Light of the World , Pregnancy Care Numbers: Care Net 800-395-4357 Birthline 800-786-0200 Birthright 800-550-4900 Parish Office – Wabasso Fr. Anthony Hesse - Residence St. Anne’s School St. Anne’s Fax E-mail: [email protected] 342-5190 342-5155 342-5389 342-5156 St. Mary’s Church St. Mathias Church Our Lady of Victory Our Lady of Victory Fax 984-5421 342-5205 747-2231 747-2233 On Line Bulletin: , click on links – Area Churches MASS TIME, INTENTIONS AND EVENTS 2014 MON, NOV 3rd: No Mass TUE, NOV 4th: No Mass WED, NOV 5th: No Mass THU, NOV 6th: 8:30 a.m. at St. Anne – Word & Communion Service FRI, NOV 7th: No Mass SAT, NOV 8th: 5:00 p.m. at St. Mathias + Dennis “Snap” Weber 7:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Victory + Norb Bernardy SUN, NOV 9th: 8:00 a.m. at St. Mary for the Area Faith Community 10:00 a.m. at St. Anne + Francis & Agnes Manderscheid Mon: Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24 Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33 Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10 Phil 3:17-4:1/Lk 16:1-8 Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 Ez 47:1-2,8-9,12/1 Cor 3:9c11,16-17/Jn 2:13-22 Before daily Mass and at 4:30 p.m. before 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday Welcome!! We are glad you came to join with us in our worship today. We hope that you have felt God’s love in a new, refreshing way… From Fr. Tony: This weekend, we celebrate the feast of All Soul’s. Throughout this weekend and this month of November, we pay special attention and draw our attention and prayers to our loved ones and all who have died. As I mentioned in my homily this weekend, they need our prayers. Obviously, it is through God’s grace alone that they are saved. However, our prayers are helpful and effective in their salvation. All of us are on a journey to our Lord. Some of us, because of human weakness, take a longer path and need more prayers to help us get through purgatory. Purgatory isn’t seen as a bad thing but helps us on our journey. It helps us to be purged of our sins so that our destination will soon be in heaven. Therefore, keep praying for our deceased loved ones. Offer Masses for them, which is the highest form of prayer. Remember, we are all on a journey to our Lord, and together, with God’s grace, we will get there. Speaking of journey, enjoy: DIRECTIONS TO OUR FATHER'S HOUSE Make a Right onto Believeth Blvd. Keep straight and go through the Green Light, which is Jesus Christ. There, you must turn onto the Bridge of Faith, which is over troubled waters. When you get off the bridge, make a Right turn and Keep Straight. You are on the King's Highway - Heaven-bound. Keep going for three miles: One for the Father, One for the Son, and One for the Holy Ghost. Then exit off onto Grace Blvd. From there, make a Right turn on Gospel Lane. Keep Straight and then make another Right on Prayer Road. As you go on your way Yield Not to the traffic on Temptation Ave. Also avoid SIN STREET because it is a DEAD END. Pass up Envy Drive, and Hate Avenue. Also, pass Hypocrisy Street, Gossiping Lane, and Backbiting Blvd. However, you have to go down Long-suffering Lane, Persecution Blvd. and Trials and Tribulations Ave. But that's all right, because VICTORY Street is straight ahead! AMEN!!!!! We could use these directions to get to our Father, or let Christ, who is the True Bus Driver guide us instead!!! Christ Knows the Way, Let Him Guide Us!!! A SPECIAL THANKS TO… All who attended the training session for extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion this past week. God truly has blessed our Church with people who are able to offer our Lord in Holy Communion, and set the example also by their lives. If you were unable to attend, please pick up your packets in the back of the churches. Christ through Mary, Fr. Tony The “Light of the World Area Faith Community” will be doing a Picture Directory next summer. We are scheduling dates in late July through mid-August 2015. If anyone would like to share their talent and be on a committee to make this a big success, call Carrie Bliss 984-3145. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE St. Anne St. Mary OLV St. Mathias Adult $15,554.44 $ 755.00 $1,150.00 $ 1,647.00 Children $ 37.85 $ 6.16 $ 9.00 $ 4.00 Plate $ 61.50 $ 50.00 $ 73.00 $ 63.00 Stewardship: “Here’s the ironic thing about people who are generous. Those that give freely and cheerfully do not do it to be rewarded. They do it to show their love for God and their neighbors. Yet, because of their generosity, they typically are given more than they gave away!” UPCOMING EVENTS Please keep the following dates in mind for some important event that will be taking place. We encourage you to join us for these events: Nov 2: Wabasso Library Craft Fair & Luncheon Nov 4-14: Fr. Tony at Workshops Nov 16: Evangelization Team Brunch at St. Anne’s Nov 17: St. Mary’s CCW meeting Nov 19: Evangelization Team Mtg. at 6 p.m. St. Anne Nov 21: COF Bingo at St. Anne’s Nov 26: Ecumenical Service at St. Anne Nov 27: Thanksgiving Day Dinner at noon at St. Anne’s ALL SOULS DAY “It would be considered a theft on our part if we didn’t give to someone in greater need than we are.” -St. Francis of Assisi LIGHT LINERS “Been taken for granted? Imagine how God feels.” PRAYING FOR VOCATION “Are you a person of integrity? Do your words match your deeds? Remember, those who are great are those who serve. How do you serve others?” 11/3 Fr. Anthony Hesse, John Hayes 11/4 Fr. Jeffrey Horejsi, Evan Huebl 11/5 Fr. Ronald Huberty, John Kodet 11/6 Fr. Kenneth Irrgang, For all Candidates 11/7 Fr. Aaron Johanneck, For Religious Vocations 11/8 Fr. Jeremy Kucera, Dcn. Jacob Niemand 11/9 Fr. Dennis Labat, Shawn Polman The 2014 Diocesan Ministries Appeal packets will be sent to all parishioners the week of Nov. 3. Commitment Sunday will be Nov. 22/23. You will be hearing more about the DMA as we move closer to that weekend. The theme of the Appeal is from John 7:38 “Rivers of Living Water will flow from within Him.” St. Anne’s School Calendar Cash Drawing winners: Sponsored by Catholic United Financial Oct 20: Dave Remiger October 2014 Oct 21: Kevin Zimmer 15 15 15 15 Oct 22: Joann Steffl 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 Oct 23: Ann Guetter 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 Oct 24: Ben Lightfoot 30 15 15 15 15 15 Oct 25: Jessica Honetschlager Oct 26: Millie Trost $ .00 Come & Go Bridal Shower honoring Melissa Raskovich, bride-to-be of Matthew Beranek will be on Sat, Nov. 15 from 2 – 3:30 p.m. at Riley’s Tavern Dining Room, Wanda. Melissa is the daughter of Michael & Maryanne Raskovich of Columbia Heights. Matthew is the son of Galen & Chris Beranek of rural Wanda. They are planning a Nov. 28th Wedding and are registered at Target. Request for Parish Members to Complete Surveys: The New Ulm Diocesan Schools Planning Committee is requesting parish members of parishes served by a Catholic school to complete two online surveys: a Schools Catholic Identity Defining Characteristics Survey and a Schools Program Effectiveness Survey. Questions for both surveys are based on the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Elementary and Secondary Catholic Schools. Catholic school staff and students (grades 5-12) have completed similar surveys. Parents have also been asked to complete the surveys. The results will be tabulated and analyzed for all of the fifteen schools within the Diocese of New Ulm in preparation for the Diocesan Plan for Schools. This document will assist the diocese and individual schools in future planning efforts. Individual schools may use the results as they complete or update school strategic planning efforts to meet school accreditation requirements. Surveys are accessible online at and Please consider completing both surveys (one at each link provided). For those not able to complete the surveys online, printed copies of the surveys are available through the local school office. Thank you for taking the time to complete the surveys prior to Nov. 20. Thank you to all who came to our Matching Grant Sauerkraut Fundraiser last Sunday. Your generosity is always appreciated! We raised $2,155 for St. Anne’s School. With the matching grant from our CUF State office, we are proudly donating over $4,000 to our school! A special thank you to all St. Anne’s CUF members for your hard work and donations as well. We could not be successful without you! CUF Officers: Bruce, Elaine, Jane, Candy & Sherry Thank you to all who sent cards, made calls, visits and your prayers that helped me through the painful shingles. Veronica Johanneck PRAYING FOR THE SICK & MILITARY Please remember the military and families and the sick in your prayers. Military: Tyler Derickson, Kyle Hillenbrand, Adam Jenniges, Garett Jenniges, Jeremy Jenniges, Justin Jenniges, Luke Jensen, Noel (Plaetz) Kubat, Zachery Miller, Cameron Pohlen, Gabrielle Rohlik, James Ryer, Jeff Salfer, Eric & Jen Schueller, DeeAnn (Guetter) Stalvey, Cody Stoltenburg, Christopher M. Valentine, Dana Vollmer, Sierra Wagner. Guidelines for Praying for the Sick - A) Names are placed on the prayer list for three weeks. B) Names can be listed as often as one wishes but the request must be renewed each time by calling the office 342-5190. Sick: Week 1: Jonathan Thull, Rueben Lange Week 2: Mary Schwarz, Huyen Nguyen, Deanna (Frericks) Larson, Special Intention, Kathi Granum, Special Intention, Jackie Schlenner Week 3: Ross Rohlik, Diane Warner, Carol Warner, Mary Warner Women’s Emmaus Retreat next weekend (Nov. 7-9th) Only a few spots remain…. “Emmaus Road” Retreat next weekend, a time to get away, to reflect, enjoy speakers, music, pray, Mass at the resort ( Lake Shetek) and served by “Mary’s & Martha’s” all weekend! Call Margaret for more details- 504-430-6053 Need assistance with fall chores? The Knights of Columbus would like to help! Contact PJ Bock at 6264112 for questions or to schedule a time. Services include raking, gutter cleaning, etc. Choices Pregnancy Center will hold their 20th Annual Holiday Shopping Open House on Saturday, Nov. 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Catherine’s Church, Redwood Falls. A soup & BBQ lunch will be served and shopping with many vendors. Please join us for a Gala Fund Raiser for the San Lucas Mission on Friday, November 21st at the Crow River Winery east of Hutchinson on Highway 7. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and supper is served at 7:00 p.m. Silent and live auctions will be held. The proceeds from this Gala will be used to continue the educational, medical, and other ministries of the mission. The cost is $50.00 per person. To reserve your ticket or for more information please call 651-454-0981 or visit Fr. Brian Oestreich The Wabasso American Legion Post 263, will hold a Veteran's Day Program at the Wabasso Public School. The program is to be held at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014. The public is invited to attend. Prairie Arts Chorale of Southwestern Minnesota invites you to attend our fall concert, "It Ain't Over 'til the Prairie Arts Chorale Sings." Join us at St. Anne’s Church, Friday, November 14, at 7:30 p.m. for a fun and unique look at opera through the ages, from Italian arias to rock choruses. This is opera for everyone-including those who've always thought they hated it. Tickets are available locally at St. Anne’s parish office, Petals and Balloons on Main and from Chorale members. There is no charge for children or students. For more information visit Wabasso Legion Auxiliary Unit 263 will once again be sending care packages to soldiers. If you know of a soldier that is serving overseas please call Virginia Salfer 342-5380 or Joyce Plaetz 342-5671 and we will add them to our list. A package from home means a lot to those overseas and it is something we can do as community to let them know we are thinking of them. Cash donations are being accepted to purchase items for the soldiers and to pay for the cost of shipping. If you would like to donate to these care packages please contact Joyce or Virginia. We hope to have all items by November 15th so that we can box them up and send them for Christmas. The Church of the Japanese Martyrs in Leavenworth is having a Catholic United Financial Matching Grant Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, November 9, 2014 serving from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. On the menu are pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, applesauce, coffee, chocolate milk and juice. Cost is $6:00 for adults; $5.00 for ages 6-12; $1.50 for preschool. St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Walnut Grove is having there Fall Luncheon on Sunday, November 9, 2014 serving from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. On the menu are Turkey Hotdish, Dinner roll, Hot Beef Sandwiches, Coleslaw, Assorted Pies & Desserts, Coffee, and Lemonade. Cost is Ala Carte Pricing. More than 8,000 people have benefited from Catholic United Financial scholarships, with over $3 million in scholarship dollars awarded since the program began in 1955. We want to help our members achieve their educational and career goals. For members of any age seeking to learn a trade, earn a certification or complete a college degree, Catholic United wants to help. Our Post-High School Tuition Scholarship program gives our members tuition assistance for their educational goals. Scholarship awards are one-time benefits for: $500 for those attending a Catholic college, university or institution $300 for those attending a non-Catholic college, university, community college or technical school While the average scholarship recipient is a recent high school graduate, Catholic United members of any age pursuing a degree can apply for a scholarship. If you have questions about scholarship eligibility, deadlines or other issues, contact your Catholic United Financial Representative Curtis W Wangen at 866-942-7710 or email to [email protected]. ******************************************************************************************* ST. ANNE’S – WABASSO MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Sunday, November 9 at 10:00 a.m. Server Jarvis, Joshua & Dominic Deprez Lector John VanLoy Extra. Min: John VanLoy, Sue Andersen Sheila Salfer, Jody Hansen, Fran Pitzl Organist Annette Guetter Song Leader: Nicole Deprez Home Com Tom & Arlene Daub Money Count Cyrilla & Pat Money Deposit: Joyce & Sue Usher Randy Salfer & Sue Andersen Church Care Nov 7: Dale & Sue Rohlik, Linda Rohlik, Stan & Wendy Rohlik Nov 14: Randy Rohlik, Dave & Julie Rothmeier, Shelly Sagedahl Lost & Found: Did you buy a delicious pie at the end of the Fall Festival? Looking for a pie plate with the initials LW. Please return to St. Anne’s kitchenette in foyer/ or church office. Thank you! ******************************************************************************************* ST. MARY’S – SEAFORTH MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Sunday, November 9 at 8:00 a.m. Servers Thomas Turbes, Andrew Iverson, Matthew Turbes Lector Tony Kramer Extra. Min: Doris Petracek, Gary & Monica Rohlik, Neal & Sue Rohlik Ushers Martin Goche Home Com Julie Kramer Church Care Nov 8: Lori Iverson, Connie Johanneck, Shannon Marotzke St. Mary’s CCW will meet on Monday, November 17. Quilt tops are available for sewing on corner stand in Kumfert Hall ******************************************************************************************* ST. MATHIAS - WANDA MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Saturday, November 8 at 5:00 p.m. Server Isaac & Michaela Hertling, Nicholas Irlbeck Lector Angie Dudgeon Extra. Min: Melody Altermatt, David Moldan, Lucy Moldan, Dan & Rita O’Callaghan Ushers Tom & Deb Altermatt Greeters/Gift Chad & Jessica Hertling Family Church Care Kelly Klann Snow Shoveling Kent Irlbeck, Jim Jenniges, Kevin Jenniges ******************************************************************************************* OUR LADY OF VICTORY – LUCAN MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Saturday, November 8 at 7:00 p.m. Server Hunter Bernardy, Devon Janeiro-Dolan, Zach Turbes Lector PJ Bock Extra. Min: Jim & Mona Ourada; Bob, Julie & Kathy Plaetz Ushers Chris Kramer Family Church Care Chr. Elaine Moore, Lorna Lueck-Plaetz, Teresa Norcutt, Audrea Turbes If you would like to help with the Children’s Faith Program during the weekend Mass, please call Shirley 747-2598 or Mary Ann 747-2288. We would appreciate some substitutes. ******************************************************************************************* November 2014 Sunday 2 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mary 10 a.m. St. Anne Daylight Savings Ends Monday 3 No Mass No School Tuesday Wednesday ------------16 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mary 10 a.m. St. Anne 10 ----to----17 No Mass Evangelization Team Brunch 23 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mary 10 a.m. St. Anne Confirmation Commitment Weekend 30 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mary 10 a.m. St. Anne 24 No Mass Friday Saturday 31 Mass All Saints Eve 7 p.m. St. Anne 1 All Saints 8:30 a.m. OLV 7 8 Masses 5 p.m. St. Mathias 7 p.m. OLV ------------ 6 8:30 a.m. St. Anne Eucharistic Service ------------- 11 12 14 Prairie Arts Concert at St. Anne ----------------- ---Workshops--- 13 8:30 a.m. St. Anne Eucharistic Service ----------------- 18 Mass 6 p.m. St. Mary 10 a.m. Golden Living 7 p.m. St. Anne Admin. Mtg. 19 Mass 8 a.m. OLV 10 a.m. Belview 20 Mass 8:30 a.m. St. Anne School Mass 10 a.m. Heritage 6:30 p.m. St. Mathias CCW & Admin mtg. following 21 Mass 8 a.m. St. Mathias 22 Masses 5 p.m. St. Mathias 7 p.m. OLV COF Bingo Confirmation Commitment Weekend 25 Mass 6 p.m. St. Mary 7 p.m. AFC-PC at St. Mathias 26 Mass 8 a.m. OLV 10 a.m. Garnette Garden 7 p.m. Ecumenical Service at St. Anne 27 Mass 8:30 a.m. St. Anne 28 Mass 8 a.m. St. Mathias Noon Thanksgiving Dinner -----------No 29 Masses 5 p.m. St. Mathias 7 p.m. OLV 2 p.m. Wedding at St. Anne Goblirsch/Norstegard -School-- 4 5 -----------Fr. 9 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mary 10 a.m. St. Anne Thursday 6 p.m. Evangelization Team Mtg. Gone--- Weekend Masses 5 p.m. St. Mathias 7 p.m. OLV -------------15 Masses 5 p.m. St. Mathias 7 p.m. OLV -----
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