Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church 155 Garfield Ave. • Mineola, N.Y. 11501 Telephone (516) 746-1223 • Fax (516) 294-5311 Hours - Monday through Friday • 9:00 AM - Noon, 1:00 PM - 8:30 PM • Saturdays - 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM • Sundays - 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM October 12, 2014 • Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Clergy Msgr. Robert J. Batule, Pastor Rev. Tomaz Gomide, Associate Pastor Rev. Richard Kammerer, Associate Pastor Rev. Patrick Callan, In Residence Deacon Brian J. Mannix Pastor Emeritus Rev. James C. Bowman Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 PM, 8:00 PM (Spanish) Sunday: 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM (Portuguese) 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 7:00 PM Daily Mass Schedule Monday Through Friday 7:30 AM & 9:00 AM Saturday: 9:00 AM Parish Website Parish Email [email protected] Parish Outreach: Telephone (516) 248-4858 • Director - Mrs. Nuria Campos Religious Education: Telephone (516) 294-0631 • Fax (516) 294-0352 • Director - Mrs. Susan Anaischik Music Ministry: Telephone (516) 746-3582 • Director - Mr. Troy Gordon Portuguese & Spanish Ministry: Telephone (516) 746-1223 • Coordinator - Mrs. Carolina Macedo Confessions: Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 PM and by appointment. Baptisms: Portuguese (1st and 3rd Sundays) 1:00 PM • English (2nd and 4th Sundays) 1:00 PM Spanish (1st Sunday of the Month) 1:30 PM Visits To The Sick: Priests and extraordinary ministers regularly visit those confined to home and administer the sacraments. Please call the rectory to make arrangements. Marriages: Registered members of our Parish who wish to be married in Corpus Christi should contact the rectory office at least six months in advance of the wedding date to make arrangements. Devotions: Miraculous Medal Novena, Mondays after 7:30 AM and 9:00 AM Masses. Check the bulletin for various special devotions during the year. R.C.I.A.: Those who wish to become Roman Catholic should contact the Coordinator, Rev. Richard Kammerer, at the rectory. New Parishioners: Are requested to register with the rectory office. You Together Are My Body 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12th, 2014 Corpus Christi Church PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Formed by the Word of God, and nourished by the Eucharist, we strive through prayer, education and service to manifest God’s transforming love in the world, as we work together to become, what we proclaim ourselves to be, CORPUS CHRISTI, THE BODY OF CHRIST. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday, October 13, 2014 – Columbus Day 9:00 AM Manuel, Palmira & Alpoim Real Tuesday, October 14, 2014 – St. Callistus 7:30 AM James G. Rowe 9:00 AM Manuel & Diolinda Almeida Wednesday, October 15, 2014 – St. Teresa of Jesus 7:30 AM Our Lady of Fatima & Souls in Purgatory 9:00 AM Lucrezia Iacovelli Thursday, October 16, 2014 – St. Hedwig 7:30 AM Alfred Girardi 9:00 AM Peter Lydon Friday, October 17, 2014 – St. Ignatius of Antioch 7:30 AM Carlos Nunes Costa 9:00 AM Theresa Buzek – 46th Anniversary Saturday, October 18, 2014 – St. Luke 9:00 AM Ruth McCormick 5:00 PM Mary & Frank Stryjewski & Family Lillian Giglia – 2nd Anniversary & Gaetano Giglia Jack Correia Olga Dorry Joao Lopes Goncalves Jose da Silva Sunday, October 19, 2014 – 29th Sunday 7:00 AM Sally Warnecke 10:00 AM Domingos & Maria Pinheiro Cunha 11:30 AM People of Corpus Christi 7:00 PM Frances M. Harty Banns Of Marriage 2nd Time: Paul Harden, St. Hedwig, Floral Park & Mary Ann Rodriguez, St. Aidan, Williston Park 3rd Time: Patrick Murphy, St. Edward the Confessor, Syosset & Diana Caporaso, Corpus Christi WEEKEND MASS PRIEST CELEBRANTS’ SCHEDULE Saturday, October 18th, 2014 5:00 PM Fr. Kammerer 8:00 PM Fr. Tomaz Sunday, October 19th, 2014 7:00 AM Fr. Kammerer 8:30 AM Fr. Tomaz 10:00 AM Msgr. Batule 11:30 AM Msgr. Batule 7:00 PM Msgr. Batule STEWARDSHIP CORNER Sharing Time, Talent and Treasure Each year at tax time, we conscientiously give “to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” Does my stewardship indicate that I am as faithful about giving “to God what belongs to God”? The collection for October 4/5 = $17,652 The collection for last year at this time = $13,971 The Mass attendance for October 4/5 = 1,670 The number of envelopes used = 614 Weekly Envelopes We request that all of our parishioners be registered. We ask also that our parishioners use envelopes to support Corpus Christi financially on a regular basis. If we see that envelopes are not being used to support the parish regularly, we contact the envelope company and the envelopes are no longer sent through the US mail system except at Christmas and Easter. Using envelopes consistently is the best way for a parish to plan prudently as far as the budget and expenses are concerned. You are also able to support Corpus Christi electronically now. If you are interested in this type of giving, please let us know. A few parishioners choose to do this and our weekly income through regular collections is a few hundred dollars higher each week. Thank you! 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 1 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Corpus Christi Church In this weekend’s bulletin, you will find a four page financial statement for Corpus Christi Parish pertaining to the fiscal year which ended on August 31st. I encourage you to look at it carefully at some point today or in the next few days. As promised, I am using my column this week to highlight a few matters related to the statement which we submitted to the diocese as we are required to do. The first is some good news. We finished in the black for the first time since 2007. As you will see, we had an increase in collections and a decrease in expenses. It’s a combination of both things (an increase in the former and a decrease in the latter) that produced the surplus. I am grateful to those of you who have supported the parish consistently over the past year – many of you generously and sacrificially. We also exerted a tremendous effort to practice good stewardship from start to finish. The second matter is the very high payments we must make on building insurance and our non-school assessment for the year. These are big ticket items in our budget and we can’t get them any lower than they are. They require several weekend collections to pay them down and postponing their payment will only deepen our debt to the diocese. As I mentioned to the members of the pastoral council and the finance committee at meetings last month, I am worried that we might not be able to duplicate the success of the past year. A principal worry for me is attendance at Mass. You will recall that a few weeks ago I commented on attendance at our seven (7) weekend Masses. We usually get in the neighborhood of 1500 people. But there isn’t a single Mass which draws 300 people. And on several Sundays in August, the 10:00 AM Mass and 11:30 AM Mass actually drew fewer than 200 people. With so few school-age children and their parents at Mass, I began Twenty Minutes with the Director on Sunday mornings in Fitzgerald Hall at 9:30 AM. I have already written to the parents of our Religious Education students and reminded them of the precept binding on Catholics to attend the Holy Eucharist every week and on Holy Days. I can only re-state my exhortation here: Come to Mass and support your parish to the best of your ability. We cannot attend just to the material side of reality; we have to pay attention to the things of the Spirit too. You will recall also that I have indicated that we need our collections to be in the $14,500.00 - $15,000.00 range every week. Some weekends we are there; other weekends we are not. According to the patterns in place, the first weekend of the month is usually not a problem but the second, third and fourth weekends are. I urge you and implore you – all of you – to support your parish generously and sacrificially. We need everyone contributing out of his or her treasure for it to work in a parish where three languages are spoken. We need all the oars in the water and all of them rowing in the same direction. Let us not rest on our laurels but give with cheerful hearts for the Lord has blessed us bountifully. Msgr. Bob Batule Pastor October 12th, 2014 Bulletin Announcements We observe Columbus Day on Monday, October 13 th. The rectory office is closed all day and at night. There is a single Mass at 9:00 AM on that day. There is no 7:30 AM Mass. The third Sunday of October is designated World Mission Sunday every year. And there is a second collection on the weekend of October 18th/19th. It is taken up immediately after the first one. As always, we thank you for your generosity. Registered parishioners who receive envelopes regularly have no doubt seen an envelope for the Catholic Ministries Appeal marked October 26th. We realize that some of you may have already contributed in 2014 to the Appeal and we thank you. For those who have not yet contributed, there is the convenience of the envelope you received in the mail. Appeal envelopes may be placed in the second collection the last weekend of the month. We are just about at 275 donors to the Catholic Ministries Appeal for this year. We have already eclipsed 60% of our goal ($88,300.00) in pledges. Thank you for your generosity. Let’s see if we can increase the number of donors and perhaps even get close to 70% of our goal. As I have indicated before, no gift is too small. I encourage you to contribute $50.00 or $75.00 at your earliest convenience. We thank Tom Kelly, Ray and Donna Ardanuy, John Macejka, Nick Pennacchio, Patricia Carfagno and Kevin and Robin Roach who accompanied the pastor to the Life Chain on Sunday, October 5th in Melville. This event is held annually to demonstrate our support for the dignity of pre-born life. If you missed it, consider joining us for next year. We are happy to announce that Pat Gavin and Anne Gallagher will be honored for their long time service to Corpus Christi Parish on Sunday, November 23rd in Fitzgerald Hall at a reception beginning at 4:00 PM. Pat is the Regent of the Court Immaculata, Catholic Daughters of the Americas and Anne is the President of the Rosary Altar Society. We invite all to join us. Prior to the reception on Sunday, November 23 rd, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration starting at 3:00 PM. At the conclusion of the Holy Hour there will be Benediction. We extend an invitation to all parishioners to join us at this devotion right before Thanksgiving and the beginning of Advent. Our annual autumn fundraiser is well underway now. Registered and active parishioners received in the mail a letter from the pastor and four (4) chances for four (4) cash prizes, the top one being $3,000.00. Kindly return your tickets within the next few weeks for a shot at winning. The drawing will take place on Sunday, November 23rd in Fitzgerald Hall. On the weekend of November 1st/2nd, we will offer chances for our annual autumn fundraiser outside of church. If you did not receive the chances in the mail and wish to assist the parish financially, please see the parishioners who are selling the chances before or after Mass. We need your support for all things Corpus Christi. Please help us meet our financial obligations with your donation. (Continued on the next page) 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 2 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12th, 2014 Corpus Christi Church The Church prays for All Souls on Sunday, November 2 nd. At the 11:30 AM Mass, those who have been buried from Corpus Christi Church in the last year will be remembered by name in the Prayer of the Faithful. Deceased family members and friends will be remembered at our Novena of Masses commencing on November 2nd. Kindly return your All Souls envelope in the collection basket or through the US mail. The Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus Council right here in Mineola will make a pitch for new members at Masses on the weekend of November 8th/9th. Catholic men who are 18 years of age and older are eligible to join. The annual Lessons and Carols will be held on Sunday, December 21st at 4:30 PM in the church. The lighting of the tree on Garfield Avenue will take place at 5:30 PM and a reception in Fitzgerald Hall follows. While this event is still far off, we did want to apprise you of the date now so that you can plan to be with us just a few days before Christmas. The adult faith enrichment offering for the autumn entitled Implications of the New Evangelization has already met twice now. You can still join us for the last three sessions on October 15th, 22nd and 29th. We are using the series called Catholicism by Fr. Robert Barron. We start at 7:00 PM in the faculty room of the school building on the second floor and we finish by 9:00 PM. The Ministry of Consolation The Ministry of Consolation is asking for your support. If you can spare an hour or two every few months, we ask that you consider being a part of this Ministry. Altar Servers, Greeters, and Bakers are needed. This is a very inspirational and rewarding gift of your time and talent. For further information, contact Ann Jankay, 516-2484615 or Patsy Gavin 516-741-8095. Nite-At-The-Races On Friday, October 24, 2014 Court Immaculata #444 of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas is sponsoring a Nite-At-The-Races at Fitzgerld Hall: Post Time 7:15 pm. All are invited to join us for this fun-filled evening of meeting and greeting old friends and making new ones. A donation of $15.00 includes admission ticket, light refreshments, soda, coffee, tea and cake. For further ticket information call Gloria at 516-742-8077. Altar Server Schedule Religious Education Update Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014 9:30 AM - Gr. 3-4 (Fitzgerald Hall) 10:00 AM - Class Mass for Gr. 3 and Gr.4 Students. Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2014 6:30 PM First Holy Communion Teacher Meeting (Religious Education Office) Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014 9:30 AM - Gr. 5-6 (Fitzgerald Hall) 10:00 AM - Class Mass for Gr. 5 and Gr. 6 Students Food Pantry News The Outreach Office is located in the Lower Church. Please use the outside stairs to enter. Thank you for helping us keep our pantry stocked. God bless you for your weekly donations, they do not go unnoticed. Are you struggling in these difficult economic times? You may be eligible for some assistance. Please contact our Parish Outreach Ministry program (248-4858) to schedule an appointment for a confidential assessment of your situation. There are many programs and services that may offer some relief. We wish to express our gratitude to all our parishioners for their constant care and overwhelming generosity. Sat., Oct. 18 th Sun., Oct. 19 5:00 PM th 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 7:00 PM C.Peitler/D.Peitler/K.Pereira T.Jacob/J.DeSousa S.Martone/D.Galan/J.Keesee D.Crecco/V.Ondris/N.Schmitt K.Goncalves/S.Goncalves/A.Itri Remember Our Sick Please remember the sick in your daily prayers, including the following who have asked to be included in our list: Tom Azzolini, Vera Barrick, Vinnie Benedetto, Anne Boland, Dianne Bombardi, Marie Byrnes, John Carney, Frank Castellano, Mary Cavanaugh, Manuel DaPonte, Mike Dougherty, Maria Que Duong, Ronald Fox, Joe Fitzgerald, Kenneth Gallagher, Tracy Goon, Robert Hartlett, Anthony Heinrich, Edward Hilbert, Sue Krebs, Raymonde Laramee, Marguerite Leahy, Vincent Lodato, Gail Luksch, Alice Martin, Helen Melvin, Kenneth Mongiardo, William Walter Patterson, Vincent Piliero, Beatriz Silva Pontes, JoAnn Russo, Mary Santucci, Lindy Spaulding, Maria Diana Tran, Michael Torres, Jack Vanchieri, Lorraine Verdade, Lynda Anne Baka-Williams, and any other members of our parish who are sick at this time. Please Pray For The Deceased Catherine “Kitty” T. Connors Raymond M. Minchella 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 3 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Corpus Christi Church Corpus Christi Parish Memorials Bread & Wine Saturday, October 18th, 2014 – 5:00 PM In Loving Memory of Elizabeth Crowley Requested by Mary & Ben Fazio Sunday, October 19th, 2014 – 7:00 PM In Memory of Frances M. Harty Requested by Susan M. Anaischik, Mary Ann Cabo, Catechists & Students of the Religious Education Program Catholics for Freedom of Religion Preserving Freedom for All FORMING CONSCIENCES FOR FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP From the Catholics Bishops of the United States. In 2007 and again in 2011, the U.S. Catholic Bishops developed this document as guidance for Catholics in the exercise of their rights and duties as participants in our democracy. They urge Catholic priests and people to use this statement to help form their consciences and shape their choices. As Americans, we are blessed with religious liberty which safeguards our right to bring our principles and moral convictions into the public arena. These Constitutional freedoms need to be both exercised and protected, as some seek to mute the voices or limit the freedoms of religious believers and religious institutions. Some moral issues involve the clear obligation to oppose intrinsic evils which can never be justified. We urge leaders and all Catholics to share the message of faithful citizenship so we can act together to promote and protect human life and dignity, marriage and family, justice and peace in service to the common good. This kind of ... responsibility is a requirement of our faith and our duty as citizens. (Archbishop Timothy Dolan, President USCCB, 2007, et al) Upcoming events: Thomas Renker, Esq., General Counsel for the diocese will be speaking at St. Aidan on Oct. 23rd, The next CFFR meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 15h at 7:30 pm in Kirwin Hall. All are welcome! October 12th, 2014 Comunidad Latinoamericana del Cuerpo de Cristo 28º. DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO VIRGEN DE FATIMA El ùltimo mensaje que Nuestra Señora de Fátima dio el 13 de Octubre de 1917, a los niños Lucía, Jacinta y Francisco nos dice: “Diganle a la gente que tienen que enmendar sus vidas y pedir perdón por sus pecados. Que no ofedan más a nuestro Señor, pue está ya demasiado ofendido”. Nosotros que sabemos el significado del mensaje de Nuestra Señora de Fàtima, nos tenemos que convertir en otros apóstoles, fieles hijos de María, y no conformarnos con guardar este mensaje, sino que trabajar dia y noche para hacer a Maria conocida por todos. Guardemos en nuestro corazón las palabras dichas a Lucía por Jacinta antes de morir: Lucía dile a todo el mundo que Dios da sus gracias por medio del Inmaculado corazón de María. Diles que imploren por la Paz del mundo al Inmaculado corazón de María, pues Dios le ha dado la paz del mundo a Ella. FIESTA DE NUESTRA SEŃORA DE FATIMA El dia 13 de Octubre se celebrará a las 8:30 la Eucaristía en honor de nuestra Señora de Fátima, y en seguida la procesión de las velas. GRUPO CARISMATICO Alabemos, adoremos, cantemos, demos gracias al Señor, ven a nuestras reuniones todos los Miércoles a las 7:30 p.m. Iniciamos con el Santo Rosario. BAUTIZO La charla para el Sacramento del Bautizo es el último Sábado del mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Los padres del niño deben estar registrados en la Rectoría de la Iglesia. La ceremonia de Bautizo es el Primer Domingo de cada mes, a la 1:30 p.m. Por favor se les pide a los Padres y Padrinos estar quince minutos antes de la charla y la ceremonia de Bautizo. HORARIO DE EL PADRE TOMAZ GOMIDE Padre Tomaz estará atiendo todos los Jueves de 3 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. a todas las personas que deseen algún tramite de Bautizo, confirmación , Matrimonio, etc. GRUPO JUVENIL La Viña del Señor es su pueblo. El lo ha plantado y lo cultiva con amor paciente y fiel, para que se convierta en un pueblo Santo, un pueblo que dé muchos frutos buenos de justicia (Papa Francisco). A ti joven te invitamos a nuestras reuniones todos los Domingos de 1:30 a 3:30 p.m. en el basement de la Iglesia. 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 4 Domingo XXVII do Tempo Comum Corpus Christi Church Disse então o rei aos servos: “O banquete está preparado, mas os convidados não eram dignos. Ide às encruzilhadas dos caminhos e convidai para as bodas todos os que encontrardes” (Mateus 22, 8-9) A Bíblia compara muitas vezes o Reino do Céus a um grande banquete. Na sociedade daquele tempo, só as pessoas importantes é que se podiam permitir os grandes banquetes. Eram organizados frequentemente pelos reis por razões políticas: convidavam aquelas pessoas importantes com quem queriam fazer alianças ou reforçar ligações de amizade. Nas leituras de Isaías e do Evangelho de Mateus, todos são convidados. O Reino de Deus é para todos, e não para um grupo especial de pessoas. Infelizmente muitos convidados estão ocupados com os seus afazeres terrenos e não tem tempo para Deus. Todos são convidados, mas poucos são os escolhidos. Não basta só dizermos que acreditamos em Deus. Se não estamos vestidos com a veste da justiça, seremos excluídos do Reino de Deus. AVISOS IMPORTANTES PREPARAÇÃO BAPTISMAL A partir deste mês, a preparação baptismal não mais será feita às 8:30 da noite, mas sim, às 8 horas da noite, todas as últimas quintas-feiras do mês. A inscrição deverá ser feita com antecedência na reitoria da igreja com o padre Tomaz. Essa inscrição pode ser feita em qualquer quinta-feira das 3 horas da tarde até as 8 horas da noite. Não é necessário chamar para marcar um apontamento. Basta vir a reitoria da igreja. Para marcar o baptismo é necessário trazer a certidão de nascimento da criança e o nome dos padrinhos. Lembrem-se: os padrinhos devem ter recebido a crisma, e se são casados, devem ser casados pela igreja. Horário do padre Tomaz O padre Tomaz está à disposição das pessoas todas as quintas-feiras das 3 da tarde até as 8 horas da noite. 5 de Outubro, 2014 Marcar Missas em Inglês Está aberto o livro para marcarem missas em inglês. Podem vir a reitoria das 9 da manhã até as 8 da noite. Lembrem-se: não marcamos missa para somente uma pessoa em português. Poderão fazê-lo nas missas em inglês. Reunião dos Leitores e Ministros da Eucaristia Na quinta-feira, dia 16 de Outubro, às 8 horas da noite, teremos uma breve reunião dos leitores para discutirmos certos assuntos e fazermos o calendário. Os leitores procurem vir a essa reunião. CRUZEIRO PARA A ESCANDINÁVIA E SÃO PETERSBURGO NA RÚSSIA Data: 25 de Maio a 6 de Junho Preço: $3,295 dólares Inclui passagem aérea de Nova Iorque Cruzeiro pela Dinamarca, Alemanha, Estónia, Finlândia e Rússia. Impostos, duas noites em Copenhaguen, na Dinamarca. Transferências, pequeno-almoço em Copenhagen Os lugares são limitados. Faça agora a sua inscrição. Disfrute enquanto podes. Gaste a herança dos filhos. Pais felices faz a felicidade dos filhos. Trabalhaste muito na vida. Lembre-se do ditado: “caixão não tem gavetas”. Missas durante a semana Na Terça-feira, dia 14 de Outubro, às 8 horas, haverá missa pelas seguintes intenções: + José Silva + António e Gracinda da Silva + Joaquim Viegas + Adelaide Silva + Florinda Pereira Gomes + Domingos Correia Martins + José Oliveira Gomes + Marília Costa + Manuel Costa + António José Silva + Manuel Azevedo. 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 5 Since 1953 Licensed & Insured Visit Our Newly Renovated Showroom For Displays 145 Hillside Ave. Williston Park & Sale Items We Specialize In: Siding • Roofing • Windows Doors • Awnings • Sunrooms • Basements Screen Rooms • Porticos • Carports 49 E. 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Parish Member ...and everything else! 43 Roselle St., Mineola, NY 11501 phone: (516) 877-9899 fax: (516) 750-5115 e-mail: [email protected] John Musella Frank Musella Licensed Master Plumber LIC # 1008 718-470-0808 LIC #2060 516-437-5343 Portuguese & Continental Cuisine Specialty in Seafood Catering Available 241 Mineola Blvd., Mineola 516-742-9797 Trustworthy, Reliable & Knowledgeable • 24 Hr. Emer. Svc. 619A Willis Ave., Williston Park 516-746-3353 WILLISTON PLUMBING COUNTY -WIDE Lic.#2101 • N. Hempstead • Ron Doughty, Pres. Licensed Master Plumber HALLER-ZAREMBA & CO., INC. ALL FORMS OF PERSONAL & COMMERCIAL INSURANCE AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • BUSINESS • LIFE & HEALTH • WEDDING TRAVEL GUARD • FLOOD • BONDS • BUILDERS RISK • LIABILITY 37-02 Main Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718) 359-8300 AUTO FOR NEWLY LICENSED DRIVERS & SENIOR CITIZENS 516-746-2150 • FAX 516-746-2477 328 HILLSIDE AVE., WILLISTON PARK, NY PAPA SORTO’S LACASA LATINA PIZZERIA & RESTAURANT SPECIAL - LARGE PIE $ 9.50 REG. 12.20 1 PER CUSTOMER Bairrada Restaurant Dine-In • Take-Out • Delivery • Catering 144 Jericho Tpke., Mineola 516 877 0008 58E OLD COUNTRY RD.-MINEOLA 516.739.3856 $ Gallagher, Walker, Bianco & Plastaras Attorneys At Law Robert J. Walker, Esq. 98 Willis Avenue, Mineola 516-248-2002 RISTORANTE Family Style Menu Private Room Available For Your Special Event! 159 Jericho Turnpike • Mineola, NY 516.294.4620 Klein, Geier, Lipp, M.D., L.L.P. Gastroenterology Robert Klein, M.D. Steven Geier, M.D. Alan Lipp, M.D. TAPAS & BAR • LATIN FUSION • Established in 1969 “Great Food & Superior Service” • Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools Vincent A. Conti, D.D.S. • Grades 7-12 • Small Class Size Cosmetic & Family • Individualized College Guidance Dentistry • Interscholastic Sports Program 516-280-2802 499 Jericho Turnpike, Mineola • Financial Aid Available for Highly Qualified Local Students 516-280-7795 611 Old Country Rd. • Westbury, NY 516-746-5900 • Fax 516-746-5904 PODIATRIST Internal Medicine Rosa Pereira, D.O. Hue Ly, M.D. Dr. Mark Buthorn, Jr. 80 Windsor Ave., Mineola, NY Terminal: Herb Hill Rd., Glen Cove, NY General Care & Surgery • House Calls • Insurance Accepted 300 Old Country Road, Mineola 747-8222 Member of Parish GULLWING MOTORS, INC. Imported Motorcar Specialists SALES • SERVICE • COLLISION 516-742-3320 300 Old Country Rd., Suite 31, Mineola F: 516-742-3327 [email protected] 100 Windsor Ave. • Mineola, NY Steve & Louis Palumbo 516-294-9380 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® Jim Paterson Agency 483 Jericho Turnpike Mineola, NY 11501 516-248-6809 State Farm Insurance Companies Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois Wood-Char CHURRASQUEIRA RODIZIO Portuguese Barbeque 100 Herricks Rd., Mineola, NY 11501 516.280.8000 Italian Restaurant Great Food Superior Service 149 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501 516-747-2545 Fax: 516-747-2571 PRECISE AUTO DETAIL 10% OFF MAKING CARS LOOK NEW... 74 Willis Avenue Mineola, NY 11501 Anthony Petito Jr. ...SINCE 1992 WITH AD Large Selection of Tropical Marine Fish, Tanks & Supplies. Small Animal (Exotic) Dept. Exotic Birds & Pet Supplies 176 Jericho Tpke., Mineola 516.739.1015 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 thank you Cantonese, Chinatown Cuisine 516-621-2143/9683 376 Willis Ave., Roslyn Heights FREE Roast Pork Fried Rice 1 Pint w/any $20 Purchase • 1 Qt. w/any $30 Purchase Take-Out • With Coupon Please patronize the businesses that advertise in your bulletin and thank them for their continued support. They make your bulletin possible. If you would like to advertise in this bulletin please contact John Patrick Publishing (800) 333-3166 ext. 161 516-294-8346 416 Corpus Christi, Mineola, NY (i) (UPS) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • Stuart S. Rubin, DDS, PC “Serving Our Customers Since 1960” SCHEURER MONUMENTS FG Est. 1855 - Open 7 Days All Phases of General Dentistry FRANCHINA & GIORDANO, P.C. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW 230 Mineola Blvd. Mineola APPLIANCES & TV INC 248-3623 294 Hillside Ave., Williston Park 516-248-6767 A Family Owned and Operated Auto Service Center Caring For Your Car And Servicing The Brakes • Steering • State Inspection Community For Over 60 Years All Major Repairs [email protected] MARY P. GIORDANO [email protected] MARIA DEMARCO BEGLEY [email protected] A/C & Heating Service 10% Parishioner Discount on Any Work When You Mention This Ad. 516.742.0010 61 Willis Ave., Mineola Mon-Fri 7am-6pm MARIANNE A. SIMONI [email protected] 1050 Franklin Ave., Ste. 302 • Garden City, NY 11530 516-877-7500 • Fax: 516-877-7743 GRAMMAN PLUMBING & HEATING • • • • Repairs Boiler Installation Back Flow Testing We Take Care of All your Plumbing Needs! We Accept OVER 50 YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE 356 Westbury Avenue, Carle Place 516-746-0045 BISCUITS & BARBEQUE GREAT BARBEQUE Louisiana Specialties Mineola’s Best Kept Secret! 516-493-9797 106 E. Second St., Mineola 2 Blocks East of Roslyn Rd. Professional Legal Guidance Parishioner 92 Main St., Mineola, NY 11501 516.742.0031 Lunch • Dinner 516-294-0725 10% Off Any Service Mon. or Tues. 169 Second St. Mineola, NY 11501 Kevin & Colleen Hanrahan 333-0251 Family Dental Care Eugene Simons D.D.S General & Cosmetic Dentistry 331 Willis Ave., Mineola 746-5050 INTEREST FREE PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE Office Hours: Se Habla Español KUCK’S DELI & YOGURT SHOP Catering For All Occasions Home Made Specialties Toda Clase de Articulos Religiosos Party Heros 3 to 6 Feet Long Incienso • Velas • Perfumes 141 Mineola Blvd., Mineola, NY Aceites • Rosavios • Estatuas PHONE: 516-746-4729 516-334-0173 • 146 Post Ave., Westbury Lunes a Sabado 10am-7pm FAX: 516-747-3273 Jane Café Restaurant, Inc. (Opposite Holy Rood Cemetery) Serving All Cemeteries Monuments, Lettering & Mausoleums Repair & Cleaning The Gentlemen of the Appliance Industry ELDER LAW • WILLS • TRUSTS • ESTATES EMILY F. FRANCHINA 23 Post Ave., Westbury, NY 11590 Monday 10-7pm • Tuesday 11-8pm Wednesday 11-8pm • Thursday 10-7pm Friday 10-6pm • Saturday 9-2pm Participating Provider for Most Insurance Plans Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Thinking of moving or selling you Una Walsh Broker Owner home in the Mineola area. Please contact: Frances or Domenica Barbuto Licensed Sales Associates - Coach Realtors 24 Hillside Avenue Williston Park, New York 11596 Office: 516-248-9494 Cell: 516-639-6668 FLORAL HOMES 266-19 Hillside Ave., Floral Park, NY 11004 Phone: 718-343-4200 • Home: 516-354-1971 Cell: 516-220-8993 • Fax: 718-343-4936 Email: [email protected] • PARK FUNERAL CHAPELS Generations of Dignified Personal Service Vincent B. Lanza, Funeral Director 2175 Jericho Tpke. PALACIOS LAW GROUP 516-747-4300 Se Habla Español ACCIDENTS • BANKRUPTCY • CRIMINAL LAW • FAMILY LAW • IMMIGRATION • REAL ESTATE • 15 ROSLYN RD., MINEOLA, NY 11501 • (516) 873-8783 MOC AUTO CENTER, LLC D. Reis JC ORGANIZING We love the jobs you hate. Free Estimates. Attic/Basement Declutter, House Organizing, Garage Declutter, Deck/Fence Staining, Refinish Hardwood Floors, Powerwashing, etc. Fine Furniture and Architectural Woodwork 327 Sagamore Avenue • Mineola, NY 11501 Domingos Reis, President/Parishioner Tel: (516) 248-5676 Fax: (516) 746-5223 Jay Carlos (516) 633-4971 [email protected] State Farm ® Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 516-741-7577 J. Garcia Pereira Painting & Decorating Residential • Commericial Interior & Exterior 257 Horton Highway, Mineola, NY Cell: 361-6634 Timothy J. Dalton Licensed Funeral Director New York & Florida Mon-Fri 8-6 • Sat 8-1 Funeral Directors OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY SINCE 1949 Agent 174 Hillside Ave., Williston Park Parishioners: Maureen Corrigan Maria S. Cunha Falomos Hablamos Portugues Español 222 HERRICKS RD. • MINEOLA, NY 11501 516-746-1371 • 516-746-1865 WEIGAND BROS., INC. Providing Insurance and Financial Services Pete Masterson, LUTC, Foreign & Domestic Cars & Trucks COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE NYS Inspection • ASE Certified Technicians • Extended Warranties Honored Need Help with LOVE ONES or HOUSEHOLD?? SENIOR CARE BABYSITTERS -Cleaning Service DivisionLive-in/out. FT/PT (Drivers) WE DO BACKGROUND CHECKS. PRINCE AGENCY 516-482-7467 Glamour Tile Stone & Glass “Distinctive Funeral Service” 746-4484 49 HILLSIDE AVE. (CORNER OF NASSAU BLVD.) WILLISTON PARK, N.Y. 11596 K’S AUTO 344 JERICHO TPK., MINEOLA, NY Foreign & Domestic F: 516-246-9524 • [email protected] 74 Willis Ave., Mineola, NY 11501 $50 OFF Any Purchase $500 or More! (516) 248-5546 516-246-9522 • 516-246-9523 THOMAS F. DALTON Funeral Homes Inc. (516) 354-0634 27-29 Atlantic Avenue, Floral Park, NY 11001 125 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 412 Willis Avenue, Williston Park, NY 11596 Chapels also available in Levittown & Hicksville Your Local Family Owned Funeral Home Since 1924 416 Corpus Christi, Mineola, NY (b) (UPS) Fax: (516) 354-0472 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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