PORTSMOUTH DIOCESE E-NEWS - SIGN UP Keep in touch with the news! The Diocese of Portsmouth issues a weekly e-news with photos, news, & information. Go to www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk and add your email address to receive these updates. Are you on Facebook? Like ‘Diocese of Portsmouth’ to get all the latest info. Twitter @BishopEgan & @PortsmouthRC ‘HALL CUPBOARDS SPRING CLEAN’ Sat 14th, Sun 15th & Mon 16th February The Hall cupboards in the St Margaret Mary Room & Kitchen in our Hall seems full of things that we don’t appear to use! Can we please ask for some help at 3.30pm on Sat 14th Feb. to clear these cupboards? All items from the cupboard will be put in the Hall and any goods that are wanted / used / claimed can be identified on Sun 15th Feb. All unclaimed items will be disposed of on Mon 16th Feb. So, please come along to help and also to ensure that we don’t bin something you will want at a later date! Many thanks. ‘LITTLE LOTTO CLUB’ January Congratulations to S. Donohoe (£30) and Elfi Ip (£10) CHILD PROTECTION TRAINING Weds 4th Feb 6.30-9pm ‘Safeguarding’ At Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Bransbury Road, Portsmouth, PO4 9JY All Church volunteers with Disclosure and Barring clearance (ex-CRB) via the Diocese, must attend at least one training session for their area of clearance (Children and / or Vulnerable Adults). Those wishing to attend should book a place with Soraya Ciccarone, tel: 023 92 836511 or Email: [email protected] If you have any queries about your DBS status please contact our local church Safeguarding Representative, Christine Millward on 01489-600266 or email: [email protected]. CHURCH COMMUNITY ALTAR CLOTH If any Parishioners would like their family names (living or dead) embroidered on the Altar cloth, please write them down using capital letters and hand them to the Office or to Ann Trigg. A donation can be offered for the Church funds. Many thanks. The community Altar cloth will be used again at Easter ROSARY - Mondays & Wednesdays at 10.30am In the Lady Chapel after Mass. All very welcome. BETHANY PRAYER GROUP Weds 10.30 - 11.45am Meets in Paray Rm for prayer, reflection & bible study EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Thursdays 6 - 8pm Silent vigil of adoration An oasis of peace and prayer. Feel free to pop in. DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES Fri 21st – Fri 28th Aug ‘15 If you wish to join the annual Diocesan Pilgrimage, please speak with Fr John or Clare . Flying from Southampton! We take about 120+ ‘Portsmouth Pilgrims’ and we are always looking for Volunteer Adult helpers, Nurses, Doctors & especially the Young Helpers to join the Pilgrimage. Without them, we could not take care of our Assisted Pilgrims who are at the heart of this Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Please mention the pilgrimage to anyone who would like to go to Lourdes, but is perhaps worried about their health or ‘wisdom of years’. All are welcome! LOURDES REUNION MASS Celebrated by Bishop Philip Egan Sat. 14th February 12 Noon. St Margaret Mary Church, Park Gate Once again, we are hosting the Annual Reunion Mass, with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. This is for all past, present & potential pilgrims! We would welcome the support of parishioners and invite you to join us. There will be a shared lunch in the Hall afterwards (bring a plate of savoury food to share - cakes and drinks provided). Come and meet Bishop Philip. His first time to a celebration here at our Church and he would love to meet you. CRAFT GROUP Thurs 5th Feb 2-4pm In Paray Room. All very welcome. CATHOLIC MARRIAGE CARE Experiencing upset or difficulties? Tel. 0118 946 2529 CHURCHES TOGETHER YOUTH EVENT Due to an admin error at the leisure centre the churches together youth event last Saturday was cancelled at very short notice. Apologies to all our young people and their parents for any inconvenience. If you are not attending the Flame event we hope to see you on 7th March for the next gathering. YOUNG PERSONS’ SEMINAR ‘Following Jesus in Serving my Neighbour’ This weekend is for young people aged 16-23 years and will be held at Hinskey Hall, Leeds 14-17th July. The Knights of St Columba are willing to sponsor the cost of the weekend (and possibly travel too if required). For information, please contact Robert on 07768 764801 or email: [email protected] FAREHAM FOOD BANK Thank you so much for your support. Donations welcome of: tinned fish/meat, tinned rice pudding, tinned fruit/veg/soup, squash, dried pasta, biscuits, custard, cereals, soap, sugar, coffee, tea, long life milk, jam, pasta sauce, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorants, razors, toilet rolls, nappies & wipes. Please leave donations in the box in the Foyer. The Catholic Parish of Our Lady Star of the Sea, Fareham & Gosport FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME1ST FEBRUARY 2015 Year: B Weekday: Cycle 1 Prayer of the Church: Psalter Week 4 still’ before the Lord, be present to the Lord, and listen with an open heart. Blessings will be yours and a loving ‘For my eyes have seen your salvation’ To see something, a person needs to be present to it: in welcome and spiritual communion with Our Lord waits. Fr. John Cooke line of sight of it. The psalm today (Psalm 94) is a humble expression of presence. It is a call to listen, to be quiet and Pope Francis@Pontifex:Practising charity is the best way to to hope. “Harden not your hearts ...” it says. I heard on evangelize. the radio the other day that our postmodern culture is Bishop Philip Egan@ BishopEgan:Evangelisation teams becoming ‘hard’, because it is becoming one of expectation great opportunity to make a difference by helping others and excuse. We believe we have a right to our wants and encounter Christ:https://vimeo.com/114040348 Is God calling yet we excuse ourselves of what is wanted of us. I wonder you? if it is because we are afraid of being open to each other PARISH OF OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA, FAREHAM & GOSPORT and to the ‘God of surprises’? Do we offer Him a chance? HOLY HOUR to pray for the new Evangelising Strategy Teams Or do we create excuses not to be present to His voice? initiative, will be at 3pm on Sun 15th Feb in Our Lady of the As a suggestion, could we strive to be more like Immaculate Conception, Bells Lane, Stubbington. Simeon in the Temple? When he was in the presence of the 40-day-old Christ Child, he was open to being provoked into a new joy, despite the inevitable shadows of FIRST FRIDAY Devotions: 6th Feb in Sacred Heart Church, life closing in. A baby does not usually say anything, but Fareham. Rosary at 9am followed by Mass at 9.30am. Tea and just being in His presence, gifted Simeon with an epiphany Coffee in the Hall after Mass. Adoration; Meditation; Devotions; Sacrament of Reconciliation & Spiritual Guidance. Contact: 01329 of something that completed his life’s waiting for meaning, 318869 or 02392 381802. for salvation, for peace. (See the Gospel for the Feast of the SUNDAY THOUGHT: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Presentation of the Lord on Monday 2nd February). Lent begins in two & a half weeks’ time and during this period, the community at St Margaret Mary invites you all to join us for our 40 Hours vigil of continuous Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This ancient devotion traditionally represents the forty hours Jesus spent in the Tomb from Good Friday until His glorious Resurrection that Easter Sunday dawn. This Vigil offers you an ideal time to come in love and praise, and invites you to have the courage to bring all your worries, anxieties and concerns to Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament. Come and be... Please contact David Walford 01489 481698 for more information, or if you would like to offer to help our parish community in keeping this Vigil (from 3pm Friday 13th March, until 7am Sunday 15thMarch). No-one who sought Jesus was refused help. Just sit or kneel, and ‘be Parish Priest: Fr John Cooke: 01489 572797 Associate Parish Priests: Fr Joe Gruszkiewicz: 01329 318869 Fr Peter Glas: 02392 580119 Fr John Chandler 01329 663435 Q.A. Hospital Chaplain Fr Joe McNerney: 02392 286 408 FIRST SATURDAY Devotions: 7th Feb in St Mary's, Gosport. 9.30am Mass, Adoration, Rosary. Ministry of Healing available and Sacrament of Reconciliation at midday. Contact 02392 580119. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proclaim '15 is a nationwide evangelisation initiative launched by the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, aimed at supporting, inspiring and encouraging new expressions of parish evangelisation. It is designed to affirm the good work already being done by the Catholic community and is providing resources and events to profile and develop new expressions of Catholic joy and missionary outreach. It therefore ties in very well with our desire here in the Diocese of Portsmouth to “Share the Joy of the Gospel” and, as the initiative aims to support us who are working on the ground in parishes, I can readily recommend it to you. Bishop Philip For more details: http://www.catholic-ew.org.uk/Home/Special-Events/ Proclaim-15-Building-Missionary-Parishes Parish Deacon: Dcn Langford Vincent: 01329 285617 Parish Staff: Clare Ryan (PG): Doug Savege (G): Maria Owen (L&S): Daniel Russell (F&P): 01489 572797 02392 580119 01329 664260 01329 318869 Our Church Communities St Mary’s, Gosport; Sacred Heart, Fareham; St John the Evangelist, Lee-on-the-Solent; St Margaret Mary, Park Gate; St Columba, Bridgemary; Immaculate Conception, Stubbington; St Philip Howard, Fareham; St Mary’s Anglican Church, Portchester; The Chapel of St Thomas More, Park Place, Wickham Parish Website: ww.ourladystarofthesea.info ST. MARGARET MARY CHURCH Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish: Fareham & Gosport Middle Road, Park Gate, Southampton, SO31 7GH Tel: 01489 572797 Priest: Rev. John Cooke Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.stmm.org.uk Reg. Charity No. 246871 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year of Mark (B) Sun 1st February 2015 THE WEEK AHEAD Diary - at a glance ... BAPTISM ‘Welcome to God’s Family!’ Sun 1st Our next preparation sessions Mondays 11th & 18th May at 7.30pm (Hall) Application forms with details of preparation sessions are available in the Foyer. Why not take part while you are still expecting? One less thing to worry about! Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat Sun 8th 10.15am 4pm 6.30pm 10.30am 12 noon 7pm 11am 7.30pm 7.30pm 8am Rite of Welcome ‘Baptism families’ Confirmation Session Presentation of Confirmands Rosary in Lady Chapel Clergy Meetings RCIA ‘Paschal mystery; Eucharist’ House blessing Pastoral Team meeting Choir Practice Mass Clergy Day 10.30am Bethany Group & Rosary 6pm Meeting with a parishioner 6pm Exposition of Blessed Sacrament 1.25pm Mass at St George College 7pm ‘Echoes social’ (starts 7.30pm) 7am HMP Winchester 10.30am FHC Children’s session 3pm House blessing 5pm Confessions 10.15am FHC family celebration 4.30pm HMP Winchester meeting; Dcn Paul HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE EXPERIENCE 2016 A 12 Day, all inclusive 3 centred experience through the Holy Land; Negev, Jerusalem and Galilee. Fully guided & all fees included. All pilgrims have a headset to ensure they hear the local guide and the spiritual guide. Travelling Sun. 14th - Fri. 25th Feb 2016. Brochures are available in the Foyer. CAFOD ‘Sky Dive’ Sponsorship FIRST EUCHARIST PROGRAMME 2015 Session: ‘We Belong - Baptism’ Children: Sat 7th Feb. 10.30-12.30pm in the Hall. Family Celebration: Sun 8th Feb at 10.15am Mass. with presentation of Baptism candles. Session: ‘God, the Blessed Trinity’ Today Sun 1st Feb 4.30 - 6pm in the Hall ADULT JOURNEY IN FAITH - R.C.I.A. Meeting in the Paray Room, the room on the right as you enter the Foyer. Mon 2nd Feb. 7pm - 8.30pm Theme: ‘Paschal mystery; Eucharist’ Our group is an ongoing programme for Adults who may be considering becoming a Catholic, or would like to be Confirmed. If you would like to know more please speak to Suzanne Hogg, Fr. John or Clare. PRAYER PLEASE Please hold Samantha, a parishioner’s daughter, in your prayers. She has been taken into hospital this week and is very unwell again. Also Susan Forer, undergoing chemotherapy, and Ian Matthews going into hospital on Monday for open heart surgery. C.W.L. Catholic Women’s League DIARY DATES for 2015 PRAYERS PLEASE WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 6th March CHRISTIAN AID WEEK Sat 10th till Sun 16th May For Irene Hollywood, Wyn Harfield, Susan Morris, Margaret & Ces Smith, Cathy Hutley, James Brown, Julia Taylor, Pat Juke, Leila Kroon, Marion Scott, Abigail & Siobhan Jefferies, Samantha Donohoe, Paddie Hughes, Tim Healey, May & Bernard Maginn, Marion Celand, Alan Dixon, Simon Zasc, Florrie Jones, Eileen Parsons, Shauna Corr, Danny Watts, Joseph Dolan, Ellen Notley, Stuart Mercer, Jane Savage, Ernest Anthony, John Marvao, Pat Cooke, Thomas McCartney, Dennis Allen, Kol Thelis, Pat Elward, Bob Slater, Polly Stansbridge, Joan Jones, Chris Lane, Susan & John Forer. Thank you. The responsorial psalm warns us not to harden our hearts. There are many ways our culture and our fallen nature can harden our hearts. How would you describe the things that can harden your heart from being a disciple and following the Lord? Bishop Philip writes: “As you know, the Church in our time is calling us to the work of new evangelisation. We are Christ’s missionary disciples, and He has given us many charisms and talents for this work. Now we want to set up in every Pastoral Area an Evangelisation Strategy Team, comprised of clergy and laity, to direct the work of mission at the local, parish level. In your Pastoral Area, there will soon be a Holy Hour to pray for this initiative. (For us this is Sun 15th Feb at 3pm Immaculate Conception Church, Stubbington.) The Strategy Team is a new body to replace the Pastoral Council. It should represent all ages and types. It’s all about vision! Its purpose is to sponsor mission-projects across the area. Teams will meet once a term. To find out more, go to our diocesan website: www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk/evangelisation-teams. There you will find a video with more info, and details of what the commitment would be for team members.” PARISH S.V.P. GROUP ‘St Vincent de Paul’ CONFIRMATION 2016 Julianne White is doing a ‘Skydive’ to raise money for CAFOD. If you’d like to sponsor her, please see the forms in the foyer. Or you can visit her ‘Just Giving’ page: www.justgiving.com/Julianne-W. Weather permitting, this is on Fri 20th Feb. We wish her all the very best! QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION MESSAGE FROM BISHOP PHILIP Evangelisation Strategy Teams Our next meeting will be our A.G.M. on Wed 4th Feb at St Mary’s Church, Gosport. Meeting Tues 3rd Feb 7.30pm In the Lady Chapel. Contact via tel. 572797 Computer Appeal If anyone has an old computer they don’t need, please let the S.V.P. know. Sat. 31st Jan 2-4pm 'Vinnies' Drop-in Paray Room / Hall - for a Cuppa, Chat, Time for you ... Last Sat of every month (next date 28th Feb) Poor Box (in the Foyer) All donations in go towards the charitable work of SVP, tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing practical assistance to those in need – irrespective of ideology, faith, ethnicity, age or gender. The SVP help those who are suffering poverty in whatever form. Thank you. HELP WITH LAUNDRY, PLEASE! Help is needed to wash the Altar Server albs on a regular basis. If a parishioner feels this is something they could help with, please speak with Nick in the sacristy. Any offers of help will be gratefully received! NATIONAL YOUTH CONGRESS - ‘FLAME 2’ Sat. 7th Mar. 2015 - Wembley Arena. Save the date This fantastic event is organised by the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation for those in Year 9 to Young Adults. Prayer, worship, speakers, 10,000 others, music & lots more. We have 50 tickets for our parish youth - with a coach going to / from Park Gate. See flier & links as you leave after Mass. Book early ... SUNDAY COLLECTION Thank you for your generosity. Sun 25th Jan Loose Plate £297.49 Envelopes £418.80 Bankers Orders c.£470 TOTAL £1,186.29 2nd Collection Today - for the Catholic Education Service CATHOLIC EDUCATION SUNDAY A warm welcome to Eoin Shaw (St Georges’ Catholic College, Southampton) speaking at all Masses about the mission of our Catholic Schools and Catholic Education. ST ANTHONY’S PRIMARY SCHOOL CONSULTATION ON ADMISSIONS As required by the Admissions Code, the Governing Body St Anthony's Primary School is conducting a consultation on its proposed Admission Arrangements for the School year 2016/17. A copy of the proposed arrangements can be provided. Please can you send any comments about the proposed arrangements to: Chair of Governors, St Anthony's RC School, Titchfield Common, PO14 4RP or by email to [email protected] Correspondence no later than Fri 20th Feb ‘15 GREEN ‘CINCTURE OF HONOUR’ Feb ‘15 Goes to Altar Server Dan Bonavia for being awarded most points in January. Congratulations! HOLY WEEK PALMS ... to Ashes Please return any palms you may have from last year, to the Sacristy, for burning to ash. Service of Preparation & Burning of palms Friday 13th February 2.45pm (weather permitting!) at St. Anthony’s School with the children. All welcome. Mass Times, Services & Intentions 4th Sun Ord Time B 1st Feb ‘15 Dawn Mass Day Mass Evening Mass Mon Pres’n Lord Tue St Blaise Wed Feria Thur St Agatha Fri St Paul M & St George Sat HMP Winch Confessions 8am 10.15am 6.30pm 9.45am 12 Noon 8am 9.45am 9.45am 1.25pm 10.30am 5pm 5th Sun Ord Time B 8th Feb ‘15 Dawn Mass Day Mass Evening Mass 8am 10.15am 6.30pm Ordinary Time Week 4 (Yr 1) Prayer of the Church Week 4 Alan Watts RIP For the People of the Parish Nuala McCann RIP (Piper) Thanksgiving (Armstrong) Intention available Holy Souls (Walford) Liturgy of Word & Eucharist Intention available At St George College Ints. of the prisoners In the Lady Chapel Ordinary Time Week 5 (Yr 1) Prayer of the Church Week 1 For the People of the Parish Heidi Ringeisen RIP (Jones) Neide Nobre RIP (Purves) Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 5pm PPC & Group Reps Chair Mrs Helen Gardner. Tel. 557580 Pastoral Assistant Mrs. Clare Ryan c/o Church Office Contact tel. 572797 / e-mail: [email protected] Church Office open: Mon-Fri 9.30-12 Noon Safeguarding Co-ordinator Mrs. Christine Millward Concerns & Advice Tel. 023 9281 6396 (Diocesan Office) St Anthony’s Primary & Pre-School Office Tel. 579100
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