The Archdiocese of Kingston is seeking men with a “Deacon’s Heart” If you feel called to serve God and the Church by following in Christ’s footsteps please attend the Inquiry Class. Saturday, October 18th 9am at Kingston Pastoral Centre, 390 Palace Rd. 613 548 4461 [email protected] As part of the Caritas campaign against global hunger launched by Pope Francis, you are invited to join Development and Peace on Saturday October 18th at The Providence Motherhouse, 1200 Princess Street, Kingston from 9:00am12:00pm(simple lunch to follow) to learn about our parish-based ‘Sow Much Love’ initiative. Small-family farms are vital in the fight against global hunger but they are losing access to the seeds they need for planting. Come learn what you can do to help build a global food system that makes sense for the poor and for our planet. RSVP to: Sr. Una Byrne, [email protected] 613-544-4525 Ext. 103 ********************************************************** Are you, or someone you know experiencing the trauma of a Separation/Divorce? Come to the New Life Group Meeting: A Catholic Ministry on alternate Tuesday evenings. Next meeting: October 21st Topic: Co-dependency: Breaking the Cycle-Fr. Mac Burke 7:30pm at Catholic Diocesan Centre, 390 Palace Rd, Kingston. Everyone welcome! In the Beginning: Evidence for God from Physics St. Paul the Apostle Main Hall, Kingston 6:30pm 4 part Series- Fr. Robert Spitzer, Science & Faith. Sessions held every other Tuesday th th starting Oct 14 [email protected] 613 389 2174 All Welcome! Next : Oct 28 th October 12th , 2014 28th Sunday Ordinary Time th th Mass Schedule for Week: October 12 -19 : Saturday, Oct 11 5:15 p.m. Leo & Beverley St. Denis Sunday, Oct 12 9:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. Patrick’s Parish 10:30 a.m. Clarence Fenlon Monday, Oct 13 9:00 a.m. Lorne McKenny Tuesday, Oct 14 9:00 a.m. Ambrose Way Wednesday, Oct 15 8:40 a.m. Liturgy of the Hours 9:00 a.m Joe Sagriff Thursday, Oct 16 11:00 a.m. Richard Roy-JJ School Mass @ The Church Friday, Oct 17 9:00 a.m. Gwen Donohue Saturday, Oct 18 5:15 p.m. Living & Deceased Members of Farrell & Slack Family Sunday, Oct 19 9:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. Patrick’s Parish 10:30 a.m. Intentions of Norah Paquin Children’s Liturgy th SUNDAY9:00am Mass October 19 Denise & Harley Hinch Liturgical Ministers Date Time Readers Extra Ordinary Ministers Greeters/Ushers Rick Forster & Agnes McKeown Teresa Bremner & Marian Sat. Oct 18 5:15 p.m. Denise Hinch Sun. Oct 19 9:00 a.m Manfred Simon 10:30 a.m. Judy Dowling Upcoming Meetings & Events Tues Oct 14 7pm Sat Oct 18 5:15pm Oct 18/19 All Masses Tues Nov 4 9:30-2:30 Courvreur Debbie Cutler & Margaret Carroll Pauline Rush & Veronica Withers Josie & Adrian VanAsseldonk Michelle & Brad King Hall Church Church Hall CWL Meeting (no Mass) -Set up for Bazaar JJ O’Neill School Choir singing at Mass Confirmation Enrollment Weekend Confirmation Retreat th Hotel Dieu Hospital Coat Drive starts Oct 20 – Nov 12 weekdays Sydenham St. Entrance. 613-544-3310 x2311 Volunteers needed. Theology of the Body Tuesdays: Vigil of First Feast for St. John Paul II Discuss one topic from rd St. John Paul II’s writings on Creation. Every 3 Tuesday St. Mary’s Parish Centre, Kingston st [email protected] starts Tuesday, Oct 21 7:30pm th St. Joseph’s Parish Harvest Tea & Bazaar, Belleville Saturday October 25 11am-2pm Lunch Adult $6 child $3 Family $15. Blessed Sacrament, Amherstview CWL Snowflake Bazaar Sat. Nov 1st 10am-2pm “Famous ready to bake frozen pies” Reasons for Hope- Birthright Kingston- Dinner and silent auction event. Keynote Speaker: Frederica Mathewes-Green & president of Birthright International Louise Summerhill. Saturday Nov 1st at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Hall, Kingston Tickets $50(with$25 tax receipt) students $25. call 613 546 5433 [email protected] Spirituality Series: “ The Rhineland Mystics: Then and Now” with Dolores Hall Mon Nov 3, 10 & 17, 6:30-8:30 PM. Cost: $25/series. Come and explore the writings of Hildegard of Bingen and Meister Eckhart in the context of their times and our own.Call to register by Mon Oct 20. Providence Spirituality Centre 613-542-8826 St. Andrew School of Evangelization(SASE-Kingston) presents: EMMAUS Encounter with the Word St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish Centre 260 Brock St.,Kingston November 13-16 $65. The Gospel leaping off the page and making sense in your life! [email protected] 613-542-7612 Annual Liturgical Conference - The Evangelizing Power of the Liturgy- The Archdiocese of th th Kingston at Providence Spirituality Centre, 1200 Princess St. Kingston November 14 & 15 th Facilitator: Msgr. Murray Kroetsch, VG, Hamilton, ON Registration Deadline: Oct 30 Cost $50(Fri. night social, Sat. Lunch) to Register: Gorett/Nancy 613-548-4461 [email protected] Annual Diocesan Retreat for the Separated and/or Divorced. November 21 & 22 at Providence Spirituality Centre, Kingston “Tending the Gift that is My Life” by Susan Kehoe th Oct 30 $40 613 548 4461 [email protected] St. Paul the Apostle Christmas Bazaar Sat. November 29th 10am-2pm in Parish Hall Providence Manor, Kingston is seeking volunteers to assist in the Spiritual Health Dept. 1. Male volunteer to assist retired priest to attend Mass in the Home. 2. Volunteers to assist residents going to and from Mass in the Home. 10:30am-12noon 3. Volunteers to lead Rosary Group in Home. Daily at 2pm Contact Danielle Gowdy- Providence Manor 613 548 7222 x 3141 Please Remember the Sick in Your Prayers: Sam Pelletier, Kay Clynch, Leon Perrault, Marie McNeill, Vera Dixon, Anne Genovese, Arlene Hannah, Patricia Clarke, Stephen Fung, Kevin Rottger, Sr. Margaret McNeil, Doug Dowling, Amalia Lim, Mike McGrath, Melody Clair, Reg Daley, Elizabeth Jane Hunt, Courtney Veley, Barb Lunman, Charlotte Wilson, Nora Pierce, B.J. Ketcheson, Mary Follett, Bill Kimmett, Kevin Kimmett, Amanda Desrosier, Jane O’Donnell, Marian Courvreur, Grace Paul, Kathy Veley, Alford Daley, Norah Paquin, John Dowling, Luba Babiuk, Jesse Wansborough, Ron Scott and Fern Joyner. If you wish to add or remove the name of a person asking for our prayers in the weekly bulletin, please inform the parish office by calling (613)354-5354. Sunday Offering Collections: The Collection for Sunday, October 5 Thank you for your generous support of our parish. th was $2,652.00, School News “Educate, Nurture & Inspire” Next School Mass: Thurs, October 16th 11am at the Church All Are Welcome! Confirmation Tuesday, November 18th at St. Patrick’s Church. If your child is outside of the JJ O’Neill School classes and you wish them to continue their path of faith with either Confirmation or Communion, please contact Fr. Mark for more information. ASAP Confirmation Enrollment Weekend October 18/19 Attend one of the Masses this weekend for special blessing and welcome support for your sacramental journey. Confirmation Retreat: Tuesday, November 4th in St. Patrick’s Parish Hall 9:30am -2:30pm Lunch provided. Shine like the Son Youth Conference Saturday, October 18th 9am-5pm Holy Cross High School 1085 Woodbine Rd, Kingston Youth 13-19 years old. Youth from across the Archdiocese come together for a day of faith-filled fun and celebration! “Rebuild My Church” – how can young people help rebuild the Church in their lives? Prayer, praise worship, music, sessions, Adoration, Confession, Mass. Cost $10 includes lunch & snacks Call: Nadia 613 484 2446 [email protected] Come out & Enjoy!! St. Patrick’s Parish Harvest Bazaar Saturday, October 18th in the Parish Hall 10am-1pm (Luncheon 11am-1pm $6 Adults $3 Child) Donations are requested… Bake Table; all varieties of homemade baking, Bling; Costume jewelry, purses, belts, scarves. Country Store; canning, fruits, vegetables, plants Grocery Draws; non-perishable foods/goods, Silent Auction; new items Craft Table; homemade knitted, crocheted, quilted or sewn articles, crafts, etc. Raffle Tickets; selling for $1 each. Your help selling tickets is needed and appreciated. Please return stubs & money as soon as possible in collection basket. Thank you for your assistance to make the Parish Bazaar successful! ST. PATRICK'S CEMETERY - NAPANEE Effective October 1, 2014, all inquiries and requests for interments or other services in regard to St. Patrick's Cemetery are to be made directly to the parish office. st Food Bank Sunday is the 1 Sunday of each month. To make a difference in someone’s life you don’t have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect. You just have to care. MASS STIPENDS: $20.00 for an announced Mass (high) and $10.00 for a Low Mass Weddings: $300.00, Funerals: $200.00, Baptisms: Freewill Donation Baptisms: 2nd Sunday of each month during the 10:30 a.m. Mass (course required) ANYONE...interested in helping to sing at Saturday Night Mass, please see Michelle (organist) after Mass or call 613 888 0860 Reading beneath the surface On the surface the king in the gospel was not a very nice person. After all, he put someone out of his party after begging him to come, all because he did not like what the man was wearing. But as is so often the case with stories from the gospel, the message lies deeper than the surface. The fact is that God offers us what we need to wear to be a part of the divine kingdom but it is up to us whether we will wear it or not. There are many ways to reject the invitation of our God. In fact, some of those ways have become rather common to a culture that is addicted to ways that are anything but God's ways. We are invited beyond those addictions. What is our R.S.V.P.? If you know of any house-bound parishioners who would love to have a visit, please contact the church office. 613-354-5354 Thank you Volunteers Needed: He who thanks with but the lips, thanks but in part. thanksgiving comes from the heart. If you are able to help to take communion to residents at the Riverine Sunday after the 9am Mass please contact the office or see Fr. Mark after Mass. A schedule will be made from the volunteers that come forward. Thank you. THANKSGIVING TABLE PRAYER O Gracious God, we give you thanks for your overflowing generosity to us. Thank you for the blessings of the food we eat and especially for this feast today. Thank you for our home and family and friends, especially for the presence of those gathered here. Thank you for our health, our work and our play. Please send help to those who are hungry, alone, sick and suffering war and violence. Open our hearts to your love. We ask your blessing through Christ your son. Amen. RCIA Anyone interested in renewing their faith or becoming a Catholic please contact Fr. Marek to begin RCIA instructions. Adoration Intentions: Oct 15&16 -Pray to our Blessed Lady to protect our families from evil. Be Thankful! The full, the true Happy Thanksgiving!
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