1 - Semi-Conductor Laboratory , mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry Government of India, Department of Space -72, . . . -Sector-72, S.A.S. Nagar-160071 /Phone 172-2237401-09, ) 172-2237410. -I ( ( II - ) TENDER NOTICE FOR SUPPLY OF SEMI-SKILLED-I (COOK), SEMI-SKILLED-II (ASSISTANT COOK) AND UN- SKILLED PERSONNEL (HELPER TO ASSIST COOK & DISH WASHERS) FOR SCL CANTEEN & SCL GUEST HOUSE ON CONTRACT BASIS FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS. : / / /2014/114 Tender Notice Ref No: P&S/P&GA/2014/114 - ( ) - -I II ( ) ) ( Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL) invites bids from experienced Service provider(s), for supply of Semi-skilled-I (Cook), Semi-skilled-II ( Assistant Cook) and un-skilled personnel ( Helper to assist Cook and dish washers) on need basis for a period of two years for carrying out jobs in SCL Canteen and SCL Guest House at SCL, SAS Nagar on contract basis. www.scl.gov.in 11.11. 2014 213/- Se Complete tender document shall remain available on SCL website: www.scl.gov.in/ ISRO website: www.isro.gov.in till 11.11.2014. Interested parties are requested to download the Tender document from SCL’s website and are required to submit Demand Draft of Rs.213/- towards Tender Documents Fee alongwith their bids. : 11.11.2014 /1500 Last date & time of submission of bids : 11.11.2014 -1 /by1500 : 11.11.2014 Date of opening of Part-I Qualification Bids & Compliance Statement : 11.11.2014 / hours /at 1530 /at 1530 /hour 2 / mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry Bids shall be opened on the date stipulated above in the presence of the bidders who wish to be present. In the event of the date of receipt or opening of the Tender being a holiday or being declared holiday, the last date of receipt /opening of the Tender shall be next working day at the same time & venue. / - SCL takes no responsibility for the delay or loss in transit of any document related to this Tender Notice. SCL also reserves the right to defer or to cancel the above said Tender. Se , / Head, Purchase & Stores mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry Semi-Conductor Laboratory Department of Space, Government of India, Sector-72, S.A.S. Nagar-160071, (Near Chandigarh)Punjab, India. Phone: 0172-2237401-09, Fax: 0172-2237410 E-mail: [email protected] website: www.scl.gov.in TENDER DOCUMENT Ref No: P&S/2014/P&GA/144 for Se Supply of Semi-skilled-I (Cook),Semiskilled-II (Assistant Cook) & un-skilled personnel (dish washers and helper to assist Cook) for carrying out job in SCL Canteen & SCL Guest House at SAS Nagar. 1 SEMI-CONDUCTOR LABORATORY SAS NAGAR, (MOHALI). mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry TENDER DOCUMENT The prospective bidders are requested to go through all the Parts (I – VI) of this document carefully and submit their bids in accordance with the “Scope of Work” and “Terms & Conditions“ given herein. CONTENTS TITLE Estimated number of workers with required qualification & experience and Scope of work PART - I PAGE NO. 03 PART - II 04 -06 Terms and conditions for the supply of PART- III Semi-skilled-I personnel (Cook), Semiskilled –II (Assistant Cook) and unskilled Personnel (dish washer and helper to assist Cook) 07 -11 General Instructions to Bidders PART - IV 12 Format for ‘ Price Bid ’ PART - V 13 Performa for Statement of Compliance to be provided by the bidder along with bid. PART - VI 14 Se Format for ‘ Qualification Bid ’ 2 PART – I S.No. required ESTIMATED NUMBER OF PERSONNEL REQUIRED mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry A. Category No. of Personnel (Tentative) 01. a) Semi-skilled –I : Cook Basic Qualification/ Trade Qualification of Cook Employee who has passed his Intermediate or equivalent examination and have learnt by experience to work. 02 nos. b) Semi-skilled -II: Assistant Cook Employee who has not passed his Intermediate or equivalent examination and have learnt by experience to work 02 nos. 02. Un-skilled Personnel - Helper to assist Cook 03 Un-skilled Personnel (Dish washers for cleaning & washing of utensils ). . B. 10 Nos. 03 Nos. SCOPE OF WORK: Cook & Assistant Cook : To prepare meal for SCL employees in the SCL Canteen and SCL Guest House. ii) Helper : To assist Cook for preparing meal. iii) Dish Washers : For cleaning & washing of utensils. Note: Se i) The numbers given above are tentative and subject to variation as per the requirements from time to time. The contractor shall be required to supply additional personnel for short duration (within 02 days) of such requirements given by SCL Any manpower not covered in the above categories if required shall be included at the mutually agreed rates. *** 3 PART – II GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. 1. This documents contains 14 pages 2. This document should be read in conjunction with the Tender Notice. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry 3. Only those Parties who meet the eligibility criteria as described at Clause no.21 of Part –II of this document will be considered for evaluation. 4. Bids received on fax/e-mail and or unsealed bids shall be treated as invalid and shall be summarily rejected. 5. Bids should be submitted with a covering letter on the Bidder’s letter head duly signed by the authorized signatory of the bidder. The bids should be signed on all pages by the bidder with seal. Bidders shall initial correction or over-writing if any. In case of any discrepancy between rates mentioned in figures and words, the rates whichever are less shall be considered. 6. All correspondence and documents must bear reference number of SCL’s tender Notice and Tender Document. 7. Bids should be in total conformity with the ‘PART-1(B) Scope of Work’ given in this Documents. 8. Bidders are expected to comply with the “Commercial and other Terms & Conditions” given in this Document. In case, of any deviation, the reason thereof, should be clearly specified in the “Part – VI. Format for Compliance/ comments to commercial and other terms and conditions”. 9. SCL reserves the right to reject / postpone / defer the bidding process without assigning any reason whatsoever. 10. Sub-Contract shall not be allowed under any circumstance. Se 11. Tender Document Fee: If the tender document comprising of the Public Tender Notice & Tender document prescribed formats have been download form SCL website. Bidders are required to submit a bank draft (non refundable for Rs. 213.00 toward document fee in the envelop-1. If the tender documents are obtained by post, bidders are required to submit a bank draft (non refundable for Rs.313.00 towards Tender Document fee along with their request for Tender Document. Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of Semi-Conductor Laboratory, payable at Mohali/ Chandigarh and shall be valid for a period of six months. Only small scale industries (SSI) registered with NSIC, Government of India are exempted from submission of Tender Document fee To avail off the exemption on Tender Document fee, such bidders are required to submit a copy of SSI and NSIC registration certificate in envelop-1 12. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): The bid must be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty five thousand only) by way of Bank Draft favoring Semi-Conductor Laboratory, payable at Chandigarh/ Mohali valid for period of three month. The earnest money of the selected bidder shall be released on successful completion of the contract duration or the extended period, if any. In case the selected bidder fail to execute the contract, the EMD of the selected bidder shall be forfeited. Failure of furnish Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) by a successful bidder within the specified period shall also result in forfeiture of EMD. 4 In all other cases ( un-successful bidder) , it shall be refunded within 30 days after placement of the contract. EMD shall be refunded to all the participants in case the tender is cancelled or withdrawn by SCL within 30 days from date of such cancellation or withdrawal. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry EMD of a vendor shall be forfeited if the tenderer/contractor withdraws or amend his tender or derogates from the tender in any respect within the period of validity of the tender. In case of any contradiction in the technical and the commercial bid, the EMD of that bidder shall also be forfeited . No interest will be payable by SCL on the above said EMD: Bids not accompanied with EMD shall not be considered and shall be rejected for any further consideration. Earnest money in any other form is not acceptable and tender shall be treated as invalid. 13. Procedure for submission of Bids: The bids shall be submitted in two parts in separate sealed envelopes as under: • Envelope -I: Superscribed Tender Documents fee & EMD (Earnest Money Deposit amount by way of Bank Draft favoring Semi-Conductor Laboratory, payable at Chandigarh /Mohali ). Envelope –II: Superscribed Part-I: Terms & Conditions (Bidders Compliance) Part III at page no. 07 to 11 and Qualification Bid –Part IV at page no. 12 and statement of compliance Part VI at page no. 14 as per prescribed format only.The relevant/applicable supporting document/copy of notification etc of minimum wages prescribed by Central Government or the State Govt. as applicable in Mohali (Punjab) must be provided in the Envelope –II on which the bid is being submitted. Envelope –III Super scribed Part II: Price Bid Part-V as per prescribed format only given at page no. 13 All the envelopes must be sealed and should be having name and address of the bidder with Phone nos. All the above three envelops must be put inside the Main (fourth) envelop which must be superscribed ‘Tender Document reference no. P&S/2014/P&GA/144 and this envelope must be sealed containing Envelop-I, Tender document fee, Envelope –II Qualification bid & Terms & Conditions (Bidders Compliance Statement) and Envelope-III Containing price bid. Bids as above should reach SCL, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali), Punjab not later than 11.11.2014 by 1500 hours at the following address:- Se 14. Head, Purchase & Stores, Semi-Conductor Laboratory, Department of Space, Government of India, Sector 72, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali), 160071 15. Bids which are not submitted in accordance with the procedure given above are liable to be disregarded. 16. SCL is not responsible for the loss / delay in transit of any bid / any document related to this Tender. 5 17. Late and delayed bids shall not be considered. In the event of the date of receipt or opening of tender being a holiday or being declared holiday, the last day of receipt/ opening of tender shall be next working day at the same time and venue.. VERIFICATION: SCL reserves the right to verify all claims made by the bidder. 19. Based on the response to the Tender Notice, SCL reserves the right to extend the last date of submission of bids and to re-schedule the opening of bids. 20. BID OPENING PROCEDURE: Main Envelope and Envelope-1 from the main Envelop containing Tender Document fee shall be opened and envelope-II Qualification Bid & compliance statement of the bidders who have submitted the requisite Tender document fee shall be considered for opening received by due date & time on 11.11.2014 at 1530 hours in the presence of the bidders/their authorized representatives, who wish to be present. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry 18. The bidders are therefore requested to visit or depute their authorized representatives to SCL, SAS Nagar (Mohali), Punjab to attend the said bid opening as per the above given schedule. No separate communication shall be sent to the bidders for attending the above said bid opening. Envelope-III containing the price bid of the parties who meet the eligibility criteria as stipulated at Clause no. 21 of this document (Part –II) shall be opened subsequently thereafter may be at a later date in the presence of representatives who wish to be present. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Contractor/Parties who meet the following criteria shall only be eligible for consideration. A) Experience: Contractor should be engaged in providing Cook or Asstt. Cook, un-skilled canteen helpers and dish-washers. The contractor should have successfully executed minimum 02 (two) canteen contracts during the last five years, each contract involving supply of manpower relating to canteen job for a period of minimum one year . Documentary proof by way copies of work orders and completion certificate issued by clients in support of the completed contracts should be enclosed in Envelope-II of the bid . B) EPF AND ESIC Registration: The contractor should have EPF and ESIC Registration and proof of the same be submitted in Envelop no. II of the bid. C) Administrative Charges: The Tender shall be awarded to the tenderer, who quotes the lowest Administrative charges in percentage of basic minimum wages in the price bid provided he fulfils all other terms and condition of the tender documents. However, 0 % value of administrative charges shall be straightway rejected. Se 21. 6 PART-III TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY OF SEMISKILLED-I (COOK), SEMI-SKILLED-II (ASSISTANT COOK) AND UNSKILLED PERSONNEL (DISH WASHERS AND HELPER TO ASSIST COOK) FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS AGAINST OUR TENDER DOCUMENT REF: P&S/2014/P&GA/144 Terms & Conditions Bidder’s Compliance (Agreed/ Not Agreed) The interested parties with requisite infrastructure and expertise for similar work in major organizations for supply of semiskilled-I (Cook), semi-skilled-II (Assistant Cook) and un-skilled personnel (to work as Dish Washer and as helper to assist Cook) for cleaning & washing of Utensils, having ESIC & EPF Registration, may apply with complete details indicating their organizational structure and list of similar jobs executed / in hand. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry Sr. No. 1. The requirement mentioned as per Part I is tentative. The supply of personnel shall be on ‘daily as required’ basis. If any additional personnel are required, the Contractor should provide the same within 2 days notice. 3. The successful bidder shall obtain Labour license from the Labour Department, Central Govt. under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act. within one month from the date of award of contract and submit the same to SCL. The bidder shall also provide to SCL, copies of statutory challans & periodical inspection reports. For this purpose, the contractor should maintain statutory records, such as Attendance Register, Payment of wages register, ESI & PF records and compliance with all statutory provisions of various labour laws under his own code/ Registration nos. and these records should be made available to SCL as and when required for inspection. 4. The successful bidder shall ensure that there is an office or a local representative of firm for day to day effective lisioning. 5. Se 2. The contractor should ensure that salary is disbursed to the workers on (or before) the 7th of every month in the presence of SCL official or through bank by of transferring the same to their respective bank account. For this purpose, he shall prepare and submit the Attendance Register every month by 2nd working day of the following month. After verification of the same by the P&GA Division 7 mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry of SCL, the contractor should prepare the salary bill and disburse the salary by 7th of every month and after payment of salary, submit the bill to P&GA Division of SCL for reimbursement. The bill should invariably show details of ESI/PF payable on behalf of the workers deployed in SCL during the calendar month including their ESI and PF numbers. All payments to Service Provider shall be made after deduction of TDS, as applicable and the necessary certificate in this regard shall be provided by SCL within a period of four weeks. 7. For the purpose of calculation of daily rate of wages and total wages bill, the month will be considered consisting of 26 working days and working of 8 hours each excluding rest interval. 8. Three (03) National Holidays (26th January, 15 th August and 2nd October) will be paid holidays. If any worker perform duty on these days, he will be paid double of his wages. 9. Any worker perform duty on any of these Gazetted holiday viz. Dewali, Dussehra, Holi, and Christmas, he will be paid single of his wages. 10. The contractor will maintain the strength of 14 persons on all days during the month; for the purpose of weekly off to the workers he will keep the required strength separate with him. Weekly off will not effect the required strength of 14 workers in any way. 11. The personnel provided by the contractor shall be required to regularly wear Apron & Cap, to be supplied by the Contractor at his cost, while on duty at SCL. 12. The personnel provided by the contractor will be allowed to enter SCL premises only on identification through the ID cards to be supplied by SCL. Se 6. 13. The successful Contractor shall also be required to furnish a Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) of 10% (Ten Percent) of contract value from any scheduled Bank, valid for contract duration i.e. for a period of 02 years, to be provided by the selected party within 07 days from the date of SCL’s offer letter for due and faithful performance of the contract. In case of unsatisfactory 8 performance, the services of the contractor shall be liable to be terminated and the performance Bank Guarantee shall be encashed by SCL. The contract will be of two years duration and extendable upon mutual consent. SCL shall reserve the right to terminate the contract by giving one month notice. 15. The personnel provided by the contractor are liable for the security regulations of SCL. 16. The contractor shall engage workers between the age of 18-50 years and in good physical health. He will not appoint any person who is convicted by any court of law for any offence or whose services has been terminated/dispensed with by SCL or his previous employer on any disciplinary charges. 17 The contractor will have to get his employees insured under the ESI Act and proper declaration & nomination forms of ESI/PF must be got filled in by the individuals before such employees are deployed on the job assigned to them and shall submit the relevant records as and when required by SCL for inspection. 18. The contractor shall be totally responsible for day to day activities concerning its workers engaged for the work assigned to them. In case of complaint against any worker for misconduct, the order of SCL management shall be binding on the contractor. 19. In case of any theft/pilferage due to the negligence of the workers during the tenure of contract, the contractor shall be responsible for the same and the loss to be recovered from the bill of the contractor 20. The bidder is required to submit the sealed bids on or before 11.11.2014 by 1500 hours. The sealed bids received by the closing date & time will be opened on 11.11 2014 at SCL, SAS Nagar at 1530 hours in the presence of the bidders who may wish to attend the bid opening. Se mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry 14. 21. The bids should be signed on every page and be submitted in a sealed envelope superscribed with our Tender Document Ref: No: P&S/2014/P&GA/144 “Bid for Supply of Un-skilled, skilled Personnel for SCL Canteen”, on or before the above mentioned 9 due date and time to Head, Purchase & Stores. SCL reserves the right to accept or reject the tender in whole or part thereof without assigning any reason whatsoever. WAGES: The contractor shall pay the minimum rates of wages as notified by the Central Government from time to time. However, where in any area the minimum rates of wages fixed by the Central Govt. are lower than the minimum rates of wages fixed by the State Government for employees in employment in relation to which State Government is the appropriate Government , the rates of wages fixed by the State Government shall in all respect of these area, be deemed to be the minimum rates wages payable to these workers. The contractor shall comply all the statutory requirements under Labour Contract Act. 23. Insurance of the personnel of the Contractor deployed for work shall be arranged by the Contractor at his cost and shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall indemnify SCL against any claim arising out of injury/ accidents/ mishaps to any of the personnel of the Contractor during work. 24. VALIDITY: The Bids must be valid for 120 days from the bid closing date. 25. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: The Contractor shall comply with the agreed upon terms and conditions of the contract. In case of any lack in providing the services, SCL reserves the right to impose LD/Penalty on the contractor @ 0.5% of the wages per un-supplied labour per week or part thereof the delay subject to a maximum of 10%. 26. The contractor shall arrange Police verification of the personnel being deployed against this contract at no extra cost to SCL Se 27. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry 22. FORCE MAJEURE: Neither of the parties hereto shall be liable for damage or have the right to cancel for any delay or default in performing its obligations, if such delay or default is caused by conditions beyond its control including but not limited to fire, storms, floods, earth quakes, acts of God, government restrictions, continuing domestic or international problems (such as war, rebellion, insurrections, strikes, riots, work stoppages, labor disputes) or delay as to ancillary materials, which affect the dates of 10 fulfillment of any obligations as per the contract. Such dates will be respectively postponed for the period of continuance of such force majeure circumstances and other party can suspend the performance of its obligations co-related to the postponed obligations of the affected party. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry The obligation thus postponed shall be resumed after the force majeure circumstances have ceased. At the beginning, during and at the pre-visible end of the force majeure circumstances the parties shall promptly consult with each other about appropriate counter measures to be taken. If the performance of obligations of any party should be delayed more than six (06) months by reasons of force majeure circumstances mentioned above, the parties shall mutually consult about the subsequent performance of obligations. 28. APPLICABLE LAW: The contract shall be interpreted, construed and governed by the Law of India. The contract shall be subject to the exclusive Jurisdiction of the court of SAS Nagar (Mohali), Punjab, India, irrespective of anything mentioned in any correspondence or otherwise. 29. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT: In the event of the contractor’s failure to execute the contract as per terms and conditions mentioned therein, SCL reserves the right to cancel the contract without any obligations. Se Place: Date: Signatures: Name :____________ Designation: ____________ Name of the Organization:____________ & Address: Company Seal ___________ 11 PART-IV QUALIFICATION BID A. Name of the Organization: Present Business Activities with particular reference to providing Cooks etc: mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry B. Year of Establishment: _________________________________________. C. Nature of Firm: Proprietary ship Private Limited Partnership Limited Any Other D. COMPLETE POSTAL ADDRESS : Phone nos. E-mail : E. Company Profile and experience : Bidder should submit references & order copies, list of important clients, experience certificate supported with documents. F. PAN Number: ___________________ (Copy of PAN to be submitted herewith). G. Basic Qualification & Experience: Provide the details of basic Qualification/ Trade Qualification & Experience of Cook & Assistant Cook, Helper and Dish washer as per Part –I of this Tender Document. A) Experience: ______________________________ Bidder must submit Compliance statement to Terms & Conditions (PART- III) as part of the ‘Qualification Bid’. It is hereby certified that the information furnished herein is true and correct. We have gone through all the terms and conditions of the Tender Document and understand that in the event of detection of any false/incorrect information, the bid may be rejected without any further reference. Se We also understand if during the performance of the contract, it is detected that the contract has been obtained by furnishing false/incorrect information in the bid, the contract is liable to be terminated and the Performance Bank Guarantee shall be forfeited. Signature:___________________ Name Place________________ Date ______________ :___ ________________ Designation:_________________ Seal :_________________ 12 PART- V FORMAT FOR PRICE BID Sr. no. Category Semi-skilled-I Cook 2 Semi-skilled-II Assistant Cook 3 Wages per person per month Rs. 02 Nos. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry 1 Qty. Tentative 02 Nos. Un-skilled- Helper to assist cook 10 Nos. Un-skilled- Dish washer 03 Nos. 4 Note: The contractor shall pay the minimum rates of wages as notified by the Central Government from time to time. However, where in any area the minimum rates of wages fixed by the Central Govt. are lower than the minimum rates of wages fixed by the State Government for employees in employment in relation to which State Government is the appropriate Government , the rates of wages fixed by the State Government shall in all respect of these area, be deemed to be the minimum rates wages payable to these workers. The contractor shall comply all the statutory requirements under the Labour Contract Act. 1. The relevant/applicable supporting document/copy of notification etc of minimum wages prescribed by Central Government or the State Govt. as applicable in Mohali (Punjab) should be attached along with the bid. The bidder should also provide break-up for the quoted rates indicating the followings :i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Wages per month……………………………………………….. EPF % rate ………………………………………………………. ESI % rate ……………………………………………………….. Service /Administrative charges % rate…………………… Service Tax % rate ……………………………………………… Other charges/ overtime, if any % rate …………………… Se Any manpower not covered in the above categories if required shall be provided at the mutually agreed rates, however other Terms & Conditions shall be the same. Signature: __________________ Name: ______________________ Place: Designation:__________________ Date: Name of the Organization & seal______ 13 PART - VI PROFORMA FOR STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE TO BE PROVIDED BY THE BIDDER ALONGWITH THE ENVELOPE -II mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry REF: P&S/2014/P&GA/144 1. This is to certify that we have carefully gone through the “Scope of Work”, Part-1 and “ Compliance of the Terms and Conditions Part -III given in this Tender Document. We have based our bid on various clauses of the above said documents and hereby confirm that: • We have submitted the bid meeting the “Scope of Work” Part-1. • We accept all the clauses as indicated in the Tender document mentioned in “Terms & Conditions” Part-III . Signature __________________ Name ___________________ Place: _________ Designation______________ Name of the organization Date: __________ Se Seal_______________ 14
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