How to Apply to Direct Access Program (P2/DAP) United States Refugee Resettlement Program for Iraqis in Jordan, Egypt and Iraq with U.S. Affiliations Certain categories of Iraqis with U.S. affiliations may apply directly for consideration under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) in Jordan, Egypt and Iraq. Persons described in the categories below who believe they are at risk or have experienced serious harm as a result of association with the U.S. Government since March 20, 2003, and who wish to be considered for resettlement as refugees in the United States may initiate a case by contacting the International Organization for Migration (IOM) at [email protected]. 1. Iraqis who work/worked on a full-time basis as interpreters/translators for the U.S. Government (USG) or Multi-National Forces (MNF-I) in Iraq; 2. Iraqis who are/were employed by the USG in Iraq; 3. Iraqis who are/were employees of an organization or entity closely associated with the U.S. mission in Iraq that has received USG funding through an official and documented contract, award, grant or cooperative agreement; 4. Iraqis who are/were employed in Iraq by a U.S.-based media organization or non-governmental organization; 5. Spouses, sons, daughters, parents and siblings of individuals described in the four categories above, or of an individual eligible for a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) as a result of his/her employment by or on behalf of the USG in Iraq, including if the individual is no longer alive, provided that the relationship is verified; 6. Iraqis who are the spouses, sons, daughters, parents, brothers or sisters of a citizen of the United States, or who are the spouses or unmarried sons or daughters of a Permanent Resident Alien of the United States, as established by their being or becoming beneficiaries of approved family-based I-130 Immigrant Visa Petitions. Those individuals and their immediate families (spouse and unmarried children under age 21), with verifiable proof of employment, and who wish to be considered for USRAP processing in Iraq, Jordan or Egypt, must send the following information to [email protected].. 1. Biographic Data for the Principal Applicant and each dependent family member, in this format: Name: Father’s Name: Grandfather’s Name: Family Name (Tribe): All other Names/Alias: Nationality: Passport Number: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Gender: Marital Status: Relationship to Principal Applicant: 1 2. U.S. affiliation: Employment’s holder’s name. Aliases (all other names used during employment) Employer’s name (name of US-affiliated company or US government agency) Job title Name and official email address of a Point Of Contact (POC) or a Supervisor employed by the US-affiliated company or US government agency, i.e. not a personal email address @ (yahoo, gmail, hotmail, aol, etc..). f- POC’s relation to the Principal Applicant. g- Dates and location(s) of service. abcde- 3. Current location and contact information; 4. UNHCR registration number, if applicable; 5. Also please scan and e-mail ALL documents related to your U.S.-affiliated work such as (badges, letter(s) of recommendation, contracts, etc…) Important Notes: 1- If your employer sends you an email instead of a letter, he/she must send it from his/her official email address – not a personal email address (i.e. @ yahoo, gmail, hotmail, aol, etc..) Please have your employer send the email to you, then you send it to us. This is for purposes of easily identifying your application and attaching the email to your file and verification request. 2- All information must be contained in one email with the principal applicant’s name and his/her location in the subject line. Do not send any additional documents other than those requested. 3- Please do not send photos or large files. Your application email should be less than 6 MB in size. If your attachments total more than 6 MB, please reduce their size by scanning the documents at a lower quality setting. 4- If you are applying to the program based on your relative’s U.S.G association i.e. (parents, brothers, sisters or children), please provide us with following information: a. Employment’s holder’s name. b. Aliases (all other names used during employment) c. Employer’s name (name of US-affiliated company or US government agency) d. Job title e. Name and official email address of a Point Of Contact (POC) or a Supervisor employed by the US-affiliated company or US government agency, i.e. not a personal email address @ (yahoo, gmail, hotmail, aol, etc..). f. POC’s relation to the employment’s holder. g. Dates and location(s) of service. h. Relationship to employment’s holder. i. Date of birth of employment’s holder. j. Place of birth of employment’s holder. k. Marital Status. 5- If applicant does not have access to e-mail and wish to have assistance in his/her application, please inform OPE staff to take appropriate measures. 2 If you are a relative of an SIV holder (i.e. parents, brothers, sisters or children): o o o Please submit a clear colored scanned copy of your relative’s SIV holder instead of Employment Verification. Please provide us with all biographic data for the Principal Applicant and each dependent family member (see # 1 in page 1). Once a confirmation of the SIV issuance is received, the case will then continue processing. Regarding persons in the sixth category above, the U.S.-based relative who filed an approved I-130 immigrant visa petition on behalf of his/her Iraqi relatives should have received a letter from the Department of State informing them of their relative’s eligibility for a refugee interview. If an Iraqi’s U.S.-based relative has not received this letter, or if the U.S.-based relative has not yet filed an I-130 petition but he/she or the potential beneficiary is interested in learning more about this option, please check the following website for “I-130 P-2 Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)”: Initiating the process with the USRAP does not guarantee access to the program or an interview for resettlement in the United States. The first step in the process will be verification of the claimed association. Applicants will be notified by IOM once this verification has been completed to arrange the next steps in the process. The U.S. refugee resettlement program is free of charge to applicants. There is no need to contact a third party, such as an attorney or advocacy organization, regarding access. Please be aware that you should submit an application for this program directly to IOM and not to a third party in order to access the U.S. Refugee Program. Please note that this program is separate from the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program. See for SIV information. 3
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