HEADING October Half-term activities Sports and Swimming Courses Get involved this half term Monday 27th October Friday 31st October 2014 1 SPORTS COURSES Course Time Age Member Price N/Member Price Course Code TEAM GYM FUN SESSION Have fun during this non-competitive, structured gymnastics session. Gymnasts will warm up before taking part in gymnast activities and exercises. Monday 10.00am - 12.00pm 5-8yrs £6.30 £7.75 OT01 TRAMPOLINING Monday 1.15pm - 2.15pm 3-5yrs £4.05 £4.05 OT02 Monday 2.15pm - 3.15pm 6+yrs £4.45 £5.90 OT03 Monday 11.15pm - 12.15pm 4-6yrs £4.45 £5.90 OT04 TWEENY TUMBLERS Tweeny Tumblers must be walking. Develop their basic skills including running, jumping and co-ordination. No need to book, just turn up! Tuesday 9.30am-10.15am1-2yrs £4.05 £4.05 PAYG Tuesday 10.15am-11.00am1-2yrs £4.05 £4.05 PAYG GYM & TRAMPOLINING Enjoy this fantastic opportunity to develop trampolining skills. Adults are required to stay for duration and socks need to be worn on trampoline. Tuesday 1.30pm - 2.30pm 3-4yrs £4.05 £4.05 OT05 Tuesday 2.30pm - 3.30pm 5-9yrs £4.45 £5.90 OT06 SOCCER DRIBBLERS Learn the basic skills of soccer Monday 9.30am - 10.15am 3-5yrs £4.05 £4.05 OT07 Monday 10.15am - 11.00am 3-5yrs £4.05 £4.05 OT08 Friday 9.45am - 10.30am 3-5yrs £4.05 £4.05 PAYG Friday 10.30am - 11.15am 3-5yrs £4.05 £4.05 PAYG FAMILY TRAMPOLINING SESSIONS Maximum of 5 persons. Enjoy learning how to trampoline as a family! Adults must stay for the duration of this exclusive session and socks must be worn. Thursday 9.30am - 10.30am All ages £20.00 £27.25 OTT1 Thursday 10.30am - 11.30am All ages £20.00 £27.25 OTT2 Thursday 11.30am - 12.30pm All ages £20.00 £27.25 OTT3 Thursday 1.15pm - 2.15pm All ages £20.00 £27.25 OTT4 Thursday 2.15pm - 3.15pm All ages £20.00 £27.25 OTT5 FUN SESSIONS Uninterrupted fun-packed games and activities guarenteed to satsify any young child’s enthusiasm for fun and entertainment. Includes trampolining, bouncy castle and gym equipment. Wednesday 9.15am - 10.15am 6mnths-4yrs £4.15 £4.15 PAYG Wednesday 10.15am - 11.15am 6mnths-4yrs £4.15 £4.15 PAYG Friday 9.15am - 10.15am 6mnths-4yrs £4.15 £4.15 PAYG Friday 10.15am - 11.15am 6mnths-4yrs £4.15 £4.15 PAYG Friday 1.15pm - 2.45pm 6mnths-4yrs £4.30 £4.30 PAYG BADMINTON Enjoy playing badminton in a game situation and developing your badminton technique further. No need to book, just turn up! Friday 2.00pm-4.00pm7+yrs £6.30 £7.75 PAYG 2 SPOOK-TACULAR OFFER! To celebrate Halloween if you turn up in Fancy Dress you’ll save 50% on your activity price! Just look for the little pumpkin above to see which activities are included! SWIMMING COURSES Course Course Details Member Price N/Member Price Course Code LEARNER POOL (5 DAY COURSE) Unaccompanied Beginners (3½ +yrs) 8.30am-9.00am £24.50 £31.75 OCT040 Penguin/Puffin (4-7 yrs) 9.00am-9.30am £24.50 £31.75 OCT041 Tadpole/Seal (4-7yrs) 9.30am-10.00am £24.50 £31.75 OCT042 Unaccompanied Beginners (3½ +yrs) 10.00am-10.30am £24.50 £31.75 OCT143 TRAINING POOL (5 DAY COURSE) Levels 1-2 9.00am-9.30am £24.50 £31.75 OCT144 Levels 4-5 9.30am-10.00am £24.50 £31.75 OCT145 Levels 6A-C 10.00am-10.30am £24.50 £31.75 OCT146 COMPETITION POOL (6 DAY COURSE) National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (8th edition) with AED NPLQ147 £235 (includes manual and one assessment on Sat 1 Nov) Mon 27th Oct - Fri 31 Oct 8.30am-5.30pm Sat 1 Nov (assessment) 8.00am-1.00pm NPLQ CANDIDATES MUST • Be 16 years of age by the assesment date (1 November 2014). • Attend the whole course and pass the exam to receive the award. • Be competent swimmers (recommendation 100m continuously on both front and back strokes) and will be expected to submerge to a depth of 1.5-3 metres. • Be physically fit with good hearing and vision with the ability to swim 50 metres within 60 seconds. • Please bring shorts, t-shirts, whistle, swimwear and writing materials. You will swim in the morning and afternoon each day. • Candidates may bring a packed lunch although a Cafè is available for refreshments. • Once a booking is made there is no refund for non-attendance or non-completion of the course by the candidate Swimming Course Guidelines Learner Pool Unaccompanied Beginners (3½ + years): Novice or non-swimmer capable in a class situation without an adult. Penguin/Puffin (4-7 years): Has previous class experience and is able to use two floats and attempt to swim unaided. Tadpole/Seal (4-7 years): For those able to swim 3 metres on both front and back unaided and breaststroke leg action. Training Pool Children must be able to stand comfortably with head and shoulders above water. Minimum depth is 1m. Level 1-2: From non-swimmers and beginners to those able to paddle 3 metre. Level 4-5: Able to swim 10 metres on front with aquatic breathing and 10 metres backstroke and breaststroke. Level 6A-C: Able to swim 20 metres of front crawl, 20 metres back crawl and 20 metres of breaststroke. 3 HOW TO FIND US This leaflet can be made available in large print, Braille, on audio cassette or DVD. Copies in other languages may also be obtained. Please contact Bracknell Leisure Centre. Tel: 01344 454203 or Minicom 01344 352405. BRACKNELL LEISURE CENTRE Booking information • Enrolments are accepted in person at Reception. Unfortunately we are unable to accept telephone bookings. • Please seek medical advice if in doubt about your suitability for courses. • We reserve the right to change instructors or cancel classes without notice. • We will transfer any pupils we feel have enrolled onto the incorrect class. Armbands are not to be used. • Spectators are not allowed on poolside during lessons. Please use designated spectator spaces available. • Pay As You Go (PAYG) tickets are available 15 minutes before the activity start time. • No refunds/credits given for cancellation by pupils. In exceptional circumstances credits may be available for absence through serious illness or injury by applying in writing to the Centre Manager (excludes NPLQ). Want to keep on working out in the school holidays? Crèche Suitable for children aged 6 weeks to 5th birthday Monday-Friday 9.15am - 2.15pm Drop-In Zone Enjoy the bouncy castle, arts & crafts and table tennis in a supervised environment. 5-10 years Monday-Friday 9.30am - 11.30am (school holidays only) Bracknell Leisure Centre Bagshot Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 9SE Tel: 01344 454203 Fax: 01344 868511 Email: [email protected] Web: www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/be BLC/OCT HALF-TERM/14 E & OE
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