordeau If you would like to be a Newsletter sponsor, please contact the Church Office. We encourage you to support the newsletter. Members are listed in italics. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 92 222 N. Stafford Street | Plymouth, WI 53073 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED TO: St. John Lutheran Church & School 222 N. Stafford Street Plymouth, WI 53073 Church Office: (920) 893-3071 School Office: (920) 893-5114 Fax: (920) 892-2845 Website: Email: [email protected] Worship Services Saturday – 4:30 PM Sunday – 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Monday – 6:30 PM Sunday School Sunday – 9:30 AM Adult Bible Class Sunday – 9:30 AM Senior Pastor Rev. Nathan Meador Associate Pastor Rev. John Schultz School Principal Mr. Tim Gieschen Bringing the love of Christ to the unsaved, nurturing the saved, and living in service to Him!
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