1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 989-644-8654 Village of Lake Isabella Planning Commission A G EN D A October 14, 2014 7:00 PM I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members: IV. Agenda Approval V. Approval of Minutes VI. Reports: VII. Public Hearings: None Robert Laraway Larry Hiither Angela Schofield George Dunn Councilman Jeff Grey Vacancy Chairman Dave McGrath Chairman Village Manager Zoning Board of Appeals Village Council VIII. Public Comments IX. Existing Business 1. Proposed Ordinance 2014-07; Temporary Vendors 2. Temporary Structures & Storage Lots 3. 4. X. New Business 1. 2. XI. Public Comments XII. Adjournment Village of Lake Isabella Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting – September 9, 2014 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Planning Commission Vice-Chairman Bob Laraway and the pledge of allegiance was recited. Members Present: Dunn, Grey, Hiither, Schofield, & Laraway Members Excused: McGrath A motion was made by Dunn, seconded by Grey, to approve the Agenda as presented. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED 5-0-0. A motion was made by Laraway, seconded by Hiither, to approve the minutes of the July meeting as presented. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED 5-0-0. Reports: Village Manager Wolff reported on the natural gas and cable television projects going on in the Village. There was no report from the ZBA. Grey gave the Village Council report and discussed business of the Council since the last Planning Commission meeting. Mike Scherba gave an update from the LIPOA, he discussed the planned drawdown for the 2014-2015 winter. Public Hearings: None Public Comments: Comments were offered to the Planning Commission by Mike Scherba of Isabella Vista. Existing Business: 1. Proposed Ordinance 2014-06 The Planning Commission reviewed the draft of Proposed Ordinance 2014-06. A motion was made by Schofield, seconded by Grey, to recommend the draft as presented to the Village Council for approval. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED 5-00. 2. Proposed Ordinance 2014-07 The Planning Commission reviewed the draft of Proposed Ordinance 2014-07. There was discussion as to the merits of requiring hard surfaced parking for Temporary Vendors. Without objection, action on this item was postponed until the following meeting to allow Village staff to obtain more information on parking requirements from other communities. Planning Commission Minutes – September 9, 2014 2 New Business: 1. Regulation of Storage Pods and Shipping Containers At the request of the Village Council the Planning Commission reviewed the regulation of Temporary Structures. Specifically, the Planning Commission reviewed the regulation of Storage Pods and Shipping Containers in non-residential districts. After discussion staff was requested to continue to work on this issue with respect to both Temporary Structures and also with the regulation of storage lots. Public Comments: None With no further business, the Planning Commission stood in adjournment at 7:56 PM. x\ Jeffrey P. Grey, Village Clerk 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 989.644.8654 [email protected] www.lakeisabellami.org OCTOBER VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT Department of Public Safety: • At the September Village Council meeting a donation of $500 was approved to be given to the Sheriff’s Department Dive Team. Department of Public Works: • We have received our first load of salt for this winter. The salt barn is full and we’ve started talking about a schedule for when to bring the trucks out this year. • Charter is set to have the upgraded cable system running by October 28th. Residents who want digital services will need to contact Charter to sign-up. Department of Community Development: • We have submitted the final agreement to amend the Building & Use Restrictions for Lake Isabella North to the Health Department, County and State. The Health Department has signed the agreement. I expect the state to sign and return them shortly as well. The county should take the item up at the next meeting of the Board of Public Works. Department of Community Services: • The Village’s General Election is just a few weeks away. On the ballot this year are 3 proposed amendments to the Village Charter. The first proposal would move the budget deadline back 1 week. This will allow the Council to take up the budget at the regular meeting in June. The second amendment, if approved, would bar felons from holding elective office. The final proposed amendment, if approved, would allow Council members to serve on sub-committees of the LIPOA. Presently the Charter prohibits members of the Village Council from any involvement with the LIPOA. Other Items: • The Village is accepting applications for the Board of Ethics. We are also accepting applications for the Planning Commission as we have yet to fill the seat vacated by Jim Wirtz. • Sherman Township is working on a rezoning and tax abatement for an expansion of LOR Manufacturing at the corner of Drew and Coldwater. • We submitted two requests to the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe for 2% funding. The first was our continued request to fund the walking/bike path on Queens Way and El Camino Grande. The cost of this proposed project has increased to roughly $450,000 since we first started looking at. The second was a general request for 4 smaller projects totaling about $16,000. 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 989.644.8654 [email protected] www.lakeisabellami.org September 22, 2014 Mr. John Soeltner 1028 LaCruz Court Lake Isabella, MI 48893 Dear John, You recently inquired with our office about the ability to purchase the property at 2990 Sequoia Drive and combine this property with the adjacent property you own at 2988 Sequoia Drive. Specifically, you have asked if it is permissible under the zoning code to remove the single-wide mobile home at 2990 Sequoia Drive and then convert the pavilion covering the single-wide mobile home into an accessory structure for the residence at 2988 Sequoia Drive. Let me begin by stating that this is a rather unique request. I ended up having to confer with our attorney regarding how to properly apply the zoning code in this matter. The issue at hand is that the existing single-wide and pavilion at 2990 Sequoia Drive are non-conforming primary structures. Under the zoning code, existing non-conforming structures are granted certain rights and privileges provided that they remain essentially “as-is.” Converting a non-conforming primary structure into an accessory structure would result in the loss of those non-conforming grandfathered conditions due to the change in use of the structure. What this means is that in order to convert the pavilion into an accessory structure, the structure would need to comply with the current regulations applicable to accessory structures in the zoning code. This morning I visited the location and observed at least four regulations that the pavilion structure does not currently conform to regarding the accessory structure regulations. Those four are as follows: §1220.05(7) Pole construction is not permitted for accessory structures. $1220.07(3) A foundation is required for an accessory structure with a footprint greater than 400 square feet. §1220.11(1) requires that accessory structures with a footprint greater than 200 square have a width to length ratio of not more than 1 : 1.5. Based on my measurements, the pavilion structure has a ratio of 1 : 2.095. §1220.11(2) limits the size of an accessory structure to the same footprint of the primary structure, up to a maximum of 1,000 square feet. The size of the pavilion structure at 2990 Sequoia Drive is not only greater than that of the dwelling at 2988 Sequoia, it is also larger than 1,000 square feet. In addition to the four listed above, I also will note two additional regulations which the pavilion structure may not conform with. That is: §1220.03(3) limits the height of accessory structures in the LR-2 District to 16 feet. I was not able to take an accurate measurement from the peak of the pavilion to grade and cannot clearly state whether or not the structure conforms with this requirement. §1220.09(1-B) this requires that accessory structures, including detached garages and storage buildings, be located behind the nearest point of the primary structure with respect to the street. Based on the curve of the road at this location I am unable at this time to clearly state as to whether or not the nearest structure to the street is the pavilion at 2990 Sequoia Drive or the dwelling at 2988 Sequoia Drive. In order for you to convert the pavilion structure into an accessory storage structure, all of the above listed items will need to be addressed. As the zoning administrator I do not have the authority to approve deviations from the zoning code. That authority rests with the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). In order to apply for a variance from the zoning code, you will need to submit an application to that board. By law a variance may only be granted after a public hearing is held on the request. Likewise, we are required by law to notify all property owners within 300 feet, and publish notice of the hearing, 15 days before the actual hearing on the request. The next meeting date for the ZBA is October 28th. In order to meet these notification requirements, the deadline to file a variance that could be considered at the October 28th meeting is Wednesday, October 8th. By law the ZBA must consider the request based on how strong a case you are able to present to them that a practical difficulty exists with respect to the property and the areas of the zoning code that the pavilion structure does not comply with. I have attached information from the Michigan Association of Planning that outlines this standard. If you would like to discuss this matter further, or pick-up a Variance Application please contact me at the Village Hall. Sincerely, Tim Wolff Village Manager Village of Lake Isabella Village Council Minutes Regular Meeting – September 16, 2014 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 The Meeting was called to order by his Honor, Village President Torgerson, at 7:00 PM and the pledge of allegiance was recited. Members Present: Eberhart, Grey, Griffin, Kiel, Lacca, Pattison, and Torgerson Members Absent: None Members Excused: None The Agenda for the meeting was accepted without objection or modification. A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Lacca, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, which included the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Investment Reports Invoices and Bills to be Paid Balance Sheet Income & Expense Report Draft Minutes; August 19, 2014 Village Council Meeting Draft Minutes; August 25, 2014 Liaison Committee Meeting Draft Minuets; September 9, 2014 Planning Commission Meeting ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Eberhart, Grey, Griffin, Kiel, Lacca, Pattison, and Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0-0). Reports: 1. Village President Torgerson reported on the current vacancies on the Planning Commission and Board of Ethics. 2. Village Manager Wolff provided a written report to the Village Council, it was received without objection. He also discussed the status of the Consumers natural gas build-out and the system upgrade being done by Charter. 3. No report was provided by the LIPOA. Public Hearings: None Public Comments: Public comments were offered to the Village Council from Paul Cueny of Clubhouse Drive. Existing Business: 1. Resolution 2014-23; Election Dates Notification Policy The Village Council reviewed the proposed resolution prepared to create a policy regarding additional notification steps to be taken in future years for Village Council elections. There was discussion regarding amending the Charter to reflect the proposed requirements in that document. Village Council Minutes – September 16, 2014 2 A motion was made by Grey, seconded by Lacca, to post-pone action on proposed resolution 2014-23 until after this year’s General Election and to readdress the issue before the next General Election for the Village Council. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNAMIMOUSLY 7-0-0. 2. Tee Drive Drainage Agreements A motion was made by Pattison, seconded by Eberhart, to approve the proposed Drainage Agreements for Tee Drive. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNAMIMOUSLY 7-00. New Business 1. September 2% Request Applications The Council discussed projects to submit to the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe for 2% requests for this month’s deadline. The Village Manager was directed to submit a request for the Bike/Pedestrian Path for Queens Way and El Camino Grande. 2. 2014 Lake Patrols The Council was updated regarding the work done by the Isabella County Sheriff’s Department on the lake in 2014. The Village Manager informed the Council that due to the poor weather this summer, the Sheriff’s Department would not be invoicing the Village for the additional time spent on the lake. A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Griffin, to make a one-time $500 donation to the Isabella County Sheriff’s Department Dive Team as a gesture of appreciation for the added lake patrols in 2014. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Eberhart, Grey, Griffin, Kiel, Lacca, Pattison, and Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0-0). 3. Resolution 2014-21; Board of Ethics Disclosure Form A motion was made by Grey, seconded by Eberhart, to adopt Resolution 2014-21 which formally creates an annual disclosure form for Village officials to submit to the Board of Ethics. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Eberhart, Grey, Griffin, Kiel, Lacca, Pattison, and Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0-0). 4. Resolution 2014-22; Board of Ethics Complaint Form The Council reviewed a proposed resolution and form that would formally establish the complaint form to be submitted to the Board of Ethics. There was discussion over the fine amount imposed under the Ethics Ordinance that those knowingly submitting a false claim could face. A filing fee was also discussed. A motion was made by Pattison, seconded by Lacca, to post-pone action on proposed Resolution 2014-22 in order to seek a legal opinion on the questions raised during discussion. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNAMIMOUSLY 7-0-0. 5. Employee Handbook Review The Village Manager presented the Employee Handbook to the Council and requested that it be reviewed by the Personnel Committee as it is due for renewal by the Village Council. The matter was referred to the Personnel Committee without objection. Village Council Minutes – September 16, 2014 3 6. Village Council Rules & Procedures Review The Village Manager presented the current rules and procedures of the Village Council to the Council for review. He noted that the last time the rules were seriously updated was 2011. The Council discussed the need to review the rules to see if any changes may be needed due to changes made to the Open Meetings Act. The matter was referred to the Personnel Committee without objection. 7. Introduction of Proposed Ordinance 2014-06 Village President Torgerson introduced proposed Ordinance 2014-06 and requested that a public hearing be set for the October meeting date. There were no objections to either action. 8. Introduction of Proposed Ordinance 2014-10 Proposed Ordinance 2014-10 was introduced by Lacca. He requested that a public hearing be set for the October meeting date. There were no objections to either action. Public Comments: Public comments were offered to the Village Council from Mike Scherba of Isabella Vista. A motion was made by Lacca, seconded by Grey, to enter into a Closed Session at 7:48 PM as allowed by MCL 15.268(d) to consider the purchase of real property. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Eberhart, Grey, Griffin, Kiel, Lacca, Pattison, and Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0-0). A motion was made by Grey, seconded by Kiel, to exit the Closed Session at 8:30 PM. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Eberhart, Grey, Griffin, Kiel, Lacca, Pattison, and Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0-0). With no further business, the Village Council stood in adjournment at 8:32 PM. x\ Jeffrey P. Grey, Village Clerk x\ Dave Torgerson, Village President 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 989.644.8654 [email protected] www.lakeisabellami.org Existing Business #1 Proposed Ordinance 2014-07 Based on the discussion and feedback from last month’s meeting I have updated the draft by removing the requirements for bathrooms and hard surfaced parking. I printed off and had delievered to your homes two publications from the American Planning Assocation (APA) that touch on this subject. On the draft I highlighted both of the main sections in yellow and added a comment/question afterwards in purple regarding the text. I have also invited Al Davis to the meeting this month. He is interested in both this agenda item and the following agenda item. The Planning Commission has conducted a public hearing on this draft and is free to edit and change as desired before sending to the Village Council. Village of Lake Isabella 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 989-644-8654 ORDINANCE 2014 – 07 TEMPORARY ZONING PERMITS The Village of Lake Isabella hereby ordains: SECTION 1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Ordinance is to create a new section 1312.17 of the zoning code of the Village of Lake Isabella to requlate the issuance of Tempoary Zoning Permits. SECTION 2 CHAPTER 1312.17 CREATED Section 1312.17 of the code of the Village of Lake Isabella is hereby created and is to read as follows: 1312.17 TEMPORARY ZONING PERMITS 1. Activities, uses, and structures permissible under the zoning code that are of a temporary nature, including those items listed in §1212.29, shall only occur after a Temporary Zoning Permit has been issued by the Zoning Administrator pursuant to the terms and conditions applicable to the permit for the temporary use or structure. Only one such permit for a temporary vendor issued under this sub-section may be used at a time, and no parcel shall be issued more than two Temporary Zoning Permits in any calendar year. This sub-section does not apply to tents erected on lots where the primary use of the lot or parcel is a single-family dwelling, provided that no vehicle may be stored under said tent. (What about going with just a generic permit, or no permit at all, that would authorize the parcel to have 1 Temporary use at a time?) 2. The Zoning Administrator may authorize a Temporary Zoning Permit for up to 63 days per calendar year for a food stand or food truck, and up 35 days for other seasonal or non-recurrent commercial temporary uses on any developed parcel with a primary use other than a single-family dwelling provided that the following requirements are satisfied: (See question/comment under the previous section) A. The parcel provides ADA accessible restrooms for the general public to use. B. The parcel has the required hard surfaced parking to accommodate both the primary use/structure and the temporary use/structure, if hard surfaced parking areas are required for development in the district where the temporary use is requested. Page 1 of 3 C. Any such temporary use/structure that also requires a permit or license from the local Health Department, State of Michigan, or Federal government shall be treated as a special land use and may occur only upon the approval of the Planning Commission. 3. Houses of Worship may acquire a permit for a tent on its own property in any district. Also, all district setback requirements must be complied with as well as accommodating off-street parking for the additional floor area provided. SECTION 3 SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or portion of this Ordinance is found for any reason to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. SECTION 4 ORDINANCES REPEALED All ordinances and/or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed SECTION 5 EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon the expiration of 7 days of the date when the notice of adoption for this Ordinance is published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Lake Isabella. This Ordinance shall be codified, edited for typos and grammatical errors, and enumerated in accordance with the codification procedure of the Village of Lake Isabella. ### We, the undersigned, President and Clerk of the Village of Lake Isabella, Isabella County, State of Michigan, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance, known as Ordinance # 2014-07 “Temporary Zoning Permits” of the Village of Lake Isabella was adopted in the following manner with at least seven days elapsing between the publication of the public hearing for the Ordinance and the enactment by the Village Council at regular or special meeting Page 2 of 3 of the Lake Isabella Council, offered by councilmember __________, and seconded by councilmember __________. Planning Commission Introduction Planning Commission Public Hearing Planning Commission Recommendation Approval May 13, 2014 July 29, 2014 Village Council Introduction Village Council Public Hearing Village Council Enactment The vote on this Ordinance was taken by roll-call with the “yeas” and “nays” recorded as such. YEAS: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Dated at Lake Isabella, Michigan, this _____ day of _____________, 2014. Village Council President Dave Torgerson Village Clerk Jeffrey P. Grey Page 3 of 3 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 989.644.8654 [email protected] www.lakeisabellami.org Existing Business #2 Temporary Structures Ordinance Based on the discussion last month I’ve made a few changes to the draft originally reviewed last month. This issue touches on three areas of the zoning code. The first are the general regulations that deal with Temporary Structures. The second are the nonresidential Accessory Structures. We have yet to discuss if Storage Pods and Shipping Containers should or should not be allowed as Accessory Structures in the Agricultural and Industrial Districts. The original material considered last month included the East Coldwater Business district in the accessory structure regulations, which has been removed for this month. Finally, included is language for allowing Shipping Containers and Storage Pods in a limited manner with two specific Special Land Uses in the East Coldwater Business District. Again, Al Davis is indicated that he will be coming to the meeting this month. This issue largely impacts him. He and I have discussed various ways to move forward with this item. I have indicated to him that the two issues the Planning Commission has seemed the most interested in so far is limiting the overall number of Shipping Containers and Storage Pods and how they are screened. 1212.29 TEMPORARY STRUCTURES A. In all residential districts, No structure, whether temporary or permanent, of a fixed or portable construction, including but not limited to, screen-tents, freestanding canopy tents, portable carports, utility trailers, professional craftsman tool trailers, semi-truck trailers, shipping containers, storage pods, and other such portable or seasonal structures, shall be erected or moved onto a lot or parcel and used for or stored for temporary purposes unless such temporary structure is expressly authorized by the zoning code and it meets the minimum standards as defined in this chapter of the zoning code of the Village of Lake Isabella. 1. No temporary structure may be located within any front, side, or rear required setback area for any parcel in the village. 2. No temporary structure shall occupy more than 140 feet of ground coverage. 3. No temporary structure may be taller than 12 feet, unless otherwise approved by the Zoning Administrator. 4. No temporary structure shall be permitted to be erected, stored, or used for a period of more than 90 days at a time. 5. Professional craftsman tool trailers may be utilized for a period of time greater than 90 days at a time only during construction, remodel, repair, or renovation as part of an approved zoning or building permit. B. In all non-residetial districts, No structure, whether temporary or permanent, of a fixed or portable construction, including but not limited to, screen-tents, freestanding canopy tents, portable carports, utility trailers, professional craftsman tool trailers, semi-truck trailers, shipping containers, storage pods, and other such portable or seasonal structures, shall be erected or moved onto a lot or parcel and used for or stored for temporary purposes unless such temporary structure is expressly authorized by the zoning code and it meets the minimum standards as defined in this chapter of the zoning code of the Village of Lake Isabella. 1. No temporary structure shall occupy more than 200 feet of ground coverage. Temporary structures and tents greater in size than 200 feet of ground coverage may be approved by the Planning Commission. 2. No temporary structure may be taller than 12 feet, unless otherwise approved by the Zoning Administrator. 3. No temporary structure shall be permitted to be erected, stored, or used for a period of more than 90 days at a time. 4. Professional craftsman tool trailers may be utilized for a period of time greater than 90 days at a time only during construction, remodel, repair, or renovation as part of an approved zoning or building permit. 1256.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. An accessory structure shall not be constructed, altered, continued, maintained or otherwise located on a parcel of property until after the associated primary structure has been completed. An accessory structure shall not remain, and must be removed, if the primary structure is removed, destroyed, or otherwise eliminated to which it was subordinate. 2. Unless otherwise provided for, accessory structures shall be subject to the same use regulations as the primary structure that it is subordinate to. 3. An accessory use shall always exist in conjunction with, and never without, a legally established primary use. Said primary use and structure shall be located on the same parcel, and be of the same owner, as the accessory use or structure. 4. No mobile home or trailer, truck trailer, railroad car,shipping container, or storage pod shall be utilized as an accessory structure, unless expressly authorized by this Chapter. 5. All accessory structures of any size shall be constructed of durable, finished materials and shall be compatible in color to the primary structure. 6. Free standing carports and portable garages shall not be permitted. 7. All accessory structures permitted under this Chapter with a footprint of 200 square feet or more shall be firmly attached to a foundation, with the exception of pole construction structures. 8. All pole construction structures located outside of Agricultural or Open Space districts shall have a concrete floor. 9. Accessory structures shall comply with all setback and built-to lines. 10. In districts where shipping containers and storage pods are allowed to be used as accessory structures, the following regulations shall apply: 1. Containers are used for storage purposes only. 2. Containers are not used as shops, studios, hobby rooms, offices, sales areas, playhouses, breakrooms, or other similar uses. 3. Containers are not stacked on top of each other. 4. Containers are not equipped with plumbing or electicity. 5. Containers are not used as a residence or living space. 6. Containers shall not be longer than 30 feet. 7. Containers shall not be counted toward the number of allowed Accessory Structures, and are limited to 1 per full acre, up to a maximum of 6 on any parcel. 1256.03 DISTRICT REGULATIONS… 1. AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT Number Allowed: No Limit Pole Construction Permitted: Yes Shipping Containers & Storage Pods Allows: Yes Allowed Size: Parcel Size (acres) Less than 5 acres 5.0 10.0 – 9.99 – 19.99 20.00 or greater Maximum Footprint (square feet) 80% of Primary Structure up to a maximum of 1,600. 2,200 2,800 2,800 + 100 feet for every full acre in excess of the first 20. Maximum Sidewall (feet above grade) 12 14 14 16 Authority to Approve: The Zoning Administrator may approve a permit application for an agricultural accessory structure that is equal to, or less than, 2,200 square feet which had side walls of 14 feet or less. For all other approvals, the applicant is required to obtain Site Plan approval from the Planning Commission. 6. INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Number Allowed: No Limit Pole Construction Permitted: Yes Shipping Containers & Storage Pods Allows: Yes Allowed Size: Parcel Size (acres) Maximum Footprint (square feet) Less than 5 acres 80% of Primary Structure up to a maximum of 1,600. 5.0 – 9.99 10.00 or greater Authority to Approve: 2,200 2,800 Maximum Height (feet above grade) 75% of Primary Structure Height to a max of 20 feet. 75% of Primary Structure Height to a max of 25 feet. 75% of Primary Structure Height to a max of 30 feet. The Zoning Administrator may approve a permit application for an accessory structure that is equal to, or less than, 2,200 square feet with a total height of 20 feet or less. For all other approvals, the applicant is required to obtain Site Plan approval from the Planning Commission. East Coldwater Business District Special Land Uses Adult Entertainment Businesses Kennels & Veterinary Clinics Licensed Child Care Centers Mini-Warehouse Storage Units Nursing Homes Automotive Repairs Businesses Theaters & Halls Recreation Centers Bowling Alleys Mini-golf Courses Shooting Ranges Gymnasiums, rinks, and courts Gas Stations & Convenience Centers Tattoo & Body Piercing Studios Hotels & Motels Houses of Worship Public & Institutional Uses District Specific Additional Restrictions No additional district regulations No overnight outdoor kennel or animal storage shall occur. Minimum fence height for all outdoor animal areas shall be 6 feet. All outdoor play areas shall be fenced to a height of no less than 4 feet. Vegetative screening shall be required to a height of at least 4 feet at the time of planting in order to screen the storage units from view of all public right-of-ways. A maximum of 1 Storage Pod or Shipping Containers may be stored on site for every full acre of parcel size. Such Storage Pods or Shipping Containers shall be screened by at least one of the following on at least three sides, including all sides facing a public right-of-way; structure(s), privacy fencing, or landscaping Exterior structure appearance shall be that of a multi-family residential structure. All repair activity and all storage of vehicles under repair shall be done within an enclosed structure. Shall be located at least 300 feet, as measured from parcel line to parcel line from any bar, tavern, child care facility, or single-family residential dwelling. No additional district regulations No additional district regulations All shooting shall occur only indoors, and must be located at least 300 feet from any singlefamily residential district. No additional district regulations Gas pumps and canopies covering pumping areas, shall conform to the RSL. Shall not be located within 1,000 feet of an adult entertainment activity, or within 500 feet of any licensed child care facility. No additional district regulations No additional district regulations Public and governmental uses such as municipal, township, county, state, and federal office Bars & Taverns Single-Family & Multi-Family Dwellings Vehicle, Boat, RV, and/or Trailer Sales or Storage buildings; police and fire stations; and post offices are permitted outright. Shall be located at least 300 feet, as measured from parcel line to parcel line, from any bar, tavern, child care facility, or single-family residential dwelling. Shall only be located on the 2nd floor and above of structures with a ground floor business use. No display or storage area for merchandise shall occur in any yard or parking area facing a public right-of-way unless such is screened by at least one of the following; structure(s), privacy fencing, or landscaping Exterior speakers and PA systems are prohibited. A maximum of 1 Storage Pod or Shipping Containers may be stored on site for every full acre of parcel size. Such Storage Pods or Shipping Containers shall be screened by at least one of the following on at least three sides, including all sides facing a public right-of-way; structure(s), privacy fencing, or landscaping
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