Christ Church, Chaptico King & Queen Parish News Thursday, October 16, 2014 In the Episcopal Diocese of Washington Many Hands Make Light Work and Fine Food T he Parish Hall kitchen bustled last week as preparations were made for another Christ Church Fall Dinner. Thanks to the volunteer efforts of many parishioners, we served a tasty meal to folks who dined in and those who purchased carry-out meals to take home. A new item this year was crab balls, which were so in demand that we sold out in an hour. The fried oysters had a little kick, thanks to a light dusting of cayenne pepper that spiced things up. Outside, the oyster scald drew customers who like their oysters straight from the shell. The beautiful, contemplative space that is Christ Church It was a lively time indoors and out, and a successful fundraiser for the parish. God bless all who volunteered their time and those who patronized the event! Christ Episcopal Church 25390 Maddox Road Chaptico, MD 20621 Parish Hall & Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 9am to 4pm [email protected] www. Parish Hall & Office 37497 Zach Fowler Rd P.O. Box 8, Chaptico Office Phone: 301-884-3451 Mailing: P.O. Box 8, Chaptico, MD 20621 Inside: Clockwise from top left: Rev. Mariann and Barbara Oliver peel potatoes; Robert Oppermann, David Spranger, Greg Rocheleau and Mark Topolski pat oysters; a tiny Wyant family member waits for a treat from the bake sale table; the dishwashing team of Henry Oliver, Billy Lyon and Lemuel Oliver; carryout patrons line up; Brad Reeves, Jonathan Lacey and Don Sirk, the oyster scald team; Gretchen Sirk manages the bake sale with daughter-in-law Renee and daughter Jackie; Julie Burch takes orders. Liturgical Page 2 Worship / Prayer List 2 Parish Announcements 3 Parish & Community Events and Health 4 October 19, 2014 / Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 24 Page 2 Bulletin Link: Bulletin Sunday Link: 20after%20Pentecost%207.27.14%20-.pdf Sunday Services 8:00am, Morning Prayer / Holy Eucharist 10:30am, Organ & Choir / Holy Eucharist Propers (Readings) 1st Lesson: Exodus 33:12-23 Psalm: 99 Epistle: 1Thessalonians 1:1-10 Gospel: Matthew 22:15-22 8:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite I LEM: Kathy Cooke Greeters: Julie Burch & Joan Schuhart Lector: Eb Cooper 10:30am Holy Eucharist, Rite II LEMs: Susan McQuilkin & Monty Wright Greeters: Helen & Katherine Wright; Lector: Clare Whitbeck Open to all Acolytes Refreshments: The Rocheleau Family Rev. Mariann Babnis The Lectionary Page - Find the full readings at Monthly Liturgical Schedule: Office: 301-884-0644; MBabnis@christepiscopal If you wish to contact Rev. Babnis after office hours, she may be reached on her cellphone—202-285-5746. . The Episcopal Church, visit HOW SHALL WE SING THE LORD'S SONG? A Weekend of Singing and Song-Making "How shall we sing the Lord's song upon an alien soil?" the Psalmist wrote long ago (Ps.137:4), lamenting that he and the ancient Israelites had lost the gift of singing and song. When music is lost, too much is lost. Come, then, to literally Sing a New Church into Being next Saturday, Oct. 25. There will be an all-day music workshop at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Waldorf, starting at 9am. The titles of the sessions are: Teaching New Music to a Congregation & Balancing New Music with Traditional Music. If you are interested in attending please call or email Crystal and she will get you registered. There is a $15 fee for the lunch. Or you can register on the Diocesan list at by clicking on Oct. 25. Pray for Parish Members: Clare Whitbeck, Thelma Fuller, William Mattingly, Rayetta McWilliams, Caroline Baldwin, Bo Saunders, Lucy Richardson, Dorothy Pecson, Bill Edger, Diana Donahue, Lewis Morgan, and Dana McGarity. Also pray for: Richard Griffith - Colton; Ginny Zenefski - Donahue; Bill Armstrong - Baldwin; Marvin Miller, Dee Brooks - Penk; Henry & Melba Lauver, Chrissy Cliff, Brenda Williams, Ray Faulkner, & Belinda Tauber - Moore; Kay DesMarais – Edger; Gene Seabolt & Wayne Pettit – Cooper; Junior Farrell, Noah Merrell, John Depta, Peach Burch - Sirk; Yamamoto Family, Atwood Family - Fitch; Patricia McWilliams McWilliams; Antonia Stine, Brian & Ann Marie Tucker, Barbara Ganderton - Wright; Worthey Family – Dollins; Kim Cullins – Nelson; John White –McQuilkin; Linda Hanson – Mike Oliver; Karletta Magura, Kenny Halso –Smith; Beth Anne Kafasis — Hiebert; Edward B. Harrell, Doug HudenSchmidt – Schuhart; Rt. Rev. Mark Dyer - Babnis; Jeffrey Chapman - Whitbeck; Scott Peabody - Heflin; and Juanita Gass - Reeves. Note: If you know of anyone who should be added to or removed from the prayer list, please notify the parish office. Parish Messages and Announcements Page 3 Connecting with One Another The parish directory put together as a tool for Rev. Mariann to familiarize herself with parishioners is nearly finished, with photos of many of you. A number of parishioners have asked if they can obtain a copy. The vestry has discussed this and would be glad to make copies available, to parishioners only. Before doing so, we want to give parishioners the option of disclosing only what they wish to in the way of contact information. Rev. Mariann will have sample copies at church this Sunday for you to look at. The directory will list your name, address, telephone numbers and emails that are currently part of your record at the parish office. If there is any part of this information you want updated or withheld, please email Crystal at [email protected] by Nov. 1. If you wish to add a personal or family photo to your listing, and haven't done so, please email one to her or bring one to her that she can scan. Thank you. Search Committee Prayer O God, let your Holy Spirit be with us in this time of transition. Give guidance and clarity to the members of the search committee, vestry, and all in Christ Church as we seek your will for us as a congregation. Send us a new rector who will challenge, guide and minister with us as we seek to serve you faithfully. We pray through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Sheila Gibbons Hiebert, Senior Warden Christ Church Members Open Their Doors Grateful thanks to Rose Brinkmann, Helen and Monty Wright, and Shelby and Gene Guazzo for offering lodging and hospitality to the acolyte team from Church of the Ascension in Frankfort, KY. Father Jessee Neat had asked the good people of Christ Church to provide two nights' lodging to those of his parishioners who had come to Washington for the annual acolyte festival at the cathedral this past weekend. Our trio of households graciously stepped up. Thank you all! Tri-County Animal Shelter Donations In honor of the blessing of the animals, Christ Church hosted a donation drive, requesting supplies for the Tri County Animal Shelter. Below is a photo taken at the Tri-County Animal Shelter in Hughesville as Mandy, featured in the photo, an employee of the shelter, held our delivered donations. Thank you to all those who contributed. The shelter was most appreciative of our gifts for the dogs and cats. Church of the Ascension: Left to right, back row–Ava Marie Allison (purple sweater), Daniel Aossey (looking up), Deacon Rebecca Saager, Reverend Mariann Babnis, and Keith Loker (Lay Minister). Front row, left to right – Mackenzie Napier (zig-zag blouse), Alex Aossey, Jordan Masters, and Craig Aossey. animalshelter/tri-county-animal-shelter Parish and Community Events and Maintaining A Healthy Parish Friday Night Sunday School (FNSS) 6:30-8:00pm FNSS, also known as youth and adult bible study. The next session will be held on Friday, October 17. November session will be Nov. 7 and 21. All are welcome! Look for upcoming news about our exciting, youth group holiday fundraisers: Honorary Turkey Sale and handcrafted Christmas Wreaths and Sprays that can be directly shipped to relatives and friends for the holidays. Please bring your family and friends! Contact the office @ 301884-3451 for further information. No fee! Click here for the full program schedule. All Faith Episcopal Fall Dinner Saturday, November 1, 12-5PM Held at Mechanicsville VFD Hall. Menu: Fried Oysters, Stuffed Ham, Fried Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans, Beets, Applesauce, Coleslaw, Rolls, Coffee and Tea. All Carry Out Dinners are $22. Dining In: Adults: $22, Ages 8 and under $10. Email: [email protected] Visit: Christ Episcopal Church P.O. Box 8 25390 Maddox Road Chaptico, MD 20621 Fall Craft Show Sunday, Nov. 23, 10AM-3PM Sponsored by the Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary at the HVFD Social Hall. The show will feature vendors from Southern Maryland, Anne Arundel, Harford, Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties as well as Virginia. Free admission and parking. For details, please call Leone Gatton at 301-373-2221. PARISH HALL FITNESS SCHEDULE ~Tuesdays~ Zumba at 6:30pm Flaunt at 7:35pm $6 per class or $30 for six classes. Click here to view the full schedule. For further information please call Lisa Martino at 240-925-4153. Emotional Health October is depression awareness month. If you are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, or unable to do the things you once enjoyed, it may be time to assess your emotional health. What should I do? If you are concerned about yourself or someone you love, take a few minutes to complete an anonymous self-assessment at: ~Thursdays~ Yoga with Lynn Burton Two morning sessions! Gentle yoga on the mat with Lynn at 9am. From 9 to 10 we stretch the body from head to toe. Class ends at 10:30 following a period of meditation/relaxation that will leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and renewed. At 10:45am there is a chair Kudos to the Lawn Crew! exercise/yoga class. It begins with Hearty thanks to our parish the use of light hand weights (provided) and is also designed to lawn mowing and grounds team stretch the entire body from head that kept all our outdoor spaces to toe. looking so good during the warm There is a donation box months. We all appreciate the extra care they take with God’s creation. that is absolutely voluntary. Parish Hall 37497 Zach Fowler Rd P.O. Box 8, Chaptico, MD Office Phone: 301-884-3451 Parish Hall & Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 9am to 4pm [email protected]
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