October 12, 2014 WELCOME TO THE CHURCH OF St. Bridget 600 Clifford Avenue • Loves Park, IL 61111 633-6311 www.StBridgetLovesPark.org Matthew 22:1-14~The Parable of the Wedding Banquet Reverend Msgr. Daniel Deutsch, Pastor Reverend Christopher DiTomo, Associate Pastor Reverend Keith Romke, Associate Pastor Deacons Philip E. Abel, Jovie Reyes, William Riseley Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time FROM THE DESK OF NIC FRANK Readings for the Week of October 12, 2014 Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Next Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. WEEKLY COLLECTION INCOME FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 5 , 2014 Registered Families 2153 Envelopes $13,940.66 Offertory 1009.00 Children 68.45 Sub Total 15,018.11 Candle 364.89 Online 3,696.50 (99) Fuel Online 100.00 (1) Holy Day Online 60.00 (2) Total $19,239.50 WEEKLY OPERATING BUDGET $17,749.00 490.50 LITURGY SCHEDULE MASSES FOR THE WEEK Saturday, October 11 St John XXIII, pope 5:00 pm Frank Baker Sunday, October 12 Twenty- eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Living and Deceased Members of the Zavagli and Sandeen Families 10:00 am People of St. Bridget 12:00 pm Robert Bielski Monday, October 13 7:00 am Michael Lecklider 8:15 am Lee Johnson Tuesday, October 14 St. Callistus I, pope 7:00 am Harold “Gene” Wagner 8:15 am Alton Chambers~1st Anniversary Wednesday, October 15 St. Teresa of Jesus 7:00 am Harold “Gene” Wagner 8:15 am Deceased Members of the Hedlund and Franchini Families Thursday, October 16 St. Hedwig, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 7:00 am Reverend Brian Olsen 8:15 am Dorothy Keller Friday, October 17 St. Ignatius of Antioch 7:00 am Nellie DeLong 8:15 am Sister Anthony Marelli~1st Anniversary Saturday, October 18 St. Luke 7:00 am Dixie O’Donnell 8:15 am LIFE 5:00 pm Frank and Leona Harwath Sunday, October Twenty -ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Morris Eklund 10:00 am People of St. Bridget 12:00 pm Max Kershisnik 1st Sunday of the month at 4 PM-Croatian Mass 2nd Sunday of the month at 5 PM-Filipino Mass Respect Life Mass in Chapel (every 3rd Saturday 8 AM) SPIRIT AFLAME CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP We invite you to join us on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 - 9:00 PM in Mitchell Hall. The next required Baptismal class will be on Tuesday, October 28,2014 at 7 PM in Mitchell Hall. Please call the parish office at 633-6311 to register. PRAYER CHAIN Have your special intentions or prayer needs included in our prayer chain by calling: Fred or Rose Marie at 633-6681, Karen at 633-1798 or Don or Karen at 289-9095. Altar Server Schedule Weekdays, October 13,14 8:15 am E. Armendariz I. Marquetti Weekdays, October 15,16 8:15 am R. Corrigan N. Fuller Weekday, October 17 8:15 am G. Laubenstein A. Williams Saturday, October 17 8:15 am S.Lincoln J. Petalber Saturday Evening, October 18 5:00 pm T. Bertrand J.Delmore A. Felebrico B. St. John M. Tecarro Sunday, October 19 8:00 am J. Caliston A. Crull A. Fuller E. Gawaran C. La Mantia 10:00 am N. Barcellona T. Gallagher K. Gomel S. Smitley B. Thomas 12:00 pm M. Ethington J. Horgan E.Horgan J. Rodriguez M. Woods LITURGICAL MINISTERS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 5:00 PM Lector Commentator Eucharistic Ministers SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 8:00 AM Lector Commentator Eucharistic Ministers Earl Hernandez Kerry Burd Pat Dahl Angie Hernandez John and Kathleen Slade Dorothy McCabe Tina Teeters Susan Custer Al Johnson Tom McCabe Annemarie Toldo 10:00 AM Lector John Gibson Commentator Jennifer Kazmerski Eucharistic Ministers Anthony Borowski Sue Claus Linda Hall David Van Brocklin 12:00 PM Lector Patricia Lara Commentator Mary Heavlin Eucharistic Ministers Ivan Eye Peggy Javurek Ed and Linda Lynch PLEASE WELCOME Our parish community welcomes the following family who registered last week. Georgina Mosley WITH SYMPATHY Please pray for the sick and homebound of our parish and for the repose of the souls in Heaven of: Kenneth Cook, husband of Catherine Mary’s Corner When you say the rosary, pray the rosary. Picture Our Lady and as you are praying the prayers, picture each prayer as a beautiful flower you are presenting to her. It is your gift of love to her. There is Benediction every Saturday in the chapel at 1:00 PM ANGEL DUSTERS...We will be cleaning the church on Saturday, October 25th after the 8 AM Mass. If you have any questions, call Randy Gulotta at 2626840 or just drop in after Mass. Many hands are needed to keep our church beautiful!! COFFEE AND DONUTS will be Sunday, October 19th after the 8 AM and 10 AM Masses. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Stop by Mitchell Hall and enjoy coffee, juice and donuts and greet your fellow parishioners. Respect Life Ministry~ Each of Us is a Masterpiece of God’s Creation October is Respect Life Month. These are some of the activities you may wish to participate in with your family. Our prayers for this month are for Life from the moment of conception through natural death. May we see the wonder of God in all of us. Historic 2014 National 54 Day Rosary Novena – September 29 through November 21. Pray the rosary individually or as a family or as part of your parish community. There are 27 days for petition followed by 27 days in thanksgiving. The intention: “For peace and the Family, Human Life, Marriage and Religious Freedom”. This is a message of hope in response to the spiritual crisis in our culture and nation. Visit www.54days.org for more information and watch the bulletin for opportunities to say the rosary with your parish community. Raffle tickets for a handmade quilt will be sold before and after all Masses on October 11, 12, 18, and 19 or at the Craft Fair. Proceeds from the raffle will be used for Mass intentions for Pro-Life causes and other activities supporting life. Respect Life Mass on October 18 at 8:15 in the Church. Mass of Hope & Encouragement for those touched by the cross of infertility~ Whether you have been personally touched by the cross of infertility or know and love someone who has, this Mass is an occasion to come together and pray for hope and healing. There will also be an opportunity to share in fellowship and receive valuable resources from the OSF FertilityCare Center featuring NaPro Technology. Mass will be at 10:00am on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at OSF-St. Anthony Medical Center (5666 E. State St. Rockford, Illinois 61108). There will be signs helping direct people at the main entrance of the medical center. If you plan to attend or would like more information, please contact: Pastoral Care at 815-395-5210 or Mary O’Grady, RN, BSN, CFCP at 815-332-3015 or mary.e.o’[email protected]. Attention Altar Servers: On Friday, October 24th there will be a practice for new and current servers from 6 PM until 7:30 PM in the church. On Friday, October 31st, there will be a movie and pizza night in Mitchell Hall (basement) from 6 PM until 8 PM. Do you miss your college student? We do, and would like to send them a care package from their St. Bridget Family. We ask you to fill out the registration form that can be found in the pews or in the back of the church for each student. Let’s tell them we are thinking about them and can’t wait to see them when they are home from college. We would like to finish registration by October 27th so that the care packages can be mailed by November 4th. For more information, please contact Marisa Munger at 815-654-0457. (We will do a push for financial assistance for box contents and mailing later on.) Calling all Bakers!! We need you! A bake sale is being held at the Craft Fair on October 18th. We are seeking donations of baked goods and other treats. Please package items ready for sale. Food items can be dropped off at the Family Ministry Office in the Parish Center on Friday, October 17th between 8 am – 6 pm or Saturday morning, October 18th. If you have any questions, please call Teresa Marotta at 815-877-1664 or Sue Claus at 815-505-6515 or at [email protected]. Vocations Corner: Relationship – Identity Mission I’d like to propose that in order to know where we are called, that we must first understand who we are, and that in order to understand who we are, we have to know where we come from. So often in life, we assess ourselves based on what we do, we look at people who have done great things as “somebodies” and those who haven’t shown much, to be “nobodies.” We ourselves may feel like we are of little worth if we struggle in life and don’t seem to see great results from our efforts in life. This assessment of what we do thus affects how we view ourselves, which can in turn affect our relationships. God, however, wants for us to see things in the exact opposite way! We begin by looking at our relationships. From the moment of our baptism, we are brought into the relationship of being sons and daughters of God! We must NEVER lose sight of this fact, because it gives us a profound and extraordinary dignity. This relationship defines who we are and gives us our Identity! And only when we accept and acknowledge this identity, are we able to receive our mission. Look at Mother Theresa, the things that she did were seemingly small in the eye of the world, but she did what she did with love as a response to her identity that stemmed from her relationship with God. Now, I’d say that she had pretty good results! So today, accept your identity from God, and let that identity reveal your mission. ~Father Keith Romke Living Rosary/ October Filipino Mass Please join us as we pray a living rosary, one person per bead while processioning in with the Blessed Virgin Mary statue and singing Marian songs on Sunday, October 12th. Assembly time is at 4:00 PM; the traditional Filipino mass will start at 5:00 PM. Lay your petitions before our Blessed Mother…And we will pray together all who gather before Her. In the Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help, we pay tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary in asking for her assistance. Join us Wednesday in the Cry Room in the narthex of the church. We pray the rosary at 5:30 PM, followed by the Novena prayers from 5:50-6:10 PM. CHARISMATIC HISPANIC PRAYER GROUP Will meet on Wednesdays from 7:00 until 8:30 PM. We will meet in Mitchell Hall. Please call Rose Johnson at 815/282-9579 for more information. Women of St Bridget / Rockford Rescue Mission Help Needed. The Women of St. Bridget organize the serving of dinner at the Rockford Rescue Mission the fourth Tuesday of every month. The meal is served from 5:30 - 6:30 and requires a group of 4 people. If you are interested in serving, please contact Diantha Gilbert @ 815-9789848 or email her @ [email protected]. If you have a preference for a particular month or would be willing to do it more than one time, please let Diantha know, she will try to accommodate your request. Women of St. Bridget’s Annual Mass for Heaven’s Children Monday, October 27th, 7 PM at St. Bridget Church. The Women of St. Bridget’s organization is hosting a special Mass of remembrance for those children who have been taken to heaven too soon, through miscarriage, stillbirth, or early childhood death. If you would like your child to be included in this Mass, please submit their name and date born into eternity to Diantha Gilbert at [email protected] or call 1-815978-9848 before Wednesday, October 22nd. All are welcome to attend and light refreshments will be served after the Mass. The Knights of Columbus Bowl for Life will be held on Friday, October 24th at 6:30 PM at the B and B Park Bowl on North Second Street in Loves Park. The cost is $25/person which includes 3 games with shoes, and Famous Dave’s BBQ is also included. For dinner only the cost is $10. There will be a 50/50 drawing and a silent auction. Net proceeds will to go to the Knights of Columbus Pro Life Programing. For more information, contact Brian O’Reilly at 918-6053130. Pantry notes: There is an old Jewish tale about two brothers who worked tirelessly on their family farm. The one brother was married with several children and lived in a large house with a large barn and many silos. The other brother was single and lived in a small house with a small barn and a small silo. The brothers loved each other very much and at night often thought about the other. One night as the single brother was going to bed, he thought about his older brother and his house full of children. He said to himself, " I worry about my brother, how will he have enough for his family especially as they grow and he grows older. I have all I need and my needs are few as opposed to his. I know, (he thought) I will sneak over at night and add some of my grain to his silos and then he will have plenty for his family." And so he did. A few weeks later the older brother was thinking of his younger brother who was single. "I worry about him, he is all alone. He has no one to take care of him when he is old and cannot work the fields, how will he survive? I know, (he thought) I will sneak over at night and put some of my grain in his silo and so he will have plenty of money when he is old and won't have to worry." And so he did. This went on for some time, night after night a bucket or two was poured into each others silo. Until there came a moonless night and it was so dark the brothers crashed into each other and it was then that God spoke from heaven. "Where two meet in care of one another, it is upon this holy ground that I will build my house." This is an old story, but a story that is being lived out everyday in our church community. The kindness and generosity with which you share your goods with the poor is truly wonderful and the kindness and care with which the pantry families clip the box tops for education, or pray for our community is equally wonderful. It is always where we come together, sometimes in moonless nights, that God smiles upon us and builds his home in our hearts. I hope you can see what a beautiful home God is building among us.~ Teresa Marotta Childcare Help Needed St Bridget Moms Ministry could use some extra hands to assist our childcare workers. If you can spare some time to play with our little ones and give Moms a little time for spiritual enrichment and fellowship please call Angie Hernandez at 813-777-7166 or Email [email protected] for dates and times. PARISH DIRECTORY PARISH CONTACTS Parish Office 633-6311 Parish Office Fax Number 633-6314 Business Manager, Stacey Garza Administrative Assistant, Pam Harold Religious Education Director, Olivia O’Connor 633-4006 Family Life Director, Teresa Marotta 877-1664 Pastoral Council Chairman, Scott Long 262-5007 Finance Council Chairman, Al Johnson 877-3546 Stewardship Commission Chair, Bob Blood 540-4115 Education Commission, John Gibson 623-8774 Music Ministry Director, Scott Chachula 633-6311 Community Outreach, Vicki Grondzki 636-9510 Liturgical Committee, Don Pflipsen 289-9095 Homebound Ministry, LeRoy and Moe Alt 765-2019 Marriage Ministry, Mark and Barb Peterson 282-6642 Respect Life Ministry, Shirley Poole 654-9416 Salve Regina Ministry, Monica Riseley 633-8514 Director of Youth Ministry, Nic Frank 633-6311 [email protected] Assistant Director of Youth Ministry, Kate Genoways Perpetual Adoration Coordinator, Monica Riseley 633-8514 Altar Servers Coordinator, Jovie Reyes 505-1376 Charismatic Prayer Group, Ron Bergman 654-8420 Cursillo Movement, Scott Long 282-0616 Al Johnson 877-3546 That Man Is You Don Rabor 623-3561 Bill Riseley 980-0216 Light of the World Kay Ethington 654-8713 [email protected] Prayer Chain, Karen DeNolf 633-1798 Knights of Columbus Council 4330 Grand Knight, Brian O’Reilly 918-605-3130 Women of St. Bridget, Ingrid Jansen 636-8808 St. Christopher Transportation Ministry 633-6311 Parish School 633-8255 Principal, Mary Toldo Secretary, Sharon Cook School Hall 633-8532 Home and School President, Patti Bishop 885-3042 Athletic Department, Jim Fagan 654-0756 Scrip, Stacey Nelson 298-7742 Cub Scouts, Peter Kies 885-4900 Boy Scouts, Joe Jann 633-3281 The war on the pre-born is the only war in which America is involved where the casualties are 10%; the baby always dies. The moms, dads, and close family members suffer physical, mental, and spiritual wounds. Pray to an end to this holocaust. Pregnant and need help? Call 1-866-775-MARY (6279). MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday 5:00 pm, Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon. Weekday: Monday-Saturday 7:00 am-8:15 am. Holy Day: 5:30 pm (Vigil), 7:00 am, 8:15 am, 12:15 pm & 5:30 pm (except for Christmas, New Year’s and Easter) During Lent: 7 AM, 8 15 AM and 5:30 PM. SACRAMENTS Confessions: Saturday 8:45-until all heard, 3:30-4:30 pm, Sundays 9:15-9:45am, Tuesdays 7:30 am-7:45 am, Wednesdays-8:45am Baptisms: Every Sunday, except Easter and Christmas (if it falls on a Sunday). A Pre-Baptismal Instruction class is required. Call the Parish Office for a reservation. Marriages: Couples planning marriage should contact one of the priests at least six months in advance. A Diocesan Pre-Marriage Seminar is required. DEVOTIONS Novena of Perpetual Help Wednesday Evenings at 5:30 pm. Family Rosary: 20 minutes before daily Masses and Sunday morning at 7:40 am. PERPETUAL ADORATION: Begins on Sunday at 1:00 PM and ends at 1:00 PM on Saturday. Please contact Monica Riseley at 633-8514 for more information. BULLETIN NOTICES Must be in the Parish Office in writing by 11 am, Monday. REGISTRATION IN THE PARISH Please register at the Parish Office. Our boundary lines are the Rock River to the west and the Boone County Line to the east. Our northern boundary is McDonald Road, just south of Roscoe. The southern boundary runs east on Springcreek Road from the Rock River to Alpine Road and continues east on Riverside to the Boone County Line. In today’s gospel it says that “The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come.” God invites us to make our Sacrament of Marriage worthy to come to the feast. Do we enrich our marriage to make it what God want it to be? Let God be the strength of your marriage by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on October 24-26 in Rockford, IL, November 14-16 in Brookfield, WI or January 23-25, 2015 in Brookfield, WI. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: alifetimeoflove.org or call (888) 574-5653. For a fin de semana en Espanol in Chicago on November 14-16, contact Andres or Maria at 630-229-2600. FUNERAL HOME Bob & JoAnn Baker ARITISAN PASTA + PIZZA + LIBATIONS 7323 North Alpine Road Loves Park, Illinois 61111 (815) 282-4141 [email protected] CATERING + PRIVATE PARTIES + CORPORATE EVENTS Little Luvs Daycare Patti Harrington, Parishioner In Giovanni’s 815-398-6411 alchemypizza.com Ph# 815-877-7356 Traditional, Prearranged, and Memorial Funeral Services for the Entire Metro Rockford Area 964-6332 Still family owned. Caring for families is our number one priority. www.gasparinioliverifuneral.net 815.963.6521 • www.olsonfh.com 707 Marchesano Dr. Painting 4 U Residential • Commercial Light Industrial Residential • Commercial No Overtime Charges! Service and Installation of all brands and models “Expert service at affordable prices!” Fully licensed and insured. Call Vicky (815) 985-1272 www.littleluvsdaycare.net 815-298-8020 Parishioner Free Estimates 24/7 Service 110% Low Prices Guaranteed Parish Member 326 N. Alpine 399-4422 AUGY’S ROOFING Quality Work • Reasonable Rates Patrick H. Agnew Doug R. Warren Adam H. Agnew Alex H. Agnew Over 20 Years Experience Licensed • Bonded • Insured Steve (Augy) Schaumann • Owner PARISHIONER 815-399-3522 815-637-2660 Luther Center 111 W. State Street, Rockford, IL 61101 Apartment Living for Individuals aged 62 or older or 18 years old and disabled Assisted Living Program Available 815-965-0055 • TTY: 847-390-1460 282-3416 Ron & Mary’s SECURITY SERVICES 6246 E. Riverside Blvd. P: 815-633-2828 or Loves Park, IL 61111 www.PerMarSecurity.com 800.779.0933 Commercial & Residential F: 815.636.3805 www.2ndcousinsbar.com Security Systems • Five Alarms 514 Loves Park Drive We are your friendly Access Control & CCTV Systems Loves Park, IL 61111 Professional Investigative Services neighborhood bar! Physical Security & Special Event Services PARISH SUPPORTER 6499 N. 2nd St. Loves Park 815-282-3657 Valli Produce International Market FREE Coffee or Soft Drink with your meal on Sundays 7am-1pm $1 off per $10 purchase 1 coupon per person T :815-874-8431 F: 815-874-2307 Dr. Zakarija D.D.S., MS North Park Pharmacy “Come Visit Dr. Zak at the Tooth Fairy Castle” Machesney Park’s Family Pharmacy 815-637-1700 7924 N. 2nd St. Where children are OUR Specialty! www.drzkstoothfairycastle.com 633-3431 $5 Off $25 or more purchase DR. JOSEPH N. MANGIARDI, O.D. AND ASSOCIATES Parishioners Ambrose Greenhouse & HIGHCREST CENTRE 7112 Elevator Rd, Roscoe (815) 623-9327 1638 North Alpine Road • 815-398-4030 M-F: 9-6 • Sat: 9-5 DAVID URBELIS AGENCY, INC. LUTCF Loves Park 877-5441 Animal Hospital of BLACKMAN FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC An Loves Park VISIT US ON THE WEB! Boarding and Grooming Available 5036 North Second St., Loves Park IL (815) 986-4445 www.AnimalHospitalofLovesPark.com AMERICAN VISION CENTER 8530 NORTH SECOND STREET MACHESNEY PARK, ILLINOIS 61115 TELEPHONE (815) 654-7777 Chad Elston 815-645-8269 Serving Rockford & Surrounding Area 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Loves Park 6473 N 2nd St 815-636-9430 Cherry Valley 201 E State St 815-332-4176 Roscoe 5390 Elevator Rd 815-623-6677 WE DO IT RIGHT THE 1ST TIME! For All Your Residential & Commercial Needs 20 Years Experience Lungo’s Plumbing Services 5921 Forest Hills Rd. (Corner Forest Hills & River Ln.) Dr. Shahid Amin Garage Doors, Openers & Springs Optometry and Contact Lenses Landscape Valli Produce - Loves Park 6550 N Alpine Road (815) 639-0735 Competitive Rates • Neat & Clean • Courteous Phil Lungo - Owner 24 Hour Emergency Service 815-703-0827 LIC# 058-158973 BONDED-INSURED WWW.BLACKMANFAMILYCHIRO.COM 815-623-5460 815-623-5485 FAX: 5724 B ELEVATOR RD. • ROSCOE, IL 61073 FOR AD INFO CALL DAN HRDI 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. BRIDGET, LOVES PARK, IL B 4C 01-0755 09-30-2014 12:00:16 A FAMILY BUSINESS SERVING THE PARISH SINCE 1949 401 River Lane, Loves Park, IL 61111 www.delehantyfh.com 815-633-6010 3326 11th St. Rockford, IL 61109 Guilford and Mulford Rds 398-8888 [email protected] www.sreenaninsurance.com Professional Landscape Design & Installation Free Estimates Residential • Commercial 4999 Torque Road Loves Park, IL 61111 • Mowing-Trimming-Edging–Dry Granular Fertilization • Silt-Seeding-Core Aeration-Pruning-Mulching • Seasonal Maintenance Contracts-Snow Plowing • Specimen Quality Evergreens, Trees & Shrubs • Lawn & Landscape Rejuvenations • Retaining Wall & Patio Construction • Sod, Seeding, Finish Grading FREE ESTIMATES 815-885-1776 • FAX 815-885-1779 Lindstrom Travel Ph: (815) 398-3320 Fax: (815) 398-4342 T H I S JOHN PARSONS President/Parishioner Bus: (815) 633-1285 Fax: (815) 633-6774 [email protected] S P A C E A V A I L A B L E For Information On Advertising Please Call Our Parish Representative Dan Hrdi at 800-950-9952, ext. 2562 or Email: [email protected] www.SeekAndFind.com Construction and Remodeling Design and Build • Residential and Commercial Additions, Kitchens, Baths From Flooring to Roofing and everything in between Free Estimates [email protected] CHAD DAVIES President • Parish Member 815-378-7905 phone: 815.395.1800 cell: 815-494-0732 www.fcitycommunications.com ST. BRIDGET PARISHIONERS ALL YOUR COMMUNICATIONS NEEDS INSTALLATION, SERVICE & REPAIR OF AVAYA & NORTEL BUSINESS PHONE SYSTEMS, SECURITY CAMERAS, LOUDSPEAKER PAGING, WIRING FOR VOICE & DATA JACKS, AND ROUTER/SWTCHES. Residential & Commercial Cleaning 815-636-2676 Free Estimates 221 E. Riverside Blvd., Loves Park www.kofc.org www.cleanchoicecleaning.biz Pat Hazen Advanced Planning Consultant Mark Buckner American Hearing Aid Labs [email protected] www.rockfordheat www.rockfordheating.com Tim Conley Hearing Aid User For 50 Years 815-877-8600 3910 N. Mulford Rd. #1000 • Rockford, IL 1618 Magnolia St., Rockford, IL 61104 Ph: 815-965-9494 Fax: 815-965-4324 www.hearingloss.net 7214 N. Alpine Rd. Loves Park, IL 61111 815.633.3600 ICC NO. 1566 DOT NO1822310 Christensen Family Parish Members Complete Auto Repair Honquest Family Funeral Homes with Crematory ROSCOE & ROCKFORD CHAPELS honquestfh.com 815.636.5100 Tim & Peggy Javurek Parishioners 3427 East State & Fairview MAKE APPOINTMENT TODAY! (815) 399-2886 • tjsautocenter.com Committed to the quality you expect at reasonable prices. Tim and Rachel Honquest FOR AD INFO CALL DAN HRDI 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM A 4C 01-0755 ST. BRIDGET, LOVES PARK, IL 09-30-2014 12:00:16
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