1601 S. Georgia St, Amarillo, TX 79102 The Messenger NOVEMBER 2014 Please check our website for postings of events and to view the Messenger and weekly Angel’s Alert/Info bulletin at www.standrewsamarillo.org. St. Andrew’s is on FACEBOOK! Go to http://www.facebook.com/standrewsamarillo.org Office phone 806-376-6316 Fax: 376-6075 The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer Bishop of the Diocese of Northwest Texas Clergy The Rev. Jo Roberts Craig, Rector and School Chaplain The Rev. Dr. Robert Pace, Associate Rector The Venerable Patsy Masterman, Archdeacon Emeritus The Venerable Chris Wrampelmeier, Archdeacon The Rev. Todd Baxley, Deacon The Rev. Pat Knight, Deacon Staff The Rev. Jo Roberts Craig, Rector, Ext 101 The Rev. Dr. Robert Pace, Associate Rector, Ext 102 Sheri Langford, Financial Manager, Ext 104 Kathy Roach, Parish Administrator & Publications Manager, Ext 100 Margaret Lacy, Director of Music Ministries, Ext 107 Barbara Whitton, Pastoral Associate, Ext 105 Edee Aikman, Christian Education Director, Ext 103 DeMarlone Givens, Sexton, Ext 109 Dean Kennedy, Parish Assistant St. Andrew’s Schedule—NOVEMBER Sun Mon Ch-Children’s Chapel P.H. -Parish Hall Tue Wed Thu Fri All Saints Day 1 Service” All Saints Eucharist Service Saturday, Noon, November 1 Columbarium Chapel * see details inside 9:00am Altar & Flower Guild (N) *Daylight Savings time ends 2 3 ALL SAINTS Sunday 10am-noonESL (S,C) Holy Eucharist in Nave 6-7pm Center8am Rite I 10:30am Rite ing Prayer (ch) 9:30 am Christian Education 10:30 Children’s Chapel 6:30-9pm EfM 6:00pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II 7:30pm FASO concert* 4 5 Noon Bible Stdy (A) 10am-noon-ESL 5:15 Tai Chi (Cl) (S,C) 5:00 Spanish (G) 6pm Properties (C) 4:30pm Yoga (A) 6:30 Christian Ed Mtg 5:30pm Holy 6:30 PASO (D) Eucharist (Ch) 7pm Chess Club(A) 7pm Choir 6 6pm Bells(N) 6:30-9pm EfM (D) 7pmAdelines(Cl) 10 9 UTO Ingathering 10am-noon Veteran’s day11 12 Noon Bible Study 10am-noon ESL 5:15 Tai Chi (Cl) (S,C) 5:00 Spanish (G) 10am D.O.K.(C) 7pm Chess Club(A) 4:30pm Yoga(A) 5:30pm Holy Eucharist (Ch) 13 6pm Bells(N) 6:30-9pm EfM (D) 7:00 Adelines(Cl) 7pm St Brigid’s Prayer Shawl (G) ESL (S,C) 6-7pm Centering Prayer (ch) Holy Eucharist in Nave 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite II 9:30am Christian Education 10:30 Children’s Chapel 6:00 Holy Eucharist, Rite II 6:30-9pm EfM 16 UTO Ingathering Holy Eucharist in Nave 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite II 9:30am Christian Education 10:30 Children’s Chapel 6:00 pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II 17 18 10am-noon ESL (S,C) 6-7pm Centering Prayer (ch) Noon Bible Stdy (A) 5:15 Tai Chi (Cl) 5:00 Spanish (G) 6pm-Finance Mtg 6:30pm PASO(D) 6:30 Evening DOK(G) 7pm Chess Club(A) 6:30-9pm EfM Holy Eucharist in Nave 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite I 9:30am Christian Education 10:30 Children’s Chapel 23 24 10am-noon ESL (S,C) 6-7pm Centering Prayer (ch) 6:00 pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II 6:30-9pm EfM Holy Eucharist in Nave 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite I 9:30am Christian Education 10:30 Children’s Chapel 30 31 10am-noon ESL (S,C) 6-7pm Centering Prayer (ch) 6:00 pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II 6:30-9pm EfM 19 10am-noon ESL (S,C) 4:30pmYoga(A) 5:30pm Holy Eucharist (ch) 7 10am Blackbelt Bible Stdy(G) Noon–Men’s Prayer grp(G) 8 9:00am Altar & Flower Guild (N) 7:30 Contemplative Prayer (E) 14 10am BlackBeltBible Stdy(G) 15 9:00am Altar & Flower Guild (N) Noon–Men’s Prayer grp(G) 6-10 PM PARENTS NIGHT OUT (Nursery) 20 21 22 9:00am Altar & 10am BlackBelt Bible Flower Guild (N) 6pm Bells(N) Stdy(G) 6:30-9pmEfM (D) Noon–Men’s Prayer grp(G) 7:00 Adelines(Cl) 9am– Noon 7:30 Contemplative Prayer (E) PARENTS MORNING OUT (Nursery) 7pm Choir 25 26 Noon Bible Stdy (A) 10am-Noon ESL 5:15 Tai Chi (Cl) (S,C) 5:00 Spanish (G) 4:30pmYoga(A) 6pm—Vestry Mtg(C) 5:30pm Holy 6:30pm PASO(D) Eucharist (ch) 7pm Chess Club(A) Sat 27 28 29 10am BlackBelt Bible 9:00am Altar & Thanksgiving Day Stdy(G) Office closed Noon–Men’s Prayer grp(G) Flower Guild (N) No Activities 7:30 Contemplative Prayer (E) The Heinavanker Estonian Folk Ensemble presents the FASO’s 2nd concert…..Sunday, November 2, 7:30pm! This group hails from the northern European country of Estonia. Reviewers have found the a cappella Heinavanker’s singing beautiful & soothing, with praises for notes so perfectly blended and in tune that overtones can be heard! UTO ingatherings— November 9 & 16 NOVEMBER LITURGICAL SUPPORT SCHEDULE 8:00 AM Rite I 2 9 16 23 30 USHER/Greeter Phil Mullins Bill Smith Wendell Davies Diane Vinyard Don Patterson READER Mary Emeny Judith Evans Wendell Davies Timothy Anderson Richard Partney Chalice Mary Emeny Mary Rusk Richard Partney Maggie McGee Richard Partney ACOLYTE Mary Emeny Judith Evans Ford & Brody Bobo Maggie McGee Richard Partney 10:30 am Rite II USHERS J B Lane John Tyson Dave Blakley Bruce McAda Cliff Craig Randy Dryden Charlie Henderson Rodney Steph David Stidham Nathan Stidham Vic Maza Josh Fawell Mike Abdoo Neil Quattlebaum Richard Ladd Leon Swift John Boyce Bill Aikman Jay Craighead Joe Bob McCartt GREETERS Dave Blakley Bruce McAda Charlie Henderson Larry Wolff David Stidham Nate Stidham Cindy Reid Neil Quattelbaum Debbie Wynne Denise Warren Georgia Swift Amy Gililland Steve Severn Leesa Wood Calvi Vic Maza Susan Willis Debbie Wynne Mary Harvey Dave Blakley Nancy Novak Taylor Withrow Laurie Cizon Cliff Craig Judith Evans Mary Emeny Jill Walters Don Paxton Darren Sorrells Vic Maza Bruce McAda L-Taylor Withrow E-Laurie Cizon P-Nancy Novak L-Judith Evans E-Cliff Craig P-Tammy Breitbarth CHALICE BEARERS LECTOR EPISTOLER Prayer Reader OBLATIONERS ACOLYTES LEV Lay Eucharist Visitors Vestry Offertory Service L-Steve Severn E-Amy Gililland P-Leesa Wood Calvi Jack & Cristy Miller L-Kay Craighead E-Mary Harvey P-Debbie Wynne Robin & Randy Dryden Sharon Stones Mike Abdoo Margaret Jenkins L-Frank Howell E-Don Paxton P-Vic Maza Frank & Lynn Howell Crucifer: Will Severn Torches: Phoebe & Piper Laur Crucifer: Layne Steph Torches: Perry Steph & Gracie Smiley Crucifer: Kai Lancour Torches: Jonas Morrow & Kyndall Litchfield Crucifer: Sterling Elza Torches: Norm Morrison & Liah Givens Crucifer: Ellery Craighead Torches: Alex & Andy Earthman Server: Luke McKay Server: Harper Steph Server: Ethan Adamchak Server: Bubba Givens Server: Courtney Collins Doug & Heather Voran Lil & Taylor Withrow Nate Stidham Ginger Shipp Judith Evans Neil Quattlebaum MJ Coats Sharon Stones Ginger Shipp Monty Nash Randy Dryden Charlie Henderson Vic Maza Courtney Jones Marcy McKay Paul Clark Sara Adamchak Sally Emerson Altar Guild for November Chairperson: Cristy Miller Linens: Cristy Crew: Ellen Bivins, Nancy Smith Bread: Dean Paxton/Susan Wise HOLY EUCHARIST/HOLY UNCTION WEDNESDAY READERS 5th– Don Paxton 12th: Dan Reed 19th: Nancy Novak 26th: Vic Maza November Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Randy Dryden Kay Haraguchi Dillon & Katie Quachenbush 2 Leesa WoodWood- Calvi Nancy Smith 3 4 Patsy Masterman Sally Skaggs Annette Mullins Michele Kauffman Sarah Neumann Kerry Howell 5 Dick McKay Jimmy Kone 6 Rebecca Gens Valerie McCall 7 Jonas Morrow 8 Tobe Fluty 9 Adrian Scott Kimberly Kone Curtis Bates 10 Tevis Paxton Tami Pugh Hagen Lewter 11 Amber Nielsen 12 Kathy Ware David Conley 13 Arthur Ware Caitlin Higgins 14 Susie White 15 Larry Wolff Alecia Litchfield 16 Don Gosson Grace Neumann Kyndall Litchfield Charlie Henderson 17 Cliff Craig Courtney Jones Libby Hayes Jim Kone 18 19 Bill Heck Patsy Lowe Ed Basham Dean Morrison Colleen McCall Maggy Van Nielsen Chesnut Courtney Collins 20 Anita Wright 21 22 Connie Latham Mya Guester Dane Stalcup 23 24 27 Walter Riggs 28 Emily Bivins Beckie Turner 29 Chris Morrow 30 Marso Kiesling Hugh LeClair Edie Lewter Kristen Rice 25 Helen Veal 26 Devlin Scott Neil Coventry November Wedding Anniversaries 6th– Dwight & Linda Huber 8th– Stephen & Susan Severn 11th– Stanley & Beth Marsh 14th– Coby & Aimee Pritchard 15th– John & Sally Skaggs 22nd-Donald & Molly Frank 28th– Ken & Sue Bell Parents’ NIGHT Out Ou : $10 / per child NOVEMBER 14 , Friday, 6 – 10 pm Theme: Indians Movie: Pocahontas Parents Morning Out: NOV. 22, Saturday, 9 am -Noon $10 for the 1st child; $5 each additional child Theme: Thanksgiving Movie: Alvin & the Chipmunks Thanksgiving Sign up at the nursery, email Christian Education Coordinator, ([email protected]) or call the church office 376.6316 ext 103. E YC WT FOOTBALL GAME & PARENT DATE NIGHT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 (time(time-TBA) Bring your parents to join the fun!! Meet in the EYC room & we’ll caravan to Canyon & tailgate in the south parking lot for great food before the game. HOCKEY— HOCKEY—Saturday, November 15, 66-9pm Eat dinner before, then we’ll go watch the Amarillo Bulls vs ODA! Parent drop off/pick up at EYC room. ALL EYC EVENTS ARE FREE! EYC! When you attend EYC (6th – 12th), SR EYC (9th – 12th), or Sunday School, your name goes into a drawing (gift cards - $75, $50, $25). Ditto when you bring a friend. Drawing in May. You MUST be present to win! Dear Parishioners, The Breakfast Teams are recruiting three new teams, new leaders & more cooks to start cooking after Jan.1, 2015! Each team prepares breakfast every 7 to 8 weeks served from 8:45-9:45am on Sunday. The “Breakfast Teams” started in 2002 & has grown into a rewarding ministry at St. Andrew’s. We have fun and enjoy being involved in this parish activity! Please contact one of the team leaders below, if you would like to join in cooking with a team or form a new team or have questions. Anne Northcutt (353.0006), Don Paxton (671.8940), Bruce Baca (206.9214), Dave Blakley (679.8186), Slater Elza (206.0540), David Stidham (679.0413) & Phil & Annette Mullins (335.5518). Financial Report . . . January 1, 2014— October 19,2014 Annual Budgeted Pledge, Contribution & Plate Income Budgeted Pledge, Contribution & Plate Income YTD Actual Pledge, Contribution & Plate Income YTD OVER BUDGET $881,662.00 $712,111.68 $712,763.48 $ 651.80 ANGEL TREE PROJECT St. Andrew’s Church is again participating in the Angel Tree Project. The Angel Tree Project seeks to ensure that every child who has an incarcerated parent receives both a fun present and a clothing present at Christmas. Many of these children are in very poor financial situations. For them, the gifts they receive through the Angel Tree Project are the highlights of their Christmas. Our volunteers purchase and wrap a fun present and a clothing present for each of their children. The gifts are given to the children from their incarcerated parent—not from us—at a Christmas party held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 13, 2014 in the parish hall. Since the incarcerated parents have to sign up for the program, they are giving the presents and we are merely their agents. The toy present should not cost more than $25 and the clothing present should not cost more than $25. If you are interested in donating money but cannot or do not want to go shopping or wrap, your donations are more than welcome. Donations are also needed for the Christmas party, including the brunch served at that party. If you are interested in shopping and wrapping—even if you do not have the money to buy gifts yourself—your time and effort are needed and welcomed. If you would like an opportunity to be an angel, please sign the sheet at the back of the nave. I will get you the name of your child with information about appropriate presents. Please also let me know if you would like to help with the Christmas party either by volunteering or through a donation. We need people to welcome our guests, help with arts and crafts, provide entertainment, and distribute presents. (There is a rumor that Santa Claus is coming.) Thank you! Archdeacon Chris Wrampelmeier November 14: Polk Street Methodist December 12: St. Andrew’s Jan. 9: Chalice Abbey Feb. 13: St. Andrew’s March 13: DeFalco Retreat & Conference Ctr April 10: Trinity United Methodist May 8: Chalice Abbey The second of three Remnant Trust Lectures based on theme The Declaration of Independence in Legacy Hall at West Texas A&M University: The last lecture is on Thursday, November 20, 5:30 reception, 6:30 lecture by Dr. Bryon Pearson & Dr. James Hallmark will join him. Taize Prayer service for the Amarillo community will be offered every 2nd Friday of each month at 6:00pm. It provides an opportunity to become connected and grounded through singing beautiful meditative songs, hearing scripture, offering prayers and observing times of silence in a candlelight setting. It makes contemplative prayer accessible to everyone and anyone can easily join in. Participants are invited to deepen their trust in God’s love and in their own ability to become people of peace, reconciliation, and solidarity where they live. The program will last about 45 minutes. Child care will be provided for young children at the Parents Night Out Program here at St. Andrew’s. Please call to let us know if you are bringing children (376.6316). Spread the word about this quiet time to meditate in community. PACK-A-LUNCH MINISTRY… St. Andrew’s is collecting prepackaged food items that can be put in a lunch bag and distributed to homeless individuals one time each month. Each bag will include a protein, a starch, a fruit, a sweet, a bottle of water and a wet wipe. Please make sure items are packed or wrapped for individual servings. We cannot use bulk items that are not individually wrapped, items that require a can opener or items that need to be heated. And no candy please. We deliver the sack lunches on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Sign up to help on November 13, Thursday at 1:00pm! EXAMPLES INCLUDE: (pop-top cans/packets) tuna or other protein items, Vienna sausages, beanie weenies, Beef Jerky (individually wrapped), nuts, cookies, applesauce, fruit cocktail, cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers, granola bars, & power bars. Individually wrapped wet wipes and bottled water. Journey with Jo As a child of 8 years, I had a very favorite dog. Her name was Donna, and I had named her when I was very little. As a little girl, I did not remember a time when Donna was not a part of my life. She was a rat terrier and fierce about me and my siblings. She never allowed us to go to the barn without her, and killing rats was her favorite past time. She was the perfect size and the perfect dog for me. We had big dogs that were watch dogs, but none compared to the little rat terrier. When I was walking to school one day, she followed me…without me being aware of it and was killed by a car as we crossed the bridge next to our property. I was devastated! At the time, my parents were out of town and my world collapsed. How could this happen? How could I make it “go away”? And why did little creatures have such a tough time? The questions were many and the answer few. My parents coming home began the healing and to this day, I find rat terriers and Jack Russell terriers irresistible. What made me think of this story was that I was trying to remember the first time I asked God questions about life and death. I remember climbing into the climbing tree and our tree house and crying and talking to God. I did not like the lady keeping us while Mama and Daddy were gone and her response to this tragedy fell far short of my 8 year old expectations. To be fair, she was probably lovely, but she was not one of my parents. So there I was … tree bound and posing hard questions to the Creator. In our Adult Sunday School this semester, we are doing just that. We are not sitting in a tree house, but are in St. Catherine’s Room studying Dr. Don Benjamin’s The Old Testament Story. He states that his book is an invitation to question. And I must say that so often it is the questions in life that propel us toward the scriptures. It is the questions about the nature of God that gave ancient humans the impetus to tell us the stories of the Genesis. It is the questions that gave ancient humans the desire to know whether God was benevolent; to know whether God truly loved and cared for creation and creatures. Studying the sacred writings of the Bible connects us to our ancestors; to others who found God in the wilderness; to those who found God in the sacred spaces of their lives. The class is very stimulating for me and a joy to teach. If you are not attending one of our Adult Sunday schools, it is not too late to begin. In January, Robert and I will lead a class on death and dying. We will look at several different aspects of this topic. I encourage you to consider joining us. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of being your rector. Jo Daylight Savings Ends November 2… Set clocks BACK one hour! Stewardship Ingathering on All Saints’ Sunday, November 2. It is a principal feast day of the church and the day of our pledge ingathering. Please bring your pledge card to place on the alter or in the alms basin. St. Andrew’s Day Sunday, November 23 Please check the gonfalon list on the back counter and sign up to carry your family’s gonfalon or sign up to carry someone else’s for them. Thank you! Pace’s Pilgrimage . . As we enter into November, my attention turns to my tremendous sense of gratitude and thankfulness. Of course, November is the month in which we celebrate the national holiday of Thanksgiving. It is also the very beginning of this month at St. Andrew's when we celebrate the ingathering of our pledges from our stewardship commitments on All Saints Day. Because of these two events occurring in November, the words that keep rolling through my head as I write this message are: "All things come of Thee, O Lord, and of Thine own have we given Thee!" We have a wonderful theological understanding that God is the provider of all that we have and all that we are. We are blessed to share those gifts and talents to the building of God's Kingdom and for God's purposes. In fact, our response to God should always be with a sense of Thanksgiving and gratitude--even in the midst of difficulties. I think that the origins of our modern Thanksgiving celebration help to illustrate this principle quite well. In 1863, right in the middle of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation setting apart the last Thursday in November as a "day of praise and Thanksgiving." Even though the country was being torn apart by war and strife, he acknowledged that the year "has been filled with the blessings" and that "we are prone to forget the source from which [these blessings] come... the ever watchful providence of Almighty God." Lincoln recognized that the destruction of war had "unequaled magnitude and severity," but there were also areas of brightness in the midst of strife." He, therefore, invited "my fellow citizens in every part of the United States . . . to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility and Union." We, of course, do not have to worry about the troubles of Civil War, but it is important that we set aside regular time in the midst of our busyness and struggles of life to remember: "All things come of Thee O Lord, And of Thine own have we given Thee!" And... we are eternally thankful... With gratitude, Robert+ Seminarian’s Corner Welcome to a new monthly reflection of the Seminarian’s Corner. Many of you know me as your Associate Rector’s wife and as a fellow member of the St. Andrew’s community, but I am also a Postulant pursuing Holy Orders for the priesthood. As a Postulant sponsored by St. Andrew’s, I believe you need to know more about how I arrived at this place. I grew up in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. I graduated from Austin College in Sherman, Texas, which is also where I met Robert. After college, I attended the University of North Texas where I earned a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. In 1994, we were blessed with our beautiful daughter, Catherine, who is a junior at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. I currently work as a psychologist at a middle school here in Amarillo. My call to ordained ministry began many years ago. Although I felt this call for many years in my life, it was only after arriving in Amarillo that I realized that I could no longer escape that familiar tugging at my heart and soul. I decided to start a conversation about pursuing Holy Orders with Jo that I had initially begun with my parish priest (now our Bishop) when I lived in Abilene and attended the Church of the Heavenly Rest. Those conversations led me to the formal discernment process of Holy Orders. After recommendations from the local Holy Orders Discernment Committee, St. Andrew’s vestry, and Commission on Ministry, the bishop has admitted me as a Postulant for Holy Orders in the Diocese of Northwest Texas. As part of this process, I am attending the Diocese of Northwest Texas School for Ordained Ministry in Lubbock once a month. All of this is possible, in large part, due to the generosity of the St. Andrew’s community. I am grateful for your support and love as I continue in this process of discernment toward Holy Orders for the Priesthood. Peace, Jill Walters ERROR: undefined OFFENDING COMMAND: STACK:
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