Auckland South Corrections Facility Progress Update October 2014

Auckland South Corrections Facility
Progress Update October 2014
The Whare Manaaki, with the Fale Pasifika behind.
Senior Management Team Recruitment
Recruitment of the senior management for the new prison is now complete. We are very excited with the
further appointments made which include Assistant Director Business Services, Colin Rose, Head of Health
Services, Tracey Mitchell and Assistant Director Human Resources, Sonya McIsaac.
General Recruitment
The recruitment process for Reintegration Officers, Operational Support Grade and Supervisors is now in
full swing. All roles still to be filled will be advertised between now and 13 October.
Some of the vacancies still to be advertised are:
Case Managers, Children & Family Liaison Officers, Physical Education, Trade
Instructors. Applications close 3 October.
Healthcare – Registered Nurses, Psychologist Registered Nurses, Health Care
Assistant, Practice Leader. Applications close 10 October.
Education Trainers, Librarian, Psychologists, Facilitators and Link Officers.
Applications close 24 October.
To make sure you don’t miss your opportunity to apply for your dream role, we recommend you keep an
eye on our website at If you have any questions about any of the roles
advertised please contact the Auckland South recruitment team on (09) 261 2104 or [email protected].
Houseblock 3, with the
initial landscaping in
the foreground.
Our operations focus is currently fixed on recruitment as we select our staff for the key Operations Manager
and Supervisor roles. We are also carrying out the interviews and assessment centre for Reintegration and
Operational Support Grade positions. We have been impressed with the high standard of applicants for all
these roles.
There has also been a great deal of work in completing our Policies and Procedure Manuals. These
manuals will give all our staff clear guidance on our processes. We work closely with the Department of
Corrections to “sense check” our policies and procedures, and ensure we are complying with Corrections
Regulations and the Corrections Act. We have also developed simplified toolboxes for staff to help them
adhere to the Policies and Procedures.
As we gradually recruit our staff, our focus can now turn to defining our core day. The core day is the
operating day of the prison, from unlock to lock and everything in between. Determining just how each day
will run in the facility is vital to support our education, training and employment initiatives. These initiatives
will lead to reducing reoffending, which is at the heart of our philosophy and affects everything we do.
Once the core day is finalised, we will commence on rosters and staffing profiles.
Each prisoner’s physical journey through the different accommodation areas, from high to low security, will
reflect their personal development as they journey towards their release date. We are developing the
structure for each unit within the Houseblocks to support the progressive pathway for the prisoners to take,
as they move closer to the gate for release. It’s also important that we clarify and structure the induction
process for prisoners, so they receive their basic needs and can adjust to their new environment.
Safety and security is of course the primary focus. We’re working closely with Fletchers to ensure the
complex locking protocols are well established in preparation for the handover from Fletchers as builder of
the facility, to Serco as operator.
Our preparation for the build-up plan is a priority, as we must meet the Department of Corrections’
requirements for completion testing.
Cultural Advisor
Positive connections with Mana Whenua – Ngai Akitai Waiohua and Ngati Te Ata Waiohua – are well
established and continue to progress. Both iwi have conveyed their support for Ratapu Rangiawha,
Serco’s Executive Cultural Advisor. Ratapu works closely with other significant Maori stakeholders,
including within the Department of Corrections, the Police and Auckland Health. As part of our recruitment
strategy, we have started a specific whanau interview process. The feedback we’ve received on this from
staff and recruitment candidates has been positive. Our staff are engaging well with weekly cultural
activities, supported by Ratapu, including Waiata and Karakia.
Business Services
Assistant Director Business Services, Colin Rose, has the objective of driving our Business Services
directorate to achieve better outcomes for prisoners and the community.
Colin has a strong reputation for building added value employment relationships to achieve positive
outcomes. He also has experience within the probation sector and this again adds to the team’s overall
strategic focus on reducing reoffending. ASCF has a world class design and the industries and
employability opportunities are excellent.
Like the other Directorates, Business Services has focused on recruitment over the last few weeks. We
have had some very strong candidates and will be in a position to announce the appointment of the
Catering and Industry Managers shortly.
The other key piece of work for Business Services has been identifying and engaging with prospective
business partners for the industry workshops at ASCF. The men who live at Kohuora will be involved in
education, training or employment, to provide them with the skills they will need to live crime-free lives after
their release.
All those who have visited the workshops over the last couple of weeks have been mightily impressed with
the space and opportunities they offer, and are now currently working up proposals to work out of the
industry space.
There will be a lot of work to develop these and other proposals over the coming weeks. We’ll keep you
Inside the
industries building.
Introducing Tracey Mitchell
We are delighted to welcome Tracey Mitchell to the ASCF team as Head of Healthcare Services. Tracey
was born in Papakura and has spent most of her life in South Auckland.
Tracey has been a nurse for 22 years, and comes to Serco from Middlemore Hospital, where she was the
Service Manager for Spinal and General Rehabilitation. The majority of Tracey’s career has been spent
working in either the Emergency Department or acute care settings. She is also a member of the New
Zealand Nursing Council’s competence review panel.
Tracey is passionate about patient care and is excited about the possibilities that exist in the corrections
environment. Health is integral to assisting prisoners in reintegrating into their communities. We are very
pleased to have Tracey working with the wider team to produce better outcomes for our prisoners.
Tracey’s busy outside of work too, completing endurance triathlons and ultra-marathons. Before starting
this role, she cycled 800km from Thailand to Laos over a couple of weeks.
PM, Ministers visit ASCF
The Prime Minister, the Minister of
Corrections and Minister for the
Courts visited Auckland South
Corrections Facility recently to view
construction progress and talk about
employment and training for
prisoners. L-R, Greg Ford,
Construction Manager; Mike Inglis,
ASCF Director; John Key, Chester
Borrows, Anne Tolley.
For more information about Auckland South Corrections Facility, or if you would like to subscribe to this
newsletter, please contact [email protected].