Parish of St. Vincent de Paul 301 Yio Chu Kang Road, Singapore 805910 Parish Office: Tel: 6482 0959, Fax: 6481 3019, Email: [email protected] Pastoral Executive: Tel: 6481 0036, Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: Parish Priest: Rev Fr Michael Sitaram Asst. Parish Priest: Rev Fr John van Dich Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 12 OCT 2014 28TH ORDINARY SUNDAY The Invitation YEAR A You are invited to come dine with Me, From now through all eternity. Believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, And dine with Jesus as your host, To live in heaven eternally. All you must do is…RSVP Weekday Masses from Mondays to Fridays: 7am & 6pm Devotion to the Sacred Heart: Fridays - 6.30pm Weekend Masses (Sat): 7am & 6.30pm (Sunset Mass) Sunday Masses: 7am, 9am, 11am & 6pm Confession: 15 minutes before Mass. Tagalog Mass: Every 2nd Sunday of the Month - 4pm Mandarin Mass: Every 3rd Sunday of the Month - 8pm Holy Hour: Every 3rd Tuesday of the Month - 8.30pm Rosary Devotion: The 13th of Every Month - 8pm (The Grotto) Divine Office Group (Recitation of the Rosary): Every Mon to Sat in the Church - 6.30am Divine Office Prayers: Every Mon to Sat -7.45am to 8.15am (Room #03-02) Divine Mercy Prayers: Every Friday 3pm (Adoration Room) Adoration Room Hours: Mon to Fri - 8.30am to10pm, Sat & Sun - 8.30am to 7.45pm IMPORTANT PARKING NOTIFICATION LTA has given SVDP parishioners permit to park along the following roads for weekend Masses at the given times stated; Yio Chu Kang Road Lamppost No. 156 to 166, Jalan Kelulut - Lamppost No. 4 to 9 (Saturdays and Sundays from 7am to 9pm). NO PARKING ZONE There is a NO PARKING Zone along Jalan Jarak from house no.1-19. There is also NO PARKING at road bends & entrances or exits of any premise or car parks (including premise of the church), within 3m of fire hydrants, 6m of road junctions, 9m of bus stops & 50m of pedestrian crossings. ALTERNATIVE PARKING HDB car parks at Block 988 Buangkok Green (opposite Mobil petrol station). 28th ORDINARY SUNDAY 1st Reading (Isaiah 25: 6-10A) Isaiah describes a lavish banquet given when death is destroyed and sorrow is no more. The wedding feast described in the gospel is this banquet and more. It is the messianic banquet at the end of time when God will have completed the saving work for which the Son was sent to us. 2nd Reading (Philippians 4: 12 - 14, 19 - 20) There is a slight undertone suggesting that the Philippians had inadvertently deprived Paul of boasting in his sufferings. But Paul is too gracious to say so, and although admitting that he could have gotten along very well without it, he nevertheless thanks them for their kindness. It is a pity that Phil 4:18 has been omitted, for there Paul gives the Philippians’ charitable act a theological meaning: it was a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God. Gospel (Matthew 22: 1 - 14 or 1 - 10) The king is adamant about filling the wedding hall with guests. His initial guest list has been carefully drawn up, but when these invited guests do not come, the king sends his servants out to invite anyone and everyone. The hall must be filled. The issue, therefore, is not who is invited, but who will choose to come. God persistently invites us to the royal banquet in the "kingdom of heaven." But the gracious invitation requires our positive and definite response. SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL A total of $9,050.05 was collected on the 4th & 5th Oct 2014. Thank you for your generous donations. PARISH CANTEEN ACTIVITIES Group Day / Date Time Location Indonesian Group Sun / 12 OCT Morning Fr. Saussard’s Café Mimosa, Neram, Dedap Sun / 19 OCT Morning Fr. Saussard’s Café The Next Infant Baptism will be in NOV 2014 Preparation Session Time: 2-4 pm Venue: Room #03-02 Sacrament of Baptism Time: 12.15 pm Venue: Main Church Sunday, 9th Nov Sunday, 16th Nov Please register at the Parish Office with a photocopy of parents’ marriage certificate, child’s birth certificate and Godparents’ confirmation certificate. Godparents and parents are required to attend the preparation talk. SILOAM SVDP CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITY COME, JOIN US TO PRAISE AND WORSHIP THE LORD! Prayer meetings every Monday at 8pm Room #03-02 Next session: MONDAY 13 OCTOBER 2014 Topic: Our Lady of the Rosary. ‘Listen, my faithful children; open up your petals, like roses planted near running waters; send up the sweet odor of incense, break forth in blossoms like the lily. Send up the sweet odor of your hymn of praise; bless the Lord for all he has done.’ - Sir 39:13-14 Please join us for an evening of special prayer of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All are welcome. P.S. There will be no rosary session at 7.30pm ST JOHN’S CIRCLE NEIGHBOURHOOD MEETING Day/Date/Time: Monday, 13th Oct 2104, 8pm Venue: 22 Kelulut Hill Contact: Joseph & Sally Yim (6481 4744) Rosary & Exodus 11 MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE (MPC) For couples intending to get married. 1st Quarter Course Starts: 4 January 2015 2nd Quarter Course Starts: 26 April 2015 3rd Quarter Course Starts: 19 July 2015 4th Quarter Course Starts: 4 October 2015 Allocation of places is on a first-come-first-served basis Application forms are obtainable from the following website: Registration: Terence + Lynette @ 98571829 Enquiries: Peter + Rita @ 93673411 or email: [email protected] ST VINCENT DE PAUL ROSARY RECITATION FOR OCTOBER 2014 DAY 6.30PM 7.00AM 9.00AM 11.00AM 6.00PM 11th Oct S’goon North Ave3 (SAT) (Luminous) 12th Oct Bereavement Fernvale (SUN) (Glorious) (Sorrowful) 18th Oct Light of Jesus (SAT) (Glorious) 19th Oct Young Adults S’goon North Ave4 (SUN) (Sorrowful) (Joyful) 25th Oct Holy Family (SAT) (Sorrowful) 26th Oct St Vincent Circle Jalan Jarak (SUN) (Joyful) (Luminous) Jalan Kayu (Joyful) Filipino Migrant (Luminous) Jalan Kayu (Luminous) Sunrise Cactus (Glorious) Young Adults (Glorious) Indonesian Grp (Sorrowful) ROSARY WILL BEGIN HALF AN HOUR BEFORE MASS THE LOURDES EXPERIENCE DAY / DATE / TIME: SATURDAY / 6 DEC 14 / 2PM VENUE: SINGAPORE INDOOR STADIUM COST: NO CHARGE. LOVE OFFERINGS ARE WELCOMED (allocation of tickets will be based on the % of Parish population) The Order of Malta Singapore had organised the Lourdes Experience in Singapore in 2004 & 2008. The two events which were held at the Singapore Indoor Stadium were attended by approximately 10,000 Catholics from all parishes in Singapore as well as Catholics from neighbouring countries which included Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea and Hong Kong. Many of them were sick or infirmed and among them were those on wheelchairs or were non-ambulatory. The two Events had also been attended by many non-Catholics. Basically, the objective of this event is to bring the Lourdes Experience to Singapore for those who either cannot afford to make the pilgrimage to Lourdes or are too sick or infirmed to travel. Holy Water imported directly from Lourdes will be distributed during the event, particularly to the sick and the infirm. His Grace Archbishop William Goh will be the main celebrant of the Mass which will be concelebrated by the Papal Nuncio in Singapore Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli. The Youths of all parishes are encouraged to participate / assist in this event as guides. Parishioners who would like to attend the event are encouraged to use public transport where possible as the Indoor Stadium is near to the Stadium MRT station. *Complimentary 2-WAY Transportation from SVDP will be provided. (Transportation will only be available to those who register for transportation) Those interested to participate in this event have to register at the Parish Office. Entry to the event will be by tickets only and it is free-seating.
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