28 TH Sunday in Ordinary Time “The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son.” Matthew 22:2 © 2014 Diocesan Publications, Inc. St. John University Parish—Morgantown, West Virginia Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 12, 2014 Marriage Preparation Day for engaged couples will be held Saturday, October 25. Please contact the parish office for more information and to register. Registration deadline is Friday, October 17. Next CSI for all High School Teens will be held next Sunday, October 19, at 4:30 pm in Newman Hall. Please remember we are no longer accepting donations for “Refresh and Renew,” either through the regular collection or online. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this church renovation project! Condolences to Deacon Steve and Marcia Olenchock and their family upon the death last Sunday of Steve’s mother and our much-loved former parishioner, Virginia Olenchock. Virginia was 97 years old. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. Drivers Workshop The Community Living Initiatives Corporation (CLIC) in partnership with Mountain Line Citizen Advisory Committee and West Virginia Assistive Technology System is offering a free Drivers Workshop on Tuesday October 14 from 10:00 am-2:00 pm at the Mountain Line facility in Westover. The Workshop is for both personal and professional drivers who provide transportation for older adults or individuals with disabilities. This includes family members, people who drive for churches or social service agencies, as well as those who drive for taxi companies, bus services or other transit providers. Lunch will be provided for all participants. There is no cost to attend this workshop however registration is required. To register, please contact CLIC at [email protected] or call 304-292-0186. 9th Annual Women’s Retreat Turning Our Faces Towards God: Spiritual Practices for Everyday presented by Nicki Verploegen, PhD. Friday, October 17th to Sunday, October 19th at Saint John XXIII Pastoral Center Charleston. For more information contact Olivia Klee [email protected] or at 304-925-2863; on facebook Women's Retreat, John XXIII Pastoral Center View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as churches throughout the Missions, in the remotest areas across our world. Through the work of these churches and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the missions in your daily prayers. Come prepared nest weekend to give generously in the second collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, visit www.IAmAMissionary.org November Remembrance Candles Here at St. John’s, in observance of All Souls Day, we remember all parishioners and family members who have died in the past year by writing their names on candles and placing these candles around the church during the month of November. If you would like us to remember someone in your immediate family in this way, please contact the parish office by Monday, October 27th. Catholic Art Donations St. John's is in the process of sprucing up a few areas such as the back Sacristy area, Potter's Cellar, the Rectory, the SPO Men's Household, and various areas in the Newman Center. Catholic art (prints, paintings, frames, statuary) that you would like to donate for this endeavor is appreciated. Art that is more realist than abstract is preferred. Donations can be dropped off at the parish office and recorded for tax exemption. + Prisoner Re-Entry Issues and Supportive Resources October 30th from 9:30 am—4:00 pm at the St. John XXIII Pastoral Center, Charleston. Keynote Speaker is Dr. Edward Latessa, Professor and Director of the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. Break-Out Sessions include Housing, Jobs, Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence and Veteran Affairs. For more information, contact Christy Ramsey at 304-380-0155. Sponsored by Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston and the WV Division of Corrections. St. John University Parish—Morgantown, West Virginia Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 12, 2014 This Week in Our Parish 12 13 11:15 am CRE 6:15 St. Francis 7:00 Adult Faith Robotics SC Formation CL 7:00 pm Choir 11:15 am Baptism-Brewer 11:30 am Sarah’s Table NO 8:30 pm Mass 14 15 7:00 pm Youth Parent Meeting 8:00 pm Light of Life Prayer and Bible Study Liturgical Ministers Schedule th 6:30 pm Divine Mercy Prayer Group 7:00 pm Oblate Meeting 7:30 pm Bad Catholic Bible Study 16 11:00 am-1:00 pm SPO Street Evangelization 7:00 pm MoCa Nite 7:00 pm Theology on Tap 10:00 pm Adoration (Black Bear, Suncrest) begins 7:00 RCIA Liturgical Ministers Schedule 5:00 pm Lector—Wanda Franz (1st) Connie McCluskey (2nd) AS— Emma Harper EM—Richard Bajura, Pat Obenauf, Rita Bajura Sacristan—Diana Martin 5:00 pm Lector 1—Wendy Noll Lector 2— Sandy Mayhew AS—Nolan and Natalie Cook EM—Erin Arthurs, Patricia Nelson, 1 Volunteer Sacristan—Diana Martin 6:30 pm Lector—Volunteer (1st) Louise Deal (2nd) AS—Erin Gore, Daniel Deal EM—Mark Gore, Katie Rabidoux, 3 Volunteers Sacristan—Steve Niederriter NO 8:30 pm Mass—University Recess Parish Collections Sept 20-21 Regular $6220.00 Middle East 1000.00 Bldg Fund 70.00 Thank you for your faithful support! 8:00 pm Alcoholics AnonymousPotter’s Cellar MASS INTENTIONS h 29 Sunday in Ordinary Time— Oct 18-19 10:00 am Lector—Volunteer (1st) Shaun Moyers (2nd) AS—Leo and Declan Ware (or Milo) EM—Theresa Gannett , Samer and Claire Petro 2 Volunteers 18 Adoration continues until 5:00 pm Private Event SC 6:00 pm 3:45 pm Dinner for a Dollar Geo Bee CL 28 Sunday in Ordinary Time— Oct 11-12 8:00 am Lector—Volunteer (1st) Laura Christy (2nd) AS—Andrew Christy EM—Stan and Judy Dlugos, Sacristan—Diana Martin 17 Saturday, October 11 9:00 am Priest Intention 5:00 pm The People of St. John Sunday, October 12 8:00 am Priest Intention 10:00 am Priest Intention 8:00 am Lector 1— Laura Christy 6:30 pm +Michael Tarantini Lector 2—Lisa Salati Giovanni and Cecilia Tarantini AS— Andrew Christy 8:30 pm NO MASS EM—Ginny Petersen, Jim Stevens, 1 Volunteer Sacristan— Diana Martin Monday, October 13 5:00 pm Priest Intention 10:00 am Lector 1— Tracy Riffon Lector 2—Fred Gabriele Tuesday, October 14 AS—Anthony and Dominic 5:00 pm +Yvonne Wilburn Mary Biggs Gabriele Wednesday, October 15 EM—Theresa Gannett, Mary 5:00 pm Patty Longfellow (health) Gabriele, Tom Riffon Jim and Eloida Castagneri 2 Volunteers Thursday, October 16 6:30 pm Lector 1—Lisa Costello 5:00 pm Souls in Purgatory Kim Dinh Lector 2—Michael Burkitt AS—Elena Molnar Friday, October 17 EM—Harry and Amy Taylor, 5:00 pm Fr. Jeremiah Lange, OSB Katy Hurley Andrea Soccorsi 2 Volunteers Saturday, October 18 Sacristan—Pauline Lanciotti 9:00 am Priest Intention 8:30 pm Campus Ministry 5:00 pm +Tony Ghiardi The Ghiardi Family Sunday, October 19 SARAH’S TABLE VOLUNTEERS 8:00 am The People of St. John Oct 12—Chris/Donna Kolanko group 10:00 am Priest Intention Priest Intention October 19—Susan Rhodes group 6:30 pm 8:30 pm Palmer/Dunsworth Family October 26—Linda Craig group The King Family View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com St. John University Parish—Morgantown, West Virginia Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 12, 2014 New Evangelization for the New Millennium Saturday, Nov 1st from 1:00-5:00 pm at the Monroeville Convention Center. The parishes of St. Bernadette Parish and North American Martyrs invite you! The conference is a half day event that will feature Catholic evangelist Dr. Ralph Martin, popular Catholic professor Dr. Mary Healy, young adult speaker Peter Burak, and vocation director Father Joe Freedy, who will speak on the power of Faith, Intercession, Repentance, and Evangelization ( F I R E ) . V i s it t h e p a r i s h w e b s it e s www.namcatholicchurch.org or stbrnadet.org for more information. The cost is $10.00 per person. IGNITE The 2014 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference will be held November 7-9 at the DoubleTree by Hilton, Pittsburgh-Green Tree, a few miles from downtown Pittsburgh. Key speakers include Fr. Killian Loch, O.S.B., Bishop Sam Jacobs, Michelle Moran, Mark Nimo and Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR. On Saturday there will be a Young Leaders Track for those 35 and under who are already serving as leaders in the Renewal or in a parish or other ministry, or are seeking to be "ignited" in your life, gifts, worship and ministry. For more information, registration and schedules, please visit the website: https://www.nsc-chariscenter.org/2014GenInfo.htm The Lord Humbles and Exalts: A Retreat for Those Experiencing Infertility will be held Friday, November 14 – Sunday, November 16, 2014 at Saint John XXIII Pastoral Center in Charleston. This retreat will offer spouses (who may attend together or individually) an opportunity to reflect upon the life-giving nature of the Sacrament of Marriage despite the experience of infertility. Whole group and breakout sessions will be offered with time for reflection, prayer, and conversation with others who have experienced infertility. Registration and cost information can be found at www.wvmarriage.org/infertility or contact Rebecca Royse, Coordinator of Marriage and Family Life at (304) 233 – 0880 x333 [email protected] View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The confessional is a familiar setting in literature and drama. Everyone from Doestoevsky and Shakespeare down the line to Seinfeld has used the sacrament to tragic or comic effect or to reveal aspects of character otherwise hidden. All of this theater, from world classics to slapstick, has had a numbing effect on our own expectations, and has skewed how the culture looks at us and our struggle with sin and forgiveness, hope and healing. Yet the artists are on to something. The reconciliation chapel is a place where hearts are laid bare, where honesty is the watchword, and people confess their deepest needs. It is also a place of rebirth, or at least realignment. It is, like the baptismal font, a place where something dies, and where something else is born. Today, although literature has barely caught up, the place is usually not the dark and gloomy cabinet of old; rather it is a chapel that speaks of peace, serenity, and the comfort of a welcome home. People in one parish were astonished recently to see their children skipping with delight as they left the place of their first confession. We have to wait a bit for world literature to catch up with this reality, but at least we can experience the joy of penance, the thrill of a new beginning, the assurance of God’s love. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. The Oblates of St. Benedict, affiliated with St. Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, PA, meet monthly at St. John University parish. The Oblates are men and women who seek to live out their Faith in their particular state in life according to the Rule of St. Benedict, and through the Liturgy and personal prayer. For more information, please contact Pauline Lanciotti at 304-292-2018, or [email protected] St. John University Parish—Morgantown, West Virginia Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 12, 2014 Staff St. John University Parish Pastor Rev.JohnPeck,O.S.B.304-296-8231 The Catholic Parish for West Virginia University AssociatePastor,DirectorofCampusMinistry 1481 University Avenue, Morgantown, WV 26505 Phone: 304-296-8231 Fax: 304-296-4650 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stjohnmorgantown.com Rev.JohnPaulHeiser,O.S.B.304-296-8231 [email protected] PastoralAssociate Rev.Mr.JosephPrentiss 304-292-7766 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CoordinatorofChildren’sReligiousEducation MargeMarino [email protected]/304-292-6024 MusicDirector CarolNowak [email protected] Of"iceManager CourtneyKirby [email protected] WeekendMasses Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am,10:00am,6:30pm Duringtheacademicyear, Sundayevening8:30pminthechurch FinanceManager CarlaComer [email protected] WeekdayMasses Monday-Friday Saturday BulletinSecretary MarjorieMcCawley [email protected] 5:00pm 9:00am MorningPrayerMonday-Friday7:30am (ExpositionoftheBlessedSacramentMon-Thurs,6:45am) AssociateDirectorofCampusMinistry/Directorof YouthMinistry JacobKing [email protected] DevelopmentDirectorforCampusMinistry AshleyKing [email protected] AdorationoftheBlessedSacrament Wednesday 7:00-9:00pm ThursdaythroughFriday 10:00pm—5:00pm (Sign up for a time slot at www.mountainercatholic.com) Reconciliation Monday-Saturday Chairperson,PastoralCouncil DanMiller [email protected] TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — On this mountain the LORD will make for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines (Isaiah 25:6-10a). Psalm — I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life (Psalm 23). Second Reading — God will supply whatever you need (Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20). Gospel — I have prepared my banquet, and everything is ready. Come to the feast! (Matthew 22:1-14 [1-10]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tues Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wed Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thurs Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Fri Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Sat 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sun Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 4:00—5:00pm orbyappointment ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 am—4:00 pm Sacrament Preparation To inquire about preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders or Marriage, please contact the parish office. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Contact Mary Paul [email protected] or the parish office. RCIA meets Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm during the academic year. Children’s Religious Education Classes for children in grades pre K-8 are held Sunday mornings at 11:15 am during the regular school year. For questions on high school youth ministry, contact Jacob King [email protected] Ministry of Care To arrange for hospital or home visits, contact the parish office. To know more about ministering to those in need, call bob at 304-598-0026. An Afterglow of the Eucharist prayer team is available at the altar after most weekend Masses to pray with you for your individual and family needs. Prayer Requests Call the parish office. Bulletin Deadline NOON MONDAY. Please submit a written copy of the bulletin announcement to the parish office or email the item to Marge [email protected] View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com View these Sponsors @ TheCatholicDirectory.com GRD , CCC-A Aluminum Company CERTIFIED AUDIOLOGIST Quality Bicycles Sales & Service Canvas & Aluminum Awnings HEARING TESTS • HEARING AIDS • REPAIRS www.wamsleycycles.com Chip Wamsley, 304-296-CHIP (2447) 709 Beechurst Ave., Ste. 3 FENCING RAILING 1191 Pineview Dr., Ste. H-3 292-6921 599-6762 since 1955 WV005759 304.241.1170 • FINE BEERS • TRADEWIND TEAS • NANTUCKET NECTARS BEER DISTRIBUTOR, INC. 304-296-4871 Quality Remodeling 1109 Van Voorhis Rd., Suite 201 • Morgantown Glenmark Center daviskitchenandtile.com 296-3243 304-598-5713 24-HOUR SERVICE Ervin’s TOWING AUTO REPAIR & BODY SHOP 304-292-2586 304-284-8702 Prayer is the Key to God’s Heart 379 High St. Morgantown, WV 26505 304-296-8533 Carrying Crosses & Rosaries Sabraton Plaza 1395 Earl Core Rd. Mon–Sat 11am to 7pm [email protected] 304-292-0881 Parishioner Owned Animalhouse morgantown Fred L. Jenkins 1-800-282-5106 304-292-3339 Business Hours: Mon.-Sat.: 10am-9pm • Sunday 12pm-6pm Funeral Home 304-296-6446 Cremation Services Available • Pre-Planning Available 10 S. High St., Morgantown In Memory of Financial Advisor Morgantown Mall next to JC Penney “SERVING OUR COMMUNITY WITH DIGNITY” Michael E. Dalton - Licensee in Charge Jared S. Jenkins • Justin D. Dalton Rose A. Jones Michael A. Oliverio, II, MBA 304-983-6160 Appt. & Walk-Ins Welcome Antonio Tarantini Nicola, Maria and Jimmy Rossetti ST. JOHN MEDICAL PATRONS I Love and Thank You Most Sacred Heart of Jesus The Arthurs Family MASSULLO’S & tailors 447 high street cleaners Novena May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, honored, adored and glorified throughout the World now & forever. Amen. Present this advertisement and receive 20% off our For Advertising Information CALL 595 Greenbag Rd. 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