St. Patrick’s Parish 34 South Alder Street, Campbell River, BC V9W 2M8 [email protected] email 250-287-3498 phone 250-287-2127 fax Parish Missions: Tahsis, Gold River and Sayward "Invite everyone you can find to the wedding." Pastor: Rev. Jan Grotkowski, SDS Temporary Office Assistant: Heather Walsh OFFICE HOURS: closed Saturday, Sunday, and Monday OPEN: Tuesday 8:30 am - 12:30 pm, Wednesday 12:30 pm - 7:00 pm, Thursday 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and Friday 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Baptism and Marriage: by appointment * Sacraments or Anointing for the Sick or Holy Communion at home or in hospital - Please call the Parish Office _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Masses Saturday - 5 pm Sunday Vigil Mass Sunday - 9 am Mass- “I am Special” and Liturgy of the Word for Children - 11 am Mass Tuesday - 10 am at Yucalta Lodge Wednesday - Friday - 9 am st 1 Friday (each month) - 10:30 am at Evergreen Care Home Confession - Saturdays at 4 - 4:45 pm or by appointment *exception - 3rd Saturday 4:30 - 4:45 pm ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ St. Patrick’s Preschool * Please call the Parish Office to register * Tuesdays & Thursdays 9 - 11:30 am St. Vincent de Paul: 250-287-4911 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 If you know of someone who is ill or in need of our prayers, please call the Parish Office at 250.287.3498 or email [email protected] Let us pray for our family & friends that are at home or in Evergreen, Ironwood, New Horizons & Yucalta Lodge care homes. Let us pray for family & friends that are sick, recovering or in hospital, and for all who need our prayers including: Heather Dawson, Maureen Linton, Madeleine Ostopchuk, Ann Classen, and Rose Niesen. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Word This Week The Church’s year is drawing to a close: in a few weeks we will be thinking very clearly about the end of time - but here we have a preview. The parable of the banquet is a link between the Gospels of recent weeks (which have as their theme: ‘Just who is going to be saved?’) and the looking forward to the end times which will follow. The big danger is complacency: we are baptised, we go to Church, we have our invites to the wedding. But when the big day comes, will we be ready for it? Or will our thoughts be on the other things of life? Jesus speaks of himself as the Bridegroom, and today points out to the chosen people that they are in danger of missing the celebration. Our faith is that the Bridegroom will come again; let us be careful that the same parable is not addressed to us. Why Thou rather than You? When we pray the Rosary together in Church, the pronoun thou may be used to imply closeness of relationships and affection, and is an appropriate form of address for Our Holy Mother as well as for the Holy Trinity. The intention for the Living Rosary for the month of October is for all children who are suffering from the affects of disease and war, that God restores their happiness. PLANNING YOUR CARE THINKING NOW ABOUT THE FUTURE A seminar for EVERYONE!! Two Sessions in Our Lady of Guadalupe (Small) Hall Session #1 – Saturday, October 18 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Feature Speaker – Gerry Herkel “Advance Care Planning: A Catholic, Faith-Based Perspective” Medical Aspects - Dr. Kathleen McFadden Community Resources – Brenda Merk Hildebrand Session #2 – Saturday, November 1 8:30 am Mass 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Legal Aspects Financial Aspects Planning a Catholic Funeral No Charge – Please register at the Parish Office or on the sign-up sheet in the foyer. (We must have some idea of numbers for handouts.) EVERYONE WELCOME Mass Intentions October 13 Monday 9 am for the good health of Olga 14 Tuesday Yucalta Lodge 10 am 8 9 am Wednesday Niko and Kate Puharic + 9 9 am Thursday Strebel family offered by Ed & Betty McDonald 10 9 am Friday Joe Stawski + offered by Hedwig 11 5 pm Saturday Paul Xotta + 12 9 am Sunday Colleen Holloway + offered by John & Vivian Hornby 11 am for the good health of Josephine Eastland and family Collections from Oct. 4 - 5 Sunday $4368.40 Votive $106.95 Development & Peace $918.00 Needs of the Church $240.00 Thank you! Would you like your message in the bulletin? Please get it in to the office by 6:30 pm on Wednesday. Please remember space is limited! Fr. Bill! Thank you for joining us this week! Next our Parish - October 13 - 19, 2014 Monday 13 9 am Thanksgiving Mass 14 Tuesday Wednesday 15 St. Teresa of Jesus Thursday 16 St. Marguerite d’Youville World Food Day Friday 17 St. Ignatius of Antioch Saturday 18 St. Luke Sunday 19 World Mission Sunday 9 - 11:30 am Preschool 9 am Mass 9 am Mass 9 am Mass Noodle Club 9 am Mass 10 am Mass Yucalta Lodge 9:30 am Adoration 9 - 11:30 am Preschool Noodle Club 4 pm Confession 11 am Mass 2 pm Prayer Cenacle/Rosary 6 - 7 pm Religious Education 6:30 pm Youth Group 4:30 pm Rosary 5 pm Noodle Club Spaghetti Dinner 7 pm Rosary 6 pm Choir Practice (Sat. Mass) 7 pm Rosary 7 pm Men’s Bible Study 7 pm RCIA 5 pm Mass 7 pm Rosary 7 pm Rosary 7:15 Ladies Bible Study 7 pm Rosary 7 pm Rosary 10 pm End of Adoration 7:30 pm Choir Practice (11 am Mass) 7:30 pm CWL meeting Development &Peace Fall Diocesan AGM will be held in Ladysmith Sat. October. 18 at St. Mary's Parish from 10am-3pm.Coffee will be available at 9:30. Anyone interested in joining local reps are encouraged to attend. For more info or if in need of a ride contact Lorraine at 250 2873418. On Aug. 29th, Trade and Development Canada awarded D&P $1million to help displaced Iraqis. D&P will be working with the Caritas Iraq and Catholic Relief Agencies on the ground. For more information check out the website OCTOBER IS ROSARY MONTH! Join us Sunday - Friday at 7 pm and before mass on Saturday Join us for Youth Group every Friday Parish Library - Our Parish is beginning to catalogue our night: Grades 6-8 extensive collection of library books. We are looking for a PC from 6:30 - 8:00 computer running either: Windows 2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista, or Windows 7 to help with this task. If you know of anyone who is and Grades 9-12 upgrading their computer and thinking of re-cycling the old one, the from 6:30 - 9:30. Parish Library would appreciate a donation! Please contact the This will be an Parish Office if you are able to donate the requested computer. evening filled with The Noodle Club will be hosting the next spaghetti dinner on fun, friendship, and Sunday October 19th at 5pm. Cost is by donation. There is a fellowship. Contact sign-up sheet in the church foyer. Mike Turner at 250 To all CWL Members: 203-6051 or the There is a meeting on Oct 14, 2014. It will start with the Rosary at 7:00 in the Church, Parish Office for meeting in the small hall at 7:30. Our Guest Speaker is Dorothy Griffin; she will be more information. talking about the Prayer Shawl Ministry. All Ladies of our Parish are welcome Island Catholic Schools invites applications for three educational assistant positions for Queen of Angels School in Duncan. Please see for positions and application forms and procedures. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Takes place every Wednesday following 9:00 am Mass until 10:00 pm. Why not come out and spend some quiet time with the Lord? Devotional reading material is provided for your use at the back of the Church. NEW TO THE PARISH /CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please come to the office. MOVING AWAY: Please let the Office know so we can keep our records up-to-date and send you your income tax receipt. Joe Dinn Tel 250-830-WOOD (9663) ISLAND FUNERAL SERVICES Elk Falls Crematorium 151-D Dogwood Street, Campbell River, BC Joe Dinn Locally Owned & Operated Tel 250-286-0718 Campbell River: 250-286-3103 Ph: 250-287-3530 #107-250 Dogwood St. Campbell River, BC Eugene Henry Registered Physiotherapist Sutton’s Campbell River Funeral Home A D V E R T I S E R S • Alarm Systems • Security Patrols • Monitoring From $25/month • Static Guards Campbell River’s Best Value in Funeral and Cremation Services Since 2000 Photo Tech Your Imaging Adventure Store Downtown between the Royal Bank and the Library TK * 250-286-1233 Brook G. Kiddle *Law Corporation Tees, Kiddle, Spencer S Lawyers, Mediators Suite 200 - 1260 Shoppers Row 250-287-7755 • Free Courtesy Cars O U R 151-D Dogwood Street, Campbell River, BC 250-287-3366 3989 North Island Hwy. Phone: 250-287-8258 • Private Insurance & ICBC Claims & Glass Replacement 502 South Dogwood Street Campbell River, BC V9W 6R4 Phone: 250-287-4812 Fax: 250-286-1733 S U P P O R T Proudly Serving the Community Since 1913 1631 Island Highway Campbell River, BC Canada V9W 2E6 Phone: 250-287-8816 [email protected] Graham J. Kelly Investment Advisor Independent Wealth Management Patricia Brenan Associate Broker - Real Estate Sales Willow Point Realty • 2116B S. Isl. Hwy. Office: 250-923-1521 • Fax: 250-923-4533 Cell: 250-287-1191 • email: [email protected] P L E A S E Flooring & Blind Specialists POSTERS AND BULLETIN BOARDS: Please check with the Parish Office before hanging posters in the Parish Centre. The cost of printing our parish weekly bulletins is offset by the support of these businesses. Most are parish members. We ask your support of them. Phone: 250-286-7229 • 1690C Maple Street, Campbell River, BC New to the Parish? Or have you changed your address? Please contact the Parish Office (250-287-3498) or complete this form and deposit in the collection basket. Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ P. Code: _________________________________ Offertory envelopes are available in the Parish Office, please write your name, address and phone # on the first envelope you use.
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