2014 CEPA Update Conference & Workshops Agenda

The Industry Coordinating Group
(ICG) for CEPA Presents:
CEPA Update
Conference & Workshops
Delta Meadowvale Hotel & Conference Centre
Mississauga, Ontario
Conference: October 8-9, 2014
Pre-Conference Workshops: October 7, 2014
Registration: www.cepa-icg.ca
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CEPA Update Conference 2014
Delta Meadowvale Hotel & Conference Centre
(Mississauga, Ontario)
Pre-Conference Workshops A, B and C
October 7, 2014
All Workshops will be presented once only. Each will be led by topic experts from Environment Canada,
Health Canada and the Industry Coordinating Group (ICG). They aim to provide participants with an
understanding of key program requirements, and to outline strategies, best practices and tools to build
compliance with reporting requirements and other notification obligations under the Canadian
Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)’s New- and Existing-Substances Programs. Attendees will interact
with key government program staff and industry experts through informal ‘question-and-answer’ sessions.
Coffee and drinks will be provided. Lunch is not included.
Workshop A:
Life of a New Substance Notification – Interactive Workshop
Environment Canada and Health Canada will build on their popular ‘Life of a New Substance Notification’ training
materials in this Interactive Workshop. Participants will put their knowledge to the test by completing a New
Substance Notification during the Workshop, and will be introduced to the two key program resources at their
disposal: the Substances Management Information Line and the Pre-notification Consultation Panel.
This workshop is geared to the needs of new Notifiers, and more experienced Notifiers in need of a refresher, under
the New Substances Notification Regulations as they apply to chemicals, bio-chemicals, polymers and bio-polymers.
Registrants are encouraged – but not required – to also participate in a free pre-Workshop background webinar for
“Life of a New Substance Notification (Chemicals and Polymers)” that will be held on September 26 . Online webinar
information and registration details will be provided with Workshop A registration confirmation. This government-held
online webinar will deliver introductory information including new substance notification obligations, post-assessment
outcomes and common errors made by notifiers. Attending the webinar will help participants derive the most benefit
from the on-site interactive Workshop A.
Welcome Address
Brief review of the Pre-workshop Webinar
Notifiable Substances under the NSNR-Chemicals & Polymers
Substance Categories for Chemicals and Polymers
Scenario Explanation and Example Review
Practical Exercise in Teams
Michele Richardson, ICG; OptumInsight
Dan Bastien, Environment Canada
Dan Bastien
Claire Pinsonnault, Health Canada
Lauren Clarke, Environment Canada
Health Break
Review Results of Practical Exercise
Questions and Answers
Closing remarks
Dan Bastien
Lauren Clarke
Claire Pinsonnault
Michele Richardson
Don Wilke, ICG: Procter & Gamble
Michele Richardson
(For more information and to register, visit: www.cepa-icg.ca)
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Workshop B:
Significant New Activities (SNAcs) – Interactive Workshop
Take a deeper dive into CEPA with an in-depth review of a specialized but important area that has received attention
as of late: Significant New Activities (SNAc) notices and orders. This session will review: what a SNAc is, what
information is used to design a SNAc, what approaches/considerations are used for defining ‘significant new
activities”, the main compliance messages for the notifier and the supply chain and where SNAcs do/do not apply.
This interactive session will have the participants ‘design’ a SNAc. The workshop will also cover more advanced
aspects of SNAcs including how to submit a Significant New Activity Notice (SNAN) and the use of a Pre Notification
Consultation (PNC) to receive assistance and seek clarity on information requirements. Lastly, a review of potential
Risk Management outcomes from a SNAN submission will be provided.
12:30-12:50 PM
Presenters / Facilitators
Significant New Activities (SNAcs)
• Basic information & current statistics on SNAcs
• Main compliance messages
• Where SNAcs apply and where they don’t apply
• What information is used to design SNAcs (e.g.
SARs, s. 71, stakeholder interest, public
• Approaches/considerations for defining
“significant new activities”
12:50-1:00 PM
Lauren Clarke (Environment Canada)
Claire Pinsonnault (Health Canada)
1:00-1:20 PM
Understanding SNAc Elements - Search Exercise
Participants will review several published SNAcs
to locate, recognize and understand basic and
advanced SNAc elements
Michele Richardson (ICG NSN
Subcommittee Co-Chair,
1:20 – 1:50 PM
Business Scenarios review - Have I been SNAC’d?
This outside-in review presents four sample
business scenarios for break-out groups of
participants to review, understand and then
determine if any published SNAcs require that
action be taken prior to the business interest being
pursued and what the action may be.
Anthony Tantillo (ICG Member, BASF)
1:50 – 2:10 PM
Designing a SNAc
This inside-out review presents a mock summary
of information that the government would have
available from various communication-outreach
and information gathering initiatives to assess the
risk of a substance. Using this information and
understanding the elements of a SNAc,
participants will work in groups to draft a mock
SNAc designed to mitigate the identified risks and
reveal targetted information needs
Lauren Clarke
Claire Pinsonnault
2:10-2:30 PM
Facilitated group discussion on exercises and case
studies –challenges/observations/lessons-learned
2:30-2:50 PM
Significant New Activity Notifications (SNANs)
• The process to submit a SNAN
• How to get assistance
• Pre-Notification Consultations (PNCs)
• Potential Risk Management (RM) Outcomes
2:50-3:00 PM
Q&A & Adjourn
Lauren Clarke
(For more information and to register, visit: www.cepa-icg.ca)
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Workshop C
Practical CEPA Notification and Compliance Strategies
for Importers & their Supply Chains
Importers and their supply-chain partners should attend this workshop in order to learn practical strategies for
complying with CEPA program requirements for New Substances and Existing Substances, including NSNR
notification requirements and s.71 information-gathering requests.
Importers of products and substances can benefit from proactive, collaborative work by their supply chain to provide
the necessary pre- and post-market information to Government in an efficient and timely way. Better notifications can
save time and money by enabling better risk assessment and risk management decisions.
Hear directly from Health Canada, Environment Canada and experienced industry practitioners. Come away with
specific ideas to apply to your own business. Whether you are a formulator, manufacturer, brand owner or retailer;
whether you import substances, mixtures, parts, consumer products, large manufactured items or Food & Drug Actregulated products, this workshop will offer practical compliance suggestions.
Suppliers are also encouraged to attend; find out how foreign-based suppliers can help their importer customers to
effectively manage CEPA notification and reporting requirements.
3:30 – 3:35
Welcome & Introduction
Environment Canada & CEPA ICG
3:35 – 3:45
Framing the Discussion
Anne McConnell, ICG; MHCL Consulting
Panel: Practical CEPA Notification and Compliance Strategies
for Importers & their Supply Chain. (Information and case study
examples, with a brief Q&A session to follow each presentation)
Anne McConnell, Moderator
3:45 – 4:15
Government Perspectives: Information Gathering
Under CMP & Supply Chain Challenges
Elpi Karalis, (Health Canada)
Daren Kelland, Environment Canada
4:15 – 4:30
Industry Perspectives: CMP Compliance Planning
for Importers & Their Supply Chain
Beta Montemayor, ICG; Canadian Cosmetic Toiletry
& Fragrance Association (CCTFA)
4:30 – 4:45
Compliance Strategies and Tips: A Supplier’s
Teena Warrin, Croda Canada & Canadian
Association of Chemical Distributors (CACD)
4:45 – 5:00
Product Manufacturing Company and
Manufacturing Sector Perspectives
Catharine Urquhart, 3M Canada & Canadian
Manufacturers & Exporters (CME)
5:00 – 5:15
Compliance Strategies from a User Trade
Association: Forest Sector Best Practices
Bob Larocque, Forest Products Association of
Canada (FPAC)
5:15 – 5:30
Retail Sector: Examples, Experiences and
Guidance from the Supply Chain
Perspectives will be provided by Government and
industry panelists
5:30 – 5:50
Discussion, Questions & Answers
Dave Saucier, ICG; Canadian Association of
Chemical Distributors (CACD)
5:50 - 5:55
Major Themes & Summary
Anne McConnell
5:55 – 6:00
Environment Canada and CEPA ICG
(For more information and to register, visit: www.cepa-icg.ca)
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CEPA Update Conference 2014
Delta Meadowvale Hotel & Conference Centre
(Mississauga, Ontario)
Conference Day 1 (October 8, 2014)
8:30 AM –
8:40 AM
8:40 AM –
9:10 AM
CMP – Progress Made and Lessons Learned
- An Industry Perspective
9:10 AM –
9:35 AM
Robert Roth – Chair, ICG;
Technical/Regulatory Affairs
Manager - Arkema Canada
Government Perspective
New Substances – Overview of Program Activity
- Program performance to date and areas of focus
Amardeep. Khosla – Executive
Director, ICG
Virginia Poter – Director General,
Chemicals Sector Directorate, EC
Lauren Clarke – A/Head, Notification
Processing & Controls Unit, EC
Those interested in a more in-depth review should consider
attending Pre-Conference Workshop A
9:35 AM –
10:00 AM
New Substances – Operational Changes and Progress
- Key industry concerns recently addressed by the
Program and continued areas of focus
10:00 AM –
10:20 AM
10:20 AM –
10:40 AM
Gord Cluett – Co-Chair, ICG New
Substances Subcommittee;
Regulatory Affairs and Product
Stewardship, E. I. du Pont Canada
Karen Levins, ICG: VP, Chemicals
Group, Intertek
10:40 AM –
11:10 AM
New Substances – Advisory Notes and Updates
- Advisory Notes: Manufactured Items, Masked Names,
Special Categories
- Updates: NDSL Clean-up
Dan Bastien – Head, Client Services
Unit, EC
11:10 AM –
11:25 AM
Linda Santry – ICG; Senior Advisor,
Product Regulatory Compliance,
Nova Chemicals
11:25 AM –
11:45 AM
Update on Initiatives for Substances Regulated Under
the Food and Drugs Act
- The In-Commerce List (ICL)
11:45 AM –
12:00 PM
12:00 PM –
1:30 PM
An Industry perspective
Shaunalea Savard – Manager, F&DA
Substances Assessment Division,
Karen Levins
EC = Environment Canada; HC = Health Canada; ICG = Industry Coordinating Group
(For more information and to register, visit: www.cepa-icg.ca)
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CEPA Update Conference 2014
Conference Day 1 (October 8, 2014)
1:30 PM –
2:05 PM
SNAcs and the Evolution of the Vision
- Government – the approach to SNAcs going
An Industry perspective – compliance implications
Those interested in a more in-depth review should consider
attending Pre-Conference Workshop B
Greg Carreau – Director, Program
Development & Engagement Division, EC
Michele Richardson – Co-Chair, ICG New
Substances Subcommittee; Director,
Regulatory Affairs, Environmental,
2:05 PM –
2:25 PM
Environmental Emergencies Regulations
- Results of preliminary consultations on the
potential amendments
Ed Dowdall – Risk Manager, Prevention, EC
2:25 PM –
2:45 PM
Karen Levins
2:45 PM –
3:00 PM
3:00 PM –
4:00 PM
4:00 PM –
4:45 PM
5:00 PM –
7:00 PM
International Session: CMP’s Place in the World:
Key Themes….
Panel Guests…
Regulation of Chemical Risks: Lessons for TSCA
Reform from Canada and the European Union
John Graham – Dean, School of Public &
Environmental Affairs, Indiana University
Key US activities on Chemicals
Jeff Morris – Deputy Program Director,
TSCA Modernization
Key OECD and CEPA activities of mutual relevance
Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC)
Bob Diderich – Head, Environmental Health
& Safety Division, OECD
Key International Session themes relevant to CEPA
Summation – David Morin – Director
General, Science & Risk Assessment
Directorate, EC
Panel discussion and Q&A
Moderator – Gordon Lloyd – VP Technical,
Chemistry Industry Association of
Mike Walls – VP Regulatory & Technical
Affairs, American Chemistry Council
Networking Reception in Exhibition Area
EC = Environment Canada; HC = Health Canada; ICG = Industry Coordinating Group
(For more information and to register, visit: www.cepa-icg.ca)
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CEPA Update Conference 2014
Delta Meadowvale Hotel & Conference Centre
(Mississauga, Ontario)
Conference Day 2 (October 9, 2014)
8:30 AM –
8:40 AM
8:40 AM –
9:15 AM
Opening Address: What’s Next for CMP?
- Government perspective
Amardeep Khosla – Executive
Director, ICG
AJ Preece – Director General, Safe
Environments Directorate, HC
- An Industry perspective
9:15 AM –
10:00 AM
Robert Roth – Chair, ICG;
Technical/Regulatory Affairs
Manager - Arkema Canada
Information Gathering
- DSL IU1 & IU2 – What have we learned
- Efficient approaches, including sector dialogues, joint
submissions, and the ‘targeted approach’ concept
(including manufactured items)
- DSL Inventory Update – Going forward
- NPRI & other information sources
Robert Roth – Chair, ICG Surveys
Subcommittee; Technical/Regulatory
Affairs Manager - Arkema Canada
- An industry perspective
10:00 AM –
10:15 AM
Karen Levins, ICG: VP, Chemicals
Group, Intertek
10:15 AM –
10:30 AM
10:30 AM –
11:00 AM
Enforcement and Compliance
- Current approach to CEPA compliance and enforcement
11:00 AM –
11:25 AM
- Assessment approaches, management practices and
drivers, and moving forward with international
cooperation (RCC/EPA)
11:25 AM –
11:45 AM
11:45 AM –
1:15 PM
Daren Kelland – Manager, Information
Collection and Management, EC
Elpi Karalis – Manager, Information
Management Division, HC
An industry perspective
Michelle Sanders – Manager,
Regulatory Analysis Division, EC
Brad Fisher, Manager, Nanomaterials
Section, EC
Lorraine Tétreault – A/Director, New
Substances Assessment and
Control Bureau, HC
Beta Montemayor – ICG; Chair of
Nanomaterials Subcommittee;
Canadian Cosmetic, Toiletry and
Fragrance Association (CCTFA)
Karen Levins
EC = Environment Canada; HC = Health Canada; ICG = Industry Coordinating Group
(For more information and to register, visit: www.cepa-icg.ca)
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CEPA Update Conference 2014:
Conference Day 2 (October 9, 2014)
1:15 PM –
1:35 AM
1:35 PM –
2:35 PM
Ensuring Sound Science in CMP
CMP Science Committee - Role, status and key
topics being considered
Christine Norman – Director, Existing
Substances Risk Assessment Bureau, HC
Approaches for identification of risk assessment
priorities under Part 5 of CEPA 1999
Angelika Zidek – A/Sr. Manager, Existing
Substances Risk Assessment Bureau, HC
Assessment Approaches
- Rapid Screening
- Groupings
- Government’s Polymer Approach
- Petroleum Sector Stream Approach (PSSA)
Industry perspectives
Robert Chénier – Director, Ecological
Assessment Division, EC
Don Gutzman – Manager, Priority
Assessments Section, EC
Co-Chairs, ICG Technical Subcommittee :
Don Wilke, Principal Scientist, Global
Product Stewardship, The Procter &
Gamble Company
Roger Keefe, Senior Advisor, Public Policy
& Regulatory Affairs- Safety, Security,
Health and Environment, Imperial Oil
2:35 PM 3:00 PM
The CEPA Cycle in Action – The Story of PFOS
How did initial information-gathering, riskassessment and risk-management processes,
lead to first decisions on PFOS?
How are CEPA-enabled opportunities for
iteration, international coordination, and the
consideration of alternatives, influencing current
3:00 PM –
3:30 PM
3:30 PM
Closing Comments & Adjourn
Vincenza Galatone – Executive Director,
Chemicals Management, EC
Karen Levins
Amardeep Khosla – Executive Director, ICG
EC = Environment Canada; HC = Health Canada; ICG = Industry Coordinating Group
(For more information and to register, visit: www.cepa-icg.ca)