Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —October 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time SUPPORT THOSE WHO MAKE THIS BULLETIN POSSIBLE (PG. 13) PAGE 1 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —October 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” MASS FOR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS A White Mass for doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel will be celebrated on Saturday, October 18 at 5:00 p.m. at the Cathedral. Bishop Myron Cotta will preside. The “White Mass” is so named for the color traditionally associated with the healing profession. All those who work in the medical field are urged to attend. Doctors are encouraged to wear their white lab coats. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY CATHEDRAL MEN’S GROUP Men of the Cathedral parish, you are invited to join the Cathedral Men's Group. If you are Christ-centered and interested in improving yourself check us out. We discuss the topics of today, how we men are affected, and what the Bible teaches us regarding today's issues. We meet every second Tuesday of the month in the Cathedral lower level at 7:15 p.m. Join us this Tuesday, October 14!! FIVE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS HOST OPEN HOUSES FOR PARENTS & STUDENTS Catholic high schools in the Sacramento Diocese will be hosting open houses during October for all prospective students and their families. The open house provide an opportunity to tour the campuses, meet teachers, administrators and coaches, and to see clubs and academic teams offered at each high school. The following is a listing of scheduled open houses: -- CRISTO REY HIGH SCHOOL (COED) will have an admissions information night. 6200 McMahon Dr., Sacramento: Thursday, Oct. 16 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more information visit -- JESUIT HIGH SCHOOL (ALL BOYS), 1300 Jacob Lane, Carmichael: Sunday, Oct. 19 from noon to 3 p.m. Preregister at -- MERCY HIGH SCHOOL (COED), 233 Riverside Way, Red Bluff. Friday, Oct. 17 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. “Spirit of Mercy” day for sixth, seventh and eighth graders, including tour of school and lunch. For more information visit or email to [email protected]. -- ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL (ALL GIRLS), 5900 Elvas Ave., Sacramento: Sunday, Oct. 12, from noon to 3 p.m. For more information visit -- ST. PATRICK-ST. VINCENT HIGH SCHOOL (COED), 1500 Benicia Road, Vallejo: Sunday, Oct. 26, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. For more information visit NEXT WEEKEND OCTOBER 19 Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Our support keeps the following going day in and day out: —9,000 clinics caring for the sick and dying —10,000 orphanages, providing a place of safety and shelter —900,000 children in some of the poorest parts of the world, receiving an education and the knowledge of God’s great love —80,000 seminarians preparing for the priesthood —9,000 religious Sisters and Brothers in formation programs …all of this taking place in 1,150 mission dioceses, mostly in Africa and Asia, where the poorest of the poor receive an education and health care, while experiencing the loving heart of our Lord through the service of priests, religious and lay faithful. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit PAGE 2 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —October 12, 2014 OCTOBER—MONTH OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY As we find ourselves at the beginning of a new month, the month of October, let us be reminded that it is the month dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. Let us, as clergy, religious and laity alike approach the praying of the Rosary with a sense of a renewed commitment to this important and valuable prayer tradition. May it, once again, be acknowledged and embraced in the homes of the faithful, as the prayer of the family. Let the youth of our parishes, who are not familiar with this prayer tradition, be introduced to it and may those whom have become distanced from it, be reintroduced to it as an instrument and means of engaging the New Evangelization. Let us, as the Diocesan Church of Sacramento, ask the intercession of Our Lady of the Rosary for peace in the Middle East and throughout our troubled world. As we approach the 13th of October, the Anniversary of the Last Apparition in Fatima, let us be reminded that it was there that the Blessed Virgin identified herself by proclaiming to the Shepherd Children of Fatima: “I am the Lady of the Rosary.” As she told them, she reminds and tells us, in our present day and age: “I will be your refuge.” Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima and Queen of Peace, pray for us. Auxiliary Bishop Myron J. Cotta ACTUALIZACIÓN Y REGISTRO DE LA PARROQUIA DE LA CATEDRAL POR FAVOR IMPRIMA CLARAMENTE GRACIAS NOMBRE #1: _____________________ ____________ N OMBRE #2: ________________________ ____________________ (APELLIDO, NOMBRE) A PELLIDO, NOMBRE) DOMICILIO: (DOMICILIO) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEFONO: (_____) _________________ (_____) _______________________ (_____) ________________________ (CIUDAD) (CASA) (E STADO) (C ELULAR) (C ÓDIGO POSTAL) (T RABAJO) EMAIL: CASA ________________________________________ TRABAJO _________________________________________ MÉTODO PREFERIDO DE OFRENDA SEMANAL: ___ SOBRES DE OFRENDA (SERÁN ENVIADOS A SU HOGAR) ___ BILLPAY A TRAVÉS DE SU BANCO (GENERALMENTE REALIZADO EN LÍNEA EN EL SITIO WEB DE SU BANCO) ___ CATEDRAL WEB SITE: WWW.CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG (DONACIONES EN LÍNEA) (DIOS LOS BENDIGA POR SU APOYO A NUESTRA HERMOSA CATEDRAL.) REGRESE POR FAVOR: 1) DEPOSITE EN LA CANASTA DE LA COLECTA EN MISA; 2) ESCANEAR A PDF FILE Y ENVÍA POR CORREO ELECTRÓNICO: [email protected]; 3) FAX: 916-443-2749; O 4) CORREO: 1017 11 STREET, SACRAMENTO,CA 95814. TH PAGE 3 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —October 12, 2014 PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY CATHEDRAL PARISH REGISTRATION & UPDATE NAME #1: _____________________ ____________ THANK YOU NAME #2: ________________________ ___________ (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME) (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME) ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (STREET ADDRESS) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) PHONE: (_____) _________________ (_____) ______________________________ (_____) _________________________ (HOME) (CELL) (WORK) EMAIL: HOME ___________________________________________ W ORK ________________________________________ PREFERRED METHOD OF WEEKLY OFFERING: ______ OFFERING ENVELOPES (WILL BE SENT TO YOUR HOME) ______ BILLPAY THROUGH YOUR BANK (USUALLY DONE ON-LINE ON YOUR BANK’S WEB SITE) ______ CATHEDRAL WEB SITE: WWW.CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG (ONLINE DONATIONS) (MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR BEAUTIFUL CATHEDRAL.) PLEASE RETURN BY: 1) PUT INTO COLLECTION BASKET AT MASS; 2) SCAN TO PDF FILE AND EMAIL TO: [email protected]; 3) FAX TO: 916-443-2749; OR 4) MAIL TO: 1017 11TH STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA 95814. PAGE 4 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —October 12, 2014 CATHEDRAL MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS (TWENTY-EIGHTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME) SAT 10/11/2014 5:00 pm Colleen Shaw SUN 10/12/2014 9:00 am Carlito Cabiscuelas 11:00 am For the Cathedral Parish MON 10/13/2014 GAL 4: 22-24, 26-27, 31—5;1; LK 11: 29-32 12:10 pm: For all Souls in Purgatory 5:10 pm: Gunien Wilson TUES 10/14/2014 ST. CALLISTUS I, POPE/MARTYR GAL 5: 1-6; LK 11: 3741 12:10 pm: John & Norman McInnis 5:10 pm: Mario Gonzales WED 10/15/2014 ST. TERESA OF JESUS, DOCTOR ROM 8: 22-27; JN 15: 1-8 12:10 pm: Amparo Sta Romana 5:10 pm: Alma Sose THU 10/16/2014 STS HELWIG & MARGARET MARY ALACOQUE EPH 1: 1-10; LK 11: 47-54 12:10 pm: For all Souls in Purgatory 5:10 pm: Braxedes Lopez FRI 10/17/2014 ST. IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH, MARTYR EPH 1: 11-14; LK 12: 1-7 12:10 pm: Peter Clark WEEK AT A GLANCE SUN 10/12/2014 9:00 am RCIA Class for children and teens 9:30 am Breaking of the Word 11:00 am Breaking of the Word for Children 11:15 am Spanish Religious Education begins MON 10/13/2014 6:30 pm Evening Prayer RCIA Team 7:00 pm RCIA Class 7:30 pm SVDP Feed the Homeless Program TUES 10/14/2014 7:00 pm English Confirmation Classes begin 7:00 pm Spanish Choir practice (7 pm) 7:15 pm Cathedral Men's Group WED 10/15/2014 7:00 pm Communion and Liberation 7:30 pm SVDP Feed the Homeless Program THUR 10/16/2014 7:00 pm Spanish Prayer Group FRI 10/17/2014 SAT 10/18/2014 10:00 am English Religious Education 5:00 pm Mass for Health Care Professionals EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “COULD YOU NOT KEEP WATCH WITH ME ONE HOUR?” WED & THUR 12:40PM-4:45PM FRI 12:40PM-3:45PM TO SIGN UP CALL TITI KILA (916) 206-7846 OR (707) 628-0340 OR E-MAIL TO [email protected] NO 5:10 PM MASS ON FRIDAYS CATHEDRAL TOURS Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Adoration, Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and Benediction with the Relic of St. Faustina after 12:10 Mass EVERY SUNDAY AFTER 9:00 AM AND 11 AM MASSES CATHEDRAL GIFT SHOP MONDAY 11:00 AM TO 2:00 PM CATHEDRAL PRAYER CORNER LET US PRAY FOR THE SICK AND SUFFERING LISA ANGELO JOHN D. AMARO BRANDON BARROWS BROWN FAMILY GEORGE BURNS CHARLES CORDIMA MARIA GUADALUPE CARDONA HARRY GABO MONICA GABO FRANK GARCIA MARY GUILLORY-DEGAS JOE DOSCHER SILVIA GARCIA CARLOS S. GOMEZ LUIS GUTIERREZ KATI JANSEN TIMOTHY JIMENEZ NORMA KATINDOY JOSEPH CRAWFORD LEON VIRGINIA MANCENIDO NILDA MEDINA MARIA ELENA MONZANI CLORAINE MIURA ELIZABETH PAUL ROSEMARY PLAIN JOHNNY RAMIREZ DOMINIC RENZI JOANNE RENZI MARIA ROKOMASI DALING SANTOS LILY DA SILVA BRIAN SWANN JEOFF SWANN PHILIP WORTH DONNA WORTH EVERY SUNDAY 9:00 AM--3:00 PM RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of spiritual and educational formation for adults who seek to become full members of the Roman Catholic Church through conversion of mind and heart. The process is open to all persons who genuinely seek by God's grace to live their lives in the Catholic Christian faith. For details, please call Sister Jenny at (916) 444-5364 or email to [email protected]. PAGE 5 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —October 12, 2014 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 'For Many' IS 25:6-10A • PHIL 4:12-14,19-20 • MT 22:1-14 W hen the new translation of our missal was released just a few years ago, there was much criticism about the translation of the words of consecration over the wine. We were used to the words, "It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven." Now the priest says, "[It] will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins." At first glance (and for many still), it sounds as if we no longer believe that Jesus died for everyone. Of course Jesus did die for everyone, but why the change? Aside from the attempt to more strictly translate Latin into English, the change enables us to experience several realities simultaneously. First, we are returned to a more faithful translation of the Scriptures. (Yes, despite opinions to the contrary, the Catholic Church is a Scripture-based church, and being faithful to the Scriptures is of fundamental importance to the Catholic Church.) WHERE IS YOUR Scripturally, the words "the many" are the opposite of "the few." The culture of Jesus' day understood groups of people as either "insiders" or "outsiders." No one would have understood our phrase "straddle the fence." You were either in or out. What Jesus did was radically different from the past. His culture understood "the few" as the Jews. In the strict understanding of themselves as a people, the belief was that the Messiah was to come only for the Jews, the insiders. "The many" was understood to be inclusive of all the nations. We see this in our passage from Isaiah who says "On this mountain the Lord will provide for all peoples." We also must enter into the sublime understanding of language itself. Phrases can have layers of meaning. Part of the goal of the re-translation of the Roman Missal was to reintroduce the ability of the language of prayer to recapture layers of meaning in order to avoid just one meaning, which limits depth of prayer and the power of the Scriptures. Yes, Jesus came with an offer of salvation for all people. This is a doctrine of faith; however, salvation is a gift that must be accepted. Not everyone has or will accept the gift. This is precisely what we learn from Jesus' parable of the wedding feast. This is the third Sunday in a row that the Gospel presents Jesus in confrontation with leaders. In each confrontation, Jesus uses parables which point out the unfaithfulness of the leaders, the insiders. As insiders the Jews had a special relationship with God, but they had taken it for granted. Two weeks ago we heard that repentant sinners (outsiders) would enter the kingdom before those assumed to be chosen for the kingdom (insiders). Last week we heard about the vineyard and those who decided to take possession of it for themselves. The punishment was severe for those who lost sight of the fact that what we have is actually God's and that it is lent to us in order to produce more goodness, charity, and mercy. WEDDING GARMENT? This week we hear Jesus say that those originally invited to the feast, those who appeared to be respectful and righteous insiders, were so preoccupied with their own affairs and agendas that they ignored the invitation. To refuse an invitation from a king, whether by intention or negligence, was an act of rebellion. Kings dealt with such people quickly and definitively. Jesus is accusing the leaders of doing just this, and by extension, His words warn to us to pay attention to God's invitation. For us as Catholics, coming to thee altar to be in the presence of the Body and Blood of Christ is a weekly invitation to the Lord's feast, yet we too often refuse the invitation. Sometimes it is hard to do, but we must enter the mind of Christ and see our refusal to accept His invitation as an act of rebellion. At the least, it is an act of taking Christ for granted. To avoid doing so requires intentional effort to remind ourselves of who God is and who He is in our lives. Not only is "the many" a way of saying that the gift of salvation is offered to everyone, it is a way of saying that many" will accept the gift, but not everyone does accept. While scholars disagree over the precise meaning of throwing out the individual who was dressed inappropriately, it does remind us that God does have standards and expectations. We cannot lackadaisically respond to God's invitation. Our baptismal garment is the appropriate dress for God's kingdom. We must keep it ready for our turn to enter the wedding feast. And Isaiah offers a glimpse of a banquet far beyond our imaging for those who do respond appropriately to God's invitation. The Priest PAGE 6 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —October 12, 2014 WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER An amazing weekend away with your spouse. To register, please visit: to register. Or for more information, contact John & Angelica Angarita at: 866-825-2046, or at: a p p l i c a t i o n s @ HAVE YOUR MARRIAGE BLESSED IN THE CHURCH If you would like to have your civil marriage blessed in the Catholic Church, please call Deacon John at the Cathedral Office: 444-3071 Ext. 11 or email at jgisla@ This can be done in a small private ceremony called a Convalidation, without any cost or fee. If you have been together for a number of years and would like to be married in the Church, this can also be done in a small ceremony without any cost. TODAY’S READINGS IS 25: 6-10: THE LORD PREPARES A FEAST. PHIL 4: 12-14, 19-20: I CAN DO ALL THINGS IN HIM WHO STRENGTHENS ME . MT 22: 1-14: I NVITE TO THE WEDDING FEAST WHOMEVER YOU FIND . PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY CATHEDRAL PARISH REGISTRATION & UPDATE NAME #1: _____________________ ____________ THANK YOU NAME #2: ________________________ ___________ (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME) (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME) ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (STREET ADDRESS) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) PHONE: (_____) _________________ (_____) ______________________________ (_____) _________________________ (HOME) (CELL) (WORK) EMAIL: HOME ___________________________________________ W ORK ________________________________________ PREFERRED METHOD OF WEEKLY OFFERING: ______ OFFERING ENVELOPES (WILL BE SENT TO YOUR HOME) ______ BILLPAY THROUGH YOUR BANK (USUALLY DONE ON-LINE ON YOUR BANK’S WEB SITE) ______ CATHEDRAL WEB SITE: WWW.CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG (ONLINE DONATIONS) (MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR BEAUTIFUL CATHEDRAL.) PLEASE RETURN BY: 1) PUT INTO [email protected]; 3) COLLECTION BASKET AT MASS; 2) SCAN TO PDF FILE AND EMAIL FAX TO: 916-443-2749; OR 4) MAIL TO: 1017 11 STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA 95814. TH PAGE 7 TO: Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —October 12, 2014 PAGE 8 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —October 12, 2014 PAGE 9 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —October 12, 2014 PAGE 10 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —October 12, 2014 PAGE 11
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