Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “VISITOR” November 2014 Are We There Yet? EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 3215 SAEMANN AVE. SHEBOYGAN, WI 53081 Phone 920-452-9766 Website www.ebenezerucc.org FaceBook EbenezerUCCSheboygan Email addresses Church office [email protected] Rev. Dr. Roger Mealiff [email protected] Rev. Lorri Steward [email protected] Beth Petzke Student Pastor [email protected] Church Secretary Cassie Hogue Worship Schedule Sundays; 8:00 & 10:30am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:15 JR/SR High Sunday School No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE An Open and Affirming United Church of Christ Congregation God is still speaking , We enjoyed many family road trips when our children were little. A part of the planning was communicating to the kids where we were going, about how long it would take to get there, what we would see along the way and what we would likely be doing when we got “there.” Inevitably, no matter how much we talked to the kids about the ‘journey’, no matter how much we communicated to them about the drive and the length of the trip; we still had to repeatedly answer the question, “Are we there yet?” with updated information…all along the way. Our church family is on a journey and effectively communicating with you …all along the way is important. As you are keenly aware, Ebenezer UCC has ventured into some ‘unknown’ territory with Rev. Roger’s ½ time status as of August 1, 2014. We, as a congregation, have approved deficit budgets for several years. While we have grown as a congregation and have made strides toward decreasing the amount of that deficit each year, we have not ‘closed the gap’, enough, to be able to responsibly sustain the employment of two full-time pastors and financially sustain the ministries of our congregation. ALL of these financial issues/concerns have been clearly communicated, all along the way, for a couple of years. After months and months of ‘stressing the details’, Rev. Roger prayerfully discerned a solution that would alleviate some of the pressure for congregation and the staff. For his wisdom, commitment and faithful discernment, I am so very grateful. While the ominous and omnipresent budget issues and constraints have been somewhat alleviated, for the moment, by Rev. Roger’s move from full-time to half-time; a whole host of other questions, anxious concerns, and ‘wondering’ have now risen for a number of you…and for Rev. Roger and me. While we don’t have any ‘answers’ right now, we certainly want to communicate as much information as we have and will continue to do so as our journey continues. With two full-time pastors, we expanded the ministry and ministries of the congregation. With one and ½ pastors, we need to discern: the priorities of the pastors’ time, which areas of ministry/responsibility can be assumed by members of the congregation, what may not be able to be done at the moment, and how we move forward. Please know and be assured that pastoral care IS a priority. When you and/or your family members are hospitalized, PLEASE make sure you communicate this to us. With all of the renewal and growth Ebenezer UCC has experienced as a gift of the Spirit through the commitment of our members, we DO NOT want to become a ‘maintenance ministry’ congregation. God is always calling us into the future and equipping us for the ministry to which we are called. This we know. Nonetheless, HOW we live into this call and future is not completely clear and evident at this time. We are NOT there yet…but God is certainly with us as we journey together as the church, the body of Christ. At the present time, Rev. Roger and I are seeking to discern what “living” this new configuration is /will be like. We don’t feel the full effects of it as our student Pastor, Beth Petzke, has been an incredible gift and presence ‘in such a time as this.’ She has wonderful gifts that she generously shares as a part of her internship. Still, in the midst of the busyness of the new programming year, we have made time for conversation about this transition. For now, we respectfully ask for a little time to discern what this staffing configuration means. If you have questions/concerns, we--in addition to the Consistory members and the Pastoral Relations Committee members—are all available to speak with you. We will be planning some congregational discussion opportunities, perhaps during the Lent Soup and Sandwich Suppers, and we encourage all of you to plan to participate, sharing your hopes and insights for the ministry of Ebenezer. We will develop a long range planning team that will work with facilitators to envision, discern and clarify the ministry and needs of Ebenezer as we look to the next 5-10 years…and how we might best ‘staff’ for that. When Rev. Roger first talked to me about moving to ½ time, I could only hear and ‘see’ the down-side of not having him here full-time. As the initial shock has worn off and the Spirit has made it clear that we are capable of so much more than we envision or imagine for ourselves, I recognize more and more that this transition really can be seen and understood as a blessing. We have been given the opportunity to think and pray about the ministries and future of our congregation WHILE we have the wisdom, experience and leadership of Rev. Roger among us. I pray we can see what a blessing, what a gift this is! Thus far God has helped us…and God will still be with us and help us. We know this. I pray that we will remember this as we continue to journey through these unknown times. We will encounter difficulty and hardship…but we will also know celebration and much joy! We will definitely feel like we are wandering and wondering sometimes…but we will also be reminded that the Jesus, the Head of the Church, journey’s with us—so even though we may feel a little lost sometimes, we are always safe and ‘found.’ Peace be with you in this season of Thanksgiving and Abundance. Blessings, Rev. Lorri Page 2 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” EXPLORE, SERVE, PLAY Youth Ministry at Ebenezer UCC Youth Ministry at Ebenezer UCC Explore (exploring our faith): Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School Class 9:15 – 10:15 am on Sunday mornings in the Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School Classroom, which is the room with the couches next to Rev. Lorri’s office Confirmation Retreat at Pilgrim Center: November 21-23, 2014 Serve (serving others): Spaghetti Dinner: Saturday, November 15th (see article) Delivering Thanksgiving Baskets: Sunday, November 23rd after the 10:30 service Advent Decorating Day: Saturday, November 29th: see article in newsletter Care Packages for College Students: we are assembling them in Fellowship Hall, Sunday, November 30th, 9:15 – 9:45 am Play (fun, fellowship, getting to know one another): JUST FOR FUN!! With an exceptionally busy November, we had some conversations about doing an overnight the week of Christmas break. Talk to Rev. Lorri about your Christmas Break schedule so we can come up with a date that works best for the most people SPAGHETTI DINNER Saturday, November 15th Serving 11:30 am – 1pm AND 5 pm – 6:30 pm Tickets are available ($8.50 for adults, $4 for kids ages 5-12) and the sign up sheets are out for those who are willing to help will also be out that day. Shifts are available throughout the day so that everyone is able to help and enjoy the meal. The funds raised through the youth sponsored spaghetti dinner help to supplement the youth ministry programming at Ebenezer AND help with scholarships that we are able to offer youth who participate in Youth Programming through the National Church and the mission trips. Tickets are available through the church office (Monday – Friday, 8 am – noon) and on Sunday Mornings. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rev. Lorri (627-4450). Page 3 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” CARE PACKAGES FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS We are, again, reaching out to connect with our college students and let them know that we care and that they are in our thoughts and prayers as they study for finals! Parents/Grandparents…we need to know that your child is or “still” is a student. And, we need updated addresses!!! Please contact the church office or Rev. Lorri ([email protected]) with the above information. We are collecting items for the care packages in November and will be assembling during the Comma Café time on Sunday, November 30th. Items needed for the Care Packages for College Students include: Hot Chocolate Gum Life Savers (or other hard candy) – good for nervous test takers Chewy Candy (Starbursts, Skittles, etc) Suckers Homemade Cookies!!! (they LOVE these… but please don’t bring them til November 30th so they’re fresh!) Breakfast & Granola Bars Rice Krispie Bars Individual bags of chips Microwave popcorn Because shipping is quite expensive…we are also seeking donations for shipping. All info and donations can be labeled and left on Rev. Lorri’s desk. The Sunday School Christmas program is just around the corner! ALL children are welcome to participate and ALL children who participate will be featured in either a solo or small ensemble part. There are a very limited number of speaking parts in this program; and. we will be holding informal auditions to assign them, and to help identify how best to organize the solo and small ensemble singing parts. Auditions will be held on Sunday November 2 directly following 10:30am worship in the Music Room/Library lounge. Children will be asked to read or recite a couple of lines from the program and to sing a familiar song (Happy Birthday, Jesus Loves Me, etc.). If your child does not wish to have a speaking part, they do not need to come to auditions - we will make sure that they have a solo or small ensemble singing part that they are comfortable with. If you have any questions please see Donna Roblee or Kristal Klemme Page 4 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” EDUCATE UPDATE Our children have chosen a mission that they would like to support this Sunday School year! They have selected the Oasis for Orphans mission which helps to rescue orphaned and vulnerable children in Kenya and to develop them physically, spiritually, economically, and socially, enabling these children to one day be contributing members of their community and future leaders in their country. The offerings your children bring each Sunday help to support this mission. For additional information go to http://www.oasisfororphans.org. *A big THANK YOU to all the children and families that participated in the Children’s Sabbath Service. It was great to see all the children that could participate by being in the skit and/or singing so beautifully! Keep up the great work!!! *The next Christian Education Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 13, 2014 at 6:30 pm. Anyone is welcome to attend! Dawn Rousse Reading Changes Lives. Imagine a world where literacy is no longer a concern … now imagine if we could begin here in our community! The Inmate Library is in need of gently-used books. The kinds of books needed are: Current or recent reference books such as dictionaries (both English and Spanish/English), inspiring stories of resilience, biographies, autobiographies, popular titles and authors, classic titles and authors, mysteries, and poetry. No romance novels. Soft cover or paperback only! There will be a bin in the Gathering Area to deposit your book donations. The Inmate Library is located in the Sheboygan County Detention Center, 2923 S. 31st Street. Sharon Abel, the Correctional Education Instructor through Lakeshore Technical College, is requesting the books to supplement their library. She works with students at the Detention Center ranging in age from 18 to 58 with most in their 20s and 30s. The library is facilitated through the Eastern Shores Library System to provide books to the inmates (adult and juvenile, male and female) in Sheboygan County. After reading Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, a book about adult literacy education, the Sunday evening book study group discussed what could be done locally. We thought this was a good place to start. Any questions, contact Grace Rindfleisch, Invite Ministry Coordinator, or Student Pastor Beth Petzke. Page 5 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” "Nuns on the Bus" Leader to Speak at Lakeland College Sister Simone Campbell, a provocative and sometimes controversial awardwinning religious leader, attorney and poet, will deliver Lakeland College’s Mission House Lecture on Tuesday, Nov. 4, at 11 am The free lecture, which will be held in the Bradley Theatre, is open to the public. Her talk is entitled, "The Burning Bush – Faith and Advocacy for the 100%." Simone has often been featured in the national and international media, including appearances on 60 Minutes, The Colbert Report and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. She is also the author of "A Nun on the Bus: How All of Us Can Create Hope, Change, and Community," THANKSGIVING BASKETS In this season of thanksgiving, we have a very tangible way to express our gratitude for the abundant presence of God and the many ways we are able to see the living Christ working in our lives. On Sunday, November 2nd, 2014, we will again provide the baskets, shopping lists and prayers. We are asking that members, families, organizations within our congregation, etc., work together to fill these baskets with a Thanksgiving Meal for families in our area. Two or Three families can work together to do this, 2 individuals and a family, an organization and a family…however we want to connect and partner with one another to provide a meal for a family! Last year we delivered 34 complete baskets! By the grace of God, I pray that we will be able to meet that goal this year. Sample prayers will be placed in each empty basket. We ask that those who are working to fill this basket pray for the family who will receive it when you take the basket. We also ask that you pray before you go shopping. While you are actually doing your shopping, you are encouraged to keep this family in your thoughts and prayers. There will also be a prayer for assembling the basket. THEN, on Sunday, November 24th, we ask that all assembled baskets be brought to the church. All baskets will be placed near the communion table and be dedicated during the worship service. Following the service, these baskets will be delivered to families in our area. Again, the empty baskets will be available on Sunday, November 2nd, 2014. As we are nourished by the sacrament of Holy Communion, may we be encouraged to reach out and nourish and be a blessing for others. If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Lorri. Peace, Rev. Lorri THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP SERVICE AT EBENEZER UCC 7:00 PM, November 26th, 2014 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come…and we do! We look forward to celebrating God’s abundance in this harvest season as we HOST our extended church family from St. John’s UCC on Wednesday, November 26, at 7:00 pm for the Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service. Part of being the host church is offering tortes and pies immediately following the service. SO…a sign up sheet is on the table underneath the bulletin board near the Sunday School Hallway for you to let us know that you will be bring pie(s) and/or torte(s) for the event. At Ebenezer UCC, we do food and extravagant hospitality very well!!! Please take a moment to consider the ways you are willing to help others feel welcome as they Come to begin the holiday season with worship. If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to Kristal Klemme (Embracing Ministry Area Coordinator) or Rev. Lorri Page 6 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” “Remember to contact Cassie, church secretary, if you have a change of address, phone number, cell number, or email address change. Or, if you want to verify what she has on record. It is very important that all of this information is up-to-date, so that information from the church can get to you timely, and so that you can keep up with the many good things that continue to happen at Ebenezer United Church of Christ. Contact information is as follows: church phone is 920-452-9766, email at [email protected], or send a note in the mail to 3215 Saemann Avenue, Sheboygan, WI 53081. 3215 Saemann Avenue, Sheboygan, WI 53081 Reading Changes Lives. Imagine a world where literacy is no longer a concern … now imagine if we could begin here in our community! The Literacy Council needs volunteers to serve as One-On-One Tutors for adults in Sheboygan. Help adults who would like to improve their basic literacy skills, or who would like to learn to speak, read, and write English. The Literacy Council provides all training and instructional materials for tutors. After two evenings of training, new volunteers are matched with adult learners from its waiting list. Tutoring schedules are flexible to suit tutor and student availability. On average, a tutor spends two hours a week tutoring their student. Students and teachers meet at mutually agreeable times and places, such as the public library. No prior tutoring or teaching background is needed to become a tutor – just patience, a high school diploma, and a desire to help an adult improve his or her English literacy. The next training sessions will be held in January. Please call 920-892-6706 or email [email protected] to register or to learn more. The Sheboygan County Detention Center is looking for volunteer tutors in its classroom. Tutors are needed to help in the classroom at the southside jail facility (Sheboygan County Detention Center, 2923 S. 31st Street). Volunteers would be working with Sharon Abel, Correctional Education Instructor through LTC. Students range in age from 18 to 58 with most in their 20s and 30s. You can work in a subject you are comfortable tutoring: reading, writing, mathematics, science, or social studies with an emphasis on civics. She is also looking for individual(s) with experience in manufacturing, particularly industrial maintenance. The main times available for tutoring within the Detention Center classroom are Tues. and/or Wed. and/or Thurs. afternoons. If a potential tutor wants to visit once and see what it's like that would be fine. Background checks are necessary for all volunteers. See Grace Rindfleisch, Invite Ministry Coordinator, if you have questions or are interested (457-9235 or [email protected]). Some Facts about Literacy and Adults in the U.S. 20 % of adults in the U.S. lack basic reading skills. That means that one in five lacks the basic skills beyond the fourth-grade reading level. (Proliteracy.com) 75% of today’s jobs require a ninth-grade reading level. The School-to-Prison Pipeline: The link between academic failure and delinquency, violence, and crime is welded to reading. (The Department of Justice) More than 70% of prison inmates cannot read above a fourth-grade level. (Begintoread.com) 85% of those who enter the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate. (Begintoread.com) Inmates who receive no literacy help have a 70% chance of returning to prison - the risk decreases to 16% for those who receive help while incarcerated. Page 7 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” BRAT FRY The Consistory has scheduled the Fall Brat Fry & Bake Sale for November 8, from 9AM to 2PM, to be held at the Pick n Save on 25th Street in Sheboygan. We have been selling out of the north exit the last several years. We need helpers to sell food and bakery items. And we need help from all of great cookie and baked treat cooks for goodies to sell . For baked goodies, we would need them delivered to church on Nov.6 and 7 , to pack them up. We also need all consistory members and other volunteers, (like the recycling volunteers) to join us on Saturday morning, Nov. 8, to help cook , wrap and sell sandwiches and the baked goods at the Pick n Save. We are looking forward to a great fundraiser for the church. There is a need to replace the aged lighting above the alter area ( installed in 1974). If you cannot work or cook, mark your calendar to stop down to the Brat Fry and Bake Sale. The menu has brats, hamburgers, veggie burgers and chicken sandwiches on Sheboygan hard rolls. We will also plan on selling remaining sandwiches and baked goods on Sunday Nov. 9, for take home . If you have a team of folks that wants to help, or if you can help for 3-4 hours (or longer), please give me (Jim Race) a call at 920-889-4560, we'll work you in the schedule. We are looking at a fun day for a great project. Thanks for your support. Ebenezer United Churh of Christ Consistory Brat Fry Team Four “God Is Still Speaking,” Shirts Available Two size XXL “God Is Still Speaking,” men’s shirts are available at no cost. Both are red and have printing that reads God Is Still Speaking. One is a golf shirt with a collar and three buttons at the neck. The other is a t-shirt that also includes the words Ebenezer United Church of Christ. If interested, contact Grace Rindfleisch (457-9235 or [email protected]). If more than one person is interested, I’ll let the first person who contacts me choose one. And the second person would get the other one. Two women’s golf shirts are also available at no cost. Both have printing that reads Ebenezer and God Is Still Speaking. One is white, size medium. The other is yellow, size large. I also have two plain red t-shirts in size small. (You could take it to O’Callahan’s in the Mill Road Shoppes to have it embroidered with God Is Still Speaking,) Grace Rindfleisch, Invite Ministry Coordinator Ebenezer United Church of Christ Identity Statement We are Ebenezer United Church of Christ. Our name, from I Samuel 7:12, means: “Thus far, God has helped us.” Building on that solid rock, we reach forward in faith on the growing edge of our community. We offer to all people meaningful worship and education, and an open invitation to share in Holy Communion. Ebenezer demonstrates a welcoming openness that helps people feel “at home”, fortifying us to live out our faith on a daily basis. Following Christ’s example, we reach out to bring hope and justice to all of God’s family. We affirm the gifts and cherish the image of God in each person. We welcome into the full life and ministry of the church all persons of every race, culture, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, economic status, and family structure. In partnership with God and each other, in traditional yet progressive ways, we are ordinary people working hard to accomplish extraordinary things. Page 8 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” Embracing Ministry: Mission Outreach Food Pantry A Special thanks to all the volunteers and the donations that make this Ministry possible The third Sunday of every month is Food Pantry Collection Sunday at Ebenezer UCC so November 16 is our next collection date. Your donations of non-perishable food items play a vital role in keeping the Sheboygan Area Food Pantry stocked for those in need of this service. A pantry shelf for your donations is located in Gathering Area. Volunteers Thank you for all your help. Donated items for October 117 PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS: Richard Hermann, Joan Grosshuesch, Ray VanSluys, Vera Zenk, ,Kristin Kositzke, (granddaughter of Jane Reseburg)) David Boykin, Jane Reseburg(Terrace Park), Mark Heffernan (Nephew of Kaisers), Mary Lavey (grandmother of Stephanie Winkelhake), Mary Voigt’s friend Timmer (heart transplant), Herman Mayer (Dorothy’s Husband), Alexander Dodds (Alan & Cheryl’s grandson,) Lallensack’s friends Kathy & Jim (cancer), Jamie Ottman (Tina Boykin’s brother), Jared Luebke (friend of Janice Schmitz), Clayton Meinolf, Sue Thiel, Robert Platz (June’s brother), Lu Zehfus, Luke Peters (Harold & Shirley Henning’s grandson), Allen and Jeanette Wangemann (Terrace Park), Zona Ziegler, Tom Fredricks, Jerry & Betty Richards, Vern & Irene Feldt, Andrew Vreeke, Dorothy Free, Zach Samz (Fort Stewart), and persons with cancer and other health concern. Comma Café November 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th Loaves & Fishes 2 Consistory Members Ron Albrecht /Mike Daane Inviting Ministry Involve Ministry Embrace Ministry Advent Decorating Day It’s that time of year again . . . Christmas Decorating! We will be gathering at 9:00am on Saturday November 29th to share a pot-luck breakfast and then decorate Ebenezer for the Christmas season. There will be activities for all ages, including child care for our littlest helpers! We will have an area set up for cookie decorating, ornament making and games for children while the adults work together to decorate the church. We will end the morning, as a family, singing Christmas carols and sharing a special treat at 11:30am. We’d LOVE to see you there! If you have any questions, please contact Kristal Klemme at 920-627-0401 or [email protected]. Page 7 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS November Bible Readings Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Book Matthew James 2 Samuel 2 Kings Acts 1 Kings Acts Mark 1 Kings Nehemiah Acts Job 1 Samuel Daniel Mark Acts Acts Psalm Isaiah Psalm Acts Luke Psalm Acts Proverbs Psalm Isaiah Psalm Luke Psalm Chapter 6:1-15 5:1-20 7:1-29 19:14-37 12:6-19 8:22-53 4:23-37 11:12-25 9:1-14 1:1-11 16:16-40 42:1-9 2:1-10 9:1-19 9:14-29 14:2115:21 15:22-41 17 56:1-8 6 9: 1-19 6:1-26 84 17:16-34 15:1-33 65 38:1-22 39 1:5-2:5 68 1 1 2 3 4 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 10 10 10 11 13 13 14 14 16 16 Elsey Kohlmann Kingston Steward Alex Greuel John Zehfus Chuck Adamavich Kayden Bruggink Travis Klingbeil Gregory Manz Becky Theis Margaret Ahrnsbrak Margene Meyer Debbie Kreif June Mueller Brian Reichert Virginia Bailey Annika Marie Monte Keely Sipiorski Tyler Buehler Armin Lukaszewski Chase Ploetz Kaidyn Heinen Laura Henning-Lorenz Trevin Mueller Diane Zimmerman 17 17 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 24 24 24 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 29 30 30 Marie Schwinn Hannah TeStroete-Reese Lyn Schlink Steve Hanusa Sharol Schoneman Mila Goetsch Richard Aaholm Anthony Kober Reina Scharl Justin Athorp Ashira Michele Campell Brooke Mathias Jason Kasten Jeni Reinwand Rick. Bohman Jr. Lucille Zehfus Jordan Fern Judith Kliejunas Stefanie Sipiorski Noah Wingender Jeremy Gregoire Roxanne Klingbeil 10:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 7:00 PM 8:00 AM Sunday, November 2, Sunday, November 9, Sunday, November 9, Sunday, November 16, Sunday, November 16, Sunday, November 23, Sunday, November 23, Wednesday, November 26, Sunday, November 30, Sunday, November 30, 10:30 AM Time 8:00 AM Date Sunday, November 2, DARRYL GUMM Communion Clean Mary Kohl Dawn Foshag Dawn Rousse Cheryl Magruder Mary Kohl Rebecca Sewacki Beth Williams Lori Albrecht, Sharon Eberhardy, Mary Kohl Kim Radder E/C Lucchesi, E and R C Oehldrich, Wangeman Gert Rindfleisch Child Care Armin E and R Lukaszewski Wangeman AJ Kober Allison Klemme Sirena Eberhardy Kyra Albrecht Camaile Gort Caleb Bremer Noah Wingender Cassandra Albrecht Hannah TeStroeteReese DARRYL GUMM Acolyte A/V Jack Schaap Jean Dean Tom Ott Jan Free Ron Rindfleisch Jim Kasten Dar Ott Karen Kasten Bob Albrecht Sue Dolgner Ushers Sharol Scott Mealiff Schoneman Cheryl Dodds Martha Hill Sue Dolgner Janice Hill Steve Shircel Sue Kaiser Joan Shircel Sharol Schoneman Cathy Lucchesi Liturgist NOVEMBER WORSHIP SUPPORT SCHEDULE Mary Voigt Cheryl Dodds Jan Free Martha Hill Sue Dolgner Janice Hill Julie Manz Tina Boykin Jan Free Tina Boykin Cheryl Dodds Worship Deacon Grace Rindfleisch Ray/Nancy DeLisle Welcomer Ray/Nancy DeLisle Ray/Nancy DeLisle Grace Rindfleisch Charlie Schwinn Grace Rindfleisch Ray/Nancy Jim Kasten DeLisle Grace Rindfleisch Karen Kasten Cheryl Dodds Grace Ruth Pierce Rindfleisch Cheryl Dodds Ray/Nancy Jean Dean DeLisle Grace Tom Ott Rindfleisch Sharon Eberhardy Joanie Shircel Greeter Nove m b er 2 0 1 4 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 8:00/10:30 am. Worship/Communion 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School Thanksgiving Baskets Provided 3 4 5 6 4:30 Music for Tots 9:00 Music for Tots 12:30 Foot Clinic 4:30 Music for Tots 7:00 Handbells 7:00 Line Dancing 9:oo Bible Study 12:30 Foot Clinic 6:30 Confirmation 9 10 12 8:oo/10:30 am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School 4:30 Music for Tots 8:30 Men’s Breakfast 9:oo Bible Study 9:00 Music for Tots 12:30 Foot Clinic 12:30 Foot Clinic 6:30 Confirmation 4:30 Music for Tots 7:00 Handbells 7:00 Line Dancing 16 17 8:oo/10:30 am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School 4:30 Music for Tots 9:00 Music for Tots 12:30 Foot Clinic 4:30 Music for Tots 7:00 Handbells 7:00 Line Dancing 9:oo Bible Study 12:30 Foot Clinic 6:30 Confirmation 23 24 26 27 8:oo/10:30 am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School Thanksgiving basket Delivery 4:30 Music for Tots 8:30 Men’s Breakfast 9:00 Music for Tots 12:30 Foot Clinic 4:30 Music for Tots 7:00 Handbells 7:00 Line Dancing 9:oo Bible Study 6:30 Confirmation 7pm Thanksgiving Service Happy Thanksgiving 30 8:oo/10:30 am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School Care Packages College Kids 11 18 25 7 8 9-2 Consistory Brat Fry 9:00 Quilters Fellowship Hall 19 13 6:30 Christian Ed 14 11:30 –1:00 & 5:00—6:30 Spaghetti Dinner Mtg 20 Office Closed 15 21 22 Confirmation Retreat at Pilgrims Center 8:00 –5:00 Sonshine Stitchers 28 29 9-11:30 am Advent Day Decorating E B E N E Z E R U N I T E D C H U R C H O F C H R I ST 3215 Saemann Ave. Sheboygan, WI 53081 920-452-9766 [email protected] Rev. Dr. Roger Mealiff Rev. Lorri Steward Address Services Requested November 2014 Newsworthy November 2nd Worship with Communion, All Saints Day, Thanksgiving Baskets handed out 15th Spaghetti Dinner 21st Confirmation Retreat at Pilgrims Center 23rd Thanksgiving Baskets Delivered 26th 7:00 pm Thanksgiving Service, 27th Thanksgiving Day — Office is Closed 29th Advent Decorating Day 30 th Care Packages for the College Kids
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