How it works Estrid Høgdall Director of Danish CancerBiobank Head of Molecular Unit, Department of Pathology, Herlev Hospital Danish CancerBiobank Why establish Dansk CancerBiobank? • A wish to collect biological materials, handled, stored and registered optimally for translational reseach • A wish to establish a nationwide research biobank containing cells, tissue, blood, salvia, hair etc. • A wish to complement the material in Patobanken (composing paraffin embedded tissues) with fresh frosen tissues And thereby Implement, support and optimize the infra-structure for clinical cancer research Organization of Danish CancerBiobank National Steering Committee Settled by Danish Regions Meets 2 × årligt or when needed Regional Health Directors Faglig følgegruppe (Scientific Board): Meets 2 × årligt or when needed National Steering Committee National Secretry Scientific Board External partners (Faglig følgegruppe) Biobankcenter Center Departments Local departments Herlev Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling Patologiafdelingen Næstved Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling Klinisk Patologisk Afdeling Teknik Patientinformation og hjemmeside Anvendelse og håndteringsomkostninger Kontrakter Dataregistrering Kvalitetsstyring Odense Afd. for Klinisk Biokemi Afd. for Klinisk Patologi Rigshospitalet Klinisk Immunol. Afdeling Patologiafdelingen Aalborg Klinisk Biokemi Patologisk Institut Århus Molekylær Medicinsk Afdeling Patologisk Institut Infra-structure Dansk CancerBiobank Nationwide On-line registration in centralized database Secretry at Molecular Unit, Dept. of Pathology, Herlev Hospital, University of Copenhagen Danish Cancer Biobank DATA Hospitals collect samples → High quality - Standardisation - Trained employe - High coverage - Low cost -- Sample flow - Collaboration Blood samples for Danish CancerBiobank Tissue samples for Danish CancerBiobank Max 14 days Requisition First visit Biopsy/Surgery Post treatment – from January 2013 Accept Clinical databases and other sources for clinical informations National registries National guidelines Tissue fractions Blood fractions 9-10 mm 3 mm 3 mm 5 mm Alternativ udskæring 3 mm EDTA -blod Blodet tappes Væv til formalin/paraffin Blod i gelglas 5 mm Tissue-Tek behandling Frisk frys Væv til RNA-later og Tissue-Te 5 Fuldblod afpipetteres HE - side 2 1 x 1½ml fuldblod Centrifugering 6 7 2 x 2ml plasma 8 Tissue -Tek og RNA 3x10x10 udsk æres til Centrifugering Hvidt mellemlag (buffy coat) 1 x 1½ml buffycoat Formalin/paraffin 3x10x10 mm (5) Frisk frys 3x10x10 udsk æres til 4 stk væv 5x5x3 mm 2 stk væv 5x5x3 mm 2 stk væv 5x5x3 mm 1 2 3 4 Tissue -Tek 6 7 1 2 3 4 Side 2 Side 1 4 x 2ml serum RNA Priority order: Whole blood Serum EDTA-plasma Buffy coat HE - side 1 miRNA DNA RNA Urine … 8 9 Priority order: Fresh frozen FFPE O.C.T. Tissue-Tek RNAlater Estrid Høgdall Vital tumor Necrosis Pneumonia Normal tissue Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Infra-structure of Danish CancerBiobank Before surgery Surgery Departments of Surgery Clinical Departments/Outpatients clinics Blood samples Tumor tissues Biobank data Biobank data Danish CancerBiobank - data National biobank web-modul for registration of data Data Patologi system Patient-data Patobank Diagnostic samples Biobank samples Diagnostic samples FFPE/fresh Biobank samples Danish CancerBiobank – blood Danish CancerBiobank - tissue Central/local Handling/freezing/storage Whole blood/serum/plasma/buffy coat Central/local Handling/freezing/storage Fresh frozen/FFPE/Tissue -Tek/RNAlater Registration: blood BioBank Use case Registrer blod WebService CPR-opl. Registrer patientdata Proceder blod til BioBank Patient NOTE Lokale og centrale frysere ligger fysisk i samme database Udtag blod Registrer rekv. data Bio Analytiker Tildel unikt løbenummer Fryser (Lokal) Label Blod prøver Registrer adm. data La be l sæ Fryser (Central) t Udskriv label ke ifik ec ls Sp labe Registrer blod data Skift status Vælg fryser placering BIOBANK FLOW 1. Registrer patientdata 2. Registrer administrative data 3. Registrer blod data 4. Udskriv label 5. Påsæt label 6. Vælg fryser (i) 7. Find ledig plads i fryser (i) 8. Vælg plads i fryser (i) 9. Placer i fryser (i) Iterativ process BioBank Placer i skab/ fryser Kilde: logica Estrid Høgdall Registration: tissue BioBank Use case Registrer væv WebService CPR-opl. Bio Analytiker Udtag væv Registrer patientdata Proceder væv til BioBank Patient Kliniker i Væv Registrer rekv. data Fremsend til Patologisk afd. Rekvisition er bøtt NOTE Lokale og centrale frysere ligger fysisk i samme database Label Væv Fryser (Lokal) WebService Pato. opl. Registrer patologi rekvisition Registrer adm. data Labelsæt Udskriv label Fryser (Central) ke ifik ec ls Sp labe Patolog BIOBANK FLOW 1. Registrer patientdata 2. Registrer adm. data 3. Registrer vævs data 4. Udskriv label 5. Påsæt label 6. Vælg fryser (i) 7. Find ledig plads i fryser (i) 8. Vælg plads i fryser (i) 9. Placer i fryser (i) Iterativ process NOTE Overførelse af rekvisitionsdata fra det lokale Patologisystem til PatoBank foregår asynkront og der er derfor en tidsforsinkelse på nogle minutter Registrer vævsdata PatoBank Vælg fryser placering Patologi PatoBank BioBank Skift status Placer i skab/ fryser Kilde: logica Estrid Høgdall On-line registration system 12 Classifications in the registration system Simple Type of material Temperature Tubes Centres Verification of diagnosis Complexe Projects Freezers Connect samples to the research projects 4 National projects 29 Local projects Registation of materials – detail informations 16 Label on stored material Send material Receive material Export of biobank data for research Excell Reports Import of historical data Kilde: logica Estrid Høgdall Unique CPR Aalborg Herlev Næstved Odense Rigshospitalet Århus All Blood Tissue Blood Tissue Blood Tissue Blood Tissue Blood Tissue Blood Tissue Blood Tissue 2010 2011 2012 285 160 1517 642 93 48 146 748 656 582 993 187 440 231 1092 849 477 354 661 1022 750 1392 1157 424 641 441 2891 839 484 395 726 1175 1177 1130 1440 540 3690 2367 4577 4272 7359 4520 3500 3000 2500 2000 2010 1500 2011 1000 2012 500 0 Blood Tissue Blood Aalborg Tissue Blood Herlev Tissue Blood Næstved Tissue Blood Odense Tissue Blood Rigshospitalet Tissue Århus Samples in DCB Unique CPR with biological material Tissues samples Blood samples Corresponding blood and tissue samples Registered without tissue 2010 5293 3369 3894 781 579 2011 2012 7082 9609 6288 6814 6098 11121 2067 3056 984 1682 12000 10000 8000 2010 6000 2011 2012 4000 2000 0 Unique CPR with biological material Tissues samples Blood samples Corresponding blood and Registered without tissue tissue samples Research studies in DCB Research projects 2010 2011 2012* National 4 4 4 Local** 17 28 31 •*1.3.2013 ** 1 study local at to departments 35 30 25 20 National Local** 15 10 5 0 2010 2011 2012* Blood and tissue fractions marked for research projects 2010 2011 2012 Tissue fractions 1091 3913 4679 Blood fractions 7313 12486 21004 Total no. of fractions marked for research 8844 16688 28944 30000 25000 20000 Tissue fractions 15000 Blood fractions 10000 Total no. of fractions marked for research 5000 Total no. of fractions marked… Blood fractions Tissue fractions 0 2010 2011 2012 Progress Material in Danish CancerBiobank from 2010 to 2012 (pr. year, unique CPR) 8000 7000 6000 5000 Blod 4000 Væv 3000 2000 1000 0 2010 2011 2012 Increase in registration/collection of blood and tissue in Danish CancerBiobank (2010 to 2012) Increase from 2010 til 2012 Blood Tissue 50% 52% Anvendelse af data og biologisk materiale fra Dansk CancerBiobank Anmodning f ra f orskere til sekretariat for DCB web-modul v edrørende data (antal, ty pe, centertilkny tning, projekttilknytning etc ) – gratis Kontakt til relev ante centre/projekter om samarbejde og ev t. kontakt til DMCG eller andre kilder til kliniske data N ej Skriftligt afslag indeholdende begrundelse f or af gørelsen Ja Tillade lse f ra Videnskabs Etisk Komite, Datatilsy net, relev ante biobanksudv alg og evt. DMCG eller andre kilder til kliniske data samt tilladelse f or evt. projektreserv eret materiale Samarbejdet etableres og udmøntesOmkostninger forb und et med udl everi ng beta les af proj ekt efter nationa l prisl iste * Ved rent regionale projekter kan data også indhentes fra det/d e regionale centre Easy communication 2010: 2 articles, 2011: 8 articles Motivation for partners -No need to worry about sample colletion! -Optimized treatment for the patients in the future -Denmark on the map! -Translational cancer research! ...and the material can be used for my research! Patients Doctors/researcher Danish Regions Perspectives for Danish CancerBiobank Benefits of Nationwide Biobanks The researcher only have to contact one place to receive informations about the collected materials, about relevant persons to be contacted and about physical storage of the samples Already used material can be used in other research project Nationwide guidelines accepted for handling of the samples and on-line registration Quality assessment of the biological material Corresponding informations of blood and tissues and other materials ex. blood and tissues, DNA, RNA, urine etc One homepage Biobanks - the future has begun Thank you for your attention Teamwork – thanks to Ministry of Health National Board of Health Danish Regions Steering Commitee Hospital Directors Scientific Board Researchers Head of Departments at the hospitals Project Leaders at the Pathology and Clinical Biochemestry Departments Employees at the Departments Patients
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