Volume 37, No. 10 October 2014

Volume 37, No. 10
October 2014
P r e s i d e n t / C E O : Melanie P. Stillwell
Monthly publication from Western Cooperative Credit Union
Williston: Main Office
1300 Bison Drive
PO Box 2237
Williston, ND 58802
Williston: Branch Offices
215 Washington Ave.
Dickinson: Branch Offices
290 15th St. W. & 721 State Ave.
Dickinson, ND 58601
Hebron: Branch Office
International Credit Union Day: October 16, 2014
Local Service. Global Good.
Doing good is something credit unions take seriously, locally and globally. This cooperative spirit of
people helping people has led to life-changing opportunities in the form of small business start-ups,
home ownership and education. On October 16, credit unions around the world will unite behind the
message of “Local Service. Global Good.™” for International Credit Union (ICU) Day. Share in this
powerful credit union vision and celebrate with more than 200 million people worldwide to establish
credit unions as our best financial partner.
701 Main Street
PO Box 504
Hebron, ND 58638
Beach: Branch Office
60 2nd St. NE
PO Box 366
Beach, ND 58621
Glen Ullin: Branch Office
414 E. South Ave.
Glen Ullin, ND 58631
Ray: Branch Office
10 Main St.
PO Box 158
Ray, ND 58849
iTalk—Interactive Voice Response
Williston: 701-572-4400
Dickinson: 701-483-9228
Toll Free: 1-800-588-0106
Website & NetTeller
WCCU Mobile App
Download the mobile app and connect to your
NetTeller today through your Google Play Store
or Apple App Store on your Smart Phone!
WCCU ATM Locations:
Main Branch, Downtown, &
Law Enforcement Center entrance.
North Branch Drive-Up &
State Ave. Drive-up
Cenex Convenience Store
Cooperative Insurance Agency, LLC
1300 Bison Drive
PO Box 940
Williston, ND 58802
WCCU Insurance Agency, LLC
290 15th St. W.
Dickinson, ND 58601
701-483-0207 or 701-290-7302
Krabseth Agency
213 Washington Ave.
PO Box 909
Williston, ND 58802
T he p ro d u c t s an d s e r v i c es o f f e r e d b y Co o pe r at i v e I n s u ra n ce Ag e n c y, L L C
a n d W C CU I n s u ra n ce Ag e n c y, L L C a re not f e d e ra l l y in s u r e d ; a r e no t
o b l ig at io n s of W C C U; a r e n ot g u a ra nt e e d b y W C C U o r a f f i l iat e d en t it i e s;
i n v o l v e in v e st m en t r is k s, i n c l u d i ng t he po ss i b l e lo ss o f p r in c i p a l.
Financial Discussions Between Adult Children and Aging Parents
Many aging parents hesitate to share vital information about financial affairs with their children. However,
when aging parents become unable to make decisions, care for themselves, or die, adult children who are
uninformed about their parents' possessions or desires will be ill-prepared to act on their parents' behalf.
Initiate the discussion before a parent's physical or mental condition creates a crisis.
If parents initiate the discussion, they should reassure the adult child that they are planning ahead rather than
responding to a particular medical condition. When adult children initiate the conversation, they might open by
discussing friends who have faced difficulties when their aging parents failed to plan ahead.
Early conversations may focus on estate planning, while later conversations can provide details about insurance
or investments. Who will serve as executor of the will or authorized representative for a medical power of
attorney? Is there a list of all advisers--accountants, attorneys, and investment counselors? Where are
important documents, including property deeds? Have the parents prepared a living will and medical power of
attorney? The living will provides instructions to medical personnel if the parent is unable to make decisions
about life support, while the medical power of attorney authorizes a family member or representative to make
medical decisions on the parents' behalf.
Make sure there's a will, covering all possessions intended for a specific recipient, and a letter of last
instructions, which expresses personal wishes such as directions for the funeral service. Store the letter in an
accessible location.
Finally, periodically review all financial plans and documents.
Copyright 2014 Credit Union National Association Inc. Information subject to change without notice. For use with members of a single credit union. All other rights reserved.
Congratulations to the October “Star
Student” Recipients Macy Mack and
Maycie Brunelle!
Western Cooperative Credit Union’s Miracle Jeans Day Success
“I put my money where the
Miracles are!” The Ray branch
employees show off their t-shirts!
Western Cooperative Credit Union is excited to
announce the success of Miracle Jeans Day! The
employees and members from all branches donated
a total of $1,714.03! All donations went to the
Children’s Miracle Network Hospital of North
Dakota, Sanford Health in Fargo, North Dakota.
Employees were allowed to wear jeans for $5.00
and could purchase a t-shirt to wear for $25.00.
F Y I ’s
Pumpkin Festival– Beach ND: October 5.
Celebrate fall in Beach at the Pumpkin
Festival! Head over to Gazebo Park from
12:00 PM to 5:00 PM for kids’ games,
zucchini derby, large/small vegetable
contest, pumpkin cooking, and the Tour de
Pumpkin race! Don’t miss this fun-for-all
C o - o p B re a k f a st - R a y ND : O c to b e r 7
In ho no r o f Co - o p mo nt h, t he ci t y o f
Ra y i s ho st i n g it s a n n u a l Co - o p
B r ea k fa st o n T u esd a y, O cto b er 7 t h
fr o m 7 :0 0 AM to 1 0 :0 0 AM at t he R a y
Go l f Co ur s e. J o i n o u r R a y B r a nc h
e mp lo ye e s a nd o t her co o p er at i ve s i n
cel eb r a ti n g o ur me mb er s a nd o ur
co m mu n i t y!
P e eW ee H a l lo w e e n Sp o o k t a c u la r D i ck i n so n N D : Oc to b e r 3 1 .
J o in us at o ur D ic k i n so n No r t h B r a nc h
o n Oc to b er 3 1 s t fro m 2 : 0 0 P M to 5 :0 0
Macy Mack is a sophomore at
Dickinson High School. She was on
the ‘A’ Honor Roll as a freshman,
along with having perfect
attendance. She also has served on
the DHS Student Council, pursued
the Dickinson Police Dept. Youth
Academy, and is a Dickinson Dollars
for Scholars Volunteer!
Maycie Brunelle is a junior at
Trenton High School. She has been
on the honor roll and served on the
Student Council. She participated in
the science fair, is known to get
along well with her classmates, and
actively ask questions in school.
Way to go, WCCU!
P M fo r o ur a n n u al P eeW ee H al lo we e n
P ar t y! B r i n g t h e kid s fo r g a me s a n d
tr ea t s i n a sa fe, fu n e n vi ro n me n t !
T r a il o f T r ea t s - W i l l i s to n , ND :
O c to b e r 3 1
At t he Do wn t o wn W i ll i s to n B ra nc h ,
j o in u s fo r t h e a n n ua l T r ail o f T reat s !
C he c k t h e lo ca l ne ws p ap er fo r t he
T r ail o f T rea t s ro ut e wi t h t he
d o wn to wn co n s tr uc tio n, b u t b e s ur e to
sto p b y 2 1 5 W a s h i n gto n Ave n ue fo r
tr ea t s a nd Ha llo wee n s a fet y b a g s !
W h ea t , Wo m e n, a nd W in e - B e a c h ND :
N o vem b e r 1
An o t he r wo nd er ful fa ll ev e nt i n B e ac h
is W h ea t, W o me n , a nd W i ne o n
No ve mb e r 1 fro m 1 2 :3 0 P M to 6 :0 0
P M. E ve n t i n cl ud es d e m o n str at io n s,
ve nd o rs , a sp e a ker, wi n e ta st i n g, a nd a
me al !
Macy Mack
Maycie Brunelle
If you know any potential Star Students, please visit your
nearest W CCU Branch for a brochure, or print one off
from our website: www.wccu.org