DATES FOR THE DIARY - Socials / Fundraisers MASS COUNT 18th Oct 29th Nov 6th Dec If you hear a clicking sound whilst the collection is being made for the Offertory, it is the tellers recording the numbers needed by Bishop’s House. This is made at all the Sunday Masses in October. ‘Lads n Dads’ Curry Night (Ladies is 20/06/15) Christmas Bazaar - Lockswood Centre Christmas Concert OUR CHRISTMAS BAZAAR 2014 !! Sat 29th Nov ‘14 10am - 1pm Lockswood Community Centre If anyone has any ideas or would like to help on the day please contact: Helen 01489 584718 or Carmel 01489 582389 or Eileen 07984 669736. Thank you. Do join us!! Stall Holder Meeting Fri 17th Oct 7.30pm Please can all stall holders attend a gathering at Jocelyn’s Home - 39 Greenaway Lane, Warsash. Please call Helen (number above) if you are unable to make the meeting. Many thanks. CRAFT GROUP Thurs 16t Oct from 2-4pm Meeting in the Paray Room. All very welcome ‘THANK YOU’ from Joan Brown “I just wanted to thank all of you for your prayers and best wishes for my daughter Anne Marie who has, at last, had her liver and kidney transplant. The whole family appreciate your kindness. My second daughter Beverley has now been put on the transplant list. We hope and pray she doesn’t need to wait too long.” HOME PRODUCE - CHRISTMAS BAZAAR soon 1st prize £250.00 cash !! If anyone would like to make a donation to Hampers - Christmas goodies please see Maggie Raymont or leave in the Paray Room or the Repository. Many thanks for your support. Donations of home-made mincemeat, chutney, jam, jelly, pickled or stewed fruit/vegetables, Christmas puddings etc. that you can spare would be very welcome for the home produce stall at this year's bazaar. Please leave in marked-up crate in Paray Room. Many thanks, Ann Younger 07721 648056 GOING INTO HOSPITAL? NEW PARISHIONERS! You are most welcome! When you are admitted to Hospital please make certain that the Ward Clerk is advised that you are Catholic and ask for it to be recorded in your notes. For Q.A. You can contact the Chaplaincy Office letting them know when and where you have been admitted. This can be done on 023 9228 6408. Welcome to your parish family. Some new families have been moving into the parish. Regulars, please keep an open eye and open hand to welcome them. New to the parish? Do join us at our social events and prayer vigils etc. A warm welcome & promise of support GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAW Tickets available FAREHAM FOOD BANK Thank you so much for your support. We really do appreciate your donations. Donations welcome of: Tinned fish or meat, tinned rice pudding, tinned veg & soup, fruit squash, dried pasta, biscuits, custard, cereals, jelly, soap, tinned meats, sugar, coffee, tea, tinned fruit, spaghetti hoops, long life milk, jam, pasta sauce, shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorants, razors, toilet rolls, nappies (all sizes) & wipes. Please leave any donations in the box. YEARS 7-11 NIGHT OUT Sat 1st Nov 7.30-10pm Churches Together Event for young people in Years 7-11. Saturday night special at Fareham leisure centre. Costs £4.40 for entrance and your snack money. Come with your friends and enjoy squash, swimming, bouncy castle, tuck shop etc See you there! (Young people can be dropped off and picked up as adult supervision is provided from the various Church Youth group leaders) BETHANY PRAYER GROUP Weds 10.30 - 11.45am Meets in Paray Rm for prayer, reflection & bible study EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Thursdays 6 - 8pm Silent vigil of adoration An oasis of peace and prayer. Feel free to pop in. MISSIO - RED MISSION BOX It is almost time for our end of year emptying of Red Boxes. ‘Mission Today’ Magazines and envelopes for donations will be given out at Mass. Now that there are so many Missio members, Marguerite does not know all of you by sight so please could you make sure she meets you. If you don't have a Missio Red Box and would like to know more please ask Marguerite 01489 575663 NEW OFFICE EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] MARY & JOSEPH ‘ADVENT JOURNEY’ 2014 We are looking for a volunteer to help co-ordinate and facilitate the crib figure’s journey through our parish. It involves being the point of contact for the parishioners interested in hosting the figures, delivering them (with the accompanying liturgy pack) & collecting them for their next visit. If you can spare some time this Advent to be our ’donkey’ then please let Fr John know! PARISH SVP GROUP ‘St Vincent de Paul’ Next Meeting: Sun 26th Oct 4.45pm in the Paray Room. Contact via tel. 572797 ROSARY - Mondays & Wednesdays at 10.30am In the Lady Chapel after Mass. All very welcome. The Catholic Parish of Our Lady Star of the Sea, Fareham & Gosport TWENTY-EIGHT WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 12TH OCTOBER 2014 Year A Weekday: Week 28 (Cycle 2) Prayer of the Church: Psalter Week 3 Sunday Thought: The food and drink are essential to our The man who turned up without the wedding garment hadn't existence and every social gathering but do we really know prepared himself for the feast. We do need to prepare, to make ourselves ready, and we do that in the way we lead our what is best for us, not only in a short term but forever? lives. Fr. Joe Gruszkiewicz Today's reading brings us God invitation to a banquet, a joyful celebration, a wedding banquet. The prophet Isaiah offers DAY OF REFLECTION this glimpse of the future, a symbolic representation of God's St Mary’s Church Hall, Gosport. Sat 18th Oct. 10am - 5pm purpose, not just for the People of Israel but for all people. This is why God created us - to know joy without end in his Theme: ‘Discipleship.’ The day will be supported with material presence, in his Kingdom. St Paul accurately describes God from Jeff Cavins (Catholic author of Bible Study courses). Jeff visited our Diocese last year, in response to an invitation from as lavishly fulfilling all our needs. Bishop Philip, to talk on this subject. What does it mean to be What reason can anyone have to refuse God's invitation? a disciple of Jesus? What is Jesus expecting of each of us? When people do not respond to God's Son, even resenting The day will be free, just bring a packed lunch. the intrusion or responding to the invitation with violence, it For details please contact: 02392 552 108 seems that they reject God himself, and Jesus warns of the dire consequences of this rejection. However, God doesn't PRISONERS' SUNDAY 12TH OCTOBER 2014 give up – the invitation is extended to the whole world – the highways and byways. God freely and generously invites all Today the Catholic Church remembers and prays for people to the banquet of life, as Isaiah foretold. prisoners and their families and for those who support them. Let us reflect deeper, why was the invitation rejected in the For Pact, this is our main awareness raising and fundraising event of the year. Pray, Act, Give As Pope Francis has first place? We need only look to ourselves to realise how easy it is for us, in our own lives, to make excuses for not urged us: "It is not in soul-searching... that we encounter the Lord. We need to go out to the outskirts where there is responding to God's invitation. We are too busy with work or suffering, Blood-shed, blindness that longs for sight and business; too preoccupied with money problems or prisoners in thrall". On this special day please pray for relationships; we are too young, too old, too clever, or not prisoners, their children, families and all of those affected clever enough to be caught up in this faith thing; there is no by imprisonment. time. Today Church is not popular. Perhaps the simple truth is that Church and religion seem too unattractive a proposition, too restrictive, too negative, too joyless, and dehumanising. FEAST OF ST PHILIP HOWARD - SUNDAY 19TH OCTOBER Those who are well-fed have no need of a banquet. A spiritual Fr Joe will be preaching about St. Philip Howard at the hunger and thirst are God's ways of inviting us to his banquet. Portchester & Fareham Sunday Masses next weekend. What is God calling us to? A deeper and more authentic life Come & join the celebration, refreshments after each Mass. here on earth. He is calling us into intimacy with himself. We need to seek eternal life otherwise we will not find it. Making ST JUDE’S SCHOOL 50TH ANNIVERSARY room for God in our life isn't about making us more serious, Opened on 4th May 1965, there will be a series of events strange or solemn. When Christians give that impression, arranged to mark the Golden Jubilee and parishioners will be then it is little wonder that people are put off. Only God most welcome to attend - more details next week. See knows what is truly best for us. Facebook page ‘St Jude’s Catholic Primary School Fareham. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Parish Priest: Fr John Cooke: 01489 572797 Associate Parish Priests: Fr Joe Gruszkiewicz: 01329 318869 Fr Peter Glas: 02392 580119 Fr John Chandler 01329 663435 Q.A. Hospital Chaplain Fr Joe McNerney: 02392 286 408 Parish Deacon: Dcn Langford Vincent: 01329 285617 Parish Staff: Michele Edwards (F&P): Clare Ryan (PG): Doug Savege (G): Maria Owen (L&S): 01329 318869 01489 572797 02392 580119 01329 664260 Our Church Communities St Mary’s, Gosport; Sacred Heart, Fareham; St John the Evangelist, Lee-on-the-Solent; St Margaret Mary, Park Gate; St Columba, Bridgemary; Immaculate Conception, Stubbington; St Philip Howard, Fareham; St Mary’s Anglican Church, Portchester; The Chapel of St Thomas More, Park Place, Wickham Parish Website: ST. MARGARET MARY CHURCH Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish: Fareham & Gosport Middle Road, Park Gate, Southampton, SO31 7GH Tel: 01489 572797 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Reg. Charity No. 246871 Priest: Rev. John Cooke. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year of Matthew (A) THE WEEK AHEAD Diary - at a glance ... Sun 12th 8.30am Q.A. Hospital call out for 24 hours 10.15am Post Mass Christmas Planning Mon 10.30am Rosary in Lady Chapel 7pm RCIA ‘Tour of Church’ 7.30pm Baptism Preparation Part 2 Tues 10am Home visit with parishioners 7.30pm Choir Practice Weds 10.30am Bethany Group & Rosary Thurs 10am Profession with Canon Dominic G 10.30am Co-ordinating Pastor Meeting 2pm Craft group 6pm Exposition of Blessed Sacrament 7pm St M.M Feast Day Mass & social Fri 9.15am Oakland’s School - Lourdes helper 7.30pm Echoes introduction meeting Sat 7am HMP Winchester 5pm Sorry - no Confessions 7pm Lads n Dads’ Curry night Sun 19th 10.15am Rite of welcome (Baptism families) ST ANTHONY’S PRIMARY SCHOOL FOUNDATION GOVERNOR VACANCY Applicant must be a baptised practising Catholic. The term of office is for 4 years from the date of appointment. The governors of a Catholic academy school work as a team, in close cooperation with the Head teacher and all staff. In addition to the legal responsibilities of the Governing body are appointed specifically to ensure: - that the religious character of the school is preserved. - that the school is in accordance with its trust deed. - that the religious education curriculum is in accordance with the Bishop’s policy for this Diocese. Appropriate training is available. If you are interested, please talk to Fr. John / contact the Chair of Governors, Mr Ian Matthews, via the School on tel. 579100. QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION In the Gospel's story of the wedding feast, we can be like the individuals who either ignore the invitation or are so wrapped up in day to day responsibilities we don't have time to accept the Lord’s invitation. Do you see God's desire to be part of your lives as a marvellous opportunity to experience a deeper relationship with him? If so, how can you respond to God's invitation? The Gospel story also deals with a guest who was not wearing a wedding garment. Jesus wants us to be wearing the right garment for his wedding feast. What do you believe this garment represents for each of us as Catholic Christians? Sun 12th October ‘14 BAPTISM ‘Welcome to God’s Family!’ Our current Preparation Sessions Continue on Monday 13th Oct ‘14. 7.30pm Application forms with details of preparation sessions are available in the Foyer. Why not take part while you are still expecting? One less thing to worry about! FIRST EUCHARIST PROGRAMME ‘15 Family Information and Registration Sun 30th Nov 3pm in the Hall A gathering of all the families with children in Year 3 who are interested in knowing about our programme CONFIRMATION CATECHIST/HELPER MEETING Sat 25th Oct 4pm in the Paray Room. ADULT JOURNEY IN FAITH - R.C.I.A. Meeting in the Paray Room, the room on the right as you enter the Foyer. Mon 13th Oct. 7pm - 8.30pm Theme: ‘Tour of the Church and Sponsorship’ Our group is for those who may be considering becoming a Catholic, or for Adults who would like to be Confirmed and would like to know more about our Catholic faith. We try to meet weekly from Sept - July, but you are free to come and free to go as you are able. If you would like to know more please speak to Suzanne Hogg, Fr. John or Clare. GARDEN & GROUND WORK TEAM It is that time of the year to work on the Church site and do a bit of a tidy. Please join us on Sat 1st Nov at 9am. Bring your own tools and garden bags. if possible. so we can share the disposal of cuttings! Help with refreshments for the team would also be v. welcome. Contact [email protected] or Chris & Frankie Lane on [email protected] if you are able to help! PRAYERS PLEASE For Irene Hollywood, Wyn Harfield, Susan Morris, Margaret & Ces Smith, Cathy Hutley, James Brown, Julia Taylor, Pat Juke, Leila Kroon, Marion Scott, Abigail Jefferies, Joan King, Samantha Donohoe, Paddie Hughes, Tim Healey, May & Bernard Maginn, John Eckstein, Marion Celand, Alan Dixon, Simon Zasc, Pat Foxall, Florrie Jones, Eileen Parsons, Shauna Corr, Danny Watts, Joseph Dolan, Ellen Notley, Stuart Mercer, Bill Heaney, Lorraine Boulter, Jane Savage, Ernest Anthony, John Marvao, Pat Cooke, Thomas McCartney, Dennis Allen, Kol Thelis, Pat Elward, Maria Shearon, Celine Mills, Bob Slater, Polly Stansbridge, Joan Jones, Pixie Dunham and Chris Lane ‘ECHOES’ ‘Echoes’ is a training course for catechists and those who wish to hand on their faith. This programme builds on a sense that a Parish Community has a shared responsibility for the work of handing on the faith. No written work is involved and no previous experience is needed! There are some lilac leaflets in the foyer explaining more, and giving dates and application details. Please return your ‘Echoes’ application forms to the office asap. The first Introductory Meeting is on Fri 17th Oct at 7.30pm in our Parish Hall. ST. ANTHONY’S FIREWORK SPECTACULAR Sat 8th Nov. 3pm Join us at our Parish School, St Anthony’s. The gates open at 3pm. There will be a Children’s Circus (& the Fireworks display is at 6pm. Help please In order to make the evening a success, we need help to set up, during the event and to clear up afterwards. Please contact the School office (tel. 579100) to see how you can help even if you can only help for a short period of time. Thank you. ‘LADS AND DADS - CURRY NIGHT’ Sat 18th Oct All welcome in the Hall from 7pm - bring your own beer! Curry orders by Sun 12th Oct please and money on the night. See for the menu. CAFOD Thank you We raised £939 for CAFOD. Thank you for your compassion and solidarity. This will help to ensure countless more people are able to eat healthy, nutritious food today & can grow their own food to support themselves tomorrow. CAFOD Mass of Remembrance Sun 16th November 10.30am at Our Lady Help of Christians, 1A Sherborne Road, North Camp, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6JS. We will remember and hold in prayer all deceased CAFOD supporters and celebrate their lives, faith and compassion. If you would like to remember a loved one (even if you cannot attend the Mass), please send their names to [email protected] or phone 01252 329385 by 7th Nov and they will be included in the Book of Remembrance. CAFOD Needs You - we are currently looking for volunteers to help us visit Catholic secondary schools in Southampton. If you are a good communicator and interested in global issues, please get in touch. The role aims to empower young people to make a difference in today’s world. Full training provided. Please contact Lynda Mussell on 01252 329385 SUNDAY COLLECTION Thank you for your generosity Sun 5th Oct Loose Plate £326.22 Envelopes £326.84 Bankers Orders c.£470 TOTAL £1,123.06 Last weekend: Second collection for CAFOD £939.55 SIGN UP FOR PORTSMOUTH DIOCESE E-NEWS Keep in touch with the latest news! The Diocese of Portsmouth now issues a weekly e-news with photos, news, and information from around the Diocese. Go to and add your email address to receive these updates. Are you on Facebook? Like ‘Diocese of Portsmouth’ to get all the latest info as it happens. You can also follow @BishopEgan and @PortsmouthRC on Twitter. NATIONAL YOUTH CONGRESS ‘FLAME 2’ Sat 7th March 2015 Save the date! This is an event that will pack Wembley Arena and organised by the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation for those in Year 9 through to Young Adults. More details to follow. The first FLAME (in 2012) was amazing and we’re sure this will be a great event too. Prayer, worship, speakers, music and lots more. KNIGHTS OF ST COLUMBA Council 620. Annual Mass for Knights of St Columba (Province 14, Portsmouth): Thurs 16th October, 7.30pm, At St John's Cathedral. All v. welcome. ST MARGARET MARY FEAST DAY MASS Thurs 16th October 7pm. Drinks & nibbles in the Paray Room afterwards too. Please join us as we come together to celebrate our community - our achievements and our goals, especially as we look ahead toward our 50th Anniversary in 2016. Mass Times, Services & Intentions 28th Sun Ord Time A 12th October ‘14 Dawn Mass Day Mass Evening Mass 8am 10.15am 6.30pm Mon Feria 9.45am Tue Feria 12 Noon Wed St Teresa A 9.45am Thr St Marg. M 7pm Fri Feria 9.45am Sat HMP Winch 10am 29th Sun Ord Time A 19th October ‘14 Dawn Mass Day Mass Evening Mass 8am 10.15am 6.30pm Ordinary time - Week 28 Prayer of the Church - Week 4 Philip Kilbride RIP W. A. Parratt RIP (Canney) For the People of the Parish Roy Harrington RIP Ints. Jill Kavanagh Liturgy of the Word & Eucharist People of Parish & Altar cloth Liturgy of the Word & Eucharist Ints. of the Prisoners Sorry, no confessions Ordinary time - Week 29 Prayer of the Church - Week 1 For the People of the Parish Brian Jones RIP Thanksgiving/intentions (Thelis) Sacrament of Reconciliation Sorry, no confessions PPC & Group Reps Chair Mrs Helen Gardner. Tel. 557580 Pastoral Assistant Mrs. Clare Ryan c/o Church Office Contact tel. 572797 / e-mail: [email protected] Church Office open: Mon-Fri 9.30-12 Noon Safeguarding Co-ordinator Mrs. Christine Millward Concerns & Advice Tel. 023 9281 6396 (Diocesan Office) St Anthony’s Primary & Pre-School Office Tel. 579100
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