TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 31, 2014 Corpus Christi Church Vy. Rev. Timothy M. Nolan, VP David M. DeGhetto, Deacon Deborah A. Ciafre, Coordinator Religious Education Susan M. Dunlap, Music Coordinator MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Saturday – 8:30AM Saturday Vigil - 4:00PM Sunday - 8:30AM & 10:30AM Holyday - 8:30AM & 7:00PM SACRAMENT OF PENANCE PARISH PHONE DIRECTORY Parish Office: 905 New Road 994-2922 Office of Religious Education 994-2922 Parish/Religious Ed Office Fax 892-3315 Rectory: 901 New Road 994-1404 Email: [email protected] Website: St. Vincent de Paul Society Help Line Food Pantry: Monday evenings 998-4780 6:00PM Knights of Columbus Blessed Sacrament Council Website: http:/ Saturday – 3:00PM-3:45PM BAPTISM ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Before the Baptism of a child can be scheduled, parents must attend a Baptism class which is held the third Tuesday of each month from 7:00PM-8:00PM. Parents should pre-register for the class at least one week in advance by calling the church office: 302.994.2922 or by email: [email protected]. Diana Thompson, Principal 907 New Road School Office Fax: Website: 995-2231 993-0767 WEEKLY BULLETIN Please submit bulletin announcement two weeks prior to insert TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 31, 2014 LABOR DAY Jesus reminds us that “the laborer deserves his keep.” In these days, let us pray for them, for all workers, and in a special way for those who work for our spiritual health. Let us pray that we will always have a worthy job, and that the tables of families everywhere will be filled with the bread that nourishes their body, and their souls will be nourished by the Bread of Life given to us by Jesus in the Eucharist. May Jesus, through the intercession of Mary, Our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, model of a prayerful worker, fill us with blessings of work and peace. 2014-15 GRADES K-8 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Classes begin Tuesday, September 16 at 6:30PM in the school basement. Registration forms are available on our website: FIRST COMMUNION Registration forms have been mailed to all qualified candidates (children having completed one full year of religious formation). The first meeting for parents/guardians is scheduled for Wednesday, September 24 at 6:30PM in the school basement. Mass Intentions September 1-7, 2014 LABOR DAY MASS LITURGY Please contact Deacon Dave, Corpus Christi’s Liturgy Director, through the parish office (302.994.2922 [email protected]) with questions or concerns regarding the following ministries: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Altar Servers, Ushers, and our church environment. In addition to the ministries listed below, there is a need in our church for a Bereavement Committee. Help is needed for funerals which take place during the week. If you are available please call the office to volunteer. Training/instruction for these ministries will be provided: Monday 9:30AM For the Sanctification of Human Labor Tuesday 8:30AM † Victoria Demanczyk Wednesday 8:30AM † Kathleen Driscoll Thursday 8:30AM † Medford Haug Friday 8:30AM † Ann Wilson Saturday 8:30AM 4:00PM † † Eleanor A. Dawson Janice “Dee” Degnars 8:30AM 10:30AM † People of the Parish Brindin Reynolds Sunday ALTAR SERVERS ENVIRONMENT & LITURGICAL FLOWER AND PLANT CARE LECTORS USHERS LOOKING AHEAD … KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS First Monday of the month at 7:30PM -SVDP Room UPDATING OUR RECORDS If you or one of your loved ones is homebound or in a nursing facility and would like to receive Holy Communion on a regular basis, please notify the parish office. One of our Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick will be glad to visit. Also remember when someone you know is in the hospital please call the office know so that we can visit them during their stay in the hospital. We do our best to visit parishioners at the hospital. However, when admitted through the Emergency Room, the information does not always come to the Parish. If you or a loved one are in the hospital and would like a visit please be sure to call the office: 302.994.2922 ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY Meetings held last Monday of each month 7:00PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION – “PREP” Tuesday, September 16 – 6:30PM – School Basement FIRST COMMUNION MEETING Wednesday, September 24 – 6:30PM – School Basement TUESDAY EVENING PRAYER GROUP Second and fourth Tuesday of the month - 7:00PM Chapel EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND EVENING PRAYER Thursday evenings – 7:00PM – Church CORPUS CHRISTI FALL BINGO FUNDRAISER Sunday, September 21 – 1:00PM – Hall (doors open at noon) SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER Saturday, October 25 – Hall VOLUNTEERS PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE! SPECIAL COLLECTION SEPTEMBER 6-7 VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE IN THE MIDDLE EAST Page 2 – 312 Corpus Christi Sept 03 Sept 05 MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITIES Altar Flowers SAINTS FOR THE WEEK Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church Saint Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, Religious NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Reading 1 Reading 2 Gospel E Z 3 3 :7 -9 R OM 13 :8 - 10 MT 18 :15 - 20 P A R I S H Fresh flower arrangements always help to beautify our church. If you would like to donate flowers in memory of a loved one, please contact the parish office. Small flower arrangements are available for $25 and midsize for $50. For the weekend the flowers are given, we print the names of the memorial in the bulletin. N E W S FUNDRAISERS B-I-N-G-O CORPUS CHRISTI HALL THE RITE OF (must be 18 years or older to play) Sunday, September 21 – 1:00PM CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (doors open noon) $15 per person admission includes twelve games and refreshments. Specials including FULL CARD offer. Cash prizes for all games. BAKED GOODS NEEDED FOR BINGO!!! DONATE A CAKE/CUPCAKES/COOKIES OR BROWNIES SIGN-UP AFTER MASSES OR CALL THE OFFICE: 302.994.2922 **SPAGHETTI DINNER **WE NEED VOLUNTEERS PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE! **Saturday evening, October 25 – Hall (after 4:00PM Mass) S T. V I N C E N T de P A U L FOOD CLOSET The SVDP Food Closet volunteers thank all those who continue to donate food on a regular basis. Your generous donations are truly a blessing. There is a continuous need for the following: canned meats/tuna fish, pasta, spaghetti sauce, cereal, juices, tea, coffee, jelly, salad dressing, rice, beans, peanut butter and jelly/jam, toilet paper, paper towels, dish/hand soap and plastic grocery bags. CORPUS CHRISTI PRAYER GROUP Please join our prayer group every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at Corpus Christi Church from 7:00PM until 8:00PM. Any questions please call Marianne at 998-0010 or 421-2984. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Did you know that the Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization with more than 1.8 million members? Members of Blessed Sacrament Council 3751 serve in many capacities throughout Corpus Christi parish but we need your help. Anyone interested in joining or learning more about the Knights of Columbus and the charitable works that we do can contact Ralph Body at 235-0688. In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells us, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) We become one with Christ by the Sacraments that He gives us through His Holy Church. Adults learn about and enter the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), which will begin in September. There are three groups of people who normally participate in the RCIA: ? adults who need to be baptized; ? those who have previously been baptized in a different faith tradition, and now wish to become Catholic; ? and Catholic adults who need to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, please call the parish office (994-2922) as soon as possible to find out more information about the RCIA program. C O M M U N I T Y N E W S MARIAN PILGRIMAGE The Diocesan Marian Pilgrimage this year will be held at the Shrine of Our Lady Queen of Peace, which is on the grounds of Holy Spirit Church in Garfield Park, New Castle, near the Delaware Memorial Bridge. It will take place on Saturday, September 27, 2014 beginning at 1:00 pm with Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament and Holy Hour given by Rev. Andrew Apostoli, CFR. From 2:00 – 3:00 pm there will be opportunities for private confessions, and the Shrine Gift Shop will be open. There will also be exhibits in the parish hall of various diocesan organizations and apostolate. The pilgrimage will culminate in a concelebrated Mass with Bishop W. Francis Malooly at 4:00 pm, followed by recitation of the Rosary at 5:00PM. All parishioners are invited to attend. The 4:00PM Mass will fulfill the Sunday obligation. Page 3 – 312 Corpus Christi Countless groups and individuals are served through diocesan ministries. These ministries require assistance, direction and support by the Diocese. This week’s issue of the Dialog discusses the need for supporting these ministries through the Sustaining Hope for the Future campaign. For more information, pick up your copy today as you leave Mass or visit the diocesan website, Click on the Sustaining Hope for the Future icon. A Prayer For Sustaining Hope for the Future Almighty and Eternal God, In Christ your Son you have shown your love to the world. Through the Gospel and Eucharist, bring together your people of the Diocese of Wilmington. Guide the work of our Diocese and help us to proclaim your name. Sustain us in Hope. Keep us faithful in our mission. May we be a leaven in the world and a sign of hope to all. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. ============================================================================================================== 2014/2015 School Year School Tours are available at any time if you are interested in any of our programs. All Saints is a Pre-K (ages 3 and 4) through Grade 8 school. Please call Stephen Adams, Assistant Principal, if you are interested in obtaining more information about All Saints or would like to schedule a tour: 302-995-2231 or [email protected]. School information is provided on the All Saints Catholic School website at or by calling the school office at 302-995-2231. PARISHIONER STATUS FOR ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC SCHOOL To remain in the parishioner status for tuition purposes, registered families must contribute a minimum offertory giving of $10.00 weekly. The new fiscal year began July 1, 2014. Page 4 – 312 Corpus Christi SUNDAY REFLECTION TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME IN LAST WEEK’S GOSPEL we saw the disciples riding high. They had, through Peter, acknowledged that Jesus, their teacher and friend, was no less than the long-awaited Messiah-King of Israel. “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” It must have been a really exciting moment for them. This, in turn, brought from Jesus a commission of the highest responsibility to Peter and his fellow disciples. Through Jesus, they were to be given the authority of God himself within their future communities. Peter himself is spoken of as a rock, firm and unshakeable, on which the ekklesia, the Church community, will be built. It is hard to imagine that this was not a moment of particular joy and satisfaction for the disciples. They now were thinking that Jesus, in line with Jewish expectations, would be a glorious and powerful king. And they, of course, as his followers and companions would have a special share in the glory and privileges that went with it. (Later, would not two of them go so far as to ask, rather cheekily and behind their brothers’ backs, for special places in the Kingdom, to sit on the right and left of Jesus?) A shock However, the euphoria was not to last very long. Very soon after this, “Jesus began to make it clear to his disciples that he was destined to go to Jerusalem and suffer grievously at the hands of the elders and chief priests and scribes, to be put to death and to be raised up on the third day.” This, undoubtedly, comes as a terrible shock. This was not at all part of the scenario for the coming of the Messiah! What is worse, the agents of Jesus’ humiliation and death will not be some hostile outsiders (like the pagan and barbaric Romans) but the leaders and most distinguished people of their own community. The elders, chief priests and scribes were the people who formed the Sanhedrin, the ruling body of the Jews in Palestine. Furthermore, it would happen in Jerusalem, the holy city, the site of the Temple where God dwelt among his people. It might be remembered, however, that Jerusalem was the city where prophets died. (“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you!’ – Jesus’ words to the Pharisees [Matthew 23:37].) The disciples must have felt very disturbed and confused indeed. A protest So, it is not surprising that at this point, Peter, still flush with his newly-acquired status, takes Jesus to one side, speaking to him almost on equal terms. “Heaven preserve you, Lord! This must not happen to you.” How can this happen to the Messiah-King of Israel? The angry reaction of Jesus must have come as somewhat unexpected, to say the least. Turning to face Peter, Jesus says: “Get behind me, Satan!” These are strong words for someone who just now was being given leadership of the community Jesus would leave behind. It is not to be understood that Peter is literally a demon but the disciple’s words are understood as a real temptation to Jesus to turn away from the path he is to follow. Unwittingly and with the best of intentions, Peter is doing the devil’s work – trying to steer Jesus away from the path laid out for him by his Father. How often have we been such a temptation or stumbling block to others? Perhaps more often than we care to think. “You are an obstacle in my path, because the way you think is not God’s way but that of a human being.” Peter is seen as an obstacle, a scandal (skandalon, skandalon), a stone in one’s path which causes one to stumble. Ironically, the ‘rock’ which Jesus just now had said would be the foundation of his ‘church’ is now seen as an obstacle to Jesus’ work and mission! Page 5 – 312 Corpus Christi L. CASAPULLA & SONS Submarine Shop Fresh Sliced Cold Cuts Steaks • Groceries 994-5934 SERPE BAKERY Cakes for all occasions A Full Service Bakery Kirkwood Hwy. 514 Casapulla Ave. Quality New & Used Cars $100.00 Donation to your Church with Vehicle Purchase (w/ad) 994-1868 (Next to VA Hospital) SUPERIOR ELECTRIC RIGHT WAY WATERPROOFING CO. FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 302-427-2424 3807 Kirkwood Hwy. DE Lic. #2008602594 998-2271 658-5949 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. 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