Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 St. Peter of Alcantara Roman Catholic church, Stanley, KY United in Christ, to Love and to Serve Special Collections St. Peter of Alcantara Parish 81 Church St., Owensboro, KY 42301 Parish Web Site Parish Phone Number 270-764-1983 Parish Fax Number 270-764-0444 Pastor’s Cell Number 270-929-2294 Staff Pastor Fr. Jegin Puthenpurackal [email protected] Secretary / Bookkeeper Lee Ann Schrecker [email protected] Church Wedding Contact & Planner Monica Rice Maintenance Jerome Blair Website Administrator Mary Keller [email protected] Faith Formation Director of Religious Education Monica Rice [email protected] Committees Parish Council President Finance Committee Chair St. Vincent de Paul Chair St. Peter’s Auxiliary Chair Music Ministers Parish Hall Rental Cemetery Nathan Grant Charlie Mullican George Schrecker Valerie Coomes Terry Murphy Anna Coon Ken McKay Star McKay Please continue to pray for the following Parishioners & friends: Betty Cecil, Justin Clark, Jean Coomes, Ruby Coomes, Stella Fogle, Delbert Fulkerson, Shirley Fulkerson, Fr. Jegin, Anita Mitchell, Louise Morris, Marie Murphy, Monica Rice, James Alan Sauer, Bill Young, * Wendy Canary, Wilma Dowell, Robert Ellis, Vivian Fischer, Rick Goatee, Melissa Howard, Julie House, George Johnson, Phillip Millay, Fr. Pike Powell, Virginia Raley Oct 18-19 Oct 25-26 Mission Sunday KLEA New Parish Ministry A new Ministry “To Be With” is being created. Members will visit the homebound or sick of St. Peter’s Parish and our Stanley neighbors. The visits that will take place once a month will include conversation and prayer if agreed to. To join contact the Parish Office (270-764-1983), Joann Millay (270-764-1094) or Edie McKay (270-313-6023) Parish Auxiliary Meeting The next Parish Auxiliary Meeting will be Monday, October 13th at 6pm. All parishioners are welcome and urged to attend. Trick or Treat. Be so sweet. Give me something good to eat. - Sunday, Oct. 26th Parish Potluck with cauldrons of chili, howling hot dogs & drop dead desserts. Witching Hour begins 12:00 noon. Freakish, fun games & ghastly prizes for cackling kiddos. Come in your costumes for the Trick-or-Treat Parade. Be a good witch & bring a bag of tasty treats to share during the parade. Please call Terry Murphy 270-929-3082 to volunteer to bring chili, hot dogs, buns, crackers, chips, shredded cheese, sour cream, desserts, or drinks. Donations for the freaky potluck are not required so don’t be ghoulish & please join our parish for the Fall Celebration. We’ll have a spooktakularly wicked time. Eat, Drink & be Scary! Thank You Fr. Jegin would like to thank everyone for the birthday greetings, cards and well wishes. They made his birthday very special. VOCARE : to call, to invoke. Thank you to everyone who attended the First Annual VOCARE celebration. Your presence made it a tremendous success! You may view photos from the evening on the Diocesan webpage, In a few months we will be able to announce a Save the Date for next year’s celebration! Thank you again! Welcome to St. Peter of Alcantara Parish! We want to welcome our visitors and new parishioners! Please introduce yourself to Fr. Jegin. If you have not registered, we ask that you pick up a form from the back of church, fill it out, and return it to us. You may bring it to the office, mail it, or place it in the collection baskets. We really are glad that you are here to share the Liturgy with our community. St. Peter of Alcantara Ministries Oct 18 - 19 Servers: 4:00pm Need Volunteers 9:30am Mary Beth Mullican & Kolton Grant October is the month of The Holy Rosary Lectors: 4:00pm Mary Keller 9:30am Brenda Millay Eucharistic Ministers: 4:00pm Marie Murphy & Leah Settles 9:30am Hugh & Betty Cecil & Gail Murphy Gifts: 4:00pm George Schrecker Family 9:30am Eddie Smith Family Ushers: 4:00pm George Schrecker & Dennis McKay 9:30am Bobby Alvey & Pat Coomes Our Lady of la Salette, Reconciler of sinners, pray without ceasing for us who have recourse to thee. Amen Tellers: Steve Murphy & Ken McKay Happy Anniversary Ellison Morris, 10/12 Joy Coomes, 10/13 Nathan Grant, 10/13 Ashley Spalding, 10/14 Karen Spalding, 10/15 Hayden McPherson, 10/16 Stephen & Cynthia Millay, 10/14 John & Cathy Mitchell, 10/15 Robert & Mary Ann Alvey. 10/16 An Accounting of Your Stewardship of Treasure Sunday Collection Weekly Budget Actual Collection: Sunday Collection, Children Maintenance Oct 5 $3,821.48 3317.85 2.60 215.00 Readings for the Week Monday ············Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday ································· Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday ·························· Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday ······························ Eph 1:1-10; Lk 11:47-54 Friday ····································Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday ···························· 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday ··········· Is 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 To improve your lectoring skills, Google “Catholic daily audio readings for Mass”. You will be on the USCCB website where you can listen to the readings of the day. Hear how the words are pronounced, how the phrases are spaced, the pace of the reading. It’s a great way to listen, learn, and improve your skill at proclaiming the Word of God. Dear Friends in Jesus Christ, The first reading and the Gospel of today gives us a beautiful picture about the reality for which we are praying -Thy Kingdom Come. Yes a beautiful narration of the Kingdom of God. But the Gospel of today takes an extra step forward and reminds us that, in order to experience this beautiful reality of the Kingdom of God, we should be able to respond to the invitation that He offers to us with a special qualification called Holiness. The happy beginning beautiful Gospel ends with a disturbing message for all of us “Many are called, but few are chosen”. Today, the important question to be reflected by each one of us is-will I be counted among the chosen ones? Once a great drama teacher decided to make a new drama. All the preparations were made, actors were casted and they began to practice. Since from the first day of their practice something annoyed the drama teacher, except for the main actor, the others were not regular and punctual for the practice for the drama. But somehow the teacher managed to get them all going together and managed to finish the drama practice. The first play of their drama was fixed and so many people were invited. The teacher was very much appreciative of the main actor for his commitment and sacrifice and wanted to make a special comment on the main actor before all the other actors on the final day of their practice. The teacher appreciated the actor so much for his commitment and dedication, but the response of the main actor shocked the whole drama crew. The main actor said, I won’t be able to play my role as main actor in our first stage show, because that day is my marriage. Through today’s Gospel Jesus comes to us and wants each one of us to be part of a great wedding banquet. Yes, all the preparations are made and many important people are specially called, but when the time for the wedding comes no one is present. Look at the concern of the King; he sends servants to call and remind the invited guests, but everyone reacted indifferent. This attitude of the invited people throw the memories back to the attitude of God’s chosen people-Israel and their attitude towards Prophets, Kings and Judges who came into their lives to lead them to the promised land. But today, as we reflect about this parable, the indifferent attitudes of the invited guests are referring to each one of us. Think about the invitation that we accepted and the promise that we made through the sacrament of Baptism…Think about our attitude towards reading and listening to the word of God… Think about the attitude we maintained when Jesus came to us in different occasions calling us for a repentance… Think about our attitude towards the Holy Eucharist and our participation in it…Think about our faithfulness to commandments, sacraments, values and teachings of the church….Yes, Jesus still keeps calling us and waiting for our response. Yes, every one of us is making possible efforts to respond to Jesus’ call, by participating in the celebrations of the sacraments, using sacramentals and many other ways. But sometimes in our lives certain excuses are forcing us to turn down the invitation of Jesus. So Jesus makes it clear that, if we are not ready to respond to His call, the chance will be given to others outside. So the Continued -> October 12 - 19 Sunday Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time -9:30am Mass - People of the Parishes -10:30am Rosary Monday Columbus Day Office Closed -8am Mass - Russ Jones -6pm Parish Auxiliary Meeting Tuesday St. Callistus -8am Mass - Virginia Carrico Wednesday St. Teresa of Jesus -8am Mass - Jonathan & Virginia Coomes -6:30-8:30pm Confirmation Meeting & Church Service Project Thursday St. Hedwig & St. Margaret Mary Alacoque -8am Mass - Dot Schartung Friday -7:30am Confession -8am Mass - Vernon & Rita Wathen Saturday St. Luke -3:30pm Confession -4pm Mass - The Fogle Family Sunday Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time -9:30am Mass - People of the Parishes -10:30am Rosary October - the Month of the Holy Rosary Join us each Sunday after Mass during October to pray the Holy Rosary as a community. "The Mother of God called the world to conversion at Fatima 97 years ago." More than ever, Catholics need to grab onto the Rosary and to pray with all our might because this prayer devotion can overcome problems both big and small. Gospel gives us the message that, the Kingdom of God is open to everyone without any discrimination, and Baptism is not the criteria but rather, the dress of Holiness is the criteria to be part of the Kingdom of God. Yes, “many are called, but few are chosen”. Are you one of the chosen ones? Daughters of Isabella Confirmation The following young adults will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this school year (in May). They will soon be beginning their classes and service projects. Please keep them in your prayers this year as they prepare for this blessed Sacrament. Brooke Cecil Warren Goetz Jordan Ebelhar Mason Grant McKenna Ebelhar Dakota McKay Noah Edelen Hannah McKay Candidates and Parents: Community/Church service is required before receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. We will have our first Confirmation meeting and church service project on Wednesday, October 15, 6:30-8:30pm in the church basement. We will hand out some information and then clean/ organize the religious education and youth group areas. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Parents are encouraged to attend and participate. Work clothes should be worn. For questions, contact DRE, Monica Rice through text or call at 270-302-8675. Card Party/ Bunco/ Raffle, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall, Tuesday Oct. 21, 2014, 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM, $7.00 includes lunch. Note: we are having it on Tuesday this time and the price is $7.00. If any questions contact: Sheila Thomson, Regent, Daughters of Isabella, 270 6832397 Up Coming Events Oct 26 Parish Chili Lunch Potluck & Kid’s Trick/ Treat Parade 24th Diocesan Marian Congress-Pilgrimage Sunday, October 26, 2–5pm, Diocesan Marian Shrine “Mary, Mother of the Church and Model for all Christians” St. Joseph Catholic Church, 434 Church St., Bowling Green. Theme: “Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary” Speaker: Rev. Louis Caporiccio, C.P.M. Contact Joann Bradford 270-586-5926 or 270-776-5526 Support Our Advertisers Who Help Support our Parish Spalding’s Bookkeeping Service Amy Spalding Owner, 15+ years’ experience 207 Highway 1554 Owensboro, KY 42301 Phone 270-314-0041 [email protected] Haley McGinnis and Owensboro Funeral Home 519 Locust Street Owensboro, KY 42301 Phone: 270-684-9891 Mike Everly Kay Everly Paula McFadden Serenity Place Hair & Nail Salon 1115 Tamarack Road Owensboro, KY 42301 Phone: 270-926-0052 Sacrament of Marriage A couple wishing to marry must contact the priest at least six months before the desired wedding date. According to the guidelines of our diocese, you should not make absolute plans for a specific wedding date until after meeting with the pastor. The couple will be required to attend a marriage preparation course which will include at least one formal program such as an Engaged Encounter weekend or the Sponsor Couple Program. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is celebrated upon request, and at least four times a year during the weekend Masses. Please notify the pastor or call the parish office if you know of anyone who might need this sacrament, but may not be able to notify the pastor personally. Please inform the pastor or someone in the parish office if you or any of your family is in the hospital. If you notify us before surgery, we can celebrate this sacrament before you are admitted to the hospital. If your doctor is willing we can also have a blessing for him/her at the time of your anointing. Kuntry Kutter Handmade Art, Gifts & Antiques since 1992 Brenda & Carl Millay 122 E. 18th Street - Owensboro, KY 42303 270-315-3842 Mischel Monuments, Inc. Monuments * Markers * Mausoleums 1504 West 2nd Street Owensboro, KY “SAME LOCATION SINCE 1949” 270-691-6081 Monday-Friday 8:00am—5:00pm * Sat. 8am-12pm A Family Tradition For 5 Generations Owensboro Therapeutic Massage Melody Cecil, LMT, NCTM 5000 Back Square Drive, Building A Owensboro, KY 42301 Office: 270-903-2231 Cell: 270-314-8456 Bulletin Information Information for the Bulletin needs to be submitted to the Office by the Tuesday before it is to be placed in the bulletin. Sacrament of Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism for infants is administered upon request. Parents and Godparents must attend an evening class on Baptism in the Catholic Church. Please contact the pastor and set up an appointment for this class at least a month in advance. At least one parent must be a practicing Catholic for their child to be baptized in the Catholic Church. Godparents must be at least 16 years of age, and at least one must be a practicing Catholic. Sacraments to the Home-Bound Please inform the pastor or the parish office if you know of anyone who is homebound, so that we can insure that they are afforded ample opportunities to receive the Sacraments. We would rather be notified by several people than to not be notified at all, so please don’t presume that someone else has already notified us. CCD Registration Going On Now Classes begin Sunday, October 19th after 9:30am Mass. You will find registration forms in the back of church. Please complete the form and follow directions at the bottom of the page. Questions? Contact Terry Murphy 270929-3082. Any student receiving a sacrament this year must attend either Catholic schools or CCD classes. The Gift of Aging Oct. 16 A one-day retreat, "The Gift of Aging," will take place Thursday, Oct. 16 at Mt. St. Joseph Conference & Retreat Center. The time is 10am to 2pm. The speaker will be Sr. Mary Matthias Ward, director of local community life for the Ursuline Sisters of Mount St. Joseph. The $15 fee includes lunch. To register, contact Kathy McCarty at 270229-0206 or email [email protected]. A flyer can be found online at by clicking on Conference & Retreat Center. Precious Blood Bus Trip Precious Blood will host a bus trip to Bardstown, leaving Friday, November 7th after the 7:00am Mass and returning Saturday, November 8th. Cost is $148 per person/ double or $138 per person/triple (Includes bus transportation, one overnight stay, tour of Spalding Hall, tour & tasting at Heaven Hill Distillery, continental breakfast, lunch at Stephen Foster Restaurant on Saturday, tour of Abbey of Gethsemani, St. Thomas Church and St. Joseph Cathedral). Lunch (Talbott;'s Tavern) and Dinner (BJ's Steakhouse) on Friday on your own. If interested, please call Penny at the Parish Office at 270-684-6888. Registration deadline is October 24, 2014. Marian Retreat Oct. 18-19 Our annual Marian Retreat will take place the weekend of Oct. 18-19 at Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. It will be led by Msgr. Bernard Powers. The retreat includes opportunities for solitude, communal prayer and the Eucharist. Retreat begins Saturday at 8:30am and ends Sunday at 1pm. The retreat fee is $125 for residents or $85 for commuters. Contact Kathy McCarty at 270-229-0269 or [email protected]. Right to Life Banquet Right to Life of Owensboro will host their Annual Banquet on October 16th at the Hines Center in Philpot. This year’s speaker is comedian Mike Williams. Please join us. The doors open at 6pm. Call the office for reservations, 270-685-4922 Camp Memory Glenn Funeral Home and Crematory is sponsoring a free bereavement program for children ages 6-16, who have lost a loved one through death. The purpose of Camp Memory is: for children and teens to meet others their own ages who are also learning about and understanding their grief. The purpose is to make a difference during one of the most critical times in a child’s or teen’s life. Camp Memory will be held on Saturday, November 1st at Mt. St. Joseph Retreat Center from 9am-2:30pm. The deadline to register is Monday October 27th. Please call Betty Medley (270-683-1505) for more information. St. Stephen Cathedral, Saturday Time Mass Change Beginning November 8th, the two (2) Saturday morning Masses will be merged into a 9:00am Mass. There will still be two hours to celebrate God's forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) every Saturday, but from 9:30 to 11:30am. Other churches in Daviess County which have a Saturday morning Mass are:, Immaculate at 7am, St. Mary Magdalene at 7am, Precious Blood at 8am and Carmel Home at 9:30am. Seeking Donations Our church will now have a Religious Education Center (formerly the church basement). We will have Sacrament Classes, Youth Group meetings, CCD, and more take place in the REC area. Research shows that children/ youth learn and participate best in an environment that connects with them or catches their attention. We need to make the Religious Education Center a little more kid/ youth friendly. The Religious Education Center is in need of a few things. If you are willing to donate any of these items, please call or text the Director of Religious Education, Monica Rice at 270-302-8675. Religious posters or pictures to decorate the walls TV DVD player A refrigerator/freezer (no ice maker needed) Bookshelves (any size) Organizing bins or totes Some bright and fun curtains (anyone out there willing to make those?) We are always accepting donations of money. We use this money to provide snacks and drinks for our children, to purchase materials, cleaning supplies for the REC, inspirational posters, etc. You can write a check and put it in the collection basket. Please put "Religious Education Center" in the memo line. This money goes in a separate account.
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