Pupil Personnel Services
Credentials (“PPSC”)
School Social Work Program
Pupil Personnel Services Credentials in
School Social Work & Child Welfare and Attendance
About the PPSC Program:
Berkeley Social Welfare master’s (MSW) students who complete the required academic and field
curriculum in School Social Work may be recognized by the State of California as eligible
candidates for the Pupil Personnel Services Credentials (PPSC) in School Social Work and Child
Welfare and Attendance. In addition to meeting the requirements for both the MSW degree and
their particular concentration, PPSC candidates must also complete specific course work and
field education experiences expressly directed to certification standards in school social work
and child welfare and attendance services.
Complete Program Details, Application Form and Instructions:
The PPSC handbook, application and evaluation forms, and other program details are available
on the Berkeley Social Welfare website at http://socialwelfare.berkeley.edu/pupil-personnelservices-credentialing-program.
Summary of Requirements to be Eligible for a PPSC Credential
 Submit a completed PPSC Program Application and Applicant Goal Statement to be
accepted into the School Social Work Program.
 Complete LiveScan fingerprinting and background check process.
 For information regarding the LiveScan fingerprint clearance process, please
see http://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/leaflets/cl271.pdf.
 Apply for and obtain Certificate of Clearance from California Commission on Teacher
Credentialing (CTC).
 For information regarding the CTC-issued Certificate of Clearance, please
see http://www.ctc.ca.gov/help/application/cert-of-clear.html.
 Satisfy the CTC basic skills requirement – most commonly done by taking the CBEST
(California Basic Education Skills Test) exam.
 For information about the CTC Basic Skills Requirement, please
see http://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/leaflets/cl667.pdf.
 For information about the CBEST exam, please see http://www.cbest.nesinc.com/.
 Demonstrate competence in identified areas of knowledge and skill by enrolling in and
completing the required course work and field placement experience:
Core and Concentration Requirements for the MSW Degree
SW 232: Social Work and Education Policy
SW 250T: Social Work Practice in School Settings
Minimum of 450 hours in approved field placement setting under PPSC supervision
 At least 100 hours with at least 10 pupils of diverse ethnic background
 At least 100 clock hours in at least two different age group settings
 Submit final field placement/program evaluations and Request for Online Credential
Recommendation Form to Berkley Social Welfare upon completion of MSW degree.
PPSC Program Application Process and Timeline:
Acceptance into the School Social Work credential program is contingent on both a clear
statement of interest, and arranging for field placements that meet the program
requirements. The PPSC Program application cycle is thus timed to the second year field
placement process.
The typical timeline of tasks required for obtaining the PPSC is outlined below:
Start of semester
(early September)
Attend School Social Work & PPSC Orientation Meeting
(date and time announced to all students at the start of the semester)
March 1
PPSC Program Application and Goal Statement Due
Submit to Academic Coordinator, 120 Haviland Hall
By April 15
Students informed of provisional acceptance into PPSC program
Begin LiveScan fingerprinting and Certificate of Clearance process
Get CTC-issued Certificate of Clearance before beginning your
school-based field placement.
Register to take the CBEST Exam in the summer
By August 31
Submit completed LiveScan Form to Academic Coordinator
Submit verification of Certificate of Clearance issuance (copy of receipt or
confirmation email from CTC) to Academic Coordinator
By December 31
Submit CBEST Score Verification Card to Academic Coordinator
Complete MSW degree and all PPSC requirements. Graduate!!
By June 30
Submit final Verification of Standards and Request for Credential
Recommendation Form to Academic Coordinator
Mid to Late June
School of Social Welfare submits recommendation for credential via CTC Online
once transcripts with posted degrees are available
CTC issues credential when you respond to e-mail from CTC with instructions on
how to complete application for credential and pay the required application fee
School Social Work Program
Pupil Personnel Services Credentials in
School Social Work & Child Welfare and Attendance
Pupil Personnel Services
Credentials (“PPSC”) Program
Application & Goal Statement
To be admitted to the School Social Work Program, you must submit this School Social Work/PPSC Credentialing
Program Application and Goal Statement during the spring semester of your first year in the MSW program.
This form is designed to be completed as a fillable PDF document, and it is fully functional in the free Acrobat
Reader (http://www.adobe.com/products/reader.html). Please avoid using in-browser viewers such as Preview
(Mac) or File Viewer (Windows) to complete this form.
Due Date: March 1st annually
Today’s Date
Student Last Name
Child & Family
Community Mental Health
Management and Planning
Student First Name
Applicable Specialty Areas:
IV-E Child Welfare
MSW-MPH Joint Degree Program
MSW-MPP Joint Degree Program
MSW-PHD Combined Program
Field Placement Experience:
Please indicate below the school-based placement site(s) where you expect to complete the field experience
requirements for the PPSC.
Placement Site Name
Placement Dates
Grade Level
Total Hours
Placement Site Name
Placement Dates
Grade Level
Total Hours
Placement Site Name
Placement Dates
Grade Level
Total Hours
Goal Statement:
In the space below and on reverse as needed, please provide a PPSC Program Goal Statement, addressing
development of your interest in school social work and your goals in applying to the PPS credential program; how
you see that earning a PPSC will advance your professional practice; and how you intend to utilize this credential
to serve disadvantaged pupils.
Berkeley Social Welfare
PPSC Program Application & Goal Statement
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