More Information Week Ahead Worship Services 8:15am – Traditional; 10:45am – Contemporary Education Hour & Connection Class- 9:30am Sunday (see schedule above) Monday 7:00pm Communion Class Tuesday 12:30pm Afternoon Bible Study 3:00pm Kids Club Meeting Wednesday 7:00am Prayer 12-3:00 Quilting 6:30pm Confirmation Class Thursday 9-3pm Quilting 2:30pm Kids Club 7:00pm Meseke Bible Study 7:00pm Women’s Bible Study Friday 7:00pm Swanson Bible Study Saturday 8:00am Men’s Group Sunday (see schedule above) Tithes & Offerings Weekly Budget Need: $5000 Received: 2/1 - $3435 Today’s Worship Old Testament: Isaiah 40:21-31 Epistle: 1 Corinthians 9:16-27 Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 Flowers are given for the birthdays of Jeff Swanson & Jessica Greunke. Elder Joel Greunke Communion Asst. Jeff Mack Greeters Shirley Martin, Janet Spohr (8:15) Hunter family (10:45) Readers Stephen Smith (8:15) Kathy O’Connor (10:45) Sound Board Nathan Bawolek (8:15) Zach Swanson (10:45) Ushers Julene Jurs, Cindy Meseke (8:15) John & Nancy Parkin, Sr. (10:45) King of Glory Lutheran Church & Preschool Transforming Lives… Transforming Relationships... Serving the world. February 8, 2015 Staff: Pastor Doug Swanson - [email protected] Stephanie Henderson, DCE - [email protected] Tammy Kehe, Preschool Director Donna Darby, Church Secretary - [email protected] Prayers Please keep the following in your prayers this week. Those listed in bold are new requests. Immediate Need: Lorene Surges (upcoming surgery); Molly (family/personal issues; daughter of Donna Mitchell’s co-worker); Candelaria Petronila; Donna Breen; Bob Sheetz; Nella Worst; Kathy Bloomfield; Jane Bero; Salvador; Wanda Koscak; Art Schrager Long Term: Georgette; Ashley; Madelyn; Jodi; Jaime; Sylvia Larsen; Debbie Guptill Grief: Beth Thompson & sons Chris & Matt, family of Steven Thompson (family & friends of Smith family) who passed away this week from a massive brain hemorrhage (brain cancer for over a year). King of Glory: God would continue to bless our confirmation students as they grow and mature in their faith. That they would be bold to ask questions and develop a hunger for Your Word. Other Prayers: Thanks for recent prayers answered To request a prayer or to join the prayer chain, please call Isla Schulz: 847-931-9965. Let Pastor or office know of any changes, additions or deletions. We will keep people on our prayer list for 3 weeks. If you wish to add them again in the future, just let us know. If you are being hospitalized, please contact pastor or the church office. Thank you! Church/Preschool Office: (847) 931-1520 Email: [email protected] Website: Welcome to King of Glory It is our hope that you find here the love and joy that is a part of our Lord’s worship, and that you share this experience with others throughout the week. Our Worship services are on the screen. If you need a paper copy of the service please see an usher. An adult staffed nursery is available downstairs in the Preschool classroom. Please feel free to bring infants & young children* (ages 6 & under) downstairs anytime during the Bible Study & 10:45am service. Snow Plowing: Envelopes are available on the billboard in the narthex to help defray the cost of snow plowing & salting. Envelopes can be placed in the offering plate on Sunday. Thank you for your generosity. Vision Statement King of Glory is a community of believers whose lives and relationships are being transformed daily by the gospel of Jesus Christ and whose desire is to help others experience the same. In this newness of life we are committed to using our God given gifts and talents to serve our neighbors near and far. During the Offering, please fill out the attendance cards and place in offering plate. Statement of Participation in Holy Communion We welcome to the Lord’s Supper those baptized individuals who hold firmly to the belief that Christ’s body and blood are indeed present in, with and under the bread and wine, and that by receiving the body and blood of Christ, as a believer, we receive forgiveness of our sins. Prior to partaking of the Lord’s Supper therefore, one should examine themselves and ask: Am I truly sorry for my sins? Do I believe in Christ and His words in the sacrament? Do I plan with God’s help to try to amend my sinful life and do better? Am I withholding forgiveness from someone that I should instead be granting? In the Lutheran Church, Holy Communion is considered a public confession of the faith taught in this place. If you are a visitor unfamiliar with the teachings of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, we invite you to join us for a blessing at the communion rail. As you kneel, place your right hand over your heart with your head bowed so Pastor will know to give you a blessing. NOTE: For those who might have a special circumstance and cannot use the wine, white grape juice is available in the middle of the tray. Gluten free wafers are also available. Please let Pastor know your need before the service. News & Notes January/February Mission Project is collecting diapers for the Fox Valley Pregnancy Center. So far we have 3173! We have set a new goal of 5000. FVPC gives out 7000 diapers a month. If you would like to donate financially instead of buying diapers yourself, we can purchase a box of Luvs from Sam’s Club for $30 and do not have to pay tax. We will go the Pregnancy Center on Saturday, March 7, at 9:30am to wrap all the diapers received. There is only space for 10 volunteers, so sign up soon in the narthex. Food Donations for South Elgin Food Pantry’s item of the week: Hamburger Helper & Skillet Meals Ash Wednesday, February 18: Join us for worship at 7pm where we will have the imposition of ashes and celebrate Holy Communion. The following Wednesdays during Lent we will closely examine the last 24 hours of Christ’s life. Lenten Dinners begin Wednesday, February 18 at 6pm. We will continue doing potlucks like we did during Advent. Please bring a dish to share. Please bring any utensil that is needed to serve your dish. We hope you can join us for this time of fellowship before worship. Power of Prayer: Wednesday mornings at 7am in the sanctuary. A Voters Meeting will take place on Monday, February 16, at 7:00pm. Newsletter: Starting in March our newsletter will become quarterly. Newsletters will go out in March (April & May), June (July & August), September (October & November), and December (January & February). Newsletter items for the next newsletter are due Sunday, March 8. Northern Illinois Food Bank: Next opportunity to serve is Sat., March 21 - 9am. Sign up in narthex. Quilting days this month are Wednesday, Feb. 11, noon-3pm and Thursday, Feb. 12, 9:00am-3pm. Women’s Service Guild will meet on Monday, February 23, at Isla Schulz’ house. Backpack Kits are in the purple box on hall table. Each kit makes 3 backpacks. Return by Labor Day. Communion Classes for students 5th grade & over will begin Monday, February 9, at 7:00pm. They will meet February 9 & 23 and March 9 & 16. First Communion will take place during our Maundy Thursday service on April 2. Yellow forms on hall table; return to Pastor Doug or Stephanie. Emergency Closing Procedures: With regard to worship, a decision will be made by the pastor, head elder and chairperson by 7am on a Sunday morning. Reasons for cancelling worship include an ice storm, zerovisibility, and the building being inaccessible. If worship is cancelled, notification will be available to the congregation in the following ways. 1. The office voicemail message will be updated. 2. Our website 3. Social media such as Twitter 4. An automated call will go out to the members of the congregation 5. An email notification will be sent to all those currently receiving eNews 6. Log on to and search for King of Glory in Elgin. Through this website information will also be posted through local news outlets. All non-worship activities will follow the lead of U-46. If school is cancelled, dismissed early or afternoon activities cancelled, then KOG activities will be cancelled. We encourage you to do what feels comfortable for you. If worship is not cancelled, but you do not feel safe, please stay home. If you are scheduled to serve during worship, your role will be covered. Questions, contact Pastor Doug, Stephanie, an Elder / CPC member. Put Love into Action - Parenting Christian Kids: “Love” is a theme seen throughout the month of February, but it doesn’t mean much unless we put it into action. As Christians, we have the perfect example of love in action: God sending his only son, Jesus, to die for our sins and rise again to give us new life. God, who is love (1John 4:8), calls his followers to love one another as he has loved us (John 15:12). That includes people of different skin colors, cultural backgrounds, physical abilities, and even religious beliefs. Kids notice differences and may be unsure how to treat people. As parents, you play an important role in teaching your children how to love others in both word and action. Here are some helpful tips to follow. Acknowledge the differences that kids notice in people, and allow them to explore those differences. Encourage children to look for positive qualities in others. Focus on what makes each person special and unique. Kids who feel secure in themselves are more likely to embrace other people with love. Be a roll model of love and acceptance. If you want your kids to express love, you need that same approach yourself. As your role model, remember Jesus, who befriended outsiders and outcasts. PrimeTimers: Monday, February 16; 12-3pm. Let’s share our hearts of God’s love and friendship with our friends at Highland Oakes (formerly known as Apostolic) in a Valentine Lunch of Belgian waffles ala mode. Please sign up on board or call/email Susan by February 13: 847-987-8621; [email protected]
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