Sunday, October 12, 2014 Song Leader: Stephen Robb Speaker/Message: Kirk Cowman Life Ma ers Your Contentment MaƩers 2 Corinthians 9:6‐15 ______________ is found not in ______________but in ______________. Being _______________ gives you _______________ Being _______________ gives you _______________ Being _______________ gives you _______________ Follow along and take notes online or using your SmartPhone or Tablet with YouVersion’s Bible App Welcome to Living Hope! @ Home At lunch today ask the following ques ons: What are thankful for today? On a scale of 1 to 10 how content are you. Why did you give yourself this ra ng? This week: Look for a need that you can fill and then fill it with your me, talents or treasures. Share with a friend what happened and how you felt or what you experienced as a result of being generous. Spend me reading and medita ng on 2 Corinthians 8 and 9. Take note of anything that stands out to you from the passages. What is the Holy Spirit trying to say to you by what stood out? How can you apply to your life what the Holy Spirit is saying through the passages? Discipleship Pathways Here at Living Hope we believe one of our priori es is to help EVERYONE connected with Living Hope to grow in their faith. Or as we say around here “becoming what Jesus envisioned.˝ These sessions are structured to be launch pads and catalysts for the growth of your faith. Follow Me This pathway keeps our faith fresh and moves us further along the invita on of Jesus to a vibrant rela onship with him and with the body of Christ. Rela onships need to be nurtured. Living organisms are designed to grow through prayer, Bible study and stewardship. We do our part and God does his part. Sunday October 26, 9:00 – 10:00 am, Part One Sunday November 23, 9:00 – 10:00 am, Part Two For our guests, we’d like to meet you in person! Stop by the Info Centre (in the Lounge) to drop off your “Connect Card”. Informa onal brochures (church bulle ns) are available online or at the Info Centre. Board of Elders Wayne Bernakevitch ‐ Board Chair Kevin Wilson ‐ Vice– Chair Mark Tymchak ‐ Secretary Ed Beggs ‐ Treasurer Brad Crassweller Terry Liske Al Nordin Abe Toews David Wintemute Parents: for the safety and security of your child, only a parent can pick up their children from the nursery or classroom. Thanks for making this a scent‐free zone. Wireless Hearing Assistance is available from the Media Booth at the back of the auditorium In case of Emergency Alarm, please leave the building by the closest exit. Parents, your children will be taken, by their teachers, out the closest exit to their classroom. Please meet your children outside the building. Guest WiFi Available LivingHope‐Guest Password: living4673 Please contact the church office to register. Living Hope Alliance Church Box 32011, Regina, SK S4N 7L2 Phone 306.352.4673 [email protected] Office hours: Monday—Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Friday 9:00 am—Noon Sunday, October 12, 2014 Church Staff Life Matters: Your Contentment Matters Pastor Kirk Worship Leaders: Stephen Robb This Sunday at Living Hope 9:00 am A Call to Prayer (Office Reception Area) S.E.A.N. Small Group (G202), Everyone welcome! 10:30 am Worship Service Supervised Nursery for babies and toddlers (Room G108) Promiseland: ~ Children ages 2 - 5 (Rms. C117 & C119, Main Floor) ~ Children Grades 1-6 Will be dismissed from the Service. Larry Hurst: Senior Pastor (Ext. 23) [email protected] Kirk Cowman: Associate Pastor (Ext. 20) [email protected] October 24 - 26 Youth Retreat Sharon Gogel: Pastor of Children (Ext. 18) [email protected] Tuesday, October 28 2:00 pm, Marie Ens Celebrating 80 Years Barry Bruce: Associate Pastor, Filipino Ministries (Ext. 21) [email protected] Friday, October 31 6:30 pm, Family Carnival Victoria Piluk: Youth Ministry (Ext. 26) [email protected] Sunday, November 16 9:00 am, Discipleship Pathways: Be With Me, Part One Shauna Archer: Admin /Communications Manager (Ext. 15) [email protected] Amanda Eldred: Admin Assistant—Wed. & Thurs. (Ext. 11) [email protected] Marg Dowkes: Admin Assistant—Mon., Tues., & Fri. (Ext. 10) [email protected]. This Week at Living Hope Wednesday, October 15 9:30 am, WON Heart (Off site) 1:30 pm, Arcola East Prayer Group (Room C127) 5:30 pm, Kidz on the Rock Musical Theatre (Vista Room) 6:45 pm, 3G Kidz Club (Whole Church) Thursday, October 16 7:00 pm, Bible Quizzing (Children’s Wing) Friday, October 17 7:00 pm, Youth (Youth Wing) Lorraine Lindgren: Bookkeeper (Ext. 16) [email protected] Mike Polson: Custodian (Ext. 17) [email protected]. Bookings (Ext. 15) Announcements (Ext. 11) or [email protected] Sunday, October 26 9:00 am, Discipleship Pathways: Follow Me, Part One Sunday, November 23 9:00 am, Discipleship Pathways: Follow Me, Part Two Sunday, December 7 10:30 am, Kidz on the Rock Musical Wednesday, December 24 4:00 pm, Family Friendly Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 7:00 pm, Classic Christmas Eve Candlelight Service For Your Information Marie Ens Celebrating 80 Years- Everyone is invited to the Marie Ens (Place of Rescue, Cambodia) Celebrating 80 Years on Tuesday, October 28th @ 2:00 pm at Living Hope. Marie will be sharing her testimony of God’s direction and faithfulness in her life. Options Pregnancy Banquet on Saturday, October 25th from 6:00 - 8:00pm at the Turvey Center. Tickets will be $25 or a table of 8 for $200. To purchase tickets please contact Janelle at 306.757.1371 or email [email protected]. We are celebrating our 25th Anniversary and there will be a delicious meal, musical entertainment and a chance to hear more about the ministry from some of our past clients the Center. Regina Filipino Congregation Will Worship @ 10:30 am in the Meeting Place with Pastor Barry. Loving God, Loving the family of God , Loving people into the family of God.… down the street to the ends of the earth, to the glory of God. Upcoming Events Box 32011, Regina, SK, S4N 7L2 Phone: 306.352.4673 Email: [email protected] Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday, 9:00 am - Noon Help Needed - On Friday, October 31 we will be having our Family Carnival at the church and we are in need of nut free candy. If you are able to help out, please leave candy at the church office or in the bin in the lounge. Ministry Areas Students - Grades 7-12 Friday For Children - Birth to Grade 6 Sunday Promiseland - 10:30 am Nursery to Grade 6 Every Sunday at 10:30 am children from birth to Grade 6 enjoy a special program just for them! Promiseland is a place where kids can get together and learn about Jesus in a fun, relevant and engaging way. Join us for games, crafts, singing and learning from the Bible! ReVerb If you are in grades 7 to 12 then be sure to join us every Friday night at 7 pm at the church for an evening of games, small groups and hanging out. Check us out on facebook @ Thursday, December 4 @ Noon in the Fellowship Lounge Cost: $15.00 Entertainment: Kaya Palmer For tickets please contact Agnes Riemer (Catered by Southey ladies) Breakfast—9:00 am Young Adults Wednesday Kidz on the Rock Musical Theatre - 5:30 - 6:40 pm Grades 1 - 6 Does your child enjoy singing, dancing and acting? “Kids on the Rock Musical Theatre” is a program just for kids. Rehearsals take place every Wednesday and children will perform once per month in a weekend worship service and in full-length productions in December and May. 55 + Christmas Banquet Wednesdays Special welcome to you and your friends! Everyone is invited to the Inter Church Fellowship Breakfast, the last Thursday of every month at Thomas Cook Restaurant at 2775 Avonhurst Dr. Next breakfast is October 30th Connection Point 7:00 pm in the UpperRoom Begins October 15 Prayer Prayer Chain Requests: 3G Kidz Club - 6:45 - 8:15 pm Kindergarten - Grade 6 Join 3G Kidz Club on Wednesday. Children will meet new friends and get to know Jesus while enjoying awesome crafts, games, Bible stories and more! Children are split into grade and gender specific groups. Family Carnival Friday, October 31 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm, cost $2/child Candy, popcorn, candy floss, inflatable houses, and slides, carnival games and soooo much more. Donations of nut free candy would be appreciated. For Students - Grades 7-12 Monday Quizzing - 7:00pm - 9:00 pm The Bible Quizzing program is a scripture memory and competition opportunity for young persons in Grade 7 - 12. Each year a portion of New Testament scripture, a book or books, are designated as the "material" from which the year's competition will be conducted. Our material will be from the book of Acts. Small Groups Contact the Church Office - Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Friday - 9:00 am - Noon Women On Friday afternoon and weekends contact Penny Wiebe (306.738.2028) Sunday Women’s Small Group, 9:00 am (Room C217) “You Make Me Crazy” by Rick Warren If you would like to be part of the Prayer Chain contact the Church Office. Wednesday WON (Women of Nurture) Heart, 9:30 am “Children of the Day” by Beth Moore Meets @ Stephanie Gladysz’s (2707 Aster Cr.) Mid week small group with lots of companionship, sharing and learning. Arcola East Prayer Group, 1:30 pm, (Room C127) Join in praying for our International Workers. Men Sunday Men’s Small Group - 9:00 am (Room C218) 4 week series by Charles Price The Prayer Room is open during Church Office hours. Please Pray For: Jean Johnson Kae Johnston Velma Orban Fernando Quino Lena Tymchak Ralph Wiebe International Workers Update letters from our International Workers can be found on the table in the lounge. Check under “new letters” for the latest information from our International Workers. Everyone Sunday S.E.A.N Course - 9:00 am (Room G202) Studies in the Pentateuch - Genesis
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