From the Heart of Kurdistan Region The only English paper in Iraq - No: 461 Mon. October 13, 2014 GLOBEPHOTO P3 U.S. military aid continue National P4 Kurds strive to protect besieged Kurdish Kobani National P5 2014, a bloody year for Iraqis Nearly a thousand dead per month during the first three quarters National P6 Germany sends medical team to treat Peshmarga forces National P4 Canada keeps supplying Kurdistan with military aid No. 461, Monday, October 13, 2014 The Kurdish Globe The Middle East is falling apart and the Kurds carry on 2 Kerry, Barzani discuss situation in Kobani By Gazi Hassan Politics is about achieving goals and it is alwways subject to changes. Political parties and governments become things of the past, hit the bottom rock, but nations never collapse. The 21st century doesn’t seem to be in favor of the radical governments, authorities and beliefs of the Middle East, including both nattionalistic and religious. The Kurds have alwways been victimized because of their resisttance and courage. The Kurds could achieve their goals this time if they adopted the policy of openness and understanding the developmments and circumstances without being too traditional. During the World War I, unlike other nattions, Kurds were not able to establish their own state and remained divided and conttrolled by three chauvinistic nations and four states. During the World War II, the Republic of Mahabad in the Eastern part of Kurdistan was sacrificed to the opposing international interests of the Soviet Union and the West. This time, Kurdistan is seriously taking part in the geopolitical developments as an active player. So, if the Kurdish leadership could preserve the unity of the various parties, there has never been a better chance for achieving their historical goals. That’s why if the Midddle East disintegrates, the Kurds will carry on and will have the determination to build a civil, democratic, egalitarian and an inclusive society. The West and the US are not alike in their stance and policy towards the Kurds as one nation having one goal. While Turkey is close to the Kurdistan Region, but it turned a blind eye on ISIS’s attacks on Kurdistan. Now, it’s heading towards an internal crisis as a result of its stance over Kobane. We should bear in mind that regional countries are attemptiing to deepen and aggravate the current crissis. The Kurds in the West (Syria) and North (Turkey) are neighbors geographically and have blood bands together. They are all bellonging to the same ethnic group with deep sympathy towards the PKK.This could move the crises in Western Kurdistan across faster and more effective inside Turkey, as we can see the demonstrations that erupted in some cities of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan duriing which over 35 people have been killed. There are fears that the old conflict between Kurds and the racist state of Turkey may erupt again. What’s more important if the situation gets out of control? The Kurdistan Region which is now facing criticism over its diplommatic and economic ties with Erdogan, could not help Turkey in dealing with its crises and ending them. This could hold the US and the EU responsible as well. The US is back with its military force into the Middle East crises. So far, Haidar AlAbadi’s government doesn’t seem to have the ability to solve the problems that Al-Maliki created. So what if the US cannot end the secttarian division in Iraq and the Middle East? And there are some powerful regional states urging this division with all ideological, pollitical and financial means possible. So, the easiest and fastest way out, which will certtainly causes turmoil by itself, is redrawing the geography and the map of the area. In this case, Kurdistan will definitely favor such solution. The Southern Kurdistan has shown its capability to govern in accordance with every international conventions and standards. Rojava (Western Kurdistan) is on the verge of decisive changes. It also needs to prove that the authorities there believe in democracy and the human rights. It needs a democratic, effective and moderate power that can tolerate other parties, including its opponents. The current Kurdish political partties are considered the most suitable to goveern the new post-war independent Kurdistan. Finally, the national and the political unity, tolerance, diplomacy and understanding the equations are as important as fighting the ISIS and showing the spirit of resistance. The creation of the great independent Kurdistan will certainly solve much of the century-old conflicts in the Middle East. The US Secretary of State, John Kerry, and the Presiddent of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, disccussed on a phone call the situation in Kobani town in Syria and efforts to prottect it from falling into the control of ISIS terrorists. A statement by the Presid- Statement by Kurdistan Region Presidency on Kobani Since the beginning of the threats and attacks by terrrorists of Islamic State (IS) on Kobani, the Presidency of Kurdistan Region annnounced its support for the city and the people of West of Kurdistan. The Kurdish President Masoud Barzani has been eagerly following up the situation of Kobani and its displaced people. Barzani in a message released on Septtember 19, 2014, asked the international community to protect the Kurdish city from the terrorist attacks. After the recent events and after the increase of the terrorist attacks on Kobbani, President of Kurdistan Region reiterates the same stance and asks the countries from the international coalit- EXECUTIVE EDITOR Gazi Hassan +964 750 7747784 Senior U.K. Editor Bashdar Pusho Ismaeel First published in 2005 [email protected] [email protected] ARTS EDITOR Diyaco Qayoumy Advertisement [email protected] Cell: +964 750 4055888 Weekly paper printed in Erbil Address: Erbil, Massif road +964 750 4036252 [email protected] dency of Kurdistan Region received by The Kurdish Globe cited “Barzani and Kerry also discussed the importance of continuiing cooperation between the Unites States and the Kurdistan Region in the fight against terrorism.” tion in the war against IS to cooperate with Kobani residdents and fighters. President Barzani also demmands the international commmunity to help the displaced who have taken refuge to the border areas in the north of the city. In this predicament Kobani now is facing, the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region and its people emphasize their support and their alliance with their brothers and sistters in Kobani and Western Kurdistan as a whole. Dr Fuad Hussein, Chief of Staff of the Kurdiistan Region President Masoud Barzani STAFF WRITERS Zakaria Muhammed [email protected] Salih Waladbagi [email protected] +964 750 475 3897 +964 750 4912996 No. 461, Monday, October 13, 2014 The Kurdish Globe 3 Kurdistan Region's Prime Minister, Nechirvan Barzzani, received a number of senior U.S officials in Erbil and discussed the current security developmments in the Region and the country as a whole. On Wednesday, October 8, 2014, PM Barzani recceived U.S. Congressman Stephen Lynch of South Boston, and his accompannying delegation of advissors and members of the U.S. General Consulate in Erbil. Representative Lynch told Barzani that a large number of his fellow conggressmen and friends of Kurdistan in the U.S. are to visit the Region and see the situations by themsselves. He also said there are a lot of efforts by reprresentatives from both the Republican and Democratiic parties to support Kurdiistan Region in its fight against the terrorist group of Islamic State ISIS, as Kurds are good partners to the U.S. and have proved to protect ethnic and relligious communities and respect human rights. PM Barzani gave Lynch a brief update on the seccurity and humanitarian situation in the Region and expressed his people's gratitude towards the Americans and their goveernment for their continuoous support and help. Barzani talked about the advances and victorries the Peshmarga forces achieved against ISIS and said that they need heavy weapons to fight ISIS terrrorists more effectively. PM Barzani also met on Saturday, October 4, another U.S. delegation, consisting of General John Allen, President Obama's special envoy for the Internnational Coalition against ISIS, Stuart E. Jones, the new U.S. ambassador to Iraq, who visited Kurdisttan for the first time, Brett H. McGurk, assistant Deputy Secretary of State for Iraq and Joseph Pennnington, the U.S. General Consule in the Kurdistan Region. PM Barzani welcomed the delegation and also congratulated the U.S. for leading the international coalition against ISIS and reiterated his goveernment's full support for the coalition in their fight against terrorism. He also congratulated Ambassaddor Jones for his new possition and wished him all GLOBE PHOTO U.S. humanitarian and military aid for Kurdistan to continue On Wednesday, October 8, 2014, PM Barzani received U.S. Congressman Stephen Lynch of South Boston, and his accompanying delegatt tion of advisors and members of the U.S. General Consulate in Erbil. success. The attendants of the meeting discussed the lateest security and humanittarian updates, and the U.S. delegation confirmed that their country will conttinue to deliver humanitariian aid to the huge number of refugees and displaced families in the Region and that they will also conttinue to offer and help the Peshmarga forces in ordder to continue their fight against ISIS. The delegation hailed the courage and determination of the Peshmarga forces in protecting their lands against ISIS and also sent their condolences to the families of the martyrs who lost their lives in their fight for their country. They also discussed the necessity of regaining control over the areas currrently controlled by ISIS, and making it possible for the displaced famillies to return back to their homes. PM Barzani conveyed President Massoud Barzzani's regards to the U.S. officials and reiterated their gratitude for the conttinuous support the U.S. is offering Kurdistan Region and its people. Netherlands to continue supporting Peshmerga The Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Ms Lilianne Ploumen, visited Erbil on October 4 and met with the Kurdish Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani GLOBE PHOTO After expressing her happy feeling to be in Kurdistan, Minister Lilianne Ploummen talked about her visit to the refugee camps and appreciated the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) efforts to embrace such great number of refuggees. Minister Lilianne Ploummen also reiterated that her government will conttinue providing the dispplaced people with what they need. Prime Minister Barzzani noted that the KRG had opened its doors to displaced families and refugees from the beginn- ning of this crisis, despite limited capacity, and have thus far managed to provvide for their basic needs with help from the internnational community. The Prime Minister explained that the current situation and the needs of the dispplaced are well beyond his government’s capacity, particularly because the Region faces an economiic crisis too. The Prime Minister also called upon the Netherlands to offer additional humanitarian assistance and to provide military support for the Peshmarga as well. “The Dutch Government has decided to offer milittary aid to the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Peshmerga forces. We are also determined to continue providing hummanitarian assistance to the IDPs and refugees in the Kurdistan Region.” Minister Lilianne Ploummen confirmed. The formation of the new Iraqi government was also another point that was discussed in the meetiing. Barzani considered the necessity of forming a government in which all parties can play their impportant roles. U.S. Distributes Educational Supplies and Toys for Internally Displaced Children The U.S. Consulate Geneeral in Erbil, in coordinnation with the United States Agency for Internnational Development (USAID), on September 30 distributed toys, stattionery, and musical ins- struments for use in child friendly spaces at two Internally Displacement camps in Erbil. These goods will help to address the educationaal and recreational needs of hundreds of internally displaced children residiing in Ankawa Youth Sports Center and Bahharka camp. More than 1.7 million children, women, and men have been displaced across Iraq since January 2014, according to the International Organizattion for Migration. The United States is gravely concerned for their health and safety. In Fiscal Year 2014, the United States has prov- vided over $186 million in humanitarian aid to help vulnerable Iraqis in Iraq and the region. We remain committed to the people of Iraq and to suppporting the efforts of the Government of Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Goveernment, UN organizattions, non-governmental organizations and all otheers seeking to meet criticcal humanitarian needs. No. 461, Monday, October 13, 2014 The Kurdish Globe 4 Kurds struggle to protect Kobani Syrian activists and Kurdish officials say fierce fighting is underway in a Syrian bordder town where the Kurdiish Peoples' Defence Units YPG fighters are struggling to repel advances by the Isllamic State group. The battle for the Kurdiish Kobani town in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava) is ragiing despite air strikes by the U. S. -led coalition targetiing the militants. A Kurdish official said Saturday's clashes were foccused on the southern and eastern parts of the town. He said the situation was dire and appealed for internnational help. "We are defending (the town) but ... we have only simple weapons and they (militants) have heavy weapons," he said. "They are not besieged and can move easily," he said. He said the U.S.-led air strikes were not effective, and urged the international community and the United Nations to intervene, preddicting a massacre if the militants seize control of Kobani. He also appealed to Turkkey to open a corridor that would allow remaining civvilians to leave Kobani and arms supplies to enter the town. The director of the Britaain-based Syrian Observvatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdurrahman, said the town's Kurdish fighters are putting up a fierce fight but are outgunned by the militants. Kurdish fighters thwarted a thrust by the Islamic State group jihadists to advance into the centre of early on Saturday, a monitoring group said. The attack came after the IS militants overran Kurdi- Umit Bektas/Reuters Kurds halt IS thrust into the centre of the city Turkish Kurds look towards the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani from the top of a hill close to the border line between Turkey and Syria near Mursitpinar bordergate October 10, 2014. ish headquarters in the bordder town on Friday, sparkiing fears they would cut off the last escape route to neighbouring Turkey for hundreds of mainly elderly civilians still in the town centre. The IS assault sparked 90 minutes of heavy fighting with the town's Kurdish deffenders before the jihadists fell back, the Syrian Observvatory for Human Rights said. US-led coalition warp- planes also carried out two air strikes on IS targets south and east of the town early Saturday, according to the Britain-based monitoriing group, which has a wide network of sources inside Syria. Since the militants launched their onslaught on Kobani in mid-September, at least 500 people have been killed and more than 200,000 have been forced to flee across the border into Turkey. Canada keeps supplying Kurdistan with military aid Lt.-Gen. Jabbar Yawar, secretary-general of the Kurdistan Regional Goveernment’s Ministry of Peshmmerga Affairs, has pointed out that although the Canaddian bomb-hunting robots are to arrive soon, Kurdish troops have no idea how to disarm the explosives once they are located. No one has offered any training in that area. Yawar told the Los Angelles Times newspaper that such homemade bombs are the most dangerous threat Kurdish forces face, noting they have accounted for 60 per cent of those killed. As many as 69 Canadian special forces advisers are now in Kurdistan to help Kurdish Peshmarga forces and Iraqi troops. Johanna Quinney, spokeswwoman for Defence Ministter Rob Nicholson, said the Canadian Forces is not invvolved in the robot project. Adam Hodge, a spokesmman for Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, said training will be provided on how to use the robots. “The selected supplier(s) will send a trainer to Erbil to delliver training on the use and maintenance of the equipmment, and will also deliver a train-the-trainer componnent,” explained Hodge. “This will ensure the proper usage and care of the equipmment, as well as optimal use and sustainability.” But, Hodge added, “the trainer will only travel if the security situation permits.” He did not have details on whether the Canadian aid would include training the Kurds in how to disarm the bombs once they are found. The deal with the unnnamed robot supplier has just recently been signed, so details are still being worked out, a government source said. Baird travelled to Iraq in early September to pledge Canada’s help in the war against the Islamic State (IS) and to announce the military aid. That aid also includes bullet-proof vests and helmets. “Canada will not stand idly by while IS continues to murder innocent civiliians, including members of ethnic and religious minoritties,” Baird said. Paul Dewar, the NDP foreeign affairs critic who traveelled with Baird to Iraq, said the lack of training for the Kurds appears to be typical of the Conservative’s Iraq mission. “The government is big on rhetoric, but lackiing in details about what they plan for this mission,” PRESS PHOTO “The Kurds don’t have experience in fighting in urban areas, something IS has excelled at,” Kurdish official. The Canadian military has already transported ammunition, weapons and other equipment to Kurdit ish forces that are fighting IS. IS had seized large parts of Iraq and forced Iraqi military units to retreat on a number of fronts. Dewar said. “You get the feeling they’re making it up as they go along.” Dewar said he is also conccerned about the potential for the robots and other Cannadian-supplied equipment to fall into the hands of IS. Despite ongoing U.S.led airstrikes, IS has been gaining ground as well as capturing U.S. equipment, including tanks and other armoured vehicles, supplied to Iraq’s military. The Kurds have compplained that despite receiviing military aid and equipmment from various nations, they still lack the skills and gear needed to propeerly fight IS. Yawar said the Kurds don’t have experieence in fighting in urban areas, something IS has exccelled at. The Ministry of Peshmergga Affairs has been requestiing additional arms and training during the weekly meetings it has with allies, including Canada, the U.S., Britain, Italy, France, Germmany, and Australia. The Peshmerga Ministry and Canada recently signed a protocol on the military goods. “According to the protoccol, phase one will include a variety of military equipmment for Peshmerga, the most important being the de-mining robots that can be used for finding and deffusing mines and bombs,” the Peshmerga Ministry noted in a statement. The Canadian military has already transported ammunition, weapons and other equipment to Kurdiish forces. Canada will send CF-18 fighter jets and other aircraft to join the coalition that is bombing IS. Canada has also committted humanitarian assistance and will provide funding to limit the flow of foreign fighters into Iraq and Syria. Kurdish commanders have also complained that the central government in Baghdad is enforcing tight control over the country’s air space, which limits inccoming flights carrying weapons and other equipmment. No. 461, Monday, October 13, 2014 The Kurdish Globe 5 The Private Security Industry in the Kurdistan Region By Twana Fars Bawe The Kurdistan Region is arguably unique in its status as a rapidly develooping transitional society that, owing to its semiautonomous nature, is often perceived as a state within a state. It shall be argued here that it is likely that the private seccurity industry (PSI) will play a major role in asssisting the rapid developmment of the region, and may prove invaluable to the security of Kurdistan amidst the current confflict with Islamic State (IS) insurgents. The Kurdistan Region is precariously situated in the midst of a Middle East in turmoil. With Syria to the west, and a fragmented Iraq to the south, displaced people and IS insurgents are putting great pressure on the already over-burddened security forces of the KRG. The need for a strong security sector is without question. The private security inddustry has undoubtedly experienced a period of extremely rapid growth since the first ‘privatised war’ in Iraq in 2003, and it is arguable that the inddustry has developed too quickly for the law to keep up with it. This is especially pertinent conssidering that, for the last decade or so, the PSI has adopted roles traditionaally understood to be the sole responsibility of the state. The Kurdistan Region is an autonomous entity with a permanent popullation. It exists in a terrritorially defined space (albeit contested to the south), and has a governmment (the KRG) that is recognised as legitimate amongst its citizens and has the capacity to enter into relations with other states. These characteristtics meet the criteria for the classic definition of a state as articulated in the 1933 Montevideo Convvention on the Rights and Duties of States. In light of this, in virtually every conceivable aspect, the Kurdistan Region has beccome an entity that posssesses the necessary dommestic attributes to move from being a region of Iraq to the Republic of Kurdistan. Therefore, it is vital that the security sector is strong enough to adequately defend Kurdistan’s borders, and offer security provision for foreign firms operatiing in the region. As Harry Schute notes, the PSI is “An invaluable tool for the development of the region. Western compannies and NGOs are vital for redevelopment, but the fact of the matter is that many of them will not operate here without private security. Their insurance won’t allow it; their board of legal advissors will not allow it. So if we want to have those guys here participating in the development of the Kurdistan Region, private security is going to be an extremely useful tool.” As it stands, there are no domestic laws that cover the activities of the PSI in either Iraq or Kurdistan. This is a concern, as the private security industry is the fourth largest inddustry in the region, behhind the government, the oil and construction inddustry. According to the KRG Ministry of Interior (MOI), there are 50 liccensed PMSCs operating in Kurdistan, employing just over 6000 contracttors, a number that is likely to increase. However, at the time of writing there is still no political mandate to deal with the effective regulattion of this ever-growing industry. The private seccurity industry in Kurdiistan generates over $1 billion annually, and although the MOI has issued guidelines conccerning the activity of the PSI, there is no law in place governing their activities. Currently, 60% of gove- ernment spending goes to public sector employees, and the domestic security sector is struggling to efffectively deal with the huge demands placed on it by the current conflict against IS in the Kurdiistan Region. However, recent developments in Russia could prove beneeficial for the KRG. As it is being proposed that state contracts are granted to the PSI, whilst at the same time giving control over contractors to the Defence Ministry. The PSI would then be used for immediate ressponse to various threats, and could become a hiddden reserve for the regullar military forces, joiniing them automatically in periods of conflict. This draft bill is currently beiing examined in Russia, and could prove quite feasible, as firms operatiing under the control of a national security service or government arguably ensures accountability and control of the sector. This method of control could prove successful in the Kurdistan Region. The domestic private security industry could fall under the Ministry of Peshmerga or Ministtry of Interior so that the contractors could be used as reservists when Kurdiistan is under external threat. One of the major benefits is the fact that contractors are not publlic sector employees, but part of the private sector, reducing the burden on the state when it comes to security provision. The Ministry of Peshmerga or Ministry of Interior would be able to utilise a fully trained, combat ready force, when neceessary, and would have control over their acttions, adding a level of accountability that is currrently lacking. 2014, a bloody year for Iraqis As a result of the conflicts and insurgencies in Iraq, approximately 8,500 Iraqi civilians have been killed until now. More than half of which are only during the last three months after the Islamic State ISIS militants took control over Mosul. The United Nations claims that 2014 was the bloodiest year for Iraqis after 2003. During the first half of the year, 5,576 Iraqis lost their lives, while another 11,665 were injured duriing the same period. Only during June, when ISIS attacked and controlled a number of regions in northern and western provinces in Iraq, 2,700 people were killed, among whom 1,531 were civilians. According to the UN statistics, only during June, July and August, more than 4,000 Iraqis lost their lives. In addition to all these PRESS PHOTO Nearly a thousand dead per month during the first three quarters As a result of the conflicts and insurgencies in Iraq, approximately 8,500 Iraqi civilians have been killed until now. More than half of which are only during the last three months after the Islamic State ISIS militants took control over Mosul. deaths and injuries, hunddreds of thousands of Iraqis have been dispplaced due to security situations, more than 90% of whom have fled to the Kurdistan Region. Kurdistan, which was already facing an econnomic crisis due to the sanctions from the centtral government, which cut the region's budget share and government employees salaries since the beginning of the year, had to cope with the drammatic situation and has tried its utmost to accommmodate this huge influx of displaced people. Hundreds of thousands of people from Mossul and Sinjar fled into Kurdistan, which was alrready home to hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees and other Iraqi displaced families from central and southern parts of the country. Since its liberation in 2003, Iraq has been sufffering from insurgency and internal conflicts. Hence, the international organizations has continuuously monitored the seccurity and humanitarian situations in the country and published statistics about victims of the confflicts on a monthly basis. Deputy Head of the Higher Commission for Human Rights arggues that the number of victims is significantly higher than what is publlished, since there are no statistics available in the areas currently under the control of the ISIS. Kurds and the Extremist Shiia and Sunna 6 Germany sends medical team to treat Peshmarga forces By Saadula Aqrawi The United States has been supplying the Kurds with arms to fight the ISIS. The UN Security Council adopted a resollution against al Qaeda , Nusra Front, and the Islamic State militants who have declared a state of Caliphate across Iraq and Syria. The British decision to send Jordanian military equipment to the Peshmerga, followed a plea by Barazani for Britain to arm the Kurds against the ISIS. The UN effforts to staunch the Islamic State’s money flow add to the military pressure on the ISIS. The US warplanes continue bombarding its forces, while an emergency European Union meeting in Brussels opened the door for more members of the 28-group to arm embattled Kurdish Peshmerga. ISIS is an extremist group that has originated from al Qaeeda's hard line ideology and adheres to global jihadist princciples. The extremism in Shiia and Sunni Islam is fomented and further exacerbated by the support from both Iran and Saudi Arabia. The extreme radical factions of Islam pose the biggest threat in the Middle East. They exploit sectarian politics as a means to increase their political leverage and influence in the region. These factions, independent of their sectarian affiliations, present violent, expansionist, and disttorted views of Islam. Their interpretations of the religion are limited to concepts and means which best justify and suit their purposes. ISIS grew significantly as an organizattion owing to its participation in the Syrian Civil War and the strength of its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Economic and political discrimination against Arab Iraqi Sunnis since the fall of the secular Saddam's regime also helped it to gain support. The coalition in the new Iraqi constitution between the Shiia and the Kurds at the expense of the Sunni Arabs, consstituted the only Baathists in the old Iraq, helped to work in favor of the Shiia who had nurtured close ties to Iran. The new rulers in Iraq had little idea about the workings of democracy and were mostly pursuing a sectarian agenda under the tutelage of Iran. Iran was able to wage a proxy war against the United States in Iraq through the Al Quds Force as well as splinter groups from the Sadr Movement, such as Ashab Uhl- Haq. It also relied on like minded politticians, including Prime Minister Maliki and the State of Law coalition deputies in the parliament who joined forces with other Shiia groups to get the Americans out of Iraq. The disenfranchised Sunni parliamentarians also helped. Iran eventually achieved its objective of reducing the U.S. presence in Iraq and making robust U.S. engagement in Iraq unpalatable to the American people by increasing the costs of a large U.S. presence in the country. The ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Iraq immediately stepped in to fill the gap left by the Sunnis, who had boycotted the Iraqi government after 2003. The ISIS had close links with al-Qaeda until 2014, but in February of that year, after an eight-month power struggle, al-Qaeda cut all ties with the group, reportedly for its brutality and "notorious intractabiliity. There was no external power intervening with ground forces to stop the chain of bloody massacres. Bloodshed has been caused by the advance of the reportedly Saudi- and Qatar-funded Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) which has gained a foothold in Iraq due to Maliki's oppressive secttarian policies and his reluctance to include the Sunnis in Iraqi politics. This has alienated the Sunnis and left them with no choice but to embrace what they view as the lesser evil. Today we see a theater of sectarian war in Iraq, where Iran and the Gulf countries are waging their bloody battle against one another while the Iraqi people suffer the conseqquences. Ursula von der Leyen, Germany's Defence Minister announced that her government will send a medical team from the German Army to Kurdistan Region. Ursula von der Leyen, Germmany's Defence Minister annnounced that her government will send a medical team from the German Army to Kurdistan Region to treat the members of the Kurdish Peshmarga forces who are injured during confflicts, mainly due to mines. Minister von der Leyen also stated that the German Army is ready to evacuate those Peshmmargas, whose injuries are severe, to Germany for treatm- ment. According to von der Leyeen, 70% of the injury cases among Peshmargas are due to landmines planted by the ISIS fighters after retreating from areas taken over by Peshmarggas. And this is the very reason that has encouraged Germany to send more mine detectors to the Peshmarga Forces. The German Defence Ministter made these statements duriing a visit to the Hammelburg Base in Bavaria Region, where Peshmarga forces are being trained on anti-tank weapons, 40 units of which are supposed to be given to Peshmargas along with 500 RBG units for their fight against ISIS terroriists. Germany has promised to equip Peshmarga forces with 10,000 light weapons, antitank weapons and military vehhicles as well. Kobane People are heading toward Kurdistan Region seeking a Safe Shelter The world has become chaootic since the emerging of the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham(ISIS) which led to the controlling of many areas in Iraq and Syria. Their emerging have shown fear among many people in many countries and especially in Iraq and Syria since they have emerged there first. IS’s controlling of one of the largest cities in Iraq after the retreating of the Iraqi Army and its fleeing have made peopple scared because thousands of Iraqi soldiers in Musol city left their military basements fearing from ISIS. After ISIS controlled on Mussol, they head toward Talafar and Sinjar. The recent ISIS occcupation came after they conttrolled Sinjar and fleeing thoussands of its people to Kurdistan region besides killing and kidnnaping many of them. Kobane is one of the biggest Kurdish cities in Syria and it is a strateggic line for the ISIS to get into Syria easily. In the recent time, Kobany people have also fled from their city into Turkey and Kurdistan fearing from the atttacks of IS and their advance toward the city. YPG known as Kurdish forces in KurdistanSyria are in a continuous fightiing with the radical groups (ISIS) in Kobane. Before ending up with the sad stories and sufferings of people of Sinjar, Kobane’s sufferings have just started. Thousands of people have fled from Kobbane to Turkey fearing from ISIS and they have passed through many places till gettting to Kurdistan region. Abo a citizen from Kobane said that they have been ill-treated by Turkish gendarmes while tryiing getting into Turkey, ‘’ we stayed one day on the border because the Turkish gendarmes did not let us to enter Turkey then after that we headed to Surje, one of the Turkish citiies near Urfa, added Abo. Anoother girl who wished to be unkknown told Kurdish Globe that they have stayed in Diarbakir for two weeks but because the nonliving condition in the camp they couldn’t stay there so they came to Kurdistan, she added that the local people of Diarbakir and especially Kurds have played a great role in provviding them with food but the lack of place led them to leave Diarbakir. Ibraheem Khalil custom –the border between Turkey and Zakho has received hunddreds of refugees from Kobane who came from Turkey seekiing a safe and secure shelter. The influx of too many people to Kurdistan region from Syria and the disputed areas in Iraq is an indication that Kurdistan is a safe place to live in and is a place of coexistence and Hummanity. By Hassan Shingali PRESS PHOTO No. 461, Monday, October 13, 2014 The Kurdish Globe No. 461, Monday, October 13, 2014 The Kurdish Globe This Week in History Stability or Oil ? October 2, 1998 By Swara Kadir As the world economy learns to adapt to modern terrorism exemplified by ISIS, stability in the Middle Eastern region becomes a decisive factor that decides whether a nation can become economically prospperous or not. One would go further and say stability is more important than the existtence of natural resources like oil. Two good examples will help illustrate this point. The UAE possesses little natural resources in comparison to its neighbors yet it has managed to attract substantial foreign investment making it a leadiing economic force in the region. The opposite is true, Iraq, excluding the Kurdistan region of course, has enormmous natural resources of oil and gas, yet it hasn't been able to prosper economically beccause of the ongoing violence and strife. The model of stability with good natural resources is the Kurdistan Region. Internal stability is there but due to the ISIS threats to instability, the economy has slowed down. 7 However, it's not as serious a threat to growth as the internnal instability. The threat is external, that's why the Kurdiistan economy is starting to recover. The main stumbling block for the Kurdistan economy is not ISIS but Baghdad. The Kurdistan Regional Governmment won a minor battle with the ousting of the Prime Miniister Maliki, now three main points need to be resolved: first is the payment of the Kurdistan budget to pay off people's wages. Second is the About 10,000 Turkish solddiers crossed into northern Iraq and attacked Kurdish fighters. freedom to sell Kurdish oil via Cihan Turkish port, and the third is the resolution of disputed areas like Kirkuk. The Kurdistan economy is growing. What the future holds is not quite clear, but if the ISIS threat is contained and the disputes with the central Iraqi government are solved, then the future for the Kurdistan economy will be a very promising one because it has the essential ingredients of stability and the natural ressources like oil. October 9, 1990 - Kurdish Famous writer and poet, Kakay Fallah, passed away in October 9, 1990. - World Post Day marks the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union's establishment and is annnually held on October 9. The union aimed to create and maintain a structure for the free flow of internnational mail around the world. Another Tragic Story: October 10, 1993 - Kurdistan Parliament passed the Political Party bill in October 10, 1993. GLOBE PHOTO/Hassan Shingali The Survival of Khidir Hassan Ahmed October 11, 2000 - Kurdish Cultural Festival was held in South Korea and Ribad Artistic team from Duhok participated in the event in October 11, 2000. October 12, 1926 - The first issue of Kirkuk Newspaper was published in October 12, 1926. Tragic stories are abundant in Shingal. Wherever you go you find people with many heartbreaking stories. Khanke camp is a place of comfort for many Yazidis who fled from IS and their heinous attacks. Thousands of Yazidis were kidnaped, killed and sexuaally harassed while thousands are in the hands of ISIS at the moment. Few have managed to escape and run away from the barbarians. Khidir Hasssan Ahmed who is the only survivor in his family, a 17year old from Cocho village in which hundreds of Yazidis killed by IS, told us his tragic story and the way he escaped. On the first day of the IS atttack on Shingal, all the people fled to mountain but Cocho is the only village that its people refused to leave. Ahmed said that when milit- tants came to his village, they asked them to raise white flags and they would not do anytthing to them. But it seemed that the strategy that ISIS used worked. After one day, the IS told them that they had to convvert to Islam or they would be killed. The Chieftain tried to delay the period into another three days so that they would find a solution. The village was surrounded by IS militants so that no one could escape. Aftter the days passed they asked them that they were going to take them to the mountain to join their sect and go to Kurdiistan and those who wanted to stay and convert to Islam they could do so. This was another trick that IS utilized. They separated men from women and girls and later killed them all. Ahmed said that IS took men and put women and girls in trucks .While doing so, "I was in the first shift to be killed. I and another 14 men were shot when we heard the word" Shoot" added Ahmed." Fortunately, Ahmed and anoother three men could jump on the ground quickly when the shooting started so the bullets did not penetrate to the vital organs but only touched their flesh. Ahmed and his three injured friends could make their way into one of the nearby Arab villages after IS left to bring more people for execution. The four survivors asked for water and food. They were told to leave the village as soon as possible fearing IS repprisals. Then they made their way to the mountain which took 20 hours walking till they reached their destination. There at least they could feel safe since many Yazidis were in the mountain. They did not get treatment for their injuries and they started their journey again towards Syria so that they get some medical help. Once they reached Syria they got treatment and later headed toward Derk (one of the Kurdiish Villages) so that they could get their way to Kurdistan. After facing many unimaginnable difficulties and seeing many children starve and die of thirst and hunger and seeiing many old men and women die on the mountain, as well as losing all the members of his family and relatives, Ahmed is now living in Khanke camp. Alone. By Hassan Shingali - The Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer, Christopher Columbus, discovered America in 12 October 1492. October 13, 1792 - The foundation stone for White House in the United States of America was laid in October 13, 1792. October 14, 1927 - The U.K. Army forces discovered gas in Baba Gur Gur field for the first time in October 14, 1927. -Egyptian President, Mohhammed Husni Mubarak received Kurdistan Presiddent, Masoud Barzani in Cairo in October 14, 2003. ERBIL WEATHER FORECAST MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 29 30 28 28 26 27 27 17 18 17 The Kurdish Artist Genco Demirer He was born in Istanbul in 1975. Demirer has taken part in 30 various exhibitions inside and outside Turkey, especially in the European countries. His works are mixture of cold and warm colors on pieces of clothes. His style is derived from the Chinese art. Genco, originally a Kurdish nationaliity, was raised up in Istanbul and got fammiliar with the world of Istanbul which 16 15 14 15 Before Snowfall is a mixture of European and Eastern societies. This has influenced his work. One can notice the phenomenon of Isllamic art and Arabic letters in his picttures even though there’s an abstract texture in the works. There are various tools which the artist uses to form the shapes in his paintings. Ashty Garmyani "Before Snowfall", or more commmonly known as "Før snøen faller", is a road movie that embarks on an intriguing tale of love, adventure, and self discoverment, revolving around the protagonist Siyar (played by taleented actor Abdullah Taher). Proceeding the death of Siyar's fatther, the sixteen-year-old takes over the position of the head of the family, also taking on the full brunt of the ressponsibility for the honour of his famiily. Unfortunately, shortly after this, Siyar's older sister, Nermin runs away to Turkey to elope with her lover, in the process escaping from an arranged marriage with the son of the leader of the village. This, of course, galvanized Siyar into going after her with the inttent to kill her and restore his family's abstract with a mixture of Arabic letter honour. And thus, our protagonist's adventture begins. Forced to cross several borders illegally, Siyar eventually ends up in Istanbul, where he meets Evin (Suzan Ilir), a street urchin and the girl he winds up travelling with in his search for his sister. Consequenttially, the two meet as Evin(who was mistaken for a boy) steals from Siyar, their fates intertwining to form an uneexpected bond. "Before Snowfall" is a complex, coming-of-age story, that connects the feelings of two very lost and very much alone teenagers in an intricate tale of romance, adventure, and the profound. H.G. Hassan Kurdish Bodybuilder placed second in Arnold Classic Two Kurdish Bodybuilders take part in Arnold Classic Championship for the first time ers from Kurdistan Region, Nizar Ghazali and Sardar Ismmail, took part in the champpionships. Ghzali was placed second Men’s Bodybuilding up to 85 kg category while Ismmail was placed fifth in Men's Bodybuilding up to 90 kg cateegory. More than 40.000 people visited this IV Edition of ACE and walked through the numerous stands of the Expo and enjoy with the dozens of sport medalists who have been present this year in the biggest event in Europe with such characteristics. Besides, for three days, a lot of diff- ferent media representatives from Spain and the entire World showed interest in all the activities that took place on the scenarios that hosted the disciplines of the event. The multitalented Arnold Schwarzenegger did not miss the event and once again he was present throughout the weekend visiting the Pabellon de Cristal Halls and watching most of the exhibitions of the athletes that took part in Arnnold Classic Europe. By Zakaria Muhammed GETTY IMAGE The official results of this year’s Arnold Amateur Eurrope have been announced. With nearly 800 competitors from all continents, Arnold Europe - despite a short, fouryear history - has been establlished as one of the biggest IFBB event. The IV Edition of the multtisport event Arnold Classic Europe, celebrated in Madrid Arena and Pabellon de Cristal de la Casa de Campo facilitties from 26 to 28 of Septembber, has finished with a record of attendance, exhibitors and sports. Two Kurdish Bodybuilde- Sardar Ismail and Nizar Ghazali, two Kurdish bodybuilders participated in Arnold Classic.
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