Church Of Saint Joseph A Part of The Catholic Community of Northern Columbia County x 2824 Atlantic Ave. Stottville, New York 1820 U.S. Route 9 Stuyvesant Falls, New York Mailing Address: 1820 U.S. Route 9 , Stuyvesant, New York 12173 Phone: 518-799-5411-Fax: 518-799-3144 E-Mail: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Friday 8:30am—2:00pm Stuyvesant Falls PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, The Church of St. Joseph, form the one Body of Jesus Christ gathering to recognize and celebrate His presence and action among us, in our worship, hospitality and ministries. Celebration of the Eucharist WEEKENDS Saturday 4:00 PM Stottville Rev. George Fleming, Pastor Rev. Daniel Quinn, Associate Pastor Deacon Michael McDonald, Interim Pastoral Director of Operations 758-9401 Deborah Halpin, Pastoral Associate for Administration Sunday 9:00 AM Stuyvesant Falls Sunday 12:00 PM Stuyvesant Falls Pastoral Staff (Spanish) WEEKDAYS Tuesday 8:30 AM Stottville Thursday 8:30 AM Stottville EUCHARISTIC ADORATION is held in Stottville immediately following Mass on Tuesday morning from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - Stottville Confession from 3:00 PM and by appointment. Seasonal Communal Reconciliation. Sacrament of Baptism: Contact Angelique Hebert for dates and to schedule parents’ preparation prior to the Baptism. 799-5411 ext. 5 or [email protected] Sacrament of Marriage: Contact the Parish Office at least six months before proposed wedding date. It is advisable to do this prior to making other wedding commitments. New Parishioners: We invite each family or individual to register with us by calling or stopping by the Parish Office. Homebound & Hospitalized: Please call the Parish Office to arrange a visit. In the event of an emergency and you need to reach a priest after normal business hours, you can call 518-303-3636. You can either send a text message to that number or leave a voice message and your call will be returned. Angelique Hebert, Director for Religious Education [email protected] Rose Ann DeGennaro, Pastoral Council Chair Tom Cody & Tim Trowbridge, Trustees CHURCH OF SAINT JOSEPH STUYVESANT FALLS / STOTTVILLE SATURDAY STOTTVILLE 4:00 PM "'The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come. Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.' The servants went out into the streets and gathered all they found, bad and good alike, and the hall was filled with guests." - Mt 22:8b-10 Readings for the Week of October 12, 2014 Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Next Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Mass Schedule & Intentions Sunday Masses are offered for the People of the Parish Saturday 4:00pm =Constance Meano by Stella Ham Sunday 9:00am =Glenn Wallace by Arlene Oldrich Sunday 12:00pm For the People (Spanish) Tuesday, October 14 8:30 am Stottville 9:00 am Adoration Stottville Wednesday, October 15 10:30 Barnwell Thursday, October 16 8:30am Stottville Saturday 4:00pm =Constance Meano by Christian Service Sunday 9:00am =Deceased members of the parish Sunday 12:00pm For the People (Spanish) =Denotes “for the repose of the soul of” Greeters Marian Woodward Jeanne Roetina Eucharistic Ministers Jeanne Roetina (H) Madelyn Super Cheryl Trowbridge Lector Tom Campion SUNDAY STUYVESANT FALLS 9:00 AM Greeters Joan Delessio Collection Team Eucharistic Ministers The Altomer Family Lector Carol Qualtieri (H) Jill Rothwein Mary Tuczynski Donny Rothwein Please Pray for the Sick, Homebound and the Needs of the Community: Mary Abitable, Neil Akeson, Elizabeth Amorusa, Renee Ashdown, Nicoleta Augustin & her unborn baby girl Katarina, Florence Benjes, Bill Brown, Charlie, Rebecca Corbett, Donald Crouse, George & Antoinette DePrima, Amy Dwileski, Roger Edgley, Jr., Kevin Erickson, Donna Florio, Joan Furey, Joan Gasparik, Vincent Genovese, Mary Grand, Margaret Ingham, Joann Jakiela, Adlee Hope Paluch, John A. King, Vickie Kinzie, Matt Kusewich, Judy Krumpus, Arlene Liepshutz, Charlotte Marsh, Michele Martino, Lucy Miller, Butch Molnar, Ricky Nack, Jim Naegeli, Bobye Nicholson, Pat O’Brien, Walter O’Brien, Vicky O’Donnell, Chad Oliver, Mary Orbon, Mary Pace, Pauline, Hilda Pizza, Nell Ramsey, Earl Ransford, Matilda Ransford, Mike Rendine, George Rutnik, Patricia Sama, Glenn Simmons, Angelo Tamburro, Barbara Truman, Anna Turek, Margaret VanBramer, Janet Van Leuven, Viola Wickes, Patricia Williams, Corrie & Peter Woodward, Erica Worden 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME IT TAKE APPROXIMATELY $2500.00 IN OFFERTORY PER WEEK FOR THIS PARISH TO OPERATE. THIS WEEK’S COLLECTION WAS: $2895.00 OFFERTORY $1766.00 FUEL/HEAT THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO GIVES EACH WEEK. Mass Count Saturday 4:00pm 100 Sunday 10:00am 105 Sunday 12:30pm 150 Installation Weekend October 25 & 26 Please join us for this very special celebration as we welcome Fr. George into our parish community and give thanks as he was sent to lead and help us grow as a faith filled community. The installation will take place over two days and will be celebrated in all four locations. Saturday Sunday 4:00 pm Stottville 1:00 pm Stuyvesant Falls 2:00 pm Valatie 3:00 pm Chatham Followed by a reception More information to follow as the plans are finalized. The Pastor’s Blog, I can’t begin to thank the people of our parishes enough for the hard work, dedication and loving service they have been providing for the community in all areas of church life. From the ministries to the fundraisers, from the liturgies to the special events, people have given of themselves so freely. Please know of my gratitude and that of the entire community. The Pastor Installation that is coming up on the last weekend of the month will be an opportunity to celebrate our communities. More information will follow but I hope that as many as possible will be able to join us at one or more of our churches, perhaps checking out a worship site where they do not attend normally. It will be an exciting day. I would like to encourage everyone to consider attending part of “The Gift of Grace” a three day mission hosted by St. Joseph Parish next week October 14, 15 and 16th. Led by Deacon Rick Washburn, these days of prayer and reflection will surely be a time of blessings for those who attend and for whom prayers will be offered. I will actually be away later next week for my Alumni Reunion in Baltimore and will be remembering all of you in prayer. I am celebrating my 20th anniversary of priesthood as well as my graduation from St. Mary’s Seminary and University. I will be back Friday evening or Saturday morning in time for weekend liturgies. God bless you. As I reacquaint with old friends and classmates, I look forward to sharing how blessed I am in this assignment. In Christ’s love, Father George 10/12/2014 Pastoral Council October 14, 7:00pm Stuyvesant Falls Rosary Society October 22, 7:00 pm Stottville Prayer & Worship October 28, 7:00pm Stuyvesant Falls Any discrepancy in meeting time or schedule changes please notify the office. The next food pantry will be held October 24, 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Help is needed unloading the truck at Stottville on that day for 30 minutes, at the most, sometime in the morning. (The exact time is determined by the Regional Food Bank the week before.) If you can help, please call Marcia Race at 851-2945 or Anne McGowan at 392-3257. Also, macaroni and cheese and tuna are still being collected. The pantry is in need of plastic grocery bags. Please consider bringing a food item to Church for the Food Pantry. (place in red Food Pantry Wagon). The Alight Center is holding its annual fundraising banquet on October 23 at Anthony's Banquet Hall in Catskill, NY. The speaker this year is Dr. Levatino, a former abortionist. This is a major fundraiser that keeps their doors open and will hopefully allow them to complete their new addition. Dinner is complimentary but you will have an opportunity to make a financial donation. Please help them reach their goal of $100,000! For information or to make a reservation, please contact Steve & Betsy Acciani at 965-4200. RSVPs are due before 10/13 TRIP TO NEW YORK CITY on Saturday, Dec. 6 as a Haiti Fundraiser. The cost is $40, nonrefundable, and the time is 7 am leaving from the St. James Parking field near the bank. Reservations are sold after the Saturday 5:30 pm Mass and the Sunday 9 am Mass at St. James or contact Pat Dieffenbach 392-7947 or [email protected]. It's a great holiday time in New York City, the tree at Rockefeller Center, Radio City, the theater, museums and SHOPPING. The Church of St. Joseph is holding a Northern Columbia County Parish Mission. “The Gifts Of Grace” From 7:00pm to 8:30pm Tues. 14 Stuyvesant Falls: “Grace under Fire” Wed. 15 Stottville: “Finding Grace in Scripture” Thurs. 16 Stuyvesant Falls: “Grace through Silence” Presenter will be Deacon Richard Washburn. Flyers available at Church entrance. Volunteers needed for Stuyvesant Falls Senior Community Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30am to 1:30pm. Enjoy a nice meal while helping others. Even if you can only do one day or both it would be a huge help. Call 751-0267 for more information. Autumn Diocesan Gathering 2014 Fanning the Flame: Ministry in a Missionary Key October 25 plan to attend the annual Autumn Diocesan Gathering from 9:00am to 3:00pm at LaSalle Institute, 174 Williams Road, Troy. Cost is $25/person, which includes continental breakfast, keynote, workshop, and afternoon session with Bishop Ed. $10 for optional box lunch. Registration due Friday, October 17. Visit for online registration & payment.
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