October 13, 2014 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES III. REPORTS IV. PUBLIC COMMENT V. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution 2014.33 2014 Allocation Agreements 2. Resolution 2014.34 2014 Homeland Security Grant 3. Award of Bid - HVAC System - Johnson Control 4. Annual Financial Report VI. BILLS & CLAIMS VII. ADJOURNMENT September 22, 2014 Council Meeting September 22, 2014 Worksession Town Council Meeting Council Chambers September 22, 2104 Mayor Dills called the town council meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken and all elected officials were in attendance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – being no additions or corrections to the minutes of September 8 council meeting and council workshop and the September 15 council workshop - they stand as presented. MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor Dills advised that she will be absent from the next meeting. Councilman Dehler reported that the NEWEDC will be meeting October 8 in Gillette, and he will be attending PUBLIC WORKS REPORT -- 71 Construction will be here on Wednesday to start the Indian Hills overlay project. This project includes all of the streets west of 6th Street up Fir and Deer Street. The contractor will be going door-to-door notifying individuals when they will be in their area and a schedule will be put in the paper and on the town’s website. High Plains is doing some repairs on the North 3rd project. JOINT DISPATCH – RICKY GRANT – Commissioner Grant was present to update the Joint Dispatch Study. The county and Douglas representatives met earlier this month, and discussed the construction of a Joint Dispatch facility to be constructed in Douglas. Research has indicated that the drop-dead date for the equipment being housed in existing facilities is August 2016. This would allow for the construction of a new facility in Douglas to be attached to the new sheriff’s office. The council was presented with a proposal from Bob Johnson, Reilly Johnson Architecture, that would meet the needs of all entities. The proposed site for construction will be the east end of the old airport property. Construction will include: the Justice Center, County Jail, and Joint Dispatch Center. Councilman Anfinson asked what would happen with the price breakdown if Douglas chooses not to participate. Glenrock’s share would be:$5,886. Mayor Dills stated that she doesn’t have a problem with making a decision tonight, however; where would the funding come from? The town has reallocated that funding to the low level radio site. The County Commissioners are still looking at partial funding through the consensus funding. There was additional discussion on the consensus funding and its use for either the low level or joint dispatch. Councilman Roumell made a motion to approve this project with funding from Mayor and Council projects line. Second by Councilwoman Popp. All members voting, AYE – motion carries. COUNCIL WORKSHOPS – Mr. Doug Frank, Hotel Higgins, commented that he and several individuals have attended the council workshop. He questioned the town’s policy on not taking input during these sessions. He also commented on why the mayor was allowed to control the process of the meeting when her husband is the Pubic Works Foreman and if it was not a conflict of interest? Members of the council defended the mayor. Councilman Roumell commented that all members of the council are aware that the mayor’s husband is the foreman, and that any member of the council, if they felt a conflict existed, would definitely speak up. The mayor can make a recommendation on who is hired, however; the decision is made by the council and the mayor has no vote. Councilman Anfinson stated that there was no financial gain for the mayor in the hiring of this position and that the voters were aware that Craig was Sue’s husband when they elected her. Commenting on the workshop procedure, Councilwoman Popp advised that not taking comment is a policy that has been used in Glenrock and other municipalities, and that when Mayor Dills was running for office, and attended council workshops she also was not allowed to comment. She also stated that when a conflict exists the mayor is careful to recuse herself from discussion. The work sessions held by council are to allow in-depth review and discussion on an issue before it is put into the public meeting venue and open for public comment. HELPING HEARTS FOOD BANK – Mr. Scott Pratt was present to update the council on their program. The food bank was opened in October 2012, and is currently being housed in the old Glenrock Cleaners. They are currently taking donations for the food based on weight ($0.19/pound). If those in need are not able to pay anything, they are not turned away. The demand for help from families has increased from 24 families to 1,424 people. The food bank was coming to the council to ask for assistance with funding. Councilman Anfinson advised that individuals can work at the Rocky Mountain Food Bank and have a donation made to the Helping Hearts Food Bank. Mayor Dills asked them to definitely make a request for funding during the budget process. The council was invited to come down and see the operation. They are open Wednesday: 5:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. and Saturday’s from 9:30 A.M. until noon. Individuals interested in donating are asked to call: 267-3423. WYDOT ENTRY SIGNS ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE – Mayor Dills asked for a motion from council to approve the Acceptance Certificate for the entryway signs. Councilman Anfinson made a motion to approve. Second by Councilman Dehler. Councilman Anfinson also commented that he is surprised that there are comments being made about the signs this late in the game. He stated he remembered having two separate meetings filling the council chambers getting public input and they look exactly like the artist rendition. All members voting; AYE – motion carries. PD MOBILE & PORTABLE COMPUTER POLICY – Chief Sweet briefed the council on the proposed policy to cover new electronic equipment purchased for patrol vehicles. The policy makes it unacceptable to download any software, pictures, or documents that are not authorized by the department. Councilman Roumell made a motion to approve the policy. Second by Councilwoman Popp. All members voting; AYE – motion carries. SHOOTING RANGE DISCUSSION – Chief Sweet reported on the shooting range facility north of town. The town has worked to keep a safe and pleasant environment. The previous policy has been updated to prohibit tannerite targets, tracer rounds, etc… The town currently charges a nominal fee of $1 per user and that includes the targets. The town had volunteers who helped to maintain the range. Chief Sweet asked if it would be possible to have Public Works employees maintain the facility, and raising the fee from $1 to $3 per user. The policy places additional restrictions on the types of weapons, ammunition, and use of the facility. Discussion was held on the proposed fee feeling that the proposed $3 was too low. Councilwoman Popp made a motion to approve the new regulations and raising the fee to $5/person. Second by Councilman Dehler. All members voting, AYE – motion carries. MOU COUNTY LOW LEVEL SITE – Councilman Roumell made a motion to accept the MOU for the low level site. Second by Councilman Dehler. The memorandum outlines the proposed project details and the distribution of cost sharing between the Town and the County. The town will be responsible for 48% of the total cost. Initial estimates are: $593,305.01, however; it is anticipated the actual cost will be significantly lower. All members voting, AYE – motion carries. 5TH PENNY ADVERTISING PROPOSAL – Mayor Dills outlined the proposed advertising for the 5th Penny tax. The proposal includes advertising in the Independent, the Converse Cnty Merchant, the Election Guide, and video ads through the independent website and facebook pages. Councilman Anfinson made a motion to approve the advertising as proposed. Second by Councilman Anfinson. Councilman Anfinson commented that when you consider what we have to loose, we need to get the information out. The mayor asked for cost for the Direct Mail to be presented at the next council meeting. All members voting, AYE – motion carries. CONSTITUTION WEEK PROCLAMATION – Mayor Dills read the proclamation naming the week of September 17-23, 2014 as Constitution Week, marking the two hundred twenty-seventy anniversary of the framing of the Constitution of the United States of America. Ricky Grant spoke to the council about the program being undertaken by the Daughters of the Revolution. ADJOURNMENT – being no additional business before the council the meeting adjourned at 8:32 P.M. Council Work Session Upstairs Conference Room September 22, 2104 Mayor Dills called the started at 5:30 P.M. to allow for additional discussion on the Public Works Director job description and hiring process. All elected officials were attending. Also attending were: Donna M. Geho, Clerk/Treasurer, and Owen Frank, Sally Ann Schuermer, Doug Frank, and Ray Pittsley. Ms. Geho presented the council with a reworked copy of the job packet that will be posted to the town’s website for potential applicants. The front page included the advertisement to be placed on electronic websites, with a brief description of the community, and a detail of the proposed job description. Discussion was held on the following: Residency Requirements – Mayor Dills advised the council that this issue was researched and according to HR specialists, this is not possible. Residency requirements can be made for “first responders,” however; this position does not meet FLSA definition. Job Description details – the application was compared against 20 others received from municipalities around the state, and updated. The council made minor modifications to the job description. They also reviewed recommendations from the Public Works employees. The majority of their recommendations had already been addressed in the rewrite. Advertising – the council looked at advertising options available including: local, statewide and national publications. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 P.M. AGENDA REPORTS 1. MAYOR Sue Dills (Absent) Mayor Pro Tempore - Chase Anfinson 2. COUNCIL a. Chase Anfinson b. Brandy Popp c. John Dehler d. Bruce Roumell 3. POLICE DEPARTMENT – Tom Sweet 4. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT – Dave Andrews 5. FINANCE/ADMIN – Donna Geho 1. Commissioners in Glenrock - 28th 2. WBC Business Ready Grant Update RESOLUTION 2014-33 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SERVICE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE TOWN OF GLENROCK AND LOCAL NOT-FOR PROFIT AGENCIES SEEKING BUDGET ALLOCATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015. WHEREAS, the State of Wyoming allows for contracts with private agencies or community boards to provide human services programs under Section 35-1-614(b); WHEREAS, sufficient funds are available to extend assistance to local non-for profit boards to provide assistance through economic growth and community assistance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Town of Glenrock, Wyoming, all service agreements are hereby approved for 2014-2015 as approved in the current year fiscal budget as listed below: Glenrock Senior Citizens Center Wyoming Child and Family Glenrock Chamber Glenrock Paleon Foundation Glenrock Boys & Girls Club Glenrock Recreation Center Children’s Advocacy Project, Inc. Converse County HR Council Glenrock Golf Course Glenrock Housing Authority $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 30,000 500 3,000 12,000 12,000 10,000 1,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of October, 2014. Chase Anfinson, Mayor Pro Tempore ATTEST: Donna M. Geho, Clerk/Treasurer FUNDS NOT TO BE RELEASED UNTIL SIGNED AGREEMENTS RECEIVED. RESOLUTION 2014-34 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PARTICIPATION IN A HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT, LAW ENFORCEMENT TERRORISM PREVENTION ACTIVITIES AGREEMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014. WHEREAS, the town has been notified by the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security that they have been awarded $6,590.99 in Federal Homeland Security grant funds. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GOVERNING BODY of the Town of Glenrock, does hereby approve the EMW-2014-SS-00094 Project ID#: 14-GPD-GLELP-HLE14 and authorizes the Mayor to sign the agreement. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13th day of October, 2014. _____________________________ Chase Anfinson, Mayor Pro Tempore ATTEST: ________________________________ Donna Geho, Town Clerk MEMO October 10, 2014 To: Mayor and Council From: Dave Andrews Subject: HVAC Refurbish Bid for Town Hall I recommend we accept the bid from Johnson Control to refurbish the HVAC unit in Town Hall. This was the only bid and it is within budget. Thanks, Dave 134,591 8,282 6,985 User payroll Date 09/03/14 Time 15:42:19 Check Cntl No 763 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Sep 05, 2014 Thru Sep 05, 2014 APR110 Page 1 ** Prompts Entered on the Screen ** Begin Check Number: 000030393 Check Date:09/05/2014 Begin Pay Date:09/05/2014 End Pay Date: 09/05/2014 Report Order: 3 Locking AP Payee Name Invoice Expense Account —————————————————————————————— ——————————— ———————————————————————— Blue Cross-Blue Shield 14160000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 14160000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 14170000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 14170000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 14170000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 14170000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 14170000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 314-310100 010215020 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 14160000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 14160000 Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— Health Deduction 398.63 Health Deduction 102.10 EMPLYR Health Insurance Benefi 1,422.05 EMPLYR Health Insurance Benefi 678.12 Health Deduction 102.13 Health Deduction 310.19 EMPLYR Health Insurance Benefi 17,305.27 Health ins prem adjust. - PD 0.34 EMPLYR Health Insurance Benefi 17,629.35 EMPLYR Health Insurance Benefi 1,688.09 39,636.27 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Cafeteria Cafeteria Cafeteria Cafeteria Plan Plan Plan Plan 14180000 14180000 14180000 14180000 Cafeteria Cafeteria Cafeteria Cafeteria Plan Plan Plan Plan Deductions Deductions Deductions Deductions 714.17 208.60 35.10 6.08 963.95 Final Totals ... ————————————— ————————————— 40,600.22 40,600.22 User payroll Date 09/17/14 Time 11:41:11 Check Cntl No 767 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Sep 19, 2014 Thru Sep 19, 2014 APR110 Page 1 ** Prompts Entered on the Screen ** Begin Check Number: 000030455 Check Date:09/19/2014 Begin Pay Date:09/19/2014 End Pay Date: 09/19/2014 Report Order: 3 Locking AP Payee Name —————————————————————————————— Energy Labs Energy Labs Energy Labs Invoice ——————————— 340730429 340730810 340830469 Expense Account ———————————————————————— 525215400 525215400 525215400 Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— Wastewater tests - Lagoons 50.00 Wastewater tests - Lagoons 50.00 Bacteria & biochemical tests 169.00 269.00 Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky 90214-0185 90214-0193 90214-0250 90214-0268 90214-0276 90214-0292 90214-0011 90214-0019 90214-0019 90214-0019 90214-0027 90214-0029 90214-0037 90214-0037 90214-0052 90214-0060 010315480 010185480 515115480 515115480 580005480 010315480 525215480 010705480 010515480 010315480 555505480 010185480 515115480 010515480 010515480 010515480 Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power - Streets Town Hall Water Water Bronco Bldg sign lights Sewer Museum Parks Streets Comm Blk Town Hall Water Parks Parks Parks 3,093.24 106.85 4,250.41 29.12 310.98 27.19 1,576.94 103.55 25.27 168.01 1,061.19 1,405.25 507.37 28.54 347.60 25.02 13,066.53 Century Link 90114-9539 010335480 United States Welding, Inc. Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming Waste Waste Waste Waste charges charges charges charges charges charges charges charges charges charges charges charges charges charges charges charges Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement System System System System System System System System 5142733 010335480 14180000 14180000 14180000 14180000 14180000 14190000 14190000 14190000 Monthly charges - Shop Ind HP & CO2 acetylene - SH EMPLYR EMPLYR EMPLYR EMPLYR EMPLYR EMPLYR EMPLYR EMPLYR REGULAR RETIREMENT BENE REGULAR RETIREMENT BENE REGULAR RETIREMENT BENE PD Retirement Special PD Retirement Special PD Retirement Special REGULAR RETIREMENT BENE REGULAR RETIREMENT BENE 121.35 121.35 75.03 75.03 903.74 304.05 40.14 115.56 8,503.52 8,415.50 791.44 431.69 19,505.64 Connections, Connections, Connections, Connections, Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 1987562 1987565 1987984 1987985 545405200 545405200 545405200 545405200 Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly trash trash trash trash svcs svcs svcs svcs - SN SN SN SN 22,019.93 148.35 49.45 49.45 22,267.18 37989281 010215570 August fuel charges - PD 1,713.84 User payroll Date 09/17/14 Time 11:41:11 Check Cntl No 767 Payee Name Invoice —————————————————————————————— ——————————— Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 37989281 Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 37989281 Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 37989281 Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 37989281 Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 37989281 Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 37989281 Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 37989281 125 Cafeteria Plan 125 Cafeteria Plan 125 Cafeteria Plan Orbitcom, Orbitcom, Orbitcom, Orbitcom, Orbitcom, TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Sep 19, 2014 Thru Sep 19, 2014 Expense Account ———————————————————————— 010245570 010255570 010315570 010325570 010515570 515115570 525215570 14190000 14190000 14190000 APR110 Page 2 Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— August fuel charges - Bldg 42.55 August fuel charges - ACO 135.85 August fuel charges - Streets 994.22 August fuel charges - Pest Cnt 61.63 August fuel charges - Parks 503.48 August fuel charges - Water 232.86 August fuel charges - Sewer 104.97 3,789.40 125 Cafeteria Plan Deductions 125 Cafeteria Plan Deductions 125 Cafeteria Plan Deductions 725.45 180.68 57.82 963.95 Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. 787375 787375 787375 787375 787375 010415450 010215450 010705450 010185480 555505450 August August August August August phone chrgs - Mun Court phone chrgs - PD phone chrgs - Museum phone chrgs - Town Hall data chrgs - Comm Blk 52.23 219.82 94.07 249.93 85.53 701.58 Jason Hoppa 091614 010215470 Reimb mileage f/training - PD 188.72 188.72 Donnie Schweitzer 090714 010325110 Reimb. for work jeans - Donnie 52.44 52.44 Final Totals ... ————————————— ————————————— 61,000.82 61,000.82 User payroll Date 10/10/14 Time 09:38:39 Check Cntl No 771 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Oct 13, 2014 Thru Oct 13, 2014 APR110 Page 1 ** Prompts Entered on the Screen ** Begin Check Number: 000030468 Check Date:10/03/2014 Begin Pay Date:10/13/2014 End Pay Date: 10/13/2014 Report Order: 3 Locking AP Payee Name Invoice Expense Account Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ——————————— ———————————————————————— —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— Andreen Hunt Construction, Inc 2345 010335800 Pymnt #4 - new shop bldg 123,151.00 123,151.00 Ameri-Tech Equipment Co. Automation & Electronics Inc. Avenet, LLC Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA Bank/VISA 987106 010245810 92814-0002 92814-0002 92814-0002 92814-0002 92814-0002 92814-3987 92814-3987 92814-5479 92814-5479 92814-5479 92814-5479 92814-5479 92814-5479 92814-8770 92814-8770 92814-8770 92814-9707 92814-9707 92814-9707 92814-9707 515115470 515115470 515115470 515115470 010245470 010215110 010215470 010135210 010135210 010135360 010135360 010245810 010135360 010215590 010215590 010215590 010215470 010215470 010215470 010215470 Fix turn signal/brake lights 1,556.89 1,556.89 Tech support for RSView 32 550.00 550.00 Website annual svc pkg - MC 550.00 550.00 RFP county fiber optic ad - ED 43.05 43.05 AWWA/Water trmnt lev 2 - April AWWA/Hi-tech operator - Storm AWWA/Instrum & Control - Storm AWWA/textbooks - April WYOPASS Conf. - Kasey Chief Supply/uniform purch PD Travel expenses/Laramie - PD Facebook promo f/TOG Facebook promo f/TOG Stamps.com postage purchase Stamps.com postage purchase WY Secy of State report - GEDC Stamps.com monthly user fee Menards/10w solar chrgr - PD Menards/18w solar chrgr - PD Menards/55W solar backup - PD Travel expenses/Cheyenne - PD Trng class reg./Loveland - PD Hotel reserv/Loveland, CO - PD Vari szd law enforce. targets 375.00 255.00 49.20 235.60 247.50 99.98 506.00 50.14 15.36 50.00 50.00 27.00 24.99 100.63 104.95 301.84 105.91 139.00 147.99 67.84 2,953.93 CEPI CEPI 12-33/06 010315800 14-044/01 010315800 Eng work on Aspen St project Eng work on Indian Hills St pr 2,520.00 3,664.38 6,184.38 CNA Surety CNA Surety Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock E870256 515115400 35504 010115280 Casper Star Tribune Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse Converse 101760 010315560 00314-1521 010155230 00314-516N 010155230 Clerk/Treas. bond ins. - Donna Notary public renwal - Mindy 150.00 50.00 200.00 Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hank Hank Hank Hank 529448 529464 529478 529514 010515560 010515590 010315560 010515590 Foam o, cell poly - 4 whlr PK Hole saw 7/8 in - Parks Fasteners - Unit 128 - ST Fasteners - Parks 6.59 8.59 3.60 3.16 User payroll Date 10/10/14 Time 09:38:39 Check Cntl No 771 Payee Name Invoice —————————————————————————————— ——————————— Glenrock Hardware Hank 529544 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529545 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529546 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529555 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529590 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529603 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529614 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529652 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529722 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529728 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529738 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529744 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529757 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529779 Glenrock Hardware Hank 529807 Converse County Weed & Pest Crossroads Vet Services, Inc. TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Oct 13, 2014 Thru Oct 13, 2014 Expense Account ———————————————————————— 010515510 010515510 010515510 010335590 010335590 010215590 010215590 010335590 010515590 010515590 010515560 525215510 525215510 010335590 010515510 25967 010515560 100614 010255230 Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— Magnetic bit holder, fasteners 9.67 Insert bits, dowel, clamp - PK 9.45 Fasteners - urinal repair - PK 2.07 Clevis hook - Shop 4.49 AAA & AA batteries - Shop 27.98 Galv strap, fasteners - PD 5.01 Staples 1/4 in 1000/pk - PD 4.99 Toilet bowl brush & caddy - SH 15.18 Entry lock, lrg broom - Parks 51.97 Keys - Parks 4.47 Misc plbg & htg - Parks 4.80 Paint stn clr ext ltx - Sewer 175.95 Paint ext ltx s/g clr - Sewer 208.95 Squeegee, nozzle insul metal 15.58 Wire 32 ga galv, lrg caddy blu 14.57 577.07 Valve kit, 25 gal ATV sprayer 235.69 235.69 Euthanasia - feline - ACO 17.00 17.00 37.50 37.50 Douglas Budget 301174369 010245810 9548 RFP fiber optic feas stdy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy 340930095 340930191 340930436 340930502 340930903 Potable water testing - Water Bacteria & biochemical tests Potable water tests - Water Water tests - 414 W Platte Potable water testing - WA Labs Labs Labs Labs Labs 370.00 169.00 2,689.25 37.00 182.00 3,447.25 Peasley Law Office Gall's Gall's Gall's Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock 515115400 525215400 515115400 515115400 515115400 APR110 Page 2 100214 010425200 2393724 010215790 2397599 010215790 002400229 010215790 Legal svcs thru 9/29/14 - Atty 666.49 Seat organizer blk - PD Gun mount, mag pouch - PD Blackhawk Epoch Lvl 3 lght 51.93 223.81 110.82 666.49 386.56 Independent Independent Independent Independent Grainger Hach Company Hawkins, Inc. Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Credit Services 301174695 301174717 301174718 301174751 010155210 010135210 010245810 010135210 2663 2668 2669 2679 Town salaries - FN Unapproved mtg minutes RFP fiber optic feas stdy Unapproved mtg minutes 90.00 315.00 18.00 315.00 738.00 9544975536 010335590 Crdlss recip. saw kit - Shop 229.73 229.73 9030393 010335590 Pckt clrmtr II chlor free - SH 445.89 445.89 3649857 RI 515115590 150 lb chlorine cylinders - WA 15.00 15.00 7010820 010515510 20258 010515510 1011471 010335590 Vari. lengths 2x6 douglas fir 2x6 - 12' douglas fir - Parks 10 ft wht steel downspout - SH 64.24 7.33 13.64 85.21 User payroll Date 10/10/14 Time 09:38:39 Check Cntl No 771 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Oct 13, 2014 Thru Oct 13, 2014 APR110 Page 3 Payee Name Invoice Expense Account Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ——————————— ———————————————————————— —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— Home Town Printed Apparel Honnen Honnen Honnen Honnen Honnen Honnen Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment 12474 010195110 604111 604112 604124 609013 609793 610906 010315560 515115560 515115560 010315790 010315790 010315560 Emb. sweathshirts, polos - DSP 155.94 Repair & maint work - Loader Service & maint work - JD - WA Repair work on J. Deere unit JDeere backhoe loader - ST JDeere 4WD loader - ST Repair work on fr loader bckt 1,227.53 1,157.14 639.85 88,501.00 100,188.00 1,852.49 193,566.01 Intl. Institute of Municipal 92214-4079 010135280 Annual membership dues - TC Dana Kepner Company Inc. Dana Kepner Company Inc. 2219493-00 515115590 2219746-00 515115590 20x48 MS meter pits, covers 4-way solenoid valve, angle ck 155.00 155.00 1,566.90 1,447.22 3,014.12 Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas 91014-1076 91014-2274 91014-3532 91014-3864 91014-6853 91014-8015 91014-9924 010515480 010335480 555505480 010185480 515115480 010705480 010335480 Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly charges charges charges charges charges charges charges - Town Park Shop Comm Blk Town Hall Watersalesma Museum Shop 15.23 21.56 16.91 98.91 17.42 15.23 102.40 287.66 NorMont Equipment Co. One Call of Wyoming Orkin Exterminating Co. Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky 155.94 Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Century Link Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power 2409156 515115590 36058 010335590 96671773 010185510 91614-0045 00114-0011 00114-0019 00114-0019 00114-0019 00114-0027 00114-0029 00114-0060 00114-0185 00114-0193 00114-0276 00214-0037 00214-0037 00214-0045 00214-0052 00214-0250 00214-0268 00214-0292 010335480 525215480 010515480 010315480 010705480 555505480 010185480 010515480 010315480 010185480 580005480 010515480 515115480 010335480 010515480 515115480 515115480 010315480 Blue inverted paint - Water 36.00 36.00 August CDC code tickets - SH 20.25 20.25 100.07 100.07 Monthly pest control svcs - TH August charges - Shop bldgs Monthly charges - Sewer Monthly charges - Parks Monthly charges - Streets Monthly charges - Museum Monthly charges - Comm Blk Monthly charges - Town Hall Monthly charges - Parks Monthly charges - Streets Monthly charges - Town Hall Monthly charges - Bronco Bldg Monthly charges - Parks Monthly charges - Water Monthly charges - Shops Monthly charges - Parks Monthly charges - Water Monthly charges - Water Monthly charges - sign lights 528.04 1,804.93 25.27 182.56 58.75 960.34 1,314.48 25.10 3,093.24 127.66 332.89 28.06 426.92 233.00 287.35 4,107.21 30.22 27.27 13,593.29 90714-5480 525215480 Monthly data charges - Sewer 35.82 User payroll Date 10/10/14 Time 09:38:39 Check Cntl No Payee Name —————————————————————————————— Century Link Century Link Century Link Reiter Machine Fabrication Rose Brothers Invoice ——————————— 92214-2582 92214-6054 00114-9539 Expense Account ———————————————————————— 010215450 525215480 010335480 7446 010515590 IV58679 010515590 Sensus Metering Systems Tom Sweet Tom Sweet ZA15007261 515115590 091214 010215470 100314 010215470 APR110 Page 4 Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— Monthly DSL charges - PD 135.94 Monthly data charges - Sewer 62.62 Monthly phone chrgs - Shop 120.53 354.91 Repair brackets/weld hitch PK 75.00 75.00 Powerfold w/lmtd unit - PK 783.36 783.36 Meter reader repairs - Water 281.64 281.64 Reimb. mileage for WASCOP conf Reimb. mileage WASCOP conf. 190.40 190.40 380.80 Titan Machinery Town Town Town Town 771 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Oct 13, 2014 Thru Oct 13, 2014 of of of of 350899 CL 010315560 Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock 92414-5001 92414-5003 92414-5004 92414-5005 010515480 580005480 010185480 555505480 Adjust broom on St sweeper 479.67 Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 101.40 50.70 50.70 50.70 trash trash trash trash svcs svcs svcs svcs - Town Park Bronco Bl Town Hall Comm Blk 479.67 253.50 United States Welding, Inc. 5147936 010335590 Ind HP & CO2 acetylene cylndrs 72.90 72.90 Ferguson Waterworks #1701 0598705 515115590 4x1 CC dbl sdl, LF 1 CC x CTS 148.00 148.00 WY Conf. of Bldg. Officials FY 2014 010245280 Membership dues renew. - BL 50.00 50.00 165.00 Thomson Reuters - West Glenrock Super Foods Glenrock Super Foods Glenrock Super Foods Quinlan Search & Seizure bklt 165.00 1000171500 010335590 2000500826 010255590 3000731309 010335590 Paper towels, toilet paper SH Paper towels - ACO Lysol, antibact soap refill 356.60 5.99 17.14 379.73 WYDOT 70424 890005000 WY Public Health Lab WY Public Health Lab Waste Waste Waste Waste Waste 830359205 010215280 I0003015 515115400 I0003068 515115400 Admin chrgs - sign enhanc proj Colilert & colisure testing Colilert testing - So Rec 835.02 835.02 48.00 24.00 72.00 Connections, Connections, Connections, Connections, Connections, Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Ultra Max Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 2002348 2002351 2002637 2002767 2002768 545405200 545405200 545405200 545405200 545405200 Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly trash trash trash trash trash svcs svcs svcs svcs svcs - SN SN SN SN SN 21,180.27 148.35 98.90 49.45 49.45 21,526.42 147609 010215470 38322662 545405570 38322662 010245570 FOF 556 wht marking rnd cartri 553.49 Sept fuel charges - SN Sept fuel charges - BL 228.13 13.95 553.49 User payroll Date 10/10/14 Time 09:38:39 Check Cntl No 771 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Oct 13, 2014 Thru Oct 13, 2014 APR110 Page 5 Payee Name Invoice —————————————————————————————— ——————————— Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 38322662 Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 38322662 Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 38322662 Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 38322662 Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 38322662 Fleet Fuel - WEX Bank 38322662 Expense Account ———————————————————————— 010255570 010215570 010315570 010515570 525215570 515115570 Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— Sept fuel charges - ACO 276.88 Sept fuel charges - PD 1,721.24 Sept fuel charges - ST 524.21 Sept fuel charges - PK 301.45 Sept fuel charges - SW 203.02 Sept fuel charges - WA 87.16 3,356.04 Staples Staples Staples Staples 010335590 010245590 010415590 010255590 Brother printer inks, binders HP Laser Jet Pro printer - BL Canon PG40 blk & color inks MC Laser cut 4x6 cards - ACO Credit Credit Credit Credit Plan Plan Plan Plan 32662 1139983241 1139983241 1149800841 195.21 179.99 65.68 27.49 468.37 Karie Moulton 091314 010195470 Reimb. mileage f/training 154.56 Orbitcom, Orbitcom, Orbitcom, Orbitcom, Orbitcom, 794338 794338 794338 794338 794338 Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 54.05 228.69 94.07 249.51 85.50 Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. 010415450 010215450 010705450 010185480 555505450 charges - Mun Court charges - PD charges - Museum charges - Town Hall data chrgs - Comm Blk 154.56 711.82 Great America Leasing 15872829 010215400 Cretex Concrete Products Inc. CA00000714 010315590 Cretex Concrete Products Inc. CA00000816 010315590 Mnthly lease pay & prop txs PD 3.0x2.0x3.0 Mono - New Shop Frame, grate - Streets 95.38 95.38 658.00 522.00 1,180.00 Xerox Corporation 76203341 010185400 AT & T Mobility AT & T Mobility 90414-6331 010335480 90414-7469 010215450 Monthly copy charges - TH 126.47 Monthly charges - Shop Monthly wireless chrgs - PD 252.05 221.80 126.47 473.85 Community Builders, Inc. 2014-326 010245400 Monthly planning/consult. svcs 1,000.00 1,000.00 The Vest Man 3300 010215790 2 vest carriers - Dusty - PD 515.00 515.00 Just Stuff 365v 010315550 Reflective grn vinyl ST signs 120.00 120.00 Plastic welding, jb weld - PK Fuel line hose - 4 whlr - PK Plug, lamp, lamp grommet - ST Napagold filter - Unit 1 - ST Gumout carb choke, wndshld wsh Reman. starter & core deposit Power nut driver - Unit 128 Krew 400 center fl ow - SH Napagold filter f/air cmpssr 150w pwr inverter, mtr tune-up 20' tow rope, battery spring Valve gasket repair - WA slsmn 13.12 5.97 4.12 5.10 29.22 -97.39 7.99 17.99 7.21 53.38 72.79 4.77 NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, LLC LLC LLC LLC LLC LLC LLC LLC LLC LLC LLC LLC 34483 34615 34757 34862 34881 34934 34935 34945 34951 35104 35105 35567 010515560 010515560 010315560 010315560 010315560 010315560 010315510 010335590 010335590 010215560 010215560 515115590 User payroll Date 10/10/14 Time 09:38:39 Check Cntl No 771 Payee Name Invoice —————————————————————————————— ——————————— NAPA/Ailport Supply, LLC 35676 NAPA/Ailport Supply, LLC 35770 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Oct 13, 2014 Thru Oct 13, 2014 Expense Account ———————————————————————— 010515560 010515560 APR110 Page 6 Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— Fuel filter, air filter - PKS 34.89 Hyd filter, oil filter - PKS 15.22 174.38 National Main Street Center R9D1CE 555505820 Annual dues - Main Street 350.00 350.00 City Towing 14-230 010215240 Tow "92 Olds Bravada to town 314.00 314.00 Stephanie Fowler Stephanie Fowler 90004004 515114100 90004004 535134100 Refund ovrpymt - 17 Mesa Verde Refund deposit - 17 Mesa Verde 36.50 25.00 61.50 Stotz Equipment P26322 010515560 Blades, bolts f/brushog mower 169.06 169.06 Robert Vollmar 092314 010245470 Reimb for exps WYOPASS conf. 325.43 325.43 Dianna Baudrau Dianna Baudrau 90007054 515114100 90007054 535134100 Refund ovrpymt - 210 Ft Larami Refund deposit - 210 Ft Larami 44.50 25.00 69.50 Final Totals ... ————————————— ————————————— 389,075.78 389,075.78
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