Christ Lutheran News for the Pews

Christ Lutheran
News for the
2091 Gordon Drive, Kelowna BC V1Y 3J2
Phone 250-860-2447 Fax 250-860-7800
Email: [email protected]
Acting Council Chair:
Jim Gustafson
Annual General Meeting 2015
Come Worship with Us!
9:30 a.m. – Gottesdienst auf Deutch
(Worship in German)
11:00 a.m. – Worship in English
WE NEED fruits, vegetables and flowers
(purchased or from your garden) for our
harvest display. Please drop them off at the
church beginning Thursday, October 9 th , as the
display is put together on Saturday morning,
October 11 th , between 9:00 am-noon.
We also need volunteers to help with the
Please note: Church Council would like hold next
year’s AGM on Sunday, April 12, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. to
avoid inclement weather concerns with the usual
February date. Technically, this must be decided by
way of a congregational meeting, but the hope is to
avoid the need for a meeting, unless one or more
individuals indicate in writing to Church Council that
the correct constitutional procedure be followed.
THANK YOU for all who supported this drive! Over
$220 was collected, and along with the Back to
Church BBQ, over $430 was raised for Gospel Mission
Thanksgiving Dinners!
But we appeal to you, brothers and sisters… Be at
peace among yourselves. 14And we urge you, beloved,
to admonish the idlers, encourage the faint-hearted,
help the weak, be patient with all of them. 15See that
none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do
good to one another and to all. (1 Thessalonians 5:
As we gather around our Thanksgiving tables this
year, no doubt the table grace and at least part of the
conversation will refer to that for which we are
thankful – most probably delicious food, caring
family, a beautiful home, good health, or perhaps
recovery from illness. As we give thanks, we are also
most likely to think of those people and places where
such thanksgiving cannot be said.
In particular for me, I am very mindful of the
excruciatingly intense worldwide political unrest– and
not one or two areas of conflict, but several, and each
one different from the other – the stalemate in
Ukraine, the unending tension and counter-tension in
Gaza and Israel, the twisting of the name of Islam to
justify kidnap and murder of Christians in Nigeria, the
brutality of ISIS in Iraq, to say nothing of the more
recent political standoff in Hong Kong, and the
ongoing tension in such places as North Korea and
South Sudan. And, as a subtext to humans gone mad,
we also have the Ebola Virus, outstripping efforts to
contain it like a wildfire out of control. I contrast all of
this with some of the stories we heard on our trip to
Europe, about the changes following the breakdown
of the Eastern Bloc in the 1980s, and how jubilantly
people celebrated when it was all finally over.
The desire and drive for self-determination and
freedom runs deep in our human psyche; no doubt as
deep as the need to breathe and the will to live. As
21st Century global citizens, we have in our grasp
endless resources and abilities to live in cooperation
and community with one another, to enjoy
abundance and prosperity, to strive for the
transcendent – art, music, poetry, faith, hope, love –
and in so many ways we do just that, mystified at the
depth of the vengeance of those who need to be in
total control of others.
As individuals and as citizens of a moderate world
power such as ours, we may feel stymied and
powerless at the magnitude of the world’s rage. Yet,
as people of faith, we can muster all of what our faith
tradition gives us – generosity of heart and hand to
donate towards aid and relief efforts, discipline to live
peaceably with those closest to us, and commitment
to praying for peace in the world, each and every day.
Rejoice always, 17pray without ceasing,18give thanks
in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ
Jesus for you. 19Do not quench the Spirit. 20Do not
despise the words of prophets, 21but test everything;
hold fast to what is good; 22abstain from every form of
evil. 23 May the God of peace himself sanctify you
entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept
sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ. 24The one who calls you is faithful, and he will
do this. 25 Beloved, pray for us. (vs. 16-25)
Yours in Christ
Pastor Patricia Giannelia
The ELCIC has put together a four session study
document to look at Word and Sacrament ministry in
light of fewer clergy, and fewer congregations able to
afford a full-time pastor. Two study groups will be held
on Wednesdays, beginning October 22nd; other times
are available if enough people would like to meet.
Please speak to Pastor Giannelia if you are interested.
Please note that Pastor Ron Sedo has accepted the
part-time pastoral associate position. His
responsibilities include pastoral visiting, primarily to
those in care homes and shut ins, guiding the
Visitation Committee in preparing more lay visitors,
preaching in both services approximately once a
month, and being available for other pastoral needs.
"Blue Jeans and Kidney Beans"
The Gospel Mission has an ongoing need of men's
jeans, particularly as the winter is approaching. If you
have some jeans in reasonable to good shape that you
can donate, please put them in the box in the narthex
marked accordingly. We will be collecting them until
the end of November, and then the Confirmands will
be delivering them to the Gospel Mission. Donations
of canned or dried goods, such as kidney beans, chick
peas or other beans are also requested to replenish
the Gospel Mission pantry.
“I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of
heaven and earth….”
STAR GAZING: Friday October 17th at Okanagan
Observatory, Big White 8:30 pm. Please wear warm
clothing and good shoes or boots, the viewing is
outside, no drinks or food around the equipment.
Everyone welcome – great family and grandparents
activity. NO PETS
RSVP by Wednesday October 15: Sue at 250-3003731 or email [email protected] for car pooling.
Cost: free, snacks provided.
Saturday, November 1st
5:00-9:00 p.m.
Please contact
Sue 250-300-3731 or
Jim 250-861-6064
if you are interested and/or can help out.
Asante African Children’s Choir – We are being
offered the opportunity to host an evening concert
December 9th or 10th (free-will offering). We need 10
host families to accommodate one adult and two
children for 1-2 nights, and help with the concert. The
music and the children’s stories are sensational - a
great family experience! If you would like to be part
of this undertaking (either hosting or helping), please
speak to Pastor Patricia ASAP (**So far, we have one
host family, and one person helping out.)
The Christ Lutheran Bursary Fund was set up as a
legacy in memory of Emmanuel Steinke, a former
member who died quite young. These bursaries are
available to any church members (adult and youth)
enrolled in Post-Secondary education. Applicants are
asked to write a letter to Church Council, describing
their program of study and explaining why they are
requesting the bursary. Please submit letters by
Wednesday, October 8th, for consideration by
Church Council at its October meeting.
The Karren Stinson Bursary is available to Christian
Post-Secondary students in Western Canada (BC, AB,
SK, MB) who are studying in the fields of social
services, education, ordained ministry, or related
church vocations. Application forms can be obtained
from the office, or from Lutheran Church of the
Cross, 3787 Cedar Hill Road, Victoria, BC, V8P 3Z4
(250-477-6222) or e-mail
[email protected]
Elke Furman of our congregation is a recent recipient
of this bursary.
As you can see from each Sunday morning bulletin,
many people from Greeters to Sound Technicians
help put together the service. Due to changes in
individual circumstances, a number of people who
have done many of these tasks are no longer
Please indicate to the church office if you would like
to assist with any of the following (training is
provided as needed.):
Bulletin folders – fold worship bulletins and inserts
Altar Guild - prepares the altar for Holy Communion
Greeters - greet worshippers; hand out bulletins
Ushers - prepare hymn boards, take up offering,
guide visitors
Readers - read the lessons, lead the psalm
Assisting Minister - leads prayers and assists at
Communion Assistant - assists serving communion
Sound Technician - monitors the sound board; assists
with hearing devices
Projectionist - We have been experimenting with
projecting the hymns during the English service, and
it has gone well. We need a few more volunteers to
prepare the Power Point slides each week, and to run
them at the appropriate points in worship. Please
speak with Dave Flamank or Norma Frick.
There is a REAL NEED for new Altar Guild members
due to thinning numbers. Those on the Altar Guild
take turns with the following duties:
setting up for Sunday communion,
cleaning up afterwards and/or
taking altar linens home to wash.
occasional Baptism preparation
Please consider sparing a little bit of time once or
twice a month to help lighten the load of others. For
more details, please speak with Anne Bodenstab.
In Memoriam
Our condolences:
to the family and friends of Martha Pederson,
who died on September 21st. She was 95. Her
funeral will be held on Wednesday October 8th at
2:00 p.m., conducted by Pastor Giannelia and
Pastor Ron Bjorgan, her nephew.
to Wolfgang Schlüssel at the recent death of his
dear friend Renate Leitl in Germany.
to Norm LeCavalier at the recent death of his
brother Michel LeCavalier in Trois Rivières, PQ.
Our next monthly Service of Prayer for Healing will
be held on Wednesday, November 5th at 11:00 a.m.
at Christ Lutheran.
The service includes a reading, a brief homily, then
prayer and optional laying on of hands, concluding
with Holy Communion.
Individual prayers for healing are available at any
time from the Pastor.
Mountainview Village
Tea & Sing-a-Long
Women of Christ Lutheran (WCL) usually meet the
second Tuesday evening of the month for Bible
study, followed by conversation and social time.
Sign-up sheet for goodies is on the bulletin board.
Tuesday, November 18 @ 2:30 pm
The sharing of your time and your caring is
appreciated by the residents.
Bible Study: Tuesday,* October 21* @
7pm – note change of date
Listening to God
We are exploring the concept of discerning God’s will,
a way of listening to God both individually and as a
group within our own congregation. Each of us has
different gifts, all of them valuable. We will walk
through a process of discerning our own gifts as well
as the gifts of our group, gifts that are uniquely suited
to our place and time and that God hopes we will use
In Session 1: the concept of discernment and some
of the skills needed for listening to God was
In Session 2: we explored three other skills we need
for daily discernment:
attention, study and spiritual companionship.
Session 3: We will begin to identify the obstacles
that prevent us from listening to God and following
God’s will.
SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, December 2nd
WCL Advent Celebration
All Women welcome, and yes, please bring a friend!
If you are new, and would like know more about our
women’s group, please speak to Laura Loge
Get to chose a free CD with donation to any of our
church’s charities, including CLWR, Special Music
Fund, a bursary for Thomas Bauer’s music studies in
Victoria, LAMP, Gospel Mission, Kitchen Fund, Flower
Fund, etc.
See poster on bulletin board for details.
We welcome through the Sacrament of Holy
Baptism, Arianna Luvianca Norori Villavicencio, and
through Affirmation, her parents Kandace and
Margaret Norori Villavicencio. Arianna’s
Godparents are Carlos and Andrea Membreno, her
Confidant is Magaly Wilhelm, and her Congregational
Sponsor is Hugo Nuñez Angel. Arianna’s bible verse is
“She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs
without fear of the future.” (Proverbs 31:25)
Please note: If you would like to become a member
of the congregation, please speak to Pastor Giannelia
or any member of Church Council
The Gospel Mission Lunch Preparation Team meets
once a month to prepare soup and sandwiches for the
Gospel Mission. The next meeting is Tuesday,
October 14th, at 9:15 a.m. The November date to
be announced (due to Remembrance Day).
People are needed to make soup at home, or to help
with the sandwiches. Recipes and some ingredients
(beans, peas, etc.) are provided if needed. Donations
of cheese, sandwich meat (or $$) are always
Please contact Irmgard Marschall at 250-763-5183 if
you would like to participate in this ministry.
Funds for supplies may also be donated through your
offering envelope.
*** If you have a turkey carcass after Thanksgiving,
please freeze it in a plastic bag and bring it to church
to make broth for the next month's soup-makers.
New Horizons SENIORS
Calling all Seniors….
We usually meet the third Wednesday of the month
for a brown bag lunch, followed by a presentation.
On occasion, we go out for lunch, or on a daytrip.
We meet next on
Wednesday, October 15th,
at the church at 11:45 a.m.
For lunch, board games and conversation.
Bring a sandwich for yourself and one to share.
Everyone welcome!
Okanagan Choral Society presents
“Gorgeous Autumnal Sounds”
Saturday, October 18, 7:30pm at Christ Lutheran
Chorealis Vocal Ensemble North Okanagan
and Serious Options of Kamloops with conductor
Noralee Quast.
(Fellowship Regularly In an Environment
that’s Non-threatening; Desserts Served!)
FRIENDS welcomes participants who like to gather
for conversation, study, and lots of fun.
The next dates are Friday, October 10th, and
Friday, October 24th at 7:30pm
For details & location, please call Lori or Tim Cousins,
Tickets at Mosaic Books & Wentworth Music:
Adults $15, Youth 16 and under free.
Saturday, October 25, 8:00 a.m.
at Faith Lutheran Church, 250 Gibbs Rd, Rutland
All men welcome!
For health and strength and daily bread,
we give you thanks o Lord!
(Sing 3x – may be sung as a round)
Sunday, October 26th
We will be having a combined service at 11:00 a.m.,
followed by a light lunch of appies and sandwiches.
Please see sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.
Sunday, October 26th, immediately following the
combined service. The purpose of the meeting is to
ratify a request to set the date of next year’s Annual
General Meeting to Sunday, April 12, 2015. Anyone
who wishes to may attend the meeting and
participate. Active members who are confirmed and
over the age of 18 may vote.
Volunteer to handle Church Rentals…
with the ever-increasing demand on renting our
church facilities, we need someone who can be the
contact person to communicate with the renters, coordinate the calendar and arrange for opening and
closing or keys. Hours are flexible, based on
individual’s personal calendar. If you are interested,
please speak to any member of Church Council.
PLEASE NOTE - the thermostats in the worship
space have been set at room temperature for
Sunday mornings. If this is not warm enough
for you, please consider wearing an extra layer.
Please Do Not Tamper With The Thermostat as
it becomes too hot for others.
Cold and flu season is upon us. As a precaution, it is a
good idea to wash your hands before and after
worship, as most germs are transmitted during hand
contact. We will also be refraining from shaking
hands during the Sharing of the Peace.
The church has
purchased a wireless
assisted listening system. This
system is composed of a transmitter that operates
through the sound board and a small battery
operated receiver which can be placed in your pocket.
The receiver runs on 2 AA batteries. A set of
headphones or ear buds can then be plugged into the
receiver and the operator can adjust the volume as
desired. The individual can sit anywhere in the
church as the wireless range is 300 feet. The church
currently has four receivers.
Please feel free to contact myself or let one of the
ushers know if you would like to try one of them.
Additional receivers may be purchased. The cost for
the receiver is $50. Ideally, those individuals who like
the system can purchase their own receiver and
headset/ear buds that they can take home and bring
to church for their personal use. As we have a limited
number of receivers, this ensures individuals that
they have a headset to use on Sunday.
If you would like more information please contact me
at 250-861-6064.
Jim Gustafson
Please note: Kindly do not remove tools from the
caretakers’ cupboard or the shed, nor any other items
from other cupboards or the kitchen without checking
with the office first. Thank you!
Our Mitten Tree has begun to ‘sprout’ with
donations of mittens, scarves, toques - homemade or
store-bought - to warm the hands and hearts of those
in need. Thank you to all who have donated so far,
and please keep them coming.
THANK YOU - to our FaithLife Members Edith
Gesch, Erika Edwards, Roy Lechner , Helga Peter, and
Pastor Patricia, for their involvement. We raised over
$2000 for the Youth this year! New members and
new ideas for fundraising are always welcome. Please
talk to any member for more information.
The Road to Kakuma
ORGANIST/PIANIST needed for the German
Service to play hymns and liturgy for Sunday services
and special occasions. German language ability not
required, but is an asset. “Job-sharing” is a possibility.
If you are interested, please submit a resume to Christ
Evangelical Lutheran Church, Attention: Michael
Herrel. If you would like to serve on the search
committee, please speak to Michael Herrel.
We have the opportunity through a free, three-part
webinar series on ‘Google AdWords for Nonprofits’ to
publicize our church community for free.
Thursdays, October 16, 23, & 30th from 9 to 10:30am.
Please contact Lynette ASAP if you are interested.
FOOD BANK REMINDER – Please ensure all
food items for the food bank are properly sealed and
still valid. Any open packages or stale-dated items
must be immediately thrown out by food bank staff.
Apartments Available – Two of the rental
apartments in Gordon Manor (a 1 bedroom and a 2
bedroom) are available to rent as of Nov. 1st. 55+, no
smoking, no pets. If you are interested, please
contact Ian Palmer at (250) 300-3731.
Refugees make up 90% of the education staff at Kakuma. The
teacher/student ratio is about 1:120. Photo: P. Plett
On October 8, the first leg of the Road to Kakuma will
be completed when our container arrives at the Port
of Mombasa in Kenya. Thank you to all our
supporters who have made this possible.
This summer CLWR staffer Derrick Nyamori returned
to his native Kenya to visit friends and family. He
took the opportunity to visit the Kakuma Refugee
Camp to meet with Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
staff and see first-hand how our shipment might
help. He offers this report:
Arriving at Nairobi’s modest Wilson airport at the
crack of dawn, about 20 of us were led into the plane
that would take us to Kakuma. Initially it was a scenic
flight, with dramatic terrain that features Mount
Kenya. This slowly gave way to vast plains that
seemed to get drier and sparser as we approached
Kakuma. With the gravel airstrip in view, it was clear
that the scarcity of water must be a big challenge for
this town and refugee camp. We flew over a bone-dry
riverbed as we descended into a bumpy landing.
I was graciously received by LWF staff and driven to
the LWF offices. They were very capable in and
passionate about their work, if somewhat
overwhelmed by the recent surge in refugee arrivals. I
came to learn that the conflict in South Sudan was
the main cause for this spike.
The camp tour was as emotional as it was interesting.
While life in the camp is far from ideal, I left with the
impression that among the most important things
the camp does for the refugees is create hope.
Typically, the refugees escape areas where their lives
are at constant risk from political conflict, scarcity of
resources and gender-based violence, to only
mention a few. At the camp, they find a home. They
find a place to learn and, perhaps most importantly,
they find security. While life remains a daily struggle,
the existence of such a place is a big reason why
these refugees can still dream of a brighter future.
At the time I visited, the population of the camp was
at about 170,000. It is at full capacity, yet there are
new arrivals every day. Resources are strained, and
this is felt most acutely by the refugees. The water
system is aging, leading to leakages and overflows.
There is a constant need for non-food items (NFIs),
such as those supported through the We Care
Life in the camp can greatly be improved, but from
every person I talked to in the camp, there’s an
overwhelming gratitude for the existence and
continuance of the camp, and for the help they
receive through all the organizations involved. With
the conflict in South Sudan still raging, the need is
ever greater.
Supplies Needed
The We Care Program will not be collecting sweaters
this fall. Instead we will be seeking to place the
thousands of sweaters left over from our immensely
successful 2013 campaign. An item that we could use
more of is toothbrushes! Dentists and dollar stores
are excellent sources for new/wrapped toothbrushes,
appreciated the world over.
A Kakuma Story on the Big Screen
Hollywood is recognizing the extraordinary story of
four South Sudanese refugees (known collectively as
The Lost Boys) immigrating to the United States via
the Kakuma Refugee Camp. The Good Lie, starring
Reese Witherspoon, opened October 3.
On the lighter side….
The Back-to-Church Centipede
A single guy decided life would be more fun if he had
a pet. So he went to the pet store and told the owner
that he wanted to buy an unusual pet. After some
discussion, he finally bought a talking centipede,
(100-legged bug), which came in a little white box to
use for his house.
He took the box back home, found a good spot for
the box, and decided he would start off by taking his
new pet to church with him. So he asked the
centipede in the box, "Would you like to go to church
with me today? We will have a good time."
But there was no answer from his new pet. This
bothered him a bit, but he waited a few minutes and
then asked again, "How about going to church with
me and receive blessings?"
But again, there was no answer from his new friend
and pet. So he waited a few minutes more,
thinking about the situation. The guy decided to
invite the centipede one last time.
This time he put his face up against the centipede's
house and shouted, "Hey, in there! Would you like
to go to church with me and learn about God?"
- are you ready for this….?
This time, a little voice came out of the box, "I heard
you the first time! I'm putting my shoes on!"
(our thanks to Pat Carlson for passing that one on to
Our Giving, Quarterly Report
Newsletter Information:
(July to September 2014)
Average Attendance 9:30 am (42) & 11:00 am (78)
Average weekly contributions: $3,543.71/wk
Our budgeted goal for weekly giving: $4,305.77/wk
($55,975/ quarter)
To exceed weekly goal by 10%: $4,736.35
Calling all members - we welcome your contributions
or announcements – in either language!
Thank you to all those who provided feedback and
information in our Newsletter. The deadline for the
November Newsletter is October 21st, as we hope to
print in time for Sunday, October 26th.
THANK YOU! – all contributions are essential and
greatly appreciated
Saturday, November 1 – 5-9:00 p.m.
Oktoberfest Youth Fundraiser
Ohhh…the Lord is good to me,
And so I thank the Lord…
Sunday, November 9 – 5:30 p.m.
Stewardship Dinner, featuring Pork Roast
Theme: CLWR Refugee Help
For giving me…the things I need –
Sunday, December 14 – 2:00-5:00 p.m.
Adventsfeier (German-English Advent Afternoon)
The Lord is good to me!
The sun and the rain and the appleseed…
Ohhh…for every seed I sow…
ZUMBA Fitness classes continue on Thursdays :
5:15 – 6:00 p.m. Zumba Sentao ‘Chair-ercise’ for those
in wheelchairs or who have difficulty standing for long
periods of time
6:00-7:00 p.m. Regular Zumba
For information, call Teena Gowdy at 250-860-4775
An apple tree will grow…
And there will be – apples there –
Enough for the whole wide world to share!
The Lord is good to me!
Amen! Amen!
Amen, amen, amen…