Fall Fest Schooling Show November 1-2, 2014 Now Featuring Online Entries At www.horseshowsonline.com Complete line of feeds, hay & bedding Show & Fashion Clothing Breeches, Full Seat, Knee Patch & Kendtucky Jods Gifts, Jewelry, Bryers & Toys New & Used Saddles English & Western Tack Supplements & Barn Supplies Books, DVD’s & Videos THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE BRANDS WE CARRY! MENTION THIS AD DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2014, & RECEIVE 10% OFF ANY REGULARLY PRICED CLOTHING, INCLUDING BREECHES & BOOTS. Red Earth Feed & Tack * 2301 I-44 Service Rd * OKC, OK (405) 478-3424 Visit Us on Facebook for the latest weekly sales CADENCE EQUESTRIAN CENTER 2-DAY FALL FEST SCHOOLING SHOW Saturday, November 1 & Sunday, November 2, 2014 JUDGE: JUDGE: SHOW MANAGER: SECRETARY: COURSE DESIGNER: EMT FARRIER VETERINARIAN GATE-RING 1 GATE-RING 2 SCHOOLING: OFFICE FEE: EMT FEE: SCHOOLING FEE: STALL FEE: SHAVINGS: KAY MASON - TULSA, OK KALEA MAXWELL - TULSA, OK CHRISTY BUCHANAN - EDMOND, OK MARLENE MILLER- BROKEN ARROW, OK SARAH TREPAGNIER - EDMOND, OK FIRE MEDIC GROUP - EDMOND, OK WILL WHITE – (405) 606-5240 (ON CALL) OAKRIDGE EQUINE HOSPITAL (405) 359-5002 AUDRA GLENN - TULSA, OK BRITTANY SNIDER - TULSA, OK OPEN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 (1-7 PM) SATURDAY & SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 & 2: RING 1: 6am-7:45am RING 2: 6am-8:15am $30.00 $14.00 $25.00 - Non-showing horses only All riders must sign a liability release. $30.00 / Night - To reserve stalls, call CHRISTY BUCHANAN (405)-513-4488. (Limited stalling—call early to reserve) $10.00/BAG - MUST BE PRE-ORDERED ADDING AT THE RING FEE $5.00: For any class added from the judge’s card. To avoid fee, an add slip must be completed at the Show office prior to class. All exhibitors: Must have a current (12 months) negative Coggins (EIA) test to show the show secretary and a representative of the ODA if they come to the show. THIS IS A STATE LAW! NOTE: Division criteria and ages are effective the first day of the competition year (December 1). Horses and/or riders eligible for a particular division on December 1 may show in that division for the entire competition year. Note: Please fax or mail entries early! This really helps get the show underway quickly & smoothly! Mail Entries To: Phone #: Or Fax them To: Christy Buchanan 14150 S. Air Depot Blvd Edmond, OK 73034 405-513-4488 405-844-6058 NEW!! 2014 Cadence Fall Fest Costume Class Parking Lot Party Food Truck serving delicious hot breakfast & lunch! Don’t Forget To Use Our Online Entry System!! (The same one used at SummerFest) www.horseshowsonline.com For more info see next page. Many Thanks to Thoroughbred Athletes, Inc. for sponsoring the 2’6” Thoroughbred Hunter and the Thoroughbred Jumper INSTRUCTIONS FOR ONLINE ENTRIES 1. Go to www.horseshowsonline.com. 2. If you do not have an account with Horseshows Online, near the top of the page click on “Member Services.” Otherwise, log in to your account and go to step # 9. 3. Near the lower left hand side of the page, click on “Click here to create a new account.” 4. Click “Next”. 5. Fill out the information requested. Click on the “I agree to the terms of service” box. Click “Next.” 6. Choose a log-on id and password. Type the code as shown and click “Next.” 7. You now have an account. Click the link “Click here to go to member login page.” 8. Log in to your account. 9. Click the tab that says “My People, Horses, Shows.” 10. Add as many people and horses as you need to in order to enter. This includes all horses that you intend to show, their owners, riders and trainers. These will stay on your account, so you only need to create them once - after that you will have them stored for future shows. 11. Once you have all your people and horses created, click the tab that says “My Show Entries.” 12. Click the button that says “Enter a Show - Create New Online Entry.” 13. Select the show you would like to enter. You are now through with the difficult part of using this system. All you need to do is follow along the instructions and choose the horse, owner, trainer and rider for each entry. The next screen will allow you to choose your classes. The screen after that will allow you to select how many stalls that you need, order shavings and even sign up your non-showing horse. When you are through with the fees screen, the next screen will allow you to review your entry information and check to be sure it is correct. When you are sure that it is, click the next button to submit it to the show. The next screen will allow you to print a copy of the entry for your records. Please drop me an email, text or give me a call if you have any problems with the process. I’ll be happy to help with any issues. Marlene Miller, Executive Assistant Showtime Equestrian Services [email protected] (405) 206-9711 HUNTER DIVISIONS All Medal Classes & HJEO Hunter - $20.00 HJEO Hunter Derby - $35.00 Stable Style Equitation Challenge - $40.00 All other classes - $18.00 WARM UP HTR – Heights will be the same as the classes running concurrently. WARM UP JPR - Heights will be the same as the classes running concurrently. LEADLINE – Open to riders 6 years and younger. Walk and may be asked to trot. Cross entry into mini-stirrup allowed. Year-end points on rider only. MINI-STIRRUP – Rider may not enter into any other over fence class at the same competition. Year-end points on rider only. 2’ OPEN HUNTER - Fences 2’0”. Open to all riders of any age. CROSS BAR HUNTER – Open to non-professional riders who have not competed in classes 2’6” or higher at any HJEO, GO, OHJA or USEF recognized show. Fences 18” maximum, no oxers, no filler boxes. Trotting not to be penalized for over fence classes. Not to canter in the under saddle. SHORT STIRRUP - Fences 18". Open to riders 10 & under who have not competed in any HJEO, USAE or OHJA show with fences 3' or higher. Trotting not to be penalized. Under Saddle Walk-trot only. LONG STIRRUP -Fences 18". Open to riders 11 & over who have not competed in any HJEO, USAE or OHJA show with fences 3' or higher. Trotting not to be penalized. Under Saddle walk-trot only. ACADEMY S/L STIRRUP - Fences 18". Open to riders eligible for the short or long stirrup section and horses actively used by multiple riders in a lesson program. Trotting simple changes of lead not to be penalized. Under Saddle walk-trot only. 2’3” VERY LOW HUNTER – Fences 2’3” BEGINNER RIDER HUNTER – Horse or ponies. Open to riders who have not competed in classes 2’9” or higher at any HJEO, GO, OHJA or USEF recognized show. Fences 2’3” HJEO HUNTER - To be shown over a 2'6" figure 8 course. This class is designed for beginner and intermediate riders and is open to all non-professional members of HJEO on horses owned by HJEO members. First place winners will be eliminated for the remainder of the year and will be qualified for the annual ride-off. The HJEO hunter class is a horse qualification class only. The horse/rider combination winner of the year-end ride-off is no longer eligible for this class. Three must be entered and shown for this class to count. 2’6” OPEN HUNTER - Fences 2’6”. Open to all riders of any age. BABY GREEN HUNTER – Open to horses age 6 or younger or older horses in their 1st or 2nd year of showing that have not jumped 3’ or higher in any recognized show. Fences 2’6” INTERMEDIATE RIDER HUNTER – Horse or ponies. Open to riders that have not competed in classes 3’ or higher at any HJEO, GO, OHJA or USEF recognized show. Fences 2’6”. RUSTY STIRRUP HUNTER Open to non-pro riders 35 and over. Fences 2’3” and 2’6”. Rider to declare height. THOROUGHBRED HUNTERS Open to all riders on Registered Thoroughbreds. Fences 2’6”. Proof of registration will need to be presented to the show secretary at time of entry. Handy round will be sponsored by Thoroughbred Athletes, Inc. and have $100 added prize money. To compete for prize money, horse/rider combination must compete in entire division. MODIFIED CHILDREN’S/ADULT HUNTER – Open to Junior and Adult riders. Fences 2’9” 3’0” LOW HUNTER – Fences 3’0” HJEO 2'6"-2'9" Hunter Derby Series There will be several derbies throughout the year held at the various farms during or the day after their schooling shows. These derbies will be run at 2’6” and 2’9” to be judged together. Derbies will not have combinations or any lines shorter than a 4 stride to allow for ponies and horses that need to do the added step. First round of the derby to be a hunter round; 2nd round to be a handy hunter. Derbies held at schooling shows every entry will do both rounds. Points are accrued by the horse for the year end derby, meaning another rider can ride that horse in the year end derby. Points earned are cumulative and translate into dollars to be subtracted from the entry fee for the year end derby. (50 pts. during derby series=$50 off final derby entry). Points thru 8th place (ribbons thru 6th at the schooling shows) broken down as follows 15, 12, 10, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1. All non placing participants get 1 pt. 1-8th place also receives 1 point for each entry in the class. Can show in final derby even if no points accrued throughout the year. Horse/ rider combinations who have competed in any class with fences 3'3 or higher or in derbies or classics with prize monies over $5000.00 at an HJEO, OHJA, or USEF recognized show are not eligible to compete. There will be an award given at the HJEO banquet for the highpoint derby series champion. Now Featuring www.horseshowsonline.com Online Entry System NEW!! Stable Style Equitation Challenge This will be a 4-phase Equitation Challenge, based on the Midwest Equitation Finals format used at the HJEO Fall Finale. Open to all Junior & Amateur riders in divisions with Equitation classes. The 4 phases are: Equitation Over Fences (points from rider’s division eq o/f) Equitation on the Flat (points from rider’s division eq flat) Written Test (taken on Saturday before 6 pm) Practicum (time and place to be announced) There will be winners in each division, as well as an overall winner. Brush up on your equitation and horsemanship and practice for the Midwest Equitation Finals in November!! Riders will wear armbands during their classes so the judges can identify who is competing and there will be lots of cool prizes for the winners provided by Stable Style!! All proceeds will benefit HJEO. The following classes can be used by all 3'0", 3'3", and Jumper riders to qualify for the Stable Style Eq Challenge: Class #122 Class #69 OHJA 3' Medal Open Eq Flat Please enter Class #200 Stable Style Equitation Challenge $40.00 EQUITATION DIVISION Rider must be a member of OHJA and /or HJEO for points to count in Equitation Classes for each organization. Entry Fee for Equitation Classes-$18.00 / Entry Fee for Medal Classes - $20.00 CROSSBAR EQ O/F CROSSBAR EQ FLAT LONG/SHORT STIRRUP EQ O/F LONG/SHORT STIRRUP EQ FLAT AC LONG/SHORT STIRRUP EQ O/F AC LONG/SHORT STIRRUP EQ FLAT 2’0” EQ O/F (Non-Pro Riders Only) 2’0” EQ FLAT (Non-Pro Riders Only) BEGINNER RIDER EQ O/F BEGINNER RIDER EQ FLAT AC BEGINNER STIRRUP EQ O/F AC BEGINNER EQ FLAT INTERMEDIATE RIDER EQ O/F INTERMEDIATE RIDER EQ FLAT MODIFIED CHILD/ADULT EQ O/F MODIFIED CHILD/ADULT EQ FLAT RUSTY STIRRUP EQ O/F RUSTY STIRRUP EQ FLAT $50 NO STIRRUP EQ ON FLAT - A no stirrup equitation class open to non-professionals. Winner takes $50 cash prize! 1st - 6th place ribbons. OHJA MEDALS - Open to OHJA and HJEO Junior and Amateur riders. At least three must complete the course. Consists of 8 jumps w/2 changes of direction. Fences 3” and 3’3”, respectively, spreads not to exceed 3” and 3’3” . Testing of top two to six riders required. USEF Test 1-14. HJEO MINI MEDAL - To be shown over a figure 8 course with fences to 2'6". Equitation only to count. Rider must be HJEO member. This class is designed for beginner and intermediate riders. The winners shall be qualified for the annual rideoff. The winner of the ride-off is no longer eligible for the class. One horse per rider. Three must be entered and shown for this class to count. HJEO HUNTER - To be shown over a 2'6" figure 8 course. This class is designed for beginner and intermediate riders and is open to all non-professional members of HJEO on horses owned by HJEO members. First place winners will be eliminated for the remainder of the year and will be qualified for the annual ride-off. The HJEO hunter class is a horse qualification class only. The horse/rider combination winner of the year-end ride-off is no longer eligible for this class. Three must be entered and shown for this class to count. JUMPER DIVISION PUDDLE JUMPER – Fences .75m -.85m SCHOOLING JUMPER – Fences .90m-.95m 1.0m JUMPER - Fences 1.0m THOROUGHBRED JUMPERS - Open to all riders on Registered Thoroughbreds. Fences .75m - .85m. Proof of registration will need to be presented to the show secretary at time of entry. Fourth round will be sponsored by Thoroughbred Athletes, Inc. and have $100 added prize money. To compete for prize money, horse/rider combination must compete in entire division. DIRECTIONS TO CADENCE EQUESTRIAN CENTER From North of Edmond: Take southbound I-35. Exit at Waterloo Road. After exiting, turn left (east). After crossing under I-35, continue for approx. 1/4 mile to Pine Street (Watch for "Cadence" sign). Turn left on Pine (north). Continue up Pine and watch for sign directing you into Cadence Equestrian Center. From South of Edmond: Take I-35 north through Edmond and exit at Waterloo Road. Turn right onto Waterloo (east). Go approx. 1/4 mile to Pine Street (Watch for "Cadence" sign). Turn left on Pine (north). Continue up Pine and watch for sign directing you into Cadence Equestrian Center. Hotels Best Western 405-216-0300 Hampton Inn 405-844-3037 Fairfield Inn 405-341-4818 Holiday Inn Express 405-844-3700 Comfort Suites 405-513-5353 Motel 6 405-478-4030 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 CADENCE EQUESTRIAN CENTER SEPTEMBER SCHOOLING SHOW SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2014 RING 1 - 8:00 AM RING 2 - 8:30 AM MINI-STIRRUP WALK 35 JUMPER WARM UP I MINI-STIRRUP WALK TROT 36 .85M (PUDDLE) JUMPER I MINI-STIRRUP WALK TROT POLES I 37 .85M (PUDDLE) JUMPER II CROSSBAR WARM-UP 38 TB JUMPER I CROSSBAR HUNTER I 39 TB JUMPER II CROSSBAR HUNTER II 40 .95M JUMPER I CROSSBAR HUNTER U/S 41 .95M JUMPER II CROSSBAR EQUITATION FLAT 42 1.0M JUMPER I WARM UP 2'0" 43 1.0M JUMPER II 2'0" OPEN HUNTER I 44 WARM UP HUNTER 2'6" 2'0" OPEN HUNTER II 45 2'6" OPEN HTR I 2'0" OPEN HUNTER U/S 46 2'6" OPEN HTR II 2'0" OPEN EQUITATION FLAT 47 2'6" OPEN HTR U/S WARM UP 18" 48 INTERMEDIATE HTR I SHORT STIRRUP HTR I 49 INTERMEDIATE HTR II SHORT STIRRUP HTR II 50 INTERMEDIATE HTR U/S SHORT STIRRUP U/S 51 INTERMEDIATE EQUITATION FLAT SHORT STIRRUP EQUITATION FLAT 125 $50 BAREBACK EQUITATION FLAT LONG STIRRUP HTR I 52 RUSTY STIRRUP HTR I LONG STIRRUP HTR II 53 RUSTY STIRRUP HTR II LONG STIRRUP U/S 54 RUSTY STIRRUP HTR U/S LONG STIRRUP EQUITATION FLAT 55 RUSTY STIRRUP EQUITATION FLAT ACAD L/S STIRRUP HTR I 56 2'6" TB HUNTER I ACAD L/S STIRRUP HTR II 57 2'6" TB HUNTER II ACAD L/S STIRRUP U/S 58 2'6" TB HUNTER U/S ACAD L/S STIRRUP EQUITATION FLAT 59 WARM UP HUNTER 2'9" WARM UP 2'3" 60 MOD CH/AD HTR I 2'3" LOW HTR I 61 MOD CH/AD HTR II 2'3" LOW HTR II 62 MOD CH/AD HTR U/S 63 MOD CH/AD EQUITATION FLAT 2'3" LOW HTR U/S 64 HJEO HUNTER DERBY BEGINNER RIDER HTR I 65 WARM UP HUNTER 3'0 - 3'3" BEGINNER RIDER HTR II 66 3'0" OPEN HTR I BEGINNER RIDER HTR U/S 67 3'0" OPEN HTR II BEGINNER RIDER EQUITATION FLAT 68 3'0" OPEN HTR U/S 69 OPEN EQUITATION FLAT 70 3'3" OPEN HTR I 71 3'3" OPEN HTR II 72 3'3" OPEN HTR U/S 126 CADENCE FALL FEST COSTUME CLASS 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 CADENCE EQUESTRIAN CENTER SEPTEMBER SCHOOLING SHOW SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 RING 1 - 8:00 AM RING 2 - 8:30 AM LEADLINE 96 85M (PUDDLE) JUMPER III MINI STIRRUP WALK TROT POLES II 97 85M (PUDDLE) JUMPER IV MINI STIRRUP WALK TROT POLES III 98 TB JUMPER III CROSSBAR HTR III 99 $100 TB JUMPER IV CROSSBAR HTR IV 100 .95M JUMPER III CROSSBAR EQ O/F 101 .95M JUMPER IV 2'0" OPEN HUNTER III 102 1.0M JUMPER III 2'0" OPEN HUNTER HANDY 103 1.0M JUMPER IV 2'0" OPEN EQUITATION O/F 104 2'6" OPEN HTR III SHORT STIRRUP HTR III 105 2'6" OPEN HTR HANDY SHORT STIRRUP HTR IV 106 INTERMEDIATE HTR III SHORT STIRRUP EQUITATION O/F 107 INTERMEDIATE HTR HANDY LONG STIRRUP HTR III 108 INTERMEDIATE EQUITATION O/F LONG STIRRUP HTR IV 109 RUSTY STIRRUP HTR III LONG STIRRUP EQUITATION O/F 110 RUSTY STIRRUP HTR HANDY ACAD L/S STIRRUP HTR III 111 RUSTY STIRRUP EQUITATION O/F ACAD L/S STIRRUP HTR IV 112 2'6"TB HUNTER III ACAD L/S STIRRUP EQUITATION O/F 113 $100 2'6" TB HUNTER HANDY 2'3" LOW HTR III 114 HJEO HUNTER 2'3" LOW HTR HANDY 115 HJEO MINI MEDAL BEGINNER RIDER HTR III 116 OHJA MINI MEDAL BEGINNER RIDER HTR HANDY 117 MOD CH/AD HTR III BEGINNER RIDER EQ O/F 118 MOD CH/AD HTR HANDY 119 MOD CH/AD EQUITATION O/F 120 3'0" OPEN HTR III 121 3'0" OPEN HTR HANDY 122 OHJA 3' MEDAL 123 3'3" OPEN HTR III 124 3'3" OPEN HTR HANDY
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