THE NEWSLETTER MARCH 19, 2015 Issue 11 UPCOMING EVENTS & EASTER SCHEDULE Palm Sunday—Communion Service, March 29 Maundy Thursday Communion Service April 2@ 7:00 PM Good Friday, April 3 Spring begins Friday, March 20! Walk With Jesus, Easter Egg Hunt & Luncheon Saturday, April 4 from 10:00 AM—12:00 PM Activities for all children through 5th grade, from 10:00 AM—12:00 PM. Come join us for a special experience, ‘see’ the last week of Jesus on earth, make a craft for your family, hunt for candy-filled eggs, and eat a free lunch together. Bring your friends! Questions, call the church office. Inside this issue: Pastor’s Note Youth Happenings All In The Family 2 2 2 HIS KidZ Nursery/Teacher Schedule 3 Usher Schedule Week at a Glance 4 4 Easter Sunday, April 5 Services at 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM Special fellowship time at 9:30 AM No Sunday School Cross of Flowers Please bring flowers from your garden, florist or grocery store with you on Easter Sunday to place on the cross in the Main Hall. Lots of flowers and greenery are needed! Great family photo opportunity, too! CONGRATULATIONS! Savannah Marie Dixon was born on Tuesday, March 10, 2015, to Ryan & Ashley Dixon. She weighed 6 lbs. 7 oz. Proud grandparents are Bruce & Renee Bosco. 3 WE CARE ITEMS FOR MARCH Tuna, Chili, Jelly, Canned Fruit, Corn Muffin Mix, Paper Products, Cleaning Products, Laundry & Dish Detergent. WWW.CHAPINPRES.ORG—Check it out for more info! Note from the Pastor: “Now My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name.” Then a voice came out of heaven: “I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.” So the crowd of people who stood by and heard it were saying that it had thundered; others were saying, “An angel has spoken to Him.” Jesus answered and said, “This voice has not come for My sake, but for your sakes. Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.” —John 12:27-32 Jesus came to this earth to serve us and to die in our place so that we could spend eternity with Him. He is the Judge and He is the Victor over sin and death. He continues to draw men to Himself. I love how Jesus states His overall purpose: He came to glorify the Father. In this passage, God speaks from Heaven to Jesus in an audible voice. Isn’t it interesting that many did not hear God’s voice? They heard something, but thought it was just thunder or an angel. God spoke and they did not hear. Sadly, the same thing happens today, God speaks and people either do not hear it or attribute it to something else. YOUTH HAPPENINGS: As we spend time in daily fellowship, we can hear His voice in our minds and hearts and on the pages of Scripture. This is truly a blessing for us. We need to continually be in private and public worship so we can worship our God and listen to His voice. I hope to see you on Sunday! —Dan (Mark your calendars) Upcoming Youth Events Youth Night—Sunday, March 22, 5-7 PM Spring Break Youth Hangout Night— Sunday, March 29, 6:30—8:30 PM Spring Break Field Trip to Joe Gibbs Racing, Charlotte, NC—Wednesday, April 1, (meet at CPC at 7:30 AM) Walk with Jesus Practice—Friday, April 3, 5:00 –6:30 PM Walk with Jesus — Sat., April 4, 9:15 AM—12:00 PM YOUTH BIBLE STUDIES BOJANGLES BIBLE STUDY — Wednesdays @ 8:009:15 AM MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS — Saturdays 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM The Williams home (5 Moonraker Ct.) Please check the youth ministry section of the church website for other information & newsletter updates. SUMMER YOUTH INTERNS Two paid youth internship openings (male & female) for this summer! For more info.: Contact Web Brown Email: [email protected] or Website: ALL IN THE FAMILY We are blessed with a most wonderful kitchen at Chapin Presbyterian. Every caterer who comes is overwhelmed with how well-equipped and spacious it is. I do have a gentle reminder for all, even though we have this wonderful kitchen, we do not have paid staff to clean it. So, when you use the kitchen, please be sure to wash, dry and put away whatever you use; clean the counters, take the leftovers from the refrigerators and take the used linens home to launder. The Moveable Feast ladies will gather after church on March 29 at the Flying Pie in Newberry. Please let me know if you will be able to come. See you Sunday! —Love, Helen Page 2, Issue 11 THE NEWSLETTER “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes; first the Jew, then for the Gentile.” —Romans 1:16 Preschool version: “I am not ashamed of the gospel.” We continue to GROW during Sunday School as we read from the book of Mark and talk about Jesus and His last days on earth. I hope you will join us on Saturday, April 4 at 10:00 AM as His journey comes to life during our Walk with Jesus. We will experience great stories from the Bible, have a fun egg hunt, and free lunch! Do you have some fun activities planned for spring break? Don’t forget to take your Bible with you and focus on all that our Savior did for us so that we can be with Him forever! I hope to see you Sunday. I love you!! —Mrs. Jackie Children’s Worship Schedule for Teachers/Helpers WORSHIP MARCH 22 WORSHIP MARCH 29 CLASS 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM NURSERY Andrea Looney Judy Bauer Sherry Ward Andrea Looney Ginny Lawton Joanne & Elizabeth Hancock Andrea Looney Kathleen & Hannah Shaffer Wanda Hein 2 YR OLDS Andrea Looney Jill Thompson Andrea Looney The Waters Family Andrea Looney Lisa & Paige Whitehurst 3 & 4YR OLDS Andrea Looney Melissa Takach Andrea Looney Helpers Needed! Andrea Looney Laura Culler Judy Weathersbee K & 1ST Jim & Elaine Mathis WORSHIP APRIL 5 Helpers Needed! Fran Ricks Maddie Prim First Touch Ministries: DOOR GREETERS Tim & Brenda Musick Bruce Smalley (9:00 AM) Jim & Montine Luther Martin & Kathleen Shaffer Helpers Needed! Don & Dolly Montgomery Jason Rector Miriam Bickley Renee Bosco Walt & Cindy Slominski Sean Cassidy RECEPTION DESK Helpers Needed! Liz DeCuers Barbara Silman Helpers Needed! Don & Millie Tyler Helpers Needed! Mikki Spigner Rema Thomas PARKING GREETERS Bland Mellette Brent Silman Elbert Bickley Wayne Landrith Doug Foreman Wayne Landrith Dennis Suber 9:15 AM Sunday—School Schedule for Teachers/Helpers: NURSERY 2 YRS 3 & 4 YRS K & 1ST MAR. 22 Tyson Del Priore Julie Vahle Andrea Christiansen Angie Bardin Laura Simmons Brenda Cooke Katie Nicholson MAR. 29 Sharon Takach Helper Needed! Missy Roberts Katherine Bonham Angie Bardin Mary Wilkins TBD APR. 5 Deidra Oseman Julie Vahle Lisa & Emma Parker Angie Bardin Kathleen Shaffer Fran Ricks Maddie Prim Page 3, Issue 11 THE NEWSLETTER Office Address: 600 Old Lexington Hwy. Chapin, SC 29036-7978 Worship Service: Sundays at 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM Sunday School at 9:15 AM Worship Location: 600 Old Lexington Hwy. Chapin, SC Phone: 803-345-0500 Fax: 803-932-4841 E-mail: [email protected] WWW.CHAPINPRES.ORG MAIN TELEPHONE NUMBER: 803-345-0500 Dan Ratchford, Pastor Jack Carmody, Family Life Pastor Josh Vahle, Spiritual Life Pastor Allen Jones, Music Director Kim Folsom, Finance Admin. Helen Anderson, CARE Ministry Diana Smith, Admin. Assistant Gingi Cook, Admin. Assistant Debbie VanDeusen Doster, Children’s Music Jackie Linder, Children’s Director Web Brown, Youth Director Andrea Looney, Nursery Director PALM SUNDAY MARCH 29, 2015 SUNDAY—MARCH 22 8:30 AM Prayer Time in Room 128 — Everyone is invited to attend 8:30 AM Gospel Joy vs. Self-Confidence–Philippians 3:1-9 9:15 AM Sunday School for all ages. 10:25 AM Chimes/Prelude/Announcements 10:30 AM Gospel Joy vs. Self-Confidence–Philippians 3:1-9 11:45 AM HIS KidZ Choir Rehearsal/RM 223 5:00 PM Youth Night 5:00 PM Vahle Small Group/RM 224 5:00 PM Youth Mom’s Bible Study/RM 208 MONDAY—MARCH 23 6:00 PM Shepherd Meeting/RM 134 7:00 PM Children’s Committee Meeting/RM 208 7:00 PM Monday Women’s Bible Study/Off Site TUESDAY—MARCH 24 9:00 AM Prayer Time in Room 128 9:00 AM Tuesday Women’s Bible Study/RM 224 WEDNESDAY—MARCH 25 8:00 AM Youth—Bojangles Bible Study 9:00 AM Retired Men’s Bible Study/RM 224 9:30 AM WOW Bible Study 6:15 PM Joy Ringers/WC 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal/WC THURSDAY—MARCH 26 9:00 AM Office Help/RM 211 203/[email protected] 205/[email protected] 204/[email protected] 209/[email protected] 210/[email protected] 101/[email protected] 201/[email protected] 206/[email protected] 208/[email protected] 207/[email protected] 215/[email protected] [email protected] EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 5, 2015 Gospel Joy vs. Worldly Happiness Philippians 3:12-21 CPC Week at a Glance: Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Gospel Joy in the Risen Christ Philippians 3:9-11 DUTY DEACONS for MARCH Jim Bowie & Steve Derrick 8:30 AM USHERS MARCH 22 Head Usher: Paul Sumner 10:30 AM USHERS MARCH 22 Head Usher: Drew Takach Buck Balentine, Anthony Del Priore, Stephen Hammond, Ben Lukens, Bill Weathersbee, Eddie Weathersbee 8:30 AM USHERS MARCH 29 Head Usher: Weston Curtis Herb DeCuers 10:30 AM USHERS MARCH 29 Head Usher: Joe Jeffcoat Buddy Kirby, Steve Linder, Jim Luther, Milt Snead 8:30 AM USHERS APRIL 5 Head Usher: Bruce Bosco Tim Musick 10:30 AM USHERS APRIL 5 Head Usher: John Butler Sean Cassidy, Paul Erickson, Dave Herndon, Martin Shaffer, Tom Starke, Mike Stauffer Chapin Presbyterian Church 600 Old Lexington Hwy. Chapin, SC 29036 Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs./9AM—4PM CPC STAFF INFORMATION: Address Service Requested Chapin Presbyterian Church NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID CHAPIN, SC PERMIT NO. 75
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