Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “VISITOR” I AM HERE EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 3215 SAEMANN AVE. SHEBOYGAN, WI 53081 Phone 920-452-9766 Website www.ebenezerucc.org FaceBook EbenezerUCCSheboygan Email addresses Church office [email protected] Rev. Dr. Roger Mealiff [email protected] Rev. Lorri Steward [email protected] Beth Petzke Student Pastor [email protected] Church Secretary Cassie Hogue Worship Schedule Starting Sunday Sept. 7 Sundays; 8:00 & 10:30am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:15 JR/SR High Sunday School Thursdays; 7:00 pm Worship No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, The scriptures for the past several Sundays have been telling the story of our faith roots, from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & Joseph, to Moses, who, when called by God to confront the powers enslaving God’s people, asked for God’s name. The answer he got was YHWH, in Hebrew, often translated Yahweh or LORD in English, which means, “I am who I am”, or simply “I am”. As I compose this article for our monthly newsletter, I usually ask myself, “What is important for me to say to the congregation just now?” Sometimes the answer is not obvious. So this time I pressed on: I wonder what God might want to say to the readers right now? Perhaps it might be something like this: I am here WITH you. You are not alone. In the struggles you face, in the questions and confusion, in the joys and celebrations —I am with you. I am here FOR you. Sometimes people get the idea that God is just waiting for them to slip up in order to condemn them for their evil ways. I want you to know that I am for you, not against you. I created you in love. I try to lead you in healthy living. I came in Jesus to show you that my love will stop at nothing—even dying—that you can trust and build your life on my love that lasts forever. I am on your side. Let’s work together. I am here to work IN you. I can help you discover the gifts and abilities I have given you. I can give you the courage you need to face the challenges of life. I weep with you when life breaks your heart. I rejoice with you in your accomplishments. I will reveal the glimmer of hope when all hope seems lost. As I had Paul tell the Philippians in the Bible: I will complete the good work that I have begun in you. I am here to work THROUGH you. There is a reason for all this and it isn’t just to make you feel good (though I hope it does that). It is so we can make a difference in the world together. Your hands and my heart. Making the world a more peaceful place for the whole human family. Caring for all creation. Ensuring the earth can be a healthy home for generations yet to be. I imagine God has a lot more to say to us than that, but this gives us plenty to ponder. What speaks to your life here? Listen and pray in openness to our Stillspeaking God. YOU ARE WELCOME HERE An Open and Affirming United Church of Christ Congregation God is still speaking , Ebenezer United Church of Christ Identity Statement We are Ebenezer United Church of Christ. Our name, from I Samuel 7:12, means: “Thus far, God has helped us.” Building on that solid rock, we reach forward in faith on the growing edge of our community. We offer to all people meaningful worship and education, and an open invitation to share in Holy Communion. Ebenezer demonstrates a welcoming openness that helps people feel “at home”, fortifying us to live out our faith on a daily basis. Following Christ’s example, we reach out to bring hope and justice to all of God’s family. We affirm the gifts and cherish the image of God in each person. We welcome into the full life and ministry of the church all persons of every race, culture, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, economic status, and family structure. In partnership with God and each other, in traditional yet progressive ways, we are ordinary people working hard to accomplish extraordinary things. Page 2 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” EXPLORE, SERVE, PLAY Youth Ministry at Ebenezer UCC Explore (exploring our faith): The children and youth will be leading the Children’s Sabbath service on Sunday, October 19th. Please let Rev. Lorri know if you would like to participate. Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School Class 9:15 – 10:15 am on Sunday mornings in the Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School Classroom, which is the room with the couches next to Rev. Lorri’s office Serve (serving others): Thanks to all who participated in Shanty Town for Habitat for Humanity! It was a fun ‘learning’ opportunity that also raised money for a great cause! Looking Ahead: Youth Spaghetti Dinner: November 15th (all day) November 23rd: Delivering Thanksgiving Baskets after late Service (High School Youth) November 29th: 9-11:30 am: Decorating the Sanctuary for the Christmas Season November 30th: Assembling Care Packages for college Students, 9:30 – 10 am Play (fun, fellowship, getting to know one another): JUST FOR FUN!! Wednesday, October 15th, Game Night for Confirmation 6:30-8pm Confirmation Retreat for Middle School Students: November 21st-23rd SPAGHETTI DINNER Saturday, November 15th Serving 11:30 am – 1pm AND 5 pm – 6:30 pm Tickets available for sale beginning October 5th ($8.50 for adults, $4 for kids ages 5-12) and the sign up sheets are out for those who are willing to help will also be out that day. Shifts are available throughout the day so that everyone is able to help and enjoy the meal. The funds raised through the youth sponsored spaghetti dinner help to supplement the youth ministry programming at Ebenezer AND help with scholarships that we are able to offer youth who participate in Youth Programming through the National Church and the mission trips. Tickets are available through the church office (Monday – Friday, 8 am – noon) and on Sunday Mornings. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rev. Lorri (627-4450). Page 3 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” October Visitor October is here, and it’s the time of year where we celebrate our children and children around the world. The National observance of Children’s Sabbath is Sunday, October 19, 2014 and our very own children from the congregation will be singing at the 10:30 service. Please come celebrate the day with our children! I would like to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone that helped in any way for our “Kick Off” Sunday for Sunday School. Without your help we could not have made it run as smoothly as we did so thank you, thank you, thank you!!! To our fabulous Shepherds, you all rock and thank you for all that you do for our children. Below is a list of the Shepherds helping out and which group of children they are assisting. If you are in need of any contact information for the other Shepherds in your group, the information is located on the “WRM Information Board” in the last classroom, on the left of the Sunday School hallway. 4K & Kindergarten 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 5th & 6th Janice Schmitz Lori Albrecht Beth Williams Patty Verhage Milena Vujcic Rebecca Sewacki Debby Tryba Hayley TeStroeteReese Cassie Albrecht Mary Wingender Missy Selk (once a month) Angie Albrecht Jenny VanEngen Linda Enders Elaine Wangemann Ashley Guillette Camille Gort We also welcome any parents that would like to help in any way possible. The more help the merrier! COATS FOR KIDS We will be collecting coats of all sizes (children’s are especially needed) clean and in good repair, in the gathering area till October 3rd, to be distributed through the Salvation Army. It may be warm now, but we know that winter is coming and coats will be needed, so if your family members have outgrown their winter gear, this is a good way to pass it along and make a difference for a family in need. Members of Ebenezer Church: You are invited to an Open House at Terrace Estates Party Room, on October 19, 2-4pm It is Joan Grosshuesch’s 90th Birthday Page 4 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” I would like to thank everyone who volunteered and worked at the Plymouth Stock Car Races at the fairgrounds this year. There were 40 people who worked in June. The church had a second race in June that was cancelled due to the weather, but was able to take on an August race, where we had 20 people volunteer. The church received $1200 (yes, we did get a bit more than we had expected) from the June race and $500 from the August race. The fellowship was enjoyable. Nice job volunteers, and I hope to see you next year. Bob Lorenz “Remember to contact Cassie, church secretary, if you have a change of address, phone number, cell number, or email address change. Or, if you want to verify what she has on record. It is very important that all of this information is up-to-date, so that information from the church can get to you timely, and so that you can keep up with the many good things that continue to happen at Ebenezer United Church of Christ. Contact information is as follows: church phone is 920-452-9766, email at [email protected], or send a note in the mail to 3215 Saemann Avenue, Sheboygan, WI 53081. Ebenezer Garden Update Under Lisa Burrell’s leadership a group from Ebenezer planted a garden this past spring. The vegetables from this garden were to go to the Fresh Meals on Wheels site for preparation into meals for their clients. Several Ebenezer members and friends have weeded and have been picking and delivering the vegetables to the Meals site. So far we have delivered many pounds of fresh vegetables starting with beans and beets. We’ve also delivered squash (over 75 pounds), watermelon, kohlrabi, eggplant, peppers, cucumbers, cantaloupe, and sweet corn. A big thank you to Lisa for starting this ministry and to all those who have assisted in the planting, weeding, picking, and delivering of our vegetables. Nametags! Ebenezer is blessed to have Beth Petzke as our new student pastor. Beth will be with us through May, and she would love to get to know each of you. One of the best ways to start getting to know a person is to know their name. Please help extend Ebenezer’s extravagant welcome to Beth by wearing your nametag. For our student pastor, our newest members, and others who are attending regularly, nametags make a huge difference in helping people feel “at home.” Thank you for wearing your nametag! ~ Grace Rindfleisch, Inviting Ministry Coordinator Page 5 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !! The ECJ Circle celebrates their 65th anniversary on October 3, 2014! On that day in 1949, the “Young Ladies Guild” of Ebenezer E & R church was organized as an evening group for members who couldn’t attend daytime meetings. The group was soon named the E.C.J. Circle in honor of the pastor, Rev. Elmer C. Jaberg. Charter members included Mrs. Ruth Hameister, Mrs. E. C. Jaberg, Mrs. Elenora Klarhorst. Mrs. Fern LeMahieu, Mrs. Lois Hoffmann, Miss Elsie Lutze, Mrs. Verona Ottensmann, Mrs. Gerry Trossen, Mrs. Ruth Schuricht, Mrs. Madeline Herr, Mrs. Ruth Zogg and Mrs. Marjean Kain. They worked as a missionary group for the first five years, until it was desired to work as a service group. By the time of their 25th anniversary, the ECJ Circle had sewn and folded 55,137 cancer pads. They were active in the church Talent Fair raising money for the Building Fund and also served chili suppers and countless funeral lunches. They enjoyed style shows and hat sales, sold pepper, vanilla and candies to earn money for the various projects such as furnishing the church lounge, dinnerware, stainless steel cookware, serving carts, and cutlery for the kitchen. They helped provide scholarships for youth to attend Moon Beach summer camp. After cancer pads were no longer in use, the group began making quilts for Winnebago Children’s Home, which became Sunburst Youth Home and even enjoyed a field trip to Neillsville, WI with women’s groups from other area UCC churches to deliver the quilts. In 2001, the ECJ Circle focused more locally, making over 20 twin-size quilts for the Salvation Army shelter in Sheboygan. At the same time, they began making a baby quilt for each infant baptized in Ebenezer UCC. So far they have given over 110 baptism quilts to families at the church. We celebrate with the ECJ Circle, with charter member Fern LeMahieu and the members who have joined more recently, in their 65th anniversary. With every infant baptism, the entire congregation shares in the joy of the tangible reminder brought by their quilts, that this and every child of God is surrounded by the warmth of God’s love. MUSIC AND MINISTRY Christian musician and author, John Michael Talbot will share his gifts at 7pm on October 7, 8 & 9 at. St. Margaret Mary Parish, 3970 North 92nd St., Milwaukee, WI 53222. Founder of the Brothers and Sisters of Charity and a contemporary Christian musician, Talbot has contributed greatly to the renewal of music in the Catholic Church. SONSHINE STITCHERS CRAFT DAY October 18 8am-5pm A great time for you to work on your crafts and fellowship with others. Remember to brig a dish to share for a potluck lunch. Page 6 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” Embracing Ministry: Mission Outreach Food Pantry A Special thanks to all the volunteers and the donations that make this Ministry possible The third Sunday of every month is Food Pantry Collection Sunday at Ebenezer UCC so October 19 is our next collection date. Your donations of nonperishable food items play a vital role in keeping the Sheboygan Area Food Pantry stocked for those in need of this service. A pantry shelf for your donations is located in Gathering Area. Volunteers Thank you for all your help. Donated items for September 111 So many of the people who come to the food pantry never experienced family life. Simple things that we take for granted, but are so important to learning what a family is all about. A lot can be learned from the planning of a family meal. Our patrons feel like the food pantry helps them plan a meal. The bag they receive may have the fixings for a spaghetti dinner, chili, a pasta salad or a featured meat item meal. When good people like you respond with care, making monetary donations, donating grocery gift cards, or contributing food items, you become part of our ministry to help feed the poor. May God bless you for your continued support and the many works you engage in to make the world reflect the love of Christ. ~ Northside Food Pantry. PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS: Wally Adler, Jane Reseburg(Terrace Park), Mark Heffernan (Nephew of Kaisers), Mary Lavey (grandmother of Stephanie Winkelhake), Mary Voigt’s friend Timmer (heart transplant), Herman Mayer (Dorothy’s Husband), Alexander Dodds (Alan & Cheryl’s grandson,) Lallensack’s friends Kathy & Jim (cancer), Jamie Ottman (Tina Boykin’s brother), Jared Luebke (friend of Janice Schmitz), Clayton Meinolf, Sue Thiel, Robert Platz (June’s brother), Lu Zehfus, Luke Peters (Harold & Shirley Henning’s grandson), Allen and Jeanette Wangemann (Terrace Park), Zona Ziegler, Tom Fredricks, Jerry & Betty Richards, Vern & Irene Feldt, Andrew Vreeke, Dorothy Free, Zach Samz (Fort Stewart), and persons with cancer and other health concern. Comma Café All you can eat October PANCAKE BRUNCH 5th Loaves & Fishes 12th AV Team 19th Educate Ministry 26th Gospel Singers (Please bring a dish to share) Sunday, October12, 2014 ~ 8am to1pm Includes Pancakes sausage, ham, applesauce cheese beverage and dessert Plymouth Masonic Center 441Smith St. Plymouth Tickets: Advance$5/At the door $7/ Children 6-12 $3 Page 7 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS October Bible Readings Day 1 2 3 Book Colossians 2 Peter Titus Chapter 1:15-23 1:1-21 1:1-2:10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Matthew Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm 14:12-25 119:1-32 119:33-48 119:49-80 119:81-104 119:105-128 119:129-176 11 12 13 14 Matthew 1 Timothy Habakkuk 1 Corinthians 9:1-30 3:14-4:16 2:1-14 14:1-25 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Proverbs Hosea Ephesians Luke Daniel 1 Corinthians Isaiah 4:1-27 4:1-11 3:1-21 6:39-49 2:1-45 2:1-16 44:1-20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 Timothy 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians John 1 Corinthians Colossians Ecclesiastes 6:1-21 15:10-34 15:35-58 1:1-18 12:1-31 2:6-23 2:12-26 29 30 Ephesians 1 Corinthians 4:17-32 8:1-13 1 2 2 3 Ryan Kinney Donna Bertram Jerad Dittrich Beverly Illig 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 Mary Kohl Devin Oglan Brian Titel Sandra Aaholm Robin Entringer Shaylee Sipiorski Nancy Stanskas Mindy Lukaszewski 5 6 9 9 10 10 13 13 13 Barbara Polster Scott Quasius Boeldt Antoni Barbara Shircel Richard Degen Tanya Kuehl Kristin Dewar Arika Ploetz Robert Schlink 14 14 15 15 Steve Jesinski Bonnie Reichert Cody Goetsch Joyce Hameister 15 Arthur Magruder 17 Nora Lynn Dewar 17 Robert Wangeman 19 Joan Grosshuesch 19 Larry Hinze 19 Lauren Wingender 20 20 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 Alan Dodds Michael Mannchen Jordan Kuehl Shaunna Albrecht Heather Foshag Kathy McGinley Elizabeth TeStroete Sue Adamavich Darlene Garbisch 25 Jennifer Knuth 26 Christopher Ahrnsbrak 26 27 28 Tyler Williams Clarence Polster Evan Dodds 30 David Sabrowsky 7:00 PM Thursday, October 9 Sunday, October 12 Sunday, October 12 7:00 PM Thursday, October 30 7:00 PM Sunday, Octo- 8:00 AM ber 26 Sunday, 10:30 AM October 26 Thursday, October 23 8:00 AM Sunday, October 19 Sunday, October 19 10:30 AM 7:00 PM Thursday, October 16 10:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 8:00 AM Time 7:00 PM Sunday, October 5 Date Thursday, October 2 Sunday, October 5 Ron Rindfleisch DARRYL GUMM DARRYL GUMM A/V Child Care Mary Kohl Cheryl Magruder Mary Kohl Beth Williams Rebecca Sewacki E and R Wangeman Victoria Stark Dawn Rousse Austin Tryba Ryan Selk Nick Shircel Masee Selk Reina Scharl Carter Selk Payton Scharl Dawn Foshag Acolyte Cathy Lucchesi Julie Kinney Liturgist Worship Deacon Janice Hill Sue Dolgner Sharol Schoneman Ron Rindfleisch Cheryl Dodds Jan Free Tina Boykin Ron Rindfleisch Penny Schaap Julie Manz Ushers Jean Dean Dawn Race Ron Rindfleisch Ron Rindfleisch Tina Boykin Julie Manz Jean Dean Sue Kaiser Jan Free Darryl Gumm Jim Race Jean Dean Mary Voigt Charlie Tiede Steve Shircel Jean Dean Ron Rindfleisch Mike Eberhardy Ron Rindfleisch Cathy Lucche- Sandy Reinwand si Cheryl Dodds Dawn Foshag Cheryl Dodds June Platz Sue Kaiser Sharol Schoneman, Patti Verhaeghe, Cheryl Magruder Tina Boykin Doris Wuestenhagen, Jean Dean, Marie Schwinn Communion Clean OCTOBER WORSHIP SUPPORT SCHEDULE Jim Kasten Mike Kohlmanm Barb Schuette Ray /Nancy DeLisle Lori Albrecht Judy Kliejunas Ann Mueller Yvonne Lavey Darryl Gumm Karen Kasten Jim Race Sally Vreeke Cheryl Dodds Greeter Gert Rindfleisch Kim Radder Gert Rindfleisch Kim Radder Gert Rindfleisch Kim Radder Gert Rindfleisch Kim Radder Welcomer October 2014 SUN 5 MON 6 8:00/10:30 am. 4:30 Music for Tots Worship/Communion 6pm H.R Meeting 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 9:oo Bible Study 12:30 Foot Clinic 6:30 Confirmation 7pm Worship/ 5:30 Rehearsal 1pm Wedding 7 8 9 10 11 9:00 Music for Tots 12:30 Foot Clinic 4:30 Music for Tots 6:30 PRC Mtg 7:00 Handbells 7:00 Line Dancing 9:oo Bible Study 12:30 Foot Clinic 6pm Quilters 6:30 Confirmation 7pm Worship 5pm Rehearsal Wedding 14 15 16 17 18 Communion 12 13 8:oo/10:30 am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School 9am ECJ 8:30 Men’s Breakfast 9:oo Bible Study 12:30 Foot Clinic 4:30 Music for Tots 9:00 Music for Tots 12:30 Foot Clinic 6:30 Confirmation 4:30 Music for Tots 6:30 UCC gathering 7:00 Handbells 7:00 Line Dancing 7pm Worship 19 20 22 23 8:oo/10:30 am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School 4:30 Music for Tots 9:00 Music for Tots 12:30 Foot Clinic 4:30 Music for Tots 7:00 Handbells 7:00 Line Dancing 9:oo Bible Study 12:30 Foot Clinic 6:30 Confirmation 7pm Worship 26 27 29 30 8:oo/10:30 am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School 4:30 Music for Tots 8:30 Men’s Breakfast 9:oo Bible Study 12:30 Foot Clinic 6:30pm Consistory 9:00 Music for Tots 12:30 Foot Clinic 6:30 Confirmation 4:30 Music for Tots 7:00 Handbells 7:00 Line Dancing 21 28 7pm Worship with Communion Last one 8am-5pm Sonshine Stitchers Craft Day 24 31 25 Page 10 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” Sunday School Donation to Bridgeway Ebenezer’s Sunday School students partnered with their parents and members of the congregation to donate new sheet sets to Bridgeway House. According to Rev. Lorri , the students looked at needs in the community and chose Bridgeway as an organization they wanted to support. “We want to demonstrate to the children of our church that there are many ways to show God’s love,” Rev. Lorri explained. “When residents arrive at Bridgeway, they will be given a new set of sheets. Then as they transition to their own home, they would be able to take their sheets with them,” she continued. The new sheet sets were dedicated at a church service this summer. During the service, Heidi Gudmunson, SCIO Executive Director, made a presentation about Bridgeway. Bridgeway and Beyond is a three-phase transitional living program to help single mothers and their children move from living in “crisis management mode” to a satisfying life of self-sufficiency. During the first-phase, families reside at Bridgeway House, a group home that can house up to six families at one time. The primary goal is to teach single mothers how to provide a safe, stable, loving and nurturing environment for their family, so they can move from merely surviving to thriving. The Bridgeway and Beyond program is part of SCIO, a spiritually-based volunteer organization established by faith communities in Sheboygan County and the surrounding area. SCIO (Sheboygan County Interfaith Organization) works for justice, dignity, and improvement in the quality of life for all people, bridging the gap between community needs and resources. Caption for Photo: Sunday School students organized the donation of new sheet sets to Bridgeway House residents. The donations are part of Ebenezer’s continuing efforts to educate students about community needs. Delivering donated sheets to Bridgeway are: (front row left to right) Addison Lallensack, Alyssa Lallensack, Keenan Guillette, Noah Wingender, Quinn Wingender; (back row left to right) Tanner Lallensack, Austin Tryba, Mary Selvig, the director of SCIO Social Services, Devin Lallensack, and Sara Athorp holding Ethan Wingender E B E N E Z E R U N I T E D C H U R C H O F C H R I ST 3215 Saemann Ave. Sheboygan, WI 53081 920-452-9766 [email protected] Rev. Dr. Roger Mealiff Rev. Lorri Steward Address Services Requested October 2014 Newsworthy October 5th 18th 19th 30th World Wide Communion Sonshine Stitchers Craft Day Children’s Sabbath Last Thursday Night Service
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