Phone: 69205437 Email: [email protected] Term 4 Week 1 Fax: 69205666 Thursday 9th October 2014 Welcome back for our new term. We look forward to the many exci ng things that we will be learning and doing as the term progresses. This week is Na onal Rosary Week. The students will be looking at this special combina on of prayers in class during October – the month of the Rosary. A ached to this newsle er is an ar cle about the Rosary and its prac ces. Welcome home to Nadine. It is wonderful to see you back in Lockhart with your family and we wish you all the best as you con nue your recovery. Today we had Orienta on day for our 2015 Kinders. We hope that they all enjoyed their me at St Joseph’s today and we are looking forward to seeing them again as part of our transi on program which begins in November. During the holidays, we received the sad news that Jen, our counsellor from Centacare, will no longer be part of the Centacare team. We thank her for the wonderful work that she has done at our school and welcome Shan as our new counsellor. Both Jen and Shan visited us yesterday and Shan will con nue to assist our school into the future. Thank you to Mitch and Carlie who organised a ‘catch-up’ day for the students during the holidays. Our school has been fortunate enough to receive a grant from the Lockhart and District Community Bank. This grant from the Bendigo Bank will go towards Phase 1 of the refurnishing of our classrooms with new desks and chairs which will be a fantas c addi on to our school. Many thanks to Felicity Day for all of the work that she did towards this. Graincorp have kindly organised a special tree plan ng for our school on Wednesday, October 22. We will be plan ng some trees in our new classroom block and the students will also be given trees to take and plant at home. Graincorp will also be providing a barbeque lunch on this day and you are most welcome to join us. Thanks to those who helped out with the drumMUSTER and the catering at the Lockhart Show, and also to those who will be helping out at the Picnic Races tomorrow. The funds that you help to raise for our school are hugely appreciated. On Tuesday, the staff at Lockhart, together with the staff of St Francis Xavier’s, Urana and St Columba’s, Berrigan celebrated the history and heritage of our Presenta on schools in the CSO lead Faithstory and Witness program. Knowing the ‘story’ of our school and where we have come from is such an important aspect of who we are. As men oned in a newsle er last term, this year we will be par cipa ng in the Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoebox Appeal in conjunc on with St Mary’s Parish. Yesterday, we had a visit from Glenys Walton from Narrandera who has run this appeal over a number of years and she outlined what we needed to do to par cipate. We have a very short meframe in order to par cipate in this year’s appeal and there is some informa on a ached to the newsle er that will assist in your par cipa on. Today we began our Milo In2cricket program with Courtney from Cricket NSW. This program will con nue each Thursday for the next four weeks. Tomorrow, our school captains will be a ending The Spirit of the Land Fes val morning tea at the Council Chambers with The Honourable David Hurley, Governor of NSW. The event is being hosted by Mayor Peter Yates and General Manager Rod Shaw. We wish the 4/5/6 class a wonderful me at Borambola next week. I am sure that they will have lots of exci ng stories to tell us when they return. Due to the generosity of a number of people, we have the opportunity to take all students from K-6 on a day trip to Beechworth. This excursion will take place on Tuesday, October 28. More details and a permission note will be included on next week’s newsle er. Andrew Chinn, who is a writer and performer of children’s gospel music and has visited our school in the past, has kindly offered to come to our school on Monday, November 17 to work with our students during the day and then put on a concert for you later in the evening with the students. Please put this date in your diary. On Monday, October 20, the staff will be holding a parent a ernoon to look at K-6 mathema cs. Some of the areas that we will speak about include maths strategies, language and problem solving. This workshop will be held at 3.30pm in the 4/5/6 classroom. Please join us. Debbie Page 2 Borambola Excursion The 4/5/6 students are ge ng very excited for their excursion to Borambola Sport and Recrea on Centre next week. If you have any ques ons or concerns please contact Carlie as soon as possible. A ached to the Newsle er is a list of transport to and from the Centre. St Joseph's Catholic School LOCKHART LUNCH ORDER ROSTER 10 October Renae Hunt 17 October Jane Ralston 24 October Melissa Rockliff 31 October Donna McRae 7 November Heidi Gooden 14 November Nadine Douglas 21 November Mandy Bowyer 28 November Carol Smith Dates to Remember 4/5/6 Borambola Excurs. 13th to 15th October Parent mee ng re Maths Monday 20 October Tree plan ng & BBQ lunch Wednesday 22 October Beechworth Trip (K-6) Tuesday 28 October Mission Day/Book Fair Lunches to be collected from Latte Da & Tuesday 4 November delivered to school at 1pm. If you are unable to do your day, please Pupil Free Day arrange a swap! Monday 10 November Ac ve A er School Communi es Our Ac ve A er-Schools Communi es program will con nue to run un l the end of the term. Unfortunately the program will not be Government funded in 2015. This ini a ve has been a fantas c program for the students at our school to par cipate in a range of games and sports. The expression of interest form for Term 4 is a ached to the Newsle er. Please return it to Miss Rake as soon as possible Mowing Roster 2nd two weeks October McRae, D.Hosie & Richards Families 1st two weeks November Fox, Gleeson & Taylor Families Key to ride on mower to be collected from school during school hours. Trent Gooden & Craig Douglas also have a key. Parish News School Council/Parents Christmas Party The tenta ve date for the Parent’s Christmas Party is Friday 12th December. Please remember to mark this date in your diaries. Mass Roster Sunday 12th October at 8am Readers: David/Heidi Gooden Offertory: Gooden Families Lockhart Mass Times 2nd & 4th Sundays at 8am Alternate Saturdays at 7pm 2015 Kinder Orienta on Days Commence Thursday 13 November 9.00am To 1.00pm Andrew Chin visit Monday 17 November Bishop Confirma on Visit Wednesday 19 November 2015 Kinder Orienta on Thursday 20 November Confirma on Sunday 23 November 9am to 1pm 10.00am 2015 Kinder Orienta on Thursday 27 November 9am to 1pm 2015 Kinder Orienta on Thursday 4 December 9am to 1pm Kindergarten News Timetable: Below is an outline of the key areas of learning for Term 4 in the classroom. Religion: The two topics we are studying in religion this term are Mission: Living as Jesus Showed Us and Advent/ Christmas me. English: Talking, listening, reading and wri ng within the theme of ‘This is Me!’ Maths: Working mathema cally, number, pa erns/algebra, measurement/data and space and geometry. Human Society In Its Environment: The topic for this term is ‘Places we Know’ which will be the children’s first research assignment/ topic they will need to complete. More details later-don’t worry! Science: The topic for this term is ‘On the Move’ which explores how toys and other objects are made and how they move. Crea ve Arts: The topics for this term are The Environment, Christmas me and our ar st for the term is Ken Done.
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