This Week at Covenant Today 3:00-5:00—Feed the Homeless at FUMC Monday 5:30—Zumba 5:30 - Men’s Bible Discussion 7:00—F.U.E.L. in CCC Tuesday 1:00—Doris Branton Circle 6:00—Hand bells Wednesday 9:30—Explorers Bible Study 5:30—Dinner 6:15—STUDY 6:30—Praise Team Thursday 9:00—Women’s Bible Study 6:30—Chancel Choir Daily Living—John Hines, Holley, rm 4 Fellowship—Marie Smith, Holley, rm 5 Searchers—Kay Chadick, Holley, rm 2 Seekers—Annette and Strand Martin, Preschool, rm 3 Wesleyan—Gene Blevins, Holley, rm 9 Serendipity—Les Stratton, Holley, rm 7 F.U.E.L.—Jennifer Blanchard, Preschool, rm 9 The Gift—Jennifer Manuel, Sanctuary The Doris Branton Circle will meet this Tuesday at 1pm at Covenant. Wednesday Night Study Effectiveness Through Biblical Truths based on Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People will be led by Covenant’s Staci Henry, a certified “7 Habits“ teacher also Youth & kids program Today’s Flowers are in Celebration of Join us Wednesday, at 6:15pm Cody & Lauren Aucoin’s following supper! 8th Wedding Anniversary on Upcoming November 18. Wednesday Night Dinner -Study -Worship in the CCC Communion and Lesson on Minor Characters in the November 9 Christmas Story, 326 149 If you were here, THANKS, if not, we missed you! United Methodist Church Can meet Jesus Hear the Message of Jesus Serve the Mission of Jesus 300 East Martial Ave., Lafayette, LA 70508 • Church 981-2088 • Preschool 988-3962 Join us TODAY at 3-5pm in the First Methodist Church parking lot. Come, bring a side dish and volunteer as needed. FUEL invites you to come and join us for our new study, "Misreading Scripture Through Western Eyes". Mondays, 7pm in the CCC . Worship Sunday School Covenant Covenant is a place where people: December 3-17 PECANS ARE HERE!!! Don't be left out....selling fast... Only $10 a bag. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW in the Narthex or CCC foyer. Potluck Meal Thanksgiving Day In the C.C.C. We will have Fellowship then Set up—-11:00-12:00 Eat —-12:00-2:00 Clean up—-2:00-2:30 A sign up sheet is in the Narthex and the CCC foyer. Please tell us what you will bring so we have a variety of sides! Contact Kathie Ball or Debbie Harrison for more info. Stephen Ministry Our Christ-centered goal is to help someone going through a crisis (serious illness, job loss, death of a family member or friend, divorce, difficulty adjusting to a recent move, etc.) Contact Shari Mirgon (337-371-1014) if you or a friend is in need of a Stephen Minister. “The Door of Contentment” November 16, 2014 In His Service: Rev. Chris Blanchard, Pastor Ken Cheshire, Director of Music & Worship Ministries Melissa Bowen, Pastoral Assistant Lindsay Perry, Director of Children’s Ministries Craig and Melissa Hartwell, Youth Directors Amy Rizzuto, Preschool/MDO Director Pat Battaglia, Organist - 9:00am Jennifer Tassin, Pianist - 9:00am Ashlyn And Ava LeFevre, Acolytes—9:00am Worship Times: Traditional Service - 9:00am Sunday School - 10:10am Contemporary Service - 11:10am A NURSERY is available for children from 6 weeks of age through 4 years old in Room 2 in the Preschool building. An usher will be happy to direct you in placing your child there before the worship service begins. As a courtesy to others, please turn off or mute all cell phones and pagers. Hymnals are available from an usher ORDER OF WORSHIP 9:00 AM WELCOME AND OPENING PRAYER . PRELUDE Rev. Chris Blanchard Pat Battaglia *CALL TO WORSHIP *HYMN I’ve Got Peace Like a River TFWS 2145 (1-3) *WORDS OF AFFIRMATION *GLORIA PATRIA JOYS AND CONCERNS OFFERING/ANTHEM O Worship the King Chancel Choir *DOXOLOGY SPECIAL MUSIC MESSAGE Philippians 4:11-13 Peace in the Valley “The Door of Contentment” Jack LaFaye Rev. Blanchard *HYMN It is Well with My Soul UMH 377 (1) We receive members by profession of faith and baptism, by transfer of membership from another United Methodist Church or other Christian denomination. Please come forward during singing of last hymn. *BENEDICTION (* The Congregation will please stand.) W F NEW CONCERNS LYNN VIATOR SUSANNE MARTIN MEGHAN FERG ONGOING CONCERNS: DORIS STRENG WAYNE NECK DWAYNE VAUGHN DARLENE FLATT REV. BERNIE SHAMP PERCY BERNARD JIM SNYDER REBECCA KENNEDY SISTER CONGREGATIONS: ELSIE BROUSSARD ELLIS ROMERO JUDY BEADLE NOLA BEADLE PAULA LEBLANC DONNA JONES PAUL DAVIS JOYCE MARTIN JUDY BONIN CLAIRE MEYERS Christians around the World Our Military and their Families Our Wounded Warriors and their Caregivers Our loved ones living with Alzheimer’s Returning TODAY! Haiti Mission Team Melissa Brockmann Stephanie Brockmann Greg Fox Sherry Goudeau Melissa Hardin Wally Manuel Lindsay Perry Nathan Perry Ali Roberts Kent Roberts Lafayette First UMC and St. Barnabas Episcopal-Lafayette Prayer cards are available in Narthex and registration pads or email Marie Smith at [email protected]. CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Ardella Richeson Children, PK-4 through 2nd grade, may leave for Children’s Worship immediately following. Please register 1st timers. Parents, please pick up your children in the Holley Building following the service.) *HYMN He Touched Me UMH 367 (1,2) *SCRIPTURE PRAISE: KIM WRIGHT CHARLES PURGHAN e welcome our guests who worship with us today. We invite you to consider making Covenant the church where you worship and serve God. or those with hearing disabilities an Assisted Listening unit is available from the media desk in the back of the church. children’s ministry Serving together as a family is one of the best ways to teach your child about the importance of the act of service. Join other United Methodist families as they serve Thanksgiving Dinner to those less fortunate. Meet at First UMC TODAY from 3-5 pm and you will be amazed at what a blessing it is to serve others. Well-Versed Kids—we are already on month four of our Well -Versed Kids Program. We have several kids who have learned ALL of their verses! It is important for our children to learn scripture so they can always have God’s Word available to them. Please help them learn their verses! As Thanksgiving draws nearer, we will be asking the kids to think of things they are thankful for each week. We encourage you to do the same in your own home. You can have your own “Thankful Tree” that can serve as a daily reminder of all of the blessings that God has given your family. Business Directory If you would like your business or service listed in the new picture directory, please submit your info to [email protected]. Thank you, Melissa The New 2015 Flower Chart is available for you to sign up for altar flowers next year. The chart is on the back of the door in Peggy’s office, in the CCC. A NURSERY is available for children from 6 weeks of age through 4 years old in Room 2 in the Preschool building. An usher will be happy to direct you in placing your child there before the worship service begins. As a courtesy to others, please turn off or mute all cell phones and pagers. NEW CONCERNS LYNN VIATOR SUSANNE MARTIN MEGHAN FERG ORDER OF WORSHIP 11:10AM WELCOME Rev. Chris Blanchard SONGS OF PRAISE We’re Here to Worship Redeemed I Will Not Be Shaken Oceans (Where Feet May Fall) OFFERTORY In Christ Alone CHILDREN’S MESSAGE PRAISE: KIM WRIGHT CHARLES PURGHAN Ardella Richeson ONGOING CONCERNS: DORIS STRENG WAYNE NECK DWAYNE VAUGHN DARLENE FLATT REV. BERNIE SHAMP PERCY BERNARD JIM SNYDER REBECCA KENNEDY SISTER CONGREGATIONS: ELSIE BROUSSARD ELLIS ROMERO JUDY BEADLE NOLA BEADLE PAULA LEBLANC DONNA JONES PAUL DAVIS JOYCE MARTIN JUDY BONIN CLAIRE MEYERS Christians around the World Our Military and their Families Our Wounded Warriors and their Caregivers Our loved ones living with Alzheimer’s Returning TODAY! Haiti Mission Team Melissa Brockmann Stephanie Brockmann Greg Fox Sherry Goudeau Melissa Hardin Wally Manuel Lindsay Perry Nathan Perry Ali Roberts Kent Roberts Lafayette First UMC and St. Barnabas Episcopal-Lafayette Prayer cards are available in Narthex and registration pads or email Marie Smith at [email protected]. Children, PK-4 through 2nd grade, may leave for Children’s Worship immediately following. Please register 1st timers. Parents, please pick up your children in the Holley Building following the service.) JOYS AND CONCERNS SCRIPTURE MESSAGE Philippians 4:11-13 “The Door of Contentment” * INVITATION He Touched Me Rev. Blanchard Redeemed We receive members by profession of faith and baptism, by transfer of membership from another United Methodist Church or other Christian denomination. Please come forward during singing of last hymn. * BENEDICTION (* The Congregation will please stand.) W F e welcome our guests who worship with us today. We invite you to consider making Covenant the church where you worship and serve God. or those with hearing disabilities an Assisted Listening unit is available from the media desk in the back of the church. children’s ministry Serving together as a family is one of the best ways to teach your child about the importance of the act of service. Join other United Methodist families as they serve Thanksgiving Dinner to those less fortunate. Meet at First UMC TODAY from 3-5 pm and you will be amazed at what a blessing it is to serve others. Well-Versed Kids—we are already on month four of our Well -Versed Kids Program. We have several kids who have learned ALL of their verses! It is important for our children to learn scripture so they can always have God’s Word available to them. Please help them learn their verses! As Thanksgiving draws nearer, we will be asking the kids to think of things they are thankful for each week. We encourage you to do the same in your own home. You can have your own “Thankful Tree” that can serve as a daily reminder of all of the blessings that God has given your family. Business Directory If you would like your business or service listed in the new picture directory, please submit your info to [email protected]. Thank you, Melissa The New 2015 Flower Chart is available for you to sign up for altar flowers next year. The chart is on the back of the door in Peggy’s office, in the CCC. A NURSERY is available for children from 6 weeks of age through 4 years old in Room 2 in the Preschool building. An usher will be happy to direct you in placing your child there before the worship service begins. As a courtesy to others, please turn off or mute all cell phones and pagers. NEW CONCERNS LYNN VIATOR SUSANNE MARTIN MEGHAN FERG ORDER OF WORSHIP 11:10AM WELCOME Rev. Chris Blanchard SONGS OF PRAISE We’re Here to Worship Redeemed I Will Not Be Shaken Oceans (Where Feet May Fall) OFFERTORY In Christ Alone CHILDREN’S MESSAGE PRAISE: KIM WRIGHT CHARLES PURGHAN Ardella Richeson ONGOING CONCERNS: DORIS STRENG WAYNE NECK DWAYNE VAUGHN DARLENE FLATT REV. BERNIE SHAMP PERCY BERNARD JIM SNYDER REBECCA KENNEDY SISTER CONGREGATIONS: ELSIE BROUSSARD ELLIS ROMERO JUDY BEADLE NOLA BEADLE PAULA LEBLANC DONNA JONES PAUL DAVIS JOYCE MARTIN JUDY BONIN CLAIRE MEYERS Christians around the World Our Military and their Families Our Wounded Warriors and their Caregivers Our loved ones living with Alzheimer’s Returning TODAY! Haiti Mission Team Melissa Brockmann Stephanie Brockmann Greg Fox Sherry Goudeau Melissa Hardin Wally Manuel Lindsay Perry Nathan Perry Ali Roberts Kent Roberts Lafayette First UMC and St. Barnabas Episcopal-Lafayette Prayer cards are available in Narthex and registration pads or email Marie Smith at [email protected]. Children, PK-4 through 2nd grade, may leave for Children’s Worship immediately following. Please register 1st timers. Parents, please pick up your children in the Holley Building following the service.) JOYS AND CONCERNS SCRIPTURE MESSAGE Philippians 4:11-13 “The Door of Contentment” * INVITATION He Touched Me Rev. Blanchard Redeemed We receive members by profession of faith and baptism, by transfer of membership from another United Methodist Church or other Christian denomination. Please come forward during singing of last hymn. * BENEDICTION (* The Congregation will please stand.) W F e welcome our guests who worship with us today. We invite you to consider making Covenant the church where you worship and serve God. or those with hearing disabilities an Assisted Listening unit is available from the media desk in the back of the church. children’s ministry Serving together as a family is one of the best ways to teach your child about the importance of the act of service. Join other United Methodist families as they serve Thanksgiving Dinner to those less fortunate. Meet at First UMC TODAY from 3-5 pm and you will be amazed at what a blessing it is to serve others. Well-Versed Kids—we are already on month four of our Well -Versed Kids Program. We have several kids who have learned ALL of their verses! It is important for our children to learn scripture so they can always have God’s Word available to them. Please help them learn their verses! As Thanksgiving draws nearer, we will be asking the kids to think of things they are thankful for each week. We encourage you to do the same in your own home. You can have your own “Thankful Tree” that can serve as a daily reminder of all of the blessings that God has given your family. Business Directory If you would like your business or service listed in the new picture directory, please submit your info to [email protected]. Thank you, Melissa The New 2015 Flower Chart is available for you to sign up for altar flowers next year. The chart is on the back of the door in Peggy’s office, in the CCC. This Week at Covenant Today 3:00-5:00—Feed the Homeless at FUMC Monday 5:30—Zumba 5:30 - Men’s Bible Discussion 7:00—F.U.E.L. in CCC Tuesday 1:00—Doris Branton Circle 6:00—Hand bells Wednesday 9:30—Explorers Bible Study 5:30—Dinner 6:15—STUDY 6:30—Praise Team Thursday 9:00—Women’s Bible Study 6:30—Chancel Choir Daily Living—John Hines, Holley, rm 4 Fellowship—Marie Smith, Holley, rm 5 Searchers—Kay Chadick, Holley, rm 2 Seekers—Annette and Strand Martin, Preschool, rm 3 Wesleyan—Gene Blevins, Holley, rm 9 Serendipity—Les Stratton, Holley, rm 7 F.U.E.L.—Jennifer Blanchard, Preschool, rm 9 The Gift—Jennifer Manuel, Sanctuary The Doris Branton Circle will meet this Tuesday at 1pm at Covenant. Wednesday Night Study Effectiveness Through Biblical Truths based on Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People will be led by Covenant’s Staci Henry, a certified “7 Habits“ teacher also Youth & kids program Today’s Flowers are in Celebration of Join us Wednesday, at 6:15pm Cody & Lauren Aucoin’s following supper! 8th Wedding Anniversary on Upcoming November 18. Wednesday Night Dinner -Study -Worship in the CCC Communion and Lesson on Minor Characters in the November 9 Christmas Story, 326 149 If you were here, THANKS, if not, we missed you! United Methodist Church Can meet Jesus Hear the Message of Jesus Serve the Mission of Jesus 300 East Martial Ave., Lafayette, LA 70508 • Church 981-2088 • Preschool 988-3962 Join us TODAY at 3-5pm in the First Methodist Church parking lot. Come, bring a side dish and volunteer as needed. FUEL invites you to come and join us for our new study, "Misreading Scripture Through Western Eyes". Mondays, 7pm in the CCC . Worship Sunday School Covenant Covenant is a place where people: December 3-17 PECANS ARE HERE!!! Don't be left out....selling fast... Only $10 a bag. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW in the Narthex or CCC foyer. Potluck Meal Thanksgiving Day In the C.C.C. We will have Fellowship then Set up—-11:00-12:00 Eat —-12:00-2:00 Clean up—-2:00-2:30 A sign up sheet is in the Narthex and the CCC foyer. Please tell us what you will bring so we have a variety of sides! Contact Kathie Ball or Debbie Harrison for more info. Stephen Ministry Our Christ-centered goal is to help someone going through a crisis (serious illness, job loss, death of a family member or friend, divorce, difficulty adjusting to a recent move, etc.) Contact Shari Mirgon (337-371-1014) if you or a friend is in need of a Stephen Minister. “The Door of Contentment” November 16, 2014 In His Service: Rev. Chris Blanchard, Pastor Ken Cheshire, Director of Music & Worship Ministries Melissa Bowen, Pastoral Assistant Lindsay Perry, Director of Children’s Ministries Craig and Melissa Hartwell, Youth Directors Amy Rizzuto, Preschool/MDO Director Pat Battaglia, Organist - 9:00am Jennifer Tassin, Pianist - 9:00am Ashlyn And Ava LeFevre, Acolytes—9:00am Worship Times: Traditional Service - 9:00am Sunday School - 10:10am Contemporary Service - 11:10am
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