by the Sea in Ocean Bluff 591 Ocean Street Marshfield, MA 02050 781-834-4953 Rev. John F. Carmichael, Pastor Assisting: Rev. Jos. Connolly, Rev. Jerry Shea Mrs. Catherine Rein, Pastoral Associate & CCD Director MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Evening Mass: 5:00 p.m. Summer, 4:00 p.m. Winter Sunday: 7:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Weekdays: Monday-Saturday 7:30 a.m. Chapel CONFESSIONS: Fall : Saturday 3:00-3:30 p.m. Every Wednesday in Advent & Lent 6:30-8:00 p.m. BAPTISMS: 1st Sunday of the Month at 1:00 p.m. WEDDINGS: By Appointment: 6 mos. in advance. PARISH OFFICE: Phone: 781-834-4953 • Fax: 781-834-7472 Parish Coordinator: Mrs. Elizabeth Hood, ext. 12 Parish Accountant: Michael Seyffert Business Coordinator: Michael Garcia x16 CATCH THE WAVE OF FAITH MUSIC MINISTRY: Music Director: Joe Kodzis Phone: 781-837-1417 CLUSTER MASS SCHEDULE: Holy Family, Duxbury: Sat. 5:00 p.m., Sun. 7:30a.m., 9:00a.m., and 10:30 a.m. St. Christine, Marshfield Hills: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 7:00, 9:00, 11:30 a.m. (Summer 7:00, 11:00 a.m.) St. Theresa’s Chapel: Summer only (July & August) Business Coordinator: Michael Garcia x16 Pastoral Associate: Catherine Rein x10 Mission Coordinator: William Rein x18 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Director: Catherine Rein,ext.10 Phone: 781-834-4953 St. Theresa’s Chapel: Summer only (July & August) Sun. 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Our Lady of The Assumption, Green Harbor: Sat. 4:00 p.m. (Summer 5:00 p.m.) Sun. 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. Parish Council: Elizabeth O'Reilly, Vice Chair, Casey Rein, Robert Donovan, Ed Neary, Kathleen Smith, Ed Burke, Carmel Sullivan, Al Burns, Jr., Jim Ryan, Nicole Bianchi and Jean Reardon Parish Finance Council: Agnes Sill, Vice Chair, James Donovan, Kevin O'Connor, Michael DaPonte, Michael Garcia We, at St. Ann by the Sea, strive to worship the Lord more fully through the sacraments, recognize God more clearly in all people and serve Him more generously in the world. ST. ANN BY THE SEA OCTOBER 12TH, 2014 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME 10/11 Saturday 7:30am John Dullaghan 4:00pm Barbara Davis 10/12 Sunday 7:30am Martha E. O’Neil 10:00am Ruth M. Peck 11:30am Michael Patrick Coyne (3rd Anniversary) 7:00 pm Rev. Lawrence J. Drennan 10/13 Monday 7:30am Rev. John M. Toomey 10/14 Tuesday 7:30am Eli Waller 10/15 Wednesday 7:30am Rev. Charles Sheehy 10/16 Thursday 7:30am Rev. William James McConnell, Jr. 10/17 Friday 7:30am Rev. William Scanlan 10/18 Saturday 7:30am Rev. Francis Walter Beksha 4:00pm Deceased Members of the Doherty & Graham Family 10/19 Sunday 7:30am William H. Fitzgerald 10:00am Jessica Jane Bernick 11:30am Rev. Edward Gavin 7:00 pm Holy Souls in Purgatory Please continue to pray for the Holy Souls in ING FOR VOLUNTEERS!!! To make Cookies for our Annual Cookie Walk scheduled for Saturday, November 22nd. Please Call 781-834-4953 .Thank you! We are close to the last push for this year’s GRAND ANNUAL DRIVE, and we received $3200.00 last week, leaving us with a balance needed to raise approximately $20.000. May I ask those who have yet to give, and who do each year, to make a pledge over the next few weeks. In observance of the Columbus Day holiday the PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED this Monday but will reopen Tuesday at 9:00AM. This weekend we have three sets of father-son teams heading out to Western Massachusetts to undertake three days of service for those in most need. I want to thank William and Casey Rein, Judge Burns and his son Al (a.k.a. Paul), Malcolm Gale, my dad Ray Carmichael, and Bud Gallivan for giving up this holiday weekend to support our work in making St Ann by the Sea, a Church for the poor! We have also made a good contact in FATHER CHRIS MALATESTA (St. John’s Seminary class of ‘93), as he hosted us at the HOLY CROSS CAMP in Williamsburg, MA. Keep us in your prayers this weekend. I realize not everyone is able to serve the poor by taking a weekend off to fix houses, but we can participate in being a CHURCH FOR THE POOR in many other ways. A few weeks ago I met a couple at Haddad’s Restaurant and they shared with me how they found it a privilege to be able to help the poor by supporting the parishes efforts to collect food for local residents. Actually, they didn't need to tell me as I often see them come to the 7:30am Mass with a full bag of groceries. Talk about giving glory and praise to God. We also have a steady stream of cars pulling up to the St Vincent de Paul boxes and dropping off bags of clothes. We have several parishioners who help out at Sanctuary Church on Route 139 putting meal packages for those in need. There are many other ways to help the poor. Do you have any ideas? If so how about sharing them with me by JOIN US FOR OUR 5TH ANNUAL HALLOWEEN PARTY For special needs Children and their Families Saint Ann by The Sea Parish Hall Saturday, October 18 5:30pm—8:00 pm. There will be food, games, dancing, and fun for everyone! So get out your best costume and get ready to have a Ghoulishly good time with all your friends. Sponsored by the Myles Standish Knights of Columbus Council #6649. ideas? If so how about sharing them with me by sending me an email at [email protected]. Also do you already help the poor with other activities? It would be good to know so that we might support you. Lastly, for our homebound we have the great ministry to the poor in the way of prayers. Please say a prayer for BISHOP JOHN BOLES (Emeritus), who recently passed away. I knew Bishop Boles when I was living in St Paul’s Parish in Harvard Square. He was then pastor of that parish. I found him to be kind, loving and very warm towards others. May he now enjoy the Kingdom in Heaven. 10/12/2014 CCD NEWS WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READINGS NO CLASSES WILL BE HELD THIS COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND . OCTOBER TEACHERS MEETING MONDAY OCTOBER 20TH 6PM DINNER MEETING WITH MR. CHRIS ADAMS From Pflaum Publishing. CONFIRMATION RETREAT SATURDAY OCTOBER 25TH 8AM-5PM ASSUMPTION COLLEGE CAMPUS MINISTRY CONFIRRE- MATION HEARSAL MONDAY 27TH 7:30PM MAIN OCTOBER 6:30PM – CHURCH 10/12 Is25:6-10; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 10/13 Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31; Lk 11:29-32 10/14 Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41 10/15 Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46 10/16 Eph 1:1-10; Lk 11:47-54 10/17 Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12:1-7 10/18 2 Tm 4:10-17; Lk 10:1-9 The Bread, Wine & Candles in the Church are in loving memory of Richard Lenihan. The Bread, Wine and Candles in the Chapel for the month of October are in loving memory of Ann “Nancy” Murphy. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH KATHRYN MURPHY JOHN DAVIS JACQUELYN DUNN RITA CALLAHAN VIRGINIA BOYD MAUREEN VALKANAS MARIE CONNOLLY REGINA MACKINNON ANNA CORCORAN DANIEL MIELE KATHERINE BURKE DAN HUMPHREY KEN BUTERA ANDREW ELEANOR MCFARLAND JOAN MCGUIRE JACK MURPHY DOUG REILLY DONALD NEE ELIZABETH MOLLISON MARION DONAHUE GERTRUDE PAUL MARILYN BIRNIE STEVEN MCDONNELL MR. MONAHAN Would you like us to pray for you ? Contact us at the parish office at 781-834-4953 Do you know a musical 3rd grade boy? St. Paul’s Choir School, Harvard Square is now accepting applications for entry into the 4th grade. · Small class sizes · Rigorous academics · Unique musical formation Catholic Memorial School Boys, Grades 7-12 ADMISSIONS OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 19, 2014 11:00am-1:00pm Middle School · · · · Unique musical formation Highly-qualified faculty Excellent high school placement Caring Catholic ethos To schedule an informal audition, please contact: Mr. John Robinson, Director of Music 617-868-8658 or [email protected] For more information about St. Paul’s Choir School please visit our website: 11:00am-1:00pm Middle School 2:00pm-4:00pm High School 235 Baker Street West Roxbury, MA 617-469-8019 [email protected] 10/12/2014 PLANNING AHEAD… ST. ANN BY THE SEA FALL EVENTS TRUNK OR TREAT OCTOBER IS RESPECT FOR LIFE MONTH WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE A HEALTH CARE PROXY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24TH 6PM Just as no one thinks about divorce walking down the Kof C SPECIAL NEEDS HALLOWEEN PARTY SATURDAY OCTOBER 18TH 5:30PM MASS OF REMEMBRANCE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st 4:00PM THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2ND 11:30AM MASS THE COOKIE WALK SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND 10AM-2PM DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL CONCERT FRIDAY DECEMBER 12TH 7PM Next week’s second collection supports Catholic World Missions. By Baptism, all Catholics are called to participate in the mission of the Church and share their faith as missionaries. World Mission Sunday gathers support for the pastoral and evangelizing programs and needs of more than 1,150 mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and remove regions of Latin America. The funds gathered on World Mission Sunday are distributed in the pope’s name by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith—a Pontifical Mission Society. Please visit for more information. BC High Open House wedding aisle, very few of us think about serious illness when we are healthy. Each day, as Scripture says, has troubles of its own. But when we’re healthy we have the perspective to think about how we would cope with serious illness. And part of this thinking should include what would happen if we become incapable of making medical decisions for ourselves. Stroke, dementia, unconsciousness or a declaration of incompetence are just a few of the ways we can lose the capacity to make decisions about our treatment. Under Massachusetts law, any adult resident of the state may appoint a health care agent to make medical decisions in the event the ability to make such decisions is lost. One fills out a Health Care Proxy, to name an agent. The agent could be a spouse, relative or friend who knows the person and is trusted by him or her. The agent is empowered to make any and all health care decisions for a person when capacity is lost, except for those decisions the patient specifically excludes. Having someone legally empowered to make these decisions lessens the likelihood of family discord regarding a loved one’s treatment, or the decisions being made by a court. The Massachusetts Catholic Conference has a Health Care Proxy form consistent with Church teaching, which is downloadable from its website. The webpage linking BC High Open House Boston College High School will host its annual Open House on Sunday, October 26th from 12:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. The event provides prospective families the opportunity to meet faculty, administrators and coaches, to tour the school, and to learn more about all aspects of school life. All interested families are invited to attend and may register online by visiting is downloadable from its website. The webpage linking to the form is: Please go to the site, review the form, and prayerfully consider appointing a health care agent. Henry C. Luthin, Esq. Member of the Board of Directors of the Catholic Lawyers Guild The Archdiocese of Boston END OF BULLETIN ANY TEXT OR GRAPHICS ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE PRINTED BULLETIN Church Name: St. Ann Church City: Marshfield, Ma Routing Code: o Run Number: File Name: 4482 Phone Number: 781-834-4953 Fax Number: Editor/Contact: Susan Comments:
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