Meadows Mennonite Retirement Community October 2014 Newsletter for Meadows Mennonite Community, friends, family and volunteers OUR MISSION Meadows Mennonite Retirement Community seeks to minister to the elderly in the belief that God desires older persons to enjoy dignity, respect, love and care. You are Invited to a Holiday Tea November 14, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at the River of Life Church Located next to Meadows Mennonite Home This event is sponsored by Meadows Mennonite Retirement Community Auxiliary Please join us and bring a friend to enjoy A WINTER WONDERLAND The Auxiliary Board is planning for the Annual Holiday Tea and Fall Meeting to be held on Friday, November 14 at 2:00 p.m. There will be musical entertainment and a Christmas Program. Tables will be decorated by individual Auxiliary Board Members and others who have an interest in using their own dinnerware and winter decor to decorate the tables, the colors will be blue, white and silver. If you have interest in decorating a table, please contact us. There will be a short business meeting, conducted by Warren Stephey, Vice-President. A slate of Auxiliary Board Members and Officers will be presented for approval. Please make a reservation by calling Tracy Armour at (309) 747-3628 or e-mailing her at [email protected] by November 7, 2014. STAFF NEWS HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO EMPLOYEES NAME DEPARTMENT Carol Aberle Bus Office Kathryn Adams Dining Jay Bammann Maint Marcia Beaman Nursing Brenden Burress MCDining Michelle Ciulla Nursing Gail Cunningham Nursing Dennis Dobbs Res Maint Carol Gostelli Nursing Amy Hall Nursing Serena Hamilton Nursing Peggy Lee Nursing Bobbie Lusk Nursing Carol McDevitt Housekp Sarah Nichols MCAdmin Malerie Orsowy Nursing Sharon Rinkenberger Nursing Diane Schmink Social Serv Carolyn Shane Housekp Jamie Vernia Dining YEARS 13 2 8 1 2 3 6 8 23 1 10 11 8 27 1 4 1 18 34 8 STAFF OPEN HOUSE The next Staff Open House will be October 9, 2014 Hosted by: Nursing and Rehab Congratulations to the winners of the fall Fest Dunk Tank Drawing Brenda Blair & Emili Sargeant OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS NAME Veronica Carlos Marilyn Gahl Danielle Nichols Jessica Lloyd Laura Harpster Kimberly Anderson Sarah Nichols Unicia Sullivan Andrea Schumm Brenda Blair Rhianna Shrader DEPARTMENT MC Nursing MC Hskp Nursing Nursing MC Hskp Nursing MC Admin MC Dining MC Dining Bus Office Dining WELCOME NEW EMPLOYEES NAME Julia Cagley Angela Davis Erin Liming Rebecca Livingston Allison McBeath Amy Norton Marjorie Rhode Sharon Roper Hope Royer Stephanie Sechrest Allison Todd Emily Uzeta Robert Wright DEPARTMENT Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing MC Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Maintenance STAFF CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday, Oct. 9 Friday, Oct. 10 Thursday, Oct. 23 Friday, Oct. 24 Pay Day Casual Day Pay Day Casual Day DATE 7 11 12 15 18 24 25 26 29 31 31 RESIDENT NEWS PASTORAL CARE WEEK October 19-25, 2014 Residents, families, and staff appreciate Pastor Jane Roeschley for her faithfulness in service as the chaplain here at Meadows Home. Jane’s friendly personality and her caring touch are very much appreciated by both residents and staff as she ministers to all. Thank you Pastor Jane! ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP Support Group Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 15 at 2:00pm in the Chapel For more information, contact: Diane Schmink Director of Social Services at: 309-747-3661 Meadows Mennonite Retirement Community is an equal opportunity provider and employer. I would like to say a big Thank You to everyone who helped me achieve my goal of working here for 40 years as a beautician. I couldn’t have done it without all of you! God bless each of you, Wava FLU VACCINES Flu Vaccine for residents & staff will be coming soon. Look for information on flyers posted AUXILIARY CALENDAR OF EVENTS Friday, November 14 2:00p.m. Holiday Tea & Auxiliary Fall Meeting Dear Meadows Family, Our annual Fall Festival event was held last weekend. It was a beautiful day and many families and friends came to celebrate with us at the Meadows campus. A very special “thank you” to the volunteers and staff who supported this event throughout the day. I’m grateful for these folks, who give significant time and their talents to serve others. The funds raised for this event will provide equipment and décor changes for neighborhoods 1 and 2 in the main building. There is much to do, and a number of improvements are planned to deliver the care, service and programs to our residents. It is possible that you may not have had the chance to attend due to other commitments. If so, you can still contribute to the mission of Meadows and this important project. Please visit our web site at or contact Tracy Armour at 309-747-3628, email [email protected]. I’m very grateful for the way God has blessed our community and the ongoing ministry of Meadows. The work of Meadows is not finished, and there are many more people to be served, supported and cared for in the days ahead. We look forward to hearing from you and trust that this fall will be a great time to re-connect with you and your family. Thank you again for your prayers and support. I believe the story of Meadows will be told in the changed lives of people. Thank you for making the difference. Your Partner in Service Jay Biere CEO I n for m at ion De sk – Oct ob er 2 0 1 4 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa 1 Dee Brines Eldora Coggins 2 Charlene Jacobs Marilyn Porzelius 3 Dave Janssen June Kirkton 4 5 6 7 **** **** Eldora Coggins Ethel Regenold 8 Dee Brines Eldora Coggins 9 Warren Stephey Dorothy Loepp 10 Donna Fleming Sally Tindall 11 12 13 14 Sonja Scott **** Eldora Coggins Dorothy Myers 15 Dee Brines Eldora Coggins 16 Ethel Slagell Marilyn Porzelius 17 Charlene Jacobs Sally Tindall 18 19 20 21 **** **** Eldora Coggins Ruth Slagell 22 Dee Brines Eldora Coggins 23 Ethel Slagell Alice Wick 24 Dave Janssen June Kirkton 25 26 27 28 **** **** Eldora Coggins Ethel Regenold 29 Dee Brines Eldora Coggins 30 **** Margaret Haney 31 Dave Janssen all day Ac tiv it y S ch ed ul e – Oc tob er 20 14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa 1 2 Beauty Shop TransMary Gramm 3 4 Piano- Lowell Litwiller S.S. - Scott Fisher 5 6 7 Beauty Shop Trans**** 8 9 Beauty Shop TransMary Gramm 10 11 Piano- Lowell Litwiller S.S. - Clayton Irmeger 12 13 14 Beauty Shop TransJune Bertsche 15 16 Beauty Shop TransMary Gramm 17 18 Piano-Lowell Litwiller S.S. - **** 19 20 21 Beauty Shop Trans**** 22 23 Beauty Shop TransMary Gramm 24 25 Piano-Lowell Litwiller S.S. - Jane Roeschley 26 27 28 Beauty Shop Trans**** 29 30 Beauty Shop TransMary Gramm 31 Piano- Lowell Litwiller S.S. - Jane Roeschley **** indicates volunteers needed UPDATE… Reserved Parking Spaces for 2015 There will still be parking spaces available for staff at $150 per space for a 12 month period (beginning January, 2015). There will be four spaces available at the southwest corner of the building. Bids will be due to Roger Hasler by October 17, 2014 by 10:00 a.m. Meadows Mennonite Retirement Community 24588 Church St. Chenoa, IL 61726-9705 “However many years anyone may live, let them enjoy them all…” Ecclesiastes 11:8 TNIV Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID CHENOA, IL 61726 PERMIT NO. 10
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