JOIN US IN WORSHIP… MESSAGE TO OUR GUESTS… NURSERY We are glad you came and hope that you are drawn closer to the Lord Jesus through our being together. We praise God for guiding you here and trust you are encouraged by the services. We hope you will take advantage of the opportunities and assistance offered by this congregation. The services and programs are planned to meet the needs of contemporary Christian living. Today Communion Nursery & Infants/1’s 9:15 am C. Grimes/K. Southam Infant &1/2/3 Years Old 10:45 am S. & C. Hastings/M.J. Hyatt Message – Pastor Larry Crabtree “Four Monsters” Part I Daniel 7:1-8 Worship Leader - 8:15 am – Tom Hanrahan Organ: Dolly Davidson, Piano: Jan Hanrahan Offering Music – SAYSF Singers “Mighty is Our God” Missions Spotlight – Hank Fallek “Linda Reynolds” Announcements 11:00 am – Brett Foster Worship Team 11:00 am – Tom & Jan Hanrahan, Sandra Briscoe, and Lynn Williams 9:15 am COMMUNION* Introduction – Jim Jones *Communion is an informal time of spontaneous worship led by the men as they are led by the Holy Spirit. It is open to all who profess faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Believers may partake of the elements in remembrance of Christ without prompting. Bulletin & Sermon Notes also available online from the SAYSF website at… & Sermon Notes A detailed Collection Summary of last Sunday’s offering is on the bulletin board in the Connector. October 19th Communion Nursery & Infants/1’s 9:15 am S. Briscoe/J. Batchelor Infant &1/2/3 Years Old 10:45 am J. Overstreet/T. Foster/R. Grimes …Head, Heart, Hands, Knees, and Feet CHILDRENS’ CHURCH TODAY Steve & Shelly Amstutz Coordinators: Cris & Jennifer Horton 301-863-4923 For children ages 4 through 2nd grade. They will be dismissed from the service before the message. We believe God has great things for us in the days ahead. Please worship with us as often as you can. We warmly invite you to journey with us as we seek His will for our lives and help each other live for Him. The purpose of our church is for each of us to become like Jesus. If we can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to call upon us. May you be richly blessed. Thanks for coming. Children’s bulletins (activity pages) on the Welcome Table. Please help yourself. STEWARDSHIP & SECURITY Today October 19th J. Ollom/A. Pentermann A. Pentermann/B. Hastings SAYSF Bible Church Seek And Ye Shall Find – Luke 11:9 Elders (l-r) Brett Foster, Senior Pastor-Larry Crabtree, Ed Flamboe, Tom Hanrahan, Frank Miller. Associate Pastor, Nelson Domingues, not pictured 46544 Rue Purchase Road Lexington Park, MD 20653 301-862-3755; email: [email protected] Senior Pastor: Larry Crabtree [email protected], or 301-862-9760 Associate Pastor: Nelson Domingues – [email protected], or 301-862-3854 Guests, please find the yellow response cards in the special slot in the back of the pew. Fill out your information so we may have a record of your visit, and put your card in the offering plate. Let us know how you found us! Welcome! October 12, 2014 46544 Rue Purchase Road, Lexington Park, MD 20653 301-862-3755; email: [email protected] You may also let the church know of special prayer requests or ask for a CD copy of a recent sermon on the opposite side. The Good News of what Jesus has done for us is a simple yet profound truth. To find out how you can begin a deeply meaningful relationship with God, go to... THIS WEEK AT SAYSF BIBLE CHURCH This Morning Traditional Worship Communion Sunday School Contemporary Worship 8:15 am 9:15 am 10:00 am 11:00 am Tonight Awana Outbound Youth Adult Choir 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:45 pm Monday – October 13th Columbus Day Holiday – Office Closed Bell Ensemble Hallelujah Bells Tuesday – October 14th Ladies’ Bible Study* *Babysitting Available Pick-up Volleyball Wednesday Evening, October 15th, 6:00 pm Come eat KFC and join in an informal time of sharing in the Fellowship Center! The elders want to hear from you; – what you are learning in your study of Biblically Rethinking the Church? How is it impacting your thinking and how might it impact SAYSF Bible Church? Those who are not a part of a BRTC study but care about the future of SAYSF Bible Church, are encouraged to come participate in the discussion. 5:30 pm 6:45 pm 9:45 am 6:30 pm Wednesday – October 15 Men’s Breakfast at SAYSF Glory Bells Congregational Meeting with KFC dinner Music Time Promise Kids Elders Meeting CHURCH LEADERS’ BUDGET MEETING CONGREGATIONAL SHARING MEETING th 6:30 am 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:40 pm 7:00 pm 7:45 pm Friday – October 17th Missions Meeting 7:00 pm Saturday – October 18th Overflow 6:30 pm WINTER WARM WEAR DISTRIBUTION Saturday, October 25th 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Church of the Ascension Great Mills Road, Lexington Park The Church of the Ascension is collecting gently used items that are clean and in good repair, including blankets, sleeping bags, coats, sweaters, sweatshirts, hats, gloves, scarves, and boots for adults and children. Collection ends: Friday, October 24th Bring items to the Church of the Ascension during office hours M-F 9:00am – 1:00pm, or Sunday mornings between 8:00am – 12:00 noon. FALL FAMILY FUN – HARVEST FEST 2014 Celebrate the autumn season with games, candy, hayrides, crafts, and a bonfire complete with s’mores, food, and fellowship! SAYSF members who do not have small children, please consider volunteering at the event. We'll need about 20 volunteers to make this a successful event. We mostly need help with running games, but there are also spaces for helping with set up, crafts, and serving in the kitchen. You can sign up in the Connector, or online at WOMEN’S MINISTRY Craft Night, Tuesday, October 28th 6:30 pm Ladies, come complete a special Thanksgiving craft planned by Sarah Southam – pilgrim candleholders!!! Be sure to sign up on the PINK women’s ministry bulletin board in the Connector so Sarah will have enough supplies for everyone. Come have a fun evening out and enjoy good company and good food! Tuesday, November 18th, 7:00 pm Main Conference Room Please note the new budget meeting date! Church leaders will gather to present their proposed budgets for the 2015 church year which begins in January. The trustees, elders, and other leaders will work together to propose the church budget to be approved by the congregation in December. FATHER DAUGHTER PURITY BALL Saturday, November 1, 2014, 6:00 – 9:00 PM River’s Edge Conference Center, NAS Patuxent River This is a special gala presented by CareNet Pregnancy Center of Southern Maryland. Fathers bring their daughters for dinner, Father/Daughter speakers, a time of commitment, and dancing. The fathers commit to being a proper protective father and the daughters commit to sexual purity until marriage. This year’s theme is, “A Heart of True Contentment” with the scripture focus, Proverbs 3:5-6. Tickets are $40 for fathers and $20 for daughters. RSVP by Friday, October 24th Today’s Message: Four Monsters – Part 1 Daniel 7:1-8 I. The Setting of Daniel’s Dream (7:13) A. The Great Sea 1. Revelation 17:15 2. Isaiah 57:20 3. Isaiah 17:12-13 B. The Four Winds 1. Jeremiah 25:32 2. Revelation 7:1-3 3. Luke 21:25 C. Four Great Beasts 1. Ezekiel 32:2 Today’s Message: Four Monsters – Part 1 Daniel 7:1-8 I. The Setting of Daniel’s Dream (7:1-3) A. The Great Sea 1. Revelation 17:15 2. Isaiah 57:20 3. Isaiah 17:12-13 B. The Four Winds 1. Jeremiah 25:32 2. Revelation 7:1-3 3. Luke 21:25 C. Four Great Beasts 1. Ezekiel 32:2 2. Psalm 74:13-14
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