Light of the World , Pregnancy Care Numbers: Care Net 800-395-4357 Birthline 800-786-0200 Birthright 800-550-4900 Parish Office – Wabasso Fr. Anthony Hesse - Residence St. Anne’s School St. Anne’s Fax E-mail: [email protected] 342-5190 342-5155 342-5389 342-5156 St. Mary’s Church St. Mathias Church Our Lady of Victory Our Lady of Victory Fax 984-5421 342-5205 747-2231 747-2233 On Line Bulletin: , click on links – Area Churches MASS TIME, INTENTIONS AND EVENTS MON, OCT 13th: No Mass Mon: Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31—5:1 Lk 11:29-32 TUE, OCT 14th: No Mass Tue: Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 WED, OCT 15th: No Mass Wed: Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 9-9 Exposition of the Eucharistic at Our Lady of Victory th Thur: Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 THU, OCT 16 : No Mass Fri: Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 th FRI, OCT 17 : No Mass Sat: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 th SAT, OCT 18 : 5:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Victory + Ray Janachovsky Sun: Is 45:1,4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b 7:00 p.m. at St. Mary + Arnie Bossuyt Mt 22:15-21 SUN, OCT 19th: 8:00 a.m. at St. Mathias for the Area Faith Community 10:00 a.m. at St. Anne for deceased member of Carl & Caroline Plaetz Family Before daily Mass and at 4:30 p.m. before 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday Welcome!! We are glad you came to join with us in our worship today. We hope that you have felt God’s love in a new, refreshing way… From Fr. Tony: This past Tuesday, our Church celebrated the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary. As some of you know, October is dedicated as the month of the Rosary. The purpose of the Rosary is to help keep in memory certain principal events or mysteries in the history of our salvation, and to thank and praise God for them. Over the centuries, the Church used the rosary to remember Christ’s life and to ask our Blessed Mother for her prayers. Centuries ago, monks prayed the 150 Psalms from the Hebrew Scripture needing a system of counting and tracking their prayer. They divided the Psalms into groups of three sets of fifty Psalms. Over time, this form of prayer developed into what we know as the Rosary today. The 150 Psalms at one point became 150 Paters (Our Fathers) and then changed to 150 Aves (Hail Marys). Eventually other prayers were added. Basically the development began with the Scripture and the Rosary continues today to be a Scripturally based prayer (taken from, summarized below: Mysteries of the Rosary JOYFUL LUMINOUS Annunciation Baptism of the Lord Visitation Wedding at Cana Nativity Proclamation of the Kingdom Presentation of our Lord Transfiguration Finding in the Temple Institution of the Holy Eucharist SORROWFUL Agony in the Garden Scourging at the Pillar Crowning with Thorns Carrying of the Cross Crucifixion of our Lord GLORIOUS Resurrection Ascension Pentecost Assumption Coronation 1. Make the Sign of the Cross and say the "Apostles' Creed." 2. Say the "Our Father." 3. Say three "Hail Marys." 4. Say the "Glory be to the Father." 5. Announce the First Mystery; then say the "Our Father.” 6. Say ten "Hail Marys," while meditating on the Mystery. 7. Say the "Glory be to the Father." 8. Announce the Second Mystery; then say the "Our Father." Repeat 6 and 7 and continue with Third, Fourth and Fifth Mysteries in the same manner. The Cycle of the Rosary As suggested by the Holy Father (since 2002) the Joyful mysteries are said on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful) The Rosary can help us unite our suffering and frustration to Mary who experienced the same feeling as she saw her Son hanging on the cross, or our joyful moments to the times when she also experienced great joy. Please pray that God’s will be done, like Mary did. Evil is so real in our world and the Rosary is a powerful tool to battle against the evil. Please join me as we pray for peace, grace, and Our Lady of the Rosary’s protection. A SPECIAL THANKS TO… 1) Jim Salfer in his donation of the candy for our float for St. Anne’s at the Homecoming Parade a couple of weeks ago, 2) the 6th graders, Mrs. Knott, Mrs. Sobocinski, and Sherry Ubl for help creating the float, 3) Vicki Irlbeck for helping organize the kids and getting the candy, 4) and Butch Baune for cleaning and letting us use his vehicle and trailer. It was an enjoyable parade and a beautiful weekend to celebrate. FROM THE HANDMAIDS OF THE HEART OF JESUS Greetings in Christ! We are currently preparing to build our permanent motherhouse Sacred Heart Chapel, inside of our Holy Trinity convent. Therefore, we are in need of skilled carpenters, electricians and plumbers who would be willing to pour out their time and talent to help us on a monthly basis pro bono. Are you willing to assist us? Please let us know! You can contact the parish offices if interested. In Christ through Mary, Fr. Tony STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE St. Anne St. Mary OLV St. Mathias Adult $ 3,577.00 $ 480.00 $ 580.00 $ 1,832.00 Children $ 37.45 $ 6.90 $ 9.00 $ .00 Plate $ 103.00 $ 33.00 $ 166.00 $ 111.00 School Collection: 1,159.00 Stewardship: “God really does provide for those that are grateful and generous. This is very difficult for people that doesn’t live a stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for just one month – be generous with your gifts of time, talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs.” TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME “I will not live an instant that I do not live in love. Whoever loves does all things without suffering.” – St. Augustine LIGHT LINERS “People are like tea bags – you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are.” PRAYING FOR VOCATION “You are invited to a rich feast. Don’t ignore the invitation. Perhaps you are called to service through ordained ministry or the consecrated life. Trust that you will receive the grace you need.” 10/13 Sr. Joanne Backes, Dcn. Jacob Niemand 10/14 Fr. Dennis Becker, Shawn Polman 10/15 Bp. LeVoir, Fr. Harry Behan, Tanner Thooft 10/16 Fr. John Berger, Troy Timmerman 10/17 Fr. William Bowles, Garrett Ahlers 10/18 Fr. David Breu, Joshua Bot 10/19 Fr. Eugene Brown, Andrew Dieter St. Anne’s School Calendar Cash Drawing winners: Sponsored by Catholic United Financial Sept 29: Judy Goblish Sept 30: Jim Treml October 2014 15 15 15 15 Oct 1: Hope Lang 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 Oct 2: Stacy Agness 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 Oct 3: Kristin Wall 30 15 15 15 15 15 Oct 4: Carole Remiger Oct 5: Dan Leach UPCOMING EVENTS Please keep the following dates in mind for some important event that will be taking place. We encourage you to join us for these events: Oct 14 & 15: Pastoral Leader Days Fr. Tony will attend Oct 16-19: Fr. Tony will be gone Oct 19: World Mission Sunday Oct 26: Sr. High Youth Rally in New Ulm Oct 26: St. Anne’s CUF Sauerkraut & Dumpling Dinner Baptismal Congratulations to: Hallie Ann Ubl, daughter of Sherry & Russ, who will be baptized on Sunday, October 12 at St. Anne’s. World Mission Sunday will be $celebrated .00 on October 19. Pope Francis said “World Mission Sunday is a privileged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young Churches in mission lands.” Your financial help, offered in the collection for Society for the Propagation of the Faith, will support this cause. Your will find envelopes in your contribution boxes. October 26th has been designated as Priesthood Sunday. Please join, on this special day, in prayer for our priests, in praising God for their courage and their generosity. The Good Shepherd SERRA Club of the Diocese of New Ulm urges all parishioners to make appreciation for their parish priest known. A simple note, a smile or a phone call to assure him of your loving care and gratitude for his presence in the life of our local churches will go a long way to serve the greater good of our wonderful Catholic Church! St. Anne’s Catholic School Book Fair Do you know someone that loves books? St. Anne’s School is hosting its annual Scholastic Book Fair on Monday, Oct. 13 from 3:30 to 6:00 and then again on Tuesday, Oct. 14th from 3:30 to 8:00. Feel free to stop in the school entryway to purchase a book for someone special on those two days or buy on-line from Oct.11 through Oct.22. To visit the on-line site go to and click on the Shop Now button. All purchases benefit the school and all orders are delivered with free shipping, to the school! Our goal of $2200 in sales will allow the school library to purchase $1000.00 worth of books for the library. Hope to see you there! Come celebrate Schoenstatt’s Centennial! All are welcome at the Schoenstatt Shrine in Sleepy Eye from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sat, October 18th: 10 a.m. Welcome, Mass at 10:30 with Bishop LeVoir, followed by lunch and a Play by the Youth. RSVP 507-794-7727. Professional baseball player for the Kansas City Royals, 5 times All Star, will be the keynote speaker for the Senior High Rally which will be held on Sunday, Oct. 26 from 1-7 at the New Ulm Event Center. Parent permission slips were sent home on Wed. and are due back Oct. 8. 9th grade is required to go, but grades 10 -12 are really encouraged! Chaperones/drivers are also needed. Contact Sherry if you are able to help at 3425474. PRAYING FOR THE SICK & MILITARY Please remember the military and families and the sick in your prayers. Military: Tyler Derickson, Stephan Erickson, Kyle Hillenbrand, Adam Jenniges, Garett Jenniges, Jeremy Jenniges, Justin Jenniges, Luke Jensen, Noel (Plaetz) Kubat, Zachery Miller, Cameron Pohlen, Gabrielle Rohlik, James Ryer, Jeff Salfer, Eric & Jen Schueller, DeeAnn (Guetter) Stalvey, Cody Stoltenburg, Christopher M. Valentine, Dana Vollmer, Sierra Wagner. Guidelines for Praying for the Sick - A) Names are placed on the prayer list for three weeks. B) Names can be listed as often as one wishes but the request must be renewed each time by calling the office 342-5190. Sick: Week 1: Maurine Knott, Sr. Joan Sipe, Rueben Lange, Sue Juenemann, Mike Buesing, Jonathan Thull Week 2: Veronica Johanneck, Special Intention, John Hagert, Jr, Gavin Quimby, Special Intention Week 3: Ross Rohlik, Diane Warner, Carol Warner, Mary Warner We thank you all, for the good wishes, prayers, and gifts on your 80th Birthdays. You certainly know how to make one well “very special and loved”. May God keep all of you close to His Heart. Ray and Alice Thull Need assistance with fall chores? The Knights of Columbus would like to help! Contact PJ Bock at 6264112 for questions or to schedule a time. Services include raking, gutter cleaning, etc. OLV will serve Hot Turkey & BBQ sandwiches with all the trimmings on Saturday, October 25, from 6:00 – 7:30 after the evening 5:00 Mass. We will also have a Bake Sale and religious items from Treasured Times in Marshall. Proceeds will be used for our CCW donations to various charities such as; San Lucas, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Birthright, Refugee Women’s Emergency Fund and Sharing and Caring Hands. Please join us for an 85th Birthday Open House for Darlene Macht on Saturday, October 25 from 1- 5:00 at the Caboose 1045 Craig Ave/Hwy 14 in Tracy. Cards may be sent to Darlene at 760 Morgan ST 8A Tracy, MN 56175. PRO-LIFE BENEFIT PANCAKE, EGG, SAUSAGE BREAKFAST to be held on Sunday, October 26 in Carlin Hall, Holy Redeemer Church basement, in Marshall. Shifts are from 7:30 – 10:30 am and 10:20 am – 1:00 pm. Sponsored by Birthright of Marshall. Volunteers are needed. If you can help, either by working or donation, please call Judy Maeyaert at 532-6162 or Karen Schuch at 829-2140. Thank you! The need is constant. The gratification is instant. The American Red Cross Blood Drive will be at the Wabasso Community Center on Wed, October 22 from 1 – 7 p.m. If you would like to make an appointment, call Shirley at 342-5333 or just walk in that day. CCW Rummage Sale at St. Raphael School Auditorium, Springfield, will be on Friday, October 17th from 4-7 p.m. at 50¢ per item unless otherwise marked and Saturday, October 18th from 8 a.m. – noon at $2.00 bag sale. St. Mary’s, Cottonwood, will have their Annual Soup and Sandwich Luncheon on Thursday, October 16 serving from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This event is sponsored by the CCW. Everyone is invited. St. Anne’s Catholic United Financial Matching Grant Dinner will be on Sunday, Oct. 26 serving from 11-12 noon in the church hall. This is a free will event with matching fund to go to St. Anne’s school. The menu will be Sauerkraut, Sausage, Hamburger Hotdish, salads & desserts. Wabasso Legion Auxiliary Unit 263 will once again be sending care packages to soldiers. If you know of a soldier that is serving overseas please call Virginia Salfer 342-5380 or Joyce Plaetz 342-5671 and we will add them to our list. A package from home means a would like to donate to these care packages please contact lot to those overseas and it is something we can do as Joyce or Virginia. We hope to have all items by community to let them know we are thinking of them. November 15th so that we can box them up and send them Cash donations are being accepted to purchase items for for Christmas. the soldiers and to pay for the cost of shipping. If you ******************************************************************************************* ST. ANNE’S – WABASSO MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Sun, October 19 at 10:00 a.m. Server Bonnie Imker, Timothy & Benjamin Nelson Lector Bruce Plaetz Extra. Min: Greg Price, Jolene Samyn, Joyce Plaetz, Audrey Prokosch, Charlotte Salfer Organist Sherry Plaetz Song Leader: Marsha Salfer Home Com Don & Shirley Pohlen Money Count Florence & Rita Money Deposit Candy & Vickie Usher Jeff Heiling & Mike Frank Church Care Oct 17: Joe & Colleen Remiger, John & Colleen Remiger Oct 24: Mike & Carole Remiger, Ryan Ricketts, Myra Ricketts The Fall Festival served 849 dinners. The money taken in $22,356.45 with $7,506.58 for expenses. The profit was $14,849.51. Last year we profited 15,809.00. We want to thank everyone for their support for this event. Thanks to the dedication of our St. Anne’s Quilting ladies we were able to donate 25 large, 22 small and 3 baby quilts to the Indian Mission; 11 large, 22 small and pillow cases to We Care in Morgan and have 7 large quilts to donate to Share the Spirit in December. We also sold 8 large, 1 twin and 8 baby quilts during the past year. Our raffle quilt brought in $122.00. We were able to donate $1400.00 to San Lucas earlier this year from our quilt sales and dinner. Thank you ladies. Good Morning: Ladies this is your day! Bishop LeVoir has declared October 12 as CCW Recognition Sunday. When the New Ulm Diocese was formed, one of the first things Bishop Schladweiler did was to invite women to join together in a unified organization to serve the church. This unity in service remains the key to the CCW’s role in our diocese and parish. Every woman is a member of the CCW doing much to strengthen the life of our parish through prayer, enrichment and service. We are all called to serve, depending on the talents we have been given, so don’t be afraid to say YES when asked to serve in any capacity. Present officers: President: Mary Frericks, Vice President: Jan Remiger, Secretary: Arlene Daub, Treasurer: Jane Klaers, Historian: Vickie Daub, Circle Chairman: Sue Andersen, Spirituality Chairman: Jane Lensing, Leadership Chairman: Elaine Guetter, Service Chairman: Jane Baune, Reverence Life: Margaret Palan & Melanie Schumacher, Scholarship: Jane Imker, Past President: Candy Sobocinski, Past NUCCW President: Audrey Prokosch. Take the time to thank these ladies for saying YES. Jane Lensing, Spirituality Chairman Sunday School teachers are needed. Teach the little ones about the gospel at their level during Mass. Hope to find enough teachers for everyone to teach just once a month. Contact Sherry Plaetz if you'd be interested. 342-5474 St. Anne’s Church Cleaning Wed, October 22, 2014 Chair: Kacy Plaetz Co-Chair: Margaret Palan JOB TIME PLEASE BRING WORKERS CHURCH UPSTAIRS Stained glass 5:30 p.m. Ladder, pail cloths Casey Jo Boerboom Sacristy 5:30 p.m. Stool, pail, cloths, vac. Sue VanLoy Reconciliation Room 5:30 p.m. Stool, pail, cloths, vac. Jody Hansen Pews, etc. East Side 5:30 p.m. Cloths Dawn Guetter Pews, etc. West Side 5:30 p.m. Cloths Brenda Derickson Altar, podium, etc. 5:30 p.m. Cloths Colleen Remiger, Sara Burns, Gail Fischer, Nancy Stripling Crevice tool pews, etc. West Side 6:15 p.m. Vac with crevice tool Sheila Salfer, Sue Rohlik Crevice tool pews, etc. East Side 6:15 p.m. Vac with crevice tool Ashley Altermatt, Pam Zollner Wainscoting, etc. 6:15 p.m. Cloths Stephanie Fladhammer Southeast & Southwest entries 6:45 p.m. Pail,cloths Marie Plaetz Vacuum carpet in body of church 7:30 p.m. Marie Jenniges GATHERING SPACE Windows (inside & out) etc. 5:30 p.m. Ladder, pail, cloths Andrea Saymn, Chris Pitzl, Tina Hillesheim, Cathy Altermatt Vacuum & dust furniture 5:30 p.m. Vac, pail, cloths Michelle Salfer Wash Walls 5:30 p.m. Pail, cloths Ann Doubler, Jolene Samyn, Dana Frericks Clean Kitchenette & bathrooms 6:00 p.m. Pail, cloths Margaret Fennern, Shannon Anderson Vacuum carpets etc. Mop floors CHURCH BASEMENT Wash Walls, windows etc Ceilings, lights etc Kitchen & Cupboards Tables, chairs etc. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Vac, pail, cloth Pail, brush 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Stoves & Ovens Dishwasher & Serving Area Sweep & Scrub Floors 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Basement Bathrooms 7:00 p.m. Ladder, pail, cloths Marsha Salfer, Janelle Baune, Lori Haase Ladder, pail,cloths,brush Paula Guetter, Deb Knott Pail, brush Janice Baune, Joyce First, Dianne Jenniges Pail, cloths Paula Pohlen, Janelle Goblirsch, Carla Trost Jill Mahlow, Corey Remiger Brush, cloths Nicole Deprez, Kelly Salfer, Sabrina Lensing Pail, cloths Lisa Dudgeon, Nancy Frank, Rebecca Daub Pail, brush, cloths Melissa Kidrowski, Becky Zimmerman, Joann Robasse Pail, cloths Linda Rohlik, Terrie Frank Lisa Rothmeier, Wendy Rohlik Vicki Irlbeck, Diane Guetter Please bring pails, rags, scrub brushes, ladders, vacuums with attachments, extension cords, etc. If unable to work, please ask a family member or hire a sub to work for you. Before cleaning, read Master list in kitchenette area of gathering space for detailed list of cleaning jobs and cleaning products to be used in each area. Example: Murphy’s Oil Soap, Lemon Oil, Top Job, etc. If you’re doing your job early, please notify your job partner to work out who will be doing what AND circle your name and what you did on the Master list posted in the kitchenette area of the gathering space. THANK YOU!! ******************************************************************************************* ST. MARY’S – SEAFORTH MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Saturday, October 18 at 7:00 p.m. Servers Thomas Turbes, Dylan Kramer, Tyler Bliss Lector Dick Eis Extra. Min: Sue Huhnerkoch, Dick Eis, Dallas Dolan, Gary & Monica Rohlik Ushers Scott Bernardy Home Com None Church Care Oct 18: Traci Bernardy, Carrie Bliss, JoAnn Dolan CCW is in need of a Secretary, if interested please contact Julie Kramer at 762-3488. Quilt tops are available for sewing on corner stand in Kumfert Hall ******************************************************************************************* ST. MATHIAS - WANDA MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Sunday, October 19 at 8:00 a.m. Server Sarah & Rebecca Klann, Helen O’Callaghan Lector Dean Schumacher Extra. Min: Peggy Stern, David Moldan, Lucy Moldan, Dan & Rita O’Callaghan Ushers Pat & Marlene Schroepfer Greeters/Gift Mary Evans & Kevin Jenniges Family Church Care Kent Irlbeck, Kevin Jenniges, Rick Jenniges ******************************************************************************************* OUR LADY OF VICTORY – LUCAN MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Saturday, October 19 at 5:00 p.m. Server Jacob Plaetz, Michael Turbes, Tayler Thompson Lector Robert Plaetz Extra. Min: Bob & Julie Plaetz, Mike, Annette & Darla Rohlik Ushers Del Skoblik Family Church Care Chr. Becci Sik, Erin Thompson, Darla Rohlik, Jan Louwagie Church Lawn Mowers: Group 1-Bob Plaetz, Ch., Bob Filzen, Scott Guetter, Scott Soupier If you would like to help with the Children’s Faith Program during the weekend Mass, please call Shirley 747-2598 or Mary Ann 747-2288. We would appreciate some substitutes. Card shower for Calvin Hansen's 90th birthday on 10/17/14. For those who remember Cal, please send cards to Cal Hansen, The Inn on Westport, 4000 S. Westport Ave., Apt. 224, Sioux Falls SD 57106. OLV parishioners we will have our Mission Supper & Bake Sale on Saturday, October 25 after the 5:00 Mass. We will serve Hot Turkey & BBQ sandwiches with all the trimmings. So get out your favorite recipes and bring some goodies to sell. This helps us send our yearly CCW donations to various charities that we support. ******************************************************************************************* October 2014 Sunday Mond ay Tuesday 30 Mass 6 p.m. St. Mathias Wednesda 1 Massy 8 a.m. OLV 10 a.m. Golden Living Children’s Holy Field Trip to New Ulm Diocese Thursday Friday Saturda y 4 Masses 2 Mass 3 FIRST 8:30 a.m. St. Anne School Mass 6:30 p.m. St. Mathias CCW mtg. follows FRIDAY 8 a.m. St. Mary Benediction 11:30 5 p.m. OLV 7 p.m. St. Mary 5 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mathias 10 a.m. St. Anne School Marathon 6 7 Mass 8 Mass 9 Mass 10 Mass 11 Masses No Mass 6 p.m. St. Mary 8 a.m. OLV 10 a.m. Heritage 8:30 a.m. St. Anne School Mass 8 a.m. St. Mathias 5 p.m. OLV 7 p.m. St. Mary 12 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mathias 10 a.m. St. Anne 13 14 No Mass 16 No Mass 17 No Mass 18 Masses --Fr. Tony--- ------------------- ------Gone < Pastoral Lead 15 No Mass 9-9 Exposition of the Eucharistic at OLV er---Days> No Mass 7 p.m. St. Mary Administration Mtg. -------MEA- 5 p.m. OLV 7 p.m. St. Mary --No School 19 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mathias 10 a.m. St. Anne 20 21 Mass 22 Mass 23 Mass 24 Mass 25 Masses No Mass 6 p.m. St. Mary 7 p.m. OLV Administration Mtg. 8 a.m. OLV 10 a.m. Garnette Garden 8:30 a.m. St. Anne School Mass 8 a.m. St. Mathias 5 p.m. OLV 7 p.m. St. Mary -------------- ------ 26 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mathias 10 a.m. St. Anne 27 28 Mass 29 Mass 30 Mass 31 Mass No Mass 6 p.m. St. Mary 8 a.m. OLV 7 p.m. AFC-PC Mtg. at OLV 10 a.m. Belview 8:30 a.m. St. Anne School Mass 8 a.m. St. Mathias 1 All Saints 8:30 a.m. OLV Sr. High Youth Rally at New Ulm Fr. Tony’s Birthday 7 p.m. at OLV Worship/Spiritua l Life Committee Mtg
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